First Step For Reinventing Yourself In 2024 | Power of Authenticity

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Bahja Abdi
ENROLL IN RE-WRTIE YOUR STORY : ﷽ Hey Girls! Welcome to another girl, let's ...
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you must expand your conscious awareness of yourself if you don't know a problem exists how are you supposed to fix it if you don't know the potential that you have within you how are you supposed to use it just like magic I'm attractive I get everything I want cuz I attractive he told me if I didn't like the results I was getting in my life that I was going to have to change me because there were my results and he said if you're going to change you you're going to have to find out something about
yourself and that seemed to make sense mhm um I don't think it was an earth shattering idea it wouldn't give anybody a brain hernia but it made a hell of a lot of sense to me so I started to study myself I found most people don't know who they are they really don't what do you mean I mean I know my name I know my age I know where I live you know that that that's you ask the average person who they are they'll give you their name they'll say I'm Bob Proctor but I'm not
Bob and Proctor are two words my parents give them to me they're called names but it's not me hi guys welcome to or welcome back to my my channel my name is B if this is your first time seeing my face then hey welcome to the channel and if you've been here before like always it is such an honor and a blessing to have you here with me something about fall something about winter something about these colder Seasons just feels so magical so Whimsical it makes me feel like there's really nothing I can't do it
makes me want to reinvent myself it makes me want to become different it makes me want to make change and I truly do believe that it is a season of change okay the new year is also rolling around so it feels like a fresh start winter and fall is also the season that I do the most reflecting it is cold outside I like to stay home I like to stay indoors and it just gives me a lot more time to spend with myself a lot more time to spend alone a lot more time to reflect
and that is why it is so magical it is the season where I set a lot of goals for myself it is the season where I like to personally reinvent myself it is the season that I like to rewrite my story story and what I learned over these past 3 years of self-improvement self-development working towards becoming a better version of myself every day and really just setting these big goals and reaching them every single time what I learned is we cannot improve ourselves without exploring the self we can't become our the highest version of ourselves
we can't explore our potential without becoming familiar with the unconscious part of ourselves and bringing that to our Consciousness bringing that to the Forefront of our mind when you do that what happens is you expand what you have access to and then you can start working on different areas of your life you must expand your conscious awareness of yourself if you don't know a problem exists how are you supposed to fix it if you don't know the potential that you have within you how are you supposed to use it once you start to study yourself
you'll realize that the only thing standing between you and your dream life is yourself is your own limitation you'll find that all those things that hold you back is not outside of you but they it lives within your own heart and you might not believe me now when I say this but when you impress an idea upon your heart and you set an intention and you make the decision to do something Everything Changes doors open opportunities present themselves to you and everything that you desire will start to chase you ofttimes we think about who we
want to be and that's great I encourage that I'm going to be talking about that a lot in these upcoming videos and you guys if you guys know me you guys know I'm I talk about this a lot and that is really really important for our own growth and our development however we never think about who we are now and the goal is to meet yourself meet who you are now so that you can work with yourself to get to where you want to be authenticity is the highest level of vibration it is the strongest
frequency meaning that when you are authentic when you know who you truly are you become a magnet to all the good things in life all the things that your heart truly desires and authenticity is knowing who you are regardless of what the outside tells you regardless of your job regardless of your religion regardless of your race regardless of the influences that are around you and it's an honest representation of who you are the goal is to get real the goal is to get honest with yourself how the hell are you supposed to grow into the
person that you're meant to be these are terms we use all the time tap into your potential make something of yourself dream big build your dream life if you don't know who you is it really doesn't make any sense there is a part of you that knows more than you can comprehend there's a part of you who knows the journey who knows what you truly desire knows what needs to get done where to go who holds your potential and that is a part of yourself that I will help you guys tap into that is your
true self that is a part of yourself that is the truest the purest and the realest and that is the part of you that if you tap into will guide you to all the things that you are meant to do and and what blocks us from that highest self what blocks us from that part of ourselves is all of the outside noise that we seem to get lost in knowing who you are and having a strong self-image truly is a safe space shifting your identity is the first step to achieving the life that you desire
