How to find proven winning dropshipping products (live results)

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Andrew Yu
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Video Transcript:
so in this video I'm going to go ahead and show you guys some winning products that I found as well as teach you guys how you can find your own winning products and also verify that these products are actually winners before you go ahead and test it yourself now I've been actually teaching how to find winning products since the start of this channel it's actually the first video that I posted that blew up my channel and the only reason why that video blew up was because the strategy actually worked and people found a lot of value in it and also Andrew U shout out to him without his product research strategy ad strategy I would have not had found this product in the first place and the strategy worked right from the GetGo and that was really surprising to me because it was my first time running Facebook ads and it simply working right up the bat was crazy and especially because today I asked my audience what's the hardest part before a product test more than 50% of you guys said that the product research was the hardest part and on my screen right here here's a product that I launched from the same exact product research method and the same exact verification method to figure out that the product was actually a winner before I even went ahead and tested it the first day of testing we got back $289 in sales and we only had to spend $100 in order to get that that means a row of 2. 92 which is really profitable because our break even row is around a 1. 3 to 1.
4 maybe 1. 5 if I'm utilizing AliExpress and not my private supplier also the profit numberb is going to be on the screen right now but as you can see right here this is really not uncommon for a product test especially when it comes to winning products if you've ever launched a product test before and you don't really get results like this it's probably because your product is not going to be a winner for that time and for this product I already found it and I verified that it was a winner so like I said 2. 9 roaz is not uncommon obviously the roaz is going to dip as that scale higher so 2.
9 becomes like a 2. 7 2. 5 2.
4 it might stabilize around like a 2. 3 Raz as you scale higher that's unfortunately just a nature of product test as you scale higher the Raz kind of dips by the way it's actually currently the next day as you can see right here at 7:35 p. m.
eastern time we have around $587 and to generate that we have spent around $239 and we have one St that didn't really track but as you can see our performance really didn't fall off a cliff after the first day and like I said these are characteristics of a winning product and as you can see our very first campaign is still at a 2. 9 Raz which is really really profitable and the profit numbers will be on the screen right now and our new testing campaign with these new ads doesn't look like it's doing too hot but yeah if it wasn't for the new testing campaign with the new ad creatives $168 SP for basically six purchases almost a three row ad that actually would have been more than a three row ad if it tracked all orders so this is day three of running this winning product and as you can see we're over $1,000 a day the third day in a row has been profitable it's not even the end of the day yet it's around 700 p. m.
so I'm pretty sure we're going to end it around 1. 3 1. 4k in sales but looking at our ad manager we spent around $550 so we still have two row ads the numbers for the profit should be on the screen right now and yeah this is not uncommon for a winning product to be profitable day one day day two and day three over a two row as so if you've ever tested a product and you don't see results like this you haven't been testing winning products and it's exactly what this video is going to be about I'm going to teach you how I find and verify that these products are winning before I actually go and test it because like I said this these results are actually really common for winning products and it will continue to be profitable as I scale up to 2K a day 3K Day 5K day 10K day even more so now that you know what the characteristic of a winning product looks like in terms of performance as that should go ahead and find some winning products and help you verify these products are actually winners before go ahead and test them by the way if you want a one-on-one mentorship with me make sure to go to the link down below to book a call to see where the right fit I help you find your winning products I hope you make sure that it's a winning product before you even test it so it saves you a lot of money by not testing random products I hope you your testing campaign scaling campaign I've helped complete beginner scale to the first 1K A Day 5K a day 10K a day even like 17K a day so if you're interested in working with me one-onone make sure to book a call down below to see if we're the right fit all right so to find our wedding product we we're going to use a tool called Facebook ads Library if you don't know what that is go to the link down below it's completely free it's made by Facebook to show you what kind of ads are currently being ran their platform and we're going to go ahead and use it to find other drop shippers and see what kind of ads and what kind of products they're going ahead and advertising and yeah first things first choose United States choose all ads and right here is where you want to go ahead