"All Pieces Are In Place Now" Robert Breaker On The End Times End 2024

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"All Pieces Are In Place Now" Robert Breaker On The End Times End 2024 šŸ”” Subscribe now with all no...
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We Begin well some people look at this chapter and they look at the Book of Revelation and they say I don't understand it that's like we've why we've talked about some pastors don't even want to talk about it because they don't understand it I try to take the Book of Revelation as literal as possible are you ready for a shocking Revelation that will shake you to your very core today we're diving deep into Revelation 12 and what we're about to uncover about the Heavenly signs and their connection to our present day will leave you breathless
Bible teacher Robert breaker has just dropped a bombshell that's sending shock waves through the prophecy Community his interpretation of Revelation 12 isn't just thought-provoking it's potentially world changing Revelation 12 today Revelation 12 and we're going to get into some stuff today that wow is just it's like Gail riplinger says in awe of Thy word I'm in awe of God's word and I'm just almost shaking and trembling right now because what I have to present to you is just amazing is utterly amazing and how anybody could learn what we're going to learn today and still not
believe in God or the Bible is just unfathomable to me I just I don't understand and the more you get in this book The more you want to get in this book breaker Begins by emphasizing the critical importance of understanding Revelation 12 in its proper context this isn't just another obscure biblical passage it's a key to unlocking God's prophetic timeline for Israel in the end times but hold on to your seats because this prophecy isn't confined to ancient history it's a living breathing prediction that's unfolding before our very eyes with startling implications for our present
day breaker takes us on an exhilarating journey through scripture revealing how God has consistently used signs in the Heavens to Mark significant events in his plan for Israel and the world the stars and constellations aren't just random celestial bodies they're Divine signpost pointing to God's unfolding plan you're going to allow for if it's just one two or three coincidences but when it's like 50 or 60 coincidences you have to say nope that's God so it has to be God so we're going to look at some things today that are amazing now remember that I said
that the Book of Revelation is mostly future I say mostly future because some of the things are past right Revelation Chapter 2 and 3 was the seven literal churches in the time of John and where were those churches again turkey what happened was it last week or the week before they was a giant earthquake in where now let's Dive Into the Heart of Revelation 12 in verses 1 2 we encounter a breathtaking Celestial Vision a great sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of
12 stars on her head she was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth breaker argues that this isn't just poetic imagery it's a literal astronomical alignment that occurred on September 23rd 2017 on this date the constellation Virgo the Virgin was indeed clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet and a crown of 12 stars formed by Nine Stars in Leo plus three planets above her head but here's where it gets really interesting the planet Jupiter known as the king planet was in the womb area of Virgo for
about 9 months before this date exiting on September 23rd just like a pregnancy in birth break and John is writing says I'm looking at in heaven I see a sign what's up in heaven Stars constellations so wouldn't it stand a reason that it's probably has something to do with those well yeah I think so so there is a sign or a Wonder in heaven so where do we begin well some people look at this chapter and they look at the Book of Revelation and they say I don't understand it that's like we've why we've talked
about some pastors don't even want to talk about it because they don't understand it and they look at it and say it's all allegorical it's all figurative it doesn't mean anything because it's about some woman giving birth in heaven or it's all an allegory I try to take the Book of Revelation as literal as possible so how do we take this as literal as possible we just believe what it says and just literally go okay so we look up and we see literally something up there right so that's got to be what it's talking about
and so um emphas izes that this alignment is incredibly rare astronomers have calculated that it only occurs once every 7,000 years is it just a coincidence that it happened in our lifetime or is God trying to tell us something remember breaker points out signs in the heavens are primarily for Israel 1 Corinthians 1:22 so what could this sign mean for God's chosen people intriguingly just a few months after the celestial sign on December 6 2017 president Donald Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel could this be the Fulfillment of the Heavenly sign marking
a significant turning point in God's dealings with Israel get goosebumps are you getting Goosebumps this is wow this is amazing isn't it now you talk like this people say oh you're believing in astrology no remember I'm not using it for Wicked I'm just going to the Bible and God did that to me that doesn't wreak of evil or wickedness that shows me intelligence design and a true God that knew what was going to happen before it happened and before the creation of everything he put the Stars up there and when it happens everybody goes how
did he know because he's God Amen are you getting Goosebumps too let me know now all right Job chapter n verse 8 speaking about God which alone spread out the heavens and treadeth upon the waves of the sea you know there's uh water up there there's a sea of glass we've seen in the Book of Revelation and what do they call a guy who's an astronaut not that's a nautical term for sailor or water astona not verse n which maketh breaker doesn't stop there he draws our attention to an ancient Jewish Prophecy from Rabbi Judah
