welcome to the realm of The Unexplained brought to you by paranormal M hit subscribe and turn on notifications to embark on a journey to the bizarre and the extraordinary get ready for stories that will challenge your perceptions I lived with something demonic so when I was 10 to 12 which is 1992 to 94 myself along with my brother mother and Aunt all moved into a nice house on the south side of St Louis it was your basic layout with houses 20 ft apart and built into the 40s and 50s it was a nice four bedroom
I remember my mom saying how cheap it was immediately after moving and all this weird stuff started happening everything from doors slamming steps upstairs when no one was up there the TV would change channels by itself the annoying stuff but nothing my 10-year-old self couldn't get used to after a few months we noticed things getting weirder the sinks in the basement used to spew black goo out of the drains e and the same goo would run down the walls throughout the house what made it worse is it smelled of sulfur the basement was a scary
place I never felt right being down there my brother who's 2 years older than I am he would beg me to sleep in his room he would say something keeps waking him up every night at 3:04 a.m. and scaring him now my brother normally wanted nothing to do with me we were always fighting making fun of each other so this was a pretty big ordeal for him so I remember one night we sat up all night waiting for 304 nothing happened maybe I don't remember because we were awake and it didn't show itself but in
the backyard I remember the soil looked like silver I still have no idea why or how it was this color but my brother used to say it was groundup tombstones so that might be different but crazy things happened in this house I could go on forever about it eventually one day I was walking home from school when I got there my mom was waiting outside in the car with all of our belongings and trash bags she said to me to get in the car we're moving right now whatever happened to her she never said over
the years she's told me things like her and my aunt covered the upstairs with flour and IM immediately saw bare Footprints the remote control came right off the table into the air it was thrown at her hit her in the face my bed once flung across my room and my toys are always all over the upstairs I wouldn't even be home I'd have to explain to her that I always put them back before I left so I didn't throw them around after we moved out my grandma just well I guess my grandma moved in they
wrote Mo s taking in Liberty with that after my grandmother presumably moved in I've never experienced anything a few years ago I was up in the city around my old neighborhood drove down that street and to my surprise the house was gone like there was a large conc Treet slab where the house used to be now this was a city street so was pretty obvious with that missing even Google Maps shows an empty lot with the address number still attached to it I often wonder what happened to it personally think it was pry like the
end of poltergeist and it was sucked into another dimension or something I wish I had the resources to look into whatever happened but I've never been able to find any public record of demolition most people just think I'm crazy when I tell them this but I know it wasn't just my childhood imagination especially since everyone in the house witnessed all the same experiences ask Reddit the first one that comes to mind was the death of a close family friend for some context he had been in a coma for a few weeks before his death he
wasn't allowed visitors not sure if that was his family's choice or the hospital's policy I was about three at the time so my parents hadn't been able to visit him before he passed in our house we would always leave the hallway lights on it hung near the bottom of the stairs the morning after he passed the light was off my mother spotted it before me on the first glance she thought the bulb had just blown but she then noticed that it had been removed from the light placed carefully on the stairs but it was on
a higher step than it would have been having to be when somehow fell the mother believes this was his way of saying goodbye before he went another time when I was about 133 I'd come home from school I decided to make a sandwich we kept our bread right at the back of one of the counters and after making my sandwich and put it back in its right for place when I went back to the kitchen to put my plate in the sink the room was freezing cold and the packet of bread was in the middle
of the kitchen floor I have absolutely no idea how it got there this one actually terrified me even though it's so mundane there was another incident with the hall light when I was about 15 myself and my mother were sat in the living room talking about the strange things that we had seen and experienced in the house the living room door was always open and from the door you can clearly see the hall light you were also the only two people in the house at the time as we were sort of just talking the hall
light suddenly turns off again we assumed the bul had block but it hadn't it had been turned off the light switch later that day we were in the kitchen still discussing the strange occurrences in the house that's when we heard the distinct sound of heavy wood was the front door opening we both heard it because we looked at each other in ag greet it was a bit early for my dad to be home from work he also generally calls before he leaves so it seems odd I poke my head out of the kitchen door and
I see a figure turning into the living room I shout hello I get no response we go to see what he's doing and there's nobody there we're still the only people in the house the front door was still locked when I was about 19 I sat at the dining room table which is kind of in the living room it's a long open planned room so the dining tables in the back half of the room and the living room are is in the front half of the room only one door off to the hallway to enter
so I was doing some coursework for college when I saw at the corner of my eye somebody entering the room they sort of just hung around at the end of the table at the opposite end of the table was a big mirror sort of hanging on the wall it was like they'd walked in and they just stared at themselves in the mirror for a good few minutes I was listening to my iPod while I worked so I assumed it was my mom doing something or talking to me without realizing I was listening to music I
looked up nobody was there my parents were both sat in the front half the room just watching TV I asked them if either of them had ever been in the kitchen or left the room for anything the last 10 minutes they both said no sorry there was a lizard on my keyboard not a ghost they'd both been watching the show for a good half an hour without moving I'd always get a strange vibe in the house as a child I'd constantly see shadows and often hear noises I'd hear people talking in empty rooms very frequently
and I would refuse to enter certain rooms alone until I was about 13 one time when I was about 5: I saw the shadow of someone pacing backwards they were in the bathroom doorway and I remember being absolutely inconsolable with fear and refused to go in the bathroom without my mom for the rest of the week I constantly got the feeling I was being followed by the spirit of a young boy when I was living in there somewhere on an old hard drive I have a selfie taken on a photo camera it was just after
I gotten out of the hospital after nearly dying from an undiagnosed medical condition and in that picture you can see clearly a figure of a young boy in the corner of my bedroom he never felt malicious but he was there my mother also said that when I was in the hospital she had many Dreams featuring a young boy and she felt his presence around me when I was in a coma I'd also often catch a figure of a woman walking down the hall out of the corner of my eye after a while I just started
saying hello if I could feel a presence next time I go speak to my mom I'll see if there's anything else she can think of that happened in that house ask Reddit this happened when I was 11 I was visiting a lighthouse in Michigan it was supposedly haunted by a boy my parents wanted to take a tour with the tour guide I wanted to play outside considering we had been touring various sites in the upper peninsula that day no one was around so my parents ended up letting me play outside the lighthouse while they took
a quick tour as I played outside a really beat up ball rolled up to my feet bent over to pick it up and as I stood back up I saw a boy standing next to the edge of the lighthouse looking at me I assumed the ball was his I tossed it over to him he wandered away I didn't think any more about it really but when my parents were done with the tour and they asked what I did told them something along the lines of I was just wandering around oh and I helped this kid
get his ball back the tour guide was with my parents and when I mentioned the kid he looked startled it was because as I mentioned earlier there was no one other than us at the Lighthouse only three cars my parents car the tour guide's car and the car belonging to the person at the front desk the tour God asked me to take a look at the picture in the lighthouse I know this sounds super cliche but when he showed me the picture it was the picture of the exact same boy with the exact same beat
up ball apparently that kid died at the Lighthouse on a side note we checked around and there was no boy so you might be asking me why was this creepy especially considering that the boy ever scared me or tried to scare me what creeps me out is that I touched that ball when it comes to Ghost Stories most people only report a ghost or other objects assuming that was a ghost with his ball what the heck did I touch also it felt solid like a real ball so if it was a ghost ball then how
the heck do you explain what I touched still bothers me to this day seems like you touched a ghost ball why is it that some people are more prone to experiencing the supernatural than others greetings I'm at 24-year-old female since I could possibly remember I've been plagued with superat natural experiences from seeing and hearing the deceased to physical nuances like Electronics turning on out of nowhere loud bangs things physically moving and extreme outer body experiences out of body my problem here is that I'm a Christian so naturally I've been taught these things were all sinful
devilish things I must avoid the thing with that however is that sort of indoctrinated a fear in me whenever I do come across Supernatural events which is just about every day and like I said I've been experiencing these things since I could remember one of my earliest and toughest episodes was when I was about 3 to 4 years old I had to be rushed to the ER as my parents thought I reached a psychological break I began demonstrating demonic hallucinations however the entirety of the medical staff was at a loss of words and reasoning the
only one thing that would Set Me Free was the prayers of my very Christian grandmother hence why I'm a Christian I've tried to pray these things or abilities tried to pray them away for nearly all my life but they never really seem to leave me I even let my friends know specifically the ones who claim to never have had such experiences you know the ones that I've been hanging around long enough to know and they most certainly will so my question is why is it so many people don't have to live life with experiences like
these and I do what kind of socalled Christian does this make me I had a socalled friend try to tell me the devil gives gifts to you and I pleaded with her it's not been like this since I can remember it's always been like this actually and a little side note I gained most of my cognitive ability at the age of one or one and a half edit I received a great question and that being in quotes have you reached out to medical professionals psychiatrists therapists Etc and the answer is yes three to for in
recent years not cting those from childhood the tricky thing with this however is it's relatively easy to be diagnosed or know prospectively diagnosed with a psychotic condition especially when things like this are brought up I've heard different diagnosis from just about every one of these professionals and I am in no way claiming that they're poured their jobs in fact I've tried well all the antis psychotics and anti-depressants you name it it had come to a point where I unintentionally established a dependency on them going up on the dosage because they just weren't working or the
fact I began having adverse side effects these are just my experiences also I want to highlight the physical aspect aspects in which others may have witnessed too or that affected you know by my vicinity My Strange Life I'm a 21-year-old male lived a very strange life I guess I'm going to try to be sort of brief about this about the last 10 years of my life I hope maybe somebody may have gone through something similar and maybe can even help the first time I saw something I was 10 years old I was being brought to
bed by my mother I was fighting not to she gave up and I sat on the floor and stayed there later in the night I heard a train whistles blow and then blw silhouettes of people they appeared to be walking door to door in front of me in my house as if getting on and off a train they were all dressed in fancy suits with top hats monal too and well when it all stopped I just remember just running to my bed many years later I met a person who recognized me of nothing because we
quickly figured out that we never met but we both felt like we knew each other we talked about her lives and they felt mirrored I told him about my experience he had the same experience as me with the Silhouettes but he's never seen any hallucinating ones except for that one from when I was 12 I had a hard time sleeping and I'd only sleep almost 3 to 5 hours a night I would sometimes get 8 hours of sleep and I was dead but I used to also spend 3 days awake more often than not back
then I was hallucinating by my second year of high school my aunt even reached out to me about it before you know before I told anyone the first real person I talked to about it was my art teacher when I saw the doctors they said I was possibly schizophrenic but when I saw things they felt evil but what I saw I felt like they were ghosts I don't know I lived in a place where when I was younger something was off in the basement and when I was older I saw something in the living room
down in the darkness with glowing eyes but I know it's not real but it carries this feeling that it wasn't nothing when my friend was in the hospital I saw them across the street every day at the bench we would sit and there they would be this thing standing over them like 10 ft tall a face of static all the things I've seen I feel follow people or haunt places I don't know if one's following me later on now was bouncing around with where I lived I stayed with my sister and one night I was
sleeping in the living room I'm in the middle of the room where the cat started jumping over me it was clawing the air as if something was there I even remembered thinking I'm going to take a photo there's going to be a ghost as a joke to myself I took the photo and it looked like a white Veil over me like a design and I sadly don't have that photo anymore moving around losing phones my next experience is I was sitting in my kitchen late at night that's when I felt someone grab my shoulder I
turned in fear but nothing was there the next time I felt something touch me as at my cousins was four of us my two cousins and his girlfriend they went to sleep upstairs where me and my cousin slept toet to toe on the couch in the basement I heard something open the door behind me I got paranoid to even walk around and check before laying back down I felt like the minute I turned over I felt the coldest grip I ever felt on the back of my neck as if was like like a dog grabbing
me I went into complete shock and just laid there felt like forever their touch was freezing the grip something stranger stranger than I am a year ago I got kicked out she let me live with her for a while oh his ex got to live with his X I would see a man leaning out of her closet with a porcelain face and a big smile and a crooked neck after a couple of months she eventually comes over to my place comes smok some weed with me and for the first time where she has bad trips
and only tells me in the morning that it was because she saw the same thing I'd seen at her house in the window of my neighbors I've seen again recently but haven't told her since we're broken up and I don't want to worry her but I felt myself been touched twice in 2 weeks both gentle ones holding my side and other on my shoulder I'm now on meds that help me sleep but they don't stop and I want to know what this is because I've done research on schizophrenia and I don't really think that this
is AD but I think the stress might bring me there maybe I have doctors and a therapist I'm living with my X but I'm alone on this my dead Great Grandpa's ghost sat on me I recently moved back into my grandma's house after my boyfriend and I broke up i' had been living with my boyfriend over the past couple of years so moving back in with my grandparents wasn't difficult other than the emotional baggage that came along with the breakup a few weeks after IID moved back I experienced something pretty strange my grandparents have two
basset hound dogs my aunts pit bull comes down to my grandparents house for whatever reason so it's pretty much her third dog for context my grandparents live on a beef farm so pretty much in the middle of nowhere 20 minutes away from our local Town my grandparents went to work and I started doing my daily routine I left the dogs outside as usual and I sat down to fill out my apartment application at the dining room table while I was filling out my application I heard a distinct knock at the door it leads out to
the garage thinking that it was probably the people who owns a haunting Camp oops hunting that one was my bad who owns a hunting camp nearby in the woods and assuming that they wanted to talk to my grandpa about hunting season I mentally prepared myself to tell him that he wasn't home but when I opened the door I only saw the dogs on the other side of the door confused I looked out to the driveway to see if anyone was there but there was no one there I looked down our dirt road I saw no
one walking away or cars driving away I noticed that it couldn't have been the dogs because their F their their feet were covered in mud and they would have been smeared muddy paw prints on the door which there wasn't any I was pretty creeped out by hearing a disembodied knock on the door but I just brushed it off and joked about my great grandpa's ghost reminding me to let the dogs back in the reason why I joked about this is because my great grandpa is the only person who died in that house and the house
itself isn't very well it's just not very old it's like built in the early 2000s so it's relatively new doesn't have a history plus there's also no history of someone other than my great grandpa dying in the property either I didn't experience any Paranormal Activity until one night I was sleeping on my left side and I woke up in the middle of the night feeling a hand at the end of the bed frame near my feet it felt like someone was using the bed frame to keep balance while walking through my room because I felt
the bed frame slightly moving I turned my head and I saw that no one was there but there was definitely a presence there at the foot of the bed after the Invisible Hand lifted from the bed frame I heard footsteps coming toward me when the footsteps stopped to where I was laying in bed I suddenly start to feel a lot of weight being pressed onto my body for a few seconds then the pressure rolled off of me went to the other side of the bed immediately after that I sat up and looked over to the
other side of my bed to see if something was there but again there wasn't anything there I knew that I wasn't experiencing sleep paralysis because I was still able to move around during all of this but what I had just experienced it actually happened in real life I sat there in my bed for a minute trying to figure out what had just happened and then it hit me my bedroom used to be my great grandparents bedroom when he was still alive and living with my grandparents my great grandpa had died in his sleep while watching
TV in the living room in the middle of the night he's been dead since the middle of August in 2016 I started crying my eyes out after realizing that it was likely my great grandpa's ghost crawling into bed and he didn't realize that I was laying there he probably doesn't even know that he's been dead for years which is incredibly sad I wish there was a way for him and I to see each other so I could tell him how much the family misses him especially my grandpa and his older sister and wish he could
have seen how much I've grown up because the last time he saw me I was 17 I was going into my senior year of high school was super depressed after he and my dog passed away on the same month I've been around a lot of ghosts in my life but when it's somebody you know and love it's definitely more impactful brings out a lot of raw emotions I haven't told my Grandpa about it because well or excuse me Grandma about this because I don't want to make her sad about him passing on plus she has
Christian beliefs so I don't want to break her heart by telling her that her dad hasn't passed on into heaven hopefully one day spirit will pass on and get Eternal rest I miss you papa may your soul find Eternal peace and rest alien study on a human dream state I'm a 29-year-old woman in full disclosure I did consume alcohol this evening maybe 12 O of cider nothing crazy I've dealt with periodic slate paralysis for about 10 years I've only had visual hallucinations once or twice during SP anyways tonight I had a nightmare that I was
in a car accident I have a recurring dream that I'm simply driving on the highway listening to music changing lanes nothing crazy but this was the first time I actually crashed in the dream I was in the left lane going 80 or so keeping up with traffic then a pile up started I remember seeing a yellow Mustang or something I tried avoiding the pile up but my car flipped I was unconscious in the dream and I regain Consciousness eventually I see the ceiling of my car and then I regain Consciousness in real life and come
out of the dream when I'm out of the dream I'm laying in my bed on my back and I see a dark grayish figure with thin arms and a sort of Cherub like head like a very large almond shaped black eyes on him too was floating over me I just had this feeling I was simply being observed not in danger then the being dissipated Into Thin Air in a matter of 10 seconds this wasn't even a sleep PR this episode this time I easily came out of that dream but I had a visitor hallucination who
knows what is this thing I saw from my childhood this happened around 20 years ago it was when I was some second or third grade I think so some details may be fuzzy but I'll try to describe this as clearly as I can remember went to elementary school in Beijing I recall this happened during a time when rumors were spreading that there was a bad infestation in the school and the neighboring communities also I never saw one but many of my classmates had every morning we have a dedicated rally where the whole school stands out
in the yard exercise together we were organized by class and then by height I was one of those windy days once we're standing outside you can feel each layer of clothing peeling away from your body that day toward the end of the rally I felt something fly over my head quite low confirmed it was probably a bird of some sort but from its shadow on the ground anyway I heard a classmate aside me gasp and say a b that in a frenzy I look up to try to catch a glimpse of it I see it
it's small and black and I can see it fly all the away and roof the school building in the distance at least half a football field away but to my surprise This Bat started to grow bigger and bigger it eventually stood three times its original size on the chimney of the roof and proceeded to fall back into the chimney might call it a chimney but it's actually a ladder entrance that connects to the bathroom anyway I used to swear that I saw Batman but As I Grew Older I tried to give this event to more
plausible explanations like maybe it wasn't a bat but a really large bird maybe it was just a big plastic bag sounds pretty gargo to me unusual experiences I had one when I was at my father's house during the holidays last year I still don't know what had happened it may be quite childish of me to be afraid of it but I'm still afraid of it he and I slept in the same room me and the bed and him on a mattress on the floor I was always afraid of the dark so we left the light
on living room while we slept in some ways I'm still afraid of the dark on that particular night I decided to sleep with my face facing the wall which isn't at all common for me behind me was the door to the room with the light streaming in through the door it turns out that when I was about to fall asleep a shadow passed across the light as if somebody passed in front of the door at the time paranoid as I am I was scared but I imagined it was my father however when I looked to
check he was still lying on the couch sleeping like a stone it turns out that nobody lives in that house anymore nor do we have any real pets I could never explain what I saw it was an apartment and nothing was stolen there was no Intruder there's no large insects in the region plus all the windows were closed it doesn't seem so paranormal writing here but believe me when it happened it was so much stranger and scarier than it seems two this is a little weirder than the first one this time it was at my
mother's house it was during a family gathering with my two uncles and my aunt I was much younger I was in the living room talking to them when I heard a sound of something falling coming from my mother's room when I arrived there was an eras right in the middle of the bedroom floor I picked it up and put it back in the box that belonged to him when he leaves the same noise of something falling when I came back the same damn rubber I did the same thing again same thing fourth time I decided
to walk along the coast but I didn't see anything and when I turned around then the rubber went back there but this time I saw to the corner of my eye that she was thrown as if someone had thrown her into the room for the last time I went and put the Eraser away but this time nothing happened initially I was just confused and a little irritated and knowing ghost messing up my things but some time passed a few minutes probably I started to get scared and I didn't sleep that night and I had a
nightmare the next night three the third is something very recurrent but it could simply be my vision or my brain playing a trick on me during the night it's not uncommon for me to see something being lit up out of nowhere but it is particularly difficult to discover imagine that it's as if a corner of the air out of nowhere lights up for a second then goes out as if nothing had happened no great lighting but as if something a little stronger than an LED appeared in the air and disappeared shortly after nothing happens after