room one said that what you are seeking is also seeking you the truth is we're always seeking something a lot of the time what we seek we seek unconsciously we never pay attention or we're never aware of the unconscious part of ourselves that literally dictates our outcomes the reason why you don't have the things that you truly desire or you don't feel fulfilled is because you are unaligned with the person who you truly are you are unaligned with your true self you are unaligned with the things that you truly desire and you are not yet
the person that is able to receive those things so there's really two parts to this which is knowing who you are and then working with who you are to then shift your identity and become who you want to become in this video I'm going to explain to you guys the four archetyp types that will help you get an understanding of yourself I'll give you a few practical practices that will help you really just learn who you are Master yourself so that way you can continue to evolve continue to grow and become authentic and just feel
magnetic like literally become magnetic to all the things that you want it's not that hard it's not that difficult this the the concept is so so simple what you see is also seeking you that's it that's all and the execution is usually the hardest because we have all these beliefs that we might have from a very young age literally from the day we're born our belief system starts to be built until now and so we have all of these beliefs that might not even be our own unconsciously they dictate everything that we do the actions
we take the amount of money we make the person we are the type of people we attract into our lives the types of experiences that we have you have to to understand that your belief system literally dictates your entire life your reality your outcome your experiences the people in your life literally everything and so this is so important and I'm telling you guys as someone who has studied this for three years as someone who has trial and errored for 22 years this is key and this is gold and so take your notebooks out y'all take
your notebooks out and just just understand and listen with your heart not even with with your ears with your heart okay and take notes and really try to do these things for yourself I can sit here and tell you how much potential you have and I want to I want to I want you to know that who you are is just this being that is filled with potential that is filled with greatness that is filled with just so much goodness and that I want to sit here and tell you because I wish I could sit
here and tell younger b b three years ago when she was at her lowest I wish I can sit here and tell her that she is filled with so much potential and that she has access to well-being where she is now and I want to tell you guys that but I want you to experience it for yourselves because it's not going to me talking out you guys not going to do anything so if you're able to implement these in your life I promise you your life will change you will go into 2024 just feeling so
strong so confident in yourself and you will achieve more than you ever thought you could achieve okay so let's talk about the four archetypes which is taught by Carl Young I feel like it is the best way to kind of explain different parts of yourselves so that you guys can you know take the time to actually figure this out okay figure yourselves out so the first part of yourself is your persona okay and these are your masks these are the way that you present yourself the way you want to be seen by people y'all know
how like when you're at work you act differently than you would with your group of friends that is a mask okay you have a mask for work you might have a certain mask for talking to somebody specific like you're like okay this person I can't be talking to them like I would talk to just anyone like the way that I talk to my grandma wouldn't be the same as the way I talk to my sister all of our masks make up our Persona so every mask you have makes up your persona we developed these when
we grow up to fit in it's not a bad thing it's not necessarily a bad thing and it could really be beneficial for us to function in society but if you identify with your persona is really where things start to go left when you identify with a Persona and you say this is who I am you put on this mask and you say this is who I am you will lose sight of who you truly are the key is to become conscious of your personas and know that this is not who you are but it's
a necessary tool in order for me to function in society when you become unconscious of those personas is when you lose sight of your desires and your needs as a person you get stuck in playing this role you become an actress and an actor and you're not really just living true to yourself when you identify with a Persona it gets so exhausting to try to keep keep up this act to try to keep up being this person when truly that is not who you are become aware of your personas by observing yourself in different environments
observe yourself in different situations and ask yourself does this really complement who I am you don't necessarily have to hate that part of yourself right like you don't have to hate who you are at work you don't have to hate that you can you can ask yourself how can I Implement my true self into my personas let me give you guys an example let's say I'm in a situation where I'm angry I I don't want to portray myself as someone who is angry and loud and rude and disrespectful I don't want to I don't want
to come off as that I want to come off and represent myself as a Muslim woman right who is respected who is honored who is you know carries herself well that is how I want to be seen and so when I'm angry I'm not going to yell I'm not going to be loud I'm not going to be angry I'm not going to cuss this person out because that is not who I am and that's not who I want to be and so I can acknowledge my anger I know that I'm angry I don't want to
