The DEVIL don't want you to KNOW WHO HE IS

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Daniel Roman
The DEVIL don't want you to KNOW WHO HE IS Eze 28:13  Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; eve...
Video Transcript:
now viewers understand this I want to talk about the devil amen Satan is a worthy opponent oh this is Satan have absolutely no love for God at all no that's right the hatred the jealousy the elegance the forward knees the vindictiveness that's right he is he's on a missions on a mission and that is to get back at God that's right for putting him out that's right of what he was that's right arrogance pride run self willness heart hitless lies deception none of those things originated here on earth no no all those things originated in
heaven in heaven introduced by a spirit that was opposite from the Spirit of God that's right Satan is not a man no Satan is a spirit that works in man that's right the devil didn't come from a lavatory nor did the devil wasn't crafted no the devil didn't go through stages of transformation of color no till he became white that's right that's right that's the devil's teaching right so you don't know who the devil is the devil Lucifer is the name of the devil devil is a title as Satan is the title that's right Lucifer
is a name that's right let's go to work in the Book of Isaiah traveler Book of Ezekiel in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 28 and we'll start at verse 13 listen though I've been in Eden the garden of God thou has been in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was thy covering and the sardius topaz and the diamond the burrell the ox and adjust for the Sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle what is and gold the workmanship of bytes have written of thy pipes was prepared in thee now look at the Lord talking
about an angel that he created that's right this angel name is Lucifer that's right Lucifer was not always a devil no I might say I thought the devil always exists oh no no no the only one always exists is God God that's right that's right only God has no beginning mm-hmm only God has no ending only God always was that's right only God always have been always will be that's right Lucifer was one of the Angels one of the creations of God right that was among the other angels as Jabril that's right Michael Raphael yes
Satan is the title of a spirit that opposes God that's right in Ezekiel the Prophet is describing Lucifer that's right the angel he's not yet describing Lucifer the devil that's right listen the workmanship of their tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in the in the day that thou was created Lucifer had pipes created by the Lord that's right the Scriptures never said he was a choir director no all religious liars that's right said that he direct the heavenly choir amen that's not written that's not written that's one I'm old life that been bricked before
I was born that's right Lucifer having pipes let you know that he was a good spokesman amen he had a very authoritative voice that's right a voice that was very influential not talked about the devil no we talked about Lucifer the righteous angel that's right listen the workmanship of the tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in the end the day that that was created yes thou art the anointed share of the cover that's not the devil no this is the righteous holy angel that's right now are what now are the anointed cherub that covereth
thou art the anointed the power and the presence of God is with you that's right viewers you look at the name Lucifer and instantly think of devil and use not like that no for the devil had to come in to be that's right if you look at the devil and the way he were he transformed someone to be himself that's right that's it he work in that's right and then he overtake what do you work in and would he overtake you you become one with the one that overtake you that's right are you listening that's
right listen no are the anointed cherub that covereth ow are the anointed cherub that cover and I have set deserve God talking amen God yeah I've set yourself that was upon the holy mountain of God listen talking about that anointed angel it was a bundle holy mountain of God don't make you an authority yeah you up on the holy mountain of God you had a party with God and you have favor with God that's right man now let's walk up and down in the midst of the stones of fire look at you you walk up
and down in the midst of the stones of fire you walk up and down that's right and emits with the presence and the power of God was that's right you walk up and down up and then amongst the Angels and amongst other heavenly hosts amen among the stones of fire fires represent power power represent spirit that's right that's right that's what the Word of God is saying he make administers for his service a flame of fire that's right Laurita God now let's work up and down in the midst of the stones of fire and thou
was perfect in thy ways well that was perfect in thy ways the devil no way that's the righteous angel Lucifer that's right thou art complete mm-hmm thou art perfect in the are totally that's right thou art up right and then ways you were pleasing me something during what I sing do that's right during what I want done notice the language of the properties Eco that was perfect and I really I was perfect in that way from the day from the day that thou was created that God made you - what - what - what -
till that's that then there's a problem coming that's right now transformation amen do you remember the man named Judas mm-hmm Judas wasn't always a traitor no not always it wasn't a pasta that's right took part of the ministry part of the ministry mm-hmm and picked by the Messiah in it that's right but the same thing that the book said in the Old Testament about Lucifer right it said the exact same thing about Judas and Luke chapter 22 and verse 3 Luke 22 and 3 says then entered Satan then you better go up we'll begin at
verse 1 yes you better get all that now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh which is called the Passover yes and the chief priests and scribes saw how they might kill him for they feared the people then entered Satan into Judas into Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot then entered Satan into Judas you see before then the devil was an enema no it was among the other apostles working doing the Lord's work you see brothers and sisters in television viewers when the devil enter into you - now you become something that you normally are not
that you transformation take place God shall create good and I create evil evil listen go back to Ezekiel I want to balance this out good back in Ezekiel 28 and verse 15 alright that was perfect in thy ways talking about the record angel Lucifer that were perfect in that way from the day that was created were created till till iniquity was found in thee you know hmm you'll be doing good that's true until till iniquity the devil comes into you that's right the introduction of the dwelling of Satan starts with the conversion of the mind
that's right if my thoughts are righteous and holy it is written to keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him right so what happens when the mind changed the peace chain that's right it goes from peace to confusion for the Lord says he is not the author of contention which means he's not the author of that type of mine that's right that's right you can blame or confuse mine on God no he is not the author of it he's not the originator where there's confusion this conflict wall right bait don't agree that's
