When you speak like this, God answers.

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Quazi Johir
Speak like this God will answer Entrepreneurs & professionals wanting to work closer with me & my t...
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in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God in almost every single ancient culture there is mention of the power of the spoken word in Ancient India the vdas were composed in Sanskrit and transmitted orally for centuries before even being written down recitation of the vdas was a very very crucial practice and precise pronunciation was considered even more crucial for its Effectiveness also the most interesting is the mantras which are sacred sounds syllables or phrases that are repeated in prayer meditation and rituals now the practice of chanting mantas such as om or the gatri Mantra is a key aspect of Hinduism Buddhism and even jism see words themselves are just noises uttered with coherence to someone who doesn't understand the language it just seems like gibberish but the words we speak when spoken in a certain way emit a certain vibration this vibration allows specific parts of our bodies to resonate which the yogis knew activated certain chakras within us let's look at the word oh um when we say ah our Naval chakra the spish Tana chakra resonates when we say oo you'll feel it in your solar plexus or the anahata chakra when we say you'll feel it in your throat chakra or the vishi it resonates in unlocking and resonating each chakra energy allowed to flow within us and rise up through this spine what if you could use spoken word to direct your energy to manifest a specific outcome into your life that's exactly what I've been able to do over the last 8 years that has allowed me to leave a soul sucking job start a business that I love and grow it to over a million every single year and experience the kind of Freedom that I couldn't even have dreamt of in today's video I'm going to show you how to do just that but in order to do it correctly your thoughts words and actions need full congruence first so in order to understand how to use the power of word to create the destiny that you want we have to understand this cycle and this is the cycle of Destiny why I say that is because there's a great quote attributed to loud say which goes thoughts become words words become actions actions become habits habits become character and character becomes Destiny so if we were to put this in the cycle of Destiny this is what it would look like when you start off with your character or your identity okay when you assume a certain identity you think like that person would think so your thoughts are congruent to that identity when your thoughts are of a certain way it leads you to speaking a certain way your words become an expression of the thought okay so the subtle identity becomes more tangible in thoughts and thoughts become more tangible in the words you speak and your words become more tangible in the actions you take and repetitive actions create habits they form habits and your habits the set of actions you take form the character that you are or your identity this is very crucial for you to understand so please pay attention to this when I believe that I am a certain kind of person I will take actions from that place of being for example before I became wealthy and I came into money and I became a millionaire I used to believe that I was destined to live an average mediocre life and just barely earn enough to get by okay that was my belief and I didn't think that I should spend money on expensive things I didn't feel that I should do take vacations whenever I want I believe that I should save up all the money that I can and hold on to it because otherwise I would lose it all so I had this very scarcity mindset around money so my identity before was I am not wealthy I am average or I am poor I thought like a poor person I thought the thoughts that a poor person would think anytime I was presented with an opportunity to either invest in myself or to take a vacation or to buy something that I actually really wanted my heart wanted my mind would come in and say oh you're not you can't afford that you can't afford that you know you you shouldn't buy it you shouldn't invest in that there's no point investing in your personal development there's no point investing in you know your growth just save that money just save it because otherwise it will go away then I spoke like a poor person so anytime someone would you know I I would have a conversation with someone I would be like you know we we would just express our opinions on something oh but that's so expensive oh you know wouldn't it be nice to have this car but ah it's just too expensive wouldn't it be nice to buy that thing oh it's just too expensive so I was always speaking like a poor person and I would talk about the economy like oh it's now is not a good time to start a business oh I'm not good enough to do that I would speak those words aloud and then I would take actions like a poor person I would hoard my money you know every penny that I would receive I would try to put it into a savings account just save save save which then formed habits of me being a poor person so then I strengthen this character this poor person character who never good enough which then reinforced that identity in order to change that do you know what I had to do I had to act against myself within each and every single one of us there are two selves your old self who you have been conditioned to be currently and who you would like to be your new self your ideal self your 2. 0 self the 2. 0 self is very very weak the reason you're not experiencing what you want in your life right now is because in your body you hold on to that old self that old programming the comfort zone whenever you're presented with with an opportunity your immediate answer is no don't do it not safe too risky might lose it all protect protect protect we are more afraid of losing $100 than making $100 so I had to change my identity and how I viewed myself first before I could change this whole cycle so I made a decision that I would no longer entertain the idea that I was a poor person so I asked myself if quasi was abundant in wealth how would he be I assumed that state of being first then I started to think like a millionaire how does a millionaire think how does a millionaire think about going to the restaurant and buying food how does a millionaire think about taking a vacation they're very open to it and I started you know going on my computer and start searching up different vacation ideas looking up cars and like the car I wanted to drive like oh if I were really really wealthy this is what I would do this is what I would be thinking about and I would also be reading the kind of books that millionaires read billionaires probably read books about investing they read books about the lives of other successful people and they're constantly learning and growing when I was my 1.