suppress my anger because that can lead to another issue but I want to acknowledge my anger and still decide to be kind to this person and still decide to be polite okay I can express my anger I can express that I'm angry but do it in a polite way and to be fair to myself when I'm on my own later I can you know on my own time acknowledge my anger and that is kind of what authenticity looks like so personas are your masks that you wear in different situations they can be helpful in order
for us to fit into society in order for us to not necessarily fit in but function in society properly and you want to bring parts of yourself into your persona so that you enjoy them and also not get lost in them so know and be aware and conscious of when you are acting and when you are not next is the Shadow and that is all the parts that are considered bad or shameful or you should not show this part of yourself this is things like dark impulsive thoughts impulsive behavior and anger insecurities Envy jealousy Etc
these are traits that are neglected by Society we're told oh that's a bad thing shame on you for being jealous you should be ashamed but we all have these things we all experience them the more we try to fight them the more we bring them to the surface the stronger they get the more we suppress them and put them under the rug the louder they get and that's why people do crazy things because they've bottled all this up they've pushed it under the rug until the rug just simply could not take it anymore we can
feel really ashamed when we feel these ways when we have these you know natural feelings and emotions these natural reactions okay it is normal but the more you try to fight them the louder they get and the more impact they have on your life this is why you see people literally just explode you're like oh my goodness this person was so nice and so kind and then one day they just explode it's because they've been bottling up all this emotion and they just exploded on you one day you want to consciously get to know your
Shadow I call them my uglies I might see myself as a confident person but sometimes I feel a little insecure I might see myself as a supportive person I love to see people win but I might get a little jealous sometimes and the more that I neglect them and I try to push them away the more attention I give them the bigger impact that they have on my life they become a bigger part of my vibration and then I'm going to attract more things that give me a reason to be jealous more things to be
angry about the more that it you know corrupts my heart the key is to become conscious of them and understand that it's normal stop judging yourself for feeling that way stop feeling bad for feeling that way the more attention you give it the bigger part of your vibration it becomes the more of your heart that it consumes so just let it be and let it go and allow it to live right when you feel insecure but you want to be confident you have access to both you can choose to be confident you can choose to
be in insecure without judgment let her live let her live beside you but choose to be confident regardless instead of identifying with them instead of saying I am insecure I am an angry person I am a jealous person just let it be it is a normal feeling that comes to everyone just let it be observe it and really just reflect on it if you need to reflect on it but if you do not acknowledge them and you do not work through them you will project them on to other people and you will experience more of
that in your life the more Angry you become the more bitter you become the more just negative you feel you you are in this negative vibration and then more negative things are going to come to you and the more negative things that come to you the worst your situation is just going to get it's going to escalate and escalate and escalate so without judgment be kind to yourself and allow yourself to observe those emotions let me give you guys an example okay and this is this might be real example okay this might be true in
my life or it might have been true in my my life okay so let's say you have an insecurity let's say that insecurity is the way that your body looks and what you do is you suppress it you avoid it you try not to think about it you try not to bring it up and work through it because it's just you know so uncomfortable so painful it's just not the vibe but certain things trigger you you might not go to certain places you might not like having certain conversations you might not want to go dress
shopping you might not want to be on camera even though that's what you really want to do I really want to start a YouTube channel but I'm just very insecure about my body so I'm going to pretend like I don't want to do YouTube I might put on this mask this front this Persona of oh pictures I don't really care for pictures H why are people so obsessed with shopping I hate shopping I hate it I hate doing this and you put on this front but deep down you know this is something that I love
I would love to be on camera I would love to be able to take pictures I would love to wear cute outfits you suppress that that is what you truly want that is what you truly desire that is truly how you feel but you put on this front and it gets so exhausted now your insecurity is controlling you it is holding you back it has become a limitation on your potential you've put a cap on your potential because you've allowed this insecurity to control you if you acknowledge that with love and care and no judgment
at all and you acknowledge I have this really really deep inse about my body and I wish that I could wear certain types of clothes I wish that when I took a photo I could be confident in myself true story this is literally me talking about my life it opens up an opportunity of self-love it opens up an it opens up an opportunity to start taking care of your body and to learn more about health and to start working towards living a better life and to start working towards your potential of working out and eating
