How to Make $600K a Month With Ai SaaS

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Brett Malinowski
#software #ai #saas Sponsors: Shopify - Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at
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all right Daniel a year ago you were on this podcast and you were making $500,000 a month at 15 now it's a year later how much money are you making okay so I'm 17 now and across all my businesses we're doing around a million dollar a month in Revenue dude this blows my mind I I just like I tell people this in real life and they just don't believe it so the last podcast you were doing Snapchat shows and you were running it up and you were just making short form content on Snapchat and they
were paying you ad Revenue yeah but since then you've switched to YouTube and you've kind of built this entire new system so what are you doing now yeah so after Snapchat completely died I had to Pivot to something else I went from making six figures a month to pretty much like very low five figures pretty much nothing compared to what I was making and I'd always had experience in short form I did Snapchat short form so now I was going to Pivot into something that I was good at short form again so I started YouTube
shorts which were just another way to create these short videos and they started paying like a couple th000 um per month because the RPM started to go up and so as I saw that there was like really money making potential here I started to dive a bit deeper and deeper and deeper into it eventually launching more channels that were actually making five figures a month again with Snapchat I was I was doing a side hustle and I didn't want to do a side hustle again I didn't want to fall into the same trap of having
it all potentially go away because I felt as though I had enough experience now to dive into real business which is when I met my partners Musa Li Etc where where we thought of the idea for Creo Creo was basically the solution to our problem with making short form videos where it took us a long time to edit these videos and if we hired out editors for them the turnaround would be a long time it was just not as efficient as we wanted it to be so that's when we decided late 2023 to start building
this software company out and that was also whilst I was still running these short accounts and so month after month software company was being built being built it was something that I had there I was like okay this software company is being built I don't know if it's going to do that much but it's an asset that I guess I'm building now we launch first month we do around 50k great money but obviously I was making six figures with the side hustle month two we make 70k month three we make 150 month four month five
month six and now our software companies doing like 5 to 600 Grand a month in revenue on very lean margins like a very powerful company on top of the course that I released around YouTube shorts so I still do YouTube shorts to this day and I was doing it back then and the channels are making like 10 to 15 grand a month I remember when I talked to you on the first podcast we were like a big advocate of if you're going to do a course you practice what you preach and I didn't want to
do it if I didn't practice what I preach that's what I was very skeptical about and so the fact that I did shorts I was like okay I'm kind of becoming a face of this business model because it hasn't really been exposed to people yet and so I decided to go all in on running more shorts pages and actually start creating a program around it which is when the YouTube portal released this year on top of software so objectively now I have a software company doing around 5 to 600 Grand a month and then I
have a course doing multiple six figures a month as well which equals to around a million give or take or so in Revenue MH I feel like I corrupted you because I was tell I was encouraging you to sell a course because you were so good at what you were doing and it's a great way for people to make money and so let's just to summarize the main way you're making money is through an AI software called crayo it's crayo Doo cray. AI yeah okay cray. that's doing $600,000 a month and then you've tacked on
a coaching course program where you're teaching people how to make YouTube shorts which is how you made all of your money previously basically exactly well apart from Snapchat after I had to Pivot Out YouTube shorts is where I started to get this side hustle income of like 10 15 grand a month and now honestly funly enough as I run the program and as I run the software company I've never made more money from YouTube shorts than I actively am right now which is so funny to think about because I supposedly need to have the least
amount of time right now but I'm making like6 $700 a day with one of my accounts at the moment um and I have like multiple of these that make less and yeah it's it's honestly been like a pretty big uptrend right now in all the companies the reason I wanted to have you back on here is because obviously I talk about AI SAS a lot like finding an AI use case and so let's just break down what the point of crayo is because so so just to make this very clear for people you were doing
Snapchat that was starting to fade out we invited a lot of competition with the podcast cuz we gave away all the sauce and then once you did that you switched to YouTube shorts and YouTube what's an R so YouTube will pay you basically a certain amount for every thousand views you get yeah so the RPM which is the amount they pay you per thousand views on shorts right now is anywhere from 15 to 25 cents which is very competitive versus platforms like Tik Tok especially when on YouTube it's a lot easier to get tons more
views so if you get a million views you make like 25 00 bucks no you make 250 bucks on YouTube but the thing is it's a lot easier to get a million views on YouTube than it is on Tik Tok um a lot of beginners actually get like a million views in a video within their first 10 videos like it's not something that's impossible whereas Tik Tok it's more of a grind to do so and with YouTube The Views last a lot longer so you can post a video and it can be Evergreen for months
whereas Tik Tok it pretty much dies out relatively quickly Okay cool so $250 for every million views it's much more achievable on YouTube and last much longer yeah okay and so then you were doing this for yourself you were making good money five figures a month from that and then you basically decided to try to create a software that could help you make those faster and so you came up with cray. explain how crayo Works yep so crayo is a tool that makes it easy for people to make these short form videos we have automation
features that make it easy for you to have your subtitles animations music text captions all that good stuff and those are the issues my partner and I Mo have faced he was doing Tik Tok I was doing yoube YouTube and so we were in a similar space but in kind of two different ecosystems but we faced the same problems it was how can we make our videos quicker and so this is what we tried to solve with crayo and as it's evolved it's kind of turned into different things I mean crayo was originally meant to
be a script writing tool that's what we thought we wanted it to be at the beginning but then we realized to be honest I kind of cross referenced this with a few other companies um Amazon was created because Jeff Bezos wanted a way to buy books online because the brick and mortar stores didn't have all the selections Steve Jobs created created the Mac because he wanted to run things on a computer and so I've just seen that the biggest companies have been created out of just a core issue that the founders faced and so this
is when crayo kind of popped into our heads as like the solution because I wasn't going to look around that like a c point to entry or whatever just what was the problem that I was facing I need to make videos quicker crayo is that Pro the solution to that problem so if I remember correctly first off I remember we were talking about how you had script writers you were doing all this manually on your for Snapchat and you guys were talking about how AI like you're exploring AI things and now you actually have built
it and I think I've seen a comment on one of your channels and it's so true it's you you as a human you're when you have an idea to then taking action to then just blindly launching it is like the time between those is like feels like minutes it's like you have an idea then you're like that's that works two minutes later you are literally building it and then two minutes later you launch it yeah I think the biggest thing that's helped me with pretty much any business I've started whether it's failed or succeeded is
just my my time between idea to execution it's been very low um I'll always act on an idea I have because worst case it doesn't work and best case it does like if I have to boil down that's like the only difference between people who make a lot of money and don't is like you have the courage to you do it quickly like there's a sense of urgency and then you have the courage to actually try where most people are like they just like put it off to the next day or like they want it
to be perfect so you're just all about action and so with the product itself you said it will do scripts it'll do captions but doesn't it also like generate like if you wanted to like if you got a script you have a story it will literally generate like images like it literally you could literally make an entire faceless video we have like generative AI features on CR as well that do that and we've been optimizing those to be really insane but also we adapt the tool based on what the industry is doing and so there's
a lot of niches in the industry that are just stronger than others and so we adapt our tool to those users more because that's where the most influx will come in so right now for example Tech stories are massive on Tik Tok and YouTube it's where like these F fake text conversations happen between two people and we've just been optimizing to make that feature on our product specifically really amazing which you've started to do wait so what is that like you're people you like to have screen yeah it's like people messaging back and forth exactly
so it can be a funny conversations of like a couple talking just anything that people make TX conversations around is starting to blow up on these platforms and I think maybe the niche has Maybe started to die down now but regardless that's where a lot of the uses we found of our users goes to and so whenever we see something like that when a large influx of users go towards one product on our on our software we try to make that one as good as possible because that's the way to make a really good product
that a lot of people enjoy um which has actually been really good for user feedback and like the quality that they go through when using Creo you know so what do you think the is that the main use case or what do you think the most popular feature has been um honestly I think our story video has been the most popular feature it's where we pretty much generate an entire story for you so what you can even do on crayo which we recently added is you can input another viral story and we'll rehash that Viral
story in a different way so that it still fits what the algo wanted because you're giving another like context of what went viral and we kind of remake it for you with the gameplay with the animations with a script that you can also tweak after we generate it for you are there AI voiceovers there's like SpongeBob there's like real life voiceovers um and those are getting even more like by the day we're adding more and more voices dude and your guys's UI is so clean I love your tool cuz it's not like you just picked
one AI API and just like made one simple use case you found all the different you got the generating the generative images you have the AI voiceovers you have text obviously you're using all of these different models and then combining them in the right way to create a specific type of short video it's genius you know this kind of hurt us as well in the beginning because we use so many different like areas of injunction with like text and voice over and all this stuff we we had to use like servers from other people we
didn't own to run our software and what happened was when they had an issue our software would had an issue and we would like take the hit because even if it wasn't our fault their soft their servers would be down it wouldn't work for us so we've started to build a lot of things in house as well now which has kind of built a bigger asset for the company for when we want to sell it yeah it's definitely building emote and Enterprise Value there so how much is it to like generate an image or like
generate one of these for like how much does it cost you guys I can't really say that because we have like some private deals and stuff okay if if you what would be like the going rate if someone were to try to do that can you say that um yeah I think it would be like like 10 to 50 cents to generate an image normally and then what how do you how much do you charge for the product a few credits so basically when people buy the product they get like an amount of credits okay
so you pay a monthly subscription to use crayo you get a certain amount of credits every single month your credits can go through exporting they can go to generating subtitles they can go to generating a story video and it also depends on like the caliber what you're making in your story the amount of credits it's very variable I want to point out two things of what makes your business so genius one people use it to make money they are making these shorts they are doing these stories that you're talking about to then post on Tik
Tok and YouTube to then run up views and get paid if they get a million views they get $250 so one why they use it is because it actively makes them money it literally is what drives their business and then secondly as their business scales as they make more money they need more videos and to make more videos they need to buy more credits and so as their business skill scales as they make more money your business scales and you make more money it's genius and that also ties back into my program because if people
