NEW ChatGPT Projects Full Guide! (Amazing Results)

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AI Foundations
The NEW ChatGPT Projects is a game changer! Watch to find out why... 👉🏼Free AI Community & Resourc...
Video Transcript:
open aai has just released a new feature in chat GPT called projects projects are amazing when used properly that's why in this video I'm going to show you the best ways to use them I'm going to be giving you access to free resources prompts and templates that you can use in order to FasTrack your rate of success and best use projects in order to solve your problems projects in chat gbt really act as folders for you so not only is it a good way for solving problems but really it's a good way for organizing all of your information and it's a very subtle feature there's not some big projects dashboard all it is is in your left-and sidebar if you open it up it's a little section that says projects and it's essentially a spot to keep all of your chat threads and you get to organize this messy sidebar much better than before so you can create projects in the form of folders just to organize your chat threads or when you're solving a specific problem or if you want to create a hub where you don't have an end to your problem and you keep on going for specialized output formatting it's entirely up to you so if I open up this Zoom transcript analysis project and I click into one of my chat threads at the top of my screen you're going to see breadcrumbs and these breadcrumbs are pointing to the chat thread within the project so it's a great way to organize all of your information you can do some amazing things this is what the Project's interface looks like when you create a project you're prompted to give it a name such as this and you can even change the icon color so this is another level of organization you could have color-coded folders maybe green for Finance Red for automations yellow for research you can organize your folders in a way like never before and a lot of people were requesting that feature in chat gbt so now let's get into actually creating a project and everything that goes into creating a successful project in order to create a project you want to go to the project section within your sidebar and hit this little plus button then you want to give your project a name I'm going to name this the aif automation Builder so anytime I want to build an automation for AI foundations I'm going to come to this project because it's going to know my exact direct flow for how I and my team like to create automations we have a very specific formula that we use in order to keep our databases organized structured and in order to have everything flow smoothly so chat gbt out of the box is not going to know the way that a foundations organizes their automations it's not going to know that we have an input database it's not going to know the direct flow of information from idea to input database to an output so I'm going to use this project in order to best explain that with some of the features that comes with this project so let me get into it when you give your project name you want to hit create project and then it's going to bring you to a new interface which is awesome I'm going to close my sidebar and here like like I said you can change the color of your folder icon so maybe I want to make all of my automations in the form of a yellow color so anytime I have an automation type project and I want to create a project with it in chat GPT maybe I'll make it that nice yellow color next I want you to notice you can select different models now if you're not using GPT 40 you won't be able to have access to the file content so you want to make sure that you're using GPT 40 if you want chat GPT to reference the files at least at the time of this video I'm sure as chat gbt gets better and more advanced they're going to get file access to things like 01 and 01 Pro adding files and adding instructions to this chat gbt project is what's going to make it more capable than a regular version of chat gbt any files that you add or any instructions you add to the specific project that you are in this project will use both of them with each other so that means you can in your instructions tell it to reference certain files maybe when a certain word said or when a certain time comes within your flow there's so many cool things you can do with the combination of adding files and adding instructions but it can be confusing understanding where to start what to add how to do it instruction templates formats you know there's so many things to think about when creating a project so what I've done is I've aggregated all this information into one spot for you I've put all the information in our free AI Community AI Pioneers yes it's free you literally all you have to do is join join I'll leave a link in the description or the top pend comment but this is a place where I have all my resources on the channel and I made it free so anyone could access them so if I go to the chat GPT projects full guide as you can see I have resources here for us to use that I'm going to be using for the rest of this video yes it's free this group also gets Early Access to all of my YouTube content they got this video 24 hours in advance so if you want to stay on top of the game and you want to get ahead in the AI space join a free AI Community where you can Network get access to awesome resources and more now we just want to get to know you better okay we found that growing our network has actually grown our knowledge in AI so that's why I'm putting all of this stuff in a community so I can get to know you a little bit better so that I can better answer your questions rather than the comment section on YouTube not a good spot to do it so joining a community that's all about AI is going to help you grow and expand not only when you gain access to resources but when you gain access to a member network of right now over 630 people who are always online talking about AI willing to reach out to you as well so uh that's where I am you know hosting all of my resources but let's start first with adding project files to chat gpt's project once you create your project you're going to want to add files in order to make this thing actually useful so I've added here for my reminder and for the members of the AI Pioneers Community some bullet points for things that you should think about adding to your project files you can add things like images and diagrams PDFs company goals project overviews tools used coding files csvs of your database or maybe your Google Sheets so that it understands a structure of what you're talking about these are things that are going to give chat gbt context within that project file section when you select add files you have the ability to upload documents code files images and more and all of those things that I just mentioned within the community so this is going to give your project access to knowledge that it didn't previously have in order to help you get a tailored solution to the project