We Finally Know What Makes The Buccaneer Race Special

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One Piece enters Elbaf, the Land of Giants, so today I discuss the Secret Power of the Giant-related...
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in chapter 1104 of the story Vega Punk states that it's not just the muscles or the physical strength of the Buccaneers that made them a special race in the past so today I'm going to propose an idea of what the secret power that belonged to them actually was also be providing more proof that Edward Nate himself was in fact a Buccaneer and believe it or not as unlikely as it may sound the key to understanding the secret actually relates to Buggy I keep saying that since Oda did not initially intend for one piece to be
as long as it became if you want to find answers to the big questions it's important to revisit the chapters where the story was still in its infancy let's take nami's importance as a character for example who would have thought that a random wind rope technique that she learned up in with area would have had any type of connection with joy boy furthermore who would have thought that hadedas who instructed Nami during the 2-year time skip would have had some degree of connection with Vega Punk and will now seemingly be providing some sort of shelter
to the newly formed amalgamation of Vega Punk satellites as well as to punk records yet it makes perfect sense for hadedas his wizard friends and his Sky Island to serve this narrative purpose because one of the things that he tells Nami before the time skip is that wither is sort of like a nomad Island that floats around all over the world to collect records of the world weather so the fact that had Do's job is to collect records and now punk records is on its way to his doorstep seems to be a match made in
heaven literally additionally with hdas being a Burgen just like enl and with area being the place where Nami learns about Ring Island I can't help but wonder if said connections will lead to some Sky rases related payoff that involves nami's tendency to gain some degree of favor with important birken characters in the story now Nami being coveted by one piece villains is nothing new but it seems that Trope in addition to that of the sh hats being separated each Arc has already begun was it perhaps Prince Loki who found Nami to be incredibly desirable to
the point of holding her inside his toy legal house or is there something else at play here I keep saying that elb has to have some degree of connection to Uranus which represents the god of the sky so Nami being signaled out this early could tie into that plus given that it seems that it's the alabasta arc straw hats that end up getting split up from the group perhaps it could also mean that Vivy and more of her Heritage will be gaining more Focus something that I thought was criminally underused during the hulic island arc
was Mont dior's book book fruit it just seemed like such a cool idea for a power and so the legol land setting also got thinking about him and how he could thematically fit into the story very well not just because of big mom's history with the Giants but also because he has the power of books and we know that usopp's name is in part a reference to the legendary Greek Storyteller of ESOP who of course is famously known for his collection of stories called eso's fables and then of course we have the word fable spelled
backwards spelling out elb also the fact that Oda decided to highlight yaso Marksmanship skills by the end of the scene with Bartolo gets me to very confidently believe that usopp's time to shine is rapidly approaching now the way that Oda handles Shanks in that scene is very similar to the way that he handled him with kid cuz he set up the conflict where we find out that kid has made an alliance to be able to try to take down Shanks and after that Odo extends the amount of time that it takes for the conflict to
be addressed but It ultimately does get addressed and it's the same thing with B Mayo we learned that he was burning Shanks as Jolly Roger in a cover page and then by the end of wano we also learned that the redhair Pirates are thinking about addressing that plot point and then we get the resolution here Plus in both cases OD writes it so that shank still ends up looking sort of like a kind of nice guy cuz in elb he asks yasa to check to see if kid and his crew have recovered from their fight
in wner before using Divine departure and then in the situation with bolo it's yasa instead of Shanks who does the Dirty Work of blowing up the going Luffy Senpai now cutting from Shanks to Blackbeard in order for Oda to update us on the yonko was a pretty good decision in terms of the structure of the chapter kind of gets me wondering if we're going to get a buggy SLC cross Guild update soon as well by the way every time I see teach's crew hanging out I just automatically think of the bar song by shabzi here
comes the two to the three to the four tell them bring another R we need plenty more and I was pleasantly surprised that my implied suspicion about the feat that I pressed in this video here turned out to be somewhat true because it turns out that he's keeping tabs on revolutionary activity which aligns well with the theory that I proposed about the location of the final Road poneglyph speaking of deepening connections the most recent batch of Vivy cards triggered some pretty solid conjecture about Queen actually being Frankie's father the way The Story Goes Queen had
