Why Young Thug Abandoned Gunna

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Young Thug has completely abandoned his best friend, Gunna, who is signed to his YSL label. And toda...
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that man told you should have went in there and kept your mouth closed Gunner applied for bail 90 times they denied him every time until you said what we needed you to say and now you can leave boy we got Gunner one of the biggest rappers goddamn it that agreed to cooperate and stood before the court and said y said y want to make this clear y'all a gang right yes ma'am and you did wrong right yes ma'am what anybody else can say that's in the game when Young Thug was pleading his case to be
released from jail he had a few conditions but among his most unexpected was his request that he would be able to work with the YSL s gunana once more as well as Mr Sergio Kens he's a phenomenal artist he goes perform a known as Gunner Mr Williams and Mr kitchens are contractually obligated and they frequently perform music this had the world shook because ever since his Proto J got out of prison it seems like the whole crew has outcasted him from his decision to take a deal leading him to be labeled as a snitch while
it seemed like Thugger wanted to pass things up when they were in the courtroom it appears that now as he's back in the outside world King Slime isn't so willing to let bygones be bygones So today we're diving deep into the events that led Young Thug to turn his back on a friend he once held so close is your boy Lea and this is why YSL can't forgive gunana as young thug finally emerged from behind the walls of the county jail the news that he went out of his way to mention his desire to continue
to work with ysl's most profitable artist other than himself had people looking at him up a little differently in fact they felt that hip-hop culture owed him a collective apology they even allowed themselves to get excited about the prospect of the Young Stoner life artists collaborating once more new music from these two after all the BS going on with them would be crazy but after that initial jolt of excitement the newly free Thugger was about to let the world know that he wasn't rocking with him in a way that they assumed this was made extremely
evident in a tweet by Thug who wrote GNA stop acting like we friends on the internet I don't know you my guy when you can consider how Thug used to view him this is a drastic shift it's my brother like he signed to me but it's like it's not even about a signature it's this this my real brother it's my real little brother I took him in we had a big homie named troop I got I used to have a gambling problem he was my gambling bu his name troop he gambl his life away and
he he brought Gunner to me like hey I want you to make take them under your wing and like these my little boys I really rais them take them under your wings make sure they okay but Gunna been around me six seven years he he in some of my old videos y'all won't even know it's him like just I'm just sh videos that relationship isn't artist label owner that's yeah I never received $1 from him for those hoping that Gunna would be welcomed back to Thug's good graces this was a harsh reality check but for
those who wanted to see Thug stand on business this was just what they wanted to see however within an instant the post was Gone with some speculating he was hacked and if not he'd probably claim he was just to ensure that it couldn't be seen as a violation of his strict parole conditions and sure that might have been the case if it weren't for the fact that Thug had already made it known that when it comes to snitches he has a zero tolerance policy because he's already risked his freedom to put informants on notice when
he tweeted this shortly after coming home from jail Wham let's drop one on these rats Peter with that Thugger let it be known that he didn't have any intention of forgiving those that he believed to have cooperated and according to DJ academics this certainly included Gunna I've been told y'all Thug told Dirk baby and a few other rappers that Gunna was no good while he was incarcerated meaning it ain't no way he can come back and justify rocking with Gunna when he told them not to rock with Gunna when he was locked he didn't stop
there as academics then Devo some details from inside Y cel's Camp about Thug's jail era album businesses businesses release and how it was intended to mess with gunana Thug originally wanted to drop on gunna's release date and was going to have baby and Durk as features those features didn't end up on his project but he literally sent a message to them saying I don't [ __ ] with him and I want to drop on his date still predict Young Thug to say he was hacked in a few but how many times he going to tell
yall that he doesn't [ __ ] with Gunna before y'all believe it Well for now Thug hasn't claimed ownership of the post but he hasn't denied it either as for Gunna fans this is terrible news after over a year of their guy being dragged and pushed out of Hip Hop's Inner Circle anything short of him standing side by side with Thug would just prove that he can't shake the reputation that got him Tangled in these accusations even while he's out there on the red carpet going to want it man you can't be in the city
