Lost Tribes FOUND? The Shocking Truth Revealed

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#DeepBibleStories #BibleMysteries #BiblicalHistory Lost Tribes FOUND? The Shocking Truth Revealed D...
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what if I told you that the ancient nation of Israel once United under King David and Solomon split apart and the 10 of its tribes vanished from history scattered across the globe in ways that are still being revealed today the 12 tribes of Israel form the Bedrock of Biblical history yet the fate of 10 lost tribes remains one of the greatest Mysteries of the Bible where did they go are they still out there and what role do play in biblical prophecies regarding the end times the Bible tells us that God chose these tribes for a
special purpose but due to rebellion and sin they were scattered to the ends of the Earth today groups across the globe from Ethiopia to India Asia and even the Americas claim descent from these lost tribes could the re appearance of these scattered descendants be the Fulfillment of ancient prophecies and what does this mean for the final chapter of human history in this video we will uncover the biblical origins of the 12 tribes of Israel explore how 10 of them became lost and dive into the claims of modern groups who say they are the descendants of
these tribes most importantly we will examine the prophetic significance of their return in the end times deep Bible stories will take you on a journey through Through Time showing how these ancient prophecies are still unfolding today the origin of the 12 tribes of Israel can be traced back to Jacob the grandson of Abraham who had 12 sons in a pivotal moment Jacob wrestled with God and was renamed Israel meaning one who struggles with God his 12 sons became the Patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel each inheriting a specific portion of the promised land the
the sons of Jacob and the tribes they fathered are Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Dan naftali Gad Asher issachar zebulun Joseph whose two sons Ephraim and Manasseh each received their own inheritance and Benjamin these tribes together formed the nation of Israel with the tribes of Judah and Benjamin occupying the southern Kingdom while the other 10 tribes often referred to as the northern Kingdom settled in the north under the leadership of tribes like Ephraim and Manasseh as prophesied by Jacob in Genesis 49 each tribe had its own unique Destiny but it was their Disobedience to God that
led to their scattering and eventual disappearance from the historical record following the reign of King Solomon the unified Kingdom of Israel was torn in two the southern Kingdom called Judah was composed primarily of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin the northern kingdom called Israel consisted of the remaining 10 tribes including Reuben Simeon Dan naftali Gad Asher isachar zebulun Ephraim and Manasseh the northern kingdom quickly fell into idolatry and Rebellion against God despite warnings from prophets like Hosea and Amos the people continued to reject God's covenant in 722 BC God's judgment came in the form of
the Assyrian Empire which invaded the northern kingdom captured its people and Scattered them throughout the vast Assyrian lands the king of Assyria deported Israel to Assyria and settled them in halah in Goan on the Habor River and in the towns of the mes 2 Kings 17:6 these 10 tribes were dispersed across the Assyrian Empire and over time their identity as distinct tribes became blurred earning them the title of the Lost tribes of Israel but are they truly lost or are they simply waiting to be revealed in the end times The Disappearance of the 10 lost
tribes of Israel is one of the most intriguing mysteries in Biblical history after the Assyrian Conquest in 7 722 BC these tribes were scattered across the Assyrian Empire and their identity was gradually absorbed into the surrounding cultures however the Bible and Jewish tradition suggest that the 10 tribes were not entirely lost they were dispersed among the Nations awaiting a prophetic return over the centuries various groups across the globe have claimed dissent from these tribes holding on to ancient Jewish Customs traditions and beliefs despite their geographical isolation some of these groups have become prominent in the
modern world While others have remained obscure but all claim a direct connection to the Lost tribes of Israel here's a closer look at some of the most notable groups that believe they are descendants of these lost tribes One Beat Israel Ethiopian Jews claiming dissent from the tribe of Dan one of the most well-known groups claiming descent from the Lost tribes is the beat Israel or Ethiopian Jews who believe they are descendants of the tribe of Dan their presence in Ethiopia stretches back for thousands of years and they have maintained unique Jewish Customs that set them
apart from other African ethnic groups the beat Israel kept the Sabbath practiced circumcision followed kosher dietary laws and observed various Jewish Festival even during centuries of isolation from the broader Jewish World the Ethiopian Jewish Community has long maintained that they are part of the Lost tribe of Dan one of the 10 Northern tribes exiled by the Assyrians their oral tradition tells of a migration from Israel to Ethiopia via Egypt where they established themselves as part of a long forgotten branch of the Israelite people this claim was supported by their religious practices which mirrored those of
ancient Israel and their unbroken tradition of Judaism in the modern era their claim was validated in the eyes of the Jewish World when Israel's rabet officially recognized the BET Israel as part of the Jewish people in the late 20th century through operations such as operation Moses 1984 and operation Solomon 1991 tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to Israel fulfilling a modern echo of the ancient prophecies regarding the regathering of Israel's Exiles their connection to the tribe of Dan remains a fascinating part of the wider Narrative of the Lost tribes and their return to
Israel is seen by many as part of the ongoing fulfillment of biblical prophecy two Ben Israel Indian Jews claiming descent from the tribe of Ephraim the Ben Israel located primarily in the western regions of India Trace their Roots back to the Lost tribe of Ephraim according to their oral tradition their ancestors were Shipwrecked on the Indian coast centuries ago possibly during the Assyrian Exile and established a small Jewish community in India they remained isolated from the broader Jewish world for much of their history but kept certain Jewish Customs such as observing the Sabbath circumcision and
dietary laws what's remarkable about the Bene Israel is that they survived for Centuries with limited contact with other Jewish communities yet managed to retain a strong sense of Jewish identity despite their isolation their Traditions have similarities to those of mainstream Judaism and claim of descent from the Lost tribe of Ephraim is taken seriously by many in the Jewish World in recent decades some members of the Ben Israel have immigrated to Israel contributing to the diversity of Israel's Jewish population and representing yet another potential fulfillment of the prophecy of the return of the Lost tribes three