a child 36 years ago which is exactly how old Frankie is now and then 10 years after that he ended up abandoning his child which also aligns with Frankie's history given that we know that his parents left him behind at the age of 10 now similarities between Queen and Frankie include both of them technologically modifying their bodies to become cyborgs both of them shooting lasers Frankie showing antagonistic Tendencies at the beginning of water 7 as well as him showing up doing a funky little dance number just like Queen does when he's first introduced to Luffy
Queen turning into a brachiosaurus and Frankie incorporating the design of one when constructing a tank and so with that even though right now Frankie being Queen's son is speculative conjecture if it does turn out to be true I think we can say that the Apple wouldn't fall too far from the tree plus it wouldn't be the first time Oda decided to reveal important family tree information within supplemental material my only hope now is that since me atomo has gone missing in the cover story and since we saw him and Frankie spend a lot of time
together during wano that perhaps that leads to some degree of Beast Pirate reintegration into the story and that maybe Queen and Frankie's biological connection gets addressed and explored in some way shape or form a little bit more in the future then again Oda has shown over and over again that he cares more about the bonds of friendship and adoptive families than he does about people being related by blood and speaking of blood when it comes to the Buccaneers odor revealed via ianov that one of the things that sets them apart from other races is that
they have Giants blood within them suggesting that they are perhaps the offspring of a mix that happened a long time ago between the members of the giant race and another unknown race of people now as we can see from Kuma's design it's not just his muscly build that makes him stand out no there's another trait that makes him stand out and that is his unique type of hair before Egghead I didn't know what to think about Kuma's bare ears cuz we had gotten that picture of him being depicted as a kid without them and so
I thought did his bare ears just gradually start growing out of his head as he aged or were they simply a part of the hat that he obtained later on in his life and so with time not not only did odor reveal in an SPS that would appear to be Kuma's ears or actually just his head of hair but before that Greg oim Musa 108 posted a column where he concluded that that would have to be the case given that we've seen this same trait in another character specifically a character within Buggy's crew and the
SPs for volume 4 which contains the first SPS section ever Oda reveals that if the character of mooji the Beast Tamer were to grow out his hair he would continue to Showcase animalistic features and throughout the manga we've actually seen his hair give him a set of apparent bunny ears a lion man ram horns until now he just sort of sports the appearance of a seemingly bored panda and so that's the exact same type of hair feature that Oda recently revealed that Kuma has as well now am I saying that Moji is a Buccaneer no
I'm not saying that I'm also not saying that at some point in the past the giant started breeding with the members of the minks tribe and that somehow that produced the Buccaneers cuz if that were the case I feel like Buccaneers would inherit the Electro powers of the MX which is something that we have not scene also if all it takes to create a Buccaneer is for a mink and a giant to do the dirty I doubt Kuma would be the only one left given that we've gotten several examples of minks and Giants leaving zo
and elaf respectively and be out and about at Sea all I'm saying for right now is that having hair that seems to match certain animalistic features appears to be a genetic trait one that Whitebeard also happened to have ever since we learned that the Buccaneers were a thing fans began speculating that since Kuma and whitebeard's build were similar that perhaps Newgate was also secretly a Buccaneer so if you want to push that theory further given that I've just explained the whole thing about Kuma's hair in order for there to be irrefutable proof that Whitebeard was
a Buccaneer then he would have to have a similar quirky animalistic hairstyle right and so as it turns out in the SP SPS for volume 86 a fan asked Oda the following they said Whitebeard always has a bandan wrapped around his head so is it because he was bald I want you to draw what kind of hairstyle he had to which Oda replied it looked like this according to rumors so there you have it just like Kuma's hair gives him the appearance of a bear whitebeard's hair when he was old older kind of gives his