Ben Samuel who lived from 1140 to 12117 ad this Rabbi predicted that the Messianic end times would begin in 2017 exactly 10 jubilees 50-year periods after the ottoman Turks conquered Jerusalem in 1517 the alignment of this ancient prediction with the Revelation 12 sign in Trump's Jerusalem declaration is truly mind-boggling it's as if God is orchestrating events in heaven and on Earth to alert us to the lateness of the hour of that the heavens so it sounds like the Bible is saying that the heavens speak to us is that how through the constellate so God speaks
to us through the Bible but he speaks to somebody and I think it's the Jews I want be very careful I don't want to get too into that whole star thing but looking at it from his perspective hey that's for the Jews he's trying to show them something and we're going to see how God talks to the Jews through the planets and the moons and all the Cycles it's outrageous it's it's amazing there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard their line is gone out throughout all the Earth he's talked about
the constellations and the stars and they are words to the end of the world they're words it's like they're speaking the stars are speaking in them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun which is as a bridegroom Jesus is the Morning Star oh I got ahead of myself we'll get to that in a minute but he's coming for a bride soon isn't he which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoices as a strong man to run a race his going forth is from the end of heaven and his circuit unto
the ends of it and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof well one day Jesus coming back to Armageddon that's on the side of the board and uh fire is coming out of his mouth there's going to be great heat and all the enemies destroyed so the voice of the heavens could it be saying that the Stars preach something do the stars speak and say something let's go to Revelation 12 again breaker also highlights the significance of the blood moon tetrodes series of four total lunar eclipses that coincide with Jewish feast days these rare
events have historically aligned with major events in Israel's history 149 93 to 1494 expulsion of Jews from Spain 1949 to 1950 Israel becomes a nation 1967 to 1968 Jerusalem recaptured in 6-day war 2014 to 2015 could the most recent tetrad be pointing to the final stages of God's prophetic plan for Israel so let's look at our second of our handout here this is handout number two the Revelation 12 1-2 sign happened on on September 23rd 2017 I believe that is what that was and signs it for the Jews thus a question must be asked did
anything big happen around that time for the Jewish Nation remember in Revelation 12 it says a great Wonder but what does all this mean for us today breaker suggests that these signs are warnings that we're on the brink of major prophetic fulfillments the Rapture of the church could be imminent the 7-year tribulation period is approaching the rebuilding of the Jewish temple may be near the rise of the Antichrist is on the horizon breaker emphasizes that while we can't set dates these Celestial signs should wake us up to the lateness of the hour we need to
be ready for Christ's return would work out perfectly for the tribulation and wasn't 11 the number of judgment wouldn't that be amazing but look what happens 2017 would be right here right and this is where the sign came so could the sign be saying now in this next one over here is when the tribulation starts because God always tells them before what's going to happen next and there's a cycle of that happening with World War I and then something good happens for the Jew World War II something happens good for the Jew World War II
could that happen soon and then God does something good for the Jew like coming back and ruling over them but first has to come the seven years of tribulation so that's just another coincidence right uh according to to some people now the first book in the Bible is Genesis the last book of the Bible is revelation the Bible's like a mirror right but the Bible's also like a circle and so I'm thinking about this and I'm trying to figure this out and I'm like what what does the bible tell us every story in the Bible
is there for a reason I don't think it's accident breaker then delves deeper into the significance of the Revelation 12 sign by connecting it to the story of Joseph in Genesis he points out that just as there were seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine in Joseph's time we may be seeing a similar pattern today the seven years following the 2017 sign could be seen as years of relative Prosperity particularly for Israel but this could be followed by seven years of tribulation as prophesied in the Book of Revelation if this pattern holds
true it would place the start of the tribulation around 2024 to 2025 breaker is quick to emphasize that he's not setting dates but rather observing patterns that seem to align with Biblical prophecy he encourages us to Be watchful and Discerning always ready for Christ's return I think our God is smart and powerful and he does that now I I I'm just scraping the surface I can't understand it all okay so I'm going to stick with the Bible I'm not going to that instead but I just want to give you how this can't be coincidence the
first big Eclipse hit Oregon and the eclipse was right over over a town in Oregon called are you ready for this Salem interesting Jerusalem that's where the name comes from Salem Jerusalem Jerusalem um wow that's interesting the eclipse path was 70 miles wide that ecli 70 what does that remind you of Daniel's 70th week doesn't it 70 Donald Trump was born during an eclipse did you know that did you know that Donald Trump was 70 years old 70 months old and 7 days old when he took office as president but that's just a coincidence or
maybe God used him like he used King Cyrus for the Jews boy I'm getting some big Goosebumps here um another fascinating aspect of breaker's teaching is his analysis of the constellation Draco the dragon in relation to Revelation 12 34 then another sign appeared in Heaven an enormous red dragon with seven heads and 10 horns and seven crowns on its heads its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the Earth breaker suggests that this could be referring to a literal astronomical event involving the constellation Draco he points out
