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YOU NEED TO GRIND EVERY DAY - Motivational Video
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Ben Lionel Scott
YOU NEED TO GRIND EVERY DAY - Motivational Speech
If you truly want to get better, you canโt just h...
Video Transcript:
so I'll hear people say if you believe it then you can achieve it and the problem with that is they're leaving out the most important part of the equation and that part is work action actually doing something that's what you have to do to achieve anything yeah you got to believe it but you better get the work done and most people will not be successful they will not reach whatever they wrote Because when there's not anything emotionally attached to it they're goingon to quit and give up most people were closer they ever thought they were to finishing that big thing but they never finished it because they didn't feel like finishing it or they were doing it and it was pain and most people quit in the pain because the pain hurts so bad that they don't know if they want to keep going to get to go cuz you're going to wake up most days and not feel like it you going to wake up most days and not be pumped up you going to wake up most days and not feel like doing it but when you can get to a point that you do it anyway then there's no way you won't reach any of your goals there's things that you know you're supposed to do as a human being things that you know are going to improve your life life do those things there's things that you know are going to make you a worse person and make your life worse don't do those things get up early do some kind of workout eat good foods clean your room make a list of things that you're supposed to do in your life and then wake up in the morning and do those things and know it is not easy but you're not going to get it from anyone else but you you think things are going to just go your way well they're not going to just go your way you got to make them go your way you think things are going to just happen for you well they're not just going to happen for you you got to make them happen if you wrote that this is the class that you were signed up for then be at every single class make up in your mind I will not miss one class every engagement I do I don't care what event it is when I show up I'm bringing you the best version of Eric Dias no excuses cuz I'm pissed off for greatness cuz if you ain't pissed off for greatness that mean you okay with being mediocre nobody owes you [ย __ย ] if you want something go out there and get it go out there and [ย __ย ] take it that's all there is to it the standard is the standard we don't lower it we compete we fight we scrap we live to fight another day we don't retreat against nobody that ain't Talent that's Essence that's core that's who I am as a person that's how I get down that's how I'm coming that's what that is and every time you get ready to stop every time you get ready to quit that's you as a man but when you press forward in the midst of the opposition in the midst of the adversity you building mentality that's going to sustain you 20 30 40 50 years from now as we begin to focus on developing ourselves as we begin to elevate ourselves and not to follow the crowd activating The Thinker in us and disciplining and putting on hold the emotional part of ourselves it's not easy but through practice and practice and practice practice makes Improvement you can always better your best you can always go beyond anything that you have ever done and so all you're looking for new breakthroughs through practice and practice you'll get better and better because because you want some different kind of results in your life you've got to be willing to be unreasonable if you want unreasonable results in your life you've got to be willing to be unreasonable part of being unreasonable you don't judge according to appearances part of being unreasonable you can see it because you believe it that's part of being unreasonable part of being unreasonable you must have the faith to call forth those things that be not as though they were that's part of being unreasonable you got to get up earlier you got to stay up later you've got to execute and you've got to go from 70 to 120 it isn't in a war it isn't in a battle it isn't in a melee of fire and destruction that most of us succumb to weakness we are taken apart slowly convin to take an easier path enticed by Comfort most of us aren't defeated in one decisive battle we are defeated one tiny seemingly insignificant surrender at a time that chips away at who we should really be it isn't that you wake up one day and decide that's it I'm going to be weak no it is a slow incremental process it chips away at our will it chips away at our discipline we sleep in a little later we miss a workout then another we start to eat what we shouldn't eat and drink what we shouldn't drink and without realizing it one day you wake up and you've become something that you never would have allowed so you have to be vigilant you have to be on guard you have to hold the line on the seemingly insignificant little things things that shouldn't matter but things that do and so I started going to work earlier I started being the last one to leave there I started working harder than anybody else the other guys could not why would you work so hard Les I said I'm not working for them I've been cheating myself and my family wherever you are whatever you're doing do it with everything that you have develop the habit of giving more than what you paid for develop the habit of setting standards that others will be measured by someone said do not go where the path may lead but go where there's no path and leave a trail you need to stop this whining this crying all the damn time and get up and do something about it where there's a will there's a way when you've got air on your lungs then you have no excuse it's just a matter of perspective you're either going to be a [ย __ย ] sheep you're going to be a lion you're going to be an attacker and a go get her but if you want to sit there and cry and moan and whine all the time well you can't can't can't then you sit your ass on that bench with the losers and you stay there but don't expect me to turn around and Pat you on the back and say hey good job from being a [ย __ย ] quitter get up and do something about it people who win Fu can do [ย __ย ] and people who lose talk [ย __ย ] you can win if you choose to learn the things that you need to do and then fing do them that's reality that's the sh nobody wants to admit because admitting so means that you have to take responsibility for where you are currently and you have to say I am where I am currently because I didn't do X Y and Z and guess what that [ย __ย ] hurts a little bit but once you accept that truth you are able to then move forward with the actions required to get you to where you want to go discipline your body free your mind get up early and go get after it and you'll become the person you want to be and you become that person through one small decision at a time mental toughness is a lot different than motivation because if I said right now everybody in here everybody we're all going to run a half marathon in 5 days all of us and we all going yeah we're getting fired up I said yeah we're going to start tomorrow at 5:00 a. m. and everyone's hugging each other yes 500 a.
