my beloved brothers and sisters chosen ones stepping into the Brilliance of the New Year [Music] 2025 I come before you in this sacred moment to remind each and every one of you of The Magnificent Journey you have endured the battles you have fought and the victories you have claimed from the moment your precious Soul first opened its eyes upon this world you were destined for greatness you have walked through raging storms carrying scars upon your spirit and yet you have emerged renewed refined and reawakened you stand tall now bearing witness to your own Relentless Faith
your boundless resilience and your unbreakable Spirit look at how far you have come how much you have learned and How Deeply you have loved yes you precious Chosen One are the greatest achievement of your life for no other person in this universe could have walked your unique path and stood so steadfast in truth kindness and Grace I speak to you now in the final hours before we usher in 2025 and I feel a tremendous stirring in my heart [Music] for too long the world has tried to diminish your light to undermine your spirit to seow
doubts in your mind you've been told that you do not measure up that your dreams are too lofty your hopes too naive but I see before me Souls who have been tested Souls who have discovered their own hidden reserves of strength in the darkest nights of Despair I see hearts that have wept over Sorrows unimaginable and yet have still chosen compassion over bitterness I see chosen men and women who rise every morning with courage pulsing through their veins refusing to be crushed by the challenges that Loom oh precious chosen ones you must know you stand
not by accident but by Divine appointment you are alive in this very moment leading into 2025 because there is still a glorious story for you to write when I say you are the chosen ones I do not say this lightly or without purpose being chosen is not just a calling but also a commitment it means you have been selected to carry the flame of Hope and generosity wherever you May Roam it means that when the storms of life come and they do come you stand as a pillar of faith and perseverance you do not collapse
you do not bow to the darkness you do not betray your higher calling because the spirit that lives within you is greater than any power that tries to tear you down the battles you have waged whether they were battles of the Mind Body or Soul are not the end of your story they are chapters in your personal epic that have molded and fashioned you into an Unstoppable Force for good it is my fervent desire that you reflect deeply and with gratitude on the year that has passed although 2024 may have carried its share of Trials
heartbreak confusion and setbacks you are still here you were not broken you were bent but not defeated you were pressed but never fully crushed those nights when tears soaked your pillows those Knights now whisper gently into your ear you survived you overcame you are stronger than you realize the enemies that tried to keep you small the Skeptics who ridiculed your faith The doubters Who sneered at your dreams they all witnessed that your spirit is a fortress built on Divine love you are not only unshaken you have emerged more powerful more Serene and more compassionate now
precious Souls hear this you are your biggest achievement yes you could have lost yourself in bitterness you could have let the negative words of others Define your worth you could have raised your own white flag at the first hint of difficulty and chosen a path of surrender but you did not here you stand more radiant than ever before carrying a heart that yearns to do good and a soul that resonates with sacred purpose breathe deeply into that realization you are a Living testament to what faith hope and perseverance can accomplish we are on the threshold
of a new year 2025 and with every Dawn comes the promise of fresh Beginnings I want you to think back on your life thus far the countless hours you spent wrestling your doubts the moments you thought you could not endure another day the times you felt alone truly alone still in the depths of those struggles didn't you sense a presence a quiet nudge on your heart a whisper that said keep going precious soul for I am with you that my beloved chosen ones Was Your Divine Guiding Light reminding you that you are never really alone
even when friends vanished even when family misunderstood even when the weight of the world felt unbearable you had the gentle arms of spirit the watchful care of the most high to strengthen you through the storms oh those of you who are feeling alone this season perhaps you have lost loved ones parted ways with significant relationships or been misunderstood by the very ones you cared for the most know this you are never truly alone even in the deepest valley the spirit of the Divine stands beside you shining a beam of Hope upon your path and in
times when your heart feels the ache of solitude remember there are countless other Souls chosen ones like yourself who are praying for you though they may never know your name love does not always require direct acquaintance it can flow from one heart to another across oceans across mountains even across dimensions and you my dear ones have shared that Same Love love when the world tried to bury you in hatred or Envy you did not succumb you did not repay cruelty with cruelty instead you extended your hands in peace and your spirit in kindness you sowed
seeds of forgiveness where Vengeance might have been an easier path you have made that conscious decision to reflect a god heart one that remains open resilient and empathetic even when dealing with those who might have wished you harm this choice of Love above all else is your greatest act of spiritual warfare you see no hateful plan no malicious rumor no Envy filled scheme can Triumph against a heart that radiates genuine unconditional love my beloved do you feel the stirring in your spirit right now that my friends is the undeniable echo of your destiny it calls
to you telling you that as we step into 225 the dreams you have carried for years shall begin to materialize the seeds you planted in faith Seeds of Hope seeds of compassion seeds of unwavering belief are about to break through the soil yes the sun shall shine on them and your life will blossom with new manifestations of Grace and abundance do not doubt it do not shrug it off as mere fancy in the quiet recesses of your spirit you know this to be true you know that the Universe has not forgotten you that it has