that you're working on or the problem that you're dealing with the event you're planning whatever you're using project files for maybe you create a general project for research and development or research and learning maybe you just want specific files for it to research and instructions for how you want it to go about research maybe you're planning a wedding a big event building an automation whatever it is it doesn't matter you need to give chat gbt more context to the situation in order for it to help you more so because of that what I've done is I've created something called a project overview and this project overview is going to give enough context to chat gbt in order to get started using projects I think these four points when given to chat GPT even just this one file can help it get you from A to B much faster than it could without it so this project overview I want you to fill out now when you select this project overview what you need to do is you need to provide things to chat gbt like a brief description key objectives problem statement and tools used but what I'm going to do since I have it right here in my resources section is I'm just going to click it and then I'm going to hit file and make a copy so I can edit this I'm going to name it project overview aif automation Builder so I have it properly organized within my Google drive and making a copy is going to allow me to edit this file so right here we need to put a brief description of our project then we need to put key objectives a problem statement so clearly identifying the Challenger Gap that the chat gbt project aims to address so here you're just going to describe your problem so chat gbt understands okay they're dealing with this in regards to their description of the project as well as their key objectives you see it's like okay here's what the project needs to be about here's what I want to achieve this is my problem and then you also have a tools use section I think it's important to list out the tools you're using whether it's online in person whatever it is so I'm going to go ahead and fill this out in order to add it to my project files and this is just one file I'm adding right now I'm also going to add an image of how my automation structure is set up so down here is the image I'm speaking of this is kind of my automation structure that's unique to our AI foundations Community where where we have inputs that go to an input database and then we have outputs from that input database we want everything flowing into the input database first but if I just go to chat GPT and ask it to build me an automation it does not know that stuff so I'm not only going to explain it in my project overview section but what I'm also going to do is add this image to context within the project files but we're going to focus on one thing at a time I recommend everyone fills out a project overview so that they can only understand more about what they're trying to accomplish and put it in words but also so that chat GPT understands the scope of your project the tools you're using the problems you're dealing with and your key objectives so first off I'm going to fill out this project overview and then upload it to my project files I've just finished creating step number one of the project overview which is the brief description now this isn't as brief as I would like it but it's tough explaining my system so even just using natural language in the file section in order to describe and walk through in your head what you're trying to accomplish is going to be very important so I tell it this project is going to serve as a place to build out structures for my make. com automations and also help me build automations in make. com once I understand the flow and structure of how they should work within my see this current system this is what's super important is it's something very unique to me so I'm going to add project files of what is my current system I say I have a very specific way of doing my automations here's a quick outline of how information should flow with within again my system and then I go through a six-step list on how information's flowing through my system so we have an input capture I list out some important information right here we have a data processing step so anytime we get an input we parse and classify that within our database for example we might have an idea and raw text and then we classify it by an input type so I'm telling it here you know we have input capture and we have data processing but then the next step's output generation so processed inputs ready for action once an input has been entirely processed then I can run another Automation in order to get an output for example these YouTube analytics outputs I actually for each one of these YouTube analytic outputs have a separate database that shows analytic backend analytics for my YouTube data which I've then created an interface around so now you know that's kind of the flow and that's what I'm describing here in my project overview we have output generation we have operation and research outputs multi-step and recursive workflows next in this template you want to list your key objectives these I do recommend keeping like actually brief so the the brief description that can be a little bit longer key objectives I mean make it bullet points what do you want for this I just want a Clear Vision whenever I have an idea on how it's actually going to flow within my system so that I don't have to guess and kind of draw it down on paper I can just type in my ideas to my project and it draws out the entire flow for me it says here's how it's going to flow through your input database here's how you can create an interface around it and it just knows my system inside and out so again I'm keeping my key objectives very brief and I'm just saying exactly what I want I say I want to achieve Clarity whenever I have an automation idea on the flow and structure of how it could fit within my AI foundations content generation system and I just labeled what I call my system so that later on I can show you how the aif automation Builder can actually reference and pick certain things out of this project file here now just so you're not lost here remember this is all going to be context that chat gbt can use within our specific folder here so anytime we chat within this folder it's going to be referencing this project overview next after we have our key objectives we want to dive into the problem statement within our project overview so what problems are you currently dealing with that you want chat gbt to help you so just identify the Challenger Gap that chat gbt projects aims to address so here my problem statement looks something like this again using natural language in this project overview it says I struggle to determine the proper flow and structure for my automation ideas and how it fits into my system when the automations become complex and then I also say that I want a collaboration partner because I struggle with errors and how to use certain modules and tools in make.