are making money with crayo they need to know how to make money with crayo they need to know how to make the proper videos and that's also a very big Moe that I used in my program so a lot of people sell courses they sell programs on how to make money but they have no incentivization to make sure the people that buy their programs make money I quite literally need the people in my program to make money so that they can use my software which also makes me more money in the back end if people
don't know how to make videos on YouTube they will not use crayo because they'll have no use for it therefore I lose at the end of the day I'm so fascinated about you were saying that your first month you were 50,000 then you went to 70,000 then you went to 100,000 with crayo and i' really want to break down the anatomy of that marketing but I just love how a course is used as a marketing engine to funnel people into a SAS yeah I think that is something that everyone overlooked I think there's this weird
stigma in the software world since I'm in both the software and info World both sides like have like very opposite skill sets and approach to it but you've bridged both and used them both strategically to grow your software business it's Genius Like a lot of software people think that selling a course is scammy or that people that sell courses aren't real entrepreneurs but you actually use a course to run tons of paid ads sell the course break even make money on the course and then funnel those people into your software and so it's like the
paid this paid medium machine that can scale infinitely and it is an absolute cheat code for marketing sass the goal here is to make it a school in a sense that people get good at the skill I'm teaching so that they have a reason to use the product that I actually care about right I care about the school because it teaches people how to make money but the real thing that's going to make me 501 150 million is a software company I'm never going to sell my program to anyone because I'm attached to it yes
it has no exit value the only thing it can give me is cash flow which is like a few hundred grand a month which is great money but I don't care about a few hundred grand a month simply because I really want to exit for 50100 million that's like what I'm aiming for that's my big play and so if I don't make sure that people perform my software company won't grow as a matter of fact so it kind of hurts me and the entire team as well Musa also has a program and his incentivization for
people to do well is that they can use crayo consistently and that's one of the forms of marketing we have we've also literally never ran an ad to crayo ever it's all been organic because me and mus are just good marketers Musa basically makes content teaching people how to take streamers content clip it and do the same kind of also adapted it into faceless Tik Tok content as well so you know how I said I do faceless YouTube shorts he does streamer clips and faceless Tik Tok so a really cool thing about mus and I
is that we're both the biggest in our own short form ecosystems he's the biggest on Tik Tok I'm the biggest on YouTube and together we partnered up to make the biggest software in the space crayo and so that's been the goal here to turn it into hopefully a multi- n figure company it solves such a clear problem and it's in such a big Market everyone needs content everyone needs to shoot short form you have the niche of people who are doing faceless as a business but also even me for these podcast Clips I could just
throw it in there and caption it exactly and so you guys are so Broad and you guys are so unbelievably Savage in your marketing like so you guys just hustle you grind and you make such viral content because you literally worked on this skill for two years on Snapchat like learning retention and everything it's crazy to me there was a guy called Drew Gooden a big YouTuber in the like kind of documentary I guess exposed Bas he just makes interesting videos on YouTube and he made a video talking about how AI was ruining the world
and the intro first 10 seconds of his video was a crayo ad by that affiliate and the video was number one on trending on all of YouTube and even though he was talking about AI in a bad light the fact that crayo was that 10-second ad he just played the whole ad for the first intro of the video made us like 50 60 Grand so even though he was making it with a bad perspective saying this tool or whatever is ruining the world there were still a ton of people who saw that like wait that's
actually really smart he played the ad and the ad is meant to convince you to show you why cray always good so he played the ad he worked in our favor he gave us free marketing it went number one on YouTube and it made us multiple fig that is so funny so he was literally trying to talk bad about this and then like 10% of his audience is like wait his video wasn't even on crayo it was on AI in general it just so happened to be that the intro was on crayo because it was
an AI video so funny so you guys just stir the pot and it works out in your we don't only stir the pot I mean the way we advertise crayo is to show people that if you use this software you can get a ton of views on your content which then can make you money and I think that's like a very easy promise to show people because if you make good videos you'll make money and cray can help you make good videos and so we never really do controversial marketing because there's no need our product
actually works it actually gets people results and people actually enjoy using it it can always be better it will be better but if our product works people are going to use it and a company that isn't good wouldn't be doing multiple six figures a month you know I previously mentioned this before to someone I was speaking to but with crayo pretty much our marketing slogan is make it hard for people to not know what crayo is like I've had people who've told me that they live in small countries small cities and people come up them
and talking about crayo that they use it to make money because we are making it hard for people to not know what our company is simply by putting so much content out there so I'll just give you an example we have an affiliate who makes content for us actually makes five figures a month making content for us and he just puts out content every day great Roi for us great money for him your affiliate the type of content he's making what is he making yeah so he's making videos on how to make money with Tik
Tok and in that he injects crayo as a form of a step to make your video so we focus on an outcome yeah and then that is a part of the process to get that outcome that is one of the funnels we have so he focuses on an outcome you guys want to make money on Tik Tok I run Pages like this and this is how I make my videos step one I go to crayo I then do this this and this and it's not like he's advertising crayo he's simply labeling it as a step
he's never said to go use crayo he's never said to go try crayo he's just said that it's a step of how he's made money himself so the marketing is actually very laidback is we're not asking people to use our product is he using his face and his voice yeah so that specific marketer does use his face and his voice others yeah but others use Ai and they don't use their face at all they actually cover their faces because people can make these videos it doesn't matter if you have your face on it or not
the videos are very doable because they're very simple they don't require you to have a personality or anything like that it's just you showing the outcome that you've achieved and we also only pick people for our videos that have made money with that outcome it would be dishonest of us to choose people who don't make money with the outcome because that would straight up be lying but all these Affiliates they've made a few grand on Tik Tok or they actively make thousands on short form in general and so they show the outcome of the product
how they do it because they use CR as well how is this their Affiliates so is this is this an affiliate program that's like public or do you gate it no so when I say affiliate program I don't necessarily mean we're giving them percentage of sales which we do have an affiliate Pro program we have a public one that anybody can go sign up on credit. like it's very public how much you get for that um you get like 20% of the $50 a month of yeah whatever ticket bring us it's 20 there's 80 there's
like different packages so whatever you bring us you get 20% of that but that's not where we kind of put our focus into we have private deals with creators on retainers ET which I can't go too deep into out of just respect for those creators I don't want to reveal their deals but we have private deals with creators that actually use the product that we also know in order to make videos for us past this affiliate system it's like an inhouse crayo member and they're probably using crayo half the time to make the videos yeah
exactly so it works pretty much both ways I think Affiliates is like the best first thing to do if you're trying to make money online like be an affiliate or make short form because you're because you're learning traffic and a lot of people simply have messaged me being like hey like I made a couple Instagram videos for CR because your affiliate program was out and I didn't think much of it but I made like 20 bucks and now I can just go buy food you know what I mean and it's simple they've never made money
they did it for fun and they made 20 can I ask how much the special like private Affiliates are how much of Mr they've contributed um well to be honest it kind of depends on the month because sometimes course contribute more or less I can what's the most you think in one month range the most that probably all of our Affiliates together have added to us to crayo in a month was probably like 80 90 grand in oh my god dude and no cost cuz they're just Affiliates um yeah no cost could their Affiliates I
know um based on just our are you talking about the private Affiliates or the public private yeah so the private Affiliates like all together because we have quite a few of them we have like I think 15 now alt together have bought us like Yeah in our best month around like 90k Mr most likely and since they're just doing it for percentage there no track and the reason it's hard to track is because when they say to use crayo there is no direct link to track whether they brought the user to crayo it's people searching
up Google from crayo but we can use intervals searching up what searching up crayo through Google Google so like if someone says I use cray. and there's no link to click they're just going to go on another tab in search c. um but there is kind of ways we can track code based on the time they've posted and the traffic bumps based on our average so there's ways we know but there's no indefinite ways is that just Tik Tok doesn't have a link in BIO feature there is a link in BIO but I don't click
link on bios I think the average user doesn't click Link in BIOS and so they just search it up instead because it's easier than clicking a link right um so that's kind of like how we track but to be honest we also give really good incentive bonuses so if a Creator hits x amount of millions of views a month they'll get a bonus but the cool thing is the creators make money on their own a lot of these creators actually sell programs on how to make money with these outcomes and they're making tons of money
because they're getting views and they're promoting their own program they're making a lot of money that's great for them but at the same time we benefit because they inject cray in the videos so everyone's winning they're getting paid by us to inject us and they're also making money from their program it's a winwin that's the beauty of SAS you made a tool that empowers people's businesses so you catch all this like secondary promotion because now they're using their tool to sell a course with your product like all the people who make Drop Shipping courses and
it's also almost hard for them not to accept a deal with crayo because would they rather promote cap cut that wouldn't pay them C cut will never pay any of them they don't care to pay them they're a billion dollar company why not just use crayo which is a good alternative and get paid you don't lose anything you actually only gain because you'd lose if you promoted cap cut you'd make no money from it $90,000 in one month from Affiliates rough guess that's rough estimate i' say that's a huge number though and those are mainly
from like your top 15 Affiliates who are like actually trained vetted and like good at what they do they marinate as well into the system they have their own offers and you trust them so they get special privileges that's insane super smart strategy every SAS I would say most SAS grow through Affiliates and that's just a really good strategy but the real strategy that you and Musa have both implied is basically make content teaching people how to make money drive them to a paid course paid program paid Community where you genuinely teach them how to
make money with YouTube shorts showing them all of the experience you've had over the last two years and literally what you're doing right now to make it work yeah then they start doing that and once they start seeing it working and understanding how to do the business they sign up to crayo to make it easier you can literally run ads to your course you could spend hundreds of dollars on ads they buy your course you either Break Even or make money and then you send them straight to your course and so you can run infinite
