Be Patient With Yourself-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer

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Joyce Meyer Ministries
Discover the power of patience with Joyce Meyer's full sermon, "Be Patient With Yourself." Learn how...
Video Transcript:
[Music] well thank you for joining us today on Enjoying Everyday Life and the subject that I want to talk to you about today is one that I think will really help you enjoy your life more I'm going to talk to you today about being patient with yourself see good already already makes me feel like I can relax be patient with yourself you know the Bible says that we are to work out our Salvation it doesn't say we're to work for our Salvation because salvation is a free gift given to us by the grace of God
that is received by us through faith we can't save ourselves we can't do anything to be good enough to deserve or earn what Jesus did for us it's a gift we receive it by Faith but once we have that salvation once God has given us everything that we need he's put it on the inside of us then the Bible says that we are to work it out work out your salvation not in your own strength for it is God who is all the while working inside of you so it's really talking about spiritual maturity our
growing up just like our children grow up we all were a child at one time but we had to grow up so we grow and mature spiritually Philippians 2:12 and13 therefore my dear friends as you have always obeyed not only in my presence but now much more in my absence continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling you see God wants what's in in us to be worked out into our soul and then seen through our bodies so people can see the image of Christ shining through US Bible tells us in Romans 8
I believe it is that we are destined to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ that image has been captured on the inside of us but now it has to be brought to fullness or to fruition so people can see Jesus working through us we are to be Christlike in our character if we don't grow spiritually then no matter what Jesus died for us to have we're never going to have it or really enjoy it I like what I I read in the book that I'm reading by Billy Graham recently he said we have
been Sanctified which means made holy in perfected we are being Sanctified and we will be perfectly Sanctified which means glorified when Christ come comes to bring us to our Heavenly home so I love that we have it spiritually but this sanctification our Holiness our spiritual maturity is something that the Holy Spirit then works not only in US but through us and out of us and it happens in degrees and stages and it just takes time and so you're going to enjoy your life a lot more if you learn to be patient with yourself while you're
growing the Bible says from glory to glory to glory so I always encourage people you're in a glory right now but it may not be the same Glory that somebody else you know is in they could be behind you in their spiritual growth they could be ahead of you in their spiritual growth but we don't need to worry about where other people are we only need to let God deal with us and please get this be patient with yourself you are not going to enjoy your journey with God yes I said it's a journey you
know how little kids are you get in the car to take them on a long trip are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet and we're kind of the same way with God we always want things to go faster than what they do work out your salvation with fear and trembling not in your own strength for it is God who is all the while at work in you so our what we're to do is cooperate with the work that the holy spirit is trying to do in us and the Bible uses
the word yield quite a bit we are to yield you know when you're driving and you see a yield sign it means that you have to yield to other traffic that's going to be crossing your path well we need to always yield to the Holy Spirit anytime he crosses our path and wants us to do something we don't want to do or to stop doing something that's wrong that we want to continue doing being obedient to God sounds hard sometimes but it is the best thing that we can possibly do because that's when full Joy
comes now the Bible says in Matthew 5:48 be perfect even as your father in Heaven is perfect well that scripture used to really put pressure on me because I I would try so hard to do everything right and yet it just never really worked out that I was doing everything right and I'm sure you had the same experience when we fall in love with Jesus we want to do things right and sometimes it seems like the more we try to do what's right the more we end up doing what's wrong and I did not understand
what was wrong well for one thing I was trying to do it by myself instead of asking God to help me but I'm so thankful for the Amplified translation of Matthew 5:48 because here's what it means to be perfect you there for must be perfect now here it comes growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character having re reached the proper height of virtue and integrity even as your father in Heaven is perfect so be ye perfect keep growing in God keep cooperating with the Holy Spirit and little by little from glory to
glory there will be changes that the holy spirit will make in you and each one of those changes will help you be more into more conformed into the image of Jesus Christ now I like to use this example sometimes and this is a pathetic example but we're going to say that that this mold represents Jesus we are to be molded into the image of Christ well the word of God says that if any man be in Christ he's a new creature all things have passed away and All Things become brand new so I like to
