12 Signs You're Eating TOO Much Sugar & Carbs

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Ryan Taylor (Natural Remedies)
12 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar & Carbohydrates (Processed) Today I discuss the 12 tell-tale ...
Video Transcript:
12 signs you're eating too much sugar or processed carbohydrates this video is for educational purposes only so please speak with your doctor if you suspect you have pre-diabetes sign number one is the midday slump one of the most common signs that you're eating too much sugar is where you suddenly feel very tired and sleepy between 1: to 300 p.m. eating too much sugar or starch in the morning or the afternoon makes your blood sugars rise a little too high insulin in your blood then pushes these blood sugars down too sharply causing you to have low
blood sugars and this makes you feel very tired brain foggy and drowsy in the afternoon two constantly thirsty if you feel thirsty all of the time even after drinking a lot of water you get a persistent dry mouth or you're constantly going to the toilet to urinate especially at night you likely have high blood sugars because you're eating the wrong Foods your kidneys are dumping more water to try and get rid of the extra sugar that's in your blood and this leaves you feeling thirsty sign number three collagen loss if you notice that your skin
is starting to Sag and lose its natural bounce back elasticity this may be caused by high blood sugars and eating too many processed carbohydrates what's happening is the extra sugar in your blood is binding to the proteins in your skin making it more prone to wrinkles and sagging sugar also depletes your vitamin C reserves which causes collagen loss as well four blurry vision you may notice in one or both of your eyes that your vision suddenly becomes blurry when your blood sugars are high the glucose sugar that's in your blood Blood starts leaking from the
blood vessels into the lenses of your eyes the sugar then draws water into the lenses which changes their shape and affects how the light enters the retina this causes your vision to become very blurry and it's harder to focus and read this is why people with diabetes usually also need prescription glasses because the sugar damages their eyes in the long term sign five red gums whenever you eat refined sugar or processed carbohydrates like bread cereal or pasta insulin levels rise to allow the sugar to enter your cells unfortunately the extra sugar blocks vitamin C from
entering your cells and sadly this weakens your gums the lack of vitamin C causes your gums to bleed more often and they become redder especially after brushing your teeth six hungry between meals now when you bombard your cells with lots of sugar and starches eventually they can't handle any more fuel so they start saying no to anymore and they block energy from entering them this is called insulin resistance the problem is that this leaves your cells starving for nutrients so you have this urge and need to eat more snacks and you feel hungry all of
the time you may eat a very large meal and have a very full stomach but you still feel the need to keep eating this is insulin resistance and is a classic sign that your body needs the rest from all the sugars and starches whereas a health person in contrast can eat two solid meals per day and feel very satisfied without needing any food or snacks in between sign number seven sweet Cravings some people also get a very strong urge to eat sweet Foods after they've consumed a meal this again is a result of insulin resistance
where your cells are very burnt out and they aren't getting enough fuel the problem is that eating that sugary snack only starts an endless cycle of Cravings later in this video I'll teach you how to break the cycle and get your health back on track sign number eight is a puffy face e eating too much sugar or starches also causes your blood to carry more sodium and water this puts pressure on your blood vessels and they begin leaking excess water into the spaces between your cells essentially your body is becoming very water logged and swollen
particularly around your face and eyes eating better can help your body to dump this extra fluid and bring down the swelling nine chronic sinus infection lots of people also have a chronic sinus infection all year round where your nose feels very congested and stuffy with pressure around your eyes and forehead or you may get a constant drip of mucus down your throat that may cause a tickle cough unfortunately sugary foods and starches feeds the microbes that are infecting your sinuses so your immune system never has the chance to destroy them causing a sinus infection that
just doesn't go away 10 constant tiredness people who've had high blood sugars or high insulin for a long time also tend to feel tired most of the day you'll feel like no matter how much sleep you get you can never fully recharge this is a problem that I suffered with personally quite a lot until I corrected my diet the processed foods and the sugars are depleting your electrolytes and your vitamin B1 so all of your cells including your brain cells aren't able to make the energy that they need to so moving on to number 11
which is a white tongue a white coating on your tongue is caused by a fungal infection called Candida fungi like candida lives on sugar so the more you eat the more you feed it and it spreads across the tongue and to other parts of the body as well and 12 is a pounding heart you may also notice that after you've had a lot of cakes biscuits or sweet sugary snacks that your heart begins pounding in your chest this happens when your liver uses up all of your stored potassium and magnesium to try and handle the
sugar leaving none of these minerals available to keep your heartbeat in its normal Rhythm this pounding in the chest can also happen when you consume too much caffeine alcohol or you exercise too heavily other symptoms there are also a few other symptoms that you may get if you've had high blood sugar or insulin for a longer period of time for example you may get tingling or burning in your feet or hands which could be a sign of nerve damage caused by the high blood sugars darkened skin patches that appear on the neck under the arms