healthy and and finally finally getting to a place where you are confident and you're comfortable and you're cloth and then it opens up opportunities where you might start a YouTube channel or you might start taking pictures of yourself or you might start doing activities that you've always wanted to do a whole new world just has opened up for you just because you acknowledge that insecurity instead of suppressing it your insecurity has become a chance an opportunity for you to build self-love learn something new build healthy habits your fears of being judged can be an opportunity
for you to be cage for you to take risks for you to do things that might lead to even bigger things and greater things however if you're unconscious of your Shadow or you deem them to be bad or negative you'll never get those opportunities to grow three is your masculine traits and your feminine traits or the masculine traits in women the feminine traits in men and I think you called this your Ana and your animist whether you're a woman or a man you have both of these traits you have feminine traits and then you have
masculine trait but Society usually pushes us to be more of one depending on your gender and so this causes an imbalance in your life and within yourself and within yourself because you're completely neglecting that other part of yourself one or the other and maybe even both I don't know if that's possible but um so feminine traits are more creativity passion connection wholeness whereas masculine is more like rationality discipline organ ganization power and Leadership and stuff like that a lot of times we hear things like women can't lead or we hear men can't tap into their
emotions Boys Don't Cry things like that is really what creates toxic masculinity or toxic femininity and that you know that imbalance literally stops you from em embracing your true self and your full self and so when a woman Embraces her masculine energy she's able to do better in her career be a better leader become more structured and disciplined and it's not that we are not those things it's just we're told you know we can't be when that's literally a lie you can go to the balance I mean you can go to the extreme of one
and that creates an even bigger or that can create an imbalance the goal is to kind of find that sweet spot that in between sometimes you might be more in your feminine and less in your masculine and that's okay but to become conscious and aware that you know both sides and both traits are necessary in order for you to feel true to yourself if you become if you neglect your feminine energy and you become too career focused or you become too rational and you let go of your you know intuition and your creativity and all
of that it literally makes you miserable like it makes you miserable and I can talk about that and make like an entire video about when I was trapped in my masculine energy and the effects that that had on me not just mentally but physically emotionally and spiritually it was just not good for me girl kind of finding that balance or even just being conscious of when you're more in your masculine more in your feminine feminine that is where the magic lies and you just feel so good about yourself so much more confident so much more
radiant and it's just Beauty it's it's literally magic okay last but not least number four which is the self the self is the part of you that knows more than you could possibly comprehend it strives for balance and it helps regulate conflicts in your head or regulate conflicts within and so you know when you're like oh should I do this or should I do that the self is what kind of brings you and helps you work through that it not only holds everything you are it holds everything you once were and everything that you could
be it holds your potential it holds your true desires you never really get to know the entirety of self but you get to explore that throughout your life and that is what searching and embracing your potential looks like it's listening to that inner guiding system it's literally an inner guided system continuously exploring the self is really what authentic individualism looks like truly and genuinely I believe that the self is the soul it is all that we've ever been and all that we ever will be okay it is the truest part of us it is the
purest part of us and I believe that the shadow is the whisper of the devil okay and in Islam we know that these two voices there's two voices that you know whisper directly in our hearts and it is The Whisper Of the Soul which guides you to resolving those inner conflicts should I do this or should I do that it is the one that pushes you towards good things in this life to Reaching Your Potential to doing good to doing things that will benefit you not only in this life but in the next life whereas
The Whisper Of The Devil is what brings up your insecurity it pushes you away from your true self and from your true beauty and it doesn't want you to see that it blinds you of your your potential it tells you oh but what if this happens and what if that happens and it creates this NE bro the devil is smart you guys have to realize he's smart he he creates all these emotions within you because he understands the power of that emotion the he understands the power of your belief and the more you practice an
emotion the bigger part of your vibration it becomes and it becomes a belief and then now you can't see past that and that is how he blinds you from your potential he pushes you away from anything that might better that might better you and he traps you in your ego pushing you away from God and pushing you away from yourself the soul is the key to authenticity because it is all that you are and all that you've been and all that you ever will be when we leave these physical bodies and we live leave this