say that we're like new spiritual clay in other words all the old things that passed away and God's got a brand new canvas to start with and he does a perfect work on the inside of us as a believer in God you have all the fruit of the spirit in you you have been made right with God through Christ you've got a perfect heart toward God but your behavior may not be perfect yet so therefore this work of the Holy Spirit has to be done in you some of it is not real comfortable matter of
fact I would say a lot of it is not uncomfortable and that depends how uncomfortable it is depends really on how stubborn we are how fast we yield so we're going to say this is us this new spiritual clay and there is a molding process remember it says that we're destined to be molded into the image of Jesus Christ now if this clay had feelings I'm sure right now it would be saying that doesn't feel very good stop it stop it stop it but God can't stop he has to continue doing the work so we
can become what he wants us to be so let's just say now I'm still not quite the right shape I got to keep at this just a little bit about to get there okay now wow all right now I can be molded into the image of Jesus but what's going to happen here well I'm going to find that there's too much of me to fit into the image of Christ so some things are going to have to go maybe I talk too much about things I shouldn't be talking about so God has to deal with
me and that part of me has to go maybe my thoughts are not what they should be and it's hurting me more than I could ever imagine so God begins to deal with me about my thoughts and that has to go or maybe I'm full of self-pity and I just waste days sitting around feeling sorry for myself and so that's the next thing God deals with me about you know God doesn't deal with us about everything all at once he deals with us as the timing is right and he just keeps it up and keeps
it up and keeps it up up until eventually well there we are you know what it takes a lifetime to get it perfected but we have nothing better to do than to work with God cooperating with the Holy Spirit to be all that God wants us to be doesn't that sound good right now how many of you want to be all that God want you to be and you're ready to take up your cross and follow him to take up your cross doesn't mean that you're going to have all kinds of horrible tragic things happen
in your life I believe that taking up the cross is being willing to live an unselfish life that's not centered around us but is centered around the will of God don't be stubborn yield be clay that's soft and moldable you're a new creature I had the the team here get me new clay because I didn't want to start with some old hard dried up Clay If any man be in Christ he is a new creature he's new spiritual clay all that he needs he has he just needs to let the Holy Spirit work with him
and get rid of things that are only going to hurt him but he doesn't yet know that that's all they're going to do now you know I've got a Polaroid camera here so I'm sure you know how these things work you let's just say I'm going to take a picture of Amanda over here she's over there behind the camera and you can't see her but I can see her so I'm going to now I have captured Her Image but this is going to take about 10 minutes of being exposed to the light before I can
see this image well the image of Christ has been captured on the inside of you but it's going to take more than 10 minutes it's going to take years for that full image of Christ to be seen through you matter of fact if I just stood here for 10 minutes and watched this gradually very gradually I'd start to see something and at first I would say what is that that that doesn't look like it's going to be anything but ultimately I'm going to have a picture of Amanda and when it comes through I'll show it
to you now here's a regular camera like I guess a lot of people still use these but people used to use these and I did something to it it's making a noise here so this kind of camera you're not going to get as faster a result as we did with that Polaroid camera that's more of a new new design but the older cameras you took your picture the shutter opens long enough to let the light in when the light comes into your life you get that Glimpse that image of what you can be in Christ
but then this film has to go through even a longer process and it has to be taken into a dark room isn't that interesting that the picture fully develops in a dark room before anybody can actually see what it is well some of you may not like this but that dark room represents some of the difficult things that we go through that we probably don't understand and don't like and don't want that even confuse us and we just don't get it but it's in those more difficult times that we really grow in our walk with
God you know patience the Greek dictionary says is a fruit of the spirit that grows only under trial how can you learn to be patient if you don't have anything to be patient about most people have no interest at all and praying for patience because they know what's going to happen when they do they're going to have trouble and I understand that I prayed for years and years and years for God to make me patient and I felt like nothing at all was happening well what was happening I was growing in patience and you know
