What Is Kundalini? // Spiritual Intelligence 014

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Aaron Abke
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Video Transcript:
[Music] namaste my friends and welcome back to spiritual intelligence today we are beginning our new series on kundalini and aiming to understand this phenomenon from a biological and metaphysical point of view now there's obviously a lot to be said on this topic so we're going to be taking it sort of just one bite size at a time beginning with today's episode on what kundalini fundamentally is there is so much misunderstanding and ignorance around this topic that needs to be cleared up because i truly believe that this is one of the most important subjects for us
to understand collectively in the spiritual community as we move into a fourth density planet and in today's video you're going to find out why so join me for this 14th episode of spiritual intelligence as we explore the sacred power of kundalini [Music] so before we get into the biology and the metaphysics of kundalini i want to share with you how the origins of this phenomena are explained in the hindu tradition it's very clear that a deep understanding of the science of kundalini has existed in ancient cultures for at least five thousand years for example we
find these sort of wall paintings of shiva from the indus valley sitting in the lotus position with serpents rising up all around him which dates back to 3300 bce or earlier and so this would imply that this sort of pre-hindu civilization already had a sophisticated understanding of kundalini and how to bring about its awakening through yoga so let's take a look at the mythology of kundalini as it is taught in the ancient indian tradition [Music] back at the dawn of time the great goddess shakti who creates the world and lives within it is asked by
the gods to incarnate as a woman in order to be married to her divine masculine counterpart shiva who is lost in a meditative trance on mount without his feminine counterpart shiva cannot act in the world in hindu mythology the male gods represent attributes of brahman the absolute and the female goddesses represent their manifestations in space-time [Music] so the gods brahma and vishnu beg shakti to take the form of a human woman to lure shiva out of his yogic trance shakti agrees under one condition she has seen the way that men treat women like property seeing
them as lower on the cosmic hierarchy and she says if i agree to incarnate you must ensure that i will be seen and worshiped as the goddess that i am for if i am treated as less than a goddess i will immediately leave for i will know that it is not yet my time to manifest in the world of men the gods agreed to this and shakti is born as a woman named sati she grows up and unites with her divine masculine counterpart shiva drawing him out of his yogic trance by her irresistible beauty and
consummating their love day and night beneath the trees near the river ganges over time though shakti is treated as other women in the world men attempt to capture her and sell her as property dishonoring her feminine dignity and so sati sits in meditation activates her inner fire and leaves her body on earth she returns to the gods and makes them a vow that she will not reincarnate again until the world is ready to welcome the divine feminine however because she sees man's desperate plight and need for the feminine power which they so clearly lack she
promises to hide herself within all men in the muladhara chakra at the base of the spine and that in anyone who worships the goddess and sees her in their awareness she would rise to life within them and take them with her to cosmic union with shiva at the crown so this is the way that the ancient indians understood the phenomenon of kundalini it is said to be a dormant spiritual power that lies sleeping in potential at the base of the spine coiled three and a half times around the muladhara chakra it is the divine feminine
energy that when it is awakened through spiritual effort like yoga and meditation this energy comes into activation and begins making its way up the spine like a serpent rising and so when this happens depending on the sort of karmic load that someone's carrying it can manifest essentially in one of two ways if somebody has incarnated with very little karma or has done a lot of inner healing and purification through spiritual practices then their kundalini awakening will likely be an unforgettable experience of cosmic bliss divine ecstasy and god intoxication and then there's the other kind of
awakening for those of us who have a heavier karmic load let's say with lots of impurities and blockages still lodged in the chakras a kundalini awakening can be experienced as a kind of psychotic meltdown as shakti tears her way through the nervous system on her way up to shiva and just burns her way through every obstacle in her path with that divine feminine power this will activate all those impurities and cause them to express so that we experience our traumas and pain and mental tendencies in the mind all at once and this is what i
call a die off an old part of you an old pattern that is coming up to be expressed and die off within the mind and while it is dying off it feels as if we're the ones dying off because we're identified with those parts of a still so it can be a very painful and difficult experience as well depending on the level of healing someone is at when this phenomenon happens but regardless of what kind of kundalini awakening you have the end result of this process is the same which is the attainment of fourth density
consciousness so you can see that awakening this energy in the appropriate timing and in the appropriate manner is extremely important and so we're going to talk more about how this awakening happens in the next episode but for now we're just going to focus on what this energy is in and of itself in summary kundalini is the fourth density energy or green ray body lying in a state of quantum potential within the nervous system and it is activated once a certain level of positive polarization is reached now the awakening of this energy usually follows great spiritual
