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Journey To God
Dreams could be a blend of imagination and reality. Sometimes, dreams appear real that you can’t dis...
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dreams could be a blend of imagination and reality sometimes dreams appear real that you can't distinguish whether they happened or are merely film like imaginations playing through your subconscious while asleep as a result of this complexity dreams are sometimes judged rational or irrational how should you then respond to these dreams how should you understand or interpret your dreams what should you do with your dreams join me as we explore the seven types of dreams you should consider as serious warnings before we proceed with this video I urge you to subscribe to this channel if you
are yet to do so and click the notification button God bless you dreams may provide hints about future occurrences and things that will happen soon they are the interface between the now and the future you may need to pay attention to the details of your dreams to be better prepared to navigate through their unfolding into life's realities sometimes from the symbolism of these dreams they could mean things other than they appear to be so let us examine the seven types of dreams you should never joke about number one dreams that portray retrogression this type of
dream can happen especially when you are at the Zenith of your life's achievements they are Pointers to tragic stories that depict falling from Gra race to Grass this dream can be scary you should not take it lightly whereas there may be severe warnings about things to come they do not necessarily mean they must happen instead such dreams should help you better equip yourself and avert such occurrences there is a similar scenario from the scriptures the Bible says in the Book of Genesis 41: 29-32 7 years of great abundance are coming throughout the land of Egypt
but 7 years of famine will follow them then all the abundance in Egypt will be forgotten and the famine will ravage the land the abundance in the land will not be remembered because the famine that follows it will be so severe the reason the dream was given to Pharaoh in two forms is that the matter has been firmly decided by God and God will do it soon Pharaoh had dreamt that a herd of fat cows came out of the Nile River and were grazing on the field afterward a thin Sleek cow herd came up from
the same river and devoured these fat cows again Pharaoh had another dream where seven good and full heads of grain were swallowed up by seven other scorched and withered heads of grain the interpretation of Pharaoh's dreams from Joseph helped the nation of Egypt prepare well for the famine they made judicious use of the seven years of surplus to prepare for the next s years of famine by collecting the food items on the land and storing the grains this wise decision provided by Joseph not only preserved the people of Egypt but also sustained the lives of
Joseph's family who moved to Egypt in the year of famine number two dreams that have explicit warnings as their messages some dreams can be easily understood they have messages that are not shrouded in vague language instead the reason for those dreams is to pass across explicit warnings when a dream has a clear warning directed at you and your actions you should take it seriously such was the dream of aimc the king of Egypt when he took the wife of Abraham Sarah for a wife the Book of Genesis 20: 3 to7 says but God came to
ABC in a dream one night and said to him you are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken she is a married woman now aimc had not gone near her so he said Lord will you destroy an innocent Nation did he not say to me she is my sister and didn't she also say he is my brother I have done this with a clear conscience and Clean Hands then God said to him in the dream yes I know you did this with a clear conscience and so I've kept you from sinning
against me that has did not let let you touch her now return the man's wife for he is a prophet and he will pray for you and you will live but if you do not return her you may be sure that you and all who belong to you will die the message of this dream is direct and explicit enough it didn't come with vague imagery or hidden interpretation like the dream of pharaoh it was a warning to aimc to return Abraham's wife to him reading this Bible verse further God had Afflicted aimc his wife and
his servants with sicknesses and also shut their wife's wombs from having children because abch took Abraham's wife but when ABC promptly obeyed God's instructions from his dream Abraham prayed for him as a result of ABC's obedience to God's command from his dream both he and his wife were healed of their illnesses the WBS of his wife and servants which God had shut were also opened Isaac also had a dream where God warned and instructed him on the steps he should take in Genesis 26: 1-3 the Bible says now there was a famine in the land
besides the previous famine in Abraham's time and Isaac went to aimc King of the Philistines in gerar the Lord appeared to Isaac and saido not go down to Egypt live in the land where I tell you to live stay in this land for a while and I will be with you and will bless you for to you and your descendants I will give all these lands and will confirm the oath I swore to your father Abraham this verse explicitly instructs and warns Isaac not to go to Egypt Abraham his father made the mistake of going
to Egypt during the famine in his days but Isaac was not to follow in the footsteps of his father Isaac obeyed the instructions of God he stayed back and sold in the land of gerar and God made him prosperous amid famine the prosperity of Isaac later made the Philistines envy him the Bible says he went forward and waxed strong until he became great though dreams can present themselves in vague language their messages can sometimes be clear and explicit obeying the Divine instructions embedded in them can be the difference between life and death success and failure
or progress and regression number three dreams that warn you about the outcome of your decision we make decisions daily these decisions can either make or Mar Our Lives the slightest mistake in decision-making can wreak mortal havoc on your life hence you need to know the end to understand the outcome of your decision to save yourself from Ultimate hurt while asleep many people have been saved from disastrous ends through instructions or images of future events played out in their subconscious Minds in this scenario such instruction can be directly or indirectly from God their messages can either
