WHAT YOU FOCUS YOU ATTRACT - Joe Dispenza Motivation

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Unlock the incredible power of your mind with this motivational video inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza's...
Video Transcript:
your mind is a powerful force it shapes your reality molds your experiences and determines the course of your life right now in this very moment you have the ability to change everything Yes you heard that right everything think about it what's on your mind right now what thoughts are swirling around in that beautiful brain of yours are they thoughts of lack limitation and fear or are they thoughts of abundance possibility and love because here's the truth what you focus on you attract this isn't something New Age mumbo jumbo this is science this is the way
our brains are wired our thoughts create our reality they shape our perceptions influence our decisions and ultimately determine our actions and our actions they create our lives so let me ask you this if your thoughts are creating your life what kind of Life are you creating right now are you focused on all the things that could go wrong are you replaying past hurts and disappointments or are you envisioning a future filled with joy success and fulfillment you see most people go through life on autopilot they let their environment their past experiences and their emotions dictate
their thoughts and then they wonder why nothing ever changes but you're not most people you're here because you're ready for something different you're ready to take control of your mind and by extension your now I want you to close your eyes for a moment take a deep breath and as you exhale I want you to let go of all the limiting beliefs you've been carrying around let go of the idea that you're not good enough smart enough or worthy enough let go of the notion that your past defines your future let go of the fear
that's been holding you back instead I want you to focus on what you want really focus see it in your mind's eye feel it in your body what does success look like to you what does happiness feel like what does abundance taste like the more vividly you can imagine it the more real it becomes this is the power of focus when you direct your attention towards something you're telling your brain this is important pay attention to this and your brain listens it starts to look for opportunities Solutions and resources that align with your focus it's
like turning on a spotlight in a dark room suddenly you can see things that were always there but hidden in the shadows but here's the catch this power works both ways if you focus on problems guess what you'll find more problems if you focus on reasons why you can't achieve your dreams you'll find plenty of evidence to support that belief your brain is an excellent problem finder it will always find what you're looking for so why not look for the good why not focus on possibilities instead of limitations why not direct your attention towards what
you want to create rather than what you want to avoid now I know what some of you might be thinking but you don't understand my situation my problems are real my limitations are real and you're right I don't under specific circumstances but I do know this your focus determines your reality think about it like this have you ever bought a new car and suddenly started seeing that same model everywhere the cars were always there but now your brain is tuned to notice them that's the power of focus and action the same principle applies to every
area of your life when you focus on gratitude you start noticing more things to be grateful for when you focus on opportunities more opportunities seem to appear when you focus on your strengths those strengths grow stronger this isn't about denying reality or ignoring problems it's about choosing where to direct your mental energy it's about understanding that your attention is a limited resource and you have the power to decide how to invest it so how do we harness this power how do we train our minds to focus on what we want to attract it starts with
awareness begin to notice your thoughts what's the running commentary in your head is it supportive and empowering or critical and limiting don't judge yourself for having negative thoughts that's not the point the point is to become aware of them because once you're aware you have a choice you can choose to engage with those thoughts or you can choose to redirect your focus this is where meditation comes in meditation isn't about emptying your mind it's about training your attention it's about learning to observe your thoughts without getting caught up in them when you meditate regularly you
strengthen your ability to choose your focus but meditation is just the beginning throughout your day practice redirecting your attention when you catch yourself dwelling on problems gently shift your focus to Solutions when you notice yourself criticizing your abilities redirect your attention to your strengths and past successes this isn't about positive thinking in the sense of denying reality it's about choosing which aspects of reality you want to emphasize and expand it's about understanding that your focus is like a magnifying glass a whatever you point it at becomes bigger and more significant in your experience now let's
talk about the law of attraction you've probably heard of it the basic idea is that like attracts like positive thought attract positive experiences and negative thoughts attract negative experiences but here's the thing it's not your thoughts that attract experiences it's your focus you see your thoughts are fleeting they come and go but your focus that's sustained attention that's what you consistently direct your mental energy towards and that's what shapes your perceptions your decisions and ultimately your reality when you consistently focus on what you want several things happen first you start to notice opportunities that align
with your goals these opportunities were always there but now your brain is tuned to spot them second you begin to feel the emotions associated with achieving your goals and these emotions they're powerful motivators they Inspire action they give you the energy and courage to step out of your comfort zone and do what's necessary to create the life you want third your focus influences your behavior when you're consistently focused on your goals you naturally start making choices that align with those goals you prioritize differently you spend your time and energy on activities that move you closer