that and that's all sometimes this light's stronger sometimes weaker sometimes it lasts longer and sometimes it lasts less but it's always the same thing and always at night and no it's not the light in the room it's always happened under my bed after I dropped noise protection earplugs under the bed and again it could just be my vision or hallucination my soul was snatched out of my sleep this happened in 2021 when I was 38 weeks pregnant this might scare some and some of you might not believe me but I promise this story is real
and happy happen to me reader's discretion is advised you heard her the night before January 1st 2022 I a 20-year-old female had a bad phone call with my child's father who had completely left me to go through my pregnancy alone I was depressed and heartbroken my whole pregnancy I was living in a shelter since I had been 2 months pregnant then this particular night I was 38 weeks pregnant it was a late night I'd say maybe 10:30 got off the phone with him and remember feeling like he said some very hurtful things it wasn't like
that was something new but I was still very Shattered by it my hormones were up in the roof so my emotions ran high my whole pregnancy I would always be deeply affected by the abuse I would endure from others my child's father the one who affected me the worst because I was in love with him and refused to see him for his true colors it was the last day of December I was due in January and on the 27th specifically so what hurt the most was that I was scared he would abandon me at the
hospital by not showing up I was also frighting myself for not knowing whether I even wanted him there or if I was wrong for that he's abusive after the heartbreaking phone call I called my mom and I just cried I cried hard and strong I still remember the pain of how I felt like it was yesterday my mom soothed me enough to calm me down and went to sleep in the sound of pouring rain in the bedroom on my shelter before I could fall into a deep sleep I remember the diapers I had stacked up
against my wall flying down like somebody had slapped them down angrily the energy in the room just felt off that was the first s sign that made me feel weird I sat up and just stared down at my stuff scattered on the floor thinking it's impossible of them to have just Fallen but for one my windows were shut so no draft and two the way I had it set up it was just impossible if you're a person who's careful about the way you store things you would know what I mean but needless to say I
managed to go back to sleep and in fact I went into a deep sleep you know that good sleep you get after hard cry yeah then I had a very Vivid dream about my child's father at a house party the dream wasn't necessarily scary but it was Eerie to say the least I don't remember the specifics but something happened in that dream or there was a moment of nothingness and that's when it happened all of a sudden something very ugly demonic snatched my soul out of my body I remembered as clear as day I was
aware of everything as it was happening but it felt like I was being held and couldn't move I had a strong feeling that even if I tried to scream or do anything I would have died in my sleep and this you might not believe but I heard a higher energy something speaking to me and saying stay calm go back to sleep and something along the lines of if I go back to sleep I'll be okay my memory's getting kind of foggy with specific since it's been nearly 3 years but I swear this happened and it
was the scariest thing of my life dream of possession looking for answers I feel as though I'm going on a limb trying to understand the dream I had last night or possibly the demons it involved I'm not Christian but I am a spiritual agnostic I had a dream of people that were family in my dream but never met them in Waking Life it was a couple that had become possessed first starting with the male this dream had very satanic underlaying feelings the male walked in backwards to the room playing like a bald on a violin
think they mean ballad playing a ballad on a violin on the first night of the 3 days of my dream not too long after the guy passed away and the Affliction had been passed to his wife on the second night she was acting very weird for some reason I was the only one that was kind of given awareness of The Possession by the demon my significant other didn't leave me in the dream the women who started to get sick so I decided that we go to the hospital we were leaving the house I was carrying
her to her car but as we walked out the front door there was a bubble likee barrier possibly holy and it had became apparent and visible to only me and in that time the Demon's form shined through to reality that was as her left hand was the last to pass through this barrier it was blackened it withered and twice the size of a normal hand with nails long they were black like something that's ancient we took her to the hospital and they didn't know what was wrong besides the fact that she was dying possibly the
body rejecting demonic possession we decided to take her back home and get her comfortable so at the end of the second night we went to bed and I was confident that her leaving had fixed The Possession on the last night the third night she was sitting in a recliner thought she was better so I gave her a deep hug just to have her demon come out through the voice and and bite my hand bit my thumb and pointer finger saying I've got you now only to awake into reality of Life as we know it help
I think there's something in my house okay so 3 or 4 weeks ago I had a weird experience while sitting in bed I was in an uncomfortable hunched sitting position while scrolling on my phone it was pretty late I finally noticed how it made my you know how how made my posture was I finally noticed how MA my posture was and so I put my phone down and turned so my back would be facing the wooden headrest on my bed but when I laid back I felt something that shouldn't be there for reference I sleep
diagonally so all of my fluffy pillows and my huge stuffed horse plush were in the corner but it felt like a pillow was there I was confused leaned forward and turned around to look for the apparent Phantom pillow there's nothing there a week after that I had the second weird experience I don't fully remember it so maybe don't rely on this paragraph's testimony as much I just gotten out of the shower and I was trying off my hair is to my midback so I had the towel draped over my head as I was trying my
hair I felt a touch unlike my side shoulder blade the part of it you can only touch if you have your arm up in the air freaked me out I also had a loud blow dryer was subbing in as a room heater so I wouldn't have to be able to hear any quiet noises literally 5 minutes ago I had my most recent one doing work on my laptop with my headphones on and I feel a tug Sensation from the headphone cord like a slow pull that became more and more noticeable when I did notice it
like 10 maybe 5 seconds after it had started I looked down and saw the cord slack again like it should be I looked underneath the table for a source couldn't find one went back and retraced my emotions to see if it could have been one that I pulled on but can't figure out a way I could have pulled it I did the same thing after the first time too just repeating the Motions in many different ways to try to find the answer but I can't find any there was another that I didn't really mention because
it could have been my sister or brother using the bathroom late at night but they've never slammed the bathroom door like that they broke another door by slamming it repeatedly a few years back and they got in deep for it haven't heard of them slam the door since so I think it's unlikely that it was them I've seen two ghosts in two weeks very different energies I work in a shopping center as a cleaner two weeks ago I offered to join the night shift CU they had a shortage of staff and last week was my
first one my first night shift I started out okay was unusually quiet as I usually work the day shift so it took some getting used to I was shown how to clean the doors on the inside area and the car park side on the first two floors of eight when the person left the temperature it had felt unnaturally cold see initially I thought nothing of it as was Winter and well I assumed it was just the ice and the wind it was when I worked my way down to level three I went to the car
park and there it was was a girl no older than 12 stood in the corner on the opposite side of the car park she was a nice presence she laughed at me and shook her head but they didn't feel like any bad energy around however tonight was my second night shift three this time I had a much more hateful ghost Grace my company I was on my own basically from the beginning so when I got to the highest level of the car park I briefly saw a ghost I have have to assume was from the
Victorian era I didn't get to have a proper look at first as they were gone I continued onwards with the night aware the car Parks out of the doors are no longer feeling safe when I made it to level two I went outside like I had on every other floor unfortunately the ghostly presence made itself known to me and it felt truly hateful felt a slight tightening around my chest turned around saw the ghost much clearer it was a man in a bloody suit and they didn't have their head it felt like he didn't want
me outside and did what he could to keep me on in the shopping center side of the doors I'm scared now as the girl first appeared on level three the guy's presence felt strong in level two I have one more night shift next week I'm scared I'll see something on level one am I worried over nothing or is this a big deal should I be worried the two night shifts I've done had ghostly presences in roughly the same area I saw shadow people as a child did anyone else slrs okay PM 22 as a child
I used to see shadowy figures walking around my room whenever it was dark never happened in other rooms that I remember but it always happened whenever I laid down to go to sleep was never sleep paralysis that's something I still haven't experienced to this day my mom had told 8-year-old me that it was just my eyes playing tricks on me that's why I assumed everybody saw people walk around the room in the dark they weren't quite people though they had a elongated bodies and long limbs but they never ever interacted with me so I just
brushed it off and i' go to sleep as normal when I was about 13 I had moved house in a different country and I still saw them that house was haunted we think with an old man who passed away there and a black cat whose's grave was at the end of the garden as my mom reported seeing she reported seeing and kind of jumping up on the bed multiple times he would always be gone by morning no black cats on our state either one time I was laying in bed I saw one of the figure
standing at the foot of the bed now they had never stood still so this caught my attention I looked at it for a while then this figure leans down across my bed also its face was opposite mine it was terrifying I hid under the blanket and it didn't come out to mning I felt a presence on the other side and it scared me I don't know if it was the fear of what had just happened or if the energy was like the negative kind didn't happen again after that but it was the first time i'
had ever been noticed by a shadow figure I continued to see the figures till I left home at 16 almost 17 I wondered if anybody else had stories or information on the shadow people they didn't have eyes just plain black moving Shadows like the static on an old TV with long limbs some had hunched posture Louisville ky's Waverly Hills sanatorium paranormal experiences my first trip had me a little eager to begin but after an hour into the trip it just seemed like I was getting a run through of a historical landmark with a few creepy
stories about the place the tour guides are indeed great storytellers but they also have some pretty cool photo evidence that they don't share online that'll sort of show you their all these kinds of things while they kind of walk you around the place and wasn't until we got to the floor that they didn't allow you to have lights on that I really started questioning what I was seeing the context apparently the dark floor is aggressive Spirits that'll attack you if you provoke them I saw shadow figures here and there human-shaped figures walking across the Halls
from afar in your head your first thought would be they could easily have people who walk around this place pretending to be ghosts I promise whatever my tour group was seeing were not real people they'll even offer you to walk down the hall alone while others watch as your silhouette changes shape and appears to be morphing with these shadow beings was almost like watching a busy Hospital floor but if someone turn the lights off the first trip wasn't enough for me to make my own conclusion but it was compelling I had to go back again
my second trip was my first full body Apparition encounter which occurred while sort of walking up to the dark floor this time I had decided to hang near the back of the tour group to kind of Converse with the tour group in hopes of keeping my distance from the others and maybe being able to see some more unexplainable things my strategy indeed worked while talking about the history of Waverly the group had made its way to the next floor without me and a tour guide in the back we stood at the bottom of the stairs
following slowly behind then we turned walked up the stairs and that's when I noticed another person in my peripheral standing in the doorway behind the tour guide I looked over her shoulder to make eye contact with the person oddly enough it was as if my eyes couldn't focus on whoever it was standing there almost like looking through a pair of prescription glasses that aren't yours I don't wear glasses what I could tell you was that the being appeared to be shorter blonde and in a hospital gown as I stared at it the thing began to
walk behind the door frame and out of view a common theme at least a common theme that I seem to have with my paranormal experiences is that there's always these anomalies and they always look blurry even if everything around me appears to be crystal clear the thing my eyes are trying to focus on stays blurry your brain knows it's there but it's as if whatever you're seeing is on a different plane of existence and your peering through a foggy window okay so second trip was pretty cool I had to go back again keep in mind
the three experiences I'm sharing with you were just the most prominent of each trip not the only thing that happened to me anyways on the third trip I had my encounter with the being and of workers there called The Creeper apparently this entity is known for climbing up walls and jumping onto people sounds like me as a kid well on the first floor and still being daylight out I again was walking in the back of the group toward the stairs to the next floor when I had suddenly felt something really cold Rush up onto my
shoulder like a gust of Winter Wind the tour guide walking beside me jumped a bit away from me in fear before I reacted but when I turned my head toward the cool air I found myself face to face with the black mass looming over my shoulder inches away from my face could only make out one the most Sinister Smiles in a pair of eye sockets with no eyeballs and them locked on to me this was the first time I focalized my fear while on these tours I gave out a loud shriek as a grown man
everyone in front of us jolted around to look at me there were a couple of gasps and Confused looks from the strangers as the being darted way to nothingness people immediately confirmed what I saw felt pretty good read assured me it wasn't my eyes playing tricks on me and they had seen the being on my shoulder as well ask Reddit growing up my family moved around quite a bit due to divorces and stuff renting moving to permanent homes Etc when my child at home my brother and I would regularly play in the basement however one
room made both of us unexplainably une easy we didn't like to walk by it at the end of the hallway we wouldn't use the bathroom by it we' never leave each other alone in the basement it was a negative heavy feeling and none of us could really describe it at a young age this room was our guest bedroom we've never had guests stay the night so was always unoccupied there's a bedroom set with an old wooden frame bed and a chest it came from my dad's family and he always kept it around despite my mom's
protests wanting to change the room to something more useful years later talking to my dad about the dislike for this room and the negative presence I felt around it he told me his stories within this house he used to use the bathroom across the hall from the room and he would leave the door cracked since no one was down there anyways he would always see something going past the door and like someone going past the door up and down the hallway my brother's a baby would look over his shoulder while being held staring at something
and sometimes giggling at an empty space in the room my dad eventually yelled at it to get the out and after that my brother never laughed or stared at empty spaces and my dad only felt the presence in the room and the basement Hall so obviously at this point I could conclude that this entity has a connection to my dad so later in my early teens my parents are divorced my dad moves out taking this furniture with him we end up not in a good place and disliking each other arguing a bit of a rift
between us this presence was always felt to me around this bedroom set and once we move the negative sort of heavy feeling is still in the guest bedroom with this furniture as our arguing gets worse I feel the presence all the time catch glimpses of someone or something in the mirrors and the reflections of glass in my dreams I always felt watched and looked over I start getting sleep paralysis in this entity that looks like a young adult woman with long dog hair starts in the corner of the room eventually is weighing down on my
chest and suffocating me I wake up gasping for air multiple times eventually a bruise on my chest I catch it in the reflection of the TV the next day feel like I can't breathe I mentioned about this weird experience to my massage therapist they're very spiritual she shuddered when she touched my chest and described The Entity exactly as I saw in the reflection and in my sleep paralysis it's been years now my dad and I have me didn't the presence remains in the guest bedroom and always will until my dad gets rid of this attachment
with this ghost I think he knows that he has a ghost attached to him but lives peacefully with it I guess my witch friend gave me protection ball and ways to seal off the guest bedroom and since then it's left me alone she asked me to do a ritual asking what it wants with pen and paper out but I'm even more scared to see the response ask Reddit in high school I had a good friend named Steve one day freshman year 2007 is I told my group of friends about nod turn of events that happened
to his brother Tim a couple of years prior Tim went to college somewhere in New Hampshire sure one night around 2: a.m. Tim and his friends decide they needed Dunkin Donuts even though the nearest Duncan Donuts was across state lines I don't know much about New Hampshire's geography but I'm told this Trek involved going through a narrow Highway that takes them through some Woods on the way back from Duncan Donuts a mysterious car pulled in front of them in the hallway it was a red compact car with the marking scratched off and its only defining
feature was its license plate that had a black o and a green M will henceforth be known as just m around this time Tim describes weird coincidences like his phone losing service and the jazz station playing Smells Like Teen Spirit Well I'll admit those could have just been weird coincidences at this time Tim and his friends were sensing some bad juju from this guy so Tim let his foot off the gas and was happy to let M go off on his way but M wasn't done with them as soon as Tim slowed down M did
the same Tim thought this was weird but maybe if he floors it he could go around M but when Tim sped up so did M Tim and Company were freaking out at this point had no idea what they were dealing with but they saw a cur curv and the road up ahead they saw m go around it they decided to just stop their adrenaline was pumping they weren't sure how long they sat there but after it felt like 20 minutes they worked up the courage to continue on their way maybe home would have the mercy
on them but as soon as they got around the corner old was there the exact same distance as they last saw him matching their speed oh clearly was without Mercy Tim and his friend were rightfully scared for their lives and relented to just going forward and hoping they could get out of this alive eventually there was a fork in the highway One LED towards the college town while the other LED further into the woods Our Heroes went home while M ventured into the unknown Tim never saw m again dreamt of my son before he was
born I've always had some weird dreams and I never made sense until a while later this event would happen and I would piece everything together and it would all fall into place and I would understand what that dream meant my main one I wanted to share was after I had a miscarriage at the time of this dream I had recently been to the doctor 2 weeks before for confirmed that I was no longer pregnant I had a dream and me and my husband were visiting his cousin his cousin looks like his cousin but it wasn't
him not sure how else to describe that anyhoo our cousin in quotes brings this little boy around when I turn I turn to my husband and said when we have a kid that's exactly how they'll look the cousin brings them around to me and we're playing for the rest of the dream with the occasional visit from the cousin to ensure that all was going well that morning I woke up and took a pregnancy test I was pregnant now that my son's about the same age if not older than the kid was in the dream it
all but confirmed it is the same kid I saw in my dream same face chunky thighs hair color and length and laugh the two buck teeth in the front too and the mannerisms standby light this happened to me around 20 years ago I was 10 years old maybe a little younger I owned this radio CD player with three settings radio off and CD the CD mode had a standby tlight a red dot shining like a big scary eye and I absolutely hated it I was very careful about always turning it off because that red eye
scared me when I was trying to sleep I had never shut my light off with the standby light still being lit before but this night I did now I don't know what I was thinking probably sto being a baby it's just a like to go to sleep but I realized I had forgotten to turn it off shut off my light anyway and tried to sleep but my eyes kept drifting to the light after a while of discomfort I pulled my cover over my head but the unease made me peek just one eye peeking towards that
light in the shadow around the light I saw a hand a shadow hand with claws that almost made the fingers twice as long as human fingers reaching out to grab my radio scared but but certain I was seeing things because of it I pulled the covers down to see things clearly nothing now scared out of my mind pulled the covers back over my face had the hand moved was I hallucinating no I had to look again once again peeking I saw the hand was pulling on my radio for some reason to this day I don't
know this dance repeated three or four times before I just hit underneath my covers and somehow fell fell asleep but that's just a dream where the light PL tricks on a poor scared kid's mind right I would have said so if it hadn't been for what I discovered the next day you see my desk was split into three pieces that was pedantic that the radio must not cross between them it must stand with all of the feet on one of the pieces well when I woke up the next day the radio was standing right over
the crack separating two of the pieces of furniture during the night the radio did move and to this day I can find no reasonable explanation for it to move if not that ghostly clawed hand that curiously wanted to know with that red glow was seeking rational explanation for s of dread power outage and stench related to painting when I was a kid I used to visit some relatives in another city I dreaded entering that home even the very Act of doing so because we were welcomed by a painting that seemed very photorealistic at the time
and it depicted a fisherman wearing a yellow rain coat and standing in a small boat in a sort of a tempest tossed water I think I only dared to look at it once because the moment you were in its presence you felt that somebody was glaring at you with malicious intent directly from the direction of the painting I was a child with development issues I hadn't been told about the possibility of a ghost or anything paranormal related to that painting yet so I hadn't been influenced about it yet never again in my life have I
felt such a sense of dread related to her painting a few years later the adults had mentioned in my presence that they also felt that malicious stare they suggested that weird stuff happened in the home what they attributed to the painting but they never gave specific details probably to avoid freaking me out however one day when I was maybe 12 years old I was playing the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and one of the rooms located on the opposite side of the apartment when suddenly the power went out banging on my window at 3:00 a.m. hi
I was wondering what you all think of this experience there was a night a couple of weeks ago that I can't quit thinking about that was in the midst of finals and staying up very late studying every night the average time I would go to bed was between 1: and 2:00 a.m. this particular night I went to bed at about 1:00 a.m. after studying all night I slept until I suddenly woke up at around 2:55 I do this naturally from time to time I tend to wake up at random times in the night so this
sudden wake didn't concern me I picked up my phone and just looked a bit through social media until I could go back to sleep as I usually do 3:00 a.m. came around and I thought I heard footsteps walking around outside and eventually up to my window again I didn't think much of this either as my neighbors at many free roaming dogs and cats that tend to walk up to my window during all times the day and night I assumed it was an animal as I usually was until I was startled by five rapid and consecutive
bangs on my window sounded as if somebody had walked up and was hitting like full force I dropped my phone I froze I realized that the footsteps may not have been an animal I didn't know what to do my bed's parallel to my windows I was practically laying 3 ft from whoever whatever this was I didn't want to stand up and fear of what might happen I was scared the thing might have a weapon and be waiting for me to react and get up but I'm not sure if it was something at all I listened
closely for footsteps it sounded like walking away but nothing I paid in my bed paralyzed and petrified eventually my exhaustion overcame my fear and I fell asleep when I woke up in the morning and ran asked my mom if she had heard anything I was hoping it was a dream and she obviously freaked out when I told her the whole story and made me sit down and tell my dad let to go check outside even though it been hour since that he found nothing my mom later admitted that she heard something too but she assumed