paid ads and it's so genius where so many SAS Founders are like trying to run paid ads to a software imagine trying to sell sell crayo without explaining to someone how they make money on YouTube shorts like the most important thing about your strategy is you do it Problem by problem when people are on social media the problem they have is they need to make money and so you say okay I'm going to teach you how to make money they click a link they're I'm going to teach you how to make $10,000 a month with
YouTube shorts just like me they like okay great that's how I'm going to make money now what's the new problem they've agreed YouTube shorts solved the first one now that they've agreed to that what's their next problem I need to learn how to make YouTube shorts now introduce new solution my software that is just like world class marketing super simple but people do not think about it like that and that's why you guys are crushing it would you say that's those are the main two marketing engines yeah so at the moment 100% would be just
a lot of creators and then the programs but also Mo and I make content on our own platforms on YouTube him on Instagram and Tik Tok where we promote crayo ourselves yes and so that also ve very big impact so those three are honestly the biggest impact in our growth as a whole and then obviously there's miscellaneous ways that we make less of our money but the three biggest ways are those and it's just very cool to know that we've never really spent a dime on ads it's all been through our kind of like how
do I say it our strategy so but you spent ads for your program now we only really just started doing that okay so you got to 600k without the paid ads yeah like we hit like the 5 to 600k range two months ago wow my program was not out 2 months ago you were yeah but you were okay but Musa had his that was probably pretty so okay so you and Musa both make organic personal brand content and he was driving people to a paid Community for like probably a year before maybe six months before
you had crayo and so you had both built up these audiences you hadn't sold a course yet or anything but you both had your personal brand and that personal brand sold into a bizop course how to make money and then eventually those people all had the same problem how to make the videos crayo came to be yeah and here's the thing as well under crayo we've built another asset called viral engine which I've kind of just been running with a lot of theme pages and just like growth through my brand and kind of a few
tactics I use that I don't want to mention like because they're really good but viral engine is a newsletter it's a newsletter on how to go viral how to make money with content we've grown it to over 800,000 people and viral engine is now used as an asset for us to spawn in new software companies and to promote already existing software companies so it's its own asset of people who enjoy content on how to go viral what platforms are good what platforms aren't like the new trends the new strategies that come up and we've built
it as this whole pretty much other company there's been newsletters that have sold for millions and millions with like 300 400 500,000 we literally have over 800,000 people in under 7 months for crayo when you're getting it built like how involved are you with like the UI the design the product decisions yeah so Musa and I have to be very involved um now but also when it was being built simply because we are the user that we are trying to appeal to it's our problem that we want to solve so we know all the little
intricacies that the developer may not know he knows how to build an insane product but he doesn't know what the product actually needs to be insane because you could build a really insane flower image generator who the who cares about flowers so we needed to guide him in the direction of what people wanted to have built and so that's where we had a lot of input in terms of design it's never really been a oneman show everyone in the company has always been really big on how we want the product to look because how the
product looks and feels relates back to my brand if it feels clunky and I'm advertising it then I have a clunky brand that's advertising something that's clunky and so I've been very very big on making sure that the product is very clean looking very smooth to use and so is Musa and so is Al Linda developer and it's simply because it relates back to who we are are we clean people do we want to represent something that's clean and so that's what we've done in our product how much did it cost you to get it
built before you launched you're going to think this is insane so to build crayo only really costed like 10 grand of upfront cost and then aim had like maybe four months of sleepless nights but it didn't cost pretty much anything Cashwise up front and that just because honestly the determination of the team to get it built and the hours that we were going to sacrifice into getting it built were just immense at that time I've never honestly none of us have been ever as locked in into getting something done as early ear days crayo it
was disgusting and crayo actually launched in a very bad state it was a very bad launch but we fixed it after but still building the product from scratch and just getting the idea together it was hell but we just went through it and Cashwise it didn't cost that much because we were all in the trench just getting it done no matter how much money we made how little money we made everyone was in the trench just getting it done just making the product better making the product better making it good to use and like I
said off launch it was horrible um we we had a very bad launch the product was very clunky we had a lot of issues and this was like kind of a hit to us because of how much time we spent on it but to be honest with you within two three months of that within maybe even a month or two of that it went from like a to like G like it went a really big rapid rise of just Improvement and now the product's at a great place but to be fair the fact that a
lot of people used it when the product was in such a bad place shows that there was nothing else on the market that was relatively close you just f huge gap so what are some product improvements that you had to make like was churn a big issue obviously you mentioned the token stuff earlier do that make sense you don't cover that but there was a big issue at the beginning when we had a free plan on the product and we actually didn't analyze how much people would use the free plan to bankrupt us we didn't
kind of analyze that mathematics because people would use the free PL so much use up tokens that we would grant them because we thought they would convert but because our product wasn't the best they used all the tokens rinsed our money and didn't convert so on day one I'm pretty sure I documented this for a video but we lost like 10 grand instantly because people use the free trial so much it crashed our systems when you think about businesses growing their sales Beyond forecasts like Feasta by Mr Beast or even a legacy business like Mattel
sure you think about a product with demand a focused brand and influence driven marketing but an often overlooked secret is the businesses behind the business making selling and for the Shoppers buying simple for Millions businesses that business is Shopify nobody does selling better than Shopify home of the number one checkout on the planet and the Not So secret secret with shop pay that boost conversions up to 50% meaning way less carts going abandoned and way more sales going so if you're into growing your business your Commerce platform better be ready to sell wherever your customers
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turn is okay but we want to get our turn to a point where we are very confident in giving a free trial and that people will really really want to use it people who are paying now are actually really enjoying it but it's a different type of person who tries something for free and who pays to use it usually people who pay are more willing to try to make the product work and try to actually make money with it but people who are free have no moat to try it so they don't care whether it's
good or bad they don't care whether they could contact us to fix something we get no user feedback from that pretty much what other product improvements that you made that you noticed like that maybe aren't as obvious that made a big difference in people's turn the retention uh maybe they got better results more people started seeing success or so just a little example it's a bit Niche for our product but it's just an example so we had like a feature that like I mentioned before helped people make text stories and it was pretty basic so
one thing that Al had the idea of was hey let's add many themes to these texts so now let's make it so that the text could be like them messaging an Uber driver or them talking on Instagram or them talking on WhatsApp good just different themes to match a Vibe and that is what we added to the product and we actively saw improvements in our turn after because at the time that was our most used feature on the product it always changes but at the time it was what that's what it was so we created
a solution for it or tried to optimize it further and we saw instant improvements it's always things like you have to be on the ball with any company you run in our case it's a software company but it could be anything um you have to be on the ball with what the people that you're providing the service for are using the most and the problem they're running into the most and for us objectively there was no problem it's just that we could have make it we could have made it better better results so what can
you also do just better even if there is no problem there everything can always be better and so people they get complacent be like o like our company's at a great place right now we don't really need to change anything you're dumb like you are dumb um there's always things that you can improve that's funny the last podcast we did yeah 500k at 15 iconic everyone talks about on YouTube now so shout out to you for just sharing the sauce and ruining your business for that reason cuz it flooded your own Market but you were
really smart with launching your personal brand on YouTube like you literally I think you posted that video two days like you asked me when the podcast was going to come out I was like it's two weeks from now and you're like bet and then two days before I posted the podcast you posted your first video yeah because you knew that if that podcast did well they triy to find you and you had that video yeah the goal was to social engineer myself into the industry through that podcast and I knew if I had posted the
video kind of like months PRI or months later I would have ruined the perfect timing that I was in because I was honestly very confident that podcast was going to be one of the most successful on your channel because I think the story was more outstanding like outstanding stories just do well because people are interested in them and so I was very confident in that and then also we also took an initiative on your packaging with that podcast so that's why we were very very confident so I knew that posting the YouTube video a few
days before the Pod would have one kind of gotten out on YouTube but also when people went to to search my name when people click the link in the bio they would have seen that video there they would have had something to consume of me and now they get to know me and that first video on my channel got half a million views dude and because now even now even when you type in like because a lot of the shorts went viral and if people type type in 15-year-old that made $500,000 it's your personal Channel
video and I even mentioned this to you earlier if you search up rich millionaire it's me in a Jordan Welch video it's crazy ranking like that so I've just kind of made it a point to very put myself out there as a brand but listen I think there's a there's a way I wanted to go about it um and I've kind of like been playing around with it these past few months because I'm still new to this and I'm also still figuring it out with a team and structures and how I want to do it
as a person and so I've tested out a few different strategies one has been to make really high quality videos but far and few between so like once every two weeks once every 3 weeks once a month and then the other strategy has been to test posting very consistently more like value basic driven videos that add my own SAU of being funny and memes and all that stuff what I found is that the high quality far and few between have just consistently performed better the the videos were actually put the effort they deserve into like
days and days to make the videos days and days to plan the like I tried YouTube shorts for 30 days yeah like I literally made a video getting a channel to 100,000 subscribers and making it $3,000 a month for a YouTube video and I documented from me conceiving the channel to coming up with the idea to making hundreds of dollars with it and that was all in a video the video got hundreds of thousands of views and that also made me a lot more as legitimate and so I've also tested out other videos just kind
of going over how to make $10,000 a month online blah blah blah and one I don't enjoy those videos as much two I don't feel like I can really give off the value that I want to bring by just talking to the camera so I've made a very conscious decision with the brand now to make really high quality videos far and few between and I have this outstanding belief in myself that I'm going to be the biggest the space has ever seen and whether whether people believe it or not I know it's going to happen
simply because I've never believed in something this much and the things I've believed in less have become so successful and so I'm very confident in that statement and the way I'm going to do it is by simply doing it the way I see best um like I said I tested out two methods doing it a way that kind of people have done already and then doing it a way that I wanted to and the way I wanted to always got more views and so now that's what I'm very focused on with the brand I have
