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Lion of Judah
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Video Transcript:
we live in a world where truth is often obscured hidden beneath layers of deception and lies our title today is not just a statement but a wakeup call only true Christians will see this this truth is based on 2 Corinthians 4:4 where Paul reveals that Satan the God of this age is actively working to Blind the minds of unbelievers preventing them from seeing the light of the gospel of Christ we are in a spiritual battle and it's one that cannot be taken lightly Satan's goal is to keep people in darkness to keep them from knowing
the truth and to keep them from experiencing the transformative power of the Gospel he is not just an abstract force of evil he is a real entity with a real agenda he is the prince of this world and his influence is everywhere yet many Christians today underestimate him failing to recognize the extent of his power and influence but the Bible warns us whenever God gives someone a title we need to pay very close attention the Bible calls Satan the God of this age and this title should be a red flag for every believer Satan is
not some mythical figure created to scare children into good behavior he is a powerful being a fallen angel and the adversary of God and Humanity he is described as having dominion over this present age influencing the systems and institutions of the world to promote his agenda of darkness and deception when the Bible refers to Satan as the God of this age it's acknowledging his significant though limited power let's be clear Satan is not the god of the universe he is a limited god of the era of Fallen men his authority is confined to this present
age and he operates under the constraints Allowed by The Sovereign God however Within These constraints he exerts tremendous influence he has set up systems that glorify sin normalize immorality and mock righteousness he uses every tool at his disposal media education entertainment and even religion to spread lies and keep people in spiritual Darkness he works tirelessly to Blind the minds of unbelievers obscuring the truth of the Gospel so that they cannot see the Light of Christ consider how the institutions of our world operate today in government corruption is rampant and laws are often passed that contradict
God's moral standards in the media truth is distorted and the lines between right and wrong are blurred in education children are taught that there is no absolute truth that morality is subjective and that the universe is a result of random chance rather than Divine Creation in entertainment sin is glorified and the values that God has set forth are mocked and ridiculed Satan's influence is pervasive and it is all aimed at keeping the truth hidden from the masses even within the church Satan has planted seeds of deception false teachings watered down gospel messages and a lack
of discernment have crept into many congregations instead of being a beacon of Truth some Churches have become platforms for worldly agendas Satan doesn't need to outright destroy the church he just needs to dilute its message enough so that it loses its power by doing so he keeps people complacent comfortable and blind to the spiritual reality around them if people reject the light they become victims of the darkness this is why for many the Bible seems like a collection of outdated myths or Moral Stories rather than the Living Word of God they are unable to grasp
its truth because a spiritual force is actively working to keep them blind this is not just about ignorance it's about a deliberate blinding by the enemy of our souls the devil blinds their minds distorts their perception and hardens their hearts they are led to believe lies lies that there is no God that they are the masters of their own fate or that life is just a random series of events with no ultimate purpose or design let's pause and consider the intricacies of our world does it make sense that all we see around us is the
result of random chance does the complexity and Order of our universe really suggest an accident scientific evidence points strongly to design the Earth's perfect position in the solar system the fine-tuning of the constants of physics and the complexity of biological systems all suggest that there is an intelligent designer behind it all for example the fine-tuning of the universe is one of the most compelling Arguments for a Creator the constants of physics such as the force of gravity the charge of the electron and the speed of light are all precisely balanced to allow for the existence
of life even the slightest variation in these constants would render the universe lifeless this Precision points to intentional design not random chance another example is DNA the genetic code within every living cell DNA is a complex information Rich code that dictates the development and function of all living organisms the level of complexity and specificity in DNA is far beyond what could reasonably be attributed to random mutations it points to a Creator who designed life with purpose and intention yet Satan has worked hard to convince the world that this intricate design is nothing more than a
fluke of nature a cosmic accident with no greater significance 1 Corinthians 1:18 tells us for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God this verse highlights a heartbreaking truth many people are perishing because they have chosen to reject the gospel they are walking in darkness because they have allowed themselves to be blinded by Satan and why do they reject the light let's explore some of the reasons some people reject the gospel because they are Pleasure Seekers they are unwilling
to let go of their sin the idea of a holy God who demands righteousness is unappealing to them because they are deeply attached to their lifestyle they are like the Rich Young Ruler who walked away from Jesus because he was not willing to part with his wealth today many people choose the fleeting pleasures of sin over the Eternal Joy found in Christ they would rather satisfy their temporary desires than address their Eternal need for salvation Satan uses their love of pleasure to keep them in the dark convincing them that they have all the time in
the world and that there's no urgency to turn to God others are full of Pride they see themselves as self-sufficient believing that they have no need for a savior they are like the Pharisees who despite their religious knowledge could not see the truth of who Jesus was because they were blinded by their own arrogance Pride blinds them to their need for God they refuse to bow to anyone or anything including the one who created them this pride is not just a character flaw it is a spiritual stronghold that keeps them in bondage to Satan they