face and head the appearance of a white whale which not only goes along with his animal resemblance according to Oda but it also goes along with the name of his ship which is named after the most famous whale in literature so now that we've established that I want to bring your attention to a page of VAP Punk speech from chapter 11:21 which features three of the very special races that we've come to learn are essentially almost extinct in the world the page starts off with Vega Punk saying that the minations of history and fate seem
to insist on the obliteration of those last descendants of rare races and then we cut to a shot of Kuma being revealed as a Buccaneer and then immediately after we get a panel of Marco thinking about Whitebeard mentioning the land of gods and so with that transition from Kuma to Whitebeard the fact that Oda drew them right next to each other to me is just another sneaky hint from Oda of Whitebeard also being a Buccaneer just like Kuma after that we get a shot of King and then finally the page ends with a panel of
pudding now we don't really know if these three races used to live together in harmony in the land of gods before emu attacked but what is clear is that each of those three races has a power that we associate with the Divine members of the threee tribe are said to be able to awaken the power of their third eye to tap into the voice of all things and lunarians have the ability to wield and generate fire and so being omniscient and possessing Elemental SL energy creation powers are two things that have been seen as Godly
qualities throughout history now given that post-time Skip One Piece has become a victim of oda's unrestrained fanatism for Luffy we can logically conclude that at some point in the story Oda will have Luffy intentionally demonstrate the usage of the unique powers attributed to all those three races in fact I would argue that he already has we already know that he has the voice of all things just like the three-eyed tribe and he's also capable of generating fire from his body like a lunarian additionally in the fight against kaido he also gains the body structure of
a Buccaneer now vegapunk states that even though he didn't install a self-destruct switch within Kuma for fear of the government using him as a weapon he did in fact install a mechanism that would cause Kuma to enter a vegetative state with no reversal prior to that Saturn says that he had already activated that switch so he doesn't understand how Kuma can still be moving and then later on Vega Punk describes the power of the Buccaneers as the power of love and that ability is none other than the ability that we've also seen Luffy showcase which
is the power to die and come back to life better yet or a more precise description would be some type of innate life return trait that activates automatically within the buccaneer body now when kumadori explains what the life return technique does Chopper connects it to biof feedback which is a medically debatable treatment that involves being able to focus and influence different parts of the body to function the way that you want them to and then according to kumadori it also took him a thousand years of training to learn which is obviously a lie because he's
only in his 30s however I do wonder if the 1,000-year reference regarding the technique could be referring to a pre void Century era where the Buccaneers were alive and thriving funnily enough in addition to Chopper saying that he read about biof feedback in a book and of course I'm like what book was that he also says that kumori's hair is like an octopus now we've also seen the boa sisters marold and sandersonia be able to manipulate their hair to adopt the shape of snakes so kumori's weird hair could just turn out to be hockey in
action just like them but given that we do see Kuma being able to smile aboard the giant ship in the company of Bonnie there's really no better way of describing the buccaneer secret power other than some type of Life return interestingly enough during his fight against Luffy and enus Lobby Luchi combines the life return technique with the Ruku Chiki technique known as Kier or paper art to contract and manipulate the size of his muscles now given what I previously said about Whitebeard you can say wait if Whitebeard was in fact a Buccaneer then why didn't
he come back to life after the incident of marine Ford and I think the reason for that is that whatever Blackbeard did underneath that black cloth actually ended up killing Whitebeard permanently so can't come back now so what was it that Blackbeard ended up doing underneath that black tablecloth some fans suggest that it might have something to do with whitebeard's heart I read a comment a long time ago about Blackbeard actually eating whitebeard's heart to be able to gain his double fruit Powers now did Blackbeard know that Whitebeard was a Buccaneer I would venture and
say probably not I mean he did know about the three-eyed tribe which is why he sent van ogre and Kuan to pick pudding up from hake Island and he was also very quick to identify esaw as a lunarian back when he was visiting Amazon l but the reason I don't really think he knew that Whitebeard was a Buccaneer was because he kept complaining about how hard it was for Whitebeard to die I mean I'm sure he probably knows that now Oda said in an S SPS that if teach weren't a pirate he would be an