be easily discerned or are riddle likee has this to say about such dreams in the Book of Job chapter 33: 14 to 18 for God does speak now one way now another though no one perceives it in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they Slumber in their beds he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from Pride to preserve them from the pit their lives from perishing By The Sword when you have terrifying dreams they may
sometimes be from God or the devil however if the dream is from God as seen from the above scripture the goal is not to keep you in fear but to lead you out of the way of Destruction but when the dream comes from the enemy of your soul the devil he keeps You In Perpetual fear and through the tool of fear the devil ens snared you from acting in faithful obedience to God's word which eventually brings the Doom in your dreams to pass God does not use the tool of fear to instruct his children your
dreams may be Dreadful but if they come from God he will often assure you peace in his promises when you obey his instructions but what happens when you are unsure whether your dream is from God or the devil firstly you must have a settled resolve that God does not communicate with his children using the tool of fear the Bible says fear has torment and God loves you too much to put you in any torment however in any situation where the Dreadful dream comes from God he will never leave you at the mercy of the impending
danger if you do not obey the instructions from the dream instead God gives you his peace as an assurance of his presence with you peace always accompanies the word from the Lord even when they have elements of judgment the intention of God is not to bring judgment or disaster upon anyone but he assures them of his peace so that they may repent and turn Le from their evil ways so when you have a dream that warms you about an impending danger or the outcome of your decision you should take the dream seriously I know you
are gradually seeing these dreams and how they can be instruments to warn you as you navigate your life let's consider more of such dreams number four dreams that warn you about an impending danger Joseph had a similar experience when he had a dream that instructed him about the intention of King Herod to kill the baby Jesus the Bible says in Matthew 2:13 when they had gone an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream get up he said take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt stay there until I tell you
for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him God's angel appeared to Joseph to take the baby Jesus and Mary his mother to Egypt and escape the plot of Herod to kill him it was an urgent warning and instruction that needed obedience Joseph obeyed God's instruction from his dream and the baby's life was preserved the Shepherds who came to venerate the baby Jesus as the King of Kings also received an instruction not to return to Herod through a dream because Herod had instructed them to return to him and tell him the location
of the birth of Christ to worship him but he had an interior motive which was to kill Christ Disobedience to these instructions could have thwarted God's Redemptive Mission but Joseph and the Shepherds obeyed the words of God that came to them through dreams and the impending danger was averted the destiny of humanity relies on Redemption through Christ for salvation but what if these Shepherds and Joseph had disregarded the warnings from their dreams the outcome would have been unfavorable obeying the instructions from your dreams is beneficial to preserve in you from impending danger it can also
be God's way of safeguarding unborn Generations how many lives shall be saved if you will be obedient to the seemingly foolish instructions that come through your dreams think about this for a moment number five dreams that instruct you to change your ways you can have a dream that instructs you to amend your ways such dreams may be in the form of you traveling on a clear path which suddenly becomes thick bushes in this case God is probably drawing your attention to examine your ways such dreams instruct you to turn a new Leaf God is loving
and doesn't want anyone to perish in error but he wants everyone to turn away from their errors and turn a new Leaf as a result of his great love and mercy God always always sends instructions to different individuals to amend their ways the scripture says in the Book of Proverbs 14 verse 12 there is a way that appears to be right but in the end it leads to death so if for instance you always fall into a ditch in your dreams God may be calling your attention to amend your ways they are warnings you should
heed to save your soul from destruction sometimes we join ourselves with associations and friends which God never intended your relationship with these associations may not end in disaster but they do not benefit you do you remember the words of the Apostle Paul he says all things may be lawful for him but all things are not beneficial friends and relationships are supposed to make you better and sharpen you to a noble cause they are supposed to fuel your thirst for godliness and not worldliness nevertheless some relationships with people may not be wrong in themselves but may
not be God's will for you so imagine having a dream where you see yourself digging a well and water suddenly begins to Spring from it but within a twinkling of an eye your trusted friend came to fill up the well with sand god might be instructing you to change your company of friends sometimes this has nothing to do with those friends but they have everything to do with you the implication of staying in such a relationship May sabotage your progress in life moreover a dream like this shouldn't make you overly suspicious of your friends as
obstacles to your progress in life your dream May mean it is time for you to move forward and move on from that relationship often the quality of your vision or dreams doesn't become more apparent than the circles of friends you keep Abraham had a similar situation things about God's vision for his life were not communicated until he parted with lot let's consider more of these dreams number six dreams about strange trees or fruits growing in your garden this kind of dream may not be an actual sense like many other dreams it could be figurative you