there's so many stories in the Bible about people who went through difficult times and they came out on the other side very very Victorious ious James 1:3 says be assured and understand that the trial and the proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience well I've very often said they brought a lot of stuff out of me before we ever got around to patience you know you never really know the real you until you watch how you react and respond in difficulty that's where you can really see the character of a person
when they don't get their way or when something unjust happens to them and God asked them to walk in love toward the person that treated them unjustly I don't know what you might be going through right now but there's a pretty good chance that many of you maybe even most of you are going through some kind of difficulty in your life even right now and I want to encourage you during this time not when it's over and your problems are all fixed but during this time to let people will see Christ shining through you every
time that you're in a dark place something wonderful happens if you don't give up your faith in Daniel it said there were three men Shadrach Meshach and abedo they were friends of Daniel who were thrown into the furnace of Affliction or the fiery furnace because they refus to Bow Down and Worship the king they they were determined to worship God and God alone and because of that there was a furious command given to throw them into the furnace well they made a right decision and the King got so mad he said turn that furnace up
seven times hotter than it normally is now you know what it's really challenging when you do the right thing and it seems that you get a totally wrong result perhaps maybe you just first start giving of your finances to the work of the Lord and it looks to you like all of a sudden you're having nothing but one financial problem after another well that can be a test to see if you're giving just to get something else or if you're giving because you really love God and just want to see his gospel preached so if
you stick with it and you keep sewing and giving what God tells you to give you will reap and do time if you don't faint and quit and give up you know we didn't get in the trouble that we find ourselves in or have our lives messed up the way they are with one mistake and we're not going to get out of trouble through one right choice we have to continue in the word of God and we have to keep doing what's right and keep doing what's right and keep doing what's right and eventually wow
all of a sudden we're not the person that we used to be we've learned how to behave the way way that Jesus behaves well as we read these Scriptures it says so these men wearing their robes were bound and thrown in to the fiery furnace now I want you to get that they were bound when they went into the furnace and these three men firmly tied fell into the furnace then the king leaped to his feet in amazement and asked his advisers weren't there three men that we tied and threw into the fire and they
said certainly your majesty and he said well look I see four men loose I love that they went in Bound they came out loosed and you know that's the way it is with our problems we can go in with some kind of bondage in our life and it may have even been that very bondage that caused a problem in our life God's been dealing with us and dealing with us but we have not yielded we have not submitted we have not obeyed and so this trial comes along and maybe it's just the enemy trying to
destroy us and God permits it because he knows that he's going to work something good out of it that's going to make you a better person and help you be more spiritually mature they went in Bound but they came out loosed and guess what the king saw well we put three men in there but now I see four men in there and one of them looks like a son of the Gods you know what you're never going to be alone in the dark places of your life Jesus is always going to be right there with
you whether you feel like he is or he isn't and for those of you that are struggling right now even as you watch me you may have tears streaming down your face but let me tell you that Jesus is with you right now and he has a plan to bring good out of this situation that you're going through I really want you to get a hold of that today this is going to end well I can't tell you when but I know if you don't give up if you keep believing God will keep working now
Lamentations 3:6 says you made me to dwell in darkness like those long dead Psalm 94:12 and13 says bless bless happy fortunate to be envied is the man whom you discipline and instruct oh Lord and teach out of your law now listen to this that you may give him the power to keep himself calm in the days of adversity I love that might as well say that he's saying you're going to go through things you don't like and go through things you don't like and go through things you don't like until you learn how to be
calm during those times see God wants us to be so spiritually mature that we don't behave any different when we're in times of trial than we do when everything is going wonderful in our life that's called stability Jesus didn't get upset in the storm he stayed peaceful the disciples got upset they still had some growing to do and I love this scripture Isaiah 453 I will give you the treasures of Darkness isn't that beautiful that just makes me feel so good you say Joyce what in the world does that mean well it means that even
in these dark and difficult places in our life there are Treasures in there that we're going to come out with and you will come out what you're going through right now is not the end it may be the very beginning of something more wonderful than what you can even imagine and I know when you're hurting you may think lady you are crazy there's no way that anything good can be worked out of this well I share on a regular basis as part of my testimony that I was sexually abused by my father abandoned to the
