How To Create VIRAL Faceless Motivational Reels To Grow Rapidly! (Step By Step Tutorial)

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Joe Sbiti
Recently there have been *Tons* of faceless instagram pages going viral and growing *Hundreds Of Tho...
Video Transcript:
tasteless videos are flooding Instagram right now and countless Pages have grown hundreds of thousands of followers in less than 60 days all of these Pages have a couple of things in common and today I'm going to be exposing those things as well as showing you a full step-by-step tutorial on how you can make videos like these Pages before we get started why should you listen to me well first of all my name is Joe I own the page as millionaire do aesthetic I've grown them to 200k on Instagram and over 500k on Tik Tok in
less than a year but not only have I done this for myself I've also helped countless others achieve similar results through my Discord server including the page aesthetic virtue which is currently sitting at over 500,000 followers and they've only been going for a couple of months and I'm going to be exposing the exact strategies that helped aesthetic virtue have the growth that they did before we jump straight into the tutorial what do all of these Pages have in common first of all they will have a strong and solid theme which one helps to keep them
within a niche two helps brand the page and three makes it look nice and professional second of all they capitalize on the trends that are going on within their Niche they do this to get the best views possible and have as much growth as they can while that trend is is still a trend thirdly they will have a deep realistic and custom eye voice that I'm going to show you how to create in the video and yes it is the one that sounds like this keep watching to learn how to make this voice fourth they
all use trending and or emotionally fitting background music and if you stay until the end I might just have a free treat for you that will help you with this and the fifth and final thing that they all do is they all copy from each other and other pages but more on that later now you know exactly how these Pages do it I'm going to run you through a step-by-step guide on how you can use these principles we've just talked about and apply them in your own videos now I'm going to go over to my
laptop because that is where I like to edit my videos however if you just have a phone or you want to use your phone this tutorial will still work and you can still do the exact same thing from your phone so first of all we need a script to be able to go and create our video you can use chat gbt to help you create a totally original script if you want however like I mentioned before all of these pages and myself included we sort of copy from each other take scripts from each other and
things like this this is one of the key points that really helps people blow up their Pages as they can use things that have proven to have worked for other people and take it and make it their own so I use Instagram and Tik Tok to find my scripts I just find a script and the things to look out for is if it has performed well for them so as you can see this one on my laptop here actually has 40,000 likes which means it's performed well I will then look out for whether I personally
like it or not and whether I think it would suit my page and the last sort of thing I look out for is if there's any mistakes in the video or I think there's potential to make it better if not it's fine I will still use it sometimes and just put it in my own voice to Brand the content however if there is some mistakes it's even better cuz it means I can go and make this video that is already done well even better than it already is so once I've found one that I like
like I've done here on Instagram I'll just go and save it so that way I can come back to it when I want to go and edit later this particular script is from a page called quote Haven I think this is the first time I've tried a script from there so I found this script I thought it worked pretty well it's got 40,000 likes for him and also there was a few little mistakes in there that I can go and adjust to make it even better so once you have got your script you're just going
to go and copy link and you are then going to go and download it using snap insta which is a free tool as you can see I've already gone and done this so you then press download okay so once you've downloaded the video we then need to get the transcription I don't want to sit here and write out manually so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over to Google Chrome as this only works Google Chrome and I'm going to use a website called descript so we're just go in here and I'm
going to create a new project add a video project and then I'm going to go and select the file here which is the one I downloaded and it's going to start going in once this file has been added as you can see you can press insert into a script and press transcribe and we're going to get the transcription for this so then we can go and make our adjustments to it okay perfect so now as you can see it takes about a minute but we now have the transcript for the video and we can then
go and put this into 11 laps by the way all of these tools I've mentioned I will just Link in the description to make it nice and easy for you guys so you don't have to go and type them up yourselves you can just press a link and find it nice and easy so as I said I'm just going to go and copy this whole script sometimes you do have to be careful because some things aren't fully transcribed properly but this is something that you can just go in and adjust afterwards very easily so I'm