to what you want and here's where it gets really interesting as you start to think feel and act in alignment with your goals you begin to change on a neurological level your brain starts to rewire itself new neur pathways are formed strengthening the connection between your current reality and your desired future this is neuroplasticity and action your brain is constantly changing adapting and rewiring based on your experiences and your focus so when you consistently focus on what you want to attract you're literally reshaping your brain to support that reality but let's be real this isn't
always easy our brains have a negativity bias we're wired to pay more attention to potential threats and problems it's a survival mechanism that served us well in the past but in today's world it often holds us back overcoming this negativity bias requires conscious effort it requires practice it requires persistence but the rewards they're beyond anything you can imagine think about the most successful people you know the happiest people the most fulfilled people what sets them apart is it their circumstances their talents their luck or is it their focus look closely and you'll see that these
people have trained themselves to focus on possibilities not limitations they focus on Solutions not problems they focus on what they can control not what they can't and as a result they attract experiences that align with that Focus now I'm not saying that simply focusing on what you want will magically make it appear life doesn't work that way but your focus does determine what you notice what you prioritize and ultimately what actions you take and your actions they create your life so let me ask you again what are you focusing on what are you tracting into
your life are you focusing on lack or abundance on fear or love on what could go wrong or what could go right remember your focus is your choice no one can force you to think about anything you have the power power to direct your attention you have the power to choose your thoughts you have the power to shape your reality but here's the thing this power comes with responsibility if you're creating your reality through your focus then you're responsible for the reality you're creating that can be a scary thought it's much easier to blame our
circumstances our upbringing but it's also incredibly liberating because if you're responsible for your reality that means you have the power to change it you're not a victim of circumstances you're a creator of circumstances so how do we put this into practice how do we harness the power of focus to attract what we want it starts with Clarity you need to be crystal clear about what you want vague desires lead to vague results but when you're clear about what you want your brain knows exactly what to look for spend some time really thinking about what you
want in each area of your life don't just think about it in terms of material possessions think about how how you want to feel think about the kind of person you want to be think about the impact you want to have once you have Clarity the next step is consistency your focus needs to be consistent it's not enough to think about what you want for a few minutes a day you need to make it a habit you need to integrate into your daily life one powerful way to do this is through visualization take time each
day to vividly imagine yourself living the life you want see it feel it taste it smell it make it as real as possible in your mind the more real it feels the more your brain will believe it's possible another powerful tool is affirmations but not just any affirmations create affirmations that feel true to you if you're struggling financially saying I am a millionaire might feel so unbelievable that your brain rejects it instead try something like I am open to financial abundance or I am learning to manage money wisely the key is to create a feeling
of possibility and progress you want your brain to start believing that what you want is achievable because when your brain believes something is possible it starts looking for ways to make it happen but don't stop at visualization and affirmations look for ways to align your actions with your focus if you're focusing on health make choices that support that Focus if you're focusing on Career Success take actions that move you closer to your goal remember your focus isn't just about what you think about it's about what you consistently direct your energy towards it's about what you
prioritize it's about what you choose to make important in your life and here's where many people go wrong they say they want something but their focus doesn't align with their state desire they say they want Financial abundance but they focus on lack they say they want a loving relationship but they focus on past hurts they say they want success but they focus on their fears of failure your focus needs to be congruent with your desires if it's not you're sending mixed signals to your brain and to the universe you're like a radio trying to tune
into two different stations at once the result is static so check in with yourself regularly are your thoughts feelings and actions aligned with what you say you want if not that's okay awareness is the first step once you're aware you can make a conscious choice to redirect your focus now let's talk about obstacles because they will come up that's part of life but here's the thing obstacles are not stop signs their guideposts their opportunities for growth in learning when obstacles arise don't let them become your focus instead focus on Solutions focus on what you can
learn focus on how you can use this experience to become stronger wiser more resilient this is where many people give up they encounter an obstacle and think see this is why I can't have what I want but that's just your old programming talking that's your brain trying to keep you safe by keeping you in familiar territory instead see obstacles is proof that you're moving in the right direction if you weren't making progress you wouldn't be encountering resistance obstacles mean you're pushing beyond your current limits and they mean you're growing growth that's what life is all