abuse by my by my mother who knew what was happening and didn't do anything about it abused sexually by several other family members because there was a spirit of incest in my father's bloodline and at the time I thought I would never have a decent life I couldn't think of anything worse than what was I was going through and I prayed and I asked God for deliverance he didn't deliver me but he did get me through it and you know what I have such a wonderful life now and God has used the things that happened
to me to help literally millions of people all over the world whether you've gone through something like that or whether you're hurting in some other way pain is pain but I'm living proof and many of you are too that God can take anything bad that happens in your life and he can turn it around for good let your mess become your message let your mess become your Miracle Matthew 10:27 what you tell in the dark you will speak in the daylight and you know what that's exactly what I'm doing today what I learned in the
dark times of my life I am now speaking in the daylight and I believe that what I'm saying today is helping people all over the Earth this message is going out by television in over a hundred languages how wonderful is that I only speak English but through technology and through translators we can get this to people in all kinds of languages and you know what no matter where you live in the earth we we all have the same kinds of problems they may not be exactly the same but pain is pain and we all go
through dark times and we all need to know that we're going to come out on the other side much better than what we were when we went in and you need to be patient in the process of change that God is working in you because being impatient is only going to make it worse well do we have a picture of Amanda yet yep there she is just as sure as I'm standing here there's Amanda well we still got to take the film out of this and take it to the dark room and let it develop
in there I hope you're seeing my analogies here of what God is trying to teach us today you know what God loves you so much and he's never going to let anything happen in your life that's not going to work out for your good if you continue to trust him you know if you watch the program yesterday I started doing a teaching about being patient with yourself during spiritual growth that God does a great work on the inside of us when we're born again if any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things
pass away All Things become new I said we become like new spiritual clay but there's a work that has to be done to get the good things in US worked out through our soul and even seen through our bodies because no matter how much good stuff I have on the inside of me if the world can't see it it's not going to help them so our Behavior I want everybody to get that our behavior is very important it's wonderful to say you have a good heart or my heart was right and that's great not putting
that down at all but we need to move Beyond just having a right heart to also having right behavior and that is a process it's going to take time and while you're growing you can enjoy where you're at on the way to where you're going you need to celebrate the progress you've made and not just always always focus on how far you have to go Jesus said when he left the Earth that he would send the Holy Spirit and he said you'll be better off if I go away because if I don't go away I
can't send the Holy Spirit well let me ask you how could we possibly be better off without Jesus well he was in one human body and could only be one place at one time working with one person but the holy spirit is a spirit and he can be living in each one of us and working with each one of us all at the same time I'm just going to have big faith today and say I believe there's at least a million people watching the TV program today and you know what all of you are in
a little different place spiritually some of you have not even accepted Christ as your savior yet some of you are like little baby Christians you were just recently born again some of you have been walking with God for many many many years and you are perhaps very spiritually mature but there's people all along the path in different circumstances and you know what you're all going to hear what I say but you may hear it differently depending on where you're at in the Lord and one of the things that I want to tell you right off
the bat is that there are no overnight successes everybody wants to start something and be a success and have it great and wonderful all at once you know we're so interested today in instant everything you can get instant pudding and instant film development and instant coffee and just instant anything but you cannot get instant spiritual maturity please hear that you can microwave stuff today you can zap it what used to maybe take hours to cook in the oven can be cooked in a short period of time in a microwave but there is no microwave spiritual
maturity we have to go through to get through Deuteronomy 7:22 says that God delivers us from our enemies little by little wo don't you don't I don't I just don't like that word little I much prefer the word big I'd rather go from Big to bigger and from great to Greater but this says that we're going to defeat our enemies little by little and interestingly enough the scripture in Deuteronomy 7:22 says the Lord your God will drive out those Nations before you little by little you will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once
