7 brutal truths about life you need to know

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For Purpose Driven Men
one of the realest videos you'll ever watch, you know i gotta keep it real socials, book a consulta...
Video Transcript:
it brings me no joy to make this video but this video has to be made and the things that I'm going to say has to be said when you begin to elevate your life you're not just going to lose people in your life you're going to lose people very Clos to the energy is just not going to be the same you can feel that the love ain't there the appreciation ain't there when you start to achieve great things the congratulations won't be there so don't expect it I expected that if somebody loveed me and and
they've known me they've seen me Grind from the bottom up seeing my flaws my imperfections my good my bad but see me rise above it see me defeat all the odds and come out on top that there would be some sort of congrats but there's none of that it's only going to be from the real ones and those are the ones that you bring closer that's a fact of life but that's also a brutal truth cuz like I said these are people that you love these are people that you wish well these are people like
if they were in your shoes achieving the self-improvement journey the success that comes along with that achieving the things that you are achieving you will celebrate them in a heartbeat but this is the life that we live where we live in a life where a lot of people can't celebrate others a lot of people are jealous and envy of someone that wants to change their life around even though the person that has to change their life around has to be put through so much fire have to be put through so much pain and hardship have
to learn lessons that you never could to get to where they at because they chose a different path why not celebrate them while they on that path why not help them achieve the goal or at least when they do say man I'm proud of you you're not going to hear those words a lot those words I'm proud of you you're not going to hear those words a lot so let me be the one to tell you I'm proud of you and let me be the one to also remind you that might be one of the
only times you'll hear those words while you're on your self-improvement journey unless is from your mom and some of y'all parents don't even understand the work that putting in or what you really trying to be in this world and I'm sorry for that but that's what I'm talking about you're going to lose people for life that's close to you or you might lose people for a couple seasons of your life because they just don't understand that you're trying to put in the work they don't understand that you're not trying to party they don't understand that
you don't want to be around a messed up group of people who's not trying to be on their purpose who's not trying to be on their grind you know the number one thing that I'm always going to do I'm always going to be me I'm I'm always going to be authentic and I'm always going to stand on business and I Noti this man and I I just peep game and I just I just sit back and I observe that's the main thing I do in this life is I observe I urge y'all to observe you
want to know who's there for you and who's not you got to observe you got to stop all that talking and you got to really see you got to really see who's going to call that phone you got to really see who's going to check up on you you got to really see who's going to show love and this goes for the people that's always showing love that's always gold hearted even though the world may seem cold you always show up with warmth the brutal truth is not everybody's going to make it to the next
level like you are the brutal truth is not everybody's going to come along with you in this journey the brutal truth is not everybody that say that they love you love you the brutal truth is not everybody that say they support you support you if they say they love you you got to look at them twice cuz love is a strong word We Know What Love Is Love is congratulating One Another Love is supporting one [Music] another that's that's what it is nah bro a lot of people they got they got hatred in their heart
they don't want to see you do better than them they don't want to see you do better in life period because you are a reminder of what they could have been or what they could have [Music] done I just had to cut somebody off yesterday y'all can feel the energy of that through the [Music] screen that particular person knew me since I was a kid I don't care I forgive [Music] them never congratulated me never really checked up on me for real right seeing what I'm doing in life quiet seeing how I'm winning in life
life's getting better for me nothing but when I'm going through pain and [Music] misery right they the first ones to line up so you could confide in these people at your lowest moments but when life is getting better for you you don't get nothing back back in return you don't get no call you don't get no I'm proud of you for leveling up in life you don't get no flowers and that's weird I'mma tell y'all this right now this notion where we just we don't get no flowers from people around us bro that's weird that's
enough to cut off bro I'm a random person online right and I'm proud of you it's not that hard to say those words words man so the people that do say the words the people that do see what you doing and they proud of you and they reaching out you bring those people closer that's brutal truth number one brutal truth number two is nobody could do this work for you bro never I know y'all hear this a thousand times hopefully but nobody's going to do the work for you nobody that work that you got to
do that's on you and every time you procrastinate bro you ruining your life I just got to keep it real every time you procrastinate you're ruining your life every time you procrastinate that's weakness are you built out of are you built out of plastic and straws or are you built out of stones it's Brick by Brick every single day step by step muscle by muscle Hustle by hustle working working work work work discipline yeah we take little breaks from here and there so we could get our mind right prayer meditation all of that is part
of the journey but in order for us to see the results that we want we got to put in the work towards what we want it's really just that simple and like I said there's nobody that's going to do the work for you there's nobody that's going to do the work for you at all [Music] ever ever cuz they got their own work people got their own work they got their own responsibility and to to this point and to the last point you can count this as another brutal truth but you are not the center
of the world that's why I said be patient and observe to see who's really with you when we're talking about brutal truth number one cuz if somebody doesn't congratulates you for a month that's okay people have their own life if your life get better and somebody don't reach out to you in two three four five 6 months that's cool everybody got their own life everybody got their own problems you're not the center of attention the world does not revolve around you [Music] but when you observe you get to peep things that most people can't peep