something had fallen over in the night as if something was set down on an unsteady surface and was slowly falling until it gave into the pressure and fell I tried to be careful for the rest of that day that next night was weird too though I studying late at night again and heard something walking around but no banging this time thought I heard walking toward my front door of my house but nothing happened brushed it off everything settled down since then but recently I feel as if something's in my room watching me I have no
proof I just have this Eerie feeling something has its eyes on me anyways just wanted to share this experience but any thoughts are welcome and appreciated enter the world of the supernatural with paranormal M with a strange and inexplicable rain Supreme don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications to stay tuned for our latest mindbending Adventures let the journey begin saw a clown in the middle of the night while sleeping over at my grandparents house when I was about 4 I was sleeping at my grandparents house I got up in the middle of the night
to use the bathroom I saw a clown it had stereotypical red hair and a white face it was the Boston area I got so scared and her eyes met and the clown put his finger to his lip as if to say sh backed out of the doorway at this point I ran as fast as I could to my grandparents room my grandparents would never let me sleep with them but this time my grandmother saw how scared I was and I told her what happened and like I said she could see something was really really having
me extremely scared I never knew if it was a dream or what for many years it irked me and when the internet was widely available I started looking up clowns in Boston in the80s trying to figure it out then I saw this article and almost myself the clown scare of 1981 that terrified Boston and it was with the covid-19 pandemic that I haven't really been you know taking any long road trips to visit strange places I've been exploring closer to home and luckily there are some weird places very close by that's one of the nice
things about New England there are spooky stories all over the place recently I took a trip to the Lawrence School in Brookline Massachusetts it was built in the early 20th century the Lawrence School is part of Brook Lin's Public School System it's a very stately looking building but in May of 1981 some students at the school reported seeing very unusual creepy clowns on Tuesday May 5th 198 8 1 the Brookline police received a report that two men dressed as clowns had approached children on Longwood Avenue near the Lawrence School the men were driving a van
and tried to entice the children into the van by offering them candy according to the Boston Globe the vehicle was described as an older black van with ladders on the side a broken front headlight no hub caps Brookline police called The Town school department told administrators to be extra cautious school superintendent robbert I sperber instructed all 10 elementary schools to warn pupils the Boston Globe May 7th 1981 page 21 beware clown peoples told this is not an isolated incident but was instead just one of several creepy clown sightings across the Greater Boston spring area officials
in Boston school system were told the last week of April to warn Elementary and Middle School pupils about Sinister clowns the memo was sent on May 6th it has been brought to the attention of the police department and the district office that adults dressed as clowns been bothering children to and from school the memo said please advise all students it continued that they must stay away from strangers especially ones dressed as clowns the Boston Globe May 7th 1981 page 21 beware clown pupils I was born in 1978 couldn't have been more than 4 years old
still Spooks me to this day what the did I see the cow so having wanted to go ghost hunting for some time I grabb a few friends go out to a location that they said had some strange things happened there and at least was said to be haunted it was an old Pioneer Village kind of cool to see and while the only strange thing that really happened happened was that we all heard a whistle right before we started recording and testing for EMF while we didn't find anything the supposed house that had the most activity
and had burned down in front of it there was a bunch of cows nothing too crazy I thought to myself we were out in foresty areas after dropping everyone at their homes I follow suit on the drive home I pass a cow close to my road being past midnight black all I saw was that white part of their face reflect back at me as well as its eyes scared me until I realized that it was a cow fast forward a few weeks one of the six I went to the location joins me on another trip
this time to a different area while a few mildly interesting things happened there it wasn't crazy enough to be totally conclusive however there were more cows was I found it funny and a bit crazy that they were here too I go home with no troubles a few years later I'm on the phone as I'm driving home from a late night drive time was probably 11:00 p.m. it was dark outside we had spent about an hour talking about the Paranormal on the turn right before my house I see what looks like a slender white figure emerging
from the bushes I scream loudly not knowing what the it was that it was until I recognized the shape of the reflecting light back at me another cow now I live right near an open range Farm but this was right next to my house I'd never seen him get this close I've yet to see another that close too I love cows strange sounds and noises so for context I live in some very normal suburbs there's a school nearby and all that so nothing would usually seem out of the ordinary my town is unassuming however I've
heard strange things within my own home I live with family still and once a night around 12:00 a.m. I assume I saw a light go on in the washroom between mine and another room and I heard scratching on the door as though something with claws had chip bag plastic wrapped around its nails and were dragging them on the wood of the door naturally I'd assumed it had been my family member sleeping on the other side of the washroom I asked him the next morning and apparently it hadn't been in fact he thought it had been
me another time a year or two after that first encounter my family leaves the house and I'm alone I stay in my room as I work pretty much every evening before when I was sleeping in I was unsure as to whether or not my family had locked the door but I was overall unconcerned because again I live in an unassuming Suburban Town Strangely I heard footsteps coming up the stairs as well as the sound of the floorboards creaking was odd so I called out for one of the younger children no response I did nothing however
I assumed I had heard wrong or the house was just old however I heard the sounds again and this time it sounded like whatever it was had gone down the hallway and in the direction of another room I found it unsettling and carefully went downstairs to lock all the doors which thinking back well wouldn't really have done anything if something was already inside we never found anything and I never heard anything after that some Parton me wants to believe that I had heard wrong and just imagined it but I know it was real I have
a habit of checking myself with reality when strange things happen snapping myself out of the days so I can confirm within myself that it was real my heavy desk moved by itself crushing my bed this incident happened a while ago I don't have any proof and I'll explain why later but I just wanted to clarify that I'm not trying to convince anybody this actually happened I just want to know if anybody else has experienced something similar so this happened about 3 months ago I think I was sitting at my desk when I suddenly needed to
use the restroom I came back to my bedroom I was surprised as I had immediately noticed that my desk had moved almost 1 M away from the wall instead of facing straight against the wall like it was 3 minutes ago it was now at an angle with one corner of the desk still facing the wall and the other Corner about at 1 M away from it the thing is that next to my desk I have my bed and this bed barely fits in between my desk and the wall so as the desk was at an
angle it was now crushing my bed so much that the mattress on the bed was lifted up into the air immediately I kind of thought that I had been well maybe it was just my family I guess maybe they just for some reason pushed my desk but I was confused that I didn't hear anything I was just gone for 3 minutes in the bathrooms right next to my bedroom so I should have heard something at least but when I asked my family why they moved my desk they were really confused said that they hadn't been
in my room at all and I kind of believed them because I didn't hear anyone in the hallway even let alone in my room they all came to my room to check out what I meant they were all perplexed the only way that heavy desk could have moved by itself such force that had folded my mattress upwards was if the room suddenly was in a decline and maybe gravity pushed everything downhill or maybe if there was a powerful earthquake but neither that happened my brother who's usually very logical he had no explanation my mother was
terrified and I was just really confused as I went to grab my phone to take a picture of the desk my father Shrugged the whole thing off said it was probably nothing and just pushed my desk back in place and unfortunately that's why I don't have a photo again I'm not looking to convince anybody this actually happened so I don't care if you believe me or not really I just want to know if anybody else has experienced something similar and maybe even knows what it means one of the most odd experiences of my life involving
a Ouija board a new car and 14 teens in the woods so I think I should preface this by saying I was raised by a Mexican mother who's very superstitious not only that but an American Dad who's incredibly logical and agnostic agnostic so I've kind of always been in this balance of logical yet open-minded growing up my mom always told me do not play with Ouija boards they invite demons and bad spirits into your life she did everything she could to warn me about demons and her being a practitioner of Santa Ria and my abua
being a very you know what they call a curandera Healer negative energy cleanser I was warned about bad things my whole life but never felt the same certainty of the existence anyway this was about 12 years ago when I was 16 I was hanging out with three other friends who we're going to call B J and I my friend I just got a brand new car off the lot maybe 20 mil on that baby literally came off the lot to show it all to us and I'm not quite sure how we started about ghosts but
Jay says I have a Ouija board let's use it so we get her board we start trying to use it right in the road it was under the Street Lamp of a Suburban housing division in Oklahoma City it's probably about 10 p.m. of course nothing happens so we chalk it up to we decide hey let's take this car for a drive around the back roads on the outskirts of the city so we do just that I'm in the front seat just focusing on the road while B and J are talking about something stupid now we're
driving along these back roads in a remote wooded area the back roads are still paved we had not been on any gravel roads his high beams were on and I'm just looking at the road right in front of me all of a sudden we hear a loud pop then the car starts making weird noises we pull over almost immediately he gets his little key flashlight out and the passenger side my side the tire was flat but the more we inspect we see the cause was something that looked like three claw slashes right on the side
now me and my friend I are discussing the road and how we can't see a single thing in the road that could have caused it that's when I say the road was Bare and I mean there wasn't a damn thing on the road at all not even a branch that could have caused something like that plus it was an equinox so we we're pretty high up enough to be able to notice those things he's pissed he has to change his tire especially because it's his brand new car he's about to open the trunk and we
hear another and I scream ow at the same time I run around to his side and ask him what just happened he pulls up his pant leg and there's large scratches going from his ankle and calf area the driver rear tire has the exact same scratch marks as the front passenger tire the claw marks on his skin are pretty deep and drew blood we're all terrified at this point like be immediately ran into the car and closed the door we all follow suit and he locks the doors we were discussing amongst ourselves what the we
just experienced The Logical brain says it's a feral animal don't get out of the car and the emotional brain says a demon did this anyways we call triaa and he gets his brand new C towed I immediately told my mom what happened when I got home because I knew it was something bad she'd help me fix it took me to her mothers I get cleansed and do a couple of Roman Catholic prayers but after that night I dealt with the Nightmare and sleep paralysis for years I wonder what it was the time we heard a
demonic scream from this lady who wouldn't speak to us when called my home girl is heading home she calls us saying that she hears a girl in a long sleeve wailing apparently it was indescribable she swings around and comes at us and we go to where we heard it we're pulled up to this cold sack we see a woman walking towards this park we asked her if she heard and well she didn't answer we kept trying to get her attention and she kept not answering she walks into the park and we ask again she turns
around and comes toward us my friend tells her to back off and she almost scurries she goes even farther into the park and my friends ask if she's human then this horrible sound like a squawking whale comes out of her mouth it's horrifying my other idiot friend walk walks back and she does it again and at this point I'm crying and I make my friend drive away and I call 911 my friend said she saw two different women one looked young one I was there to see was old as I called 911 two squad cars
started heading down that road I don't know what happened after we went to the other side of the park which was like a fiveish minute drive to get to and we see another man calling and then talking to the cops but he seemed so bothered when we tried to speak to the cop on the matter the Man simply shed us away saying that they had found her but his Vibe was off too I don't know what happened tonight but somebody who believes in God something sat horribly in the pit of my stomach I think I
had encounters as a child did I this entails multiple short encounters which I'm not sure are real or not I was somewhere between 5 and 9 when all three happened please please read all of them it was about 8:00 p.m. I was in the restroom brushing my teeth made a door lead him to the counter area with a sink and then another door separating the toilet from that area I'd always been afraid of the huge mirror in the counter area so I would hide in the corner or even underneath the sink as I brushed my
teeth one night after hiding it was time to get up and rinse my mouth off that's when suddenly I saw a girl sitting on my shoulders she looks like she was my age wearing what seemed like a white or light pink night gown with a misty black hair it was only for a second though I had passed small encounters with her but I kind of just tried to think of her as my friend the second and third encounters happened on the same night so I'm going to connect them stayed up late playing on my Nintendo
DS or on my Wii U when I suddenly heard the bathroom faucet turn on and off it was over and over some for long periods and some for short and for reference I had a loft bed on the same side of my room or at least the same side that my room door was on my room was straight across from the bathroom eventually it kept going and the faucet turning on for longer amounts of time each time started becoming scared and yelled from my parents and my older brother calling out their names eventually I thought
it might be my brother playing a trick on me so I yelled his name over and over I started getting very scared called out more and more but no responses the walls of my old house were thin and her old bedrooms were all near each other I started screaming yet absolutely nobody replied not Mom not dad not brother and all three of them should have eventually I stopped and hit underneath my blanket for about 20 minutes the faucet finally stopped but then I sat up and I felt something watching me turned around to see a
hand with long white fingers and long painted nails I hid underneath the blanket immediately until it was gone what happened that night I saw something as a kid and I'm still confused about it till this day first I'd like to say that English is not my first language so I'm sorry if I make mistakes I'm a 19-year-old female going on 20 next month this happened when I was around 4 years old when I was young me and my parents and my brother were living in an apartment before we moved to our own house my grandmother
was visiting often was taking me and my brother out to a park to play my mom and my grandmother was avoiding most of our family members and neighbors I didn't understood W oops sorry they wrote and I didn't understood why try to fix it flipped over myself well and I didn't understand why but they never let us play with other kids we had one neighbor a female and that my mom was trying to avoid the most she was a really bad old woman from my mom was telling me when I was young I was around
4 around this time so I'm still sleeping in my parents room in a small baby bed I don't know what that's called but it was the one with a fence or as they put it a fans I was sleeping in it because I was and still am really small I didn't grow much the bed was next to the corner where the window and I was my parents put water on my window sill in case I needed it they knew I was smart enough to take care of myself even at that age one night I woke
up really thirsty so I stood up on my feet to reach for the bottle to drink but it wasn't filled with too much water so I planned to wake my mom up to help me I knew had to get out of the bed without falling or injuring myself next to the small bed was a nightstand so I was hopping off onto the nightstand and then to the ground next to the nightstand was my parents' bed my mom was sleeping face my side so I walked up to the bed woke her up but when I reached
the bed and wanted to woke her up I couldn't move at all I was stuck in place over my mom's side of the bed I tried to move but I couldn't move him muscle I could only breathe and watch over my mom sleeping then something make a sound under I could tell the sound came from under the bed so I looked down only with my eyes cuz I couldn't move my head and what I saw terrifies me to this day there was a hand a pitch black hand like a shadow but I could tell it
was real now I know there's a myth about little kids being able to see think that adults can't but I swear this was too real was moving kind of crawling on the floor to reach me I was telling my brain to move and couldn't make any sound either cuz I tried to scream to woke my mom but nothing came out the hand reached my feet and when it touched me it was burning it started crawling on me and it burned the hand was too long to be a human arm all I could do was stay
there and pray that I will woke up from this nightmare when the hand reached my neck right before it touched it my mom moved to the bed and right after that I moved backwards too fast that I hit the little bed my mom woke up I could move again I started crying my mom W up immediately and asked me what happened I was crying so much that I couldn't explain anything my mom just took me in her arms and tried to calm down after that she put me in the bed and she got back to
sleep I took one last look at my mom's bed and the hand was not there anymore but it looked like it disappeared in the shadow from under the bed the next morning my mom woke up app desperately screaming at me what did you do I remember her taking me to the bathroom where she undressed me for my pajamas she left the bathroom for a moment to bring new clothes while she did that I took a look at my pajamas they had black stains on the front right where the hand had touched me the material looked
a little burned too in some places after this incident I started having more experiences like this once right after the first one me and my parents my grandmother and brother went on a vacation to the beach my parents were staying in a room and me and my brother and Grandma and another the memories are foggy from this vacation but I remember that I would see people covered in black sludge on the beach it's something that old people cover themselves with at the beach cuz it said that it has health benefits I would start crying my
grandma told me about this when I was 16 she told me that when we were in a hotel room I would start crying and not to get too close to the bed and she would ask me why and I would reply with with motor roll but I think what I wanted to say was Monster I thought it was motor oil another encounter with this thing was when me and my brother were playing alone in my parents room in our apartment I was staying in the middle of the bed thinking that I won't get snatched by
that thing if I was over it my brother was on the car bed playing with cars we had a road type carpet a red I think they mean that little kids's carpet with the roads on it I forgot about this memory until one day me and my brother were talking and I was 17 and he was 16 it was some late night type of conversation that we had we started to talk about paranormal things all of a sudden he asked me a question that made my heart hard drop that's with two P's he asked do
you remember the black hand from when you were young after I heard this question the memory started to flow back again from the day that we were playing on the carpet I could see it clearly in front of me he was playing on the carpet and the hand was there next to him I was terrified and I remember it wasn't just in my head he had seen it too I never told him about it never told anyone about it so r real after this conversation I started thinking more deeply and I came up with the
idea to tell my grandma my grandma is a witch but she's not practicing it too much now she was doing curses and spells when she was younger but with time she stopped and only did card readings and protection spells so when I told her about this she got pale and was shocked she explains to me that she leaves it was a spell a curse from my mother made by that old lady that was our neighbor when I was young it was not meant to hurt me but my mom that night but somehow I saw it
and walked right up to it first she told me that I could have died that night but my energy and protective spells that she put on me helped me after this I understood a lot about my life while I started to have nightmares after the incident even to I never had them why I was getting sick more often why I had to go to the hospital too many times that I could count why my life is so miserable to this day the bad luck I have in everything everything made sense ask Reddit there is a
ghost that loves my my dog I'm an artist rent a small studio and it's on the second floor of an old antique store store is quite large bottom is all antiques top has a small studio and more antiques when the antique store is closed bottom floor is active alarms there's a separate staircase and entrance to the studio section artists have 24-hour access because she is the best girl my GS dmix comes into the studio with me wonder what that is dog absolutely loves when the store is open customers can walk around the upstairs area my
studio is in the middle of the top floor and has two doors one on each end but the doors are removed I have dog gates when people are around she goes from one door to the next for pets and treats if I'm there after hours usually early in the morning morning she just chills and sleeps on her dog bed or works on a bone the past few weeks there's been an odd occasional occurrence we'll be there around 5:30 a.m. contently working away Serene is snoozing on her bed she'll wake up from a deep sleep run
to a door full-on tail wack butt wiggle level her head like she's being petted ears back and flat top of the head flat eyes looking up adoringly in a dog grin after a moment she'll break and run to the other door and repeat the process just like she does when an actual customer is petting her the first time I thought somebody else was around so I checked no one else there nothing on the security camera H ask Reddit this happened to me around 2006 2007 it was the summertime my family and I live pretty remotely
in the middle of nowhere near Woods trails and cornfields during school my friend told me about how her family decided to adopt a new religion when it that meant she explained her family went into a big city to speak to a religious zealot or medium who can see stuff that we can't she told me this medium knew there was a trail that led behind behind her house and knew there was a cornfield mixed in that was mixed in with the woods as well as behind her home nothing spooky about that just seems pretty common knowledge
given the area well the medium also told her that there's a demon or extraterrestrial metho creature and it manifests itself behind their home in the woods around 3:14 a.m. in the morning it tries to communicate through my friend and thus why she has chronic hiccups that's at first now of course when she told me all of this I didn't bind any of it and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to scare my other friends who were girls in my class we were all friends but I liked one of the girls and that Parts irrelevant
to the story but anyway so I explained the story of two of my friends and we were deciding to go out into the woods that night behind my other friend's house in hopes to see this demon or whatever the girls drove their cars over to my house because we could kind of walk to the trails from my house it was 2:30 a.m. took us about 15 minutes of walking to get to the location the way the trail forms was pretty spooky because the trees kind of hooked over us forming a ton of leaves and limbs
it was extremely clear that night The Sound of Insects and Wildlife was very prant oops pre ENT so it wasn't that creepy time goes on and I'm sitting on the ground and one of my friends is playing on her flip phone and the girl I liked was talking to me 314 rolls around I start taunting whatever this thing is I start throwing rocks into the corn field and fast Woods nearby about 5 minutes pass we decid to head back no longer did it take for me to stand up and take three steps everything around us
got dead silent no crickets chirping no movement out of the blue about 6 ft in front of us to the right a large Branch snaps and two we hear the most ominous growl I've ever heard in my life I've lived here my whole life and hunted I've never heard an animal sound like that by the sound of the limb snap we fully expected to see something step out of the brush and greet us nothing did the girls jumped behind me and we just stare at that spot for a solid minute trying to comprehend what it
