I reduce the blood sugar levels of a diabetic person from this to this and that also just in 2 minutes hi this is Dr VI ji and in today's video I'm going to share with you a simple trick or an exercise you can say by performing this simple exercise you can reduce your blood sugar levels just in 2 minutes but first let me show you an experiment on an real life diabetic patient so that you can be sure that yes this exercise really works we measured the blood sugar levels before performing this magical activity and
the readings were 188 and then just by simply moving the cuffs and Performing this simple activity for 2 minutes the blood sugar levels went down up to 160 9 this exercise is actually very simple you have to just raise your cuffs these are simple C raises this simple exercise have very very deep effects on our body especially on the blood sugar level how to perform this exercise very simple you have to just raise your C and then go back this exercise you have to do for about a minute or a two nothing special nothing fancy
you can do it while standing you can do it while sitting as you are comfortable and the best part is this exercise can be done by anyone regardless of their age all of us can perform this exercise be it while you are traveling you are in a public transport over there you can do it you are sitting in the office over there you can do it you are standing and doing some housework over there you can do it so you can do it anywhere the only thing is you have to do it will give results
as you have seen in this video this simple exercise will improve your insulin resistance it's going to reduce the blood sugar levels why because scalf muscles they store lots of glucose so you will be burning that glucose by doing these calf raises and this will help you to lower your blood sugar levels plus this exercise is going to be very very effective for your intestine also it will improve your peristalsis movement and that will help you in digestion even if you are suffering from constipation in that also performing this simple exercise can be a help
but don't be super excited don't think that okay today you are going to do this for 5 to 10 minutes and your sugar levels will be absolutely normal no don't do this mistake because if you haven't done cough raises and you have just started doing C raises after watching this video you should gradually increase the time first day do it it for a minute or a two do it for 5 to 6 days as your body will be adapted to it then go for 2 to 3 minutes then 3 to 5 minutes because if you
will do a lot on your first day then you can have lots of pain in your CF even you can have cough cramps also and I don't want you to suffer from this so first day keep patience and do it just for 2 minutes max not more than that you can do for a minute or a two not more and you can do it many times in the day you can do it in the morning for example for a minute or a two you did in the morning then you can do it in the daytime
and then you can repeat in the evening but if you have just started do it just one or two time in a day that's it do it for 5 to 7 minutes let your body adapt to the exercise and then you can gradually increase if it's your first time make sure you are doing it near to a wall or there is something to hold on because maybe you'll not have that good balance don't worry with the time you'll be expert in this you'll have good balance you'll be able to do it anywhere and without any
of the support but right now make sure that you are doing it near to a wall or there is something to hold on but if you are sitting and Performing this exercise then this is the most safest position to do this because you're not going to fall here and there so see as you are comfortable I will prefer doing this exercise while standing because it gives you more motion it is more impactful you will feel the difference so if you are standing make sure you have something to hold and over here I would like to
thank you for giving your precious time and attention to this video and I hope you will give your precious time and attention to the exercise also that I have shared you in this video I hope this video will be helpful for you thank you for watching see you in next video within big smile up to the time smile more stay happy stay healthy