world it is all that we're going to be and in order for you to hear that voice in order for you to amplify the voice of the self and the Soul or your highest self you have to turn down all the other noise you have have to become aware of your insecurities you have to become aware of your Shadow you have to become aware of your personas and you have to turn them down you have to turn down the noise of everyone else and what people try to label you as you have to turn it
down and the louder that voice becomes the better you do and I've experienced this in my own life on my own on my own Journey the more that I got closer to God and I got closer to myself and I got closer to the source the less evil that I did the less bad that I did the less the better that I did the more good that I did the better that I se the more that I turned down those voices of my insecurities or all the negative thoughts that come to mind the more that
I just let those be and I don't give my attention to them the louder that voice of my soul gets the louder that voice of oh maybe you should do this thing or you should move towards this or you should take this risk the louder that voice becomes the more Amplified it becomes the more magnetic I becom to good things coming to me in my life to becoming better people think like V how do you get everything you want how do you just like get everything that you know you want it's literally that is being
true to myself and saying no to things that are not aligned with me being able to take accountability for when I do something that is not in alignment with me and understanding that oh I'm not being the person that I am right now and coming back and having that safe space of understanding who I am and being able to come back to myself and say okay this is this is what I did that is is not aligned with who I want to be and working through that without judgment and you know doing everything that I
can to get to know myself better and to just do good and this that that part of yourself the self is filled with goodness it's filled with love it's filled with kindness and so if you are you know bitter and angry those are just your insecurities and you have to learn to turn them down okay the more that you give off gratitude and love and you know all of these like higher vibrational energies the more magnetic you become and the more good things that will come into your life how to know who you truly are
how can you learn how you who who you truly are and this isn't something that I hear a lot but this is literally the key okay and that is knowing the state of your heart I say heart specifically because not only is the heart the strongest magnetic field but in Islam and I'm referring to Islam because I'm obviously Muslim but you can definitely relate this back to whatever Faith or religion you belong to because surprisingly enough we all have similar beliefs and similar practices very similar but in Islam we know that God doesn't necessarily look
at your actions and your behaviors and what you say but what is in your heart because that is where the truth lies that is what holds your beliefs and like I said you experience whatever you believe about yourself in the world and whatever you believe about God is how you will experience life it is how you're going to attract things into your life so the heart is extremely extremely important this is where you hold all your beliefs this is where you hold all of your potential this is this is where it's all at okay the
language of the heart is emotion and we know that your emot we know that our emotions influence our behavior and as weird as it is our thoughts and emotions become habitual so whatever thoughts and feelings you felt yesterday you will most likely feel today and tomorrow and the day after and the day after but we can consciously choose what we feel and I know sometimes it feels like you can't control that because you've practiced this emotion so much that is a huge part of you it is a belief okay if you have this belief of
I am never going to succeed in what I want to do you'll attract all these things that will prove to you that you will never be successful in the career that you choose and so even though this is a belief maybe you're not even conscious of it and a lot of times we're not conscious of our emotions which is why I'm going to tell you to become observant and to do this practice of observing yourself throughout the day throughout the week anyway we're going to get to that but see this is why I actually can't
like I've be going down a rabbit hole you guys I can talk about this for years okay because I've learned so much about it but our feelings become habitual and so today the way you feel you might feel tomorrow as well and the more that you practice an emotion the bigger part of your vibration it becomes it becomes a belief and that is how you're going to experience the world that is how other people are going to treat you that is the things that you will attract into your life and that is why it's important
to pay attention to your thoughts that not just all of your thoughts okay because thoughts are like clouds they come and they go you can be thinking about the craziest things you think so many thoughts throughout the day but you you're usually going to think within the same region the same pattern there's going to be a theme of the thoughts that you think and that stems from your beliefs that stems from your upbringing all of these things but it's important for you to pay attention to the thoughts that you choose to entertain because those thoughts
become emotions okay so we need to pay attention to our thoughts and our feelings because that is that makes a up our little heart how can we become familiar with ourselves be an observer please be a non-judgmental Observer start to observe yourself tomorrow when you wake up okay tomorrow when you wake up pay attention to your emotions and then ask yourself is this aligned with where I want to go is this aligned with who I want to be what triggers you what people in your day-to-day life piss you off and why do they piss you