that there are exactly 10 stars in Draco that are visible to the naked eye potentially corresponding to the 10 horns mentioned in the prophecy furthermore he notes that the path of the constellation Draco does indeed appear to sweep across a third of the visible night sky aligning with the description in Revelation 124 and if you look to the left there do you see a snake or a serpent it's like that went by that mouth of that serpent the Manchild rose up and went by the mouth of that and look who's holding it a guy Michael
who is that o ucus or something I forget this but in the Bible That's Michael so as we're reading through the Revelation and we're trying to figure out what are these things these dreams and Visions this guy is seeing and we say Well it has to do with stars look at it's constellations maybe God 2,000 years ago was saying oh you really want to know the future okay about the time when the stars are doing this this is going to happen now it makes perfect sense doesn't it God gave us this book of Prophecy and
he showed us in the Stars when to be looking for when it takes place that's so far-fetched brother breaker oh yeah well I'm sure that's what they said in the day of Jesus when the wise men sh showed up and says Hey where's the king of the Jews cuz we saw a star oh you saw a star that's so far I mean people will deny anything won't they so there's this dragon or this serpent so somebody has zoomed in to this area on Google sky and they found a little black thing covering something up breaker
also addresses the woman fleeing Into the Wilderness for 1,260 days Revelation 126 he connects this to the ancient city of Petra inor Jordan which many believe will be a place of Refuge for the Jewish people during the tribulation interestingly breaker points out that Petra's unique geography makes it an ideal hiding place the city is accessed through a narrow Gorge making it easily defensible moreover its Rock Cut architecture includes an intricate water collection system that could sustain a large population even in drought conditions this attention to literal physical details in fulfilling prophecy is a Hallmark of
breaker's teaching he encourages us to take the Bible at face value believing that God will fulfill his word in ways that are both Supernatural and tangible as we near the end of our study breaker reminds us of the hope we have in Christ yes troubling times maybe ahead but for believers it means our Redemption is Drawing Near he encourages us to stay grounded in God's word the Bible is our guide book for understanding these prophetic times we need to be studying it diligently especially the prophetic books share the gospel with urgency if these signs are
indeed pointing to The Nearness of Christ's return Then time is short we need to be bold in sharing the good news of Salvation with those around us watch Israel God's prophetic time piece The Rebirth of Israel as a nation in 1948 was the major prophetic fulfillment we should continue to watch events in Israel and the Middle East as they often align with Biblical prophecy live with expectancy knowing Christ could return at any moment should impact how we live our daily lives we should be living holy lives eagerly anticipating his return pray for discernment with so
many conflicting voices in the world of Prophecy we need God's wisdom to rightly divide his word and understand the times breaker concludes by addressing some common objections to his interpretation isn't this just astrology breaker emphasizes that we're not using the stars to predict personal futures or make decisions rather we're observing how God is using his creation to Mark prophetic events just as he did with the Star of Bethlehem aren't you setting dates breaker is clear that he's not setting dates for the Rapture or Christ's return he's simply pointing out patterns and encouraging watchfulness doesn't this
contradict the idea that no one knows the day or hour breaker argues that while we can't know the exact time Jesus did tell us to watch for signs these celestial events could be part of those signs friends the signs are all around us the heavens are declaring God's glory and his unfolding plan are you ready for what's coming let's encourage one another and keep watching for our Redemption is Drawing Near breaker's analysis of Revelation 12 raises some fascinating questions how do these Celestial signs relate to current events in Israel and the Middle East what role
might technology play in the Fulfillment of end times prophecies how should this understanding of Prophecy impact our daily lives Liv as Believers breaker emphasizes that while these connections are exciting they should primarily serve to wake us up spiritually we shouldn't be filled with fear but with anticipation and urgency after all if we're this close to the Fulfillment of Revelation 12 we're even closer to our blessed hope the Rapture of the church as we wrap up this mindbending journey through Revelation 12 one thing is clear we are living in extraordinary times the prophetic clock is ticking
and the stage is set for the grand finale of human history whether these Celestial signs are fulfilled In Our Lifetime or not the truth of God's word remains sure Jesus is coming back and we need to be ready let that truth ignite our hearts with passion for God and compassion for the Lost remember Jesus said when these things begin to take place stand up and lift up your heads because your Redemption is Drawing Near Luke 21:28 as we see the pieces of Revelation 12 potentially falling into Place let's do just that stand tall look up
and rejoice in our sooncoming King what are your thoughts on these Revelations from Revelation 12 how does this change your perspective on the times we're living in let us know in the comments below and don't forget to like And subscribe for more mind-blowing prophetic insights the heavens are declaring God's glory and his unfolding plan are you ready for what's coming let's encourage one another and keep watching for our Redemption is Drawing Near
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