doing all that ratting and [ __ ] R ass [ __ ] what but although his feelings seem clear why does Thug feel this way and is there any way for Gunna to ever have YSL look at him as more than just a cash cow ever again back in December of 2022 the hip-hop world was rocked by the news that the man who once said he was never going to be the one to turn on my brother when police got us detained on songs like lemonade had taken a plea to get out of the YSL
Rico indictment and in the process it looked like he might have thrown his label boss under the bus pleas state after statement whether or not you agree or acknowledge that the statements are true okay yes ma'am I became affiliated with YSL around 2016 is that true as it pertains to you Mr kitens yes ma'am YSL is a music label and a game and you have personal knowledge that members or Associates of YSL have committed crimes and Burg of the game yes ma'am you were present when enforcement officer stopped a vehicle in which you were present
along with Jeffrey Williams where in hydrocodone methamphetamines and a firearm were recovered these items did not belong to you yes ma'am almost as soon as the video hit the internet supporters of Thug and fellow rappers were outraged initially there was an intense online debate over whether Gunna actually snitched the debate stemmed over his decision to enter an Alfred plea which essentially meant that he admitted there was enough evidence to convict him without directly admitting guilt any information from Gunna could not be used against Thug in court to support his incarceration but for others it was
clear as day that what he did was snitching is Gunna a snitch you goddamn right you heard when that J say Gana you in the game he said yes Jana one of the many pushing this narrative was none other than Hip Hop's most infamous snitch tekashi 69 after essentially getting black ball from the entire industry after he was exposed for being a fake blood and ratted out the the entire nin tray Bloods gang to avoid over 40 years in prison Kashi was heated when he saw that gunana wasn't receiving the same treatment from the hip-hop
community did they say yes and we are a gang they they denied that till Sergio fat ass kitens winning that courtroom and admitted St playing a gun of it n I'm dead ass [ __ ] until he went into that courtroom the judge said YSL is a gang and a wreck label YSL committed crimes in furtherance of the gang to whatever whatever is that correct Mr kitchens what did he say yes ma'am so he just in he just incriminated implicated YSL being a gang so now his fat ass is home right all the people who's
locked up like Jeffrey like young thug now he he can't go with that defense he can't go with the defense of saying I'm a Rec label your man just CED out went home told open court told the court told the judge told the da yes yes it is a gang [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] gang however in the eyes of Charleston white tekashi and gunana snitching allegations are completely different he a goddamn Mican that we rainbow color hair how the [ __ ] he get over here with the blood gang member Killers
he ain't did nothing wrong T shaki n boy he did what anybody should do when you come from where he come from he didn't grow up with y'all y'all was kidnapping him doing them how we do white boys y'all was [ __ ] at baby mama so when the feds get him and they say Hey listen and they on the phone saying yeah [ __ ] I'm over here with a baby mom right now [ __ ] [ __ ] out the [ __ ] and we set him up to be robbed I'm supposed to
be loyal to y'all others like Tony yo literally said that gunna's career was going to be over after this the film in court came out and you know of course his lawyer wrote that he didn't write that his lawyer probably wrote that but now in these days when you got the camera it just look like you know they're going to say you pushing pleasee we ain't [ __ ] with Gunner because I mean in this business if you turn into a rat it's kind of like career's over I would have rather sat a little longer
cuz I was only in there for a year I would have sat a little longer than coming out to to what the internet do to you yeah because that's just my opinion as the internet caught wind some went out of their way to make an entire compilation video of all the times that Gunna swore he would never snitch on all of his songs be the one on my brother when police got aain [Music] wait a minute technically Young Thug should have saw this coming as Gunna once played a major role in helping Crim Stoppers after
snitching on his cousin which he had to address on so many occasions well talk to me Gunner talk to me about this this crime stopper video that everybody circulating they trying to use that against you what was that about I don't know what the [ __ ] that's about I don't Crime Stop well I ain't never stop the crime never so that's not even you on that video yes that's me but that was on no crime St I don't know what I don't know what the hell [ __ ] thinking about cuz I was in