about that's how you become person who can attract and sustain the life you want you don't attract what you want you attract what you are so focus on becoming the person who naturally attracts what you desire this is where many people misunderstand the law attraction they think it's about sitting back and waiting for what they want to magically appear but that's not how it works the law of attraction is not about attraction it's about creation you're not trying to attract something external you're creating a new reality from within you're aligning your thoughts feelings and actions
with the reality you want to create and as you do that your external reality begins to shift to match your internal reality this is why patience is so important change doesn't happen overnight just like a seed needs time to grow into a tree your new reality needs time to manifest but if you stay focused if you stay committed if you keep aligning your energy with what you want it will happen and here's the beautiful thing the journey itself is the reward as you focus on what you want to attract you begin to embody the qualities
of the person who has what you want you become more confident more positive more open to Opportunities you start to enjoy life more you start to appreciate the present moment more so don't wait until you have what you want to be happy be happy now feel abundant now feel successful now because the more you embody these qualities the more you attract experiences that match them remember what you focus on expands so focus on what you want not on what you don't want focus on where you're going not on where you've been focus on what's possible
not on what's limiting your focus is your superpower it's the tool you use to shape your reality it's the lens through which you experience life so use it wisely use it conscious ly use it to create a life that excites you that fulfills you that allows you to express the best of who you are because here's the truth you are capable of so much more than you realize you have untapped potential within you you have dreams waiting to be realized you have a unique contribution to make to the world but to access that potential to
realize those dreams to make that contribution you need to focus on it you need to give it your attention your energy your commitment so I Challen you starting right now become conscious of your focus notice where your attention goes and when you catch it wandering to places that don't serve you gently but firmly bring it back to what you want to create do this consistently and you'll start to see changes may be small at first but they'll grow you'll start to feel different you'll start to act different and as a result your experiences will start
to change remember your life is a reflection of your focus so focus on what truly matters to you you focus on what brings you Joy what excites you what makes you feel alive focus on the person you want to become the life you want to create the impact you want to have because what you focus on you attract and you have the power to focus on anything you choose so Choose Wisely choose consciously choose in a way that serves your highest good and the highest good of all your future is not set in stone it's
not determined by your past or by your current circumstances your future is created by your focus in this moment and in every moment that follows so make each moment count make each thought count make each choice count you have the power to create an extraordinary life you have the power to become an extraordinary person you have the power to make an extraordinary um difference in the world and it all starts with your focus so I ask you one last time what are you focusing on what are you attracting into your life and more importantly what
do you choose to focus on from this moment forward the choice is yours the power is yours the life you dream of is waiting for you to focus on it to believe in it to create it so go ahead focus on what you want attract what you desire create the life you were born to live because you are capable of amazing things you are worthy of amazing experiences you are deserving of an amazing life and it all begins with your focus so Focus wisely Focus consistently and watches your life trans transforms before your very eyes
because remember what you focus on you attract and you have the power to focus on greatness now let's talk about the Practical steps you can take to sharpen your focus and attract what you truly desire it's one thing to understand the concept but it's another to put it into practice consistently first start your day with intention before you even get out of bed take a few moments to set your focus for the day what do you want to accomplish how do you want to feel what kind of energy do you want to bring to your
interactions by setting your intention early you're priming your brain to notice opportunities that align with your goals next create a mental movie of your ideal life spend time each day visualizing yourself living the life you want make it as Vivid and detailed as possible what does your ideal day look like what are you doing who are you with how does it feel the more real you can make it in your mind the more your brain will work to make it a reality but don't stop at visualization take inspired action your focus isn't just about what
you think about it's about what you do look for small steps you can take each day that align with your vision these don't have to be big dramatic actions even small consistent steps in the right direction can lead to significant changes over time remember your brain is always listening to your self talk pay attention to the words you use both in your internal dialogue and when speaking to others are you using language that supports your goals and dreams or are you unconsciously reinforcing limiting beliefs choose your words carefully speak as if what you desire is
already your reality another powerful technique is to practice gratitude gratitude shifts your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant in your life each day take time to appreciate what you have this doesn't mean ignoring areas where you want to grow it means recognizing the good that already exists in your life this practice alone can dramatically shift your energy and attract more positive of experiences now let's address the elephant in the room negative thoughts they will come up that's part of being human the goal isn't to eliminate negative thoughts entirely that's unrealistic and can lead to