live by the Mantra of self-reliance believing they are their own Gods responsible for their own destiny this Pride leads them straight into the enemy's trap many are caught up in false beliefs whether in other religions philosophies or ideologies that promise fulfillment without the cross they believe that all paths lead to God that sincerity is all that matters and that it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you are true to yourself this is one of the greatest deceptions of our age the belief that truth is relative Satan has cleverly spread this lie convincing people
that there is no absolute truth no ultimate Authority and no need for repentance this relativism keeps people comfortable in their own beliefs no matter how misguided they may be however the truth is clear in scripture there is only one way to God and that way is through Jesus Christ Jesus himself said in John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me this is the message that Satan tries to hide from the masses he knows that if people understand the Simplicity and the exclusivity of the
Gospel his power over them will be broken but those who truly seek God will find him those who are called by God will see through the lies and recognize the truth that has been hidden from so many as followers of Christ we are called to be lights in a dark world we are called to expose the works of darkness and proclaim the truth of the Gospel Ephesians 5:1 urges us have nothing to do with the fruitless Deeds of Darkness but rather expose them this is not a time for complacency or compromise we cannot afford to
be silent or passive when so much is at stake The Souls of men and women hang in the balance and we must be willing to speak the truth even when it is unpopular or met with resistance we must live as people of the light reflecting the love love and truth of Christ in everything we do our lives should be a testament to the power of the Gospel a beacon that draws others out of the darkness and into the light we must be vigilant Discerning and steadfast knowing that the enemy is constantly at work trying to
pull us and others away from the truth in conclusion we must understand that we are in a battle a battle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly Realms Satan is actively working to keep keep the truth hidden to Blind the minds of unbelievers and to prevent the gospel from reaching those who are lost but we as true Christians have been given the Light of Christ we have the responsibility to shine that light to break through the darkness and to reveal the truth that Satan has tried so hard
to hide remember the title of today's sermon only true Christians will see this we must keep our eyes open our hearts attuned to God's word and our lives aligned with his purpose Satan may have tried to hide the truth but God's light cannot be overcome let us stand firm let us be bold and let us shine the Light of Christ in a world desperate for [Music] truth we are living in a time of unprecedented change and uncertainty as we look around it's clear that something is different there's a sense in the air a feeling that
these days are unlike any other people are more skeptical than ever questioning the very institutions that once held their trust from the news media to the government even the church trust is eroding rapidly this skepticism is not without reason and it points to a deeper more troubling reality we are living in an age of great deception Jesus knew this time would come in his most significant discourse on the end times found in Matthew 24 Jesus repeatedly warned his disciples to be on guard against deception he knew that deception would be one of the defining characteristics
of the last days a time when truth would be twisted and lies would be accepted as reality today we must heed his warning more than ever before the age of deception a sign of the end times Jesus's warning in Matthew 24: 4-5 is not just a general caution it's a prophetic declaration about the nature of the last days watch out that no one deceives you he said knowing full well that deception would be rampant in the end times we see this reality reflected throughout the Bible particularly in the Book of Revelation where deception plays a
central role in the unfolding of Endtime events in Revelation deception is the primary weapon of the Antichrist and his followers the false prophet a key figure in the end times performs miraculous signs and wonders to deceive the Nations the world is Led astray by these deceptions believing in the power and authority of the Antichrist Satan who is called the father of lies in John 8:44 will use deception to achieve his ultimate goal to turn people away from God and towards himself but deception in the last days is not limited to the work of the Antichrist
it permeates every aspect of society from the information we consume to the values we hold deception is all around us the the Apostle Paul warned of this in 2 Timothy 3: 1:5 where he describes the characteristics of people in the last days lovers of themselves lovers of money boastful proud abusive disobedient to their parents ungrateful Unholy Without Love unforgiving slanderous with without self-control brutal not lovers of the good treacherous rash conceited lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying its power these characteristics describe a society that is deeply
deceived where truth is relative and morality is subjective people are deceived into thinking that they can live however they want without consequences this is the deception of the last days and it's all around us we see it in the shifting moral landscape where right is wrong and wrong is right we see it in the confusion over basic truths that once were universally accepted deception isn't just about lies it's about blurring the lines of reality and truth so effectively that people no longer know where they stand one of the clearest signs that we are living in
an age of deception is the erosion of trust in our institutions according to a Gallop poll only 34% of Americans said they had a great deal or fair amount of trust in the mass media in 2022 down from 72% in 197 76 this is one of the lowest levels of trust recorded people are questioning the reliability of the information they receive wondering if they are being manipulated or misled this erosion of trust extends beyond the media according to Pew Research Center Data Trust in the federal government in the United States has significantly decreased in the
1960s about 77% % of Americans said they trusted the federal government to do what is right just about always or most of the time by 2022 that number had dropped to around 20% people no longer believe that their leaders have their best interests at heart and this distrust is fueling Division and unrest even the church which has historically been a beacon of Truth is not immune to this erosion of trust according to a Gallop poll trust in churches or organized religion has been on a downward Trend in 20123 only 32% of Americans said they had
