there are foods that hurt the liver, of course there's alcohol, we all know that, but there's lots of foods that are likely to destroy your faith and it's my job to explain them to you today with symptoms signs etc welcome to the Jean-Michel Cohen channel channel where we only talk about nutrition and never never tell you lies. [Music] make your free slimming analysis dr. jeanmichelcohen.
fr website it's one of our body's main disorders except that the brain you know how it works the heart also the liver it has three functions the first function of the liver is that it's the body's waste factory that means this answers all the people who talk about detoxifying etc it means that in fact the liver receives from the blood all the liquid it's supposed to eliminate. all the liquid it's supposed to eliminate everything which is toxic for our body, it works well obviously, and behind everything toxic it will eliminate it in two ways either through bile or through the digestive system so it's excreted in our stools or through the urine urines and so we're going to pee all the toxins that are in our blood, so the liver's first function liver is the most important depurative second function of the liver and I incorporate it inside it's the secretion of the gallbladder i. e.
bile it's the liver that's responsible responsible for the production of bile. bile is that if you don't have bile secretion bile secretion I didn't say gallbladder I said bile if you don't have bile in fact you can't digest the proteins the fats that go into our digestive tract, so it's a liquid bed a liquid bed that will be used to incorporate with the food we've eaten and which will improve and facilitate digestion in the absence of good quality bile or insufficient bile production, digestion becomes you're going to feel it is what you feel for example, when you eat a meal too serious you say yeah I'm having a crisis of faith actually you're not having a crisis of faith it's true it corresponds to a liver malfunction of the liver, i. e.
you've overflowed the capacity of the bile and therefore you're not third function of the liver which is also super important is that it's a place place where we elaborate a lot of things it's to inside the liver, which will produce of amino acids of different types of sugar etc. It's a transformation factory, so it eliminates it filters it provokes bile to be able to digest, but it's also a place of synthesis where we produce all the things that are going to be useful to our organism so you see super important to have sometimes that works well there are signs that show that the liver isn't working well, so of course there's bad digestion it's not always the best sign is the second one sign is what people call jaundice that is, you turn yellow, so small explanation why you become yellow is simply because the liver doesn't work it can't get rid of the bile so it goes into the the blood and the transformation of the bile into the bloodstream it's going to give your to your tissues a yellow coloration because in fact bilirubin was responsible for this at because of the Bible, so you're yellow or you have your eyes are yellow, that's no good at the liver level guys then there are the things that your doctor is going to find that you're are very, very tired you may be a little yellow but not all the time and then he'll do blood tests and then he'll discover hepatitis hepatitis, well it's hepatitis now, so she can have many origins, but that's not what the video video today it's true that it's a virus that attacks your liver the liver is destroyed so on exams it's radical you know right away maybe not that there's hepatitis but that the liver you're going to look at this on two things called transaminases well, it's going up, there are three of them, the GTs, the farting ones so there are three of them and so the doctor immediately diagnoses a something more subtle that the doctor can observe by analysis, but which is often observed on ultrasound, it's called the liver brilliant it means the guy who's doing the radio he tells you ah you've got a slightly enlarged liver a bit shiny you probably have in these cases what we call the Nash syndrome. complicated number we in France used to say steatosis it means you have a fatty liver in fact you're a goose but you have a fatty liver and that means that it's a liver that doesn't work well a higher stage there's other signs I won't go into in detail it's cirrhosis, meaning that the liver becomes but it's happening really fast and the doctor won't won't remove the liver he'll find a liver that has a strange appearance it's not all round under the the skin these are signs of disease of the liver true so you've retained the simplest maybe digestive problems, but it's not very clear you still have to check and then you have other signs that indicate that there is something more annoying happens when a time is sick there are different stages there there's what's called fibrosis at the beginning which means that part of the liver is destroyed there's a tissue that forms inside the liver it's not liver cells it's not fat cells, it's what's called fibrous tissue fibrous when this fibrous develops more in a more important way it gives precisely the signs signs of what we call the nage syndrome so this fatty liver and then, as this liver is too fatty will begin to destroy the liver and we arrive at the third stage, which is the cirrhosis stage where there's a lot of destruction of the liver to the point where even the cold cells that are destroyed they release, for example in the blood you'll have plenty of iron inside the bloodstream people who have a lot of iron in the blood, you always have to check whether there's destruction of the liver, and then the last one stage unfortunately it's the cancer stage, it's growing in all directions the liver is in the process of being destroyed.