was we couldn't see a dang thing it was Pitch Black and our little flip phones didn't have much of a flashlight like these new phones have I took a few Pebbles on the ground and Chuck them in the direction of the noise nothing I decided it wasn't worth the risk of the girl's safety so I told them run the other way and I'll lag behind just in case it is a predator that likes to Chase it'll get to me first as soon as they took off absolutely nothing followed us we managed to cut through the
woods and onto a road that led by my house we got back home around 4:00 a.m. and to this day I have absolutely no idea what it was we went back a year later and nothing ever occurred again I still hear the growl in my head and it sends chills down my arm stuff continuously going missing with no explanation I need to grab my paints I left outside to finish something I'm making my boyfriend for Valentine's that's cool went to get them from the place I know I left them they weren't in an untrustworthy spot
either seen them the day before and they went missing we're all gone I know no one would have taken my Paints the small amount of close friends I have over every now and then they W really do art I know they wouldn't have stolen them for any reason the next thing to go missing I know was small but I know exactly where I placed it on my bench and it was my eyebrow pencil I went to grab it not too shortly after and it wasn't there anymore cleaned my whole room after this and still nothing
even though my room wasn't too messy to begin with I just deep cleaned at this time the next thing to disappear would be my piercing needles I have them in my clear small set of drawers I put them in the smallest drawer and my friend wanted me to pierce her nose but to grab them they weren't there anymore looked everywhere no one goes in my room when I'm home most of the time I haven't touched them since I pierced both of my nostrils the last thing so far I can say that's missing is my concealer
that I put into my makeup bag I know very well I did because I vividly remember doing it and I never leave any of my makeup outside of the bag when I'm done with it I have no clue what's going on I've had no one over since the paint situation I trust myself to know I haven't and definitely wouldn't misplace those items since I like everything to be where it should be whether it's paranormal stuff or not it's starting to piss me off I've heard of things like this happening to others and this isn't the
first time something like this has happened to me creepy childhood experiences hi y'all I'm a 37-year-old female I was listening to a podcast about ghost stories thought I'd share a few experiences I had in my childhood home the house where I grew up it's like over hundred years old and my parents still lived there my dad has actually lived in that house for his entire life my grandparents built out the attic space into two additional bedrooms when he was a kid the back bedroom of the upstairs was the room my sister and I shared when
we were kids and was directly above our living room there have been so many times when I'd be alone in the house in the living room when there would be a crashing sound come from up in a room think someone dropping a stack of books I'd run upstairs but nothing would ever be out of place I didn't see anything for years figured nobody would believe me didn't say anything either but when I eventually told my mom and sister they looked kind of shocked because both admitted they'd also been hearing the same noises for years when
I was 16 I was playing Super Mario World in the alove of my bedroom I was facing the window with my back to the rest of the room when you start a level in the game the screen kind of Fades to Black for maybe a second or two when this happened I could see the reflection of a man standing behind me thinking it was my dad I whipped around to ask and you know how he managed to sneak up the stairs stairs Creak like crazy there was no one there I reset the console over over
and over again but the man was gone I told my dad what I saw he seemed a little spooked before he told me that I described his father who died before I was born after that he refused to acknowledge that we ever just had that conversation and believed that I was quote unquote just seeing things the last big occurrence happened when I was 17 this was before the house had central air so the Summers were spent with windows open to circulate air had the front door open but there was no Breeze that day I was
playing on the computer when the front door swung shut and latched 100-year-old door that has to be latched in a very specific way I froze when I heard the footsteps going from the front door pass me into the kitchen as the footsteps went past me I heard the sound of a woman humming whistling outside help for context I live in Northern Georgia and lately the weather's been cold so I've been sleeping with my window open on my screen isn't fully on yet I was doing my usual night routine playing games with my online friends I
see a tiny little stink bug so what I usually do is I pick it up go downstairs and put it out front I open the front door Crouch down to set the stink bug on the floor and I hear this deep voice on my left for context my house is set up to where my front door is pushed in farther than my driveway I listened closely and it sounds like it's in my driveway near the garage the whistling was lasting a couple of seconds and it was the Itsy Bitsy Spider wanted to make sure I
wasn't going crazy so I sat there and listened until the song ended ended and the way it ended was slow and menacing almost being dragged on when it ended it was dead silent and I mean like nothing was moving or making a noise no bugs no ambient city noise nothing I've searched the web nice pun trying to find you know what it could be when I come up with nothing and hopefully somebody on here could help me how does the end of that song Go YY bitsy spider went up the spider web watch the spider
around D up all the rains ah and Itsy Bitsy Spider I forgot itsy bitsy spider went up the spout or out the spout again one of the creepy experiences I had when I was 11 I was 11 I used to wake up at 3:00 a.m. constantly when I sleep alone this happens when I sleep in my room and I've had no problem sleeping alone at my grandmother's house and it really messed up my mind but I got used to it over time but sometimes I feel really anxious and I feel like I'm being watched then
I immediately rush to my parents room and on this this particular event I woke up at 3:00 a.m. and felt so anxious that I didn't have a second thought straight up ran to my parents' room he took me in and I slept in between them and after like 3 hours I woke up again which is odd I sleep peacefully when I'm in my parents so I started checking my mom but she wasn't there then I started checking my dad and he wasn't there either I remember I was sandwiched between them if that makes sense I
started panicking I immediately got up and switched on the lights they weren't in their bed I checked under the bed the toilet washroom attached to the room my room the toilet then went downstairs and checked the living room dining hall and other toilets and kitchen too they were nowhere to be seen I started panicking I was panicking to the point of just bursting out to tears and I did then I checked if their vehicles are still here or not the vehicles are untouched then there was one more room left to check was my grandmother's room
and for some background information she and I are not in good terms she doesn't really love to see me as her granddaughter from what I've seen and she's pretty unbothered even if my parents disappear in the middle of the night banged on her door crying but I was hopeless but luckily she did open the door and started explaining what happened and she said oh we'll look for them in the morning took me in luckily I slept with her and the next morning my parents came looking for me they didn't even know that wasn't there until
they woke up they were sleeping in the same room I was in the whole night I need my answers y'all did I just get transferred to a different reality I don't know but this experience really me up ask Reddit couple of years back my boyfriend and I were driving on a country back road of central Illinois about 900 p.m. cold and rainy mid October large wooded areas all around we were in midc conversation that's when we both cut off the same time we were overcome with Dread to the right of the road was a 6
or 7t tall pale humanoid its arms were disproportionately long and thin didn't have any discernable facial features peered out from behind the trees and looked directly at us we were both silent for about 30 seconds and I finally said H did you see my boyfriend says thank God you said something I thought I was crazy a few days later two friends were hanging out in their car was in the local car park it's surrounded by woods and corn fields the fields are recently harvested so you could see all the way to the tree line they
said they saw something pale and Incredibly thin and humanoid across the field ran kind of like a dog and it disappeared into the woods within seconds at first I thought it might be something different cuz I was thinking what I saw was more humanoid then I discovered that thousands of people have reported seeing humanoid pale naked lanky things that move like dogs there's apparently particularly a lot of sightings in Illinois so that part adds up as well lots of reports from the 50s and 60s of pale humanoids as well really makes me wonder anyway I'm
now convinced that there's an Undiscovered humanoid Living in America we haven't proved they exist cuz they're so fast and Silent they also hide in abandoned buildings caves and mines ask Reddit when I was maybe 8 years old I went to stay with my grandparents for the weekend that night I had some really intense night terrors something I hadn't suffered from previously or ever since but nana couldn't shake me out of it was just screaming and crying out in fear for like an hour like a real dread in my eyes the next morning I found out
that my cousin we were a few days apart lived down the same street as my grandparents had been sleepwalking at the time and that's the same time I'd been having these nightmares she walked out of the house crossed a busy dual carriageway walked a mile or so into town in her bare feet got picked up thankfully by a nice couple on their way home from a club and brought her home according to my nan I kept saying keep going keep going but she looks to sugarcoat story so I don't actually know if that's true either
way it's always freaked me out in these two incidents happening on the same night the same time with neither of us ever displaying the sort of behavior before or after ask Reddit anyway I went to a high school football game with a friend was all going as a normal game would go friends hanging out getting food then randomly something happened the entire Stadium lost power I mean everything was out no lights anywhere we all sat there confused no voice came on to tell anybody what was going on and they literally lost power to everything then
me and everybody else see a shadowy plane type thing in the sky was triangular kind of like a stealth plane so it flew ever so slowly over the stadium must have been going maybe 30 m an hour tops took about 20 seconds to pass over the stadium after it passed we were all wondering what the just happened then a second one came that was further away this time and if you don't believe me about the first one then you sure as hell don't believe me anymore was about 45 or excuse me 45 miles away but
you could see it flying ever so slowly across the Horizon of the city to this day my good friend who I was swi still doesn't remember and well Nobody Does it happened and I swear it did ask Reddit a friend of mine died when we were 15 she was hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street in front of her house before her viewing and the funeral maybe one to two days before my boyfriend and I came out of the bedroom and bump into my mom coming out of the hallway bathroom it felt weird
in the hallway like there was more pressure in the air that had been sucked out of it or something it's hard to explain my mom looked extremely out of it like she was in some sort of Trance or something she looked truly bizarre and was swaying back and forth my boyfriend was freaked out and said Joan are you okay she was staring at the floor paused swayed then stared at us but said nothing was so Eerie she was staring at us in this disconnected way it was so unsettling I really slowly walked toward her asked
if she was okay again and as I approached her she held up her hands in front of her face and held in this really contorted position and screamed my hands my hands she started sobbing staring at her hands too and just kept saying my hands I panicked and reached out and took hold of her arms so I could check out her hands cuz they were so weirdly contorted thought that maybe she fell and broke them when I touched her though she kind of shook herself out of it and said Janie are you okay what's going
on she was super confused as to why she was in the hallway and had no recollection of what had happened we went to my friends viewing her hands were totally contorted Ed I'm assuming they were somehow shattered Maybe by maybe like trying to stop the car as it came at her the whole thing was so unsettling and heartbreaking it made my heart Hur think that her last moments may have been filled with such pain and confusion I'm such a big skeptic especially now into adulthood but I'll never forget that interaction and I truly believe it
was her reaching out to us through my mom I was a skeptic and now I think I need help moved into this house in a farm town in Colorado everything was fine and nice I was setting up my new bedroom in the basement level of a three-story home the house doesn't have a negative energy or Vibe quite earthy so my rooms cozy and reflects that it all started on this occasion where I was once home alone in my room and by habit I locked my bedroom door I was hanging out on my couch across from
said door checking the tracking information on a package on my phone I have two small docile Senor chihuas it's worth mentioning that my dogs aren't what you would consider yappy as they're both seniors 13 male and six female six doesn't seem old at the same moment I felt a presence outside the store dog F dog female dog chips lifted her head from a nap and was paying attention to the door once I noticed the presence I noticed the knob on the door was very slowly trying to turn I called my two best friends gave them
the hush finger over FaceTime they noticed the same thing at this point chips began to bark I grabbed my Hydro Flask for defense expecting somebody to be there but there was no one the same moment I opened the door heard my mom come home ran up and explain this to her and she Shrugged it off second occasion I had said two besties over sleepover in some video games they left around 7:00 a.m. at around 10:00 a.m. my phone dinged it woke me up responding to my boyfriend when I heard my friend's voice audibly say just
go inside and a different voice responded it's cold I said out loud you guys are still here I got up and let them in again and no one was there mind you being basement level my room is cold third encounter I had a cowgirl hat on a table left for a few to drop something off and the hat was moved to my gaming chair one I know I wouldn't and two I wouldn't wear it and three I wouldn't move it last and most recent situation I was on the phone doing a reading of some poetry
I wrote emotional and all one of my Polaroids fell off a shelf regardless of this never happening to me before I've never believed in Paranormal Activity despite the majority of my family believing I never have always like to consider the rational before the irrational but I can't explain these occurrences I wouldn't know what to do or anything really if it matters I'm Catholic and to be honest a little scared can anyone provide any information or Solutions and did you guys listening notice my chihuas pronunciation I'm trying to make up for the tamao ttio like to
share something that runs in my family bloodline I'm Ryan 14 and a Christian I've got something to share with you all about my family we have this thing where we sometimes see strange stuff like black figures around our house but I want you to know some of these things I see can be pretty scary that all started when I was young young maybe s or eight I was in my mom's room unable to sleep and I saw a shadow walking past the door I didn't hear any footsteps but I told my mom she said it
was probably Santa or the Easter Bunny we went back to sleep under the blankets then when I was 14 I was in the bath I saw a black figure of a woman in the reflection scared me but I ignored it and got out of the bath another time coming back from a SDA with my mom and sister saw a kid with two hands on my mom's room window everything was blacked out but I could tell it was a girl I pointed it out but they said it was fine late one night texting a friend named
lzu zoo I heard Footsteps in my room scared me so I prayed for protection and everything was okay sometimes I'm alone I hear voices or Footsteps in my room so yeah that's my experience with these things I used to be stalked by a doglike creature ever since I was a baby I was a magnet to the Paranormal ghosts demons and whatever is in the middle I would always feel something watching me 20 47 I don't know when it started but sometime around being 6 years old I had two dogs at the time and would of
course let them out whenever I was home from school and during the night it was all normal till I started seeing this thing in the back corner of my backyard every single night it was pretty large and looked like my dog but it would just stand there and stare at me with glowing red eyes that had the form of a large dog almost coyote like every night when I took my dogs out it would be there watching me it filled me with so much Terror and Dread whenever I saw it I would be frozen in
fear it was so bad that I wouldn't take my dogs outside alone anymore I tried showing my dad and pointing at it yet on his end he saw nothing him nor my mom believed me which drove me crazy terrified to my younger self due to the Eerie resemblance of it to my at the time current dog I could see its facial expressions the body and the angle it would move sometimes the thing would even pace around in the corner of my yard but it never left that spot no only ever saw it at night during
the day it would just disappear it would stare at me even through the windows and blinds as if it knew exactly where and when I was going to see it this all repeated for years might I add all the way till inter immediate school like fifth grade I should also add that my dogs never seemed to react to it now that I'm older I barely seen it but I wanted to ask if anybody had an idea in what this was this dog like thing terrorized me throughout my childhood I really want to know what it
was I had something similar potential Hai shaku encounter for some insight Hai shaku Sama the 8T tall woman as a Japanese urban legend information about it can be found by Google search and if it means anything I'm Japanese yet live in America it was around 12: or 2: a.m. at night my whole family was asleep I was sitting on a stool and leaning against my countertop while watching some random YouTube video on my iPad then I get this weird feeling wash over me I'm unsure of how to explain it but it was like the atoms
in the room were Disturbed like a six sense I suppose I felt uneasy but unsurprisingly not scared I could tell something or someone was there just as I was about to ignore it like how I usually do most other times I could see the spirit or whatever it was out of the corner of my eyes standing facing me in the archway to my parents' bedroom was an incredibly tall woman around 8 or 10 ft without the white hat on her head it was almost like a sun hat she was very pale almost paper white and
had long pin straight black hair that reached to her lower back I couldn't tell if her hat or hair were covering her face or that she just didn't have one she wore a simple plain white dress that seemed to have been somehow dirtied due to the grayish SL black mud or whatever on it to say it simply it just wasn't clean she didn't scare me or make any sound only stared in my direction or at me was strange because I'm mostly able to tell the intentions of any ghost or spirit that decides to show itself
to me I found it strange how she was wearing all white and looked exactly like like Hai shaku that's hard Hai shaku Sama but I don't think it was actually her since you'd have you know to hear the evil spirit Hatchi shakos Sama go po po po and an eerie voice before you actually would see her so I'm in sure it was her and if it was I'm pretty sure I'd be dead by now Hai shakas I think that's right my first memory was of seeing a demon I won't forget it in this life as
a child I woke in the middle of the night and turned over the side of my bed was this 3ft tall demon with black matted down fur dead sharp teeth and an earto ear grin made eye contact with it and it started laughing kind of like a Golem from Lord of the Rings but more wicked Gollum it said to me starve starve starve and laughed some more I head under the covers for a few minutes I lifted the covers off my head and it appeared to be gone but then it slowly rematerialized at the end
of my bed and was smiling then it faded out and disappeared ran to my mother's room and told her I saw something scary she said like a kind of prayer for me and surprisingly I just went right back to sleep I woke up the next morning and out of the corner a 7ft tall glowing man walked out to the middle of my room he wore a white gown with a thick gold belt and gold sandals he had a very peaceful smile I think it was an angel but he didn't have wings I covered my face
with a blanket and when I removed it he was gone on memories I will never forget Supernatural experience so I'm in my 30s now for the most part kind of forget I don't really think about this weird time but every now and again I have a few hours OB obsessing over it this might be a little long but when I was a little girl we would spend every weekend at my grandma's my mom was an only child so it was only me and my brothers no cousins which made us very close to our grandparents me
and my four brothers I was the only girl we'd all go on a Friday night but on Saturday my brothers would leave and I would stay until Sunday night it was mainly when they had left that this would happen to me I would get severely depressed and I need you to remember I was only around 6 years old like a weird knot in my tummy in a horrid black cloud that made me feel sick my grandparents were wonderful and kind of doting but it was their house I would think about dying all the time while
I was there and have actual panic attacks where I would jump out of bed and run to landing and screaming for my grandma I had only my own bedroom and it felt like there there was something awful in there I need to make it clear how when I was at my mother's home I never felt like this never experienced anything like this anywhere else my grandparents bathroom was opposite their bedroom and sometimes when I would leave the bathroom I would see water dropping from their door frame I would watch a few drops and i' kind
of touched the carpet and see if it was wet and never was I've tried to catch the droplets and watch them fall into my hands only to find them dry I was so scared in that house that I could bring myself to flush the toilet because of the noise I was certain something would happen to me while the noise of that flush was filling the room it got so bad that I started asking my mom to come home first thing Saturday morning cuz the depression and awful dark feeling in the base of my tummy got
to be too much I would think about going from Wednesday onwards I would worry about it and fret I loved seeing my grandparents when they came to our home and the dark Bleak presence of their home never followed them years later my grand andma got very sick they relocated to a bungalow since losing them both I've driven past the house and I don't get any feelings now I often wonder what this was and I'd be interested in talking to anybody who's ever experienced anything like this greetings Seekers of the supernatural welcome to Paranormal M where
we uncover the Mysteries that lie Beyond the Veil of reality subscribe now and activate notifications to join us on our quest for the unknown prepare to be amazed I think I might get a new house for background information I was 13 when this happened this happened 4 years ago my grandfather died at 90 when I was 10 I was in love with the Paranormal at the time and always find a way to prank someone so that particular day I thought to prank my oldest brother I'll call him Baka number one okay he didn't believe in
the Paranormal and he found it stupid and childish so I told my other brother I'll kill him I'll call him Baka number two to make a plan and we decided to go out and play near where we buried our grandpa and just scare him off and he'll come out of his damn room as we were discussing the plan I noticed a scratch mark on my brother's face I didn't notice it when he came out when I asked him about it he didn't recall scratching himself or anything that's when I saw a black figure move past
me I was so freaking scared but I brushed it off thinking my mind was just playing with it I saw a footprint right where I saw it and I'd looked around to find any more Footprints but I didn't I was not feeling the vibe which usually doesn't happen so I decided to go inside without doing the prank right that second I felt a hand to pull my leg it was definitely not my brother since he was walking in front of me so I was freaked out and I froze couldn't move at all and for a
minute I couldn't hear anything at all I came back to reality I ran inside locked my freaking door so fast I experienced the same Emoji of painting fingernails today at my grandfather's death anniversary you're strange one something followed me home this happened when I was 16 in the Rocky Mountains my father and I used to love ghost hunting he used to do it all the time when he was a teen he lived in a small town in the mountains that was founded by Mormon pioneers during our family reunion in said small town we were camping
he thought it would be fun to bring me and a couple of my cousins to a semetery known for being haunted this Cemetery was very small and consists of Native Americans and Pioneers it was old and most of the graves were unmarked I didn't know much about ghost hunting and the rules so I thought it would be interesting to see if I could capture a recording of their voices I called out to the space and asked if anybody was there the cousins tried asking questions as well we asked if anything could try and make a
sound touch us or move something I ended the recording and I listened to it nothing was on it disheartened we went back to the reunion and went to bed the next day I went to my mom's house everything seemed completely normal until I went to bed that night I tried to get my dog to come to bed with me but I couldn't find her anywhere which was weird because she came to bed with me every night I was very tired so I just went to my room and went to bed alone in the middle of