no case or nothing so [ __ ] even like just saying like oh you snitch on who I was I was never in no case see what I'm saying but you know [ __ ] it be that that go back to internet [ __ ] I don't I don't really I don't really be feeding into it cuz [ __ ] don't know if you I really from the street where I'm from like if you snitch bro this [ __ ] isn't paperwork this [ __ ] is a document as the situation heated up and the
hip-hop Community began weighing in gunana and his legal team quickly shifted their focus to controlling the damage there is no allegation that he committed any act of violence they remarked there's no allegation that he ever sold any drugs there is no allegation that he ever committed any acts relating to obstruction of justice or interfering with the administration of justice Gunna did not snitch to get out of jail they added in a separate statement he said nothing and is not cooperating his police statement cannot be used in court against any other defendant so please stop spreading
lies likewise Gunna did whatever he could to differentiate what he had done from snitching in a statement he said while I have agreed to always be truthful I want to make it perfectly clear that I have not made any statements have not been interviewed have not cooperated have not agreed to testify or be a witness for or against any party in the case and have no intention on being involved in the trial process in any way from then on he tested the waters even further by making his return to Instagram and swearing his allegiance to
slime writing acting like they switching to a side but it's only one side # YSL the label #f free thug and Yak Gunna back but despite his assurances the network around Thug were not hearing it sure there were some people who heard him out such as Thug's sister Dolly white can y'all please St saying that people ready and people dis and that like it's not it's not making anybody better it's not making nothing um good bro like nothing that's going on is not making is not helping my brother so can y'all please stop that can
y'all please stop if y'all y'all love G then y'all give him support what y over there doing y'all tripping but for the most part both hip hop and YSL rejected him making a claims that Thugger put the word out to Major figures in the industry seem to hold weight first first there was blowback from Thug's brother unun who took to Instagram to say all that internet [ __ ] not pee he wrote using Gunna signature p emoji before adding I'm being humble with you for anyone unfamiliar p is a slang term that Gunna popularized in
his song pushing P then their sister and fellow YSL s haora unfollowed gunana signaling to many that Thug was truly cutting ties particularly when Lil got it and otherwise so let gunana know how he felt dropping a song titled don't call me twin shortly after he came home as for ysl's upper management they weren't exactly silent either YSL Mondo the co-owner of the label let the world know that he didn't agree with what gunar did boy you didn't supposed to do that my brother even though if you I didn't be talking to about everybody who
got Common Sense everybody who's been in the streets no you did not but you don't do no like that my brother I ain't going even hold you bro bro I always said bro he was a good genuine was everybody around him from there a steady stream of artists who once had been collaborators of both Gunner and thugs continue to draw the line in the sand for instance on 21 Savage's dedication to Thug on letter to my brother he took aim at w [Music] spitting then even one of gunna's closest friends and longtime rhyming Partners in
Lil Baby took aim too in a snippet that [Music] released and he didn't stop there during a live show his DJ played the intro to their icon IC track drip too hard only for little baby to shut it down on the grounds that Gunna was an informant and while this likely stung a little people figured that gunana had probably risen above this kind of drama like it sad that that's where they at both them dudes is heat wish we could get more but [ __ ] it I don't know if Gunna lose his sleep over
this I don't think he loses an ounce of sleep over this at all especially when your your music is doing is doing still your shows did what they did you ain't Miss A Beat As touched on in a previous video I did on gunna's post jail career he hasn't been deterred by what went down since his release after taking a plea deal and essentially snitching on someone he once called his brother Gunna defied All Odds as he continued to feed his fans while racking up successful albums in the process on top of that he did
it without the help of those artists who used to slide by for a feature on a regular basis but being that he's from Atlanta it must have hurt knowing that the biggest artist from there weren't siding with him anymore as even future took shots on tracks like alur where he [Music] said and Dirk declaring what happened to Virgil he probably going to tell referring to his song with Gunna it's obvious that some bridges have been burnt which can't be rebuilt without King Slime say so and unfortunately for Gunna Thug himself has thrown shade on track