videos going out now on the channel about breaking down crayo in a very interesting way I have videos now going on the channel going over me running up a YouTube shorts channel to multiple five figures a month coming out very soon I have a channel going around like the new apartment I just bought like I have more high value videos coming out that take me a lot more effort to create and that's going to pay way more dividends for the brand it's also going to give people a better experience when watching my Channel I want
people to walk away from a Daniel video and be like whoa like this was insane and I think someone who really did that well was beza beza did that very well and he did it in his own way with job shipping his own angle his different style and um I'm taking some aspects of that I'm taking some aspects of other people that are successful and I'm just molding it into what I want because I know when I put my creativity into something it actually works and so I've kind of come to the decision of how
um I'm going to go about the channel so how do you think about like formatting like how are you thinking about like these type of videos and putting them into buckets like you have like Challenge videos where you're like I did this I started a YouTube shorts video in 30 days to prove it's not luck I got 100,000 subscribers on a new shorts Channel 90 days that's like a challenge format there's a few ways there's challenge formats and or videos where I show the the viewer that it's possible that I can do it within the
video that's one ver one version of the type of videos I make the second is more about me how do I live what am I up to what car do I have what watches do I have what are my tennis ENT like I have videos like that coming out because it kind of gives the personal angle to my life and I think the personal angle to my life is very appealing because it's AIT it's a bit of an anomaly at my age and so I think that's also very appealing and then I also have the
very value driven videos like about me breaking down um so I have a video coming out soon breaking down how I grew a 3D animation channel to hundreds and hundreds sometimes close to $1,000 a day for shorts and I and I broke it down in just a such a sick way like the video is going to come out people are going to be able to see but I have like just a bunch of different ways I'm going to make videos but I'm going to make sure that every video Wows someone and every video people can
take away cuz like I said I don't enjoy making the videos where you sit down and talk to the camera because you can give value that way but people need to go to a story they need to feel like they've been through a journey with you they need to feel like they need to feel fulfilled after watching a video and people consume knowledge all the time everyone consumes knowledge when you read a book when you listen to a podcast when you watch a regular old Finance video but what people don't always get the gratification of
having is coming out feeling fulfilled by a story they just watch that makes them motivated that they can do it themselves and so that's what I'm going to make sure that my content portrays from now on do you use any side of Storytelling any do you use any kind of Storytelling templates do you use psychology in your videos when you're talking about like actual script writing of your videos are they scripted how do you actually like going about producing one of these yeah so so I've done both I've scripted videos word for word before and
I've also bullet pointed how I wanted to structure videos and kind of just gone off on my own little tangents and both have worked very well so here's how I see it um for videos that are very scripted I get I kind of understand the fact that I can tell the story better because I know what story I'm telling I know exactly how I'm going to act in every single word whereas on others where I kind of write down down bullet points and kind of go on tangents I feel as though sometimes I crack more
jokes I'm a bit more of myself but the story kind of veers off in a bit of different ways so now I've mixed a bit of both where in the story I tell the jokes and everything but it's a lot more concentrated and what was the other question that you asked apart from like psychology or story templates so in terms of the story templates if how you tell the story of the video it's kind of like like this I take them through a journey where I'm happy because I have an idea then I'm sad because
the idea is not working working and then it's not working it's not working and then I'm happy again maybe something bad happens like I take them through just ups and downs with me and I dramaticized where I got 100,000 subscribers in like 90 days um there were points where the channel died completely out of nowhere and like okay a Channel's going to die I'm just going to revive it but I would make it like a very dramatic moment in the video and like make get b-roll of you being like so like for example um I
have like a video coming out soon where something bad happened in the video and I literally have like a 30 second animation shot of me like standing in front of a train rail and like a train coming towards me it's animated no it's real and then it just snaps back to me being like okay we can solve this so I just like want to make it a whole experience so you went out to like a train track and waited till our train was coming train track I didn't wait till the train coming like I was
like had the Train sound effects everything and like as it was getting louder and louder I I like snap back into like my room we can solve this I'm really taking the extra step here I'm going to make the best videos in the space and so you're paying attention to like obviously that's storytelling and so you're doing the challenge there's ups and downs but you're going to lean into the Downs make that very clearly in the right order of a like here you first you introduce the story this is the challenge here's what I'm going
to do it's not going to be easy but I think we can do it all right so first thing we need to do is this oh it's great I created my account and we're ready to go we made our first post W happy but as we go challenge maybe my accounts banned we're getting zero views on the first four days and you're like H and you really show like the emotion of that down and I think a lot of people they make the mistake of when something bad happens they kind of just immediately find a
solution and it switches to good but I think you need to show the process of how it becomes good because I don't just feel bad and then I feel good I go through a process to feel good again and that's where maybe researching to find the solution or whatnot like that's what I'm showing in my videos a lot of people in their videos to like crunch down the time it's like oh this happened oh but I just remembered there's a no that's not how you solve Solutions you solve solutions by being in the trench just
to solve the solution see like show you reading a book show you at the gym that's like a like a montage of like a fighter show like I read a book and this word stuck out to me and this word kind of related to the problem I was having and he solved it in this way so I think I'm going to Sol in that way I wonder I wonder if I could do this huh and you go try something else that's how you tell a story to someone and that's how I'm going to do it
on the brand so I'm very excited for people to see that because I'm going to put a lot of effort in I think people are going to see the difference and I previously mentioned this before but I'm younger so although I have accomplishments making whatever like six seven figures a month people don't respect it because I'm younger and they still doubt me so I'm just simply going to have to work two three four five times harder than anyone else is willing to Simply to show them that I'm going to make it I love it dude
that just gets I just get so much energy when you start talking like that it's awesome I think that's something that probably most unless you're like in YouTube you're not even aware that's a way to think about it but like you are trying to tell a story and you're dramatizing your information to make it a better piece of engaging content and on top of that you do such a good job of like your visual aids so like onscreen edits that aren't covering your face but they're like over your shoulders your sound effects and most importantly
your sound design so you're choosing music like strategically when something Good's happening more fast-paced upbeat when something bad's happening you might have a little more low melow dramatic music and then when the train's coming there's no train but you're using sound design to really like symbolize and visualize this dude's like in a rough place I literally have two different teams for just the postproduction of the video one person does the edit and the sound effect and one who does the music alone like completely separate because I wanted to get experts in their own Fields I
don't want someone to have to do something really good but then the other is subpar I want the emotion to match everything that's going on okay so now that you have that's like your story like structure right classic storytelling like story arc do you have like a hook framework that you follow like or do you do you just have such an eye for it can someone please invent a crystal ball until then over 38,000 businesses have future proof their business with net Suite by Oracle the number one Cloud Erp bringing accounting financial management inventory and
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intro that I ended up with was like me holding my laptop with crayo on it and it's like this is my software company cray. I throw my laptop and then I continue and so I wanted to visually show what it was I wanted to dramatize the make it real and so there's just things like that are you going to say this is my software company crayo then say how much it makes yeah exactly so it's like proof that it exists what you're talking about establishing the character and then Authority the psychology just you have to
give Authority instantly and but it can't be like you don't want to talk for two minutes right just like one quick piece you don't want to talk for 2 minutes and the thing is like you want to make sure that people are just interested in what they're going to watch I mean a lot of people don't go that in depth in their content and it's fine they don't care to like make that good at videos but listen if I'm going to be good at business I'm also going to be good at YouTube I'm going to
be good at everything I do I it's a driver of your business you know yeah like I I value every single part of my business and I try to be the best at it so I'm going to be the best at YouTube I'm going to try to be the best at YouTube I'm going to try to be the best at software I'm not going to be subpar in any one of those metrics at all what's your approach to packaging cuz I I love the thumbnail if you watch yeah so that watch just kind of came
from a realism aspect I always try now to be very realistic because that's what's real I'm not going to do like fake things that don't exist and so that watch I had a watch I held it up and it was dramaticized we added gold to it stuff but it was real people could feel like that's something that was on my wrist and like that's something that I'm doing a lot more where it's like realism because that's what works on the channel yeah the title of that video is how to make Fu money as a teenager
is that it correct how to make Fu money as a teenager and what says more F you as a gold watch with a kid that looks 12 years old you know I mean so you like did you define you define the title first in your mind yeah always I kind of always come up with a title first and then the thumbnail so you had a title in mind like how to make Fu money as a teenager and then the best way to visualize that out of all the things you could do you said what's better
what's a better way to say f you than a gold watch yeah and like we also like went into make my face look a lot younger than it was um let's show the camera you're watch now cuz that's even cooler than the one in the thumbnail yeah so this is my watch now was it a rose gold resal yeah um Day date a Rolex Day date rose gold how many subscribers subscribers you got now uh almost 60,000 does that make you happy or mad very mad I know dude it's so funny anyone who would go
from zero to 60k in one year is like a very that's pretty quick honestly one year uh yeah one year actively posting since March but yeah technically one year yeah so I'm very pissed off but March 6 months yeah of like actually committing to it you you kind of established the brand yeah I understand we'll see um everyone we'll see what's going to happen soon I'm very confident you've been a little busy building a $600,000 month SAS and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter I have no excuse for not being at like 500,000 subscribers right
now and that's just simply through trial and error like I mentioned before in the podcast if I take action and it doesn't work I don't care because eventually it will work and it hasn't worked how I wanted it to work yet because I've been trial and erroring and I know it will work and everyone is going to be like whoa Daniel talked about how he was going to make it work and then it's going to work so watching 2024 for the last quarter and in 2025 what's going to happen with the brand because it's going
to be one of those where people are like this guy's the next guy in the space and honestly one thing that's very surprising to me is although I have 60,000 subscribers I think a lot of people see me as very impactful in the space um even at this like kind of smaller range that I'm in um which is pretty cool to see as well if there's one line in this podcast that should just hit you in the face of what like what you need to accept about the reality of the world is the fact that