the night I jolted awake there was an alarm clock next to my bed and read exactly 3:00 I sat up and heard a slight scratching sound I couldn't figure out where it was coming from as that sound grew louder the door knob started to jiggle it slowly turned all the way around and the door creaked open it opened all the way and the door was like a black smoky looking creature taller than the frame itself he had glowing yellow eyes I could make out its mouth with sharp looking teeth I immediately freaked the hell out
and backed away threw my covers over my head and as I did so I saw a jolt in my direction I could feel it jump onto my bed was almost slithering around saying things in a tongue I didn't recognize I was crying and pleading with the universe to save me I didn't sleep stopped around 6:00 in the morning I fell asleep after that and woke up around 11: honestly I couldn't figure out if the previous night was a dream or reality but when I saw the door a jar I knew it had actually happened I
had no idea what to do to protect myself so the next night I made sure to find my dog who's a border col I went to bed and she was at my feet seemingly a little anxious I woke up again right at 3 I could see my dog staring into the corner and I pulled her a little closer to me I felt her hair standing straight up on it Edge she started growling and I could see what she was growling at in the corner of my room I saw it again standing and staring at me
not moving but smiling awkwardly my dog was trying to inch closer growling intently as she did the creature vanished of course I didn't sleep until I thought it was safe to do so the next day I looked up what to do online I read that you should buy incense to burn and say a blessing stating that nothing is allowed to enter the space or follow me so I did exactly that I bought the incense and went through my entire house and every entryway and set a blessing to prevent the creature from returning that night I
held my dog close prayed that nothing would happen nothing did happen or come back since then I'm always on edge about this ever since what if one day that thing decides it wants me again what if it gets enough power to come back conga drums sacred beats evil spirit summoned this happened to my brother and dad in high school my brother summoned an evil spirit with conad drums with the sacred book it was super late at night I'm thinking when he told me this I was asleep the whole time he described this happening immediately after
playing these sacred beats all the dogs started barking in the neighborhood a burning gross smell Rose who knows how he described it my brother got sudden paralysis with the dark evil entity staring over him tormenting his mind my dad W up to the dogs barking a burning putrid smell but couldn't move he had the same paralysis with a dark Sinister entity looking over him making threats trying to torment him my dad is not scared of anything and I was telling the entity I'mma you up when I get out of this I'mma pray to Jesus Christ
Etc as soon as he broke free he went into my brother's room cuz he saw the light was on what the did you do my brother scared out of his mind shocked had also broken free from it before my dad went in but was still in a shocked days told them what happened they threw the book away and prayed to Christ to get rid of this evil entity all they could smell was that putridness after many prayers and our father's prayers things calmed down smell went away dogs stopped aring if you are religious or not
doesn't matter to me I truly believe this was another case of Christ coming to the rescue with prayer we don't want to open these gateways and summon these Spirits my ghostly encounter I'm currently 39 years old I live in Scotland the story I'm about to tell you happened from the age of 1 to 1 and 1/2 years old when I was just under a year old my mother's grandfather Tom passed away he had been unwell for a while after suffering from a stroke before he passed away my mom would take me to visit him at
my great-grandmother daily he was a family oriented man and he adored me my mother would tell me how much he loved spending time with me and he would always tickle me and love the sound of my laughter about 3 months after he passed away my mother and father were awoken One Night by the sound of laughter coming from my bedroom when they both entered my room they found me laying in my cot I was rolling around and giggling they settled to me again for the night not thinking too much about it until it happened again
the following night and each night thereafter for the next couple of months this continued understandably this started to creep my father out my mother and her family on the other hand started to wonder if I was perhaps being visited during the night as the weeks passed I started to give my mother and father details about my nighttime Giggles once my speech started to develop I began to give them Clues as to what I was Finding so funny in the wee hours of the morning one night my parents were woken up by the sound of my
laughter and could hear me shouting man they quickly entered my room to find me standing in my cot staring at the bed directly across from me my parents asked what is it I replied man pointing to the bed this continued with as the weeks went on more information I gave I'd tell them man tickle me or they'd hear me shouting stop tickle me man I started to describe him I said he had a hat and a tickly face and pointed to above the lip my great-grandfather had passed away when I was under a year old
he wore a bonnet a traditional Scottish hat and had a mustache my family were convinced I was being visited by my late great grandfather even my father who was a skeptic once I started to give this information my nighttime visits and the laughter stopped about 17 years ago a psychic told me I have a male spirit with me who looks out for me he told me he's always been with me since I was a baby his name is Tom I'm at peace now 10 years ago I met someone it All Began outside of a local
nightclub for the purpose of anonymity I'll refer to him as g g approached me with a rose that he had purchased from a street pedler he'd come across as Charming had the most infectious smile I felt butterflies my stomach and house instantly attracted to him as the months passed and the more time that we spent with each other I fell head over heels for him I had left a toxic marriage the year previous and G made me feel safe while I was with him laying in his arms was my safe space g was well known
within his profession took him all over the world his professional life kept him busy and my profession and children kept me equally as busy but we did see each other as much as we could but it was never as much as I would have liked 8 months in G broke news to me that brought my world crashing down around me he told me that he had been in a long-distance relationship since before we met and she had moved to our town I can't even put into words how devastated I was uh it broke my heart
I was so in love with him and I couldn't breathe with the pain I was in I lay on him for hours and both cried he told me he didn't know who to be with and he broke me and the other woman's heart in the process at that time I didn't want any more kids he used that as the decider in that moment as the days passed I fell deeper and deeper into despair it was Christmas time and all I wanted to do was curl up in the ball and cry G kept in contact checking
in on me within a week he invited me to his home as week as it was May it seems like I couldn't stop myself as weak as it may seem I couldn't stop myself I was back laying in his arms and all the pain was gone I didn't ask about her I didn't want to know for the next 3 months we continued this way it was up and down and I was on edge and Casey walked away again the other woman appeared to be out of the picture but I was scared in case he was
seeing her at the same time still we got into a fight over my suspicion stopped talking couple of weeks later I was lying on my sofa watching TV my phone lit up with a message was G the message read I still love you all those feelings washed over me again I replied with I love you too my phone rang and it was G telling me that he was about to arrive at my home the door knocked I answered and we were right back how it was always between us passionate and intoxicating few days later we
ran into the same old issues I wanted more commitment and he didn't I just couldn't do it anymore my heart was being torn into pieces and my emotions were all over the place I had to face facts that this wasn't going to end the way I wanted it to I had to walk away for good I told G I hated him that he was devious wanted him to hate me that way I could move on I gave him back the gifts that he had given me I never spoke to him again thought about him over
the years looked at his social media and that gut-wrenching feeling would still be there I pushed the feeling away and instead would turn to anger to stop myself from thinking about him last year in the Autumn I was sitting rocking my newborn baby who I have to my second marriage G popped into my head the temptation to check his social media took over I guess I just wanted to see if he had any kids himself now A couple of years ago I found out that he had met a woman around the time I met my
husband and they got married too as I typed his name to the search bar I saw a post from his wife it was a picture of them both and it was captioned miss you I stared at the screen trying to figure it out was he working away or somewhere or something I looked on his profile and all recent posts I put his name back into the search bar and searched posts relating to his name what I was faced with sent my head spinning in my stomach and Knots rest in peace I couldn't take it in
I searched through every POS and read the contents and comments and I paced around couldn't believe what I was seeing I just sat wondering what happened was he ill was he in an accident later that night I had an awful feeling like myself G suffered with depression we were on the same medication and what if he died due to this for 2 months I sat with no answers head swimming in disbelief and trying to block it out blocking it out was manageable because I was dealing with a new baby December rolled in and I found
myself frantically searching online to try to find out what happened to G then I found an article about a man his age Dying by Suicide and that was on the same day that he died it was horrific I just knew in my heart it was him after some more deep diving through social media I found posts from his family about suicide awareness felt like I was in a bad dream unreal just didn't feel real I believed I was seeing but I wouldn't let it sink in I just felt numb tried to talked to my husband
about it too and he was understanding said it's okay to feel this way and that he was a part of your life I didn't cry I just felt sad but in true me fashion I shoved it down started to block it out he drifted in and out of my thought sense I'd close my eyes take a deep breath try not to think about him last week it all changed I dreamt about him I dreamt out was back with him in his house the same feeling of longing and comfortability as infectious smile I woke up feeling
like I couldn't breathe my heart felt so heavy and I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry like I did all those years ago the days following grief hit me like a tidal wave I couldn't control the tears and my heart was aching all the memories of it playing through my thoughts listening to the songs that he listened to and songs that reminded me of him hiding my grief from my husband even too I didn't understand what was happening I wouldn't expect him to you wouldn't know I just sat asking Gan my
head over and over again why on Sunday I awoke feeling just as horrific as I had the days prior decided to go visit the local spiritualist Center try to give myself some peace I'm quite a spiritual person and believe in the afterlife and the Paranormal on the way there I walked slowly just taking in the spring air G heavily in my thoughts fighting back my tears I arrived and took a seat I sat there hoping I might hear something from G the medium present began just by giving a little reading sort of the words reflected
how I felt fought hard to keep the tears in the median began to speak to individuals around the room wasn't really taking it in because I was just kind of willing to hear speak to me after speaking to the third person she turns her gaze to me she told me I have a young man here she then made reference to the musical instrument that he played I froze that was the instrument G played she looked at me and said he didn't pass that long ago she stopped and said he's left you with a heavy heart
you said to tell you'd be sorry for what he did he said the voices and thoughts one and he didn't want to be here anymore but he's at peace now the tears began to fall from me as I choked back the sobs and she said he's showing me him stroking your face on both sides with both hands he did do this she then told me the date of his birthday date in month and the age I was when we met she finished up by saying we said he'll always be with you never in all the
years I've been to these places or saw mediums have I ever experienced anything as surreal as this whether you are a Believer or not I hope the Comfort this gave me Touches at least someone I love my husband but I'll also always love G feeling he's around me help me at least as I go through what I can only describe as being heartbroken and losing him for the second time that was a good story I think my dorm is [Music] haned so for starters I can literally see an old Civil War era graveyard from my
dorm window the first day we moved in my roommate had a really weird dream where she went out to the hallway at night and saw a woman dressed in a black gown standing on the other end of the hall she'd be staring her down both have had multiple dream similar to this since kind of weird but explainable then we both started hearing each other's voices when we're completely alone in the room I once woke up to the sound of her voice and my ear only for her to be completely asleep on the other side of
the room one time my roommate was alone in the dorm she left her phone on her desk then went to go to the bathroom she came back and her phone was on the floor on the other side of the room the same thing happened to me but with my student ID it had somehow gotten to her side of the room by her mirror even though I hadn't been over there all day and i' left it on my desk I had a dream a dream about a little girl wearing old tiny clothing and pink ribbons in
her hair in the dream she was holding my hand and we were walking around and I had this Eerie feeling that the little girl wasn't alive I woke up with full body Shivers finally the absolute last straw my roommate and I were both sitting on her beds doing homework and all of a sudden my roommate's nose starts gushing blood she starts getting up to grab a tissue and the top shelf part of her desk moved forward across the desk by itself flipped over her chair onto the floor the desk was up against the wall there
was literally nothing that could have pushed it Forward sounds HED to me I don't know where to go with this context male 31 ever since I can remember I've been troubled by the same recurring experiences I began to have these experiences at night in Western New York and that something was trying to get into my window at the time I was young and it was mostly attributed to an active imagination I continue to have these feelings and experiences at night which did stop until I went on a school trip to the alaguan tribe made a
dream catcher which I hung in my room I basically had a dream catcher ever since problem whenever I sort of stay at a location for multiple nights in a row I end up having a very similar experience as to the one in my childhood I'll have a terrible nightmare know that I should not go back to sleep here's the most recent example spending the week at Resort in the Dr for the wife's 30th birthday what's the Dr we're having the absolute best time it's super relaxing and an amazing experience this is now our last night
we go to sleep early so we can wake up and have one last long day in paradise before returning home I go to sleep quickly as often as I really can in the middle of the night wake up go use the restroom this isn't common for me nor is it strange though after returning to bed I fall asleep again rapidly I have an extremely Vivid dream where I'm walking in a semi arid SLT temperate wooded area I approach a cliff where I see a cave inside the cave there is loss it's more of a feeling
than anything I see or experience I investigate the cave further learn of a creature living within the cave which takes the form of a human and lurs its prey to this place as I investigate further and try to understand my mind becomes more conscious begins to feel within the dream it's at that point when the creature emerges and begins to approach me I wake and remain awake the rest of the night I don't know if this is the right place to be putting this or asking about this but I'm very curious if anybody knows or
has any ideas what it might be I've heard a lot of the same childhood trauma anxiety depression Etc but I'm a very balanced individual without any other signs or symptoms of mental health conditions I've read a little bit about what I'm experiencing and no one seems to put an exact name to it there are Native American stories of w asteris as asteris asteris asteris asteris which sound like a prime suspect to me these powerful Spirits seem to inhabit a location they don't follow a person their entire life there's also the sh s asteris asteris asteris
w asteris asteris asteris asteris asteris Which is less likely Regional but a similar concept beyond that thought cross my mind just a general evil spirit or ghost okay guys fill in the asterixis for me my three paranormal experiences as a teenager I have three stories for context I grew up in the hillbilly South in an area that was Civil War Battlegrounds was known to have a lot of paranormal activity around it I also grew up in the country in an area with lots of woods around so you can imagine that nighttime was pretty spooky one
when I was around 14 my parents got divorced my dad had an affair and married the woman that he had the affair with couple of years later his new wife passed away when she passed he told told me that he didn't want to sleep in there my parents and he in my stepmom's old bedroom so he took my room I took my parents old bedroom one night I was getting ready for bed and I went to close the bathroom door the bathroom was attached to the bedroom and there was only one way in and one
way out I closed the bathroom door turned off the lights and got into bed closed my eyes only to hear knocking from inside the bathroom door at first I assumed something fell but but then the knocking got more persistent and fast felt like there was someone inside the bathroom knocking to get out I've never ran so fast to my sister's room I asked her if I could sleep with her and we cried because we were both scared two this is when I was around 14 this was before I switched rooms with my dad I had
joined the girl soccer team at my school during that summer we would stay at each other's houses and have sleepovers this specific night I was at another friend's house and didn't go my sister was on a volleyball team at her school and had early morning practice the next day my dad goes to bed at like 700 because well he's a dialysis nurse works really early shifts so this way even on the days he's not working he still goes to bed early this will tie to the story later when I woke up at my friend's house
the next morning I got a text from some of the soccer girls they said did Katie lose her phone in your yard will you go out and check if it's there I had no idea what they were talking about so I called them apparently that night at around midnight they went and rolled my house as a prank then they got to my house they saw the lights in my bedroom were on and two figures me and my sister's height were in the room they were pacing back and forth suddenly the figures turned their heads as
if to look out the window at the soccer girls rolling my house I was a little bit in shock at first cuz I wasn't home that night then when I got to my house I asked my sister if she had a friend over last night she said no she went to bed at 8: because she had early morning volleyball practice I asked my dad if he had been in my room or had anybody over he said no he went to bed at its usual time and to this day I still don't know what that was
or what they saw but I'm 26 now and I still can't go into that room without getting chills three this story to this day is the one that freaks me out the most I was about 15 when this one happened it's a normal day when my friends dropped off at his dad's after soccer he wasn't home I was waiting for my mom to come pick me up to stay with her and my stepdad for for a few days I was there alone for a couple of hours while she was still at work I remember exactly
what I was doing and exactly what I was watching I was eating chips in the living room on the couch watching America's Next Top Model the sun was setting and it was getting dark the sun had finally set and around 10 minutes later I had this Dreadful feeling inside it was a feeling like someone or something was watching me I tried to ignore it at first but the feeling persisted finally I turned my head to look out the window and I saw a face wasn't a normal face was sort of human but also not the
one distinct thing about this face that to this day I'll never forget is this big yellow cat-like eyes that were staring at me wasn't a cat though it had a human nose and a mouth but yellow cat eyes I froze when I saw it didn't take my eyes away I was scared if I looked away that it disappear I'd be more afraid of not knowing where it was I just stared pulled out my phone and called my mom to ask if she was almost done she told me she was 1 minute down the road I
asked her if she would come inside and get me when she got here when her headlights come up the driveway the face disappeared can't rationally explain it to this day paranormal experience there's so much and I don't know if I can or should include all of it so I'll summarize instead but when I was younger I experienced weird things started with little things that could be usally rationalized but then it started progressing I was like maybe sth or e8th grade it stopped when I was a junior in high school I would experience horrible long realistic
nightmares like I would remember seven different dreams in one night and wake up feeling exhausted cuz they were horrible dreams I'll give specifics fast cuz they were being pretty long I would feel kicked under my bed and I couldn't sleep because of it I've seen things just looking at me and over time I thought it was just me and questioned my sanity except my family also experienced things too my sister went to the bathroom once said the curtain opened all the way and she ran out my dad also felt things and he's a skeptic my
other sister slept in the same room once said that she saw things over me and heard voices my mom had a weird friend she was into the Sant Muerte and whatnot and according to her they did something not sure what but she did tell me things were attached to me I really trust her what she does one day when I was working on a school project with friends we were at the park and all of a sudden there was just a bunch of bugs or flies over me was like a pillar above my head and
they would follow me wherever I walked even if it was just a step I didn't say anything thinking this was weird but somebody else noticed and they were like what are you possessed was crazy but I believe that that was around the time all that stuff stopped no more intense nightmares no more kicking under my bed no more ice cold beds and no feeling or hearing things I never really got answers to what it was or what happened and I don't know I guess I'm sharing my story because I want to know more though a
little unsure if I should I tread carefully I'm not sure what to make of this so this has been happening for a while now I'd like to know if it's my mind playing tricks or not for the past couple months usually in the evening my younger brother would come into my room and over to where I'm sitting and lean over my shoulder I have a desk bunk bed kind of situation my back towards the door which stays closed but open enough so my dog can come in and out when my brother does this he'll lean
real close to my face and ask what I'm doing and more often than not I've got headphones in so I don't hear them coming in however there have been times that it happens quite a lot actually when I felt the hair in the top of my head move like it's being lightly touched and I've heard footsteps coming into my bedroom and over me and leaning over my shoulder now I've Seen A Face in the corner of my eye I'll throw my hair was down so I can't be completely sure although I felt breathing on me
around my shoulder to the side of my face just like my brother does sometimes to the point where I've turned around to tell them to leave and there's nothing there I don't know if it's just my mind playing tricks on me or what but I'd appreciate the help my experience with the entity I named it as a child the basement always freaked me out the basement area of my childhood home had my parents room or laundry room in a playroom with a TV and an N64 my dislike of the basement aside spent most of my
free time in the playroom the basement was partially underground so the rooms got extremely dark very quickly my dad worked early mornings and would leave his door open at night he would wake up up and get upset at me if I had the lights on in the playroom so I would play games in the dark at night which always creeped me out I would always avoid setting foot in my parents room if I could help it it was dark cold and Eerie to me it always felt as though someone was staring in me had an
oppressive atmosphere and I loathed being in there my dad had problems with substance abuse he would always wreak of alcohol and would mix different sorts of painkillers and sleeping pills with the booze and that would have unpleasant effects for the rest of the family the addiction poisoned his relationship with my mom and his daughters and I'm assuming his liver we would always tiptoe around him to make sure that we wouldn't anchor him cuz he would hit us and scream at us until he was purple in the face he would always sulk and watch TV in
his room and would shout for me to bring him beer after beer which forced me to get into the room I hated most growing up I would have recurring dream floating up and out of my body and flying around my house and neighborhood rejoicing in the freedom of flight if I went back to my room I could see my body sleeping in bed when the dream ended I'd float back into my body one night I had the flying dream was making my way down the hall to the rest of my house and my dad rounded
