How To SNIPE Pump Fun Memecoins & AVOID RUGS

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NOTE -reupload; regarding community setup - this is still not finalised and it may end up being a fr...
Video Transcript:
in this video I'm going to show you step by step exactly how to trade lower cap Market coins we're going to go into the trenches today you'll definitely need a pen and paper for this cuz I'm going to show you a lot of great tips here that will help you and obviously save the video if you need to watch it again we're going to look at pump fun launches and I'll show you all of the tools I use that helps me with these because there are so many scams and rugs on these new launch coins before I start thank you for all of the support I'm getting on my channel don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe for more tutorials like this and a quick warning about the comment section below for any large YouTuber make sure you only use any links or messages from the description section and pin comment section I'm mentioning this cuz I know a lot of you are new to crypto trading as well obviously there will be genuine comments uh below that but there will be some scam comments too like these ones where random coins are shilled and mentioned and I try my best to keep up with moderating these comments where it is very difficult because there are so many of them coming in especially on my most viewed videos so things like this where they're recommending random traders who help them um these are all scams so make sure you're not going into this section and messaging anybody who might be impersonating me that goes for my channel and any other large crypto YouTubers as well so just be very very careful right let's get straight to it so pump. fun if you're new to pump. fun this is where you get Fair launch meme coins and these are the ones that Trend nowadays and do really well uh on on that you see on Deck screen and you see people making a lot of money from but you have to understand how the mechanics works with pumped off fun launches if I go here to the left on this website and I click on creation time you can see here these are brand new launches and you can see they have very very low market caps and if people buy into them they'll start buying more and if I click on any of these I can see a chart I can see an area to trade here on the right bonding curve progress so it says here at the bottom as well graduate when this reaches 102,000 market cap so nowadays when it reaches k then it gets uh bonded and then potentially it gets new eyes and it could run a lot more as well because it comes quote unquote a real meme coin for your purposes you can trade on here and buy and sell and make money too it doesn't make any difference and then here we have something that's King of the Hill progress and you can see here it says 11% more on that in just a minute on the bottom right you've got holder distribution but again there's better uh tools you can use for this stuff now and then underneath here threads this is where people make comments now this becomes more important later generally for these new launches is not important but if the dev who created this coin buys and sells then how is the coin going to run who who's going to monitor the socials or pump the coin or kind of increase its attention on Twitter Etc so you need Community to do that and that's where you get sometimes a CTO Community takeover again more on that in just a minute let's just go back to the homepage first scroll up and we've got King of the Hill so every so often a coin that's trending and doing well it's mentioned here on pump.
fun so it gets to a higher market cap you can see a 53,000 and it gets featured here at the top sometimes for seconds to minutes sometimes longer and then it gets a lot more traffic because everybody's seeing that same coin so it's generally reasonably bullish not massively but reasonably bullish for a coin and this is called King of the Hill c k t h and again I'll show you why that's important a little bit later in the video so those those are the B basic terms these are all pump fun launches all of the new ones a good at least 80% of them are just scams and rugs and then you get maybe 10% and 10% here 10% of these are not a a rug in any way it's a genuine coin it's just not a very good coin it doesn't have socials or the socials are not very appealing or the memes not very appealing nobody buys into it it just dies and then you get 10% that get a little bit of a run and do okay the meme is okay it's not any kind of scam in any way at all and it gets genuine holders and people buying into the meme and the beginning signs of a community forming so it's a small percentage and our job as Traders we just want to try and stick to this area where possible and you know we might have a quick look at this area but with a bit of experience we'll soon know which ones are definitely not going to run at all so it's this area we want to stick in now if we end up always in this area here keep getting scammed and rugged cuz we're not using the right tools and software to warn us about these things then we're never going to make any money from Trading mean coins especially in the trenches it's as simple as that we're trying to avoid this region here and I'm going to show you in this video that's why I saying make sure you get a pen and paper ready because I'm going to show you exactly how to avoid the most common rugs that you see on P fun because remember these are not real rugs per se it's just people have worked out ways to game the system and one of the ways they do it I'll show you now so let's talk about hold account first of all so you need trading software when you're trading any of these new coins either use Photon or bullex those are my recommendations in the top here you'll see all of the new tabs and there's one called memes scope if you don't know how to set up Photon follow the link and also I'll link in the top right a video here where I go through all of the setup with you it's a full tutorial on photon if you if you're completely new to it once you click on memes scope these are those same pump. fun coins when three separate categories the first on the left are the brand new created ones these ones about to graduate we already know these are the ones that are approaching 100,000 in Market cup they're nearly complete in the bonding curve and then the final ones that graduated they're the ones that have gone past bonding curve so they bonded completely now and now they can potentially run into the millions or completely die off as well of course and with each of these you can set up your own filters here as you can see here and I've got pump. fun another platform is called moonot which is created by deck screener but me personally I tend to stick to pump off fun those are the ones that literally get the pumps they get the vast vast majority of the volume every single day all of the eyes are on pump.