right that's right that's right sailor the instrument of confusion the originator of confusion that's right Lucifer was dawn well good I didn't say the devil was dawn wells no looser function the righteous angel was dawn well till till iniquity was until Satan was the devil was found by bound indeed indeed now Lucifer takes on another nature that's right and when Lucifer takes on another nature his mind set now it's changed that's right before then he was battling to the Almighty like all of the Angels perfect perfectly language he's written he was perfect in all his
ways so as all other angels bow he's bound that's right as all of the Angels recognized and serve God so did he but now iniquity sin wickedness ungodliness on the righteousness the devil amen was found in heaven now the devil wasn't everywhere no no it wasn't time for the devil took me everywhere that's right that's right you get him in one place it's like a germ a virus yes a disease carrier you get one right Dennis that's pretty and contaminates the others it is written that iniquity was found in him not in them in envy
and in the one that's right it started in what's right now let's read the change of Lucifer's [ __ ] patterning in the book of Isaiah chapter 14 dad verse 12 listen how art thou fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer Oh amen son of the morning how art thou fallen from God that's right how how did you fall from God Oh Lucifer son of the morning Polat amen spell son s oh in s o n meaning you got a father right it's not a big deal and a little devil no God say I three good and
evil and evil so God created the devil that's right to give man a choice what direction he wants to go you see the fear was God don't force nobody to come to him know it written choose you this day whom you gonna serve if God be God serve him that the devil be God serve him then the Lord says if you be willing and obedient God wants you to come willingly voluntarily not my fault that's right so he gave men an option option choose God wait and be saved or choose your way and be lost
because demands of man where is the devil's way that's right that's why God tells man Lina to your old understanding why Lord because if you lean to your own understanding you will take on the devil's mind that's right Lord what do you suggest let this mind be in you that's right that was also in Christ Jesus and Christ Jesus that's right it is a divine recommendation of recommendation to release your mortal mind and inherit the mind of God that's right iniquity was found in thee in Lucifer the righteous angel the one that was perfect that's
right iniquity it didn't say was found in the devil because the devil is iniquity that's right let's look at the change of minds listen power september's again still in Isaiah chapter 14 and at verse 12 what is it how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground you cut down to the ground which to this weakened the nation's alright hold it right there mm-hmm scholars have said in the garden the snake used to walk on hind legs like a human yeah that's what philosophy and
ignorant theology says snake or serpent is a title that the devil has that's right which means subtle subtle John address the serpent has been a old me a master of deception that's right see when a devil tricky he do it good oh yeah because the devil can trick you and disguise it and you think you're doing the will of God that's true just thank you doing God's service you will murder somebody that's right thank you doing God's enemy that's right you are writing somebody look at Dirty Harry that's right Dirty Harry said when he was
with his boyfriend he was anointed that's what he said this is a man that's right he said the launching of God was upon him where he was with his lover this male friends my lord he believes it he believes he believed that the Holy Ghost ancient abomination that's right Seto and how sharp the devil is he needs old lion foolish preachers get over television and internet and radio and tell us that devil don't have no power my lord the devil sent men to convince us the devil don't have no power that's right who got us
women praying to God the devil devil you got us fasting that's right he is the enemy of the church amen he is the enemy of the righteous that's right he is the enemy of God Almighty go ahead man amen so you'll pass the viewers get up and tell the congregation when I count the three everybody stand up with stuff on the floor we're gonna stop on the devil Hey on his head he don't feel that foolishness that's right that's right Satan do not resort to all aggressive measures no to deceive no no that's why I
take on the title surfin mm-hmm the serpent is very subtle so he blends in he study his prey that's right now one thing about a serpent he is a master and patience that's right see when a book says that old certain you got to know the nature of a snake yeah he didn't he's waiting hmm what a prey is jumping around that's right the devil's just waiting that's right studying know how to come with the tongue where'd that come from and what to use right look at the devil he's called a serpent once the snake
does it cool itself yeah around its prey and then suffocated and when the prey finally is dead notice what part of the body that he started to digest first he don't start from the bottom no he started to digest the head first right that's the nature of the devil that's right what part of man and woman does the devil attack first not the body no no [Music] that's right see Satyam call you himself that's right through the things of the world to suffocate the God in you that's right to rob you of your spiritual well-being
that's right so spiritually you become incoherent yeah spiritually you no longer breathing the breath of God no so now you're no longer conscious as you formerly was we're gonna come to God and God's law see them put you unconscious that's right to holiness and when you fall unconsciousness you goes from light to dark the darkness that's right now we become lovers of darkness law didn't love a girl the night that's right because Satan has coiled himself to suffocate the righteousness that are in us that's really Jesus said he's taught that the word soaked in us
and therefore we become unfruitful and foo-foo look at the book of eyes everybody all right listen still in Isaiah chapter 14 and verse 12 what is it how art thou cut down to the ground cut down to the ground which to this weekend the nations look at what the devil has done and what he's doing amen he's wicked in their nations he got the white house oh yeah he got Congress that's right I was watching CNN this morning and people gathering I believe at Arlington Cemetery for Easter for what Lord everybody gathered many folk gather
for Easter and some foot walking down the street with crosses yeah there's others getting eggs and rabbits some was only going to church with a new suit because they think Jesus rose today New Eden Word of God ain't said nothing about Jesus rose on Meester no no no but again the devil come along and institute something and have everybody think they celebrating Jesus its ruin the devil Gossage celebrating the lie that's right listen which did is weakened the nation's weakens the nation for thou has said in thine heart look at the change now when the
devil come in everyone listen good when the devil comes in there's a change of mind and heart that's why the Book of Isaiah calls Eden son of the morning morning morning don't start with light no morning started with darkness that's right and then light gradually come that's right and when light gradually come that is the introduction of the new day that's right a new time son of the Morning Sun also means service service Satan is gonna be a servant of a new time that's right a new era that he shall introduce they said for though