m. we leave 5:00 a. m.
comes it's dark it's cold our bed is comfortable it's hard to get motivated at 5:00 in the morning and maybe you do it one day but again and again go do it again and again that is the x-ray vision it's seeing through your broken bones to get to your goal you have to train your brain by doing things that make you uncomfortable consistently to build this mindset that when things get hard which they will be we don't shy away we don't quit we attack I'm seeing through all those walls I'm getting to where I want to go you see I've learned everybody on the face of this planet they want something everybody that comes into this world they want something everybody wants greatness everybody wants excellence but the question is what are you willing to go through in order to get it what type of dedication what type of commitment what type of sacrifice I I tell people all the time if this is not your vision if you don't see this as part of your real contribution if it doesn't make you fully live and express and it's your real goals bail quit sooner than later but if you know it's right for you then resilience is everything the ability to be resilient toward your dreams to keep marching on win the struggle the trial the chaos the frustration the hurt the anger the disappointment the shame the regret the embarrassment when all that is there and you keep marching on you know you'll be a successful person it's the ability to be optimistic enough to know this two shall pass this time shall change I will find a way I will honor my truth and keep pursuing my dreams thick and thin stor or night I will maintain my March don't be upset by the results you didn't get from the work you did not do I don't want you to be upset I don't want you to be angry I want you to be like I didn't get the results cuz I didn't do the work I didn't show up on time I didn't do what I said I was going to do I hit the snooze butt I made an excuse I didn't make adjustments I'm tired of people talking about I want to be successful I want to be great look everybody wants to be a beast and you it's time to do what real Beast do and let me tell you something that means getting up early going to bed late that means you don't go to sleep when you're tired you go when you're done if you just decide I'm going to keep my word if I say something I'm going to do it regardless being more disciplined find something that you can look at your life that you say hey I know I've got a problem in this area being late procrastinating not taking care of business being seriously not serious I need to deal with that the only thing that you can always always 100% of the time control is the amount of effort that you put into each attempt that you can control every single time I guarantee you if you're wondering why it is that everybody else has this and that and this this this and why you don't have I guarantee you that if you take an inventory of your actions they equal what you're getting period if you do the work consistently if you invest in yourself consistently 10 years of mother can work when everybody else is partying making excuses doing the cool thing on the weekend it's going to pay off at the end of your feelings is nothing but at the end of every principle is a promise behind your little feelings it might not be absolutely nothing at the end of your little feelings but behind every principle is a promise and some of you in your life the reason why you not at your goal right now cuz you just all about your feelings you all on your feelings you don't feel like waking up so who does every day you say no to your dreams you might be pushing your dreams back a whole 6 months a whole year that one single day that one day you didn't get up could have push your stuff back I don't know how long don't let that happen get aggressive be vigilant attack and destroy the weakness in your head go everybody wants to do work when they're feeling strong and they're feeling refreshed but what's more important is when you actually do the work when you're feeling tired and feeling weak and feeling lazy when you have those feelings it's even more important to step up and get some there are areas Within Myself where I cannot compromise I have to hold the line I am going to work hard I am going to train hard I am going to improve myself I am not going to rest on my Laurels I'm going to own own my mistakes and confront them I am going to face My Demons not going to give up I am going to stand I am going to maintain my self discipline there will be no compromise not now not ever Mitchell toughness says not only do I climb that dog on Mountain I enjoy climbing the mountain I get a kick out the mountain I get a kick out the weights I get a kick out of going up against the number one t I get a kick out of fatigue I get a kick out of the grind I get a kick out of it I hope that you understand that every single person that you look at every single person that you admire every single person that you aspire to be like is literally just a regular humaning being like you that has worked their mother [ย __ย ] ass off now it's going to be hard understand that it's going to be very hard but you ain't got nothing else to do cuz let me tell you something about being not successful being not successful that's really hard so you might as well apply yourself to something that has a benefit and what some of you doing wrong you play the game but you not the game you play football but you not football you got to go all in you take advantage of this opportunity you let everything else go you eat different you study different you practice different that is something that is built and ingrained into a successful person not because they were lucky with it not because they grew up with it because they developed it by doing it once they did it again they did it again they did it again the more bold and courageous you are the more bold courageous you'll be in the future the more confident you are today the more confident you'll be in the future the more you overcome yesterday's struggles today the more you'll be able to overcome the bigger struggles tomorrow never forget