Hellcat Kenny from business's business Thug took aim at the informance in all forms most of my slimes they loyal I ain't even got to look turning my back some of these slimes out here they be rat but while Thug didn't say names even Young Thug's kids dissed Gunna claiming that he's going to get smoked if he leaves La in a track which emerged online still not everyone in the Williams family is against him at every opportunity Thug's dad Jeffrey Williams Senior has come to gunna's defense and said that what he did has no negative impact
on his son's journey to Freedom how do you feel about gunana I love Gunner see that's the thing people don't understand the relationship they got this thing saying that Gunner is a rat and he's done this and done that no but she let let let me try to let me try to help the alterity clarify that a little simpler Gunner hasn't done anything whatsoever that can hurt us on this case and he didn't stop there whenever the subject comes up up he's Uncorked a scathing opinion of rappers who dis Gunna without doing anything to actively
help out Thug Beyond talking online at times how do you feel about little baby throwing shots at Gunner for his plea deal he need to shut the up cuz he don't know what's going on he's going off of what he what he heard ask him ask little baby have you ever came to a court date see that's that's what I want y'all to ask these goddamn rappers and these bloggers with this whole snitch [ __ ] and did did have when have y'all went 2 a court date to support sline however you want to name
it go on their social media pages and say why in the haven't you been at the courthouse to support your dude and I guarantee you you won't get an answer so that's how I feel everybody that hasn't been there needs to shut the up about gun as for gunana himself he has defended himself on wax whenever possible on the track bread and butter for example he let the world know that he was still putting in hours for yl even when he was getting hate from all sides H want to go and do work bring you
the damn profit hustled on my own I always did know how to sell product every rapper speaking on my name could have some real problems we are not the same ain't in my Lane I got my own column and he hasn't been afraid to diss others too claiming these rap boys need more streams heard he put my name on wax you wouldn't even believe I ain't even had to watch my back is them really talking how you think we done got snatched at times he's even addressed what doug was going through directly like on the
track I was just thinking in that song he tried to talk about his incarcerated Mentor the only way he knew how that's for walls talking to you telling you you gone only I don't cry cuz it's feeling for my bro and you know my mind you done watch that dude grow I know you hear the lies it's your little brother my folk yeah I had popped out but don't let him say I told even on his latest album 2024 is one of one he kept letting Thug and others know that there were no hard feelings
on his part such as the track Bittersweet where he said says shit's been rough but I ain't too tough to say I love and miss you you my dog I don't care if we fall out I can never diss you my fans coming through for me you think they entitled thinking about the crew again could we reunite them on the same project it seemed like there was a positive step forward when he got his first collab with an Atlanta rapper since the trial when offset teamed up with him on PRM and with a fellow trap
Icon by his side he took the opportunity to let the world know that he wasn't an informant once more declaring I set the trend I'm a trend setter I'm not a rat still getting cheddar and for all intents and purposes the evidence all suggests that he truly isn't a rat at least not according to Kodak Black's lawyer Bradford Cohen who has also gone out of his way to try and save his reputation and said that he shouldn't be treated alongside other notable snitches as he explained on Instagram in gunna's case his plea only affects the
defense of Young Thug if he was to blame gunana for drugs in the car other than that the statement doesn't come into trial Now versus 69 that was full on test ifying against codefendants and against others in the industry again not saying what's right or wrong but there is a distinct difference in the two situations despite everything it looks like Gunna still can't catch a break but what's clear is that he won't go out quietly in interviews he's maintained that he's not just a member of the roster but that the whole thing has been blown
out of proportion at every turn I definitely feel like everybody's been misled when you're being misled you got a choice to follow or make your own decisions and that's what's being shown right now you're being a follower or you're being neutral to be like I don't know what's their business or what they really got going on every time he does an interview the subject crops up and Gunna lets it be known that he's still on the label I'm still signing the w h I'm still providing like we still pushing like no paperwork has been changed