has said in dine photo reading God not for thou hast said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven now the heart was changed when iniquity was found in him in them when the nickel T was found in Lucifer now listen for the Isaiah as addressing about Lucifer here that's right huh how about falling from heaven Oh Lucien what the Luther was say in his heart now a certain dying heart I will ascend into heaven but before that transmission transformation took place what way did the prophet Ezekiel describe the angel Lucifer I was perfect in
thy race from the day that thou was created he fell from perfection that's right hail from completion listen back in Isaiah 14 in verse 13 latigo for thou hast said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven this is where that heart hardened hearted the most deceitful things that's right that spirit got in them and ignited a lusts that's right I left for power that's right but less for authority and now he had to have some form of idea to get this lust they get this Authority and to get this power that's right whenever you
get someone that case Authority hates the third and that authority is the authority of God they don't want to go about forming a coup by themselves yo you see the devil warned to organize a coup that's right I take over take over and he wanted to take it by force it doesn't matter what you have to do or say that's the way mayonnaise man pick up the same nature of the devil that's right no one want to take over power unless you first jealous of the power that's right that's right go ahead brother the devil
the spirit of jealous that devil the spirit of arrogance that devil the spirit of hatred that devil the spirit of competition the devil a high-minded warm amen that Devil a arrogant one that's right he put all those traits in man that's right for thou hast said in thine heart thou have said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I will now hold it now I'm not taking this for nothing No so if I'm gonna sin into heaven that means that my plans that I got in mind have to do with where I want to
go that's right I want to rearrange the veins that's right I want to leave my legacy that's right God's been ringing too long who's wrong I'm tired of his leadership go ahead everybody got to bow to him with everybody kind of cast they clowns to help that's right he never had no era he never had no song we got to live by his rule everything he say is right I got to sin look at heaven and change that stuff that's right that's right though retake God whether I said in thine heart thou have said why
why the heart because that's where the emotions are that's right the only reason why someone is motivated to take over a power and that power is right you're motivated by jealousy hatred and you want to make a name for yourself that's right out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks [Applause] are you listening for thou hast said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven there we gonna go back to Ezekiel and prove to you how he brought all this down from heaven from that's right for the earth listen I will exalt my
throne above the stars hmm I want to salt my throne my throne well I will exalt my throne above the stars of God hold it the stars is not talking about what you see shining at night no the stars are talking about the other angel other angels others that give off light or reflect the wisdom and the characteristics and the duties of God that's right but he's saying I won't exalt my throne above the stars I want to be higher and better than all of the Angels that's right that's right so therefore he wasn't satisfied
no with the present staying that he was in that's the way man is where he loved the limelight he will lie with his fellow brother to get a higher place that's right he was scheme and plot who tried to destroy his brother that's right just to get in his place yes please yeah tell his wife against them yeah just to get in his place he returned church members again just to get in this place that's right Salem is a spirit of uncontrollable season his attitude is by any means necessary get what you want take what
you want take with you they don't care who you hurt in the process that's right that's why now man is called a man of the devil the devil that's right there is the devil right man is called a man of the devil or a child of the devil give of in the English grammar represent ownership that's right son of God that's right God is the owner of that body that he made to redeem yeah shall oh the devil devil that's meaning that devil owes that person that's right that's right no one's there wait a minute
- the devil own anybody when the Bible said all souls are mine how can the devil own anybody the Bible says all souls are mine yes that's right all souls do belong to God but the soul that's right that means by attrition the origin of the soul of man by creation belongs to God's glory written he is the father of spirits that's right he is the father of spirits that's right he made all spirits but will you become a child of the devil you depart from your father that's right and you take all the new
father yeah that's right it directed to whom you know your service listen at this in Romans chapter 6 and at verse 16 over to God no you're not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey what is it his servants ye are to whom ye obey listen go back to the Book of Isaiah back at idea all right amen Villas I want you to get this back in Isaiah chapter 14 now in verse 13 years I will exalt my throne above the stars of God and I will sit also upon the Mount of the
congregation I will sit also I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation of might of the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north and a side of the north I will ascend above the heights new you Lance the spirit of confidence now Satan he show you he's also a selfish spirit yeah hey we notice everything is ah but you don't care about you don't care about that angels don't care about God no I will I see he wants to be that the next I that's right because the Lord already was
the I am him that's right that's right God Almighty was already done I am that I am that's right but the devil he wants to be the next ah yeah are you listening to what I'm telling you that's right listen I will ascend above the heights of the clouds and I will be like the Most High amen confident confident not I'm gonna try to be I will be like I will be like the Most High determined to destroy God determined to take the place of God that's right now let's evaluate the Muffit that he will
use to bring this about him in the book of Revelation chapter 12 Laura take haha and add verse 7 let us evaluate the message that the devil will use the brain disorder past and if it is is an old saying that misery loves company true and if misery loves company you get a person that hates the truth someone you take a fellow who got the preaching itch all want to follow leadership in his mind God talked to him almost 24 hours a day that's right talk to him so much he's suffering that's true what does
he do he go among the congregation of the church yeah to manipulate those that are already weak and spiritual spiritually vulnerable he befriend them he may lend you some money too bad members because he's incompetent as a build on his own that's right so he try to build off what's already built or what's being built that's right and then star little prayer meeting in the house house then someone start recording them that's right then they start sending out his CDs or DVDs or whatever why don't like the present authorities that's right but want to be