fun tokens all all of the recent coins you've seen go to 50 million 100 million stuff like that these are all fair pump. fund launches let's have a look at one of these and have a look at one of the charts so let's click on this one and open and by the way even on this homepage we can see the hold account here volume market cap so this one here holders volume market cap so these three here you can see top 10 holders you can see it's very high 37% I'll show you what that means in just a minute and then you've got Dev Holdings here too so with any of these new coins why we use software is it gives us extra tools so for example if I scroll down here I've Got a Hold account on the holders tab here this tells me all of the main holders of this token this is important because we don't want the main holders to have too much of a big holding this one we ignore this is a liquidity pool for bonding progress here so that one's fine that 40% doesn't matter is these next few you can see somebody holding 5% 4% 4% 3% and so on and you can see the amount of coins they're holding we only care about percentage so you're having a quick glance at this as you get more experience this needs to be faster and faster because these new coins they move very quickly so you need to buy and sell quickly as well next if you click here bubble Maps this shows us the relation between all of the different wallets the bigger wallets sometimes this can give you insights if wallets are connected here however nowadays um these scammers they know how to get around bubble Maps so I hardly ever use bubble Maps anymore we have to use other software to help us and I'll show you why so this new coin here is launched and you can see SB all over this is one of the reasons I use these tools if you click on other trades it shows you Dev trades sniper trades and Insider trades this one as soon as it launched brand new um a lot of snipers bought into this coin which means very likely this is going to be a rug also the way the coins moving in terms of the chart this is not organic chart movement where it goes up and down volume goes high and low and stuff like that this is bot buying pushing it all the way up to King of the Hill maybe further and they're trying to catch people out brand new people some of you watching might be brand new and you'll buy into this coin this is a scam coin but this helps you this SB sign this sniper sign will help you as will the fake chart another tool I use so if you go here click on copy contract address in the top right come over to Telegram and search for this bot it's called trench radar uh scanner and the uh handle is trench scanner bot and I'll link it below in the description as well so this one all you do is you copy and paste the contract address so what it does it tells you if there's some bundle Supply and this is where very interesting it tells me very quickly here in this particular slot number that there were 15 wallets and they all bought Supply at the same time 47% that's your bundle there this is a scam so basically these slots these are specific timestamps where in the exact same time almost the exact same second loads of wallets but at the same time and that can't really be due to chance you might get a couple due to chance but not 15 all at the same time so this is somebody or a team of people buying all of the supply at the same time in different wallets but but then spreading it so it looks legitimate that's why it doesn't show on Bubble Maps so bubble Maps is not good enough I repeat bubble Maps is not good enough to prevent what I showed you before the 80% of drugs and scams you need software like this and this is free to use and if you see any massive bundling like this just stay away but remember for this coin we had many many signs we've got the sniper signs there as well you've got the fake chart pumping as well and it's pumping very very quick after launch ually organic coins unless it's something very trending Elon Musk has posted something something like that then it might quickly go to bonding otherwise it takes a little bit longer at least 15 20 minutes maybe longer it doesn't instant go up within 2 3 minutes so this is a massive scam and if you have a look at transactions here unfortunately uh people are buying into this like real people like me and you like literally buying into this scam and let's have a look at the chart now what's happened sniper sold so it's completely rug now all the way back down to 7 within second within a second or two so they coordinate the cells so all of these cells were all of those tokens that were bundled together this is how they make the money the the scammers and they'll make some money from this and if you click here on top Traders here you can see how much they cashed out in every single position which means people are getting caught out by this okay next let's have a look at um one of the coins that are doing a little bit better let's say one that's already graduated let's have a look at that this one that's already graduated so we can zoom out we've got 15sec chart 1 second chart here 30 second let's zoom out to a 30 second and you can see how how it's doing here so it got to bonding which was literally here and now it's running after bonding now let's see how it goes very commonly after bonding what I find is they can run first there's a few strategies you can play one of them is it can run first and then they'll have a dip where a lot of the people on pumped up phone who bought they want to take their profits they want to take their profits so we would be looking at a dip by here and I want to know where it run to as well because that can give me an idea of the strength of the coin so here's where I can have a look at some socials as well so click on Twitter this is called warp on Soul so it looks like a cat meme fine we keep an eye on the chart and if we want to buy on the right hand side here we've got our dashboard where we can click on buy now and we can buy certain amounts when you're trading these fast trench coins never ever be automatic selling automatic buying it's all manual here cuz things are happening too fast so you literally need to uh click on buy now click on sell now never uh automated buying automatic profit unless it's ran really far and you're still holding a moonbag position and you want to put automatic take profits at certain levels that's a different scenario but generally you're manually buying I repeat manually buying and selling otherwise you will get into trouble with these because they move so fast the slippage needs to be very high so your trades don't always go through so for example here let's say if I wanted to buy two um salana I click on advanced settings I would need my slippage to be very high anywhere from 5 to 10% maybe even more what that means is if I want to buy at a certain price let's say the price is 300K but as I click the buy button the price has gone to 310 or it's gone down to 290 will it still trigger my trade well if my slippage is enough then it will if my slippage is 10% then anything up to 330 or down to 270 anywhere in that region it will still trigger because it's within my slippage settings if that makes sense smart me protection again this whole tutorial just explaining that but generally you want it to be secure where possible so nobody fronts runs your trades especially when buying but again if it's moving fast your trades are not going through just uh click it on Fast instead and that way it definitely goes through you'll lose a little bit on the trade but it's still okay you see this this one's running really well now but at some point here even the ones that run well and are decent they will get a bit of a selloff anyway let's have a look at holders here because we talking about that before remember radium liquidity pool we don't worry about that it's these other percentage holders these ones don't look too bad um there are a few that are holding a little bit more but it's normal for such a low market cap coin so I wouldn't be worried about that again I will check in trench scanner and make sure there's no massive bundling going on because people can still rug even after uh reaching radium too and the other thing here when you click on other trades you can see it's got Dev trades as well there's nothing mentioning the dev here so we just want to quickly look we can't see the dev holding here did the dev sell at all no so there's no Dev involved so really this needs needs to be a CTO Community takeover um of that particular um Twitter profile or the Twitter profile that was created is a CTO uh profile and you can find information about that one of the best places is go back to pump.
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