and put some keywords related to the product that you're looking for so for us we're looking for job shpping products and a lot of times like shop now 50% off free shipping that would make the most sense towards Drp Shipping products or you can go ahead and just search up a niche right so for me I know that a lot of drop shippers actually like to Target a baby Niche cuz there's always going to be new customers right everyone's always having kids looking for baby products so let's go ahead and search up baby and as you can see all these ads that show up they're either a product or service for usually babies or obviously the parents buying it for the babies and the first thing I'm looking for is just like the ad copy and I'm looking for a product in the thumbnail if I see a product in the thumbnail I'm going to go ahead and take a look at it to see what kind of product that they're selling so for example right here I already see a product it's like a book of some sort let's go ahead and watch this ad video this is the one I'm most excited for our beautiful personalized baby book by welcome baby all right I'm not going to watch the entire video but it seems like a pretty cool product so let's go ahead and test this product all right I'm just kidding that's actually where most beginners including myself in the beginning make the mistake they think that they see a cool product and let me go ahead and run it no number two you want to actually go ahead and verify that this product is actually selling for somebody and looking for their page right now if I hover here they have 7,500 likes that means that they've been running for a very long time now here's a second mistake or third mistake that people make they think that just because it's been profitable for somebody else over long periods of time they can go ahead and run it and get the same results that's unfortunately not the case that's like having a pizza store that's been there for 10 years and a new pizza store comes in and they expect to get all the customers from the old pizza store no because the old pizza store is dominating the market on that block already everyone already knows them so they're going to go to the original pizza store right so for us we want to look for like people that just started like a month ago two months ago Max that means they haven't totally dominated the market yet and we're able to still take a piece of the pie for this one it's already too late they've been around for too long 7,500 likes it's going to be really hard to compete unless you really really have a better creative than them and for the first 5 Seconds it looks like they already have creative dialed pretty good so we're not going to go ahead and try to compete with somebody that's been doing really really well in the space anyways that doesn't mean we can't go ahead and use their ad copy to help us even further because obviously I searched a baby and baby is like super generic a lot of people are going to search a baby when they go to Faceook ads Library so for us let's go ahead and find some keyword that makes sense so right here you can see parents is a good keyword go ahead and take that right click here duplicate go to the next tab search a parent but you can actually combine keywords so for example we can find another keyword that we can go ahead and combine it with so like Memories is cool copy this paste it here you don't want to do too many two keywords three keywords is kind of good you can separate it by this symbol right here and click search and then what you want to do is Click filters and then click videos and apply I'm not saying the image ads don't work but video ads just do so much better when it comes to converting new audiences anyways what you want to do now is scroll until you see a product or you see an ad copy that makes sense for a drop shipper so usually a product is going to be advertised to parents for their babies and as I'm scrolling down I'm kind of scanning the ad copy as long as a thumbnail is see like is there actually a product being sold and there's a product right here this product looks like it's being sold to parents for their kids so let's go ahead and watch this ad say goodbye to screen time battles and hello to hours of family bondage watch your kids create epic castles secret all right so this is clearly a product for parents to buy for their kids let's make sure this guy has been running for the last 10 years or so and look at their page likes right here they only have 34 likes which means they recently just started which is great now if you want to make 100% confirmation go ahead and click view ads and once you're on this page you want to go ahead and scroll all the way down to see when's the first time they actually launched their ads as you can see August 8th was the first time but there's actually a hidden detail click see summary details and then go ahead and scroll all the way down as you can see August 4th was the first kind of launch their ads this year that's around a month ago so we're okay we're still good to go obviously it's better within like 2 to 3 weeks but a month is not too bad and you can see how many ad they're launching right here nobody's spending that much time and effort on a product that's not at least breaking even for them right like for you when you run a product if you're losing money for like two days straight you're going go ahead and turn it off anyways this is the possibility to be a good winning product now we actually go ahead and do the exact same thing how we found this product searching up