higher then the authority that God Almighty stablish you see of God established Authority you can't be higher if God established it you can't be hired in it submit toy that's right now the devil Bowl there's boldness then there's foolishly bold the devil made up in his mind agon take on God that's right and these crazy men say the devil ain't got no power why you ever lost your mind this spirit wanted to take on God that's right which was a act of disrespect he had no more respect for God he got tired of God be
God that's right now the nickel T was found in him found in thee it wasn't you didn't just leave it like that no you get one person who become envious hateful despiteful hey Authority they start sharing the hate with others that's right only those that have the exact same spirit the hateful that's right we'll give it took that person that's right and then that chair will spread from him to him to her to him to her to her to him that's right contagious that's what happened in heaven that's what happened that's right listen in the
book of Revelation chapter 12 we'll start at verse 3 and there and there appeared another wonder in him there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon look at the title that the apostille given by God commissioned a great red dragon why is Satan called a dragon a dragon is a carnivore yeah a flesh-eater considered cold-blooded and what did the Lord say in the book of Genesis and reverence to the separate he shall eat dust ain't talking about a regular snake crawling around eating the dust represent us for salient assumed the human
race that's right eating the dust me taking over the people that's right and he's doing a good job good job the devil don't want you to know him the scripture says don't be ignorant of Satan devices for me not to be ignorant someone got to tell me about him nice that's right we want to learn about our opponents that's right listen and there appeared another wonder in heaven they appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven Crown's upon his head what else and his tail
his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven holy as I have said on many occasions you'd better hear you that are watching and listening in the study of Egyptology the Egyptian brothers and sisters left the history on the laws of the pyramids and on stones but it wasn't written in the language that we know it today right it was written by writing symbols and images were just called hieroglyphics that's right which was a language telling you a story notice what the Apostle John said was used and his tail his tail drew the
third part of the stars of heaven all right hold it right there yeah you have that that's a symbolic terms that's right if you didn't understand what tail mean you will think the devil walking around a red tight suit that's right that's where folks make up yeah some nut walking around a rare tight suit with a home as a big pig foot long tail sticking up with a point on it that's right so the book says with this tail and its tail drew the third part of he goes third part of the stars from heaven
of and engineers what is his tail what is his tail that's right his tail is not unbaggable no his tail is in front of him in Isaiah chapter 9 and at verse 15 Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 15 verse 15 the the ancient and honorable ancient and honorable he is the he is the hail and the Prophet the messenger that teaches love that tear you live is the tail through lies that's right through laughs what was the lies I will be like the Most High and I will exalt my throne laa every statement he made
he was a liar the devil is called the father of lies meaning he is the originator right a line the first line sold by the devil that's right the father of lies the author of the origin the lies come from him under him with his tail drew glad if you look at a dragon certain areas of the world there's a dragon called the Komodo dragon right his tongue is very venomous yeah his saliva is full of all type of toxic sin venom that's right he will bite a buffalo I mean a huge grown male or
buffalo and that buffalo will walk for a period of time then all of a sudden it become delirious because the venom worked with bloodstream and then started affecting the nervous system then all the muscles start to collapse doesn't matter how big and strong he is then this big strong Buffalo come down from knees to lean on the side and now he become victim to all other Komodo dragons that's right that's what Satan is leaders the church or the people of the earth we are praying for Satan venom is just a poison right that comes to
the human family to cause their body to function in a manner that God says don't do that's right so what happened if Satan bite me and I love Phillip get into me it affect my spiritual for minam my spiritual obedience is effective that's right so now I don't dance for the Lord no more no my rhythm change jump back I'm back with the devil now that's right no no 20 all Jews now back to the beer to the gun and the whiskey no longer have my skirts down now back to miniskirts and hot packs that's
right and ankle chains and bracelets that's right putting gold all on my teeth now I don't wear my hair the way God made it now now I want about wigs are extinct is the church them venom wear a dress long but then put a split from the anchor to your hip amen men wear pants neither one aware I'm tight and tight like women that's right it's venomous in them that's right the poison of s listen in the book of Romans chapter 3 and verse 13 the poison of s of S is under the it's under
the lip whose mouth is full of cursing it's full of cursing and bitterness and bitterness the preacher of the devil is like the snake that broke from an egg that's right the same poison that is in his father the devil is it him in heaven amen the same Boise influences so therefore what happened people that are baptized and have the whole day goes did not yet wait to learn the ways of God see where you learn the ways of God that include not in the ways of the devil the devil amen for if you truly
learn the ways of God you also learn God's creation that's right then you are no higher behave itself back to where we are back in Revelation chapter 12 and at verse 4 what is it and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven so through lies and the subtlety of speech he manipulated how much the third part a third part of the angel third party now hold that and let's find out where those angels are to this day this day that's right so read take off that's right I want to take my
time and so Q we're gonna find out you said there are angels the whole third now consider this yeah you got to be a strong deep manipulative conning spirit these precursor to the devil don't have no power really here's the devil done manipulate spirits let's reimagine what he can do the man amen angels backsliding Genet originate on earth no backsliding originated in heaven in Jude chapter 1 and at verse 6 Jude chapter 1 begin at verse 6 and the angels angels which kept not their first estate the first estate of the Angels were holy that's
right the Angels that fell to keep the first estate their original place but left left their own habitation their own habitation he has reserved in lasting chains under darkness why unto the judgment of the great day the angels that was put out with the devil they are bound bound in chains of darkness that's right change jeans got them in prison that's right change the visit they've been charged even st. represent they are not free run change represent they're tied down and they no longer can be free as they were in heaven in shame it's a