frustration inste the goal is to change your relationship with these thoughts when a negative thought arises don't fight it don't judge yourself for having it simply observe it recognize it for what it is it's just a thought not a reality then gently but firmly redirect your focus to what you want to create over time this practice will weaken the hold negative thoughts have on you and strengthen your ability to maintain a positive Focus it's also crucial to surround yourself with people who support your vision your environment has a huge impact on your focus if you're
constantly around people who doubt your dreams or focus on limitations it's going to be much harder to maintain a positive Focus seek out individuals who inspire you who believe in you who challenge you to grow their energy will reinforce your own positive Focus another powerful practice is to regularly review and celebrate your progress it's easy to get caught up and looking at how far you still have to go that you forget to acknowledge how far you've come take time each week to reflect on your achievements no matter how small this reinforces your belief in your
ability to create change and keeps you motivated to continue focusing on your goals now let's talk about setbacks they're going to happen that's not a pessimistic Outlook it's a realistic one the key is not to let setbacks become the focus of your attention when you encounter obstacles see them as opportunities for growth ask yourself what can I learn from this how can this make me stronger how can I use this experience to get even closer to my goals this mindset turns setbacks into Stepping Stones it's also important to practice self-compassion being hard on yourself when
things don't go as planned doesn't help you maintain a positive focus in fact it does the opposite treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a good friend this doesn't mean making excuses it means acknowledging that you're human learning from the experience and refocusing on your goals remember if your focus is like a muscle the more you exercise it the stronger it becomes each time you redirect your attention from what you don't want to what you do want you're strengthening your ability to maintain a positive focus it might feel challenging at first
but with consistent practice it will become second nature another powerful technique is to use affirmations but with a Twist instead of just repeating positive statements feel the emotion behind them if your affirmation is I am successful really feel what success means to you embody the confidence The Joy the sense of accomplishment that comes with success this combination of thought and emotion is incredibly powerful in attracting what you desire it's also crucial to stay present while it's important to have a vision for the future don't let that Vision pull you out of the present moment your
power to create change exists in the Now by staying present you're able to notice opportunities take inspired action and fully engage with the life you're creating remember what you focus on isn't just about the big picture it's about the small moments too it's about how you approach your daily tasks it's about the energy you bring to your interactions it's about the thoughts you choose to entertain each of these moments is an opportunity to align your focus with what you want to attract as you continue on this journey be patient with yourself change doesn't happen overnight
your brain has spent years focusing in certain ways and it will take time to create new patterns but with consistency and persistence you will see results and often the changes start happening within you before they become visible in your external circumstances think of yourself as a gardener you've planted the seeds of what you want to attract your focus is the water and sunlight that helps those seeds grow some days you might not see any visible growth but under the surface roots are deepening strengthening preparing to support the beautiful life you're creating and here's the powerful
truth the process itself is transformative as you consistently focus on what you want to attract you become a different person you develop new habits new thought patterns new beliefs you become the kind of person who naturally attracts what you desire so embrace the journey enjoy the process of becoming find joy in the small victories the moments of insight the gradual shifts in your perception because each of these is is a sign that you're growing that you're aligning more fully with the life you want to create your focus is a gift it's a tool for transformation
it's the key to unlocking the life you've always dreamed of so use it wisely use it consciously use it to create a life that fills you with joy purpose and fulfillment remember you are the author of your life story with every thought every decision every action you're writing the next chapter so make it a great one make it a story of growth of Courage of love make it a story that inspires not just you but everyone around you to haveen you everything you need to create an extraordinary life you have the power you have the
potential you have the focus now it's time to use it it's time to step fully into your power and create the life you were born to live so I challenge you from this moment forward commit to focusing on what you want to attract commit to aligning your thoughts your words your actions with your dreams commit to becoming the person who naturally attracts the life you desire because when you do magic happens doors open opportunities appear the universe conspires to help you and you discover that you're capable of far more than you ever imagined your focus
is your superpower your attention is your magic wand your mind is the workshop where your dreams are crafted into reality so use these tools wisely use them consciously use them to create a life so beautiful so fulfilling so extraordinary that it takes your breath away you are here for a reason you have unique gift to share with the world and by focusing on what you want to attract you're not just creating a better life for yourself you're creating a better world for everyone around you because when you shine your light you give others permission to
shine theirs too so shine brightly Focus intently create boldly and watch as the world around you transforms to match the beauty of your vision because remember what you focus on you attract and you my friend are focused on greatness
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