otherwise the beasts of the field will multiply around you now if I look at that spiritually and see what kind of lesson I'm supposed to get spiritually I believe that what God wants us to understand is that if we had quick deliverance from all of our problems all at once we would be so proud and you know what happens when you're proud you begin to take the credit that belongs only to God for yourself and honestly when you're delivered from something quickly you do not understand why perhaps it takes somebody else such a long time
to do what you did quickly this is just an example my husband and I both smoke cigarettes when we first started our journey with god well I don't believe there's going to be a smoking section in heaven neither do I think that it's going to send a person to hell but it's just not a good thing it's not a healthy thing and it's usually not even really a good witness well I had always said I just know I could never quit smoking I could never quit smoking if I ever quit smoking I'd gain weight well
I had already talked myself into a hole before I ever started trying to dig my way out of it Dave on the other hand said Lord I'm not even going to try to quit until you take the desire away from me you know what Dave quit smoking the next day and never had a problem with it after that but oh no not me I suffered I had a hard time I'd quit and start and quit and start well you know what I didn't understand why Dave got it so easy and it was so hard for
me but then God began to reveal to me that many times he had had to allow me to go through things so I would understand what the people that I was going to teach were going through so I get it if you come to me and say I'm having a hard time getting over this or I'm having a hard time giving this up or giving that up so God wanted to use me in one way and Dave in another way so he could deal with Dave in a different way than he could deal with me
you know what God has an individual plan for you and don't look at how he deals with somebody else and have a bad attitude because he's dealing with you differently than he is with them and if something happened for you really fast don't be judgmental and critical toward people that don't get it quite as fast as you did God has to deliver us little by little so we don't get into Pride transformation takes time the word transformation in the Greek is the same it's it's a word word metamorpho from which we get our word metamorphous
and that's what we talk about when we talk about a caterpillar a worm a lowly worm crawling around on the ground becomes a beautiful amazing one-of-a-kind butterfly I don't think there could be any better analogy of what happens to the person who comes to Christ as a lowly worm with nothing but sin and eventually they're turned in to the image of Jesus Christ well you know it's interesting about this metamorphous because this worm that's crawling around on the ground when it comes time for this change to take place and maybe some of you you're like
I know I need I know I just need change I don't even know what it is that I need well maybe you need to surrender your life to Christ or maybe you have surrendered your life to Christ but there's a lot of things in your life that you have not surrendered yet you've taken him as your savior but haven't made him your lord there's a lot of areas in you that he can't fill because they're still full of you so I believe that everybody watching today hope is going to be shown something by God that
will help them grow spiritually in some area in your life the caterpillar ultimately when it knows that it's time for this change crawls up a tree and gets on a branch I've heard it said usually the back side of the branch and they spin a cocoon around them themselves eles attaching themselves to the branch and then just it appears if you're watching it nothing nothing happens do you feel like that right now like man nothing is happening in my life I've prayed I've crawled up on my Branch I'm waiting for God to do something and
nothing is happening but you know if you could see inside that cocoon you could see that a lot is is happening God's got something prepared for you but now he has to prepare you for what he has prepared maybe God has some great thing for you to do in life but you're not ready quite yet what he has for you is prepared but you're not prepared invite God to do in your life what he wants to do and ask him every day to cooperate with him rather than fighting with him oh God help me help
me cooperate with the work that you want to do in me I've even prayed things like God if you have to tie me to your altar so I can't get away from you no matter how bad I want to run from what you're doing in my life and it's said that that worm completely turns into liquid which is kind of indicative of what has to happen to us sometime we just have to just turn into just like whatever you want God and then this butterfly begins to develop well I heard a story about a man
who saw this butterfly struggling in the Cocoon trying to get out if you watch it all the way through the process you can see the struggle as it tries to break through the Cocoon and he helped the butterfly thought he was by opening the Cocoon before it was ready come on there's a message here I want you to get this and you know what the butterfly died don't try to rush what God's doing let it take all the time it needs to take and be patient just enjoy where you're at on the way to where