com again if you don't know what make. com is it's an automation software where you can connect certain apps to each other so that when one thing happens in one app for instance you get an email from from a certain name another thing happens in a different app maybe you take that email throw it through chat gbt all inm make. com and then send it to a slack Channel or something like that next section we want to fill out is the tools used so I won't read all of this to you but I just described the tools that I usually use and what they're used for within my system my project my workflow whatever it is that you're creating just list some of the tools you use maybe you're planning a wedding are you using any specific wedding planning tools maybe you're travel planning what lines are you flying on that would kind of be considered a tool I suppose what trains do you want to take just more context into the things that you're going to be using in order to accomplish whatever you're trying to accomplish I can just toss all this project overview into the back end of my project files and Shad gbt is going to have something to reference each and every time and the reason I like doing this in Google Docs is so I can save this file I can come back and I can edit certain things maybe I add a new tool I could just come in here and add the tool down here and and then re-upload this file but for now things are looking amazing we've filled out the project overview template I'm going to hit file download and I'm going to download this as a plain text file PDFs are sometimes a little bit more Hefty so I recommend going plain text as you can see this is only 4.
7 KB compared to if I were to download a PDF 74 KB so a lot bigger of a file than the plane. txt file so now within our chat gbt project that we've created I can add this file I'm going to add files and then I'm going to upload my project overview here and now we have this document that we can reference so just to show you an example of how these project files are working let me do something for you I'm going to ask in this project that we're currently in with our uploaded file what's the name of my unique system and remember I only put that in one spot and that would be right down here under key objectives my AI foundations content generation system so this is the answer I'm hoping for I'm going to provide no other context in the prompt I just want it to reference the project file I'm going to send it off and then it's going to reference the project file without me asking any other things or giving any other hints and it knows the name of the system the AI foundation's content generation system so that's how it's referencing your file you can even ask follow-up questions about where in your file it referenced that under which section was this referenced and I can send that off and it will tell me the key objective section of the document so as you can see it's very specific and when you actually add good project files it can give you tailored Solutions so this is beautiful now in our sidebar when we open this up we actually have a chat thread underneath this and we can organize all of our chats within this we can even re name the chats within this as well so I could even just name this like aif project file testing now let's add some other project files to this in order to make it even more powerful so like I said in my project overview I was referencing the input database quite a bit the input database right there input database right here so in order to give it more context in regards to my input database what I could do is I could go to my input database and I could download this thing so I'm going to hit download CSV and as you can see we have input database content table CSV you can rename this to whatever you'd like and now that we have the input database structure right here in our downloads we can also add that to the project files so I'll open that in the project files and it says file contents may not be accessible so what can we do in order to see if it is accessible or not well we can go to our aif project file testing and we now ask another question what columns are in my input database I can send it off and remember it's going to search the project files in order to see what columns are within my input database and as you can see it says your input database contains the following columns idea raw text input type and date if I go to my input database the one that I just downloaded we have idea raw text input type and date another thing I might want to add is the photo of the structure so that it can understand VIs visually how content should be flowing so I'll download this image and then after I have it I'm going to add it and then upload it so I'm now uploading an image to this so we now have all of our project files in here that I think are necessary in order to start getting a lot better outputs than using the regular version of chat GPT now that you understand the importance of adding project files you have some ideas on what to upload to project files in order to see some epic results next what we need to do is we need to add instruction Now instructions are key so what I've done here is I've also developed another template for you to use in order to get tailored outputs every single time so these instructions are going to be for very specific outputs that you want if you want it very structured you want it very clear very tailored to you then these instructions are going to be for you it's going to give you very consistent outputs so if you like coming to chat gbt and you like knowing what it's going to give you this instruction template is going to be super useful for you you can also just add your own instructions telling it to reference the project files in a certain way and help you with certain queries you can just use natural language but this template that I'm about to show you is what I've used in bigger projects in order to achieve much better structured consistent responses so also within the AI Pioneers Community under the chat GPT projects full guide section right here I've provided another resource The Meta instructions template now when we click into this it's probably going to look very confusing using for you so I'm going to do my best to explain it and I've also created a GPT to help you when I'm not there to help explain the structure of what these meta instructions are meaning at each step of the way so this is the custom instruction template that you want to give your project now this is the best way for having structured outputs and having it give you answers and reference files directly every single time now remember this is going to go within our aif automation Builder under the instructions section instructions help you tailor chat gbt to respond in a specific way to reference certain files and more so you can ask chat gbt to focus on certain topics as it says here or ask it to use a certain tone or format for responses and if you're ever struggling with this like you don't understand why we're using these certain tags or you don't understand how to implement something you want in your instructions just go to the meta mro GPT that I've given you in the AI Pioneers Community this is going to help you walk through each and every step of meta instructions and it's going to help you craft these instructions for your chat GPT projects so if you're wondering why we use tags like that within our meta instructions template go to the meta mro