keywords in this ad copy right here so for example I'm going to go ahead and choose a complete different Niche maybe creativity go ahead and duplicate search up creativity and like I said you want to go ahead and filter right here just by videos and apply and we're going to go ahead and scroll and see what kind of products show up and what ad copy and if there's a product that looks interesting we're go ahead and take a look at it by the way if you found the information useful so far you might find my Discord pretty useful as well cuz I have an entire class teaching about product research and product verification to make sure that you're not testing bad products in that this court I also do live trainings on product research so I literally go live for like 2 hours and show you exactly how I find products how I verified them and if you're interested in my stores like the store I showed in the beginning of the video hitting 1K a day in only 3 days you can go ahead and look at some case studies that I have on the Discord I literally show you my entire store the ad creative my testing strategy scaling strategy how I found it basically everything about my stores so if you're interested in that it's all there and also the best thing of all I'm also on the Discord every single day I am active every single day on the Discord so you have a question about my stores your stores maybe you want help on a product that you just found just go ahead and ask me on the disc and I will always get back to you so yeah if you're interested go to the link down below and join my pay Discord it's called Prime and I'll see you guys there but let's go ahead and go back into the video so scrolling down here in creativity I just found a competitor right here there's another person selling the same product as their competitor want a toy that Sparks creativity and learning this fort building kit isn't just yep there you go it's a competitor selling the same products and we have another product right here these will save your kid from a bad haircut or you from all right that actually pretty cool the product was pretty cool but like I said the product being cool doesn't always mean you should go ahead and run it let's go ahead and take a look at their Facebook page they have 500 likes already go ahead and click view ads scrolling down it looks like they just launched about a week ago click see summary details scroll all the way down and yeah September 2nd so that's really really good a week ago that they just launched and they're still launching different ad creatives now another thing I like to do is actually look at their website to see what their website looks like and for me this website right here doesn't look too good I'm not saying a website is a direct indicator on if they're profitable or not but usually more experienced job shippers are going to have way better looking websites and this one is not cutting it so I'm going to tell you right now this guy is probably not profitable with this product especially because they only launched a week ago and it doesn't seem like they're adding that many new ads into their Facebook page anyways let's go back to creativity to see if there's anything else in terms of here I like to scroll for around like 2 minutes or so if there's nothing else you can search up another keyword and keep going with this method and exactly how I do my product research jump into different niches different categories different places at once we're going to go Ahad and scroll down even more all right here's a product right here it looks pretty [Music] cool all right it's basically like a little kit like a little set for you to go ahead and draw on or paint on let's go ahead and take a look at their Facebook page right here scrolling all the way down let me see they actually launched their ads like around two weeks ago which is not too bad so two weeks and they're adding creatives and ads almost every other day as you can see there's so many ads so many variations of ads it's very likely that somebody is losing money for entire 2 weeks so this product could be a good Contender let's go take a look at their website but yeah look at their website looks pretty decent so this could be a potentially a winner as you can see right here like I said I'm not really looking at the product itself because just because the product is cool it doesn't mean that everyone will buy it I'm looking at are other people buying it is the advertiser itself running for at least a week or two weeks at least a month but not too long things like that to see if is actually worth it for you to go ahead and sell or are you just selling a bad product because the other person is also selling a bad product right so that's pretty much it all right besides Facebook ads Library I like to use this tool called ad scalp the link should be down below but ad scalp is basically Facebook ads library but way better cuz it shows you like ads that are specifically for Drp Shipping whereas Facebook ads library has like other ads like taco shops and flower shops and just services that areen Drp Shipping so adcal is really good at that and the funny thing is this product that we found on Facebook ads library is on ad scalp and we didn't have to put any filters yet like I haven't used any filters it's just on ascal right here but what we're going to do is go ahead and sort by the number of ads so right here I'll put like eight and I'll put the maximum like 300 or 250 media type video domain right here is really important.
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