chain reserved in everlasting she reserved reserved let me know they're waiting for sentencing that's right that's really a waiting for thinking he has reserved it what happened when you arrested men you're putting whole your way for cloud and there's a trial coming put a book tell the church don't you know that the State shall judge angels angels and the great charge has caught himself that's right stick first estate but left their own habitation yes reserved in everlasting everlasting change on the door everlasting everlasting thus can make it to change let them know that there is
no form of repentance no form of deliverance because those chains were appointed to never come off the Lord never come off our Lord lasting change everlastings I just changed what everlasting that's right that means long as I'm God i'ma keep you bound Lord as long as I'm caught if I make you pay a price even after the Angels naturally angular judge by the church no mercy shall be shown mercy your synthesis eternal hell that's right along with your father the devil that's never come out never come out glorious big nose nice reserved in every lesson
germs everlasting chains under darkness I said doc unto the judgment of the great Jedi judgment of the great day what is the great date that they are the Lord will mama you get what I'm telling you all right let's go back to where you were still not still in our revelation 12 in verse 4 listen and its tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven through lies he wasn't able to deceive some more than angels or that media the following that's right Liars followed a liar you gotta have a leader of Lies then
you get other lives to follow the leader amen listen and it cast them to the earth cast them to the earth to the earth come on son and the dragon stood before the woman that said look for the woman it was ready to be delivered and for to devour her child as soon as it was busy listen the dragon stood before before the woman the woman mm-hmm Lewis he go the dragon stood before before the woman that's right what happened and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered to ready to
be delivered for to devour her child to devour her child as soon as it was born as soon as it was born as it was born you see the shadow the shadow of that prophecy right was when Moses came here that's right the shadow of it that's right that's right you see Moses was not the light but he was the shadow of good things so it is written in Jascha when Moses was born the room that's right what filled with lighter with light but remember the proclamation was sit down by Pharaoh cut all the male
children on the male shooter because Pharaoh heard that there's a deliverer that's coming to deliver the people from out of the land of Egypt that's right and Pharaoh thought that he could run ahead a prophecy that's right put it all in this one so now Moses was a shadow of the fulfillment of the prophecy Jesus was the fulfillment of the promise obviously that's right why you think Moses said God shall raise him a proper office like unlike me be like Moses come before he's a man that's right it starts why is it the room start
why he's in the room that's right no root it god that's right wanna cut him off on the mall say here you got now Herod send up Proclamation that's right hit all the mill sure the trees old hours yes James will tell the jokes of take the woman that's a saying may come the past right our Sun shall rise out of Asia on the region by listening and the dragon stood before the woman big dragon it wasn't someone something with scales no it was the spirit that was in the man that's right why they call
it dragon show that the spirit of a beast a beast is vicious that's right I tiring that's right come on and the dragon stood before the woman I know what which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born that dragon is standing before the church that's right wanted to devour the body of Christ but God gotta protect it yeah he said the gates of Hell shall not prevail against that's right it's a poison caught Elsa not favela time not for their dragon standing for the church the man
just the snake its slithering trying to come at the churches in the south part of the country trying to come at the churches in the east part that's right in the west part in the Midwest yeah over see you diseased dragon just walking my [Music] [Applause] church and the gates of Hell that's goddamn ridiculous shall not prevail against me shall not prevail against you they may God so with a dragon is that's right gods that that's right doesn't matter what a dragon is [Applause] that's why the church success is always pregnant that's right it is
written God added daily that's wallet search the bride the woman just get bigger and bigger that's right and bigger that's right to the bump the ends of the earth tell ya amen the holy book says what and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to beam dragon stood before the woman I was ready to be delivered to devour a child that's right and she brought forth a man short for the man chap who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and what and a child was caught up unto God and
to his throne what else and the woman fled into the wilderness where she has a place prepared of God now let's go back to the Book of Ezekiel back in Ezekiel let us see how Satan brought mm-hmm these things down to earth that's right that can and that contaminated heaven let us see how John felt when these things hit there that's right yes listen I can Ezekiel chapter 28 now adverse extort a God by the multitude of thy merchandise amen talk about the devil that's right by the multitude of thy merchants merchandise they have filled
the midst of thee with violence merchandise merchandise he's got a lot of stuff he's carrying a lot of stuff hatred jealousy envy cunningness subtle that's right alaya to see wicked Prince of the air immense multitude darkness hatred multitude we have a lot of wickedness in him that's right [Music] and who will be dumb enough to think that devil love you the devil want us to become him that's right so he'll able to turn the children of God against one another that's right because he know he don't care what method to use hey what about you
speaking your tongue no he's not you don't care none about you going to church he knows the devil knows that if the church don't follow what God says they gonna be with me son that's right he knows it that's right that's what he want amen villa the devil listen viewer the devil don't want you to watch the truth of God oh no they don't ain't nothing over the airway that's even close to this stuff that's right that devil no viewer that the truth of God tell you about him amen go father I want you to
know about him No so the devil getting your pastor and water it down and say that man Jennings that's a stretch he wrote the Bible that's that devil ton of water down the sincerity of the truth that's right you can't remarry and divorce and Jennings yeah the women can't preach in ginger they want to make it my church my church don't know Jesus Lee claimed on this stuff that's right that's right listen by the multitude of thy merchandise what is it they have filled the midst of thee with violence and and thou has sinned what
and thou has sinned all this merchandise that's was in it was in it cause war in heaven in heaven in heaven all this conflict yeah that was in him it went is spread among others that's right 12 chapter revelation says what Revelation chapter 12 and verse 7 and there was war in him that was war in heaven Michael and his angel and his angel for the ditch the dress you got to have some people with God who's gonna be sound that's right not contaminated that's right no matter who that around no matter what there I'm