a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in organized religion down from over 60% in the mid 1970s and 1980s scandals hypocrisy and moral failings have caused many to question the Integrity of of religious institutions leading to a crisis of faith for many Believers this widespread distrust is not just a societal problem it's a spiritual one the enemy is using deception to undermine trust in the very institutions that are supposed to uphold truth and Justice when people lose trust in these institutions they become more vulnerable to the lies and deception that the enemy spreads
this is why Jesus's warning is so critical watch out that no one deceives you we must be vigilant and Discerning these deceptions feed on fear uncertainty and the human desire for simple answers to complex problems they are the fertile ground in which the seeds of deception take root and as these seeds grow they bear the bitter fruit of division conflict and disillusionment deception is one of Satan's greatest assets from the very beginning he has used deception to lead people away from God In the Garden of Eden he deceived Eve by twisting God's words leading her
to doubt God's goodness and to disobey his command this deception resulted in the fall of humanity and the entrance of sin into the world throughout history Satan has continued to use deception to achieve his purposes he deceives people into believing that they can find Divine fulfillment and happiness apart from God he deceives people into thinking that sin has no consequences that they can live however they want without facing judgment he deceives people into believing that there is no absolute truth that morality is subjective and that they are the ultimate authority over their lives in the
last days this deception will reach its peak the Antichrist will rise to power through deception convincing the world that he is the answer to all their problems he will perform miraculous signs and wonders to deceive the Nations leading them to worship him instead of God this deception will be so powerful that even the elect could be deceived if that were possible think about the magnitude of this statement even the elect those chosen by God those grounded in his word those filled with his Spirit could be led astray by the sheer power of deception this isn't
a casual warning it's a declaration of the intensity and danger of the enemy's strategy deception is not just about falsehood it's about creating a convincing narrative that leads people away from the truth it's a sophisticated targeted attack on the mind and the Soul this is why Jesus's warning is so important deception is not just a minor issue it is is a matter of life and death if we are not careful we can be led astray by the lies of the enemy believing things that are not true and making decisions that lead us away from God
this is why we must be vigilant Discerning and grounded in the truth of God's word so how do we recognize and resist deception in these last days the first step is to be grounded in the truth of God's word Jesus said if you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free the word of God is our ultimate source of Truth it is the standard by which we can discern what is true and what is false if we are not grounded in God's
word we will be vulnerable to the deception of the Enemy being grounded in the word means more than just casual reading it involves deep study meditation and application of the Scriptures it means letting the word of God shape our thinking our values and our actions it means testing everything against the truth of the Bible rejecting anything that doesn't align with God's revealed word this kind of commitment to the truth takes discipline but it is essential in these times when deception is so prevalent the second step is to be filled with the Holy Spirit the holy
spirit is the spirit of Truth and he will guide us into all truth the holy spirit gives us discernment enabling us to recognize the lies of the enemy and to stand firm in the truth without the Holy Spirit we are powerless to resist the deception of the enemy discernment is not just a natural ability it's a spiritual gift that comes from walking close clely with God it's the ability to see beyond the surface to understand the true nature of what's happening around us the Holy Spirit helps us to discern not just what is true and
false but also what is almost true those subtle deceptions that are the most dangerous because they contain a kernel of Truth wrapped in a lie the third step is to stay connected to the body of Christ the church is the pillar and foundation of the truth when we are connected to other believers we are able to encourage one another hold each other accountable and strengthen one another in the truth Satan often deceives people by isolating them making them believe that they are alone and that no one else understands what they are going through by staying
connected to the body of Christ we can resist this deception and stand firm in the truth Community provides a safeguard against deception when we are in fellowship with other believers we benefit from their wisdom their insights and their discernment we are able to test our thoughts our beliefs and our experiences against the collective understanding of God's truth as revealed in the scriptures this Mutual accountability is a powerful defense against the enemy's lies finally We Must Be watchful and prayerful Jesus warned his disciples to watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation we
must be vigilant always on guard against the deception of the enemy we must pray for wisdom and discernment asking God to open our eyes to the truth and to protect us from the lies of the enemy prayer is our Lifeline in these deceptive times it keeps us connected to God the source of all truth it aligns our hearts hearts and Minds with his will and gives us the strength to stand firm through prayer we can ask God to expose the lies that we may not see to give us Clarity and understanding and to keep us
grounded in his truth in these last days deception is all around us the enemy is working tirelessly to lead people astray to make them believe that lies are truth and Truth is a liee but we do not have to be deceived Jesus has given us his word his spirit and his church to help us stand firm in the truth as we live in these challenging times let us take Jesus's warning to Heart watch out that no one deceives you let us be vigilant Discerning and grounded in the truth of God's word let us stay connected
to the body of Christ and be filled with with the Holy Spirit and let us live in the light of truth always watching and praying so that we will not fall into the deception of the enemy may we be a people who are wise as serpents and innocent as doves able to recognize the deception of the enemy and to stand firm in the truth of God's word and may we be faithful witnesses to the truth in these last days shining the light of Christ in a world that is increasingly darkened by deception let us commit
to being watchful Discerning and ever grounded in the unchanging truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
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