you're going and on those days when you get very discouraged remind yourself that even though you don't see it you don't see any sign of it at all God is doing a work in you Philippians 1:6 says that he that hath begun a good work in you is well able to bring it to its finish you know there's a story in the Bible about transformation we call it the story of the prodical son but let's take a look at this story today Jesus said there was a man who had two Sons Luke 15 beginning in
verse 11 and the younger one said to his father father give me my share of the estate so the father divided the property between his two sons now the very fact that the boy asked for his share of the estate before it was time shows spiritual immaturity in those days to ask your father for your inheritance while he was still alive was equivalent to saying I wish you were dead we get in such a big hurry about getting things that we're not ready to have yet so many of us think we're ready for promotion we're
ready for this we're ready for Ministry we're ready we're ready well you know what you're ready when God says you're ready and when he says you're ready when he sees you're ready he will open the right doors for you at the right time and you'll be able to be a true success not somebody who has a false start and ends up getting disqualified not long after that after that the younger son set got together all that he had and he set off for a distant country and there he squandered his wealth in Wild Living Well
that proves where he was at spiritually doesn't it after he had spent everything there was a severe famine that came on the whole country and he began to be in need so he went and he hired himself out to a citizen of that country who sent him in the field to feed pigs my my and he he was so hungry it said he longed to fill his stomach with the same thing the pigs were eating my my my here we go from this young boy living on a wonderful estate with his father who loved him
very much and I'm sure there was great joy and he had a great life but because he wanted what he shouldn't have had before he should have had it now we find him being willing to eat with pigs when he came to his senses and thank God we can always come to our senses isn't that good maybe somebody right now is going to come to their senses and say what am I doing maybe you're one of the ones that's doing something that's similar to eating with the pigs and he said when he when he came
to his senses he said how many of my father's hired servants have food to spare and here I am starving to death I will go back to my father isn't that good news that you you can always go back to God he's waiting for you he wants you back if you've backslid or Fallen away from him if once you were serving God and then you chose a life of sin again the devil will try to tell you that God will never have you back but he is a liar and God is waiting for you to
come home he said I will say father I have sinned against you against heaven and against you and I'm no longer worthy to be called your son just make me like one of your hired servants he left in Pride and he came back in humility that's what a trip that ends up the way his did wanting to eat with the pigs will do to you that's what time in a dark place will do for you the Bible talks about I will give you the treasures of Darkness you know this boy was in a very dark
place but it had a great out come because he went in in Pride and he came out with humility humility is a beautiful thing humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that in due time he may exalt you come on somebody needs to hear that again humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that in due time he may exalt you stop trying to make something happen yourself and be willing to pray about it and wait on God's perfect timing in your life so he got up and he went to his father while he
was still a long way off his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him and he ran to his son now the thing that's so amazing about this is in this culture old men did not run it was considered like just an improper thing to do but the father got so excited he didn't care what anybody thought he ran to his son and you know what if you're even thinking about turning in God's direction today he is so excited that he's already waiting for you with open arms he's running toward you and all
you have to do is take a step in the right direction there's a phone number on your screen and if you want to have a relationship with God through Christ you're ready to receive Christ as your savior we i' like you to call that number and somebody will pray with you and you can invite Jesus Christ into your life to be your lord and your savior come on God's arms are open he's waiting for you to come back to Him Father I've sinned against heaven and against you I'm no longer worthy to be called your
son and the father long way off saw the boy and was running toward him the son said father I've sinned against heaven and against you I'm no longer worthy to be called your son but the father said to his servants quick bring the best robe and put it on him put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet bring the fatted calf and kill it let's have a feast and celebrate you know what I can guarantee you that this boy when he came back was still far from perfect but he'd made a little
bit of progress and God said let's have a party and let's celebrate well you know what I really believe strongly in celebrating your progress instead of being depressed and discouraged about how far you have to go well there was another brother there he's called the elder brother that pretty much tells us he was older than the younger boy and obviously should have had more wisdom do you realize that the more years you live the more wisdom you should have well he heard the sound of the music and he got all upset what what does this
