The Science of Kundalini Awakening // Spiritual Intelligence 015

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Aaron Abke
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Video Transcript:
[Music] namaste and welcome back to spiritual intelligence so as promised today we're going to talk all about the science the metaphysics and the biology of kundalini awakening what is actually happening in the physical and subtle bodies in order to cause this event to happen and what are its effects can it be self-induced or does it only happen by chance to those who have the good karma for it we're going to answer all of these questions and more in this 15th episode of spiritual intelligence on the science of kundalini awakening so in order to understand the
phenomenon of a kundalini awakening we first have to have a better idea of how the energy centers work especially the relationship between the positive and negative poles or the upward and downward spiraling pranas along the spine now ancient indian philosophy says that there are three central channels going up the spine called nadis and the word nadi means river in sanskrit and these are essentially the channels that carry prana between all the different chakra points in the body now there's supposedly over 72 000 naughties in the subtle body which gives you an idea of just how
many chakra points we actually have but only three of these nadis are of central importance to the functioning of kundalini and that is firstly the sushumna nadi which is the central channel that moves up and down the spinal nerve and that is the largest naughty of them all followed by the ida and pingala nadis on either side of the sushumna the ida nadi is our yin or feminine energy symbolized by the moon and it begins at the root chakra and spirals upwards the pingala nadi is our yang or masculine energy symbolized by the sun and
it begins at the third eye and spirals downwards the ida carries our primal or physical prana which we know as sexual energy and the pingala carries our cosmic prana so through spiritual effort preservation of sexual energy and a desire for god union the meeting place of these two energies moves higher and higher up the chakras the higher up this meeting place goes the more positively charged the crown chakra becomes and once the two energies meet at the third eye center this will typically set off a kundalini awakening so let's take another look at how raw
explains this in the law of one the most important concept to grasp about the energy field is that the lower or negative pole will draw the universal energy into itself from the cosmos therefrom it will move upwards to be met and reacted to by the positive spiraling energy moving downwards from within the measure of an entity's level of ray activity is the locus wherein the south pole outer energy has been met by the inner spiraling positive energy as an entity grows more polarized this locus will move upwards this phenomenon has been called by your peoples
the kundalini however it may be better thought of as the meeting place of cosmic and inner shall we say vibratory understanding to attempt to raise the locus of this meeting place without realizing the metaphysical principles of magnetism upon which this depends is to invite great imbalance meanwhile the creator lies within in the north pole the crown is already upon the head and the entity is potentially a god this energy is brought into being by the humble and trusting acceptance of this energy through meditation and contemplation of the self and the creator where these energies meet
is where the serpent will have achieved its height when this uncoiled energy approaches universal love and radiant being the entity is in a state whereby the harvestability of the entity comes nigh so a kundalini awakening is a very long process that plays out over many years of one's life as the entire neurobiology is gradually transformed and upgraded to a higher frequency level from all of the energy gained through intense spiritual discipline but when we hear the term kundalini awakening we typically think of it as the event that happens to people and so the term that
i like to use to refer to this event is the inner conjunction and this really just signifies the beginning of this entire process but this is as ra says when the upward and downward spiraling energies meet near the root chakra from the ida pingala nadis and polarize together up the sushumnandi which then causes that lightning bolt to pierce through all the seven chakras up to the crown where one then experiences this amazing sense of oneness with the universe and sublime spiritual ecstasy now if you've ever experienced this event yourself then you know just what a
supernatural experience this really is so it begs the question how can something this phenomenal be real how does this happen what clues can science give us that might explain how this inner conjunction actually happens in the body the science of electromagnetism describes these two kinds of energy as static and dynamic static is the negative or potential energy and dynamic is the positive or kinetic energy the root chakra or muladara represents the static energy where kundalini lies sleeping in potential waiting to be awakened through spiritual effort the crown chakra represents higher consciousness the positive energy that
is charged through cosmic prana and so we know that we gain positive charge through spiritual evolution this creates more and more dynamic energy in our chakras and begins to induce our static energy so keeping that in mind let's look at another phenomenon of electromagnetism the science of induction was first discovered by michael faraday induction is the opposite of conduction in conduction one body of electricity let's say a copper wire sends its energy over to another uncharged wire the energy is transferred from the source which loses the energy to the recipient body which then gains the
charge that the source has lost but induction is the reverse of this a simple summary of induction is when you place a sufficiently positively charged body next to an uncharged body it can induce an equivalent but opposite charge in the uncharged body which causes it to become equally negatively charged and yet the positively charged body does not lose any of its energy it simply creates an equal and opposite charge in the neighboring object so to me this feels like a pretty good explanation of what might be happening during an inner conjunction maybe it's a kind
