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And friends are few and scarce throughout life and this is a lesson that I learn hard we have hundreds of acquaintances but we have few friends lol and the ethical field has this is our topic today I have to tell you the point of rational view why it is better to be ethical and why life as ethics is an easier life and here I will give one of the important indications only ethical people have friends non-ethical people the idea is not mine, right from Aristotle, yet another philosopher that writing a book at 18 speech on voluntary servitude an unethical person has only accomplices and no friends A life without friendship is an empty life A life without true friends is a wasted life only good people have friends dishonest people have accomplices Who said that? our dear Etienne de la boetie, if he said that the bad ones don't have friendship with them, I would add that the bad ones are afraid of a plea bargain and the bad ones look at the person who went looking for them . the person who has a friend doesn't need to have this concern friends are few and far between throughout life and this is a lesson that I learn hard we have hundreds of acquaintances but we have few friends and I have already launched it once and I say again that it is an effective infallible test for you to apply on friendship when you return to your homes over the next few days and not friends and say about your success say I'm fine I've never made so much money I'm loving and being loved I'm having crazy success and it's going improve and look at the person's face This is an infallible test you are just a friend will smile and get emotional that your success others will say is Wow, it's a bit of a show off, right ?
and whoever bothers with me runs with me whoever bothers does not tolerate my successes Aristotle says something about which I have never developed much until today but which is fundamental all ethical people have this artery and commitment in Greek with the truth they have righteous indignation an ethical person fights but fights for the correct causes and there are very few causes to preach about in today's Brazil we shouldn't fight over small things We should overlook everything people Inconvenient people who talk loudly annoying people in traffic all this is of minor importance or quoting an ex-author age Federal de Minas importance and everything else that is important are the great causes for which life is worth it for example family for example ethics for example the fight against prejudice These are the causes that are worth it and for which they are the times et righteous indignation using Mafalda, a great character from the comic book, than in Argentina, I have to say, just everything that is structurally bad and really not laugh or condone the bad things, Aristotelian belief is a word that then This word does not is from Aristotle is a neologism invented by Robson in French perfectibility Aristotle os a word in Greek the perfectibility of character character can be transformed and improve year by year if I want to if improving character is my life project as is mine despite the difficulty I fight to be a better person I am defeated many times and sometimes I tell people they like me I have improved a lot and they tell me imagine how much there is to fix, I still need to improve my character always and constantly being a man, a father, a teacher, a better professional every day perfectibility of character this fight will end on the day of my death I need to fight for this always this is a Challenge another important issue is that I have to include myself in ethics, everything what happens happens passing through me I have responsibilities for almost everything responsibility means that my life my family my body my income are not givens of destiny but are fundamental questions of this moment and we have in Brazil an immense tradition of taking the self out of history None of Us to assume that it is part of it and then Aristotle in the days of a sentence men take refuge in theory and think that they are being a philosopher and have become good at theory that they behave like sick people who listen attentively their doctors but didn't do anything that they prescribe whoever listens to a lecture on ethics and continues walking on the side of the road if it works like whoever goes to the doctor thought the doctor was great comes home and doesn't do anything the doctor kills then the advice Don't go to a doctor and Don't listen, it seems the betic to go straight to posting, it's your vocation, it's your genius, right, Don't waste any more time on this, life without ethics multiplies the problems because the liar begins to exponentially face the story in every person he mind has to have a brilliant memory and starts to get caught up on the details of your story dishonesty makes life complicated makes life difficult makes life bumpy dishonesty is an issue that we have to think about directly in Brazil and that's why we have to think a transformation is being demanded in this country for which I am very optimistic that this is in the first place the central problem of this country the confusion between the public and the private the idea that what is public belongs to no one when the idea is that the that is public to everyone is the idea that if it is public I have rights but the missing idea that I have greater duties I have the right to spit in my house I have the right to throw paper on the floor of my house is a private right I I have the right to everything in my house that doesn't break the law I have the right to almost nothing in public