the corner and started walking toward my room my gut told me not to let him touch me so I flew to the ceiling and laid flat across it and my dad stepped underneath me his head jerked up and he looked strain my eyes basically his eyes were completely black I flew down the hall as fast as I could and sort up high and far over the house as I could never had a flying dream again after that when I was 12 my dad was drunk while I was playing outside with the volleyball I lost control
of the ball and it bounced off the bumper of his new truck he screamed at me to come inside and yelled at me until his voice was horar once it hurt him too badly to yell he punched a wall beside my head unfortunately for him he punched a tack and broke his knuckle the next day at work he faked an injury and was prescribed opiate painkillers these he of course mixed with alcohol my parents divorced because of the drugs and after my dad left all the negative energy I associated with my parents room moved into
my room whenever I was in my room alone I felt as though someone was staring at me with hatred when I would round the corner to the hallway that led to my room a long skinny hallway with my room at the very end of the closet door across from my door I would catch a glimpse of a shadow going into my room I always tried to bring a cat with me to bed but they would cry at my door until I let them out they never came into the room on their own own accord one
night I was home alone and turning off all the light from the house before I went to bed I had always hated the hallway to my room cuz the light switch was at the end of the hall next to my door with the light fixture in the middle of the ceiling above the switch I turned that light on made my rounds around the house after all the other lights were off I made my way to my room when I stood beneath the light at the end of the hall I noticed to my horror that my
shadow was projected onto the wall in front of me the shadow grew steadily larger and its arms and legs were moving even though I was Frozen with fear bolted in my room turned on all the lights and slept at the TV on that night sometimes in the early morning before 5:00 a.m. but I'm not sure what exact time I heard an indistinct mumbling while I slept I woke and looked to see a dark shadow with huge yellow eyes floating in my doorway was about 2 ft tall and looked like two beach balls shaped Blobs of
Darkness stacked on top of each other it was looking right at me and it was mumbling and it was growing louder I hled in the corner of my room underneath the blankets the next day I was sitting in my room on my laptop I noticed a red blob on the wall I went to investigate it it slowly started rolling up the wall and left a trail of what looked like blood in its wake on a white wall ran out of the room and when I came back the red mark was gone later that same week
I woke up in the middle of the night was Pitch Black in my room and I felt compelled to look around I noticed a dark red pinpoint light zipping Around My Room in patters similar to a fly then it shot into my TV which started to hum the center of the screen a small flashing green sphere appeared it grew larger with each flash I realized the sphere had features do you know the happy and sad theater masks the Green Flash looked like one of those but Twisted with rage and hate once I was able to
make out the face I ran out of the room and slept on her couch that night the same phenomenon happened every day for months I tried sleeping with my TV on to see if it would stop the face from appearing but almost every night the TV would turn off by itself in the red light and flashing face would appear again after several months of near nightly Terrors decided to move into my living room and sleep in the couch at the end of the school year my mom let me throw a little party for all my
friends it was after the last day of school and I was 13 at the time one of my friends let's call her Mary I'd never been to my house before and really wanted to see my room I never went in there at least un unless I absolutely had to do so I'd usually make up an excuse that was too messy to have people in it later that night she tried to sneak in I blocked off the hallway so she couldn't get past me after she left I looked toward my room and saw a dark smoke
oozing from beneath the DOR and snaking its way down the hall the smoke smelled strongly of sulfur turned tail and ran back to the group at this point I wanted to get out of the house so I just suggested that we go jump on my trampoline in the backyard we're all having a good time outside it's dusk at this point that's when my best friend pointed out the window and said who's that we all looked up and saw that light in my room was on there was a black hooded figure in the window looking down
at us all of my guests were outside of this point my mom was at work and my sister was on a camping trip so this freaked us out quite a bit we all ran inside to investigate and found the light off and no one else was in the room most of my guests thought I had played a prank on them the rest of the night was uneventful and in the morning all of my guests except my best friend left my best friend let's call her Ella she was a practicing Wiccan at the time and was
one of the few people I'd told of my experiences the others being my mom and sister who didn't believe me it would get upset if I brought it up Ella told me that she had felt uncomfortable in my house since the first day she came over I met her just before my parents split and we became best friends immediately she had terrible nightmares every time she spent the night that afternoon she went into my room by herself she' never set foot in there before she went to investigate it came out white as a sheet she
said lbe this is the most evil I've ever felt in my life just after she said that my house felt incredibly tense it was as though acknowledging The Entity as evil gave it more power and could feel the house growing colder even though it was a hot late June day the family was too poor to afford air conditioning we were home alone again as my mom and left for work before Ella went into my room the tension in the house continued to grow and the atmosphere grew ever more oppressive I felt physically heavy when I
was inside the house as the day grew darker the malevolence pushed in around us we stayed in my living room which was as far from my room as you could get in my house my cats were outside and wouldn't come when called my dog was glued to my side he would occasionally grab growl and wine at the doorway to the kitchen which had my hallway Beyond it once while he was growling I followed his gaze and floated away from us with like an Inky black blob that seemed to be trailing wisps of smoke once the
sun went down my house became unbelievably cold Ella and I wore sweaters coats long pants and socks but we couldn't seem to keep warm we were ice cold even huddled together under a blanket I decided to make soup to hopefully warm us up from the inside in my kitchen the microwave was suspended above the stove we got out of pan and then heard a scratching sound coming from the inside of the microwave the scratches would come in sets of three then pause for a moment and begin again the scratching was incredibly loud and deliberate sounding
not random like an animal digging we freaked out decided to go outside on my trampoline it was dark outside but I had bright flood lights in the backyard so I wasn't worried once we got outside we ended up needing to take off our sweaters and jackets we were far too warm we huddled together on the trampoline in extreme fear in my dog laid right underneath us I looked up at my bedroom window saw that the light was on and the hooded figure was back in the window I started to tell Ella when the outside light
shut off and we were in complete darkness my bedroom light was off as well and my dog barked and ran back inside through the doggy door as fast as he could we then heard a rustling sound in the grass beneath us Ella and I looked at the ground in the pitch darkness and what I saw still gives me shivers imagine a large black towel floating and Rippling in water but shedding wisps of smoke this was trailing around the trampoline in slow circles almost like a shark circling a boat even though it was extremely dark outside
we could see by The Faint light of the Moon also the shape seemed to be darker than the Shadows that crawled across after got to the backside of the trampoline we ran as fast as we could back into my house Ella and I huddled beneath the blankets on my love seat and decided to watch a Disney movie to try to just calm ourselves down she got up to start the movie I was sitting with my legs folded underneath myself both of my feet were jammed into the couch cushions my dog was sitting next to the
couch my dog growled right as Ella was coming back on the couch and I suddenly feel it felt like two ice cold claws they were slowly dragging up my left foot from Heel To Toe needless to say I flipped the out begged her to stay at her house for the rest of the night and luckily Ella only lived a few blocks away so we sped walk to her house on the way there if there was a house with a dog the dog would be sitting right at the edge of the fence staring at us silently
the dogs would also be missing their lower Jaws the tongues would be drooping blood would be pouring from the open wounds as they turned their heads to stare at us when I walked home the next day I saw most of the dogs they were completely fine the story ends in an uneventful way we smudged the out of my house burning sage and ell invited some friends over to hold some sort of cleansing ritual my home no longer had the negative energy but weird continued to happen there until I moved out when I was 22 the
gentleman I grew up in a haunted house in a town near Seattle the houses of my suburb were surrounded by Evergreens and large roaded dentrons which made each home seem private and secretive another day I'll make a post from my other experiences spooky stuff happened to me all the time but never to any of my family members I saw Shadow People astral projections but never really anymore sadly I also had an imaginary friend who manifested to me as a real as another person would i' also had a terrifying year where demon tormented me at times
my friend would see the phenomenon as well I was a kindergartener five or six in the states met my best friend Lenor we became friends till the end thick as thieves we were each other's rocks until the age of 16 Lenor suffered from severe depression and Suicidal Thoughts despite being a straight A student artistically and musically talented and pretty popular not to mention she was absolutely gorgeous her family was comfortable with multiple vacations per year some of which I was invited to it just really goes to show that mental illness can strike anyone from any
background she had witnessed some of the spooky that went down in my house she was there frequently my mom was closer to her than my own my home was a short walk from our high school and tucked away in a quiet culde saac therefore it was a frequent hangout spot for my friends especially since my mom was mellow and welcoming one day in June I was walking to my house with Lenor the weather was sunny warm and clear quiet beautiful unassuming as we walked side by side down the long straight Street Lenor suddenly stopped in
her tracks I looked over at her and her face was blanched white her eyes wide open and her mouth open in a wide o shape she was staring down the street I followed her gaze to look at the crossroads at the end of the road about a half block away at the light pole stood A peculiar man he was dressed in a black tuxedo black top head cane and a cape with a tall sort of demeanor when my eyes found him he flourished his cape tipped his hat bowed and then disappeared in a Flash Lenor
looked at me flabbergasted both agreed that we had seen the figure the next three nights I dreamt of this gentleman he appeared to me in the darkness next to a gondola told me that he would take me to the other side if I just would pay the price the gentic pleaded with him saying I needed to live he was never pushy he never scared me he was calm quiet and seemed Calon understanding he just said he would offer his Services if I ever needed them after telling him no on the fourth day Lenor ended her
life I never dreamt of the gentleman again I wonder if he visited her the same way he visited me was his offer too much to handle for someone so deeply sad and scared has anybody else seen him I'm severely damaged by my friend's death please reach out if you're hurting to the point of wanting to end it all life is hard and everyone's struggling I second that I got choked in my sleep and scared my boyfriend me and my boyfriend live in an old building a studio apartment before it was an apartment it was a
mental institution crazy I know my dreams started out and we moved into an apartment wasn't the same one that we live in now we had a blessing and a housewarming party when everything everyone was over my mom and my grandma stayed to put things away so just gifts and pots and pans I picked up a box turned my body saw through a window like through another building there was a lady looking straight at me now this isn't my first time seeing a creepy person in my dreams and I was telling myself she's not real it's
just a dream so I turned away and I calmed down this was all my dream I was trying to have a nice little dream I looked up again saw her through another window keep in mind in my dream that window wasn't on the wall I made eye contact she came at me full speed and started ch choking me I woke up eyes open but couldn't move and still was seeing her directly on top of me was choking me was like I woke up and started coughing choking on my saliva or something according to my boyfriend
I looked like I was held against my will with my eyes rolled back with my eyelids struggling to be open and just not breathing my boyfriend freaked out started shaking me because fun fact when we started dating I told him sometimes when I sleep if I tap him continous ly which is the best I can do when these things happen it's to shake me so first time he shook me she went away but I felt my eyes being so heavy my body was falling asleep but my mind was telling myself to stay awake I was
literally fighting my sleep my eyes fully closed and I saw her again and she just kept doing it continuously until my boyfriend eventually sat me up and shook me I then told my mom what happened and she fullon described how she looked from head to toe told my boyfriend that I have a weak soul and that I'm an easy target that I shouldn't sleep on the outside but that's an easy access beds against the wall and outside meaning I'm not sandwiched between him and the wall since then my boyfriend always sleeps on the outside sounds
like a plan a seance at my grandma's 80th birthday changed my life I want to start off by saying that my whole life I've never really believed in the Paranormal I'm a stem girly and I've always kind of had a I'll believe it when I see it type of attitude about this kind of stuff I'm also not really spiritual or religious so until now I've always believed that when we die we just we dead there's no afterlife no reincarnation just nothing I've just always thought that if there's not demonstrable scientific evidence of life after death
why should I believe but all that changed after the events of this last weekend this weekend was my grandma's 80th birthday for her birthday present I completed a crochet afghan that her mom my great grandmother sort of started making for her but she passed before it was ever finished everyone in the family had gotten an Afghan except for my grandma she was the last one it was always heartbroken that she only had half the blanket I was so excited to give it to her because I know how meaningful it was the night before her birthday
party I had a really strange dream I remember walking down a familiar Street in my hometown turning walking up the steps of a house that also fell familiar but I didn't immediately recognize it I remember the front garden it was full of Cosmos and merry Golds and in the dream I walked through the open front door and into the living room that's where I saw an old woman with her back facing me sitting in a chair she was softly singing a song I knew but couldn't quite place it I walked around to face her and
immediately recognized my grandma's Afghan in her lab the same one that I just finished and woman holding it croche it was my great grandmother she died long before I was born but I recognized her from pictures I've seen in my grandma's house when I woke up I realized that my house was the same one my Grandma had grown up in though I've only ever driven past it I know that the front looks like that and I also knew that my great-grandmother's favorite flowers were Cosmos and maragold now obviously a lot of stuff about the stream
stuck me as odd but rather struck but especially the fact that I never remember my dreams yet this one remained Vivid in my mind I brushed it off assuming I just felt emotional in anticipation of giving my grandmar blanket went downstairs to help get our house ready for the party the party went really well my grandma was overjoyed when she opened my gift yes she cried happy tears and hugged me thanking me over and over again for helping her mom iie part of the day when the party had winded down it was just me my
mom and the two great aunts left my grandma told us that she wanted to do a seance I was a bit shocked because she and her sisters were raised in a strict Catholic household and so far as I knew Ouija boards were off limits but she insisted saying that the Afghan made her realize just how much she missed her mom that all she wanted on this Milestone birthday was to talk to her one last time my mom who's extremely spiritual she practiced Wick throughout her 20s she did happen to have a Ouija board in the
house so we got that some black torline and obsidian Crystal towers for protection per my mom candles and an Afghan to help us connect with her spirit we set it all up on the kitchen table my mom started the Seance calling out to my great grandmother Spirit we sat there for a really long time waiting for the planchet to Move It just stayed still after about 20 minutes of nothing my grandmother With Tears In Her Eyes suggested that we give up right after she spoke the pl chip began moving to the no position we asked
if there was somebody here with us it it moved to yes we asked for a name it's spelled out cordi my great-grandmother's name was Cordelia that but called her Cordy my grandma and her sister stared in disbelief one of them even started crying a little my grandma began to speak telling her that she misses her with all her heart that she thinks about her every time she sees a bird that was their thing and how she wishes that my brother and I could have met her at this point it might be useful to mention that
my great grandma was an immigrant from Mexico and although she spoke English fluently she always Spanish the next thing the planchet spelled out was my childhood nickname followed by mucho gusto nice to meet you and at this point even I started crying I don't believe in ghosts or Ouija boards but that got me after that the messages got kind of weird and almost seemed incoherent first she said Hoy per I can't do this Hoy poor sir followed by Luna yah toas laf Flores and Y LA and on and finally y vien the Spanish speakers here
narrator not included are probably wondering what the or maybe you figured it out quicker than I did because none of these messages make a ton of sense especially not when put together respectively they roughly translate to and I underline respectively today made to be the moon already all the flowers already the light in your bed it is coming we got a little freaked out my mom warned us that incoherent messages or gibberish can be a sign that we've contacted something dangerous insisted that we end the session immediately we quickly said goodbye and that was that
we kept looking over the messages trying to make sense of them we put them in different orders trying to make a cooh sentence and tried to fill in the blanks all to no avail we arranged them back in the order I've got them in after staring at it for a good long while I thought of something I did a quick Google search and confirmed my suspicions they weren't gibberish or random phrases they were song lyrics my great-grandmother was sending us lyrics to the song la Manas L man I can't say it a birthday song It's
a song she used to sing to my grandma every morning on her birthday I still really don't get why the messages were so weird and disconnected so if anybody has insight about that I'd love to hear it my grandma was so touched and said it was her best birthday since the last one she spent at her mom's she was just so happy to have her mom sing her birthday song one last time and as I went to bed that night I was HD with one final realization there was a reason I knew the song my
great-grandmother was singing in the dream was the same song Los Mananitas I don't know what all of this means and I've been struggling with reconciling these events with everything I've ever believed the rational part of my brain still trying to come up with a plausible explanation was just a dream maybe I smoked too much weed before I went to bed that night maybe someone was pushing a planet maybe they didn't even realize they were moving it but I feel like I'm grasping it straws I really have no idea what happened or why it happened there
was nothing there repost close to 20 years ago at this point I was spending a lot of time with my friends Dan and Kate we were all sitting at Danny's couch watching TV Danny says I'm bored let's do something as we suggest things I say have you guys ever heard of the smelter for background this takes place in Arizona and Prescott to be exact and the smelter is located in humbold Arizona it's very old late 1800s I think it used to process materials I should say so we started driving out there smoking cigarettes and listening
to music we arrive and I start telling them how we hung out here every weekend in junior high my best friend at the time Mike he lived in Humbolt so we would take girls to the smelter and drink usual kid stuff nothing even remotely weird ever happened back then so that's why I was totally unprepared for what was going to unfold we approached the outside of the Smoke Stack I noticed that the stairs had finally been ripped down I guess whoever owned the property was sick of punk kids entering I say huh guess somebody finally
took the stairs out I then explained the holes every couple feet in the catwalk that they must have used the holes to shovel the ash giving up on entering we just moved to the side and after what I'm about to tell you I'm glad we couldn't get in someone definitely would have gotten hurt so we're outside for about 15 minutes being loud and joking and then it got really quiet and still thousands of bats came screeching out of the windows of the smelter and I mean a ridiculous amount I say to them we've been standing
out here making noise for close to 20 minutes we didn't scare those bats right when I said that we heard a loud thud hit the ground like something heavy fell down in the port hole silence our eyes widened nobody said anything another thud then one more and to this day I'll never be able to explain this we started hearing the loudest screeches ever dust started flying up like a bird was dying on the ground but nothing was there they were circling us they were getting closer all we could do is huddle closer together and it
was like we forgot we could possibly run I forget who ran first but I kind of remember being out of it and not thinking correctly anyways we ran and the first thing Danny said was if somebody told me that story I wouldn't believe him anyways if anybody has any leads the rumor is a girl was killed there but I could never confirm always thought it was an Irving Legend my cousin is his younger self again I lost my cousin at about three almost maybe four years ago but sometimes it feels like yesterday my mom only
has one other sibling and we all grew up really close to each other and my grandmother I'm talking every weekend at Grandma's house all the cousins hanging out for 3 days straight even as we're all adults we all still live relatively close to one another DriveWise he died suddenly from a heart attack from inhaling a lot of butane before he died he was inhaling the butane turned to drinking used other items he died suddenly while he was on his own for a walk he was 30 I didn't know you could die from inhaling butan scary
now onto the dream part this happened a few months ago but I remember it vividly my Prime for my cousin was when he was 19 or 20 we started working out with super into video games especially Super Mario Brothers he loved his DS and his DS bu and Xbox when he visited me in my dreams you're were at my grandma's house he had his game boyance with him and he was playing it he looked like his younger self I didn't talk because I was confused but he spoke to me he said he knew he died
and that he seen my grandpa and that everything was fine he knew he died and that he was sorry to my aunt his mom because before he died he was lashing out on a lot of people from the alcohol he said he was at peace and feels better now ghost in a care home in my job I visit care homes for reviews with residents I spend most of my day in and out of places for at least a couple of hours at a time spending like days there at a time sometimes I've gotten pretty used
to the routine I've had one strange thing once before or my case died I was in the care home the next week visiting another case and the staff said the first man's B hadn't stopped going off at night since he died had never malfunctioned until then he was still empty there's also a basement room in another home where I have to go look at the files something happens in that room the moment you enter you become sleepy and lethargic when you leave you wake up again and go back to normal pretty much everything feels very
heavy it's not just me I asked around the office today at work I was sort of a larger than usual home sat in the nurse station looking through the files and two people walk in one woman one man I don't look up from my files but I see them on my side Vision woman has a staff nurse and she enters first the man follows her closely she crosses the room behind me and reaches for paperwork it's on one side of me she then goes to the other side of me and sits down as she sits
down I become very conscious the man's on my first side where she first retrieved her paperwork he's still in my side Vision big Burly man brown hair and hands on his hips wearing blue scrubs he's facing at me and the nurse and I can feel him staring down at me I sort of indistinctly feel like I'm squashed between two people it's a small office so you know when you don't get much personal space you get kind of an ick feeling like that I look up to ask if he needs anything and he's gone no one's
left the room and it wasn't a person that walked away just disappeared not even a blink of an eye as soon as I moved my head blue scrubs he even sort of gave the car home uniforms those but that didn't occur to me until later cre cre singing outside my window last night my family and I were watching a little mermaid it was late nearly 11: some of my younger kids had fallen asleep on us earlier but my older kid were still awake the credits were R and playing music literally as soon as the TV