or the folds of the body are caused by pre-diabetes over thinking and anxiety can also be triggered by high blood sugars which is depleting your B1 and neurotransmitters like serotonin personally I find that when I keep the starches and the sugars out of my diet my mind and my body relaxes quite a lot better and if you get a cold more than two to three times a year the junk Foods may be weakening your immune system leaving you open to infections now if you have a selection of the signs and symptoms seen in this video
it's very important to start taking steps to fix your diet and normalize your blood sugars because eventually if left unchecked these symptoms can worsen and can lead to type 2 diabetes which of course we don't want the number one test for pre-diabetes and diabetes most doctors use an A1C test to check your blood sugars but this isn't actually a very accurate way to test for diabetes if you want to ask your doctor for a homer IR test which is a simple blood test that measures more accurately your level of insulin resistance a Homa IR value
that's above 1.9 usually indicates that there's pre-diabetes and the higher the number the more severe the problem the good news however is that whatever the case you can lower this number and get much healthier by correcting your diet fixing your diet now to restore your health and bring your blood sugars and insulin levels back to normal you must begin cutting out the highly processed foods that contain a lot of starches and sugar these include things like bread whether it be whole grain or white biscuits pastries cereals cakes sweets pasta fruit juices crackers soda drinks Etc
these foods are all very highly refined which removes a lot of the fiber and the phytonutrients causing your blood sugar to spike you need to start replacing these foods with healthier proteins and fats with things like ham beef eggs turkey pork salmon fatty fish macadamia nuts peans and Brazil nuts for breakfast in particular you should avoid cereal bagels and donuts and maybe consider e in a simple omelette with some hard cheese instead gradually start to lower your processed carbohydrates to less than 50 g in an average day soon enough you'll notice a more stable mood
better energy levels and less Cravings the more you do this over time as you begin to restore your cellular metabolism how to normalize blood sugars there are also some very simple tips that you can follow to get your health back on track cack and to reverse the symptoms seen in this video firstly we have morning lemon water start your day with a glass of lemon water by mixing 12 oz of water with 1/8 a teaspoon of Celtic salt and the juice of one whole lemon this simple combination helps your liver to processed stored sugars it
improves insulin sensitivity and keeps your cells hydrated stabilizing your blood sugar throughout the day eggs every day I recommend including two to three eggs in your daily diet eggs control your appetite stabilize blood sugar and reduce insulin resistance they also provide choline which enhances brain function reduces cravings and helps you to feel more full and satisfied apple cider vinegar capsules take three appleid of vinegar capsules before meals and make sure that your chosen brand doesn't contain mult to dextrin or dextrose the acetic acid in the vinegar slows the release of sugars into your blood preventing
spikes and crashes intermittent fasting do intermittent fasting by eating all of your daily calories within an 8-hour window drinking only water outside of this period this is very good because it significantly reduces cravings and it helps to normalize your blood sugar levels within just a week vegetable fiber try to load up your plate with leafy greens fresh herbs and some berries to boost soluble fiber intake this slows sugar absorption and helps to maintain stable blood sugar levels through the day sleep and Stress Management ensure that you're getting at least 7 to8 hours of quality sleep
each night since poor sleep and high stress levels can lead to higher cortisol cortisol is a hormone that spikes your blood sugar and makes your cells more resistant to insulin also lower your stress levels by meditating using deep breathing exercises hiking or aroma therapy to keep your cortisol levels in check anti-diabetic spices I also suggest cooking with time- tested spices that improve insulin sensitivity like turmeric cinnamon Ginger fenugreek and garlic all of these spices have anti-inflammatory properties and will help to regulate blood sugar levels when you're using them regularly in your meals B vitamins if
you struggle with constant hunger or you're irritated a lot increase your intake of B vitamins especially B1 you can get more B1 from nutritional yeast or sunflower seeds this vitamin calms down your nervous system it provides steady energy and it reduces cravings electrolytes ensure that you're also getting enough electrolytes like potassium magnesium and calcium by eating a daily salad with cruciferous vegetables drizzle it with a little extra virgin olive oil to improve nutrient absorption and balance out your sugar uptake bbery if you suffer from severe blood sugar issues due to pre-diabetes or diabetes consider taking
500 milligrams of berberine hydrochloride three times a day this herbal remedy works similarly to the diabetes drug metformin but without the side effects if you'd like to follow a low carb diet to get your health back on track there are certain foods that are better than others you can learn more about the best foods to eat by tapping on the video that I've put on your screen now thank you so much for watching another of my videos I wish you great health wealth and happiness
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