and ask it if you have any question about the meta instructions template go to The Meta mro now you can go in here and you can just craft this yourself or what you can do is use a combination of the metao and also this prompt I've created in order to use natural l language to help you craft your instructions so that's what I'm going to be doing because I think it's the easiest way but feel free to come in here and just fill out the highlighted yellow sections with your instructions broken down clearly also your example input example output and your file names with brief descriptions as well as the purpose of the template I'm going to show you a way how I'm going to use a prompt in order to craft these instructions for me I'm going to copy this prompt from the AI Pioneers Community hit contr contr shift V and paste it in so it keeps a nice format for us and then we're just going to go through here and fill out the bracketed information so what role do we want chat gbt to fill so for roll I just put an expert make. com automator who understands the structure and flow of my system communication style how do I want chat gbt to respond to me I want it simple and direct output format how do I want chat GPT to Output its responses and how many responses do I want I can just tell exactly how I want the flow to go and how I want chat gbt to give me responses I say I want to be able to type in automation ideas and to have chat gbt give me the proper structure and flow of how it fits into my system in the general sense of how this automation will work once I approve and understand the flow I then want it to continually work with me giving me more detailed steps on actually building the automation using numbered list and action steps so we're basically telling the meta mistro how we want our chat gbt project to perform in regards to the instructions So the instructions are going going to tell chat gbt projects how to act how to respond what files to reference The Meta mro is helping us craft those instructions for the project I then have a section that says here's my project overview in order to help you craft these instructions here is where you want to paste in your project overview that we filled out earlier in the video so remember this thing this is what we want to paste in here at this point so I'm going to scroll down going to copy all of this going to go back to the metam Myro and then where it says project overview I'm going to delete that and hit control shift V in order to keep that nice formatting and now my entire project overview is pasted in here so it knows a lot more about what I'm trying to complete with this next what I have is Project files and what they're used for so here you want to go back to your chat gbt project and go look at your project files and copy them directly so here I can copy project overview aif automation Builder I can copy that and paste in file one name so I'll paste that in right here project overview and then I'm going to give a brief description of its importance so as you can see I just used a single sentence right here to describe what this file one is all about I can then go back and do that same thing for the input database structure in the automation flow image then I have a little sendoff command here craft these meta instructions for me to implement into my project using the template provided combined with my information so we're giving it a ton of different things here and the goal is to have it craft instructions that look like this so we can get the best outputs from our chat gbt project I'm going to send this off now now as you can see it's giving us this big jumbled text which looks kind of confusing but what we can do is we can just ask it to provide this in a code block for us can send that off and now it's going to be a lot easier to see what's actually happening and we have our certain instructions in here based on this entire prompt that I've given you within the AI Pioneers Community if you use this prompt in the metam mro GPT you should get amazing instructions for your chat gbt project like these and these should work very very well but you can also you know edit these instructions if you don't like certain things for example the post acknowledgement walkthr I don't really like how short these output examples are I want them to be a lot more specific and in-depth so I can say I want the and then paste it in to be much more detailed and helpful for me when creating automations I can send that off and as you can see now for this section name the post acknowledgement walkth through it's giving me much more detailed output examples so when it gives me automation building techniques in the actual project it's going to build them like it does in this example here which is beautiful we want very clear instructions when building automation we want the flow in the normal structure to be very basic and very straightforward and clear like it goes from here to here to here but we want when we're actually building the automation to have that be a lot more in-depth like it was right here so now what I can do is I can copy all of this go back to my automation Builder and I can just add those instructions by hitting control shift V now that I have these instructions in here what I want to do is I want to replace this section name post acknowledgement walk through you know this is just for me but I'm showing you how you can do this so I'm going to highlight all of this so I know what I want to replace and I'm going to go back and copy the new text by hitting copy code and then I'm just going to paste it right there and now we have much better response output for our post acknowledgement walkth through I'm going to hit save and now we have everything we need for a successful chat GPT project we have our instructions we have our project files so now I can just come in here whenever I want to build an Automation and I can just give an automation idea and then it will give me how it fits into my unique system because it not only does it have this database CSV it also has an image of the flow and a project overview of what I want we're giving it so much context to work with here now all I have to do is test it out so I can just say something like this in order to test it out I want to build an automation that takes spoken text from a slack Channel and turns it into into a video outline I then can provide a little bit more information if I want I say I have a lot of ideas in my head that I talk about on slack via a voice recording to my team and I want an automation built that takes those transcriptions of my audio and creates YouTube video outlines for me so maybe you have a team channel on slack and you just want to take all of your spoken text and turn it into video outlines well now that it knows my system it's going to be very tailored to me if I send this off it's going to have everything tailored to me so it's going to be using our instructions it's going to be referencing our files and it knows that I have an input capture now and that I have a data processing stage and that I have an output generation so it's giving me the structure in the flow of my system and it's so unique to me and if it looks pretty good I can just say looks good and then remember we set it up in the instructions so that once it was approved the automation flow then it gets into a detailed step-by-step guide on how to build that automation within make.
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