because the public forces me in many ways there was a minister of labor in an era that we thought was the most corrupt in history, right after the dictatorship a president was being impeached, men won't even know we don't think we had ever seen so much rot in Brazil at that time I miss that time when a Fiat was the point of corruption listening to the minister of labor which actually took the dog to the vet in an uncovered ministry car, he gave the exemplary phrase that the dog was also us and the minister thought that our criticism was about the treatment given to the dog, it could not have been taken or not taken, the problem was not the dog, the bitch, the problem is the public car could be the wife staying in the same field or in other words it could be the mother it could be anyone else [Music] Yes, but the minister didn't think of it as a Rio de Janeiro administrator using the public helicopter to take the nanny and the dog to beach and this is not a problem nanny also we certainly have more people than this Governor and the problem is the public being used for the private and the public taking their children to school this confusion in Brazil is very difficult some government officials were accused of taking objects from the Palace and I don't even think it's actually theft, it's just that they no longer know the difference between what 's theirs and what's owned by the state for couple separation and if I bought it in 1976, if I don't remember it seems like there's no such thing anymore distinction between public and private and another Brazilian tradition that is terrible Especially for those who have a position in Brazil the Interpretation of the Brazilian standard has a structural difficulty with the standard he interprets the I thought I was supposed to do that but today it was raining but see there wasn't I think there's a humidity clause for that, right? I didn't come to the meeting because today is the eve of a holiday, I thought that on the eve of a holiday it's very difficult for Brazilians to find it a lot. Sometimes we have to say here is a field that you don't need to find just execute and here is a field where you can find interpretation of the Norm is a very strong characteristic in Brazil it is a little of our joy and a little of our terror you will probably never see fascism in Brazil because fascism presupposes putting people in line to saving a child queuing up in Brazil a sacrifice one would miss or even lose a mother who is sick and even a lot of holes in fascist propaganda effort and work have to be taken back as values ​​And for that I need to tell people who have less than they have to make an effort and those who have more also have to make a lot of effort to maintain what they have or if they want to increase it and when I say having what you have in one material it is also personal skills and so on No one deserves anything in life everyone must get you No one deserves it kills no one comes into the world with a skill clause I have to restore an important thing which is an associated work project ethics in the country and I have to say to all people especially children, employees and students What we need to associate life work and ethics for many, many years that the point at which each of us may have reached a point of an effort extraordinary effort of which I am very proud that probably only I know what it cost the price that each of us paid how much we failed to take advantage of something now perspective is fundamental that perspective gives me a dimension of where I am in relation to the other points perspective a mathematical and artistic study to show the distance between the points Perspective that which says that at each stage I have to see according to an evolution a transformation with the metamorphosis of the butterfly well then let's give a little perspective when we we think there is nothing more to do this is the risk we need to rescue values ​​we need to rescue values ​​that are worth believing you let's rescue the value of work let's rescue the values ​​of the people we love we need to rescue the values ​​of this productive life that is worth it I I have a personal, family, professional life project and I am also involved in my professional organizations, these projects continue, the state does not get in the way and it must be greatly influenced by us, but perspective point from where I am talking again from the micro to the Macro OI and then I return to an idea the most difficult point to say for us Brazilians there is no corrupt state based on a non-corrupt nation there is no government Clear and without corruption based on a corrupt nation everywhere where the corrupt state a feeding between family businesses transit schools and I hear it the criticisms of the state and almost all of them are fair and from class 33 years for 33 years I have received false medical certificates of peace and for 33 years I have received fraud of peace which is perhaps the worst example that a child can receive in life the father fraudster a fake medical certificate for 33 years I've caught students cheating for 33 years I've seen people doing wrong things and see difficult traffic I have to be the transformation I want to see in the world if I want an Ecological world I recycle trash in my home I want a world without prejudice I do not allow prejudiced jokes to be told in my home if I want an ethical world my home my Association is my company will be an Arctic I am the transformation I want to see in the world and whenever I take an ethical decision and I guarantee freedom because the unethical person becomes embarassed and loses their freedom.
