My Sister Kicked Me Out Of Her House Because I Have A Tattoo And It "Has A Bad Effect On Her Kids."

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My Sister Kicked Me Out Of Her House Because I Have A Tattoo And It "Has A Bad Effect On Her Kids." ...
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my sister kicked me out of her house because I have a tattoo and it has a bad effect on her kids so I refused to pay for a European trip to her kids and also spent the money for their college on myself I never thought I'd be starting over at 30 3 years ago my life was perfect or at least that's how it felt with Mike by my side he was everything I could have wanted brilliant doctor by day talented guitarist by night and the kindest Soul you could ever meet we'd been together for 5
years and I honestly thought we'd grow old together Mike loved his motorcycle I used to tease him about being a weekend warrior trading his doctor's coat for leather jackets every chance he got but that's what made him who he was this perfect balance of responsibility and freedom that morning was like any other he kissed me goodbye grabbed his helmet and headed out for a quick ride before his Hospital shift he never made it to work a car ran a red light and just like that my whole world collapsed the first few months after the accident
are still a blur I threw myself into my programming work taking on extra projects just to keep my mind occupied my sister Sarah despite her usual judgmental attitude ude actually helped me through those initial weeks she'd bring her boys Tommy and Jake over to my place and their presence somehow made things a little more bearable for 3 years I lived in this strange limbo not really dating not really living just existing my programming job kept me busy and I made good money enough to help Sarah with her bills since she's been raising the boys alone
after her divorce last week his old band mates came over we do this sometimes get together share memories laugh about the good times Dave their lead singer brought out Mike's old guitar remember how he'd always say music was medicine for the soul Dave asked strumming a few chords that's when it hit me I needed to do something permanent something meaningful to honor Mike's memory not just for him but for me too a way to carry him with me always while also marking the beginning of my journey forward I've never been the type for tattoos truth
be told I used to be pretty conservative about body modifications but somehow the idea of getting Mike immortalized on my skin a guy with a guitar on his shoulder felt right it felt like the perfect tribute to the man who taught me that life was meant to be lived boldly the tattoo parlor was nothing like I expected I'd always imagined some dark sketchy place with neon signs and questionable hygiene but this was more like a high-end Art Studio the artist Anna made me feel completely at ease as she looked at the reference photos I brought
of Mike with his guitar 4 hours later I couldn't stop staring at my arm the detail was incredible Mike's profile his familiar stance with the guitar slung over his shoulder even that slight smile he always had when he played it hurt like hell but it was every second 2 weeks passed and the tattoo healed beautifully I decided it was time to visit Sarah and the boys it was a typical Saturday afternoon when I pulled up to Sarah's house I wore a light jacket with long sleeves the moment I knocked I heard Tommy and Jake thundering
down the stairs Aunt Tasha Tommy practically tackled me with a hug at 12 he still hadn't outgrown his enthusiasm for family visits Jake trying to maintain his cool 15-year-old demeanor hung back but couldn't hide his smile hey Aunt Tash Sarah s appeared behind them looking genuinely happy to see me perfect timing I just made lunch the house was warm and I Shrugged off my jacket without thinking I was wearing my favorite short sleeve t-shirt underneath and suddenly the room went quiet well briefly quiet before Tommy's excited shout broke the silence no way is that Uncle
Mike he rushed over to examine my arm that's so cool look Jake it's got his guitar and everything Jake moved closer too his teenage Reserve forgotten that's actually really awesome antasha it looks just like him that's When Sarah's voice cut through the boy's excitement like ice Tasha what were you thinking that's that's just ugly I can't believe youd do something so permanent without consulting anyone I felt my face flush but I kept my boy steady Sarah I didn't need to consult anyone it's my body and I'll decide what to do with it the look she
gave me could have frozen hell over but she didn't say anything else we sat down to lunch and while the boys kept asking questions about the tattoo and sharing their favorite memories of Mike Sarah sat there radiating disapproval every time time I caught her eye she was staring at my arm like it had personally offended her I tried to keep the conversation light telling the boys about Mike's first disastrous attempt at teaching me guitar and how he'd eventually given up and said I should stick to coding they laughed but Sarah just pushed her food around
her plate it was around 8 when my phone rang mom's name flashed on the screen and I knew immediately what was coming Sarah must have texted her the moment I'd taken off my jacket Tasha mom's voice was that special mix of disappointment and judgment she' perfected over the years your sister just told me about what you've done to yourself I have to say I don't approve at all what were you thinking I took a deep breath Mom I'm 30 years old I don't need your approval for decisions about my own body she made that little