like I see you you know looking at what I'm doing I see you on social media but you don't say nothing you don't support you don't shoot me a text you don't say congrats that's what's weird especially when there's people that is in your life who saw you lose but not that you're winning they're nowhere to be found but you can see that they're looking well peekaboo I caught you get out of here right so there's certain signs you got to pick up but don't expect everybody to text you back right away call you back
right away this and that the world doesn't revolve around you everybody got to focus on their own life everybody has to change their own life back to brutal truth number two right everybody has to put the work in for themselves everyone has to put the work in M El nobody could do the work for you and brutal truth number three nobody could do the work for you because everybody else is doing their own work hopefully everybody else is doing their own self-improvement Journey hopefully everybody else is on their grind hopefully and the reason I say
hopefully is cuz we know some people going to be on their grind and some people going to watch other people grind who you want to be who who you want to be there's a lot of Watchers there's a lot of people I'm just looking you know but they never step into the Game of Life they not really going after brutal truth number four is none of this is going to work without you taking a risk bro you got to take some sort of risk on yourself if there's no risk there's no gain you got to
take a chance and you have to understand that everything in life is risky you hop in that car that's risky you hop on that bus that's risky you hop in that Uber that's risky random person driving the helm that's very risky sir you hop on that plane that's risky that's very risky brother that's very risky [Music] family right that that's very risky that's life though that's life bro so you can do all these other things but you can't go after your goals and dreams get out of here it's never going to come true it's never
going to come true that's not me trying to hate that's me trying to keep it real your goals and dreams is never going to come true if you're not putting in the work if you're not willing to take a chance on yourself if you're not willing to take a risk you you got to take a risk that's a brutal truth you got to get over your fears that's a brutal truth you got to there's no risk there's no reward there's no risk there's no reward so whatever you want to do in this world you got
to go ahead and you got to give it a fair shot you got to go ahead and give it a fair chance bro cuz like I said nobody going to do the work for us and at the end of the day nobody could take that risk for us you got to live with your life brutal truth number five is that nobody can really tell you what to do people can guide you but nobody can tell you what to do the brutal truth number five is that you have to figure out your life for yourself you
have to figure out your life for yourself right yes everybody has to do their own work everybody else has to you know focus on themselves and all that but we're talking about a different aspect we're talking about the mental you have to use this this brain right up here to figure out how you want your life to look and at the end of the day you cannot take the advice of somebody as the gospel the only gospel you take as the gospel is when you're reading the gospel the only gospel you take as the gospel
is when you're reading the gospel you have to figure out what works in this life for you you got to figure out in this life what works in this life for you because the truth is nobody else can live with the results that you're going to live with that's the brutal truth nobody else is going to live with the results that you have to live with so if somebody tells you to go to school and be a doctor you know that's a great thing that's an educated thing that's a smart thing we need more doctors
but is that really what you want to do so if now you go down this path you don't even really mess with health you just want to do it cuz you think it's going to make the family proud are you truly living life are you truly living the life that you want to live they don't have to live with the fact that you're miserable you're exhausted that that's not really what you wanted for yourself do y'all understand that example when you keep taking advice from everybody else you're living everybody else's dreams and life but you're
not living your own and you got to live your own and one thing about life is we keep getting older that's brutal truth number uh six right one thing about life is that we keep getting older and that we will die and you have to live with the results you got to live with the work that you put in or the work that you didn't put in but a lot of people they take life for granted I've lost people in life I'm sure you've lost people in life as well death is very real it's something
that will happen to all of us eventually it's not your time yet appreciate that do something with life do something with your life man the number one thing that you can have in this world you know is is never losing hope don't lose hope don't lose as as long as you got hope you can still build that relationship with God as long as you got hope you can still improve your life as long as you got hope then the Lord will favor you as long as you got hope then you can turn you you can
turn into that King that that you were always meant to be as long as you got hope then all the brutal truths that we talking about don't got nothing on you because you're standing on business and and you have to stand on business you got to stand on business bro it it ain't even a joke no more what's going on in this world people ain't standing on business people ain't keeping it real everybody want to be like everybody nobody want to put in the work everybody want to complain and everybody want to point fingers to
why their life isn't where it needs to be well guess what that's the brutal truth about life is that you got to figure this out for yourself and even when we taking these days step by step day by day we still don't got it figur it out Real Talk life is about figuring it out and we still don't got it figured out because you can't figure out life life is forever changing life is forever evolving you can't figure out life fully you can't understand life fully you can't understand why good people good people bad things
are happening to them bad things happen to good people good things happen to bad people you don't understand why you're not the Creator the Creator understands why why the Creator understands the divine plan but you just got to step be grateful for the life that you do have work with what you do have and figure out your life for what you do have and what you do want in this world but you can't figure out the whole world you can't figure out everything life ain't just about what you know it's about what you don't know