effort and discipline but in some rare instances it can happen to people out of the blue sort of spontaneously and this is likely due to that person having awakened this energy in a past life for example one of the most famous christian mystics of all time saint therese of lysix is known for having written about her own kundalini awakening which neither her nor anybody during her time had a clue about but she experienced this tremendous heat rushing up her spine through her body which caused her to thrash and gyrate all over her bed at night
and all over the floor in her room and although her doctors ascribed her symptoms to being the work of the devil she ascribed it as an ecstatic state rather than a psychotic one and in saint teresa's autobiography she writes burning currents of fire inside cold shivers running outside along the spine wave after wave over legs arms abdomen making all the hair rise it is as if the whole frame were full of electricity the power inside my body did not abate all night and i could not sleep i noticed something completely new my blood was getting
luminous and i saw its circulation throughout the body i soon then became aware that it was not the blood a light a bluish white light was running along another system the light came out of the body and reentered it again at different points observing closely i could see that there were countless points of light like a luminous web encircling the body inside and out it was very beautiful no bones existed the body was built on the web of light so you can see through that account how this awakening of feminine energy in the nervous system
activates our psychic awareness as saint therese describes being able to literally see her subtle body with the naked eye pretty incredible but perhaps the most famous account of this phenomenon comes from gopi krishna who also had a sudden unexpected kundalini awakening during meditation one day and in his experience the shakti force began tearing through his unprepared nervous system at an alarming rate so after his initial sort of blissful experience of becoming cosmic light he was then left in physical and psychological shambles for over half a year until he figured out how to sort of balance
this energy but the numerous written works that he left are a gold mine of knowledge on a subject that is still very little understood by science one thing that is understood about this phenomenon though is that it has a lot to do with our sexual energy shakti is the divine feminine essence and she is contained within our physical energy or sexual energy sheba is the divine masculine essence and is contained within our mental energy so feminine energy is creative it is pure power pure life force which creates the entire known universe so sexual energy is
the only creative energy in the body it is the source of all passion and inspiration and creativity that we experience it is the source of inner genius so the process of a kundalini awakening happens when our sexual energy begins to be drawn up through the spine through our cerebrospinal fluid and is used to begin transforming the nervous system and upgrading it to a higher frequency level so one of the most important factors that causes this awakening to happen is in how we use our sexual energy and this is what tantra yoga is all about utilizing
sexual energy for spiritual ascension when we only use our sexual energy for personal gratification then we don't leave much of it for shakti to use for spiritual evolution sexual energy is like the currency that shakti uses to purchase spiritual evolution with so this in a larger sense is an amazing evolutionary mechanism that the universe has put in place to determine at what point a soul is ready to evolve to the next level of consciousness what i mean by this is that if someone's still using their sexual energy purely for personal gratification of lust then that's
just a clear indication that this soul is still in the throes of third density consciousness and not quite ready to move forward yet for example think about the way that monkeys use their sexual energy compared to us we see it as a very animalistic way to use sexual energy we would never behave that way well in the same way fourth density beings look at the way that third density beings use their sexual energy to just constantly gratify lust as a kind of animalistic way to use it nothing wrong with it nothing to judge about it
it's just a lower level of consciousness so once someone starts treating their sexual energy as sacred and preserving it and using it for spiritual purposes like through tantra yoga shakti awakens and begins her transformation now let's look at the implications of this transformation from a metaphysical perspective i have another video on this topic in my love one series called kundalini the dual activated body which you can watch if you want to dive deeper into this subject but to summarize one thing that became very clear to me as a law of one student during my own
kundalini awakening process was that the changes in my psyche that kundalini was bringing about was clearly what ra describes as fourth density consciousness fourth density consciousness is reached through the opening and activation of the heart chakra and a kundalini awakening is an intense experience of what i call heart field expansion where the awareness of love's presence becomes overwhelming the desire to be of service to others becomes extreme and the vision of oneness becomes a permanent fixture in one's mind now this is what raw calls in the law of one the dual activated body human beings
normally just have the yellow ray body in activation since human beings are technically still third density beings and the yellow ray body is the one you're seeing right now on the screen but raw says that some rare souls also have the green ray body in activation along with the yellow ray body now when the green ray body comes into activation through kundalini awakening it's just the energy of the green ray moving through the nervous system it will take thousands of years for this green ray energy to take over the physical vehicle making it a partially