snorting sound she always makes when she's really annoyed then without another word she hung up the weeks after the tattoo reveal flew by in a blur of code and deadlines I was leading a major project for a new client which meant endless hours in front of my computer at home it was almost a relief to have an excuse not to visit Sarah and deal with more drama about my too but eventually the project reached a stable point and I couldn't avoid family obligations any longer as usual I headed to Sarah's house on Saturday afternoon the
moment she opened the door I knew something was wrong her face had that pinched look it gets when she's about to start an argument Tommy and Jake were in the living room playing video games when I walked in they jumped up to greet me but Sarah cut off their enthusiasm boys go upstairs she said in that tone that left no room for argument I need to have a serious conversation with your aunt they exchanged worried looks the kind kids get when they know something's about to go down and trudged upstairs the sound of their door
closing echoed through the suddenly Silent House what's going on I asked genuinely confused Sarah crossed her arms and glared at me do you know what Tommy asked me yesterday he wanted to know if he could get a tattoo when he turned 16 16 and then Jake chimed in saying he'd been looking up tattoo artists online Sarah they're just kids they can't get tattoos without parental consent anyway I tried to reason with her and when they're adults they'll make their own choices about their bodies just like I did their own choices sarahk voice Rose in octave
they never talked about tattoos before you showed up with that that thing on your arm this is entirely your fault I took a deep breath come on Sarah tattoos are everywhere these days half the people at the grocery store have them the boys probably see dozens of tattooed people every day at school you can't seriously blame me for them being interested don't you dare try to rationalize this Sarah was practically shaking now you have no idea what you've started first they'll want tattoos then what's next they'll start smoking because it looks cool then they'll start
drinking and before you know it they'll be doing drugs I stood there in Sarah's living room feeling like I'd stepped into some alternate reality where getting a tattoo was equivalent to corrupting miners Sarah this is ridiculous I said trying to keep my voice steady I've never smoked a cigarette in my life I go to the gym four times a week the wildest thing I drink is kombucha you know all this it doesn't matter sarahk face was red now the fact is you've changed and I've been thinking about this a lot she straightened her back like
she always does when she's about to say something she thinks makes her sound authoritative I don't want you coming to my house anymore you're a bad influence on my boys I actually laughed it was either that or cry a bad influence because of a tattoo Sarah do you even hear yourself right now don't mock me she snapped I'm serious I want you to leave and I don't want you coming back this is insane I said grabbing my purse you're making a mountain out of a mole hill and you know it call me when you've come
to your senses I walked out of her house that day feeling like I was in some sort of bizarre dream how had a simple tattoo a beautiful piece of art honoring Mike turned into this family destroying drama at home I tried to process what had happened Sarah had always been the more traditional one between us but this reaction seemed extreme even for her still I figured she'd calm down eventually she had to right so I kept sending her the monthly utility money like I always did after all her financial situation shouldn't suffer just because she
was being ridiculous about my tatto too but as days turned into weeks something else started bothering me even more than Sarah's reaction Tommy and Jake hadn't reached out to me at all no texts no calls no silly memes they usually sent me the boys who used to FaceTime me at least twice a week just disappeared I tried texting them casual messages hey how's that science project going work did you beat that impossible level in your game yet but there was nothing but silence it didn't take a genius to figure out that Sarah had probably forbidden
them from contacting me the thought of her using the kids as Pawns in this rid ulous fight made my blood boil two months crawled by I threw myself into work took on extra projects anything to keep my mind off the situation but as Thanksgiving approached I couldn't ignore the family drama anymore usually mom would have called weeks ago to coordinate dishes and planning but this year silence she probably just forgot I told myself even though mom had never forgotten to invite me to Thanksgiving in my entire adult life things have been busy for everyone so
I did what I always did bought thoughtful gifts for everyone including Sarah and the boys I got Tommy the new gaming console he'd been begging for and Jake the expensive art supplies he needed for his portfolio I even got Sarah that fancy coffee maker she'd been eyeing but couldn't justify buying for herself loading up my car with the gifts I tried to stay positive surely they wouldn't let a tattoo ruin Thanksgiving this was our family's biggest holiday the one time of year when we all came together no matter what even 3 years ago right after
Mike's death when I could barely function I'd still made it to Thanksgiving dinner I pulled up to my parents house the trunk full of carefully wrapped gifts the familiar sight of Mom's Thanksgiving decorations the same ceramic turkey she'd had since I was a kid the Autumn wreaths the pumpkins on the porch made me smile but that smile faded when I opened the front door the scene I walked into felt wrong immediately Sarah mom dad and the boys were all there but instead of the usual Thanksgiving chaos there was this weird tension in the air they