he said there's no excuse even though he's literally spent four month non-stop building a huge SASS and YouTube alone is a full-time job but the fact that you do not allow yourself to have that excuse or to like blame reasons instill that in your instill that in your subconscious people so moving on I still want to keep going through YouTube yeah so obviously thumbnail should just kind of reflect the title pick a title we won't go into the nitty-gritty of title because it can be that could be a whole podcast but I I'm curious you
shoot in different locations and you're like moving around and obviously we talk about story and so I emphasize story but is that are you like basically doing like each scene is like a part of the story and you change when like the mood changes you change locations is that how it works yeah so I'm getting better at doing that as well because sometimes when I'm sadder I'm in like light places but what's more boring sitting down on a screen and just talking or being around and moving around and walking and standing and sitting like I
really like moving around um it just makes my videos more lively like to be honest even if the video the story of the video isn't as cool moving around kind of gives it an extra like Lifeline of like people see me moving around they see me kind of getting in different locations I think it's just a unique aspect to my videos that literally no one else is doing right now yeah that's the beaz inspiration right there yeah moving around getting in those different places and just like kind of getting into cool spots like I don't
know I was watching your I'm I'm a subscriber of the newsletter and I probably a few days ago you posted you had a clip from your actual course in there and you were talking about the visual aids when you're edit like the whole goal you saying and that was really insightful your whole goal when you're telling a story is to not only tell a story with words but also make sure the visuals can tell the story if there was no words with it and the same the sound design every sound effect could match it so
your goal is to like make it the most like easy to process for through all five senses basically like eyes yeah to tell if a video is good is if you put the volume on zero and you can still watch to the end right so if you can do that you know that the VIS the video visually appealed and by the way I said this in a video before people like to be visually appealed more than audibly appealed that's simply because your eyes are more impactful receptors than your ears because that's what you see every
day like light Makes You Close Your Eyes a bit because it's bright you know what I mean and so everything I do whether it's shorts long form I make sure to visually appeal like show people what I'm talking about emphasize what might come in the future like blur what I want to hide to like tease them into the next little second is planned and like executed on properly to make sure that someone's having a good experience and they're entertained throughout the entire part just your obsession with retention essentially yes obsessed with retention but to be
honest like I'm not that smart at YouTube Compared to like a lot of other people what I'm smart at one business but two I'm very good at like I have a circle of people that are a lot smarter than me that kind of take these context clues and points off to mold my idea to be better so I'm no expert I think I'm good at YouTube definitely further understanding than someone who's starting out and kind of most of the people on the platform but a big part of where I've gotten all of my knowledge is
from asking the smartest people in my circle what they think about this what they think about that and that eventually molds me to become better and better and better and then I'll become my own expert the free value that I give is in the videos I make on YouTube and also in like the second Channel videos I make where I talk about like what I go through in my business Etc um but in terms of like the real intricacies like the real dirt trench stuff that's in the program because I want people to actually get
good and I don't like the argument that people make where it's like if you give free value no one will listen because I think people do listen to free value I do think people do but at scale people don't I think if you have a smaller audience with high intent they will listen to free value but if you're a larger scale giving free value to people it glosses over thousands of more people's like ears you know what I mean so I think at my level I'm not massive yet but I have a very big audience
of like hundreds of thousands of people millions of people a month who watch my content and so I give free value which I do in my videos but it's leading in to where you're actually going to make a difference in your life which is in my program but funly enough to be honest with you I have emails that I show on videos from people saying they made $10,000 a month watching my free content and those are the people who just take initiative no matter what they watched the video they got one context clue I gave
of something ran with it made money and those are the people that are going to make it those that's what I did yeah the people who take action are serious about making the business work like they're going to listen to what you say in just one little detail can tie everything together for them I'm telling you the only difference between people who make money and don't is the ones who take action because even the ones who make money take actions on things that don't like reap the rewards but they always take action I think the
best way to like get like if you hear that and like okay take action need take action don't say that to yourself set a goal or set a like outcome that you're going to decide and have the self-image of yourself that like I am going to make $10,000 with the shorts Channel guaranteed like I and then just keep going until you do it right even if people are scared to think that far ahead you could even do it to the point where it's like I'm going to post seven videos this week yes next week I'm
going to post another seven the week after I'm going to post you just set these small goals that compound to bigger you've now posted seven videos a week for a month and you've reaped results now your goal is to make a th a month yeah to set the a goal post there always has to be a goal post and it always moves back as you grow in business I mean my goal post was 10K a month then higher then higher then higher and now my goal post has shifted and everyone's goal post shifts yeah I
said it to Malcolm like when I was younger I would always say I'm a top performing person yeah and then once I was ever faced with any decision I would be like hm what would a top performing person do in this situation and it helped guide my decision- making and so I'm like accidental way and that's probably why I became pretty successful I think yeah I think for me when I was younger I mean I'm young now so for me to say younger is weird but when I was like 12 11 years old for some
odd reason well I'd always done YouTube I have videos out saying I'm going to make YouTube and stuff but I always knew for some reason that I think I was better at solving things than other people and not at school I was honestly pretty bad at school but I was good at solving like Solutions like with YouTube like for example small things like a lot of people didn't know how to resize a banner on Photoshop to get it up on YouTube I was like 1110 learning Photoshop for the first time I did it because I
just watched so many tutorials hours and hours it took me hours to figure out how to add it in but I did it eventually I always just tried really hard at what I wanted to solve it was always smaller big things I wanted to make a video I didn't have a camera I'd go around asking my parents my brother my sister for like their little phones to record the the videos on because I always wanted to solve the Sol like the problem I had that was always my goal and that's my goal now I don't
really have goals for 5 years I don't have goals for 10 years i' I said this earlier today to a friend my goal is to solve the solution I have now what is the solution what is the problem I have now let me solve it and then that always just shifts into a new problem I think that's the mental frame right you set the goal post you have that self image like I'm going to do this and you're like okay to do this I have this problem yeah and then you have that problem you face
a head on you get through it and once the second you face that problem another problem arises you do that next problem and you don't try to overthink or think through all of the problems you're going to have it's just okay I want to do this well first thing I need to do is learn how to edit okay great now I know how to edit okay now I need to post now that I posted I need to be able to analyze the data and see the retention how do I make new problem new problem solve
solve solve solve and it's just like the faster you solve those problems the time in between the faster you're successful there's like a specific there's like a set amount of problems you have to solve and if you just solve them all million dollars exactly that's fascinating because it always compounds always compounds and that never stops the bigger you play the game too what is the thought process you have a newsletter and then in your newsletter you were doing like unlisted YouTube videos yeah so here's why thesis with newsletters is that the really boring some most
of the times they're really boring who wants to sit there and read just text all day and so I thought why not send out video newsletters that only go out to the newsletter so every week instead of sending a boring 30 paragraph letter I just talk to the camera I'd give them advice as a human that they can watch on video whilst eating popcorn um eating their lunch whatnot and that was like honestly the first that I've seen someone do that I thought that I was one of the first people to do it cuz I
didn't actually get it from someone else's idea that was something I literally just thought thought about that would be creative maybe someone else has probably done it before but I just thought that that would be sick to do why not show people and like I would crack jokes in the newsletter videos and I'd like do funny things in them and that's what makes it interesting and that's how people learn also faster the cool thing about it is like it like it it felt like you were getting the inside jokes you getting the inside you're actually
getting to know you and CU when you're on you when you're on YouTube like it is such a retention game and like you have to be really strategic with curiosity gaps open loops not giving away too much and so it's like this really it ends up being a really engineered controlled message which isn't like actually your personality even though it is your personality in a weird meta way it's a molded way of my personality that adapts into what YouTube wants with the newsletter it's me talking to you how I am now speaking my mind cracking
the jokes I want to crack and not thinking whether you're going to click off the video or not you know what's the funniest thing is that on those newsletter videos that are 8 or 10 minutes long I had 70% retention % retention that's so crazy high intent people that wanted to learn value the newsletter now is at 16 17,000 people Whenever I send out a video I see whether it's 8 n minutes 60 70% of the people watch all the way to the end and so these are literally just like unlisted unlisted videos that only
go out to the newsletter so but it's on your main channel so you post a video publicly on your channel but then you also will post your newsletter exclusive private videos on the same channel just unlisted so they have to have the link to be able to watch it yeah so no one no no one knows what those unlisted videos are apart from if you're in the newsletter and I even have a vault that you can go through to watch all the past unlisted those are still I would watch those it still get 500 a
th000 2,000 views sometimes and so those like the really committed people I bet like 80% of those people joined the Vault and YouTube portal for sure that's such a good nurturing mechanism too like your YouTube YouTube is a game of like maximizing for views and getting attention and making this polished thing but then capturing their the lead like the serious people the high intent people on a newsletter then using that extra layer of a video just so much work I don't know how you do all this even with the videos I make I'm I actually
now show a lot more of who I am on my main YouTube channel as well 100% the challenges are really like you do a really good job of like making jokes and showing like like you saying combining scripted with little offthe cut rants yeah at the end of the day what makes me different is me I can't be a clone of what personal brand is right yeah I can't it's a personal brand I can't be a clone of somebody else so I have to crack those jokes I have to be me I have to make
those mistakes so it's all good like like you said before I'm mad about the amount of subscribers I have and that's simply because I know I will have more but I have been the same person people will catch on like I know I will have more I know I'll be the biggest in the space and it's just a matter of time I love you're doing all these things but they are all aligned you know like your YouTube channel flows into a program your program flows into your software it all like it all like it's just
two sides of the same coin y so did you map this out before you started or is it just kind of one by one it fell into to place together so originally the plan was to make a personal brand uhuh um and like kind of share what I can do and what I've done mhm so that was step one step two was let's make a software company because we think it's a problem that we could solve and I didn't really attach it to like an ecosystem yet then the uh info product or the idea for