you know what I'm saying so it's like whatever's been getting and how we've been pushing this [ __ ] it's still going and over time it seemed like they were maybe warming back up to him before Thug said that he wanted to be able to work with him why is Alando changed his tune too and even apologized for his role in vilifying Gunna I ain't have to go on the internet and just bash him out like that you feel what I'm saying even though hey man I said what I said I can't take it back
it's it's done and hey man I got his it is what it is but during an interview he even showed that they had been conversing again when I got out I I dm'd him and we talk you feel what I'm saying so it ain't it ain't like it was just something I just L did it was already on my on my mind slick you feel what I'm saying it was on some sh that but with Thug allegedly reaffirming that Gunner was to be kept out in the dark is Led people to wonder why he fought
to work with him in the first place well in that sense booy has an explanation and it really all comes down to the fact that there's money to be made and they they already say Thug Gunner was a rat when he red him about his cousin [ __ ] so Thugger was like me he thinking man I know this [ __ ] ain't like that but this [ __ ] can rap I'm going to get this [ __ ] money some some time we [ __ ] it up like that taking off our street [
__ ] trying to chase that bag and that's what he do he knew that [ __ ] wouldn't built like that this ties into academics' Intel on what was going down as he said it was all about the label not about rekindling their friendship Thug had to carve out communicating with gunana in the plea deal because there is Biz still to be done he has gunana in contracts that aren't completed if he was barred from having any communication with gunana that would have gave gunana a legal out in trying to get out of the deal
the whole thing has the world confused because although he wants to reap the rewards of his musical career Thug is still applying the rules of the streets to his viewpoint on gunana basically he wants the Best of Both Worlds and the whole thing has people wondering if the growth that Thug spoke about as he was preparing to exit jail was just lip service the more Thug talks the more I feel like he hasn't learned from the situation Thug going back to jail with that mentality while Thug seems intent on keeping gunana in his place the
rapper maintains that everything is all good or at least he does publicly because in a response to Thug's tweet about how they weren't friends gunna's brother clapped back and let it be known that he didn't like thug anymore either trust and believe the fing is mutual left without his chosen family in the ATL rap scene his brother's words Echo gunna's recent focus on reconnecting with his own flesh and blood family means everything to me because it start with family like before friends you know what I'm saying before the neighborhood before the world you know what
I mean so like family is everything and now that the street talk can't hit like it used to he's also moving into a new realm musically that's removed from the streets I might do this love album might do like not all just love songs but just a pocket of songs that's just like just more intimate songs like I think I'm I think that's going to be the next album for me at the moment it seems like there are no signs of reconciliation with Thug and gunana the minute that gunana admitted that YSL was a gang
his career was was permanently altered and with it some of the personal and professional relationships that were once so important to him because now Thug has been posted up in the studio with familiar faces like Travis Scott future and L baby all the while Gunna the man that he allegedly fought to record again with once more while in front of the judge was not to be seen while Thugger is getting back to business in Rapid fashion his dad still feels there's bigger issues than Gunna with big Jeff blasting those artists who stayed away from the
courthouse and are now flocking back to Thug's side we got all these we got everybody all these rappers and everybody trying to find find Young Thug they want to talk to Young th they want to dis that in order where your ass been for 29 months why your ass ain't why y'all ass ain't been out there protesting for his constitutional rights being violated y'all are the ones considered to be the influencers ain't influen and [ __ ] if the fton County DA's intention was to disrupt YSL then they definitely managed to do so the only
problem is that the main person who lost out was a man who seems to have been a victim of Hip Hop's unwavering approach to alleged informant and beyond that the fans who have been robbed of a partnership that looks like it'll never be the same ever again it's your boy Lua and if you guys enjoyed this video on Yell you can check out my other Deep dive that I did into gun's moves since he got out and how he kept his place in rap afloat or you can click the other video on the screen till
next time my friends peace
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