light body partially chemical body but this energy comes into activation once kundalini reaches the crown and that marks the beginning of becoming a fourth density being so a kundalini awakening is a neurobiological transformation it is an evolutionary leap that one can make through spiritual discipline it is an upgrade of the entire neurological system from a third density level to a fourth density level so one with an awakened kundalini literally has the biomarkers to prove it and this is why before the kundalini is awakened we have a very difficult time experiencing things like bliss and oneness
at the third density level our nervous system simply doesn't have the capacity to sustain that level of energy we call bliss for very long it's just too much horsepower for the engine of the third density nervous system so it burns out pretty quickly and so this makes any experience of bliss that we have seem like it's fleeting and short-lived but once we upgrade our nervous system by increasing its capacity and conductivity we can experience bliss consciousness permanently and that is what a kundalini awakening does it quite literally takes one two the fourth density of consciousness
which is the awareness of love and oneness when kundalini has been awakened being aware of oneness is as natural and effortless as the average person is aware of separation the reason this phenomenon has been so rare in the past is because our planet has been in the third density so the energy level of earth's magnetic field was not high enough to cause this phenomenon in most people without enormous spiritual effort the various practices of yoga are designed to bring about this evolutionary change in the body such as hatha kriya tantra and kundalini yoga but now
kundalini awakenings are beginning to happen at a much higher rate as our planet is shifting into the fourth density and the energy level of earth's magnetic field is rising mankind is evolving into a state of awareness where the reality behind the universe can be realized and that reality is love as the energy centers are activated and awakened by kundalini we develop what is called goddess awareness where the world is seen as one immortal energy throbbing with beauty and pulsating with mystery and magic we become like children in awe and wonder at the universe in love
with everything we see just as one who's under the influence of mdma or ecstasy cannot be anything but loving so one who is under the influence of an awakened kundalini cannot be anything but enlightened in this way a kundalini awakening is the highest possible achievement of a human lifetime for it symbolizes a spiritual transformation so dramatic that the entire mind body and nervous system are forced to evolve and to make way for the dawning of fourth density light one of the natural laws of the universe is that the universe always incentivizes evolution like a carrot
dangling on a string in front of us and so it is the ecstasy and bliss of a kundalini awakening that is nature's incentive for mankind to pursue our spiritual evolution in the same way that the orgasm is like nature's incentive for mankind to reproduce an orgasm is like the experience of a tiny fraction of the full kundalini power lying at the base of the spine and so nature has given us this great incentive to pursue fourth density consciousness but in order to get to that bliss and god union we have to go through the kundalini
fire of inner purification first shakti must remove every remnant of third density consciousness within us every blockage every distortion and everything that impedes her path on her way up the spine to her lover shiva at the crown like a serpent cornering a rat shakti consumes every karmic blockage within us one by one and so this is why when not managed properly some kundalini awakenings can be very painful and difficult because all of our unfinished business can sort of come up at once as shakti mercilessly moves through the nervous system burning through every trace of karma
that has not yet been healed this is one of the main reasons why i created 4d university because through my own experience of this awakening process i began doing countless hours of reading and research to try and learn how to balance and stabilize this energy to make this process more manageable and enjoyable and what i found were thousands of people online confused like i was with lots of kundalini problems and crying out for answers i also receive a lot of comments and messages from people who are experiencing these ascension symptoms and have no clue how
to manage them i believe that the further we move into the fourth density the more and more this phenomenon is gonna happen sort of like a bowl of popcorn in the microwave as time goes on and the heat gradually increases more and more people are gonna start to pop which means that we need more resources and information available to deal with this new influx of awakenings it's been on my heart for quite some time to build a resource for anyone who needs help going through this process or for anyone who desires to begin this process
step-by-step guide to facilitating this transformation to fourth density consciousness and the most important aspect of going forth density is the raising of the kundalini the third course in the 4du curriculum is called 4dap which stands for 4th density ascension protocol it is a workable system of advanced yoga practices for facilitating a kundalini awakening this is typically a process that is only done from a guru to disciple relationship as this process needs to be handled very carefully and safely so i'm absolutely never going to teach these practices publicly on youtube because people will invariably ignore my
advice and instructions and abuse these practices wanting to awaken their kundalini overnight and then be in a world of hell and come and blame me for it so if you are feeling called to this then you can join 4d university now through the link in the description below and you can take this journey safely and effectively with a whole community of amazing souls each one of us who awakens this energy is benefiting the whole of humanity tremendously as we move this planet closer to its fourth density destiny in our next episode we're going to explore
the science of a kundalini awakening what actually happens in the nervous system and in the body to activate this fourth density energy so as always thank you for watching be blessed and i'll see you in our next episode [Music] you
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