stared at me like I was a ghost who just materialized in their living room Tasha momk voice had that sharp edge to it what are you doing here I stood there arms of gift bags feeling increasingly stupid what do you mean it's Thanksgiving I brought presents for everyone we we didn't invite you mom said slowly like she was talking to a child we thought you'd understand that meant you weren't supposed to come the gifts suddenly felt like they weighed ,000 understand understand what why wouldn't I be invited to Thanksgiving Sarah stepped forward arms crossed that's
when I noticed the boys weren't looking at me they were staring at the floor shoulders hunched because Sarah said we don'tk need you showing off that tattoo and and filling my children's heads with more inappropriate ideas about acceptable behavior I set the gifts down harder than necessary are you kidding me we're still on this it's been months it's just a tattoo just a tattoo sarahk voice went up an octave it's a symbol of rebellion and disrespect oh my God I ran my hands through my hair in frustration are you all hearing yourselves Uncle Jim has
a full sleeve of tattoos cousin Rachel just got a massive Phoenix on her back last month nobody said a word about those dad shifted uncomfortably in his armchair but Mom jumped right in that's different Tasha you should have consulted us first you know how we feel about these things I felt like I was losing my mind consulted you I'm 30 years old why would I need to consult anyone about what I do with my own body because we're your family Sarah shouted because we have values because actions have consequences the only consequences here are the
ones you're creating I could feel tears of frustration building up this tattoo means something to me it's for Mike it's my way of keeping him with me of honoring his memory that's when Sarah said it the words that would change everything oh don't start with that again she sneered I never liked him anyway always showing off with that stupid guitar acting like some wannabe rock star riding around on that death trap of a motorcycle she let out a harsh laugh you know what I'm glad he got hit by that car maybe now you'll finally grow
up and start acting like a normal person the rooms spun around me I could barely breathe but I managed to find my voice apologize I demanded my words coming out in a whisper at first then gaining strength apologize right now for what you just said about Mike Sarah lifted her chin defiantly I won't apologize for telling the truth Mom Dad I want her out of here she's ruining Thanksgiving I looked at my parents waiting for them to say something to defend me to scold Sarah for her cruel words about Mike instead mom stood up smoothing
her skirt with Trembling Hands Tasha I think you should go she said quietly I stared at them all my father avoiding eye contact my mother's lips pressed into a thin line Sarah's triumphant expression and my nephews confused faces without a word I picked up all the gift bags i' brought and walked out the drive to the local homeless shelter was a blur I barely remember handing over the gifts to the surprised volunteer at the door these are all new I explained mechanically the gaming console the art supplies the coffee maker everything's unopened back home I
sat in my dark living room for hours thinking about everything the monthly Utility payments I've been making for Sarah since her divorce the Christmas traditions we'd started last year's trip to Hawaii still fresh and my memory Tommy's excitement when he saw the ocean For the First Time Jake's endless photos of the sunset Sarah actually relaxing for once I'd already booked the Europe trip for this year planning to surprise them with it on Christmas morning but it wasn't just the trips there were the regular shopping spres for the boys school clothes the extra tutoring I paid
for when Jake struggled with math the summer camp fees the monthly utility bills that mysteriously got paid even when Sarah was between jobs and the college funds two years of careful saving making sure my nephews would have options when they graduate uated High School I thought about Mike then about what he would say if he could see all this he'd probably make some joke about Karma then get serious and remind me that love shouldn't be a one-way Street opening my laptop I felt strangely calm the email to Sarah practically wrote itself Sarah I've had time
to think about what happened today and I've made some decisions that I want to communicate clearly I will no longer be sending monthly payments for your utilities since you feel I'm such a negative influence I'm sure you wouldn't want to rely on my money the Europe trip I plan for Christmas is canceled at least for you and the boys I'll be going alone for the past 2 years I've been setting aside money for Tommy and Jake's college education given your concern about my influence on them I'll be closing these accounts and investing the money elsewhere
I hope you'll explain to the boys why they won't be getting their Christmas surprises this year feel free to tell them it's because their aunt's tattoo makes her an unfit influence on their lives Tasha I hit send and immediately turned off my phone my hands were shaking but my mind was clear for the first time since Mike died I felt like was standing up for myself really standing up for myself the next morning I stared at my phone for a long moment before turning it on the notification started flooding in immediately 37 missed calls 63
text messages 22 voicemails the first message I opened was from Sarah how dare you do this to my children you have no right to punish them because you're mad at me call me back immediately then came mom's texts Tasha this is completely selfish behavior we raised you better than this you're letting a tattoo destroy this family dad's message was shorter but equally guilt-laden your sister needs that money think about the boys I scrolled through message after message each one demanding responses explanations apologies but none of them not a single one acknowledged Sarah's cruel words about