complete destruction. up to this stage, the liver regenerates, so that means means that whatever stage you're at when your weight is destroyed until it reaches the cancer level, well, the time can be restored that is, the liver the liver cells will grow back healthy, hence the importance of dietary the two most important are a healthy alcohol well alcohol yeah it's a destroyer of liver cells and here you're going to spend if that's your case, through all the stages I've just I've just described at the beginning it's fibrous it's annoying but it's not too serious afterwards it's the liver that will become why because alcohol has destroys the liver cells so the liver is no longer is no longer able to transform everything we so it's going to accumulate fat inside it. so it's going to accumulate fat the third stage there's so much fat, the destruction has begun destruction has begun the cells are destroying themselves it's cirrhosis and the fourth case you've seen seen is when it grows in all directions it's unfortunately cancer so alcohol is super toxic for the liver, so that doesn't mean that it's don't drink it I'm not going to make you believe that I never drink, but they say that maximum is so the two-glass rule for men and one glass for women glass for the women and I'm not going to get any with the feminists but I can't help it but I can't help it, it's health, I totally accept that the women drink from them, but I'll give you a piece of advice.
I'll give you a piece of advice: I prefer someone who will drink several worms once a week like if you have two glasses per day I prefer a guy who's going to have 6 or greens in the same evening okay he's not gonna be clear he's gonna not drive et cetera but I prefer that it's liminera it will be less toxic for the liver than the guy who regularly drinks two glasses a day day or it's true that there's a destruction of the liver, so fructose has a particularity a particularity is that it's a sugar so it's used a lot in the food industry industry because it sweetens more when even when it's used a little less. particularity of fructose, so this fructose has the ability to break down much faster into Greece than any other sugar, so as it degrades in Greece when it's in the liver, more fat more fat accumulates in the liver. inside the body, which is why every time people have an age syndrome the fatty liver it's not just the fats you have to avoid it's alcohol and sugar that have to be avoided.
both if you consume both, so there are lots of people of people who have foie gras who say yeah it's over I don't eat fat anymore I don't take oil anymore oil I don't take butter anymore he goes on sugar alcohol or one or the other or both, and nothing will get better. you have a syndrome age it's clear that if you abstain from sugar and alcohol and if you hold out for 6 months we've had plenty of examples in the Cohen method, everything is very quickly I'd like to continue to talk about fats in general, including vegetable fats, i. e.
obviously you understand I know you do follow the videos you follow the Instagram you follow Facebook you know very well animal fats are not good for your health for your health, but all fats in a way can have a bad effect on your faith your faith why bah because the liver is a factory that works if you throw too much too much of something it's no longer able to take care of it, which means that since anyway, it's the filtration plant a processing plant when you give it too much fat they can be animal or vegetable at some point its capacity is exceeded but since he's a good little saver he keeps them inside his fort, saying maybe I'll have time later to to take care of them, but in reality he doesn't have time since you're constantly eating fat whether it's vegetable or animal, so it's vegetable or animal fat that has to be controlled. they have to be controlled it's not because we take good fats I keep saying it it's not because we take oil olive oil rapeseed oil omega 3s etc. doesn't mean prevent the development of disease, it's all there are more amazing things to do with quantity maltodextrins, for example.
say maltodextrin is because it's a sugar sugar that is made from in fact other sugars like corn, for example, are hydrolyzed for example, and in fact it's a sugar that was used in the food industry, but the problem is that this malt the problem is that this maltodextrin itself will break down into different sugars, and here we're in the same we're in the same situation as for the This means that if you consume too much maltodextrin maltodextrin, you're going to overflow and here again, excessive protein consumption protein consumption, including protein powder pose a problem to the liver aflatoxins are a very specific very specific fungus that usually grows on seeds I know it bothers you because you love flaxseeds. goat seeds etc. Well, that means they've been have been poorly preserved but when these seeds are badly preserved if there's a little fungus that grows on the surface that we call a mycotoxin, i.
e. it's a fungus that's going to be dangerous. is going to be dangerous it's going to treat itself with mycotoxins i.
e. it's a fungus that secretes a substance substance that is dangerous and toxic for our organism, so this toxin is super toxic for the liver it's indestructive it's like taking a flamethrower and passing it over the liver. on the liver, so it means that you have to be careful when storing of your seeds or even sprouted products.
must be stored in a good atmosphere because aflatoxin is really hyper dangerous for the liver very add a product we're gradually limiting it's glutamates sodium glutamate is it's a product that's been used for a long time in Asian cuisine until it was realized that this product that this product was also used as a aplatoxins, a real liver toxicant, are being there's less and less of it, but you can still find it so watch out for glutamate when you see a product you see a product contains glutamate there I don't even have a question about our quantity you you have to eliminate it automatically so look on your cans, for example, even on some soybeans you buy or on certain exotic dishes if you see glutamate, take another one it'll be more intelligent you see opposite of me Jean of my team going out absolutely Chauvin who told me he wasn't going to talk about it he isn't going to talk bah yeah oysters oysters they can contain viruses it's the viruses from hepatitis, so we're careful no he can say to say no if it contains viruses sometimes we you can get hepatitis from eating oils, so be so be sure of the quality of your oysters and be very careful.