turned off it was like the music was carrying on with someone singing outside her bay window to the right side our blinds were closed and we lived in a house where you have to walk down a long road or driveway so you're only there on purpose the singing wasn't words just a tune it wasn't like the music on TV but like an uncanny valley attempt at singing a version of a siren song just didn't sound like a proper person everyone in the room went silent we all listened to it my daughter was just sat next
to the window and went white and whispered can you hear that my partner said yeah I'm listening to it after 5 minutes of us we all sat Frozen staring at each other he then picked up the younger kids and took them to bed refused to go back down he's normally quite skeptic and scientific then would be the one to laugh at everybody being scared and explain it away he didn't though he just left in complete silence and seemed shook up it's really unusual for him my older kid freaked out ran to her room and I
was the only one left went to the window to try to hear it better and was going to open the blind but got her really bad urge not to walked upstairs with everyone else thought about locking the front door but again a bad urge not to as it would make a lot more noise to do so my instinct was to be quiet as a mouse and stay away you couldn't hear the singing upstairs Al my windows directly above and pretty close to where it was I think like a cottage that was the end of that
he did go down later to lock the door and turn the lights off no singing by then don't really know what to make of it doppelganger appears again over the last 20 years or so various people have approached me and said that they've seen my doppelganger in my small town this person seems close to my life by the locations they're at but I've never seen them the first time it happened I was working in a stock room it's the stock room of a shop and my then partner texted and was angry I ignored him at
the top of the street of where my shop was I hadn't left that stock room at all they said the person was my complete devil went to a small fun fair and bumped into a friend I just arrived and was walking into a field from the car park when they saw me their jaw nearly dropped to the floor and they asked me how I got over here to the other side of the park so quickly they pointed to the other direction and said that they thought I was over there on the other side just tried
to speak to me they said they could have sworn the other person was [Music] me this person has been on my bus at times when I definitely wasn't there 15 years maybe he's been to the shops that I go to I couldn't possibly have been me seems like a lot of the time we're in close proximity to each other but I've never seen them myself lo and behold I walk into work this morning and the lady who also works there says she's just seen my complete doppelganger in the building that morning just before I arrived
she couldn't get over apparently about how much this person looked like me so strange see you step into the unknown with us at paranormal M where every story is a journey to the extraordinary hit subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated on our latest explorations of The Unexplained get ready for a wild red ask redddit not me but my husband like 15 years ago he had this nightmare where he was in the car with his two brothers and their two friends they were driving to Orlando they were going out to Friday night in a
show or something like that on the highway they get a huge wreck he woke up screaming he says it was the most Vivid dream that he's ever had he remembers burning and a lot of screaming he didn't tell anybody about it eventually he forgot about it probably 4 months later his brothers their friends and my husband are going to a show in Orlando he said that they got in the car and as they were driving down the road he just started to fullon panic sweating freaking out he looked around and everybody was sitting in the
exact place of his dream and he started yelling at his brother to turn around and go home his brother who is driving is going to tell him to calm down it would be fine he said this was before cell phones where everything was so he couldn't get out and call someone and go get him my husband finally got him to turn around and go home saying that they can just drop him off he hoped that they would stay but no matter what he was getting out as soon as they pulled back up to their house
my mother-in-law came running out crying and screaming she was taking a nap at a horrible dream where everybody died in a car crash she said no way no way to get a hold of them so she just prayed that they would be safe their family's religious and a lot of stuff like this has happened where their mom dreamt of something that did happen so that kind of freaked his brothers out and their friends they go inside and try to calm down their dad turns on the news and a large car pile up just happened on
the highway that was the highway they were supposed to be on my husband said that they timed it out and if they would have kept going they would have been in the middle of it and more than likely died as RIT I was sitting on my bed crying after a fight with my ex-boyfriend I was staring out the window my window was floor level at the kind of the front of the house face the street I noticed this random man walking maybe speed walking was down the middle of the road my blinds were open at
that moment so you could clearly see me there looking out the man who was speed walking suddenly halted to an abrupt stop directly across my window he slowly turned his head and we locked eyes he has this crazed cold murderous look in his Beady dark eyes that absolutely chilled me to the core I suddenly forgot about why I was crying became very aware of the fact that I was sitting there in my underwear and bra I was so startled and unsettled by this eye contact felt somehow violated I quickly shut the blinds tried to Shake
It Off I told my ex how weird it was and he agreed but it gets creepier my ex leaves the house to see some friends I decide to take a nap eventually ex comes back and we're now both resting in bed with my golden doodle now my golden doodle is one of the most docile Angelic sweet calm animals I've ever met hardly ever barked and was sweet and shy until she got to know you except tonight it's about 2: a.m. my ex is dozing off and I'm just petting my pup that's when suddenly I hear
a very low guttural growl Amit from deep in his throat my mediately thrown off and I'm confused he's facing the window the hairs on the back his neck are standing up he won't stop growling he's staring into the pitch black window I ask him what's wrong I focus my eyes I didn't catch it it first but then I see it a dark figure Crossing across the lawn it's inching its way up toward my window my heart starts racing as I'm not sure what I'm looking at that's until I realized it was the man from the
Street St down earlier now he's extending a hand out to my window about to pry it open with some kind of blunt object in mother hand and my dog's going berserk I scream at the top of my lungs and my ex Springs into action starts banging in the window at the guy screaming to get the out of here creepy Intruder gives me dirty Grimace runs the away my my theory is that he thought I was alone probably still in my underwear that he planned on breaking in and raping her killing me I also think he
could have been on some kind of drug like speed or PCP judging on the way he was walking manically it was an area known for not the best kind of folk ask Reddit not creepy at all but my dad called on the fifth anniversary of his death I only used the landline for work so had the answering machine on just let it pick up my mother and I were sitting right there watching TV heard the recording but what we heard was different than what was recorded what we heard sounded like a bunch of voices in
a tunnel really in the background and a man my dad's voice saying hello what recorded was only his voice no background noise which shocked me because we just heard all these voices in the background now I would have put this down to a wrong number except for a few key details first what we heard wasn't what was recorded which was weird also it sounded like my dad I could could have still explained it away but uh my caller ID was 15 Z not the normal phone number I could have even explained that away as somebody
calling from the internet and it being a Spam call the thing that really convinced me was that on my phone there was no time or date stamp someone could get online and mess with what caller ID showed but I've never talked to anybody would explain how that you know how they could take control of my answering machine's display something that's been said on the machine right after the phone showed the display is normal date time all that was there it was like the call came from somewhere that isn't a time and date and of course
the voice is my dad's voice his inflection Etc everybody who knew him that's heard it whether they believe in the afterlife of ghosts or not they all say that's your dad's voice think it was my dad trying to let my mom and I know that he was okay I'd been having a hard time with that particular anniversary how could he have been gone 5 years already I think he wanted us to know he was near even if we can't see him oh and I kept the copy of the recording not what we heard but the
answering machine and some pictures of the answering machine's phone and display ask Reddit I'm 32 now and this happened when I was 13 I grew up in the Backwoods of the Backwoods of Texas I'm talking there was a huge Forest behind our acre of land and it belonged to the National Preserve that kind of Backwoods well my sister who was eight at the time wanted to go walking in the woods something we did frequently somehow we always knew where we were even if we walked for an hour we always knew how to get back home
and it was weird but I digress we tell or yell that we're going into the woods and my mom yells back at us to come in before dark yada yada yada yaada parent stuff we had built a makeshift Fort was a few hundred ft in decided to check it out we got bored of that pretty quick and decided to just walk and pick up sticks we're a good 30 minutes into a walk about when I notice it's getting darker I start to ignore it when my sister hits my arm up ahead through the dense foliage
and trees we see what looks like a clearing now I knew this was part of the woods and I knew these parts well and I knew that we were still on preserved land and that there weren't any clearings that should be nearby thinking maybe it's just the sunlight Illuminating a spot I convinced my sister to check it out turned out to be a clearing the sky was still pretty dark and the wind picked up a breeze but remember the Tall Grass just rustling however we had stopped in our tracks because in the middle of the
clearing was a two-story house there was no no driveway nor road that led to it that's the first thing that we checked as we went around the perimeter of the clearing we were a bit terrified of the house and thought maybe that we'd gotten lost and there's maybe a road nearby but as I said nothing there wasn't even a warm path at least to that house we went back to the original spot we came out of the woods from and we just stared remember being full of absolute Dre I couldn't seem to turn back and
go home the house itself looked old but well-kept and there was no Road my sister's holding my hand at this point and we're still just standing there staring it's starting to get darker and darker then my eyes go one window on the top right part of the house there's a flickering light on and there's something rocking back and forth that blots out the light when it rocks one way but then when it rocks the other way it can can see the light my sister then squeezes my hands so tight that my fingers went numb that
Jarred me out of my stuper I tell her to let me go and I look down at my hand trying to shake her off that's when she starts crying and saying it's waving High I remember literally I started shaking at that point I look up and sure enough there's an arm up now rocking opposite the body in a WAV likee gesture I was done at that point pulled her hand that's still kind of clawing mine and I hi tail it out of there we run a good 10 minutes before making it to our Fort which
confused the hell out of me we had walked a lot further the sky was starting to get brighter but I still wanted to get out caught her breath and then began running again until we got home my sister and I had stopped crying by this point but my mom who I swear to God had some kind of mind reading powers asked what was wrong my sister tells her that I get in trouble for making up stories and scaring her I storm off and we just ignore it after that I remember it occasionally throughout the years
and every time I remember it I get a sense of dread and I nearly start shaking fast forward to two years ago my dad passed away and I'm at my mom's house consoling her and grieving as well randomly we start talking about how my dad loved horror movies I remember that day in the woods so vividly I nearly start shaking again just thinking about it later that night after my mom's asleep I asked my sisters about it as soon as I say that the house in the woods she immediately froze I asked her you know
what she remembers she describes in exact details as I remember remembered it she then said that she asked her dad a few years back about it since he grew up here as well knew more about the area's history he laughed at her saying there's nothing back there but Woods for Miles yet her and I both remembered it so vividly feels like it happened just every time that we remembered it the next day I decide to go back to the woods and check it out spent half a day out there and found absolutely nothing but Woods
to this day I still can't explain what the hell we saw all I can say is that we had one hell of an imagination the house I grew up in was haunted by a little girl so the house I grew up in was most definitely haunted my parents bought land from a farmer and we built we're the only ones there to live in the house it was a huge house on 5 acres of land that backed up to the woods for years we never had issues until my dad finished the basement he turned the basement
into a big movie room it was that on one side and then a workout in a game room on the other obviously my brothers and I started spending a lot of time down there it was like our own private movie theater the lights down there would sometimes randomly flicker but we all chocked that up to bad wiring because my dad did it himself occasionally the TV would change channels while we were in the middle of a movie and it would always change to some sort of kids channel Cartoon Network Disney or Nickelodeon this led to
a lot of sibling fights and blaming each other for sitting on the remote after that happened a few times we start sort of just set the remote on the table put it in the middle of the room but the TV would still change channels and at this point my siblings when I were convinced something was down there but my parents kept ignoring it once when I was about 10 I had just gotten home from school I was home alone I was being a good child and started doing my chores one of which was cleaning out
my hamster's cage I was walking out to the garage with the cage and one arm hamster and her ball and the other arm when I heard out the front door I heard it open slam shut and stomping footsteps going up the stairs this was weird because nobody ever used the front door ever everybody went through the garage I called out thinking it was one of my brothers but got no answer I set my hamster down to go check the door and it was still locked I panicked grabbed the house phone and called my mom while
I sprinted to our neighbor's house my mom rushed home from work found no one was there and we still can't explain what I heard another time my best friend/ neighbor and I decided to camp out in the front yard we were about 11 and too scared to go into the woods alone we had just gotten our tent all set up with sleeping bags and lanterns and just laid down we were reading some magazines as the sun went down suddenly we hear what sounds like a little girl singing we both stopped reading stare at each other
trying to think of who or what that could be we were the only young girls that lived in the neighborhood the sound started coming closer and sounded like it was right outside our tent we both got chills and goosebumps we both screamed and sprinted inside as fast as we could without looking back I can still hear the sound of that singing to this day nothing creepy happened for a few years years after that just the typical lights flickering and channels changing then when I was 14 I had my volleyball team over for sleepover a few
of them knew about the ghost hunting the ghost haunting my house so they brought a Ouija board for the night of course I had to do it and find out who was Haunting my family first try almost as soon as our fingers touched the planet it started moving we asked to iCal questions like what's your name are you going to hurt us why are you here we only got no as our answers to those I then asked are you a little girl the planchet moved to yes and did you live on this land before me
yes how did you die fire when my friends freaked out knocked the board over saying that somebody touched her shoulder my friends and I tried to look up if anything happened on the property before my family bought it we did find out that there was a barnfire years before we bought the land but the daughter of the family who owned it grew up and moved away we couldn't find anything about a girl dying in the fire my dad sold the house years later but my brothers and I were talking about it recently I told him
what happened with the Ouija board one of my brothers freaked out and said it made so much sense one night he fell asleep in the basement woke up in the middle of the night there was a little girl standing in the doorway he thought it was me so we just said go away went back to sleep only to realize the next morning that I was at my friend's house for sleepover dead crow in in standing position this happened a few years ago like right before Co I was leaving the house and for background it's a
lower level apartment on my way down the steps of the parking lot I noticed a crow under my kitchen window the window faces the street its eyes were open it was laying on its side with the wings perfectly tucked but it was dead it looked alive like a eyes were looking at me you know it was right under my open kitchen window I looked all over for evidence on how it could have landed there it couldn't have fallen off the roof and landed like that in that place it was like it was placed there since
then weird stuff happened in the location the most random place like there is Ivy all around that window it's not a place easy to get to really a few examples my husband took a video of a raccoon something that we never see raccoon was standing in the same spot where the crow was found it was hissing and angry like it had rabies or something it was trying to get over to the fence onto the deck another time I opened the sliding glass door and there was a woman and her dog up against my kitchen window
and again same spot and again she would have to climbed through the ivy to get there she saw me and just gave me the creepiest smile I've ever seen went back inside but she just stood there right there for about 15 minutes before moving on I have more examples as well if anybody's interested but my question is what does a dead crow in this situation mean I had a friend who saw seven dead crows on her way back to work one day she laat her had a miscarriage is there a link between finding a dead
crow and bad luck man with no eyes Okay so this happened to me years ago I'm talking like 10 or 15 years ago but I still think about it sometimes something I read here just reminded me of him I was out driving alone probably on my lunch break or something I remember it was really sunny and hot that day and from far away I saw this guy on the sidewalk he was looking from side to side like he was looking for someone or maybe lost something anyway as I pull up alongside of him as I'm
driving by he turns and looks directly at me and he has no eyes I mean it was just black holes where his eyes should be think of the mask from Scream it's kind of like that his mouth opened like he was afraid or maybe surprised and it was bright sunlight like the sun was just hitting these empty holes I slowed down just at a pure shock looked back but he was facing the other way by then he didn't disappear suddenly or anything like that but I couldn't get could look at his face I have no
idea what it could have been but when I see posters and promos for the screen franchise I always think yeah what the heck could I have seen that day any ideas growing up my firsthand experiences when when I was growing up I lived on a beautiful island called Guam my father is in the military so we lived on a military base the house I lived in was nice and sizable the only issue was I was terrified to sleep in my own room for valid reasons I'll go through and share with you below because I was
terrified to sleep in my own bedroom I would sleep in my parents bedroom on the floor and a makeshift bed one particular evening I was trying to fall asleep and having a hard time doing so I decided to shift around my pillows a bit moving them around and I noticed a finger not a normal looking finger mind you this one looked like it belonged on a corpse was pale and purple looking I looked at it in horror not knowing what to do while staring at it it slowly retreated back underneath the bed covered where it
was with a pillow tried my heartest to go to sleep that was to no avail I remember looking underneath my parents bed and seeing bright yellow glowing eyes one particular day thought it might just be one of my cats but it was not one of my cats this thing was staring me down and I felt uneasy like I wasn't safe and I wasn't meant to have seen whatever it was doing while living in that house I would hear noises that would sound like plates and glasses breaking in the kitchen only to go out and investigate
and discover nothing had been broken I would hear heavy running footsteps up and down the hallway my sister would regularly see a person hanging from a noose in my parents' bedroom from the corner of her eye then look at it only to have it disappear moments later I would see shadow people running around in shadowy areas of the house such as the hallway my father would have to tell the spears that lived in the house to go in peace and we would be okay for maybe a week but then things would get weird again amongst
many other experiences these are only a few that I can you know recollect clearly the ones that left a real you know impression on me I think of these experiences I had as a child as an adult and I think that whatever I was experiencing was definitely one that was paranormal I'm still not entirely sure what to think of what I experienced in that house I don't know what it was I'm a logger in northern BC in Canada I'm an avid Hunter and I've spent many a night hunting alone that being said quite a few
years ago I was working on a broken down skitter in the dark after everybody on the logging block was gone I was changing a blown hydraulic hose under the cab that's when I felt like I was being watched the feeling continued to get worse and worse so I was on edge continued to work on replacing the blown hose every trip for tools to the service truck in back I would scan for eyes on the nearby tree line was about 25 M away continue to work on the pain in the that you literally have to dive
your head in upper body under the cab to reach see her legs are stuck up in the air and feeling vulnerable the feeling of being watched gets more intense all the hairs on my neck are standing and I hear a two-tone whistle from far away almost as if it was wind so far away but it was flat in the calm day so there's about 6 Ines of fresh snow on the ground I pushed myself out from underneath the skitter and looked around quietly the flashlight for eyes in the tree line down the road nothing I
had one side of the hose fitting to remove Stone and it was the easiest side and higher up so I wasn't ass over tea kettle or moving in I put my head back underneath the cab and quickly began to spin the fitting loose the feeling of being watched was so bad every hair in my body was standing when I hear the same two-tone whistle very loudly in the tree line directly behind me I had the hose off at the exact same time so I whipped myself out mother of the cab turned all ready to throw
down with like a one 58 wrench in my hand I was yelling where the are you nothing no one there no tracks no eyes no wind no nothing the flashlight I had was more of a small flood light for working on repair stuff so it didn't light up the inside of the trees the next day it had snowed another 6 in or so I went back hiked behind the tree line with the 12 gauge I was ready to go no tracks that I could see no perches on the trees where snow had been pushed off
if it was a bird nothing creature on back road a few 2 years later I was out hunting with a friend we lost legal light so we hiked back to the truck and hit the road and his parents moved forward ton the ones with the sensors all over the vehicle with had some music playing as we were just heading back toward town again when the music started acting weird and cutting in and out with static so me being in the passenger seat disconnected the Bluetooth and reconnected the phone music cleared up and we continued down
the road we got up to the kilometer and bored on the road that my previous encounter took place and I mentioned oh hey that's where the whistle block that logged a couple years back half jokingly because I couldn't make heads or tails of it my friend replied great thanks for that I had told him the story before we continued slowly driving down the road because it gets pretty rough in a couple of spots and the road has a few sharp turns and an send well we go about a kilometer further and the music starts screeching
it was doing what I can only describe as alien noises disconnect the Bluetooth again and my friend says oh mom's got a cord in here so we stops gets the cord for me I plug the phone in play music again another kilometer down the road and the phone goes AP I mean loud alien squealing and sound similar to that of a shitty dialup internet noise from the 9s we had started into the S Bend and this was happening and we shut the music off completely as we're driving still making the one half of the S
turn and then we look up from the music deck and screen in the headlight illuminates a green figure standing in the middle of the road we swerve take a ditch a bit still going about 30 m hour we get the truck back up on the road we continue coasting down the road as we're both an awe after just seeing a flash of this thing I finally say after what seemed like five quiet minutes man did you just my friend Cuts me off and says a skeleton in the middle of the road I said yeah like
a white rib cage deer skull for a face he finishes turn around what the was that does somebody need our help not thinking that we're in the middle of nowhere with no vehicles around or any of that we passed by other Hunters was ear season with no and bohan's here anyways my friend said I'm not turning around I feel sick like I'm going to throw up he continued driving we didn't see another vehicle until we hit pavement again was taller than the pick up easily by a couple of feet I'm 6'1 in my foreheads at