salad that's right the proper said he made my feet stable that's right not hopping from church to church religion religion stable that's right great brother once I bow to the one God don't let nothing that's right [Applause] Michael Michael and his angels and his they fought against the dress fought against the beef and the dragon fought and the dragon fought with who and his angels remember his angels used to be God ain't adding spirit backsliders that's right these were former disciples followers of God before there was this is all Oh God what's the preacher but
the devil said no we don't want you the law that's right I want to follow yeah that's right so others felt as though that Lucifer had a chance if they didn't believe Lucifer had a chance of being God they would not have followed him that's right that's true they believed that Lucifer had a chance in his quest to have a strode above God to climb that's right that's right but they forgot they was up against the power of God amen only a fool who go after see right wing that's like a wise man go after
what is right with Israel man listen and there was war in heaven there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and what and prevailed nuts and didn't win neither was their place they didn't win that's right if they didn't win up there they go win down [Applause] [Music] doesn't matter where you go you're up against the same spoon that's right it is written that every soul be subject unto the higher power and then we're here if they did win up there how you think
you'll win down here that's right you the same God that's in heaven God that's the nurse amen I'm God of understanding that's right Moses call him our God of War that's right brother are you listening and prevailed not been for them neither was their place found any more in heaven doesn't mean they were Unforgiven that's right he did not forgive them forgive him being removed from heaven what Adam failed his spark his light went out and just as the Angels was moved from divine paradise Adam and Eve was removed from earthly paradise that's right the
Garden of Eden was paradise until contamination came that's right and because God have this hatred for contamination rebelliousness can remove those that love contamination out out that's right Cain becomes the water are you listening that's right the word says what neither was their place found any more in heaven and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent Isle de siiva called the devil called the devil and Satan he's called Satan which deceiveth the whole was tricked the whole world he was cast out into the earth cam to the earth and his angels were cast
out with him and they come with him and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now it's come so Oh amen John says what now is next it's come what salvation the word salvation simply means deliverance that's right freedom healing heaven needs to be healed there was some sickness in heaven that's right need some healing that that's right not that God got rid of the virus avenge God got rid of the germs see the time you got to get the one that carry the virus the one that always called confusion the one that's the
germ lover get him or her out of your midst get her away from you away from you that's right and you'll find yourself having peace with God that's true that's right word said mark dybul that called division divisions and offenses and offenses contrary to the doctrine then he said avoid them would radio listeners that are watching over YouTube and television avoid every preacher that tell you you can divorce that's right avoid every preacher that tell you you don't have to speak in time avoid every preacher that tell you Mary got a baby in heaven there
is no children in heaven no it's not read brother don't you know where you are changed the church will be like the Angels yeah I'm gonna book says there's no marriage no giving a marriage right then all relationships are cut that's right because if they're gonna be married then there's a continuation of a bloodline right but because there is no marriage or northern giving which means no engagement to be married then he's seven all ties to blood that's right if you go be like the Angels you're gonna be elevated from Malta their mortality and angels
ain't makin babies no man we got a baby in heaven that mean John the Baptist gotta eternal cousin that's right for John the Baptist was Jesus cut roses that's right six months older than Jesus that mean that John is Jesus eternal cousin that's rude [Music] this is too deep for the turtle mind oh yeah just a default Martin that's right if you say Mary got a son in heaven with flesh and blood then John got an eternal cousin that's right and Elizabeth is his eternal art and Zechariah is his eternal uncle okay that mean we
are not like angels no way but the book says we need Tom we shall be like him what is he God is a spirit spirit that's right these men don't know nothing they don't know no the Bible says they ever learned they learned everything else right I'm never able to come to the knowledge of truth that's right we're dead God if I die and make the first resurrection that's no longer my wife why everybody shall be as the angels that's right everybody no kin no relatives no son no daughter no mother no father or anything
you have are those titles right but you will not be none of those things individually that's what is meant when I said you shall be known as I know you are know that's right if me college or Blood Brothers then we'll be known as we still have the title right and they look but our necks too ashamed that's right we gonna pull off that's a restaurant that's right that's a less terrestrial being like the angels but have the look right of the human change your body from motto immortality that's right have a body that's spirit
but will look like human have a body the spirits if the book said you should someone saying where's that in the Bible where a spirit look like human hold on Gabriel look like he's human be that's right don't you the Bible says a man flew swiftly and threw it to me swiftly right okay I probably Tobias said here he had Azariah yeah talk to Tobias and said I am the angel Raphael yeah did you not wonder the whole time I was among dude I didn't eat he said I was a vision one of the seven
that's right that's right I'm one that's right out of the services that stay in the presence of God yet he appeared as a man that's right even God with the Spirit came looking like a man like a man I'm not talking about flesh I'll cut out when he came to Manoah and his wife they said it was a man of God that it was the angel gonna smoke lid then we think oh god that's right we ain't God God and we just we shall surely die what they said he was a man of God then
they said he was an angel [Music] go hey there are no eternal kinfolk land the devil and you will not be deceived but these for profit that's right that's right [Applause] now let's bring it home to the flesh James for and for James chapter 4 and add verse 4 listen ye adults of your delta and adulterers and adulteresses know you know know know that the friendships of the world ring of the world is enmity with God how are you so close amen to the devil how is it the devil is your friend that's right if