the course came along and we were like okay wait this is actually all one like my branded short form is short form the course is short form it's one like I'm I'm not deviating into selling a Drop Shipping course here I'm I'm I'm doing what I know to do I'm not starting a A Drop Shipping software company and so it's all intertwined and I think that's helped me stay on track and also be able to balance it all because like if it's all intertwined it's all of somewhat the same if you think about it like
it all funnels into the same it's one Mission it's one party but I I I do want to test out my abilities with something that has nothing to do with anything because I think that'll be fun and I also think that's a very good test if you can run business properly because now I'm not at Square zero anymore I'm a bit ahead and I know like if I start a new company in the same space I have a competitive Advantage because I know it's worked but what if I become a baby again what if I
start in something that's never been done so like that's like a real test you're just trying to challenge yourself to make money now I love it tell me how you can handle building all these businesses like you're obviously not developing crayo so you have a team there you're still making YouTube content and I know you're probably not editing those videos and then now you're running an entire paid ads your funnel is pretty deep like it's pretty smart funnel like very comp not complex but like professional and so how are you like spinning out all these
businesses so quickly and so successfully like I don't understand to be honest with you I don't have a tolerance for like if I'm being overworked or not so I'm sure I'm overworking myself technically speaking but I just love I love this stuff I have time because I'm 17 like like it I'm 17 and although I run all these businesses which do take up a ton of time right now I'm not focused on growing new businesses I'm focused on honing in what I have and to be honest what I have now is pretty manageable um with
like a solid work day like every single day my focus is on the program the newsletter the software company the brand those four or five things very focused on those and those take a lot of brain power and stress every single day I'm always stressed always always but the way I've been able to do it and kind of come up also with new successful ideas has just been by the people I've been around like to be honest with you the team for Creo being around them to scheme up new ideas and then being around people
that have just met to scheme up new ideas is the way like if I was just if I was back when I was 15 making money with Snapchat I wouldn't be able to kind of execute what I have now it's just simply come by me trying to be in the field more often and trying to learn like ways around starting companies faster and I don't care if I fail I don't care because I know that I will succeed eventually I don't care if I don't make money now with a business I don't care if I
don't make money in six months with a business because I know I will make it in 12 months I know I'm good enough I've tried and tested it multiple times there were times where I wasn't confident enough in my muscle as a business person could I replicate this once could I do it twice but I think I don't know where I heard this from I think it might have been you actually it's that a real business person isn't like met by the first time they've been successful it's by the second third fourth it's a muscle
that you have to keep retraining and at this point I'm very confident that I've done it one time with Snapchat two times with shorts three times with the software four times with the newsletter I'm trying to do it over and over again so I have that confidence with whatever I start is going to be very calculated and even if it doesn't show dividends right away it will eventually because I have my mind locked in and figuring out Solutions always you've built like such quality teams like you partner with Musa on Creo genius move I'm sure
you guys like splitting Equity evenly you probably have a developer that has a little bit then you from there you actually have your program team like I know you have a growth operator in the background helping you like build the business build out everything build out the paid ads all the systems there and I'm sure he gets a percentage of stuff then you have a newsletter which seems like you probably have a newsletter writer and then like a distribution team to make sure that's done right how are you like you literally are just like that's
what I'm saying like your idea to action is nuts like you're like okay I'm going to start a newsletter you write the first few you start writing like okay then you texted me like hey do you know anyone that needs a newslet that's good at writing newsletters we're trying to go we're g to try to take this to 500,000 people in the next month I'm like holy [ __ ] and then you're just like going and then you find a person and then you give how do you decide how much to give them like listen
I think managing a team and being able to build a good team is a very valuable skill it's honestly I think a bit more Val than coming up with a good idea because the team is what drives the idea and so I have to give credit to the people that I work with who's mus and Al because the newsletter the one with 6 700 800,000 people is under crayo it's a crayo branch and so we have just all been scheming together on how to build out good delegatable systems um and to be honest with you
the real first Glimpse I got of building a really good team was Snapchat we built out systems there for editors script writers and one thing I leared back then is that you need to be able to be good at pretty much every role you hire out at least being able to do it at a minimum level and so that's one thing I've kind of brought to myself when hiring people as well so I can understand if they're good I also don't work with people that I don't like on a personal level and a lot of
people say you don't want to mix personal with business and I agree with that to a certain extent but if I can't be a normal person with you crack jokes with you and kind of feel like you're my friend in a way we're not going to work together for a long period of time we might not even work together at all because I think that's how you build company culture it's with people that you'd go to a movie with it's with people that you'd go to a lunch with and just have a good time and
so everybody I've ever hired has been a person I like want to hang out with has been a person who's very passionate about it whether they have a lot of experience or not I always look for people have more experience but sometimes I've hired insane Talent from people who are just so obsessed because I know I was obsessed when I was 14 15 and I might not have the talent I might not have had the talent to prove it when I was a bit younger but I always felt like I did and I and I
can kind of see that sometimes and people whether they're older than me or not they're just so passionate whether they don't have kind of the resume to back it yet I always like to take risks on those types of people and so far I've had a hit rate of being more successful than not um with hiring Talent like that but also I've learned a lot from hiring Talent with people like Al who's a developer at crayo who's moved up from being just a developer now handling a lot of employees operations and then also Musa like
these people run their own companies like Musa runs his own paid program which also involves an insane team he also runs an agency which does close to 100,000 a month involves an insane Team Al he's only 18 but he's worked at other companies that have raised millions of dollars he actually like handled a big team of people I learned a lot from them I soak up information in places that I'm not experienced in and that makes me way better you know it blows my mind you're 17 like when you talk I'm just like this is
like this must just be what happens when you expose kids to the internet and then they choose the the right content to watch or something it's just insane that you were able to articulate that so clearly and you've actioned it because that's literally the most important part how are you finding people like you you seem to have like such a great back-end Network are you just like in all these like all these little online communities that you were in like online communities are so valuable dude is that just they're insanely valuable that's where I found
every single person I've ever worked with has been through a connection online there people hustling just hustling in their own Fields trying to make it for themselves or have already made it and maybe if those people don't want to work with me they introduce me to someone who does and it's just all a little web of just people that know people that are good at this that are bad at that and eventually you kind of conjure up a team a culture a group of people that are focused on a mission and that's kind of what
I've done I brought people from different areas for the brand now work together like they're a team different people are together for crayo they now work together like they're a team same for the viral engine same for these other companies that I'm going to start it's just the same formula that I'm going to repeat always you're doing YouTube you have a software company you have YouTube portal running doing calls whatever you have a newsletter you have your newsletter you have the business newsletter do you have like explain to me and the channels I run on
YouTube in the YouTube short it's like you're actually still running like is there like an ideal way to handle your day to be able to go through this if you it's just like what do you like trust what you excited about I wake up and I just work on one thing at a time and get it so but expl priority so let's say I have a video that needs to go out very soon that's what's going to be my first priority if if we need to do something very specific with crayo it's going be my
first priority but honestly there's no productivity checklist I don't wake up at a specific time every morning I don't meditate I don't like do this Z I literally just wake up and I just put my hoodie on get to my desk and just crunch out everything I need to do I'm just working on just things there is no like calendar that I have where I see like o 7 p.m. I have this meeting then like I have meetings that fill into slots but on a regular like basis just work work work work and honestly a
lot of the work I have now to be very like honest with you is meetings like it's calls on getting things done because I've set up teams so that I don't have to be in the trenches but I still do get in the trenches a lot of times and that's just because I enjoy it like that's just because I enjoy it so I I think one thing I wanted to Circle back on is when you're working with these people you're basically choosing a strategy that you think will work doing a proof of concept yourself like
putting it out they're kind of seeing how you would do it and then once you like okay there's some traction this works then you hire someone for that role and show them how you do it so it depends because on YouTube I never edited my own videos on my main Channel I always had an editor but the editor I had I vigorously trained on hours and hours of calls and um going back to what you said where like I test out a strategy and try it what I found is that whenever I have a gut
feeling about something not being good it doesn't perform and whenever I have a gut feeling about something being good it performs and so from now it's only going to be the gut feeling but it also goes for people I hire and people I work with and the way I train people it's like if I don't think you're going to be able to do the job I don't think I want to work with you um that's just because I want to be as optimal as possible with the business I just need Killers who could just go
with the business and so there are some roles where I will get in first try it out and then hire someone out for it for example marketing at CR it was just me and Musa at the beginning we were just marketing and then we started delegating based on what we saw worked but with thumbnail designers and editors on the main Channel Channel or the brand I'm not really there doing the thumbnails but what I will do for example is I I'll create sketches of the thumbnails that I think would be cool I'll come up with
the concepts or I'll have like someone help me come up with the concepts um that part it's mostly like it's done quite a bit by me and I've been delegating more and more like eventually the YouTube will be a very thought outrun system but I'm worried that it being a thought out run system ruins what makes the video so special so it's a fine line but at the moment I'm very in love with making really good videos and so I'm not really worried about that but the second it doesn't really feel like something I want
to do then I'm going to really push to build insane like Logistics and systems that just flow through the process but the most important part of my brand is delegated like the strategy sometimes behind things the editing like it's all very delegated what is a new belief you've obtained that you didn't have a week ago or maybe a month ago that has completely changed the way you approach your business right now I need to only go into business with people that I truly can be friends with and I can truly have a good time with
outside of business if there's any sort of weird animosity or if there's any sort of weird dynamic in the situation it is not going to last it just won't last and um that just comes to experience but it just so how do you balance that with like I see a lot of people that they choose the convenient option instead of a person who's actually right for the role and what I mean by that is like like let's start a business okay we need a marketer and they just use their best friend that's like hey do
you want to do the marketing but they don't have the heart in it I don't find people who are my friends first I find people who I think would be good for the business first and if they end up being good fit for that then I hire them and if they don't yeah but even if they're quality and you don't Vibe with them it's not worth it it's not worth it because it won't last doesn't mean anything it doesn't mean anything if you can't work with the other person because working it with the other person