the top of the window for reference it has black surroundings the white of the bones with long arms half stretched to its sides as if it was trying to like hit me I watched this thing pass the passenger window and stared up at it as we wailed by it it was definitely three-dimensional tall long arms dead looking like light sucked into it without reflecting anything hard to explain when we hit service again my friend received a text from his mother saying what did you two idiots hit in my brand new truck I guess the new
Fords kind of neara the reports to the owner when the sensors pick up something I'm an old school Chevy guy so I don't know the only thing I can find online that resembles what we both saw is a when too without the antlers or the headlights didn't illuminate them anyway saved from Beyond the Veil first of all didn't really put much thought into the subject line and wasn't going for a typical clickbait subject but really not sure how else to write it this story happens in 2008 was driving my car through a small town called
Peters Marburg in South Africa I was on my way to a friend's birthday party is Hassen Hilton a small town virtually a suburb of PMB just me sixpack of beer on the back seat a uni student couldn't afford a case at the time as I was driving up to a traffic light the light changed incredibly suddenly in South Africa the lights flash orange multiple times before going red and this time it changed straight from green to Red the car ahead of me slammed on the brakes and so did I I narrowly missed rear ending them
for whatever reason I had this instant thought of my grandmother had past years before this is where the strangeness starts somehow the jolt from breaking caused my cell phone to fall backwards out of my pocket still not sure how that's physically possible then flew forwards Landing right under my brake pedal immediately after I made the stop Immaculate and near impossible timing once I realized what happened I tried to reach down grab my phone but I couldn't with the seat belt on so I take off my seat Bel grab my phone place in the middle console
and continue on my way about 10 km of driving down small country roads I reached what I now know is a four-way stop the stop sign was completely obstructed by a tree last thing I remember seeing was car lights to my right and thinking oh the oncoming car had apparently also not seen the farway Stop and hid me at what the police think was around 110 km an hour my car was flipped onto its roof spun multiple times before stopping against a wooden fence of a house on the corner of the intersection no one knows
what happened but there was a massive break in the slats of the fence where they think I was flung from the driver's seat my back was making contact with the fence and falling with my head hanging out of the rear window of the car I won to bore you with the details of waking up in an ambulance with my mom holding my head someone had found my phone in the street and call from my parents but but that day I know my grand somehow made that happen the car above the driver's seat was crushed and
was about 50 cm above the seat had I been wearing my seat belt I would have been squished into a 50x 50x 50 block of meat and Bone she was there with me in that car believe it or not but for me there's no other answer I think I may have up need help with whatever the hell I'm dealing with I'm making bad decisions I always felt like there was something looming over my shoulder to the extent when I was a kid friends used to wake up telling stories about black figures in the night and
pretty much exclusively when I was around I grew up thought nothing of it just that I was visually sensitive to light mirrors and shadows a few years ago I was in a bad car wreck and after I healed up I started doing a bunch of Psych Del started getting a little more open to spirituality it was great then one day I felt a little weird and started noticing Shadows again especially in a heavily mirrored space in my family home this is where I up I decided to do an absurd amount of mushrooms alone in that
mirrored space with just candle light I thought confronting this whole illusion get me past what every rational fear I was harboring drugs Candlelight mirrors weird visuals I was really comfortable until I started coming down the reflection stopped lining up the way they were supposed to that even makes sense and I felt completely surrounded by some really negative energy I tried to talk to him but never felt such a profound sense of dread in my life jumped up ran like a child slammed my door turned all the lights on and curled up underneath my covers I'm
at 30 4-year-old man I swear he don't scare easily I had a fullblown anxiety attack passed out woke up the next day I felt this presence all around me in the house and all the mirrors so I walked outside still just hanging over me it's been like 2 years now I refus to look into the mirror for like 3 months still won't look at multiple layered mirrors I'm in therapy haven't been back to the house in over a year here everybody thinks I'm insane and I think I am too anybody know what the I'm dealing
with how can I get rid of this nagging feeling that something is just wrong before anybody says anything I'm not schizophrenic haven't used any psychoactive substances including anxiety meds alcohol or anything else you can think of at least since this episode wake up and be alone at home it's been a couple of days since I can't get this memory of my childhood out of my head I don't remember exactly how old I was but I was between 6 and 8 probably I was in my old house and like any day I get up relatively early
every time I woke up there was somebody already awake like my mother getting ready to go to work or my father in the kidchen but this time I woke up got on my bed shared a bunk bed with my brother I slept on the top one I remember that it bothered him that I got out of bed like it was nothing because of the noise I made but this time I swear I didn't hear any complaints and I turned around his bed was tidy thought he had simply gone to one of his friends house or
something like that because if you were home he would have made the bed or rather wouldn't I went to the bathroom that was in front of my sister's room I also managed to see that she wasn't there and like every child I thought that there must have maybe just gone somewhere somewhere else without me so to check and rid of my nerves I went to my parents' room and it should be noted that the rooms were relatively close to each other and as I feared the most my parents weren't there either I got a little
desperate at the idea of being alone and I started to scream at my mother but to scream loudly and still no one heard me stating that I was completely alone at that moment I remembered that a friend told me that if I needed help of any kind look for your father in the phone book to call the landline number at home those things that you say are just because you a child it's 2009 apparently at the time landlines and phone books were still used then already desperate I started looking for the name of my friends
father that's what I called him and suddenly my father appears I look at him a little bewildered and he asks me what are you doing all with a tone and a face that showed that the situation made him laugh a little without knowing what to answer I told him that I wasn't doing anything I take advantage of the fact that he goes to the bathroom and I go back to check the rooms and there is my mother lying down my sister and my brother I'm not a believer in paranormal things but I still don't really
understand what happened neither do I because it was impossible not to have seen them in their beds plus no one heard me scream my father only heard me when I was on the phone did something similar happen to you me and my partner saw something unexpected me and my girl were in my Cottage house we were preparing dinner for the grill outside that's when I noticed something I never did at our neighbor wooden fence where typically stands only a small Bush there was some kind of Passage the fence was split in half and the bush
that stands there normally was older it had a passage in the middle I didn't find it weird at the moment because I didn't visit the country house for a few months so I just pointed out that it was interesting I girl didn't see it at first because it was dark but then she saw the passage as well we had a debate if it was man-made or wind then I went inside to you know to grap something and look at it at a closer distance I recognized it it was probably man-made trim of bush then I
told that to my girl and I didn't pay attention to him the next morning when I went outside the passage was gone the original bush was there after we got back home we decided that looked TRW at each one for memory and compared to pictures they were identical we can't attach any pictures because we didn't make any I had one other paranormal experience there I was watching TV saw something in the window took a knife as I was scared and went to investigate after I saw no one I just went back inside and just my
brother was staring at me like I was doing something weird I asked him if he saw it he replied no and then I told him that I saw some lady in white in that window birds as a sign of death when I was 11 my brothers and I entered our house after returning home from church that was while our parents went across the road to talk to the neighbors upon entering the kitchen I immediately spotted a black bird sitting cly in our piano I shouted look a bird sort of glanced over at me and my
brother before flying out an open window some distance away usually when we have Birds accidentally enter our house they're frantic and scared looking for a way out especially since we have a dog but this one wasn't remember thinking at the time that black birds in some cultures signify death though I'm not sure why that occurred to me following day after school my dad was crying we sat us down and told us that her grandmother had died the previous day she was on a plane flying from England to South Africa against doctor's orders and suffered a
fatal heart attack I remember asking my mom later what time she died and it was pretty much the exact time my brothers and I saw the black bird the day before should also note my grandmother was not a very good person several years later my my mother and her friend were sitting outside and then a white Heron a cuku flew past this bird's an extremely rare and endangered type in New Zealand and my mother's friend a local said she'd never even heard of any being in the area we found out later that our grandfather my
mother's father had died at the same time that they saw the Heron my great uncle who's quite spiritual was and still is convinced that it was my grandfather saying goodbye to my mother they were very close and he was a pure and kind soul my great uncle Maui and the co Duku is apparently a sacred mythical type of bird in Maui culture did I meet an actual lady in white or was I just too tired and lost track of time several years back in my early 20s I worked a late night job that I left
nightly between 1: and 3:00 a.m. the events of the night started just after 2:00 a.m. to begin my journey home generally getting home involved a 5-minute drive to the highway on ramp a 25-minute drive on the highway and then another 6 to 8 Minute service road trip to my apartment that night was cold maybe 34 35 F so instead of speeding leing up to merge I slowed down and pulled up beside the person it was a darkhaired woman in a lightweight jacket and a long pale dress since she had been walking with traffic and there
were no cars on the ramp I asked if she needed to lift to a car she indicated not and stated that she was walking home I asked if she wanted lift since she looked cold she accepted when she was in the car I asked where she lived and she told me since at time I worked a dispatch job and knew the city well I let her know that I would only need help once we got her to her street there was some light small talk but I don't really remember it what I vividly remember almost
two decades later is the house that she had me stop at the entire Street was older houses the newest probably built pre1 1940s the house she had me stop at was one of the oldest looking on the Block additionally while several houses had one or two boarded up Windows this one didn't have any unboarded up Windows additionally there were boards blocking the front door couldn't tell if there was graffiti on the house or board since it was too dark there's also no visible lights on outside nor coming from the inside of the house I asked
the passenger if this was correct place since it looked abandoned she said yeah I told her I would wait to make sure she got in and she nodded she said she' be entering through the back and got out of the car this is where I Hader lost track of time and just failed to track her movements or where she proved she was not human after the door closed I looked down briefly to press the automatic door lock while my eyes readjusted After experiencing the light from the door opening when I looked back toward the house
she was nowhere to be seen it's possible I lost track of how long I looked down but to me it felt like it couldn't have been more than 30 seconds while staying in the car I looked around at him all the other nearby houses I was using all my mirrors and even checked my back seat like she had vanished Into Thin Air the house was far enough back from the street that unless she was a talented Sprinter she wouldn't have gotten to the side gate open it and vanished from sight a few seconds I felt
very unbalanced drove home the next day I told a coworker I liked to gossip about the encounter they told me I was very lucky they were native to the city unlike myself who had only lived here for about 2 years said urban legends and rumors about encountering that ghostly lady mostly involved the person having a terrible car accident shortly after she got in the car and not remembering having they wound up in the hospital with severe trauma Merry Christmas when I was between 10 and 13 I had a best friend of the same age we'll
refer to her as e we were Incredibly Close sleepovers long phone conversations hanging out at school sharing hopes and fears I recall one time during a really bad thunderstorm while she was home alone she called me because well scaring her I kept her calm and even got some shared laughter from her I kept her content until her mom got home and she had hung up she was somebody I figured would be a best friend for life when I was 11 she had to move a bit more than 1,000 M away I turned 12 a few
months after she had left I think her grandmother was sick but can't really remember she ended up being gone for a little more than a year during the Christmas she was away I had the following dream I leave my room I head downstairs I open the front door and instead of our enclosed front porch I see another living room one i' had never seen before standing at the door as e we wish one another Merry Christmas and talk for a bit before we hug each other we mutually step back and close the doors and the
dream ends the following summer e was back at our first in-person hangout sessions we got to talk about something that was discussed in the dream we had not discussed it via phone or letter only in the dream she seemed confused for a moment about how I knew and while I tried to figure out how to explain she started talking about a dream that she had with me in it she mentioned that the topic was in that dream I then asked if the dream also included wishing each other Merry Christmas and hug she confirmed it did
after that confirmation I started to describe the living room that she had been standing in she was surprised by how much detail that I was having she verified that the living room of the house is that where she had been staying we both agreed that somehow we had shared a dream or astrally projected to one anothers or at least somehow connected unconsciously over that Christmas it was our own little Christmas miracle I never experienced anything like that again but it was a magical moment that I still remember over 30 years later unfortunately she changed schools
for high school and we lost her close friendship and eventually lost track of one another her though I did manage to Facebook friend her about five or six years ago smiley face accidental disclosure of a pregnancy at a funeral my great grandmother passed away when I was 12 at her funeral I revealed that my cousin will call him Jay his fiance was pregnant the timeline heading up to this was mostly straightforward Great Grandma had made a request as much of the family to be at her New Year's Eve celebration she had a feeling she wouldn't
be around for the next one most of the family showed up Jay brought his fiance and this was the first time most people got to meet her only his dad and brother had met her previously she was at most 5T and 100 PBS basically just this tiny petite woman who is incredibly sweet all the cousins had a good time and overall it was a wonderful New Year's at the end of January great grandma got sick and was hospitalized about a week after she had been admitted she fell unconscious it was around this time that I
had the following experience I woke in the night went to the stairs I heard my mom and Grandpa on the phone they were talking about Jay and the fact that his fiance was expecting they mentioned Jay wanted to wait to see what happened with her great-grandmother before saying anything to the family in general I then went back to bed once Great Grandma had fallen unconscious family started to be near constant to the hospital including my grandma her daughter my mom my papa and me neither Jay nor his dad or brother showed up to any of
the days my parents and I were there great Grandma woke up briefly 5 or 6 days after she had fallen unconscious I was part of the family that was in the waiting room we got to go back two or three at a time to see her she had words for everybody that love and grief was powerful Great Grandma fell back unconscious shortly after seeing everybody from the waiting room she died about 4 hours later the wake and funeral took place almost a week later I admit I have some social issues growing up so when I
saw Jane as fiance at the funeral I didn't think anything of asking when is the baby do both Jane his fiance froze then asked me how I knew explained I'd overheard my mom and grandom the phone about it a couple weeks back that's when I found out no one had been told yet not even Jay's dad or the fiance's parents turns out my experience was a dream Jay and his fiance had only known about the baby for a few weeks finding out around the same time his great grandma being hospitalized there were several people around
when I asked they were forced to admit to Jay's dad and several others and yes they were expecting luckily the Revelation did not cause undo family drama but still because I had Dreamed a conversation about it I just well I revealed an undisclosed pregnancy at my Great Grandpa's funeral my birthday wish was anomalously granted my best explanation was it happened when I was eight my memories just weird because of being young that doesn't feel right so so I was always jealous of my older cousin who was 6 months older than me was taller than me
till I was maybe 12 or so anyway when I was eight on my birthday I made a wish that was me being older than she and eventually to be taller than her so the taller thing worked down CU of genetics and stuff but somehow I'm now older than her like I feel like she should be and is older than me but everybody was asked seems to think that I've always been older I feel like I know for a fact that I'm younger even though for normal purposes she is older but like I know I should
be younger than her but I'm not I had many memories of feeling jealous that she was older she always was joking that being mean cuz I was younger no one else feels like this happened it's theirs I have a house in Tasmania on top of a hill quite isolated and about 30 minutes away from anybody the history of the hill is unclear but about 90 years ago there was a bakery situated upon the hill and of unknown reasons this Bakery was burned down nothing remained of it apart from a concrete slab that we use for
putting dead thorns and dead wood on the actual house built several years after the incident was truthfully seen better days but still in great condition minus a few weeks or leaks rather that appear every once in a while I called this house home for a number of years but moved away then returned then moved then returned it was a circle that my entire family's getting sick of leaving the place we cherish only to come back to it but in worse condition growing up there I had many memories of the outdoors was a large property like
5 Acres these memories are full of laughter and Delight but of what I can remember of the inside the building are filled with uncomfort and a sense of unease especially as a young child it was at this property that several strange and unexplainable things have occurred both good and bad and the creepy and or unnerving but to state that only creepy things took place there would be a lie I've had several encounters if you would of scary nature at even to this day had many people state that only scary happens when I'm around moving Shadows
or creaking floors can be explained most of the time but distinct voices of my father who wasn't within 70 km in my house became harder to put up to something like it being the wind getting to the title at this property of mine we have many things my mother would call Spirits I don't care if you believe them or not they exist at least around my family two of these Spirits are distinct to me and my father too because they only play tricks on the two of us we both seen them respectively but only everyone
work together one of them lives inside and moves things around like chairs and open doors and shouldn't I've heard this thing call out to me many times before but I place it up to me hearing things it always felt like it happened when other people were inside the house but there is one time that I refused to enter the house for 5 hours straight one afternoon I distinctly heard my father's voice screaming at the top of his lungs calling for help over and over but the cry was the same every time same volume same tone
went on for about 3 or 4 minutes before complete silence at this time however my father is at work in town about 75 km away from the current location I have no idea what it is but I know that it's a small creature about 3 ft in height and only ever shows itself when you're alone or it's either my father and I the other one is much larger in stature standing at around 5 ft from I can tell it's a lot more calm it doesn't make much noise above a regular conversation and on many account
it has shown itself fully but only crouched or hunched over both of these entities have no complexion show no face only when hiding do this show its true height around trees and such almost like a shy child my father swears on everything that he holds dear he's heard this creature call out to him saying things like Dad Dad come here or Dad I need you in several accounts this has happened we moving from this place once more my only hope is that we never return for I truly fear that if we were ever to come
back we would not leave not ever somebody would read our names off of a headstone awakened by a ghost I hope it's under the most appropriate thread I'm visiting my grandparents at their house and staying over for a couple of nights and my grandfather's having some art trouble I wanted to make it a point to see them again take my father with me and they are his parents and they're getting older I was sleepy alone in the room that's typically occupied by my grandfather I woke up and checked my cell phone was about 12:30 in
the morning I had only been asleep for a couple of hours and was really hoping that I could get back into sleep I'd have to drive home today I turned over and placed my head on my pillow a few moments later I felt something tap my pillow once almost like a light slap I turned toward the side of the bed and saw the outline of a man standing over me he almost looked a little bit taller than my father or grandfather but I can't say that for certain I wear a strong prescription glasses I couldn't
make out a face or any distinct features other than the man being a little bit obese startled I said Jesus Christ then I heard no reply then I asked what's going on still no reply then I reached out to touch him and when I did my hand passed through The Apparition and its outline and silhouette faded away over a few seconds thought it was my father or grandfather as he looked a bit like them the Pres felt a bit ominous and it really was a spirit I didn't imagine it I don't know why it would
take the effort to tap my pillow wake me up and then not say anything I don't know if any hauntings to have occurred in this house my grandparents have lived here for over 40 years I woke my father up in his room to make sure he was okay and explained everything to him I checked in on my grandfather and he was asleep and said he said he was okay has anyone else encountered anything like this before black velcro orb in my face this happened months ago but I woke with a sensation of something very close
I woke up uncomfortable and I believe I may have woke up due to feeling my space invaded with vibrating presence maybe opened my eyes immediately to see a black orb was very close to my face I sleeped with my head to the side and it was right there immediately freaked out and jumped up out of bed like a strong man would while using my palm to push and shove the orb out of my face the same time too I don't remember feeling the orb with my hand ran out of the room to try to comprehend
what had just happened stood outside the room for a minute to try to reason with myself then went back inside to check on bed behind the ant table Etc before eventually going back to sleep as I had found nothing funny yet strange because of the were a spider it would have not gone back to sleep there I to the best of my remembering the orb was not moving but still near my face its Center was less active than the outer core of the orb and I believe I saw it vibrating the orb had hundreds or
thousands of these smaller velcro strands a very Velcro fuzziness type of orb that vibrated so much it woke me up I do not remember feeling itone trying to shove it away from me but I believe it did move back I was in shock and reacted to such a little about myself I'm very sensitive to emotions and I think having an abusive childhood with a psychopathic father kept me on my toes usually does although abuse hurts and sets us back I eventually found suffering as a gift to make us strong longer and I understand salvation now
with Jesus which is the most important thing I've experienced a lot of Supernatural things and for some reason I believe it's now time to share and hopefully relate with some people out there please share your story your Insight please positivity is always amazing if possible please be kind I will bump their last point there the very last Point anyway see you