8 Signs Your Body Is Begging for Vitamin D

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What are the signs of vitamin D deficiency? Vitamin D greatly influences the systems of our body fro...
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[Music] eight signs your body is begging for vitamin D ever since your childhood your parents teachers and doctors seem to be on repeat take your vitamins eat this it has this vitamin drink that it'll give you that vitamin well this sense of urgency isn't without reason a vitamin deficiency can take a huge toll on your health today we're focusing on the extremely important vitamin D what signs show a deficiency how serious is the problem and what can you do to get more of it keep watching to find out be sure to click subscribe and ring
the notification bell to join us on the bright side now let's take a look at some common symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency starting with number one you sweat excessively of course sweating is a totally normal thing especially if you've just taken a long run or it's a particularly hot day sweating that seems a little excessive or not brought on by anything particularly obvious however can be a sign that you're lacking vitamin D if you notice that you're sweating excessively even if it's not that hot out you may want to ask your doctor about it
as for any new parents out there it's worth noting that infants who sweat excessively are often suspected of having a vitamin D deficiency to your bones often ache as you get older it's pretty common to experience sore joints and aching bones but bone pain can be a sign of a vitamin D deficiency you've probably heard that you need calcium for strong bones well it can't do much for you without vitamin DS help without vitamin D your bones can't absorb the necessary amount of calcium to create healthy bone tissue causing a weakening of the bones known
as osteomalacia this can lead to a sensitivity in your bones which can result in fractures and bone diseases like osteoporosis number three you have muscle pain have you ever noticed that your muscles feel sore and take a while to get back to normal after a workout this is pretty normal since exercising causes microscopic tears in the muscle fibers that take some time to heal however if you feel like your muscles become sore really easily and for long amounts of time it may be because you're not getting enough vitamin D in addition to aching bones and
muscles a lack of vitamin D can cause chronic pain throughout the entire body this debilitating condition is known as fibromyalgia and it makes life a living nightmare for those who suffer from it number four you get sick all the time suffering from your fourth or fifth virus this year it may be because a lack of vitamin D is causing your immune system to work poorly in her 2011 study dr. Cynthia aronow of the Feinstein Institute for medical research found that vitamin D did more than just help with bone health she saw that cells in the
immune system were actually able to synthesize when exposed to vitamin D what does that mean Erin now believes that people with autoimmune diseases could be treated with vitamin D so next time cold and flu season comes around make sure you're prepped with lots of vitamin D in your body number five you can't seem to stay energized it's 4 p.m. and you feel like you have to break TSA's eyelids and barely have the strength to get up from your desk sound familiar there could be quite a few reasons for this feeling like staying up a little
too late the night before but it can also be due to a lack of vitamin D if you feel unusually fatigued every day and can't seem to shake it it may be worth talking to a doctor about it I know it's really tasty and refreshing but relying on coffee all the time isn't always the best solution number 6 when you get cuts or bruises they take forever to heal does it seem like your small wounds and injuries take longer to heal than everyone else's there could be a couple of reasons for this sometimes people who
smoke experienced slower healing on their wounds due to low oxygen levels in their body that are brought on by this bad habit but this kind of slow healing can also be because of a lack of say it with me vitamin D if you happen to have diabetes and notice your wounds taking forever to heal you should pay special attention to the levels of vitamin D in your body according to scientists and medical experts like dr. Nancy Munoz a doctor of Clinical Nutrition vitamin D can positively affect blood and cholesterol levels and stabilize them people with
diabetes tend to have issues with both those things so keeping an eye on vitamin D levels can be especially crucial to their health number seven you notice more hair falling out of your head than usual the average person loses anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs from their head every day scary right but if you suffer from a lack of vitamin D you can lose way more than that at least enough to notice that something's definitely not right some hair loss treatments use vitamin D to help combat the issue but things like genetics and other disorders
could also be the culprit if you suffer from an unusual amount of hair loss it's best to consult your doctor to find the root of the problem no pun intended number 8 you can't shake the feeling of sadness depression is no joke many people who struggle with depression experience a lack of appetite fatigue and in some cases actual physical pain but what does vitamin D have to do with depression quite a bit believe it or not according to Psychology Today vitamin D is the only vitamin that is also a hormone once ingested or absorbed through
the skin vitamin D releases neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin that have a strong impact on how the brain works in studies on the relationship between vitamin D and depression scientists discovered traces of the vitamin on cells found in the regions where depression resides because of this a treatment that includes a dose of vitamin D can help treat depression and other anxiety disorders in some people of course there are many different causes of depression and everyone's individual case is different but if you're suffering from depression or anxiety it's a good idea to talk to your doctor
about the possibility of a vitamin D deficiency okay so now you know what to look for when it comes to a lack of vitamin D but what can you do to get more of it and prevent your body from developing a vitamin D deficiency again in the future well eating foods rich in vitamin D is a great way to start foods that contain vitamin D include fatty fish like salmon herring and sardines orange juice soy milk cheese egg yolks mushrooms oysters and shrimp along with including more of those foods in your diet vitamin D can
also be attained by spending time outside according to the Arthritis Foundation spending 10 to 15 minutes in the Sun every other day or so can help replenish your vitamin D levels even sitting by an open window can help give you more vitamin D just don't forget to be mindful of sun damage and wear sunscreen and protective clothing before you head out one of the most straightforward ways to get more vitamin D is to take a supplement but even if you have a few of the symptoms from this list it's important not to self-diagnose even if
you are pretty sure you're lacking vitamin D you should always consult your doctor before downing any kind of vitamin supplements while vitamin D has the word vitamin in it that doesn't mean it can't be harmful ever hear of the saying too much of a good thing yeah getting too much vitamin D is actually possible while overdosing on vitamin D is pretty rare it does happen so pay attention to your intake symptoms of a vitamin D overdose can include nausea constipation and confusion to name a few as with most things in life balance is key do
you suspect that you might have a vitamin D deficiency let us know which symptoms you've experienced down in the comments don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life [Music]
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