may see weeds growing amid a plantation and spreading everywhere or this might be the case of a locust invasion of the plantation in whatever shade this dream comes it most likely implies an impending attack on your job health or family discernment of spirits is needed to truly identify the message in this kind of dream the more you give yourself to commune with God in prayers the more you will grow in your ability to discern Spirits whether of God or the devil when When you pray about your dreams God reveals your enemy Secrets because some dreams
have interpretations that are directly opposite of what has been shown to you in a dream this dream may also imply a waste of effort in your endeavors imagine a farmer who had spent so much time grooming his plants from the nursery before transplanting them to the fields then he water the plants daily and removes the weeds but the plantation eventually gets attacked by locusts or pests that is a wasted effort and resources dreams like this may be a message concerning a project you have embarked upon such a message provides insight into the enemy's plot to
sabotage your efforts and that is to guide you in avoiding the enemy's pitfalls pay attention to your dreams Jesus Christ reveals to us in the parable of the sour that the enemy often attacks when a man is asleep when he is not fervent in spirit slumbering or asleep spiritually and most vulnerable that is when the enemy comes to plant the seed of Discord he plants the seed of depression and many of the problems that eventually manifest themselves in the physical so please don't take it for granted whenever you have a dream of this nature doing
so may have serious repercussions number seven dreams about Wilderness or desert at this point I must state that not all dreams suggest bad Omens not all dreams that appear evil have evil implications so you must pray for discernment beyond your dreams to get the right message from them misinterpreting dreams can also have an ill effect on your life dreams about Wilderness can have two or more interpretations the first interpretation is that finding yourself all alone in the wilderness May project a future experience or shed more light on your present experience in life from the scriptures
Wilderness is symbolic of the place of testing God led the children of Israel through the Wilderness for 40 years to test them and prove whether they would obey him God could have taken them through a shorter route to the promised land but he decided to take them through the Wilderness route to learn to depend on him and derive their life's Essence from him the scripture tells us in the book of Deuteronomy 8:3 that he humbled you causing you to hunger and then feeding you with Mana which neither you nor your ancestors had known to teach
you that man does not live on bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord Christ Jesus was also led by the Holy Spirit into Wilderness to be tempted by the devil and all through his ministry history he had one Temptation or the other from many of his enemies this is to tell you that not all dreams about Wilderness are symbolic of evil dreams about Wilderness can symbolize a phase of preparation in the Journey of Destiny which is coming your way soon however Ezekiel had another experience in the valley of dry
bones the dry bones were symbolic of the nation of Israel due to their deplorable condition in the land of captivity dreams can be keys that unlock doors of answers to you when you learn to discern their messages correctly from ezekiel's encounter it was not God who directly brought the children of Israel into this state instead the enemy leveraged their Disobedience to God to throw them into seasons of wilderness experience on another occasion in the book Isaiah the children of Israel complained that God had forgotten them in the land of captivity but God sent a word
of comfort that that though they sold themselves to the enemy's Hands by their acts of Disobedience he has not forgotten them hence even when the message from your dream about the Wilderness implies the afflictions of the devil for your sins God has not forgotten you you might be afflicted for a season for your sins just like the children of Israel were afflicted for their sins but the truth of God's word is that he has not forgotten you in other words the message from a dream about the Wilderness May imply that your deliverance from that problem
and challenge is closer than you think when this kind of dream recurs God tells you to prepare for a new season in your life nobody wants to stay in a Wilderness there is no life there and the weather conditions there are harsh for human survival this instance also applies to your experiences in life which look like passing through a Wilderness often the message in this kind of dream is not in the the dream but in the Fulfillment of the dream when you have an experience that looks like a season where you are passing through the
Wilderness or desert the focus is usually on the experience not the lesson due to our limitations as human beings our experiences might blur our visions and our Judgment of circumstances may be wrong from the scriptures we learn that dreams come from three sources God the devil or you you will most likely dream about the things that preoccupy your mind sometimes dreams can come through your anxieties about life as a result the perceptions of your dreams can be manipulative and misleading so understanding and interpreting your dreams is essential to guide you in taking the proper steps
in life one of the ways you can do this is by seeking Godly counsel you can never be wrong by seeking Godly counsel about any life situation including your dreams there is safety in seeking Godly counsel before deciding on your dreams because your decisions can make or Mar your life we have examples of people who sought counsel about their dreams in the Bible the king Pharaoh sought counsel when he had dreams he didn't understand and God used Joseph to interpret those dreams as a result the lives of the king the people of Egypt Joseph and