is the only thing that takes the company forward so you and Musa get along pretty well yeah nice yeah we're like boys because we're also in very similar Industries yeah like Tik Tok and YouTube like we are very good friends and same with like very good friends so if you get along with someone it will last it's as simple as that if you had to talk to a person who's does has never started a software company before what would you tell him find a product that will solve the problem that you are going through and
if the problem is in a market that a lot of people are in then chances are that it's a very good product but if it's a problem in a very niche market then I don't think you should start it second what when I mean very Niche I mean like a very very Niche even a million people is a good enough business if you can attract all those million people two is you need to be able to get eyes if you don't think you can get eyes before you start the company don't start the company and
if you believe that there's a way you can get eyes but you don't have it yet do everything your power to because those two things put together what make a million hundred million billion dollar company let's say you are a developer or you're a technical person you don't know how to get eyes what do you do okay so this is what you do a lot of developers or a lot of people on the back end try to reach out to creators by just cold dming them and being like hey I have an idea for a
product um let's work on it together I get hundreds of those DMS a week a lot of other people do as well first as a developer the way you're going to get eyes is by partnering with someone who knows how to get eyes which is a marketer a Creator Etc but how do you actually get involved with them you can't just cold DM them that's so boring no one answers cold DMS especially if they're someone worth working with they probably get a ton so this is what you do you have to get a warm lead
to the person and the way to get a warm lead that I've actually done in the past is paid a close Mutual money to sweet talk The person into talking to me and that's when I was a bit smaller and I didn't have as much pull into talking with people that's simply what I did and it worked a lot to me meeting cool people second thing I did is I did this for a little streak of time um I actually sent people DMS where it was like how much do I need to pay you for
an hour of your time time no one sends those types of DMS everyone just like hey can I ask you a question bro just ask me the question I just asked a lot of people can I pay you for an hour of your time how much do you want to get paid and everyone has a price I have a 100% success rate with that message 100% success rate they will name their price and if you think what you have to offer is worth x amount more times than whatever that price is going to be you
pay that price you take that risk you put yourself in a position of now ooh I'm a bit deep in now I have to make this work I have to convince him and so let's say someone's 250 bucks for an hour but you think this is a product that can be worth millions what is 250 bucks pay the 250 bucks get on the call with them introduce yourself and then tell them what you think can change their life and your life and that has that can really work like stop cold dming people and being like
hey I think we could do this together yeah think why would they even want to like what do you do for them right nothing whereas if you get something that they trust to sweet talk them how do you find someone they trust following who are they following okay literally it's so DM hey do you know this person pretty well hey do you know this person really well um I'm trying to get in contact with them and I'll offer you 200 bucks if you manage to make a group chat because I think I have an opportunity
that would really benefit him and they're not getting those messages from anybody else they're like okay there is not going to be a method you know like when people like say to do something and everyone starts doing it I feel bad for all the inboxes of people that are about to get flooded with this hey we already know 99% of people don't take action right that's except for all the people watching these are action takers okay nice but yeah like that's honestly a way that I've done it I I can only speak on really what
I've done so that's what I've done you done a lot of things very well dude so we can I've also things but yeah I try I try okay that's really smart but would so you can say they can go to him with just an idea but they have to have the technical skill to BU your idea needs to be mapped out like you need to have a actual vision of what's possible in the space like it's like the last step that they would need to do is just say yes it's like listen this is done
say yes to me and this is the thing with crayo yeah if someone if hadn't existed and something to make these types of videos hadn't existed someone could have gone to someone like me and been like hey I have an idea for a video editor that's going to make it easier for you to make short form videos this is a demo I've made of what it could look like but with 3 months of production it will be like 10 times better than this all I need you to do is to get eyes on something like
this and no one's ever done this we will make hundreds of thousands of dollars if we don't hit this Benchmark by month two I will leave the company and I will pay you for your time or I will like give you rights to the company and you can go with another developer that I'll recommend you you have to be so persistent in your belief so basically take all the risk like take all the risk because risk with like no risk no reward right but it's not even that it's if I I was so confident in
crayo I would have done that with someone if I need a developer or something or if I was a developer put on the line yeah I would put it on the line because I'm so confident you need to be so confident and remember when I went and I talked about gut feeling with my videos you need to have a gut feeling that this will work if you even think a little bit of you that this isn't going to work because of this then either fix it or don't do it [ __ ] yeah dude I
get so excited just listening to you I'm just like I just like start nodding my head it's so what do you think they should look for in a Creator like because obviously just because they have a lot of following a lot of followers their idea like what are you looking for as a I asked this question earlier and it was what's the difference between audience and influence audience is someone who can get a lot of eyes but can't change people lives can't change people's lives influence is someone that could send out a message to 100
people and 90 of those people would change something that about them and so you need to look at people that have influence not just an audience moose and I had Influence People related to our stories they related to what we could do therefore when we told them that this was something they should do they did it because they related to me I've done this as well and that's what influence is and you build influence by building trust with people so you need to look at only people who have trustworthy Brands and don't go around cutting
Corners in bad ways you need to look at people that when when you whenever they post a video they have comments of people saying bro you changed my life bro this happened because of you I have tons of those in all my videos because I actually try when I make my videos you don't want to go for people who gets millions of views but no one cares about them no one cares to take any piece of advice they give no one cares to change a habit of theirs when they mention it influence always over audience
really concise okay and so do you don't think that that do you think educational creators just have more influence because that nature of their content a lot of educational creators only have audiences because they just give advice and none of the audience takes it in because they're bullshitters you can get a lot of views bullshitting um people who are big in education were people like bezza who showed you it was possible because he did it himself and he had influence beaza did it almost every video showing you from the ground up that he was like
you and that's what made you trust him to for example buy his course or leave a nice message because when you saw a video of his you thought it was possible as well so by standard I guess education do have more influence because they're teaching directly education but a lot of Education creators are filled with Bluff and fluff and they just have an audience who watches their videos for the controversy or for this and that and then scroll right away you need to look at people who have influence the reality of what it takes to
be successful and then what people want things to be are like there's such a big gap between that like this is the set amount of work this is the level of quality you have to expect these are the skills that you need this is the team you need these are the compounding benefits and advantages that you need if you want to make a million dollars and some people are like I want to work really hard I want to change the world and be a good person and I'm like I I love that like that's great
but also like let's get to the reality of what it takes to get results like you know what's interesting be very gold like detail oriented of your at one point I was someone who wanted to make money and then at one point I'm someone who does make money and so I know now from just experience like nothing else that the way I got to where I am here I'm not giving like a blueprint right now all I'm saying is that it was a very variable Journey it was never that I worked every day 10 hours
a day it was some days I Lally work none and some days I didn't sleep and so it was a variable journey of just working a lot sometimes not working a lot sometimes doing this a lot more like I'd solve one specific problems for like a week straight and then I'd never focus on it again like it's not a journey that goes like this it's like something that goes like a bit like that and then it goes down like it's not a blueprint that someone can ever give to you right there's got there there has
to be like a subset of people out there that are probably thinking like oh of course his software successful he had an audience and then like discounting your software success but I'm like but then it's like dude like you spent no one's born with an audience no one's born with skills like you did the work required to get skills you did the work required to get credibility you did the work required to get the audience you made all the videos you posted consistently came up with the ideas then you built an audience and you built
a product and now you can follow one point I was a blank canvas exactly and a lot of everyone that should Inspire the [ __ ] out of anyone listening to this at one point I was a BL canvas everyone starts with a excited and so it's like how did I make something out of nothing that's not a miracle a lot of people actually do it whether you think a lot of people say that rich people are in the top 1% I actually don't believe in percentages simply because anybody could do it and so if
everybody did it it would no longer be a 1% thing but I know everybody could do it most people just don't do the action most people don't do the action that and that makes it a 1% thing it makes it because most people don't do the action that it only is 1% of people that do and action is also finding the information right like you didn't learn most of the like you didn't come up with the stuff you learned this by I learned it by you started at 10 years old yeah like bro I started
at earlier than 10 I have videos out from when I was 87 that I've actually posted on Instagram I have a video from when I was maybe 9 years old saying I really want to pursue YouTube YouTube is something that I'm very passionate about I uttered those words when I was nine when I was making magic videos on YouTube and those videos are out for everybody to see but it's just kind of like at the time by the way like I didn't think I was manifesting anything I just said it cuz I was a little
kid and I like YouTube but looking back on it now it's very interesting to see that that was always something that was in the back of my mind and it just goes back to the fact that like people hear this all the time and that's why it's kind of annoying for me to say it but anybody can do it bro there's there's no doubt about it it's just all the information is accessible you just have to access it and then practice it yeah access it and practice it nice but I just want to go back
to your product now because I I love I like like I love talking to you about like motivation inspiration mindset stuff because like you just have been in the game for 10 years and it's just sheer determination and excitement for your work I would love to know what you're like why do you want $100 million what are you going to do $100 million um I think $100 million would be nice to have to be honest I don't really have like a money goal like a number that would like set me off to be happy and
set me off to be fulfilled I think what I'm chasing is just it's like a counter on a screen yeah scoreboard and it's just like the scoreboard goes up and it goes up and it goes up and it it makes me more confident every time it goes up it makes me a bit of a happier person and um I was obviously happy before I made money I don't think money is the direct correlation to happiness but I really enjoy the game of making money I love the game of making business and the reason I love