it's about taking that risk it's about the unknown it's about the uncertainty but still taking step forward what is all that called it's called walking by faith and not by sight and there's a lot of people walking by sight and that's why their life doesn't look like how they want it to look like you got to walk by faith you have to walk by intuition you got to walk by faith you have to walk by intuition fully your life will change once you walk by faith God can do miracles in your life the brutal truth
is a lot of people don't believe that God can do miracles in their life and that's why they don't like their that's why they live a mediocre life but my God is not a mediocre God so I will not live a mediocre life I got faith that my life is going to be great I got faith that my successes will continue to multiply I got faith that I'm part of the righteousness that I'm part of the righteous plan I got faith I know that I'm a lightbringer that I'm here to help change people's lives no
matter who's watching this right now young old woman man it doesn't matter it's all about this work it's all about this discipline it's all about love it's all about spreading truth we're tired of the lies start living a righteous life the brutal truth is if you don't live a righteous life then life is going to catch up to you and you might be a good person with good intentions but you Paving a radway to hell you got to get right you got to understand what you doing this for you can't just float no more in
life I'm just floating I don't know what I really want to do nah bro you got to have your heart in the right place you got to really treat that neighbor like thyself you have to understand that everything is connected you have to understand that the law [Music] of man what you do to others will come back to you understand that the law of karma is real understand that you got to get right with God you got to get right with being the best version of yourself this self Improvement journey is not for the weak
this self-improvement journey is to make sure that we evolve that we evolve past Earthly Desires in the Earthly flesh that we could be in the world but we're not of the world sometimes we got to separate ourselves and do different things so what if you go to the gym all week now you got people saying you can't go to the gym all week cuz it's not good for your body and every you know you need rest and of course we need rest we understand that but there's a reason why that person is in in that
season of his life where he's going to the gym all week I'm hosting I'm and I'm having consultations with men who are going through breakups who who's been through tough times who's been through abuse where women was abusing them he got to go to the gym all week to burn that steam to understand what the hell just happened in in his life we could be out there partying and getting drunk and and effing off and ruining our life so what if we in the gym all [Music] week we got anger that we got to get
off we ain't trying to put that on nobody else our anger is our anger that we need to get rid of ourselves so if you got to go to the gym every week and start to form a relationship with with them weights then that's what you got to do life is hard for people man but we always think about ourselves we always think about we always want to nitpick people's life see I ain't here to nitpick I'm just here to to help you understand what you need to do in your life whatever you believe you
need to do in your life to get yourself right that's what you need to do it counts for something if you got 10% give 10% that's what consistency is put in some type of work get on the floor and do 10 push-ups and get back up I promise you'll feel better you ain't been in the gym in two weeks brother let's get to it let's get to [Music] work the brutal truth is you you you get what you deserve in this life whether you understand it or [Music] not everybody does everybody [Music] does when you
put the work in and you have an actual opportunity to win and you don't want to be consistent you don't want to be disciplined and you stop putting the work in then if your life stops going on the right path then then why is that you you was putting the work in and you stopped you got to get back up and put the work in cuz once you know the information you know the information you don't have to be perfect with the information but you got to be consistent with the information you have to be
disciplined with the information you have to apply the [Music] information I'm always going to ask myself why why we don't take this life serious I'm always going to ask myself that I'm always going to ask myself that we need to take this life serious we have to put in the work we have to put in the discipline we have to put in the consistency the life that you live in today is only going to be lived well if you want it to be if you think you're going to live a good life you're going to
live a good life if you think you're not going to live a good life then you won't you need self-belief you need God you need discipline you need courage you need all those Buzz words all those good words that we always say it's time to actually apply that into your life today today stand on business today right these are the brutal truth of Life man and you don't have to agree with me but you just have to understand that this is what we're dealing with this is the real world and in the real world nobody
can pay your bills for you and in the real world nobody can build that relationship with God for you and in the real world nobody can build a relationship with yourself for you and in the real world nobody can take care of your family for you in the real world you can't depend on the government to fix all the problems in the real world in the real world you got to get up and put in this work in the real world if you don't look how you want to look that's on you in the real
world nobody's going to feel sorry for you in the real world people judge you left and right but you got to be kind to yourself and learn how to still give kindness on to others in the real world people not going to congratulate you once you start to elevate your life in the real world you will lose friends family and mentors in the real world and you know what why they don't got to understand it's cool but you know why bro I'm locked in I'm more locked in than I ever been I'll see y'all in
the next video last brutal truth I'll leave you [Music] with is when you look in the mirror today that's the only person that can love you the way that you truly want want that can give you the respect that you truly want that's the only person that could truly be kind to you and that's the only person that could change your life I'm going
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