0 self and I thought like my 1. 0 self I would just wait until the weekend to get wasted and you know live that cycle all over again just wait until Friday and then your life begins for 2 days and then you can go back to that job again I was just waiting for that burst of dopamine and I would just scroll on my phone and just get this you know quick hits of dopamine whereas when I shifted into the identity of a wealthy person I chose consciously the thoughts I would think until I started to speak like a millionaire how would a milliona speak if someone says they can't afford something instead of indulging them in it you say okay okay that's your reality maybe I can't afford it right now but that's okay it doesn't mean I'll never be able to afford it you see the difference because before I would say oh it's just that's just not for me I would never be able to afford a yacht I would never be able to afford a mansion well I don't really know anymore if that's true maybe I could one day maybe not now right you don't lie to yourself I'm not lying to myself the truth is yes in my current reality I definitely can't afford it right now I can't see how it would happen but that doesn't mean it's not possible in the future moment in the next moment so you have to be careful about the words that you speak and finally I started to act like a millionaire I started to invest in myself I started to invest in my personal growth I started to buy books investing in mentors investing in programs and whenever I felt like buying something and I really felt like hey this would really improve the quality of my life a new computer a new desk a new chair instead of going back into that old scarcity program in even though I was afraid to invest in it even though I was afraid to buy that $5,000 program even though I was afraid to you know buy that $3,000 $4,000 laptop I was like you know what somehow this will multiply back to me I don't know how and that's okay but I had faith that somehow it would multiply back to me which then started to form my habits I stopped being so protective with money and just freely spent it until this new identity got reinforced and then I started to find opportunities that would lead me to make making more money I started making YouTube videos I acted against myself even though I didn't want to make YouTube videos because my old me would have been like what's the point what's the point in doing this you don't even know how you're going to make money off of it instead of feeding into that I chose to feed into who I want to become maybe it's I I might be able to monetize it in some way I don't know how yet that's okay stop worrying about the how all the time how how how how how when when when when when doesn't matter leave that up to God all I know is this is what I'm being called to do right now so I follow that intuitive guidance I made the videos did it for a year until I had the idea to start charging for coaching start offering my coaching services and then people started to reach out like oh I love your content I really benefited from it I really think you can help me I've already gotten results with your free stuff I wonder how good the pace stuff is whatever you give you get back and so once this identity was reinforced I was able to quit my job make my first 20K a month with my business and then over a million a year all as a result of who I became but it had to start iously at this step consciously choosing who I want to become consciously choosing the kind of thoughts that I would think consciously being aware of the words that I speak and consciously being aware of the actions that I take making sure all of this is congruent the the biggest problem with most people is they short circuit somewhere in the middle they say they want to be someone but then they still think like their old selves they're not aware they're not awake enough to take control at that stage and then they start to speak like the old selves would speak oh you know the economy is so bad right now I can't do anything I'm afraid money will just go away I've lost money in the past therefore I'm going to lose money again and then they act from that place of being so they keep this cycle going on you can't afford you cannot in the journey to becoming your highest self you can't afford to fall asleep you have to wake up and take control you have to become conscious because the moment you fall unconscious you fall back into your old programming so the goal is to live consciously and choose this process until it's become your identity and one day 3 months 6 months a year after doing this consciously you're going to notice that you don't think the thoughts that you used to you don't view Money the way you used to I don't view Money the way I used to in the past a couple months ago I invested $30,000 in in in a coach for three months for my mindset in the past