been conspiring for your upliftment inch by inch day by day Heartbreak by heartbreak Triumph by Triumph your story is not an accident your perseverance is not in vain allow me now to speak life into your future you are a walking testimony of miraculous grace everything that happened to you every heartbreak every betrayal every joyous celebration every hard one Victory it has all LED you here to this pivotal moment in time and here you stand triumphant not because you never tasted failure but because failure never managed to own you you learned and Rose from it like
a phoenix ignited in Holy Fire celebrate that let gratitude well up in your chest thank your past self for enduring those storms praise the presence of the Divine for guiding you bow in reverence to your own resilience yes say within yourself I am proud of who I Have Become I am proud of how I have faced adversity I am proud of how I have chosen love again and again and now dear chosen ones as your hearts resonate with this truth I encourage you to remember that your journey is not solely about yourself you have a
mission to be a source of light for others to radiate such positivity that people around you cannot help but be transformed the mistakes you have made the regrets you have carried the lessons you have gleaned let them all serve as a beacon for those who walk behind you inspire them to keep going remind them there is always a way when you walk in faith let them see your scars let them hear your laughter let them feel your joy by doing so you become a living gospel full of resilience and compassion for some the new year
brings feelings of excitement and Glee but for others it might stir fear and uncertainty maybe the year behind you was so rough that you barely caught your breath maybe you were told you wouldn't make it this far but here you are with another chance another blank canvas another Horizon to explore embrace that Horizon with open arms and a willing heart let go of the burdens that do not belong to you anymore let go of The Grudges and the shame let go of the identity that others tried to impose on you this is your Fresh Start
a place for new dreams bold prayers and fearless Faith here is my prayer for you dear ones as the clock strikes midnight and 20 25 Dawns may an unshakable sense of Peace descend upon your life may you walk in the confidence that your footsteps are guided that your path is illuminated that you are precisely where you need to be May every challenge you face become an opportunity for growth and may every sorrow you taste become a vessel of deeper compassion may your days overflow with laughter that nourishes your soul with friendships that uplift your spirit
and with opportunities that Reveal Your Divine Purpose and above all may love be your constant companion the love that is patient the love that is kind the love that is Unstoppable in its pursuit of healing a hurting World chosen ones this is your time to shine you are not here by accident you were chosen to Herald hope in the face of Despair to be the living proof that even the most broken hearts can heal you are the testimony that an unbreakable Spirit rooted in faith can indeed move mountains stand tall and declare I am here
and I am ready for 2025 affirm to yourself and to the world that your past does not dict ate your future and that you are fashioned by the hands of Grace for a purpose that transcends any hardship you have endured Let The Echoes of this truth reverberate through your mind fortify your heart and guide your steps I want you to feel the power of your own words so I ask you now through the entire length of this speech let your spirit be stirred to make a bold Proclamation in the comments I invite you to affirm
something short yet Mighty something that resonates with your deepest truth let it be a promise to your own soul and a declaration to the universe you can say for instance I stand tall unshaken and chosen or perhaps you will choose I claim my strength in 2025 or even I am my greatest achievement and I walk in Divine favor whatever you declare let it ring with sincerity love and unwavering Faith let these affirmations be like seeds sewn in fertile soil seeds that will Sprout blessings upon blessings in your life and so beloved as I bring this
message to a close I pray that you feel the Deep affection I have for you the reverence I carry for your journey and the magnitude of love that is flowing into your life from the heavens above your resilience is admirable your capacity for love is Limitless your willingness to keep going in the face of adversity is astounding take pride in how far you have come look at yourself in the mirror of your soul and see the reflection of Victory you you are your biggest achievement a Divine Masterpiece in progress a soul brimming with God's love
and an Unstoppable commitment to share that love with a world that desperately needs it may the year 2025 greet you with open arms and may The Light Within you continue to shine as a Beacon of Hope guiding you and inspiring others along the way remember that no matter what trial await no matter what Hills you must climb you already possess the tools the strength and the faith to Triumph keep your gaze fixed on the higher calling keep your heart open to receive the Abundant Blessings waiting to unfold and keep your mind anchored in the truth
that you are never alone chosen ones you are the living proof of God's unwavering faithfulness and I for one stand in awe of your journey I see you I celebrate you I bless you now go forth into 2025 with jubilant expectation for the Dawn is Breaking and your life precious singular Unstoppable is ready to flourish like never before and as you claim your blessings do not forget to leave your Mighty affirmation below speak it into to existence declare it to the cosmos let your words ReSound across the Horizon this is your year you are your
biggest achievement and the story of your Triumph will go on to inspire Generations Yet to Come Happy New Year my dear beloved chosen ones may peace love and favor follow you all the days of your life you are stronger than you have ever been brighter than you have ever Shone and ready to rise to Heights unknown the world awaits the Glorious unveiling of your gifts and Heaven itself celebrates your unwavering Faith now take that faith and stride confidently into 2025 The Best Is Yet To Come and it has your name on [Music] it all [Music]