a person makes it clear I don't believe the word yeah I don't want no part of that yeah how are they you two are so close that's right no good enough how would you call the enemy of God your brother that's right what agreement that's right had a temple of God with idols had light with darkness there is a separation between light and darkness Satan is so adamant with destroying God and yet he know he can he brought the fight from heaven right to the right to the earth let's go back to Revelation finish that
up let's get that new song back in Revelation 12 and right where you leave off and I heard a loud voice and a voice in heaven now is come salvation or heaven you men you're free now is come salvation ours come deliverance and strength and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his growing power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down what the accuser of our brethren is cast down that same spirit will come right in a church you false accusations
against brothers and sisters that's right and people will gather around it who got the same spirit because they already got it in for that brother and for that sister so therefore they love it that's right they what they even the spirits that was in heaven they took sides with the devil were weak they were weak it was strong by Raphael and Gabriel they were stayed with God that's right when you strong you gonna stay with God yeah [Music] you are you wake you're gonna turn on your brother or your sister and when you did that
you talked on God but Jesus said what you do them at least once what you do want to be that do want to me that's right you got to be so close to dot until if your daddy is a preacher but yet he don't stand for God word you're not gonna follow your daddy right if I'm walking with God I have no reason to hang out with my former Kappa Alpha brothers that's right I don't need that sorority trash I'm a new creature we got nothing to come I'm born again against all things yesterday that's
the way all things are become new if I'm a new creature I can't be a new creature and be amazing no way you get this television viewers forever and all these foolish rituals and initiations right Jesus said in secret have I said nothing when you are serving God you're not a part of no secret society no secret order no that's right no Masons that's right no Elks no Illuminati go ahead brother oh yeah [Applause] we don't bow to owls elephants amen and Industry we bow to God that's right how can you be a member of
the Illuminati and they don't say thank God who's a liar the Illuminati is a cult all that already or satanic your cup follow us we don't care if you are millionaires if you are pop artists there is no god but one a minute [Applause] just one illuminati you can't be a preacher and be from Mason what agreement has the temple of God with I and the world use a deacon remain you at the Newman Adi talk back to me man and I'll write what Fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness these rappers entertainers multi-millionaire hoes part of
the Illuminati we're here go ahead it's only one we should bow to paganism have no place you preaches that's part of this cult you don't represent God no no we should be with goddess that's right Jesus was not in the Illuminati Scientology all of this religious foolishness this rule is don't want to come to the book religionist don't say nothing what do I care you can't represent God sketch [Applause] if you're scared get out of the poop get out of your churches [Applause] either you forgot or you're not were you not either you love them
or hate them either your fault or ghetto Illuminati is the shepherd waiting to devour the chest all these church people would entertain us caught up in this mess Wow big time preachers with mega churches yeah caught up in Illuminati even luminarias I'm told give them big payoffs to help build mega churches use I set out that's right we will not bow or sin to get a dime to build or buy one temple unto the Lord our God whatsoever is done among them is false do you hear that in the book of the Epistle of Jeremiah
chapter 7 and verse 44 they bowed to these images and idols you're not a [ __ ] wanna feel popular because they have member of these secret order I'm in the secret order you got all these sick initiations the Lord said repent of your sins he said be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ that's right receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost that's really nothing else for I help you nothing else get into the kingdom of God you see you people think that these religions are legit because they are renowned people and
wealthy people that are in it I want to know what is God in what were the prophets in what were the Apostles in and if I can get in what they were in there I'm safe the President may not be in it but I'm in it that's right the multi-millionaire may not be in it but I'm in it wanna say what kind of riches you got we have this treasure will God loved us and none of us any man watching me today I don't care what religion you represent you claim your apostolic Baptist nondenominational Methodists
Lutheran's call yourself what you want if you are member of a secret society they Luminato anything else your religion is a bundle of trash for hell and you are not a preacher Amen you are not a preacher Amen you represent the circuit that's right that all serpent the devil amen listen that the Apostle John everybody all right back in Revelation 12 in verse 10 what is it and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven I hate a loud voice saying in heaven now is come so now this come salvation and strength and strength and
the Kingdom of our God and the Kingdom of our God and the power of His grace and the power of his anointed for the accuser of our brethren is cast down amen we have lived through all type of false accusations but our accusers were cast down this down that's right when God fights a battle he'll bring your accusers down yes he will let's head for the for the accuser of our user of our brethren is cast down which accused them which wobbegongs them before our God before our God day and night HM speak what you
know when your weak-minded so on bring a false accusation against your brother or sister see when you read mind your foundation is chicken yeah because now you start believing it that's right then you started grilling that brother or grilling that sister well then go say this for nothing then gonna do that for nothing that what Jesus said no Jesus saying they hate you without a car that moved for nothing that's right absolutely no reason well perhaps a jitter to everything in the cost in effect dang what the Bible said no if Jesus said that hate
you without a cost that mean no reason whatsoever what take Jesus to the Judas or rather did the devil right to make the devil turn or make Lucifer turn that's right he did nothing to loosen for the base of time no one had an iniquity got in them there's family before you know it he start turning on the very one he used to love that's right the devil do people the devil turned him against a very one they used to love that's right alright a god this is so good listen for the accuser of our
brethren is cast down when you when the accuser get up from among you you're fine things continue to grow that's right when you get rid of the scorner that give the plants room for roots to grow spread that's right yeah sometime when you keep the schooling among if they're hindering yeah and then God with his great wisdom he will allow circumstances to be created that's right now what those circumstances does it manifests who is with God right and who is not that's right who is so who is weak but when it's clear your father accused
