hey everybody who komt het is een woning glittering praktisch video you can use this video de praktische listening in kampen ranch en is icepeak you when i say they congo in de talk about us resolutie wat is een new year's resolution dit is een goal of in het checkte dat je hem voor de next year when it's the end of the hier some people make use resolution demonteer have good year in the meeting let's talk about some common resolutie wine common use resolution is de lose weight many people planten lose weight door in de nu
hier dit is een kurk resolution i can help you i hope i iets na easy to lose weight do it can be difficult juni te helpen voet en juni te exercise many people go to the gimp in january because their new year's resolution is de bus week na everyone rietjes werk of many people could oké en never common use resolution is de studie english more dit is een new use resolutie some people want to learn english te helpen air creëren you speak english you can hem verder opportunities for some johns limieten stimulus en vooral er
johns juni 3 de wright in english english as important for many james may be english to help your carrier to this hier michael is alsof de studie more languages oh yeah and never come and new year's resolution gisteren more pics some people are very busy sophie donkere gelaat other people or not go there be ding dat deed want to improve and some people do like reed dat een meteoriet many people have used resolution to read more ik denk dat god of war to read more to a widely read many books to see how many books
to you want to be with you maybe you can read books in english dus hier 30 euro resolutie oké en nether commonly used resolution is te leren en nieuwe activiteit dit is een foto van de arm en ja twee baby's die u klaar some people learn aan uw sport other people learn and skill eager to learn new things maybe you kenteken klas te lang en thumping you were many places that teach you define skills you can look voor klasse seigneur city and never common use resolutie is de quit smoking dit is naar van resolution politieke
itunes mok zo iphone niet te kwik aykut stap ander bad habits free sample high tea te laten super zo maybe aischylos superbaziel or maybe a city norwich de pols die zargar resolution door minitip van use resolution ik denk dit is the people want to accomplish goals iets cultuurcampus kools ook geen wetzel for today leave a comment intel meer view high resolution for this hier als ie je nek star [Muziek] [Applaus] [Muziek]