it is because I have times where I'm so stressed so upset so pissed off that something went wrong and I just want to never do anything again but then I have these Blissful moments of like everything's going right and like the fruits of my labor are here look what I've worked towards and just this this such like different worlds that you kind of feel in business and you know what's the craziest thing about business and the thing I love the most is that you can be in those two different worlds in two days mhm on
one day you can be the happiest person and then on day two you can be the saddest and it's like a game of like how do you not be sad and how do you be more happy it's the Act of Creation where you're probably the most fulfilled like at the end of the day of working 12 hours to build crayo probably feeling way better about yourself than it's so sick I have like something now that people a lot of people know the word crayo and they don't know me and they don't know Musa that's the
sickest thing in the world people know my company without knowing who owns the company and the fact that I remember our conversation of making this company in an apartment Al together is like this was nothing no one on earth knew what crayo was and it was just some kids talking about it in an apartment and now it's this thing that a lot of people KN and they don't know who created it okay so how do we make how did you make crayo good enough to get to that point well it's just you had the problem
first hand yeah you had the problem first hand the problem that I had firsthand the distribution always make a product if you know you have distribution for it if you don't you have distribution for it go find distribution exactly and honestly you could be solving a problem that's more useful than crayo if you don't have distribution you're not going to make more money because we have distribution and the only Act of making money is getting in front of people's eyes the less eyes the less money because it's just a mathematical game and so thankfully it
was a very good pairing cuz mus and I had distribution and then there was the backend system on the other end of the team and so that worked very well and that's something that I'm going to recreate for my next companies every single company from now on is going to follow that same formula and honestly crayo was just a start simply because it's a problem I had but I think I could make companies now that shift the market even more like I'm going to start a company and actively we're working on companies that are going
to change like the market like it's going to be something that just people use like Zoom people use zoom to talk online people use Google me to talk online I'm going to make something like that for the markets that I like and it's going to solve a problem do you read a lot of books or anything no okay do you have like I've only read one book in my life How to Win Friends and Influence People byce it's a good one it's a good one okay so then do you have like sayings or catchphrases or
wisdom that you like follow or is it just wake up do the [ __ ] dude listen I don't I wish I did because whenever I listen to people who have like these words of wisdom they give it's like so I wouldn't be able to say those words of influence um I don't I just get up and do it and I you know what's interesting is on my notes whenever I hear a word of wisdom or influence I write it down because I I read it to myself before I sleep because it's just something I
want to in my brain so I think it's very good to know these like catchphrases and words of influence because it's something that is in your subconscious these people that can just bring out these insane quotes and sayings have that idea deep in their subconscious they really believe in it because if you believe in it you're going to store it in your memory and they do because they can just rip it out when someone ask them so what I try to do is whenever I hear something that impacts me in some way because I've Just
Seen random Tik Tok videos or podcasts where someone says a little sentence that kind of changes the way I view something or kind of makes me like bro that's like so true and I write that down and I read it over and over before I sleep pretty much every night I'm not going to lie and then simply because I think eventually that can get implanted in my brain and I can be one of the people that has those quotes because if I have that implant in my brain I will act accordingly to what those said
and that would just make me better interesting explain how you perceive selfcon or subconscious why is it important for your subconscious to have that I think it's important because you most of the actions you go through on your daily basis are based off your subconscious of what you've learned in the past you're learning new things every day but the way you interact with people is the way you raised to interact with people that's in your subconscious some people are subconsciously rude because they grew up in that environment so they'll be rude to you they don't
know why they're doing it but they are so if I'm so if I'm subconsciously getting these good sayings in my head understanding deep topics in my head whether I remember it if I take the time to study it for a few weeks months whatever and then eventually I quote unquote forget about it on my daily memory it will now be implanted in my head that I'm going to act like that person that's what I believe because I've actually tried it like I've reread sayings a ton and it's kind of like implanted in my head so
you're like programming yourself basically like I actually I want to pull up just one thing that I had on my notes read them all if you want because this one was really interesting to me um so here so there was one where it was like the source of insecurity um is comparing your behind the scenes moments to everyone's highlights like that's a lot of people's source of insecurity like everyone who watches this podcast knows that feeling like you always compare what's really going on in the trenches with you to what people Show online and that
just kind of put it in perspective to me just one time when I read it another one was kind of a lot deeper and it was if a bird lands on a branch does it trust the branch or does it trust its wings I've seen many branches break when birds are on them and the bird never Falls and dies it always flies off because it trusts its wings and so that's something I've been reading every night after I heard it and just planting it in my subconscious and I think it's made me trust myself more
and more that I'm going to trust my wings like it sounds a bit like stupid like weird to say but like I'm going to trust myself more and more because no matter what happens if everything goes to [ __ ] I will still trust in myself to bring it back and I think that's what that saying like represents like you know you are capable of doing the work required to succeed 100% and that you will figure it out you will yeah that's the that's the confidence thing and I just have tons of tons and tons
of these in my phone you do them for before bed before bed why before bed because I dream about them so I read them before bed and it kind of implants and somehow some way like the dream kind of revolves around it it's not like it's weird I don't know but it happens and so you think just right before bed then you're dreaming about it which means you're like actually getting double you're thinking about it even more and sometimes I even write down quotes of things I realized myself so there was someone a friend of
mine that said that he's in a war every day with people who don't even know he exists and don't even think of him on a daily basis and I'm like Dam like that's very true I am in war every day like I'm fighting against you and you probably don't know I'm doing it I'm trying to be better than you every day and you probably don't even realize I am you probably think I'm not even thinking about you but I'm in a war against you every single day I'm trying to be better than you I'm trying
to figure out how you did what you did to be better and you probably don't even know it you're like ignorance is bliss on your own just wandering off and I'm like in a war here trying to become better than you and I realized that I wrote it down and I read that as well every night because it's like it's very true like I am in a war every day and I don't want to forget that because people are in a war against me every day whether I know it or not someone's trying to come
for what I have and they're talking with their friends in private like I do and they're going ahead and trying to like figure out ways to get ahead of me and studying my methods and I know I'm doing it for other people people are doing it for me the zero some game yeah it is competitive it's War as much as we like to be friendly it's very much so war and so that's why like I've had to like grow up also a bit quicker from like f like last time I was 15 and now I'm
17 but I feel like I've grown way more than any 15 to 17y old would in that time span it's simply because I've been through like so many things in business now like in the last year and a half my life has gone from pretty normal to very abnormal and so I've had to adjust very quickly as well and so I've kind of added a lot of shields taken out a lot of do you feel like you're this is just going to I I I know you don't feel this way at all but do you
feel like you're wasting your childhood not at all no I'm having the best time of my life and the reason for this actually an interesting question you just asked me and the reason for this is because a lot of people don't have friends they don't have close friends they only have business friends people they talk to on the surface level about business and the reason I don't think I'm wasting my childhood is because I still have the very close friends that I grew up with since I was three and I said this on a podcast
um before but there's only two times you can really make friends in your life one it's at school when no one has expectations of who you are and you're there because you genuinely like the person and two is when you're coming up in business and everyone is there on the grind together and those are the two times I think you can really make the best friends in your life and I've gone through those two times right now I think I I'm going to go through new starting points in new businesses where I'll make new friends
but ccle think that's like a good thing to keep in the back of my head that like bro I met you for the first time when I was coming up like my brand was not a thing this is what jump started at all and so like someone like you I always message you for advice Etc because you're someone that I trusted when I was smaller and so like I said only two times I think you can really make trustworthy people I'm sure there's like abnormalities to that and you'll make friends whatnot but I think those
are two very impactful times in your life 100% since we by the way how we got in contact is you that just dm' me and he said bro I'm going to have your most popular podcast yeah and then it was like then just immediately what you've done Y and then my S I didn't even see it my assistant saw then texted me like hey there's an interesting DM from someone you should see it didn't believe you but then you linked all of it I'm like oh [ __ ] okay and then I just looked into
you like okay it seems legit and then within what a week you were from Cypress to America for the first time in Arizona at 15 yeah like I knew that's when I wanted to start the brand and I knew I wasn't going to start the brand until I had a push from someone else that showed people my life because I wasn't going to you used me bro I wasn't going to go through the basic blueprint everyone else as where they Grind from z00 Z I had an interesting story to tell so why not tell it
in front of a big audience first so I reached out to you and I knew it would hit because I knew my St story was very very abnormal and so I messaged you and I sent you all the references I was very quick concise um and then your assistant saw it and I freaked out when your assistant saw it because like I'm I'm a step closer now and then you messaged me from like your account you went on the account and you gave me your number and then I was like this is getting closer closer
closer and then when I when I was at the desk for the podcast I was shaking I was like this is real now like I can't fumble it up then I like I stumbled a few times in that podcast I was nervous or whatnot but that was like the introduction to everything I just loved that it was intentional like you literally were like I need a Launchpad like I need like a platform to like yeah bring me introduce me to the world and then once I have that then I can go wild you know what's
funny is I tested out before I posted a couple videos and they didn't do well I was like okay now I'm going to try launching myself first and then posting deleted the other channel I went on yours and then I post a video and then my brand was what it was I just trial and ered it dude it's crazy you did have a little bit of a Twitter audience which probably helps a little bit but still that's such a smart strategy and just shout out to your Outreach message dude it was like I'm going to
have your most popular podcast I'm this years old this is what I've done proof let me know when we can do it look where we are now million do was hey Brett love your content think you have a really good podcast like complimenting me for six paragraphs then you just to the point you were about it and obviously you weren't a lot of people lack self-awareness but you were like the real deal so it was cool and now look at you bro like it's crazy what you've done just a year and a half since then
almost a million dollars a month in business Revenue now with with a $50 million $100 million business exit just around like software exit right around the corner dud hopefully we run this back next year and I'm going to complete you're going to be a billionaire by then dude oh dude run up the scoreboard keep us updated thank you for coming back and give us this year's update ton of learning ton of lessons in here bro keep crushing it let's go great pod
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