Mike or apologized for how they treated me at Thanksgiving around 2: in the afternoon aggressive knocking startled me from my work I'd been trying to lose myself in coding but the sound of Sarah's Voice through the door shattered my concentration Tasha open this door right now Sarah's voice carried through the apartment we need to have a serious conversation I heard mom chiming in sweetheart please letun talk about this like adults I don't want to talk to any of you I called back my voice steadier than I felt please leave you're being malicious Sarah's voice cracked
with tears you're being vindictive think about Tommy and Jake instead of responding I put on my noise cancelling headphones and retreated to my home office leaving them to their Dramatics in the hallway eventually their voices faded away the next two weeks were like olical Warfare every day brought new attempts to break down my resolve my phone became a battlefield of guilt trips and manipulation Aunt Linda called honey family is everything you can't throw it away over something so silly cousin Mark texted come on Tash just apologize and make this right family has to stick together
Uncle Peter tried next your mother is beside herself is this really worth destroying your family over each time family was mentioned I hit the end call button or deleted the message none of them seemed to understand or care that I wasn't the one who had destroyed anything I wasn't the one who had banned family members over body art I wasn't the one who had mocked a dead man's memory as Christmas approached the tension ratcheted up every day brought new attempts at contact each more desperate than the last but Sarah took it to a new level
when she ambushed me outside my apartment building one morning Tasha please we need to talk she called out hurrying toward me through the light December snow I've been thinking about what I said about Mike I shouldn't have said those things I'm sorry I stopped St adjusting my work bag on my shoulder the words I'd wanted to hear for weeks now sounded Hollow especially given the timing are you actually sorry Sarah or are you sorry that I'm not paying your bills anymore sorry that the Europe trip is off sorry that the boy college funds are gone
her face flushed that's not fair the boy shouldn't be punished because of me I laughed but there was no humor in it you know what's not fair you banned me from seeing them over a tattoo you said you were glad their Uncle Mike died but now that the money's gone suddenly you want to make amends the call funds she said her voice cracking you can't just that was for their future you're right it was but according to you I'm a bad influence wouldn't that make my money bad too we wouldn't want my corrupt tattoo money
ruining your children's Futures would we sarahk Face turned from red to purple you have no right no right I cut her off those are your words Sarah your logic if I'm such a terrible influence that I can't be around the boys then surely my money would be just as corrupting I'm just following your lead here this is different she exploded this is their education no this is the consequence of your choices you can't have it both ways either I'm a bad influence and everything associated with me is harmful or I'm their aunt who loves them
and wants to help pick one I turned and walked into my building stopping at the front desk Jerry I said to the concierge who'd watched over our building for the past decade my sister and parents are no longer welcome here please don't let them up to my floor Christmas came and for the first time in my life I spent it alone well not exactly alone I spent it in Paris then Rome then Barcelona I posted no pictures on social media but through the family Grapevine I heard all about Sarah and my parents lamenting to anyone
who would listen about their selfish daughter who abandoned her family over just a tattoo but as I stood on a bridge in Venice watching the sunset paint the canals in shades of golden pink I realized something this wasn't about the tattoo anymore maybe it never had been this was about control about family dynamics that had been long before I got that image of mic Inked on my arm the day I returned from europee did something I should have done 3 years ago I made an appointment with a therapist Dr Martinez's office was warm and inviting
nothing like the sterile stereotype I'd imagined tell me why you're here she said her voice gentle but professional I touched my tattoo absently I need to work through some things family stuff mainly and I need to figure out how to let go of someone I lost while still keeping his memory alive she nodded waiting for me to continue I loved Mike still love him I guess but I know he wouldn't want me living in the past he always said life was meant to be lived boldly and for the first time since his death I feel
like I'm actually doing that standing up for myself making choices for me not just going along with what everyone else wants looking down at the tattoo on my arm the image of Mike with his guitar that had somehow sparked this whole transformation I realized something important this wasn't just a memorial to Mike anymore it had become a symbol of My Own Strength my ability to stand up for myself my willingness to live life on my own terms the mic and the tattoo seemed to smile back at me guitar forever slung over his shoulder eternally caught
in that moment of Joy doing what he loved he'd always live in my heart but maybe now it was time to see what other Joy life had in store for me
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