pashun tribes Afghanistan and Pakistan claiming descent from the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh the pashon people of Afghanistan and Pakistan also known as pathans claimed to be descendants of the Lost tribes of Ephraim and manasse the sons of Joseph this claim is supported by their ancient Traditions many of which bear striking resemblances to Israelite Customs for example many pashon tribes practice circumcision on the eth day avoid eating pork and follow other cultural practices reminiscent of ancient Israelite law one of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting their claim is their oral tradition which consistently refers
to their Israelite Heritage for centuries the pashun have referred to themselves as bani Israel children of Israel passing down stories that link their ancestry to the northern kingdom of is Israel some pashon tribes even carry names that are similar to the names of the Israelite tribes such as Rabani and levani Scholars and historians are divided on the validity of these claims but there's no denying the Persistence of these Traditions with the pashun numbering in the tens of millions the possibility that they could be descended from the Lost tribes adds a fascinating dimension to the broader
Narrative of the regathering of Israel in the end times four Igbo Jews Nigeria claiming descent from the tribes of GAD and zebulun the Igbo people of Nigeria have long maintained that they are descendants of the Lost tribes of Israel particularly the tribes of GAD and zebulun the Igbo people have a strong cultural tradition that includes practices similar to those found in Judaism such as circumcision on the e8th day dietary restrictions and the observance of certain religious festivals many Igbo believe their ancestors were among the Lost tribes scattered during the Assyrian Conquest while their claims have
not been widely recognized by the Jewish community at large there is growing interest in the igo's connection to ancient Israel many members of the Igbo Community have forly converted to mainstream Judaism in recent years and some have immigrated to Israel seeking to reconnect with their long lost Heritage their connection to the tribes of GAD and zebulun is part of a larger movement across Africa to uncover the Lost remnants of the 10 tribes raising the possibility that many more such groups could emerge in the future the lmba Zimbabwe and South Africa claiming descent from the tribe
of Levi the lber people living primarily in Zimbabwe and South Africa have long claimed to be descendants of ancient Israelites specifically the tribe of Levi the lmers oral tradition maintains that their ancestors migrated from the Middle East to Africa centuries ago their Customs including circumcision kosher like dietary restrictions and the observance of a Sabbath have intrigued Scholars for years recent DNA testing has lent some credibility to their claims a significant percentage of the lber population has been found to carry the Cohen modal haplotype a genetic marker associated with the Priestly line of Aaron which further
strengthens the argument that they are descendants of the tribe of Levi the lmers story is particularly fascinating because it suggests that the Priestly line of Levi though scattered has maintained a presence in in some of the most unexpected corners of the world their return both spiritually and physically may be part of the prophetic regathering of Israel the biblical prophecies the regathering of the Lost tribes the Bible makes it clear that the Lost tribes are not forgotten by God in fact their return is Central to the Endtime Prophecies of the Bible Ezekiel 37 provides one of
the most vivid descriptions of their eventual regathering in the valley of dry bones prophecy where God promises to breathe life back into the scattered tribes and reunite them with Judah I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel there will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two Nations or be divided into two kingdoms Ezekiel 37 22 this prophecy foretells a future time when the Lost tribes of Israel will be restored and reunited with the southern Kingdom of Judah forming a single unified Israel under
the Messiah this event is seen as a key moment in the unfolding of God's plan for the end times in Isaiah 11:12 the prophet speaks of the second regathering of Israel indicating that God will reach out one CE more to reclaim his people from across the world he will raise a banner for the Nations and gather the Exiles of Israel he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the Earth this verse is not just about the return from Babylonian exile it points to a much larger event a global regathering that
includes the Lost tribes of the northern kingdom many believe that this prophecy is being fulfilled in part through the return of groups like the bate Israel and Ben Israel and that the ultimate fulfillment will come with the return of all 12 tribes to their ancient Homeland in Revelation 7 we also see the 12 tribes of Israel represented once more as 144,000 individuals 12,000 from each tribe are sealed for protection during the Great Tribulation this passage reaffirms that even the Lost tribes have a part to play in God's final plan for Humanity then I heard the
number of those who were sealed 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel Revelation 7:4 the return of the Lost tribes is not just a historical curiosity it is a crucial part of biblical prophecy that will culminate in the Messianic age according to the Bible the Lost tribes will be restored reunited with Judah and will play a significant role in the end times particularly in the establishment of God's Kingdom on Earth this regathering will be a supernatural act of God a sign that the final days are near as groups claiming descent from the Lost tribes continue
to emerge the world watches for the Fulfillment of these ancient prophecies their reappearance is a reminder that God God's promises never fail and that the return of the Messiah is drawing closer the story of the 10 lost tribes of Israel is not over while their fate seemed uncertain for centuries the Bible assures us that God has not forgotten his people through groups like the BET Israel of Ethiopia and the pashun of Afghanistan we see the beginnings of their return prophecies in Isaiah Ezekiel and re ation tell us that these tribes will play a key role
in the end times when they will be gathered from the Far Corners of the earth and reunited with the tribes of Judah under the rule of the Messiah as we move closer to the Fulfillment of these prophecies the reappearance of the Lost tribes is a clear sign that God's ultimate plan for Israel and indeed the world is unfolding before our eyes if this deep di into the 12 tribes of Israel and their prophetic role in the end times intrigued you make sure to like subscribe and share this video from Deep Bible stories where we explore
how ancient prophecies are shaping our modern world
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