mean and so the servants told him your brother's come back your father's having a big party he's killed the fatted calf blah blah blah and boy the elder brother got mad you know he's like that old sour religious person who wants everybody to earn and deserve everything and he was mad because he didn't think the brother deserved a party you know what God will do things for you that you don't deserve when you deserve punishment he'll give you Mercy if you're willing to ask for it so the father begged him to come into the party
but it said he would not go in you know what some of you because of wrong attitudes there's a party going on that God's invited you to but you're staying on the outside saying I won't go in because maybe there's somebody in the party that you don't think deserves to be there don't be so quick to judge other people when God is blessing someone and you don't think they deserve it you have no idea what's going on in that person's life and you need to be willing to accept what God is doing not what you
think he should do and then you know he started complaining to his father I've done this and I've done that and you know this son of yours wasted all your money with loose women and blah blah blah and you never gave me a party and I love this he said my son you are always with me and everything I have is yours but we had to celebrate and be glad because this brother of yours was dead and he is alive again wow don't miss out on what God has for you because you've got some Sour
stiff attitude maybe a little resentful because things haven't gone the way you wanted them to in your life and then you see somebody else come along and it seems to you like things are really easy for them and they were hard for you you know many times it's hard on older siblings when there's a baby of the family who seems to have everything so easy and things were harder on them growing up we went through some of that and I'm sure many of you have too don't be like that be glad for people that don't
have to go through what you want through and be happy for the blessings that God is giving them in their life the Bible says that we have to continue if you ever want to get to the end of where God's trying to take you in the realm of spiritual maturity if you ever want to be what God really wants you to be and have what he wants you to have then you have to continue you continue in the word of God you continue spending time with God you continue in prayer you continue doing what's right
instead of doing what's wrong Galatians 6:9 says says let us not become weary in well-doing for in due time you shall reap if you faint not John 8:31-32 if you continue in my word you are really my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free I can tell you flipping my program on every now and then and watching it you may enjoy it and you're it's there for you you watch it anytime you want to and I believe it'll help you but if there's any way you can the way
you're going to get the most help is if you can watch it every day every single day and reading your Bible once in a while whenever you're desperate well that's good but you won't have as many desperate times if you'll stay in the word of God on a regular basis and another thing the Bible says that we're to continue in is to continue in the love of God in other words all the time remember that God loves you well you know what if you're going to grow in God you may have to rearrange your priorities
seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you rearrange things in your life so you have lots of God time lots of time to study the word and time to pray and spend with God and time to do things for other people God's got a wonderful future plan for you and he wants you to be fully formed into the image of Jesus Christ the holy spirit is doing a work in you and you need to be patient and let him do it have you been
looking for a 365-day devotional well look no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer there's a focus verse for all 365 days of the year along with a prayer starter get your copy of promises for your everyday life devotional at Joy 365 devvo the biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like God thinks and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of God in words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of God transformed her life experience
a deep and more meaningful relationship with God through the captivating collection of verses in this beautiful hard cover book by Joyce Meyer discover the transformative power of His word words to live by from Joyce Meyer get your YouTube exclusive offer today go to wordss and the number two have you ever been trapped in a never-ending frenzy where every passing moment feels like a blur leaving you gasping for a chance to pause pause and catch your breath in her insightful book pursuing peace Joyce Meyer explores the importance of seeking peace at all costs this beautiful
hard cover Edition is filled with meaningful scriptures and uplifting quotes from Joyce providing valuable guidance for living a peaceful lifestyle so grab a cup of coffee find a comfortable spot and embark on your journey to find peace remember this limited time YouTube offer won't last long go to Joy pursuit to get your copy today and start your Pursuit Of [Music] Peace the Mind actually is the battlefield that's where we win or lose the war with Satan he said all he gets to say rest of the day is mind you start asking God to heal
you and he will restore is the God of all comfort and I am so grateful that I know how to call on God [Music]
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