off what makes you happy what emot you know do you feel throughout the day are you feeling down what is causing you to feel down was it a thought that you had earlier was it some experience that triggered you was it someone's presence that triggered you what was it start to pay attention and start to take note of it without judgment okay without judgment is key because the more that you judge yourself judgment blocks growth okay if you judge yourself and judge yourself and judge yourself and say why can't I just be better why can't
I just not stop doing this and you judge yourself you you are not going to grow you are not even going to get you're not going to be able to get to that root problem okay you're not going to be able to figure it out because you're too busy being a Negative Nancy and literally on yourself and hating on yourself be kind to yourself because the way that you are literally stems back from when you were a baby ideas that were impressed upon your mind and your heart when you were a child by the people
who raised you like this goes back Generations okay something that might trigger you or show up in your life might be from your childhood okay so be gentle and be patient with yourself and observe yourself we like to take the path of least resistance okay so we tend to have the same habits the same thoughts the same emotions and so just pay attention and ask yourself H is this really serving me is this really going to get me anywhere if not how can I work through it how can I start to practice a different emotion
how can I start to you know figure it out where does this come from this is why therapy is such such a good thing like this is why people go to therapy because what therapy does is it brings to your Consciousness and your awareness the things that you might might have been unconscious of before when you observe something that behavior tends to change that emotion might might start to change your habits might start to change what is it called it's called the Hawthorn effect okay when you observe Something You observe a behavior that behavior tends
to change and so only when you become aware of something can you really change it so observation is key okay next is spend more time alone I used to be extremely afraid to be alone especially when I was probably at the lowest point mentally I was terrified of being alone I think there's like certain events certain things that just started to add up and you guys if we don't consciously choose to change naturally naturally naturally things are going to start coming our way to push us to change so events might happen things might just start
you know falling apart that is all meant for your growth and so that's exactly what happened to me things were starting to fall apart in my life and I was like and I was starting to realize that I wasn't really that happy and so what I did to avoid that because I don't come from a family where we talk about feelings like is weird my sister and I will look at each other and I'll be like now I'm like you know I would like to think that I'm a safe space for my siblings to just
kind of Express their emotions but we don't like to do that like we look at each other and we're like that's weird my sister will go why are you being weird or she'll be like don't make this weird now bad I'm like okay I don't necessarily like to address my feelings at least I didn't before but it was showing up in my life okay the way that I was treating other people was coming from my insecurities my feelings all these things that I told you guys was putting under the rug for a really long time
and so I was terrified of being alone because every time I was alone these would start to come up and I realized that oh I'm not really happy I'm not really you know this person that everybody thinks I am because I put on the front of always being Giddy and happy even though I'm not and I felt very lonely like I might have been around my family all the time my friends are all the time but I felt like okay I'm sorry for my language but I didn't feel good I did not feel good and
I did not like anything I didn't like being alone and so I would always hang around my family or my friends I would always be out doing anything just get me out of the house okay just get me away from my own feelings watching and binging TV shows doing anything and everything to distract myself because I knew I wasn't doing well but it was reflecting in my life life I could see it I could see it happening I was attracting more of it into my life I didn't want to address it I didn't want to
address those things and so it was being reflected back to me through the people through the experiences that I was having it was literally like a mirror was being held up to me and so I finally decided that I was done shoving it under the rug and I spent a lot of times I spent a lot of time alone it was extremely uncomfortable at first it was weird I was like what the hell ew but I would tell myself literally and I don't care how cringey this sounds I'm going to expose myself but I would
tell myself okay talk to me I hear you like just talk to me how do you feel what's up but it helped me understand what was bothering me it helped me understand where these things were coming from all of my insecurities and I felt like everything was just hitting me there was a period in my life where I was really working through understanding myself and all of these emotions that I've kept bottled up and it was just like one after the other and I felt like I couldn't even catch a break because I was always
overcoming something I was like dang another one another one another one and it was just a lot but I felt so free afterwards I truly felt like I can finally breathe and one of the things that really helped me build that trust with myself was journaling okay which is the next thing I'm going to talk about I cannot recommend journaling enough journaling literally is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life you guys I promise you guys journaling will change your life okay you will think everything is okay on the surface