just going to copy this and we're then going to go back over to Safari and go to 11 Labs now before we go and put it into 11 labs this is a pretty key step and one that a lot of people probably aren't going to be too happy with me putting out there to the world but I'm going to show you guys how to create your own custom deep voice like Ven and some of these other Pages now if you do want to create the exact voice that a lot of these pages are using like
ven like Wi-Fi Aesthetics like myself we actually going to need to pay for 11 Labs it isn't much we can just get the cheapest option I think it's like $5 a month if you're not willing to pay for it don't worry I'm going to be suggesting some ways to get around it later the reason we do have to pay for 11 labs and you can't just use the free version is because we need to be using something called instant voice cloning which you can't use on the free version the plan you need is $5 a
month but it's safe to say that once you've grown these Pages the earning potential is a lot more than $5 a month if you are not the alternative is to either use some of the free voices that you can go and find I'll show you way you can find some fre voices now really quickly so you don't want to pay for it and you want to do it totally free you can go to the voice Library up here and there is a tons of free voices that you can use however if you want the sort
of deep voice that everyone uses that sounds really cool we are going to need to pay for it so we can clone different voices right so if you're willing to pay for it you're going to go into the voice lab and press add generative or clone voice and we're going to be using something called instant voice cloning now a lot of these Pages would have originally cloned their voices from YouTube if you go and type in stoic quotes you'll find some pretty cool voices that you can go and clone if you don't want exactly like
vone or like Wi-Fi Aesthetics then you can go and find one from here and get your own sort of voice however if you want to clone their voice exactly I'm going to show you a way to do so so to go and clone let's say ven's voice exactly as I know a lot of people are after this what I've gone and done is I've collected a minutes worth of ven's content as we need a roughly a minute to be able to clone a voice in 11 Labs what I have then done is I have downloaded
this so I've already gone ahead and done this but I've downloaded it and I've then gone into 11 labs and gone to something called vocal remover so is a voice isolation AI where you can isolate voices so as you can see I've going to remove the music as when we trying to clone a voice we don't want any background sound as that will mess things up so now if I go ahead and play this you'll be able to hear it it is sort of Just The Voice isolated naked British woman gets into a taxi driven
by a Chinese driver Okay cool so that gives you an idea so you can just take any of their videos or any of the videos of the people you want to clone and use that voice so now I've got this voice I'm just going to go ahead and save it so once we've cloned this voice we just going to go into 11 Labs go to instant voice cloning and give it a name so let's call it ven why not and what we then going to do is we're going to go and drag this audio into
here once you've done that you just simply press accept and press add voice and as you can see we now have the voice so now I've got the voice downloaded I'm just going to go over to use okay so once we've completed these steps we should now have our own sort of custom voice that we can then go and use it will be similar to the one we cloned it might not be exactly the same but it'll be pretty similar and and it should sound something like this please subscribe and smash that like button okay
perfect so now we've got the script we've got the voice we can go ahead and input this script into 11 labs and make our sound so I'm just going to paste this in as I had it copied from earlier remember earlier I said there's a little adjustments you might want to make to the script now is the time to do it so for example one thing I noticed when I was watching this earlier is use because and because really close to each other so something that I think will make it sound a little bit better
is instead of having because and because have because she was dying due to cancer okay another thing to play around with this is something that you're just going to get better at as you sort of use 11 labs and make custom voices more but if you want there to be a bit of a break or a pause you're just going to go and put a full stop at the end and also if you want to emphasize a sort of word if you put a capital letter at the start it's really going to emphasize that word
once again these are things that you'll start to learn as you start doing it more and you can play around with it change the pent of your scripts add certain emphasis on certain words um but yeah just this this is something that will come with time okay so now we've got our script I've made a few adjustments to it I've added a few full St stops where I want it to sort of be a bit slower we're then going to go and press generate okay perfect so our script is generated and it sounds pretty good
just to show you guys sort of what it sounds like um this is the start of it one day a girlfriend gave a challenge to her boyfriend to live a day without her voice sounds pretty good sounds pretty similar to vant okay so now you're going to go back to cap cut and open it up in a new project and we are going to add our voice cool so we've now got our script the next thing we need is Clips to go along with the script I have my own file of clip so I'm just