of induction going on between the crown and the root chakras but it doesn't totally account for the entire phenomenon yet because one of the hallmarks of a kundalini activation is that wherever kundalini energy goes in the body she always feels hot like fire or lightning physical healers often describe that when they get into the healing mode they always know because their hands get hot to the touch but when kundalini leaves an area of the body she always leaves it as cold as a corpse and people who experience an inner conjunction almost always describe how the
whole body felt cold after the event was over while the top of the head still felt hot to the touch and this was certainly my experience of this event as well so what does this mean exactly what might be the scientific implications of this fact after my first inner conjunction happened like most people i spent a lot of time thinking about this and all of my thinking and contemplating eventually led me to one conclusion that seems to be undeniable so what did we say that kundalini energy feels like in the body fire or lightning lightning
have you ever wondered how a lightning strike happens some people say lightning strikes from the sky down to the earth while other people say no no it strikes from the ground up to the sky so which one is it i got really curious about this question one day and started doing some research so i want to show you the science of lightning now so that you can see for yourself the clues it can give us about the inner conjunction of a kundalini awakening science shows us that lightning happens through electrical charges that build up in
a storm cloud when warm air rises high into the atmosphere the water vapor in the clouds begins to cool and then freezes to form little ice crystals and as these little ice crystals rise up higher they collide with positively charged particles in the cloud and become positively charged themselves as they rise higher eventually the cloud's energy field is displaced positive or dynamic at the top and negative or static at the bottom as the positive charges rise higher it causes the storm cloud to become mostly negatively charged which attracts positively charged particles from the earth to
rise up to the surface even up trees or telephone poles once the tension between the static and dynamic energies reaches a certain point the cloud will produce what is called negative electricity a giant bolt of invisible lightning that moves in many directions all at once and this is the part we don't see with our naked eyes whichever one of the branches of negative electricity hits the ground first will cause the earth to release all of the positively charged energy that's risen to the surface back upwards through the exact same path that the negative electricity traveled
this is the giant flash that we see with our naked eye the positive electricity travels upwards through the exact path that the negative electricity designed for it all of that positive energy is conducted then into the cloud which offsets the balance of positive and negative charge and after enough lightning strikes the cloud is depolarized and stops releasing lightning bolts so is this what's happening during an inner conjunction when we compare the principles of electromagnetism in a lightning strike to the inner conjunction event it seems to explain the phenomenon almost perfectly through spiritual polarization moving consciousness
higher and higher up the chakras like those positively charged ice crystals we eventually create a highly charged crown chakra like the cloud that forces all the static energy below to be displaced up the spine which causes a kind of metaphysical lightning strike to happen in the human body in many of the ancient yogic texts on kundalini it's described that there is an energy that enters through the crown and makes its way down the spine towards the root chakra which awakens the sleeping shakti who then bolts up the spine towards her lover shiva at the third
eye and this is also what shaktipat is when a guru with an awakened kundalini touches the crown of someone's head they can cause this energy to go down the spine into the root chakra awakening that person's kundalini and in siddha or kundalini yoga they call it shaktipat well this sounds an awful lot like the negative electricity that a thundercloud sends down to the earth during a lightning strike understanding this was like a huge eureka moment for me because it also explains why the body goes cold after an inner conjunction so again at the base of
the spine is kundalini the static negative feminine energy and at the crown is the positive dynamic masculine energy and when the crown chakra gets charged up enough it attracts the kundalini to awaken and meet it with that dynamic force and so when shakti releases herself from the root chakra she absorbs all the dynamic energy in the body in order to create that massive surge of energy that moves up the spine and so we know that in every single atom in the body there is an equal amount of static and dynamic energy and during a kundalini
awakening shakti seems to gather up all the dynamic energy in the body temporarily and sends it up to the crown or at least a whole lot of it and this is what pierces the six chakras that positively polarizes them causing a momentary experience of god union and divine ecstasy so in the same way that the earth gathers up a bunch of positively polarized energy to send up to the cloud shakti gathers up a bunch of positive or dynamic energy in the body and sends it up the spine to the crown causing the body to feel
cold while the crown chakra is burning hot enjoying all of that dynamic energy to itself which causes this rapid spiritual polarization to happen but once the experience is over the energy will settle back down into the body returning the body to its normal temperature again and kundalini will return to her dormant position in the root chakra ready to be awakened again and once you first awakened kundalini it's much easier to awaken her again and again and continue to take her higher but if somebody wants to experience the full kundalini transformation to the fourth density level
it requires consistent spiritual effort to keep raising that energy back up the chakras to the crown and eventually stabilizing it there and that is indicative of someone with a fully awakened kundalini so this is the part of a kundalini awakening that can be pretty dicey for some people because if this inner conjunction event happens to someone who still has a lot of impurities in their chakras most notably a strong identification with ego then it can cause all of those negative energies to start manifesting in the mind and this is what i call a die off