The idea of ​​you improving yourself is for you to reflect on these actions permanently and forever Including What's up What's up and the internet is turning one year old of a greater dilution of responsibility in the face of things, people's capacity for aggression on the internet is very great and the debate is always essential, as I said during the lecture, the failure of the debate has the extreme consequence of the case of Syria, which is why I fear when someone is talking and someone else doesn't want to listen I have this because there are many ways of political protest But they involve listening and responding someone who photographs the warehouse in which he works and complains about the same place conveys the feeling of a breach of the company's trust but conveys the feeling that he has nothing to do with that What is a piece in the system, well, if I work in a company, everything has to do with it, everything goes through me, internet, opinions and internet of social networks about politics, about other issues, are a minefield for people they started to express their prejudices so going back to the topic that I worked on, you weren't trained like I wasn't trained, you weren't trained by a school without prejudice, I was trained in a school that buys concepts, I was trained in a homophobic school and misogynist who spoke badly of women's ability who doubted the ability of people from certain parts of the country and I was trained in this and it's up to me to react to this type of imbecility and reflect today as an adult what values ​​are and why I don't want to following these values ​​then expressing these values ​​on social media is very dangerous Everyone will be much more careful on social media especially those who are professionals especially those who work in a profession, you don't like ending up in your gender, you don't like a certain tone of melanin, you don't like a certain area of ​​Brazil, keep it deep in your heart that is prejudiced, more professionally and ethically prudent, and start reading and finding out more about the problems, as the Saramago, I don't want everyone to love each other because that's impossible, I want at most respect, that's enough, that's enough, so this is a question like the Rio de Janeiro Headquarters said a little while ago, I'm not obligated to like fat people, of course. It's not, it's that, it talks about a series of traumas to be resolved with your psychologist , but I am obliged not to express this type of question. I am obliged not to tell the world that I have a model and that the world must adapt to this model.
I shouldn't expose my pain like this, as every prejudice exposes pain and fear, every aggressor is someone who is deeply afraid of something, everyone is shocked by this, it's a shock when I try to overcome my pain, virtue can turn into a defect when, for example, I start to be proud that I am an honest and faithful husband and the wife starts to be proud that he is honest and faithful and starts to criticize those who are not honest and faithful. The person turned a virtue into a point of vanity and I am going to make a Café Filosófico I cited the story of Santo Antão because virtue can become a defect the person who turns virtue into their goal and not the means to achieve happiness that Aristotle's expression ethics is a means to achieve eudaimonia, happiness Greek I good well It's the person started to lose the objective It's the person started to lose the limit Everything has to be prudent to think about the difference between medicine and poison It's the dose buried there in the Perlachese cemetery I'm roasting and keep this sentence as it occurs or everything turns into its opposite if I don't have the measure I learned the value values ​​that come from a culture of waking up early to work and taking care of a little space for others were not the result of reflection or conviction as I As I got older, I realized that some of these values ​​were in fact values, others were just an obsession, so rationality transforms those values ​​obtained by osmosis into values ​​now obtained through reflection and I incorporated several of these values, but again, I'm not a well of ethics. I permanently need to correct issues when I give a training course for teachers, the first thing I tell them is a list of the wrong things I have done with the teacher so that they understand that there is not an enlightened being there speaking, but someone else today it's ha - because I've already made a lot of mistakes I kiss you well I have a motto in my life don't trip over the same stone twice you didn't make the same mistake you never came back to Hotel Fazenda for example never just once just once then that's it it's gone ok ticked, they never returned to the thermal water station, never, ever again, you only make the mistake once, the idea of ​​improving yourself and reflecting on these actions permanently, forever, even The big question is how can I tell those who have the power over my CPF that that is wrong in several ways the one that I like the most that I think is brilliant is the feminine way of making him think that his idea and that feminine ability is the most remarkable of all You who know well you are the one in charge, you are the one who decides and slowly leads to what you want, love, do you want to go to Campos do Jordão or let's go, Bertioga, let's go to Bertioga Oh, that's good, let's leave early, as we had seven hours on the road last week, right, let's leave very early, you see?