and then you'll start journaling about your day how you feel and it's like dang that's really what's going on it's like a place where you can truly be honest with yourself you can freewrite or you can do prompts and I kind of want to make a whole video about journaling let me know what you guys think about that but Pinterest has hundreds and thousands of prompts that you can choose you can do like Shadow work prompts self-love prompts whatever and you can start working through these things that literally go back years okay and so um
yeah I know a lot of people have this fear of people finding their Journal I feel like I've never had that fear maybe when I was younger but like my family really respects me and like each other's privacy so no one's really going to go through anyone's Journal but if you have that fear and you have nosy ass siblings what you can do is start journaling on your notes start writing on notion or in your Google Docs and just like save it somewhere like put a password on it I'm sure there's like apps that allow
you to do that but I cannot recommend it enough observing yourself studying yourself will open up so many opportunities to grow so many many opportunities to learn your potential is not limited you guys I can't I I don't want to tell you this but I want you to experience this for yourself because once you do you're going to become obsessed with learning more about yourself taking risks doing bigger things continuing to improve continuing to develop yourself continuing to use that potential and you will literally fall in love with the journey and whatever you find When
You observe yourself whether that's bad habit insecurities you know hidden passions traumas hidden desires that you don't feel like you can say like oh this is what I want whatever you find embrace them instead of suppressing them accept them within yourself you don't have to go and tell everyone oh this is my hidden passion this is my desire this is what I love to do but really just accept it within yourself with practice learn to work with yourself instead of against yourself it's so easy to judge ourselves it's so easy to be mean to ourselves
and rude to ourselves but it takes practice I promise you again and again and again try again and again and again pick yourself up again and again and again when you know who you are you are able to find peace truly and genuinely you're able to find peace in that you love yourself more your self- Lov literally skyrockets people can sense that energy people start to respect you more your relationships get better you'll just honestly be in this High vibration and you will become a magnet and you guys I cannot make this up you become
a magnet to All Good Things there's this Aura there's this light there's this beauty that just radiates from you when you have this self- knowing and this acceptance and this self-love you know your values and you know your beliefs and of course these are going to change along the way but just having that understanding will help you get to those changes will help you evolve to be better you'll become more emotionally intelligent and you'll have control over your own narrative and you'll soon realize that you can experience whatever you want to experience you have access
to well-being you also have access to being miserable all at the same time right now if I chose to be miserable I can do that because I have access to it right now in this moment you have access to both and once you become conscious of your unconscious self you get to choose what you experience you get to choose what you experience in life and right now that choice might be taken away from you by being unaware by being so distracted by the outside noise and keeping yourself distracted and just tuning up the voices of
other people and your insecurities and all of these things you want to understand those parts of yourselves and accept them without judgment and just like magic just like magic I get everything I want cuz I attract it that will literally be your life you guys that was my Anthem because I was like oh my goodness I never experienced anything like that and that was literally my Anthem just like magic I'm attractive I get everything I want cuz I attracted anyway that is all that I have for you today if you enjoyed this video or benefited
from it share it with a friend who you believe can benefit from it too because I'm I promise you I promise you I promise you this video is gold okay maybe right now you don't understand the wisdom behind this video the gold in this video you might not understand it just yet but if you do what I told you to do if you implement these practices one day down the line you're going to look back at this video and you're going to say oh my goodness this video is genuinely gold so yeah if you guys
have any ideas I am I I love going through the comments and reading all of your ideas your experiences so share it so that we can all benefit from one another the next video I do is going to be about shifting your identity and so now we know who we are we're going to learn how to become who we want to be okay we're going to learn how to shift our identity we're going to learn how to immerse ourselves into this new version that we want to be because you cannot unlock the next level unless
you're the character who unlocks it and so I'm so excited until the new year we're going to be dropping gems okay so you guys can go into 2024 feeling I can't believe I just said that 2024 is crazy I love you all so much thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you next time oh and don't forget to follow me on my socials or down below in the description
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