his family were preserved during the famine Pharaoh recognized the presence of the holy spirit in Joseph who granted him the wisdom to accurately interpret his dreams the King Nebuchadnezzar also sought advice when he had a dream he could not remember he called on the wise men and magicians in his Empire to tell him about his dream which he had forgotten but they could not give the king the request he made instead they gave excuses and retorted that only the gods could provide such information because they could not give the king the details of his dream
and its interpretation the king ordered that all the wise men in Babylon be killed this happened till it was time to kill Daniel and his four friends shadra masach and Abednego eventually King Nebuchadnezzar summoned Daniel a captive in the land of Babylon to make known his dream and its interpretation then Daniel asked the king for more time to get his desired answers what kind of an association or company of friends do you keep are they those who can sharpen you to a noble cause in God are they those you can run to in times of
trouble like Daniel to seek the face of the Lord together in prayers Daniel called upon his four other friends and they sought the face of the Lord together concerning this dream that had been withheld from the King they sought the mercy of God to reveal the secret of the King's dream and its interpretation lest they perish with the rest of the world wise men of Babylon after they made their supplication known to God they received answers God revealed the King's dream and interpretation to Daniel and his friends they were preserved from Death two things were
peculiar to the experiences of Joseph and Daniel who interpreted the dreams of the kings in their time there was an acknowledgement of the presence of God's spirit in them the Bible says there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the almighty gives him understanding unless the Lord gives you an understanding of the secret things you will keep wallowing in darkness the knowledge of your dreams can only come through the help and inspiration of the Holy Spirit the Bible says the spirit searches all things yes the Deep things of God through the indwelling presence
of the Holy Spirit you get to know the interpretation of your dreams but you cannot arrive at this in a single day it is by growing in your intimacy with the holy spirit daily that he reveals secret things not limited to the interpretation of your dreams but secret things about life as a whole also commit yourself to a Perpetual communion with the Holy Spirit the secret things belong to God the ones he reveals to us are for us so that we may not be in darkness what lesson can you learn from Daniel first he acknowledged
God and the help he could receive concerning the king's hidden dream dream secondly Daniel had the right company of friends he could call upon to join him in prayers and seek the face of God for answers this experience proves again the importance of seeking Godly counsel in interpreting your dreams keeping Godly Circles of friends colleagues or people with more spiritual maturity then you can make a big difference in Discerning the interpretation of your dreams above all when you pray about your dreams you will receive directions about the steps to take you will be guided right
when you seek counsel from fellow Believers more mature in their walk with God than you are and when you enhance your fellowship with God by reading meditating on and seeking wisdom from his word you will indeed receive the interpretations of your dreams to avoid errors in life let us pray father I thank you because the entrance of your word gives light and understanding unto the simple thank you for Illuminating my path to discern how you communicate through dreams I pray that you guide my heart to be more Discerning and sensitive to your leadership I pray
that you help me to know the way to go amid the confusion that my dreams may pose I am surrounded by the Light Of God I will never grope in darkness or confusion for every agong situation without answers the Lord shall come to my Aid today and I shall receive Speedy answers in any way the enemy seeks to deceive me through dreams they are exposed in Jesus's name henceforth my communication with God through dreams becomes more distinct I increase my understanding of my dreams and every Vision the Lord has communicated to me through dreams in
the past began to find fulfillment in my life every Vision the enemy has sabotaged through my ignorance of handling my dreams is restored to me in jesus' name everything that the enemy has stolen killed or destroyed in my life due to my ignorance of what God is saying from my dreams is restored to me the years the enemy has plundered my Harvest are restored to me though the vision is for an appointed time it shall speak and not T I receive direction from these Visions I have the strength to run in the way of Destiny
fulfillment I receive strength where I have become weak in life's journey through the illumination of my dreams and Visions I receive the strength to go through the Wilderness of life without fainting every tree the father has not planted in my life is cut down the grace of God God to go through the Wilderness experiences of Life shall be supplied unto me in Jesus's name I shall walk in the counsel of the Lord for my life every Power that seeks to frustrate God's dreams for my life is taken captive the Bible says we take every thought
captive in obedience to Christ every thought dream and vision contrary to Christ and set against my life shall not stand they are frustrated in Jesus's name when the enemy is risen like a flood the spirit of the Lord shall raise a standard against him I receive the wisdom to make the right decisions from my dreams I receive the wisdom to amend my ways where necessary in response to my dreams to avert the danger on my way the counsel of the Lord alone stands over my life every contradictory experience to God's counsel for my life ends
today every word and divination directing the course of my life through dreams and Visions are nullified today in Jesus's name every stronghold of the enemy holding my life family or destiny for ransom through a dream or vision is henceforth nullified in Jesus's name I shall not die I shall live to declare the works of the the Lord in the living I arise and shine my light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon me in jesus' name I have prayed I hope this video has blessed you kindly hit the Subscribe button below
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