right, there was no water AND violence in Bertioga But what do you want, I love you, you order, you order, I'm going, let's leave early, it's going to be hell there Canaan, then you, if not, I think maybe it's better and now Campos So it's not what do you really want with this is a skill that leads to marriages are golden weddings she is feminine men are indecisive and face the woman agrees and does what she wants I think this is admirable it is admirable I said yesterday in the newspaper we need of more women in politics But governing like what not governing like men in Zélia Cardoso de Mello was a girl doing why not as a man was the same and I said that all the men who came before her and after did also we are women who do more negotiation that Listen more are the feminine virtues So how to negotiate I have worked in schools with wrong methods and I've worked alone I have to do what I didn't believe in I've had to swallow the wrong things because I needed a job This is one of the limits whoever hits a wall is a solid puzzle And if no one hits a wall it will never fall but The first one to beat Joana D'arc and not from Aldeia with a weapon and a brand will be burned in the end after a long time, the wall falls so I can face the world, I have to know the energy I want to put into it Leila Diniz take a shower on the beach in 1971, pregnant in a bikini, she lost the invitation to work at Globo because of this indecency, a pregnant woman in a bikini after her, all pregnant women can be small, younger people don't know these serious things that a short cut was a swimsuit and there was a short cut in the front, it was fascinating net a stick with a curtain in front when she was a child married woman wore just a black swimsuit on the beach well Leila Diniz paved the way but they pay a price for that she lost her invitation to work at Globo so There is always a price to pay I am I want to pay that and in the end I can't tolerate that and it's still right to change jobs Naturally everyone praises ethics is very important as both the epistles of James and Saint Augustine say the devil believes in God the devil is never an atheist he knows whoever threw them there the devil has a deep faith is greater than most people the devil who never doubts the existence of God no we cannot judge the clergy because of some priests and pedophiles we cannot judge pastors because of some interested only in tithe we cannot judge the love of a father for a daughter based on the Nardoni case we need to evaluate it a little more seriously but remembering that the devil believes in God Satan has a deep faith Oh you see just to use this metaphor of Saint Augustine to finish epistles by Tiago we can shape the human being so that he learns to perceive the other's space and Learn that he is not the only one in the world so that he knows that he is part of a whole What's up What's up [Music] and people are fixed on electronic intermediation called media called social networks and so on people live through the image that they transform I am not getting into that discussion that when I was young the author of my generation was the fronds and to have or be to publish the exist No, it's not more superficial whoever publishes more or fewer photos, just maybe they have more time and are more needy, but the big difference is that the I suppose what this is about a party, I suppose this image is and as I wrote in the article that Estadão about the Australian girl who abandoned the networks after years took photos before and to take a photo without on the beach she spent hours and hours testing the best angle the liquid world dissolved borders the liquid world made values ​​relative introduced uncertainty among us no one else are very sure no one is clear about colors anymore no one can assertively say what is right and what is wrong and the identity of all people, pharmacists including doctors, teachers and lawyers becomes liquid too And these identities were clear in the past simple use of a coat dust jacket simple use of an apron characterized a person today everything has to be conquered identity was given as my general practitioner comments and I remember that some years it took if the Clinical examination closed to the doctor it was not possible to open it it today he arrives at the doctor analyzed by DrGoogle you get to the doctor I have some HDL there my doctor Doctor Jairo and gives the disc What do you recommend in these cases, right is it because people started Even reading the extraordinary leaflet they started to I can't anymore, presbyopia doesn't allow it anymore, but people started reading the leaflet, identity is a problem, identity of everything, of absolutely everything, this identity has just one issue that hasn't changed but has intensified and with which we today measure