these things keep marching my friend you know what I hear I hear the clock ticking and time waits for no man life goes by and it goes by quick don't waste those years don't waste them live them I want you to be terrified of sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing waking up in 6 days or 6 weeks or 6 years or 60 years and being no closer to your goal you've made no progress that is the nightmare that is what you really need to be afraid of being stagnant so get up and go that idea isn't going to execute itself that book isn't going to write itself those weights out in the gym they aren't going to move themselves you have to do it and you have to do it now don't wait anymore don't think anymore don't plan anymore don't contemplate anymore don't make any more excuses or justifications don't rationalize anything else no take the risk take the gamble take the first step take action now no more dreaming dreaming is over I need specifics what are you doing on Monday what are you doing on Tuesday what are you doing on Wednesday you need to be very specific it's time to put your pieces together of your puzzle we tired of this 60% you we tired of this crying you that's complaining you we tired of this fish it greatness is in you you are here you here leave your gole mark you here do something so whatever you got to do you do it and then those of you you were this close but you compromise you let your feelings get the best of you it's time for you to cut average time for you to cut good so you can finally get to Great there are no excuses you cannot cheat success you got to work for it you got to breathe it you got to sleep it you got to eat it you got to P forth 120% I didn't get here making excuses and I sto being a victim I sto saying I've got to wait for good things to happen to me and I said I'm going grind I'm going to fight I'm going to work I'm going to learn I'm going to do everything in my power every single day I'm going to do everything in my power to become a Victor and not a victim it only take one extra push up it only take one extra mile it only take one extra grade it only takes one extra effort it only takes one extra something to get you to where you trying to get to and the goal is you got to go a little further than the man who's trying to get what you trying to get and can't nobody stop me but me you know what's so funny we want people to make guarantees to us but we're not willing to make guarantees to ourselves somebody gave you a guarantee 30-day guarantee in 30 days if you don't make what they told you going to make you got an attitude you want your money back but you've never demanded your money back from yourself you've never looked at yourself in the mirror and said you let you down you keep saying you ain't on the next level because the economy you keep saying you ain't the next level because it ain't a season you keep saying you ain't in the next level because the opportunity ain't there the truth of the matter is that you ain't there because you ain't there have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said I'm not getting up on time I'm not going to work on time I'm not putting in 120% when I'm at work I let me out and there are some of you you know what you want but you are not personally willing to do the work it takes to get it what you're trying to do is do what you've done on this level and get the next level you like I'm getting up every day I'm putting in 2 and 1/2 I'm putting in three and I'm not getting the opportunity the opportunity might require getting up and working out three and have it might require you saying no to your friends it might require you changing your diet it might require you moving to another city whatever it takes you got to be willing to do it and you keep saying you're not there because of something else because it's easier to blame somebody else that's the problem with some of you you always want to hold other people to the fire but you're not holding yourself to the fire you owe you an explanation you owe you an explanation you need to look at yourself in the mirror and say why are you only giving 50% what's wrong with you you need to put yourself on punishments you need to tell you no more TV no more snacks no more desserts no more alcohol no more no we working out now you need to tell you that you owe you something you need to be in a big damn hurry time is running out on you there's 86,400 seconds in a day the separator between me and you and people that win and loses what we do with those seconds and you're too slow you're too casual you think too much you need to get in a hurry because there's an end to your life and it's coming sooner than you think it goes by in a Flicker and at some point it's going to be over and we want to make a conscious deliberate determined effort to start living life with a sense of urgency and using what we've got using ourselves up sharing what we brought into the universe to share because if we don't nobody else will stop wasting valuable time if we begin to live our lives as if each day were our last Our Lives will take take on a whole new meeting when you die when life is over for you I don't want you to have one idea left in you I don't want one dream left in you when you die I want you to go For Broke I want you to get everything out your system we get one shot at this gig right here life so do not wait go forward for some of you when you do what you do you act as if you have another opportunity I'm wired differently every opportunity is the last opportunity every opportunity I have to rep prove myself again every opportunity I'm still ner because the day you become convinced the day you stop getting better is the day you die is the day the person who's trying to catch you will get you no more waiting for the perfect moment and no more indecision and no more lies take the action get out of bed get your feet on the ground step forward give every day everything you've got every ounce of energy every bead of sweat every drop of blood until your last breath and don't let another day slip [Music] by download this video and audio by becoming a member at Ben lional scott.