of going on which give you a chance to spread your wings that's right and grow there are many things that come about because God used that method to rule up and manifest who hate and who love that's right it is the manifestation of the hand of God go ahead hey hey now what it does it test your stability test how strong you are how you are and how much love is really there yeah and it brings the surface how much hatred is really then you see if somebody's always lovey-dovey around you and circumstances is always
cooled and calmed a Rob one opportunity to be exposed to hatred so if a different claimant is brought about it brings the surface that normally would not be manifest that's really and it will show you whether it's hatred or love so God creates circumstances that I showed you who is your brother who is your winner that's right that showed you who really embrace you and yet who's embracing you was standing afar off yeah door a tick when Lucifer rose up against God it showed who was really with God and who was not that's right and
it manifests a whole third it was a week and they were opportunists waiting for the opportunity to hook up with another source they had a different thought that's right and the thought was alive come on son be quick for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night yes and they overcame him by the blood of the land yea they overcome him by the blood of the land through Jesus and by the word of their testimony with the help of God you able to overcome anything that's right
what you mean by the word of his testimony by believing in what the word said that's right what a testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and then I believe the word of the testimony I believe was written that's right I believe was written come on and by the word of their testimony they loved not their lives unto the death they Neville they loved not their lives unto the death they went on and change themselves over that's right therefore rejoice ye do you hear that Amen we got rid of the devil now and rejoice
heaven and you didn't get happy now that's really devil ain't here where the devil get gone no confusion no backbiting Wilberg violence no lie no one trying to set you up yeah no I'm trying to degrade you that's right no I'm trying to belittle none of that therefore rejoice ye rejoice and ye that dwell in them I go with the devil get out from among you you're glad relief come that's right yeah that's right hurry take God what did he say therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them and what woe to the
inhabiters of the earth and of the sea Malo amen all that trash they got put out of heaven John saw it coming to the earth through the earth that Devil with all his merchandise that's right oh that stuff hit the earth and John when he saw it he said what woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you what you that that's right that you hit television ooh and radio listener do you hear this woe to the inhabiters of the earth you want there's no white
oak Congress is in a condition that it's in for the devil is come down unto you you ought to know all the houses of America is in the condition that attend the devil has come down unto you to know our people want to keep me married and divorced the devil has come down untitled people want to live together not married a devil is come down why do men want to marry men the devil has come down until why do women want to marry women the devil has come down unto you amen am i right men
talk to me [Applause] go ahead brother wise people backsliding from God the devil has come down unto you my little white man that's a racist look at me as a [ __ ] the devil has come down unto the black man that's racist look at the white man as a cracker the devil has come down unto you amen who hidden why do the Klu Klux Klan wear hoods the devil has come down unto you amen why do folk think the black people are the only chosen people of God the devil has come down unto you
your hidden why do they battle to idols and devil has come down unto why do they pray to the statute a Virgin Mary the devil has come down unto Costa fixing your church or in your Chapel with some image honor you battling to it the devil has come down untie to you [ __ ] sprinkle in water the devil has come down unto why did you all deign that woman to be a preacher the devil has come down unto you go ahead brother all that merchandise all that merchandise why is it chaos in there the
devil has come down unto you why does that man when the rapist don't daughter the devil has come down on twice young boys being sodomized the devil has come down unto you why are they on crack the devil has come down unto why they're running after heroin the devil has come down on why the men wearing their hair like women the devil has come down unto you don't gain passage in it that's right I'm not the reason that's right I didn't cause this madness no why the preachers robbing the people the devil has come down
unto you why did the Illuminati get started the devil has come down unto you why did this man Ernesto a Barrett senior say that the world will end May 21st 2011 the devil has come down unto you go ahead that devil is the reason for the season that's right that's right demo I've done a lot of work he is a master architect industry is a master in the craft of deception making men and women believe that it doesn't matter what religion you got we all one down inside so the devil makes you downplay God's commandment
and downplay the sincerity of it that's right and then calls us not to look at God for who he is and what he is so this is why the devil is huge in a religion more than any other source in the world hey use religion more than he used drugs yeah he use religion more he used prostitution he used religion more than any tool because you know there are people in the world that's hunting for something he know there's a void in man that's right there's a void within man and within woman and the devil
try to satisfy that void with auto fishing religion and the cost of man and woman that has that void is ignorant of the way of God a hop from Baptist or Methodist denomination of the Presbyterian the Illuminati to mason to hell everything until the holy call is made that's it the void that is in you viewer is reserved for the presence of God that's right you liquor your girlfriend your man friend your companion your booze your crack your party in your entertainment your ordination none of this can fill your void that's right you are made
for God glory you are made for God satisfaction you are made for the purpose of God you are made for the will of God that's right you are made to bow to God you are made to obey God then why is the pregnancy rate so high among our young single women in the world the devil has come down unto you repent of your sins view up repent what do you mean be sorry about so long the reason why a lot of your struggles are so bad because the devil already weakened you and you're in a
weak trust or I'll have no sound in there so work on you that's it that the devil got a hold of me I need something sound to get that stuff off oh yeah you don't find the snake trying to shed his skin trying to lick it off he need some hard hard he go rub up against a tree or stone and he's working on himself that's right what up God see if you fall on this stone this shall be broken thank God would have been fall on you it will grind you to powder whenever when
it grind you to powder it ain't nothing about you that's left that's right yeah that's right so if I take for God to grind you down to nothing and then bill you all over again and start you over let God do it [Applause] we planned and got them but God is the best of planners thank you for listening brothers and sisters [Applause]
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