the capacity of a person who if I being able to consume is nothing more depressing than not being able to consume, according to a book 44 letters that stores suggest, this is particularly important for the area of ​​the Lord that logics should be called pharmacies because they are the solution to various ills such as depression anguish and the stores should have a pharmaceutical identification an agreement with the amount of expenses they could put a black stripe for example this store is only for cases for Zygmunt Bauman's idea I just saw a poll in a newspaper at people's lunch hour saying that shopping relaxes that buying makes a person happy the redeeming element is consumption today we consume more than ever with ecological psychological and also financial problems Brazil a nation for example deeply in debt especially certain social categories and it is very important to think and when I I get to this point I start to confuse the end of a lot with the end of the world all older people are thinking that the world is ending because they no longer adapt to it Observe in the shopping mall observe in a building and from the escalator the The older one will have a minute of doubt he looks at the escalator he approaches and takes a jump he is afraid of the escalator that thing swallows people because he saw it appear young people among 14 escalator causes problems sometimes but the fear is a sign of age that doubt when it comes to a new cell phone young people start looking around and the older one keeps looking because I changed the other one I knew everything where they were when I start to no longer have meanings in my world I start to wonder why example the current profound imperative need to Be happy everyone must Smile in photos photos of older people 50 years old no one smiles and it was not professional good manners for example taking a photo smiling mandatory happiness this law that wants to achieve in particular the values values ​​today are difficult to be transmitted And it is difficult for you to stay in your queue when the road is full of people it is difficult to establish that line of right and wrong and for the first time in my life in a selective exam for a postgraduate entrance exam I took the exam a student who was cheating and he said no, Professor, my way of studying, you are ok, but this is fraud, this is 171, this is from a headquarters, no, I always study like this with paper, if not, but this is Glue, no, but it is my way there is no longer any value in simply saying that if the test is open-book it means saying it without consultation and that he is taking an advantage over others, that is, the values ​​are not like that, students skipped and always cheated, but 50 years ago when someone he was caught cheating he knew he had done something wrong he was angry that he was caught in ah and today it is difficult to say yes but you are going to smoke in this place where it is prohibited ah ah I like it my wanting becomes destructive of all values ​​and it is logic that will particularly affect the most delicate field the most difficult field for us to work with the dog of ethics ethics is one of the great discussions of the accident There is a great ethics dealt with by Plato and Aristotle by Spinoza a great ethics that deals with the norms of values ​​of Conduct of political society and so on there is a very nice little ethic known by its shorter name and that asking that it has a very nice one is not about the freshness of a knife and fork if something middle class on the rise etiquette treat like I must not disturb other people's space, why shouldn't I, for example, speak loudly on the street ? that I don't have the right to blow my nose and he's contemplating that he came from there astonished as in the pathological examination because those on the side can stay because I don't have the right to choose or flatter in what's about it or whatever it's about how I I have to respect other people's space through a basic recommendation which is to multiply words, excuse me, please and thank you very much. We can shape human beings so that they learn to perceive other people's space and learn that they are not the only ones in the world we can change the human being so that he knows that he is part of a whole that he is not the only person on this planet and with this he will develop a sense of what is in and administrative of Brazil what is in crisis there is a model of management is not in crisis the affection we have for this land and What's up What's up and 30 years ago I spoke about ethics in university environments one of the joys of this phase of my existence that I am increasingly speaking to people from companies and government bodies and associations I have complete confidence in the growth of the ethical debate in Brazil.