archaeologist and we know that Archaeology is the study of Humanity's past right of past cultures so yeah I'm pretty sure that he knows now that Whitebeard was a Buccaneer just not at Marine Ford now going back to the whole heart thing when Bartholomew Kuma's dad Bartholomew clap dies we know that he gets shot right that's how he dies guys but he doesn't get shot by the standard small Teno pistol that we've seen them waving around in the past no the guy that took him out was either using a specialized type of rifle or shotgun plus
and this is the most important part before he gets shot Oda clearly depicts clap having a massive blood stain in the area where his heart is so with the points presented here today I'm willing to say that as long as a Buccaneer's heart isn't severely injured or damaged they can die they can Flatline they can sit in death and then after a period of time they can gradually come back to life and this cycle of Life Death and Resurrection is also a fundamental part of the fabric that goes into the nature of double fruits and
then of course we have Saturn saying that in the past the Buccaneers were guilty of committing a great crime against the world so were they the ones who helped Joy boy create the double fruits in the first place were they actually the creators of double fruits what's interesting is that during Kuma's flashback we learned that there's a devil fruit encyclopedia in Sor Kingdom which is where Kuma is originally from I know I keep going back to viap punk calling the buccaneer power the power of love but interestingly enough there's only two devil fruits that we
know of that are heart-shaped and one of them can grant immortality and the other one is literally known as the love love fruit and speaking of immortality that scene that we got recently of Saturn being disposed of by emu is really like a darker version of what happened in wano with big mom replacing Zeus with Hara U's like give me back my soul that I gave you you're no longer needed emu's voice was recently revealed in the anime and so I was listening to the clip of them speaking and I'm like wow this sounds to
me like it's either a woman or a very snotty teenage boy anyway I find that Oda has a very distinct way of depicting lost tortured enslaved souls he kind of uses the same concept for all of them like with big mom sort of tax collectors conjo kazmo that we see during onigashima as well as the silhouette that we see during ooi's flashback to represent kido's lost soul without a purpose and the same is true for Saturn in that scene where emu is punishing him and then it shows up in the corner of this panel as
well so it's the same kind of template that Oda uses and then that also got me to think about how he's drawn Prince Loki in the past looking very similarly so I'm like is Oda trying to say that after Lola's rejection Loki became a lost soul figuratively maybe that's why it seems like Nami is currently captured in the Disney version of Jack and the bean stock I remember there was like a singing harp that gets kidnapped by the giant so the giant comes down from the sky kidnaps the harp and I remember that yeah you
could kind of tell that he was infatable ated with her so maybe that's what's going on here with nami I want to end this video talking about alcohol which is a very important part of the show no seriously we just recently got the reveal from ianov that there's four major Bridges being built by the world government and they all are named after alcoholic drinks so there's four Bridges and there's also four blues and we know that tequila wolf which is the bridge that Robin got sent to by Kuma is actually in the East blue so
I'm thinking could there be one Bridge per blue right is is there another bridge in the north west and South Blues I know one of them is called vodka wolf and we know that there's a kingdom called vodka Kingdom which is where kaido was from and vodka kingdom is on the grand line so that wouldn't really fit unless vodka Kingdom has nothing to do with the Vodka Bridge right and the Vodka bridge is you know not in the grand line and it's in a blue by itself so that would fit but yeah it seems like
this very sort of like dark way of uniting the world I guess after it sinks and so that gets me to think about just how important sake is going to end up being in the end of the story because you have all these Bridges but none of them are or sake right there's there's no sake wolf I think sake is going to turn out to be the superior bridge I guess because it's Japanese like this is this is a Japanese comic Oda is Japanese there's a lot of Japanese Pride so Bing sake super important song
and I think sake is like the beverage that we think about in this story when it comes to uniting people when it comes to creating bonds real bonds as opposed to the fake bridge connections that the government is trying to sort of force on people after they commit genocide so we have the bridges that are named after alcohol we have sake sprinkled out thematically throughout the series and then we also have the green fairy drink in this chapter absin if you take nothing else away from this video just know that Oda says that alcohol is
important thank you so much for watching have a great weekend take care catch you guys later bye
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