going to go and import this if you guys want to use my personal file and use the clips that I have I'll leave it linked in the description you can go and check it out but if you don't want to use my file and you want to find your own Clips you can find sort of Clips everywhere from Instagram to a site called pixels and I'll show you guys how to do this later okay right so for this specific script they're sort of talking a lot about a girlfriend and a boyfriend so I think it
would be perfect for me to go and get some clips from a place called plexal as I can search up specific clips and find the ones that relate to what they're saying so this is the website called plexal once again I'll leave all of these Linked In the description but you're just going to go to videos and search up what you want so I want a girlfriend and a boyfriend or things that resemble that as that is what the script is about especially at the start he right so as you can see we found our
first clip we need to make sure that the ratio is uh 9 by 16 as that what it would be for a phone and that's what you want for short form content so we found our first clip and now we're just going to go and do this throughout the whole thing using some from my folder and using some from pixels I'll see you guys when that is all done okay right so I just took some time making sure I found all of the right Clips this one specifically because it is a story is going to
have a lot of clips from sort of plexal and my folder that relate to the things that they are saying inside the story I've also gone and added in my logo once again this is optional I also make my logo a little bit see-through by putting the opacity down um yeah just so it doesn't affect the video too much as like I said it's a story and there's a lot of things going on where the logo could get in the way all right so the next step is to now go and add Auto captions so
I'm just going to go over to text press Auto captions and create it's going to create us some captions they aren't always 100% accurate but we can go in and adjust them so once we've done this the next thing that then is important and some of these bigger Pages do is to help brand their page they have a certain type of font or text that they use so I would suggest going and finding your own original font if you can I use a pretty basic one just classic two I then U make sure the first
letter of every word is uppercase by pressing this here I also put a stroke on it and I turn the stroke down to 20 thickness and I put a bit of a shadow on it and that's how I do my text copy me if you want but I would suggest trying to find your own sort of original font as once again this is another slight thing that can help brand your page another thing to note is I put my font size down to seven most of the bigger Pages have a smaller font there's a few
reasons for this one CU if the font is small people have to pay a bit more attention to read it and two the main reason is because it won't get in the way of the clips and get in the way of the B- roll in the back of the video so once we've done this we're just going to go Ahad and adjust all the captions so they're not all on two lines like this right now the next thing to do is to go and chop all of this up so I'm just going to go into
captions and I'm going to cut it so that everything isn't on two lines I never really want anything on two lines I always want it to be one line so for example one day girlfriend gave a challenge to their boyfriend gave have a challenge to their boyfriend I want I'll after they go and listen to it and cut it where there's a bit of a break but I think that should work so I'm just going to do this for I won't bother you guys over this whole process but you can go and do this yourselves
another slight thing to note is I always try and match up my text with the cut in the clip so as you can see there's a cut in a clip and it will always match up this just make it look nice and clean and there's no Split Second where it's cutting out and you can see the old text of the new clip is just cut and it's all together okay right so the text is all done as you can see it's all been chopped up so none of it is on two lines and it's all
in the middle of the screen so now the video is looking all good we've got the auto captions we've got the footage we've got the script however what ises every Val video need it need some music in the background now what you can do is you could just go and copy the music that you took from the script if you really like it and you think it's really fits the vibe of the video if it's not then you can find your own one when I'm trying to find sounds I'll typically go to Tik Tok to
try and find find sounds and I'll look in the comments if they post under their own original sound I'll look in the comments to see if people are asking for the song and you might be a to find out that way however if you can't there's an alternative way to do it it's a little bit embarrassing but you can use Google and the humming thing um if you don't know what that is I know we've all seen the advert probably a thousand times I put up a screen recording of what it is but essentially you're
just going to Google and you can hum a song and it it works pretty well to be fair so if you really like a song and you hear it and you really like it and you want to use it in one of your videos and you can't find it anywhere the last result is humming to Google and you should be able to find that song however I did mention in the beginning that if you made it towards the end you might get a free gift and that free gift is going to be my folder full