I'd be like no this is what kind of woo woo is he going to teach me I can learn this stuff from books that's how poor people think and that's why poor people never succeed because you presented with an opportunity and what you do is you say no I I don't want to move forward I would rather stay in my shell instead of taking the risk there's never 100% guarantee in anything in life not even the best surgeon in the world can guarantee you that they're going to succeed with the surgery there's always room for error but poor people what they do is they look at failure and they think of it is death what wealthy people do is they look at failure and they say this is a stepping stone to success I have to learn the lessons from this failure something will come out of this and will help me get to the next level so you have to take these risks and by the way when when you make decisions and you act against yourself who are you acting for you're acting against your 1. 0 self and you're doubling down on your 2.
0 self so in your life right now whenever you're presented with opportunities that your immediate reaction is no to take a step back and just evaluate what would your ideal self do how would they act how would they speak how would they think if you were your ideal self what action would arise from that place of being and I promise you if you act truly truly truly in alignment with the highest version of you that you can conceive anything that you want in your life you'll get even beyond that you'll achieve things that you couldn't have even imagined like for me when I started on this personal development journey I just wanted to make 20K a month have a laptop lifestyle and travel the world I started making 200 Grand a month way more money than I could have even imagined we've helped over a thousand clients I get to make YouTube videos do the thing that I love every single day I have a beautiful wife a beautiful son at the age of 27 my life is beyond my wildest dreams at age 27 I have two houses it's unimaginable what can happen in your life if you simply act in alignment with your ideal self a great man once said a weak plan executed with a definit of purpose will always triumph over a strong plan executed with an indefiniteness of purpose so the crucial part to all of this is having a definiteness of purpose that identity strength in that identity the identity is a belief in our self it's a self belief in order to have a definiteness of purpose we need to strengthen that belief because you have a desire right now and you have a belief about that particular desire your desire is up here but your belief is here therefore you don't you can't bridge the gap you can't achieve what you desire so we need to either raise the level of our beliefs or lower our Desir and I don't know about you but I would rather raise the level of my belief belief so I can experience what I want which is exactly what I'm going to show you right now how to bridge the gap between desire and belief before I get to that just want to quickly announce you can access our exclusive email list if you just click a little I up here or just go to the pin comments in the description I can share stuff in there that I can't really share anywhere else like training protocols guides my personal thoughts that I share on my newsletter every single week so if you want to access that the Link's going to be somewhere in the pin comments let's go now to the power of belief now we have to understand the gap between desire and belief and how to bridge this Gap right now you have this desire you would like to experience in your life you would like to experience Freedom money Joy love Health Etc but you have a belief that is lower than that desire as soon as the belief matches the level of the desire the bucket's full the desire manifests but there is a misunderstanding of his belief of belief there are two types there is what's known as your self-belief the internal belief AKA identity and there is the external belief the belief that's known as your Paradigm aka the belief that you have about your world around you what's possible within the confines of your world for example you don't believe that gravity can be turned upside down right now and you levitate everyone just goes up to the sky that belief isn't there because you've made certain agreements when you came into this Earth to abide by the laws of nature and that's exactly what's happening when we look at this we know that there's a Delta a difference between belief and desire and we need to brid bridge the gap between both of these to give you an example let's go back to 2019 when I got started on this journey I wanted to quit my job and start a business that would give me freedom I had an identity and a belief about the world around me that didn't serve me okay prior to that my 1.
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