it is the dying off of some old blockage a pattern a distortion of negative energy in our chakras or nervous system and so this is why an inner conjunction can be an amazing experience and then leave somebody in psychological shambles for months as all of one's unfinished business comes rising to the surface of the mind to be seen and healed so this is why approaching a kundalini awakening gradually is the best approach because a certain amount of inner purification is necessary before you allow shakti to go tearing through your nervous system and burning away all
the blockages in her path shakti is sort of like a serpent cornering a mouse the mouse will show its fangs and its teeth and do everything it can to scare that serpent away and we experience that as psychological traumas and emotional pain until eventually shakti will consume it so once this process has begun it's only a matter of time before inner purification is completed but the amount of time and the intensity of that purification is definitely up to the individual so this is the approach that i teach and facilitate in 4d university i take you
through this entire process in a safe gradual manner that allows for maximum integration and facilitation so that kundalini's pathway up to the crown is smooth and efficient rather than painful and disorienting chakra activation and the raising of kundalini cannot be achieved by merely repeating mantras it can only be achieved through a deeper understanding of the way we exist through each individual energy center and by expressing the proper awareness of existence through each center and this is accomplished by stimulating a higher flow of prana through the nervous system and harmonizing it through advanced yoga practices many
people experience a spontaneous awakening of kundalini sometimes induced by intense life circumstances but the upsurge of energy into the higher centers is usually not followed with understanding grounding or facilitation and so the energy returns back to the lower chakras causing the distortions there to go haywire if what is happening to someone isn't understood they may think that they're losing their mind and go to see a psychiatrist who will put them on tons of antidepressants which only makes the issue worse as ra says in the law of one to awaken this energy without realizing the metaphysical
principles of magnetism is to invite great imbalance this is because energy and consciousness are one so if we move energy upwards without the proper awareness of what that energy is it can cause great mental imbalances we must understand the principles of consciousness that exist in each energy center before we invite a massive amount of energy there without understanding energy cannot be stabilized in that chakra so we need to know how to stabilize kundalini energy in the higher chakras so that she continues to return there and eventually makes permanent residence in the crown chakra transforming one
into a fourth density being the entire nervous system is upgraded to a higher frequency that is finally capable of sustaining bliss consciousness unconditional love in all situations and the awareness of oneness with a third density nervous system these spiritual highs feel very fleeting because the third density nervous system just doesn't have the bandwidth for that amount of energy yet so the purification and opening of the nervous system is of paramount importance in this process now what about the neurobiological transformation that happens after this event takes place as we've said before kundalini really just is our
sexual energy which is the most powerful and potent energy that exists and a kundalini awakening causes one's sexual energy to be gradually drawn up into the spine through the cerebrospinal fluid and slowly sublimated all the way up into the brain where it's then used to begin expanding the nervous system as i teach my 4du students sexual energy is like the currency that shakti uses to purchase spiritual evolution with and so this is why semen retention for men is a huge practice that helps to facilitate a kundalini awakening and so over time all that spinal fluid
starts to drip down the back of the throat and it's called amrita in sanskrit which means nectar and as that nectar is swallowed it goes into the gut and into the gi tract where it's then used to further transform the nervous system and this whole process of drawing sexual energy up the spine into the brain down the throat and into the gut is what is called the nectar cycle now how long this nectar cycle process takes to complete is going to be different for everybody but there's one thing that's certain and that's that we can
work with shakti to expedite this process by putting forward a dedicated daily spiritual practice it is truly remarkable to experience the way that kundalini transforms one both spiritually mentally and physically to activate our creative genius awaken psychic abilities and cause the awareness of love and oneness to become as natural and effortless as perception itself now in our last episode on kundalini i told you about my personal theory that kundalini and fourth density consciousness are synonyms for the same thing and that by awakening our kundalini energy we're actually activating our green ray body and transforming ourselves
into a fourth density being but this has always just been a theory that i've had based on my own understanding and experience but rob doesn't explicitly say this anywhere in the law of one but a few weeks ago one of our members in 4d university made a post from a channeling session from l l research with quo another social memory complex that includes raw in it and this quote absolutely blew me away because it finally confirmed the theory of kundalini being our fourth density energy and so just to put a nice bow tie on everything
we've talked about today i'll leave you now with this quote from quo from march 3rd 2018. the rising of the kundalini to the indigo ray energy center is that which you may indeed describe as the activation of the fourth density body that of the green ray energy center which is then fully energized to be able to experience the higher vibrations now engulfing your planet so that these vibrations may be shared or channeled and transmitted to those about the entity experiencing the so-called kundalini experience for through an experience which seems solitary in nature and indeed is
experienced in this manner it is one which offers the opportunities for the expansion of consciousness for others with whom the entity shall come in contact hey everyone thank you for watching today's video i hope that you were truly blessed by it and i wanted to let you know that i'm really excited to now be partnering with an amazing conscious supplement company called organifi a lot of you know that i'm also passionate about holistic health and nutrition and organifi has been a staple in my daily health routine for a very long time they make the most
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