New in several ways, I give a lecture on ethics in Brasília so that you, ladies and gentlemen, can know where I am at, I talk about ethics in Brasília, I really believe that, contrary to what it may seem, we are at the special moment in which the whole of Brazil is sensitized by the topic, it is because if it is true that the historical corruption in DM that structures in Brazil the social concern with its effects is very recent, we were more or less accustomed to corruption being function within certain standards because if the economic crisis is serious we go through other serious ones the decade starting in 1981 1992 this decade was lost proportionally unemployment accompanied by high rates of inflation Our inflation is more or less under control we already had infractions of 84 percent month is the big question that perhaps shakes us at this moment is that we have few political perspectives we should never confuse the government of Brazil with Brazil we should never confuse politicians with Brazil so what is in crisis there is an administrative mode of Brazil what it is in crisis there is a management model it is not in crisis the idea of ​​Homeland universe society for the city is not in crisis the affection we have for this land as I said I don't like nationalism as a provocateur of wars I don't like nationalism that tells me that I am higher than a Frenchman or a Paraguayan or lower than an American who was my home, as he says, open to the Winds of the country and all countries, but I'm Brazilian and we don't have much to look at and there is an emptying of hope, a lower level of trust the pleasure of being in is terrible for Brazil, it is terrible for us because politics is the solution to the problem, the Greeks considered it an exercise in the administration of the polis, politics was the Essence of what Aristotle, not calling political animals, also remembered that in Greek the word for who is not interested in politics it is surprising to us the Greek word idiot idiot is serving is not interested in politics politics is essential for us it is present everywhere and the current isolation stimulated By electronic means by social networks by devices this fact that we are isolating ourselves in our devices, it is also dangerous insofar as individualism makes us believe that we are autonomous consciousnesses. We live in societies, we are politicians, we are political animals, we live in groups, we are not Ison, we are people who have to find a solution in group and this solution is naturally part of communication no one else listens to anyone no one else said someone else listens As the reporter at the time said when interviewing me, we have a country today, his idea, not mine, where we start with the conclusion and not with the arguments when classifying someone as petralha o coxim I close any argument and start saying EA forget that deep down deep down deep down a petralha a coxinha are Brazilians deep down we have to understand that crisis is a passing concept a Greek medical term from Hippocratic Medicine crisis passes by its definition that if it does not pass the patient peace the crisis forces us to rethink social political structures the crisis us what to think a pact that we see maintaining in a more or less endemic way the crisis stimulates that each of us seeks the best to say why Obviously, anyone drives on Bandeirantes on a blue sky day, like today with five lanes, the best road in Brazil, I'm sure we drive at night on a Vicinal Road with trucks on a fundamental day, people, the crises pass, it's very likely that the economic crisis had already past If they were not for political stability and perhaps they are one of the demonstrations of the strength of this extraordinary country, despite its administrators continues to function nothing more evident that the company is solid than having insane administrators and it continues to function hi and it works because ladies and gentlemen like me continue to wake up early and do our duty it works Because as they always said I must Amaral country even when he doesn't deserve this love Especially when he doesn't deserve this lunch Hyena Hardy said pessimistically through her catchphrase oh life oh heavens oh bad luck and everything could go wrong no one followed her drawings remember that everything went wrong soon she wasn't hysterical she realistic she didn't invent dramas she recognized the mathematical chance that these dramas would occur and all her prophecies of misfortune would occur it is necessary to plan in my company in my party in my school in my barracks I need a pessimist because the pessimist behind the light In reality, the pessimist tells everyone that it is not possible to always improve 100%, that the human factor is stable, that the economic situation is malleable, it is necessary to have a pessimist on the team at most, that is what we can handle and as he already exists always in any team it is not necessary to hire, right you hire but Listen to the pessimists my advice Listen to all the pessimists who say be careful it can go wrong be careful the market is not that easy be careful the orders will be misinterpreted and all this is true there it is telling her friend Lipe that the continent is far away, that it is dehydration, that it is inevitable that sunstroke is certain that the old woman is ridiculous and the oar is useless and in everything she is correct, but she observes in ladies and gentlemen what, like every pessimist, she does not It's making some semen, there's no way to say it any other way, and here's a very clear indication, we have to have a pessimist on the team, we have to listen to him, we have to take the risks into account, but to work on solving it we have to be grateful for the guest's presence.
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