of sounds so over the last month I've been collecting a lot of sounds and I've actually got a folder filled with sounds in a Google Drive so I'm going to stick this in the description you guys can go and find that there's some good sounds in here that you can use um yeah once again totally free so go and check that out if you would like but I've actually already gone and picked out a sound that I think will work quite well with this video once again this is a process of trial and error I'll
test different sounds see what works see what doesn't doesn't work and just basically do it until I get one that fits okay so I've got and added the sound I don't want to play it cuz I don't want to get copyrighted or anything like that but the next thing to then do is to make sure that the sound isn't way too loud like you don't want it to be way too loud louder than the voice you want it to be pretty low once again you can use your own judgment for this a way that I
used to judge it is if I'm struggling I'll go and play a Tik Tok or an Instagram video to see if the sound of mine is similar sort of levels and if the sound of the music and the voice is once again similar sort of levels okay so we're pretty much done we're getting close towards the end but last sort of thing some of these Pages do to try and brand their page once again is they add some filters and adjustments to make their videos look a bit different and original for example ven is very
dark and is black and white so I'm going to show you guys how to do it exactly like bsen today so what you're going to want to do is go back into cap cut and go into the adjustments and you're going to press adjust custom adjustment and you're going to drag it across the whole clip once you've then done this what we're going to do is you're going to go into basic we are going to turn the saturation down all the way so that way it's black and white like alen has his videos want the
brightness to be - 15 so I'm just going to do this all the way into it's -5 put the contrast to four put the shadow to -3 and then this last step is optional I don't think waren does it but I'm going to put this up to 10 it just sort of creates a dark Bard around the edge which I think gives it a bit of a cool look once again these aren't War's exact settings or anyone's exact settings you can go and play around with these yourself but I'm just showing you how to get
a similar sort of vibe for your video another thing a lot of these Pages have been doing recently is adding these sort of particles over the top so once again I'm going to show you guys how to do that today I literally want to YouTube and searched up uh parles on a black background and I downloaded a video uh once again this exact one is inside my clip pack but what you're then going to do is you're just going to extend it across the whole video so if you need to add it in multiple times
then that's fine cut it to the point where it's perfect and then as you can see it's now created a black thing across the whole screen which we don't want so what you're going to do is you're just going to drag this to fill the screen so it fully fills the screen perfect and we then going to turn the opacity down to whatever you want it to be really bear in mind the video is already quite dark because obviously you've played around those settings so I think something like 15 you can't really see it when
it's 15 so what we're going to do is we're going to go and play around with this until we find somewhere where it looks good so after playing around with it for literally like 30 seconds I've found a number that seems to work and that number being 32 however as you can see this makes the video a whole lot darker so I'm actually going to go back into the adjustments if you do want to add this overlay and have like dust flying around or whatever then make sure you go into the adjustments and change back
cuz you don't want to be too too dark so I'm just going to turn up the brightness uh to minus 7 so I'll put it in half uh and I'm going to half all of these settings um yeah so that way it shouldn't be too too dark but once again you can play around with this and figure something out that works for you and that is pretty much just done we've covered every single step to create a real like this I think it looks pretty good I'm actually going to be posting this on my pages
millionaire. aesthetic so if you guys would like to see the finished product with the music and everything as I can't put the music on this YouTube video I've also get copyrighted so what I'm going to do is I'm going to leave a link to this in the description as I'm going to be posting it on my Instagram so that way you can go and see the finished product and you can see how it performed as well so now the last few final steps would be to go and Export this I would then personally airdrop it
to my phone as I post everything from my phone and then that's about it now all you need to do is be consistent post one to three times every day and I'm sure you're going to see some good growth with your account if you stay at it long enough now if you have any questions feel free to drop them in the comments as I reply to every single one of my comments if you did find this video valuable in any way I'd really appreciate it if you could drop a like on this video and if
if you did enjoy this one I'd highly suggest you go and check out this video over here as I talk about some tips that are going to help you to get from zero to 10K Instagram followers in a week and if you haven't already make sure to subscribe with those post notifications turned on so you don't miss anything that we have got coming
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