if you are one of those patients who suffer from tartar be currents will the dentist every six months to do the removal and it is noticed that when it leaves there in 10 days the guy are already if forming again then follow this video with me I'll give you a hint very cool how to remove these mailmen at home that's right you are no tips to doctor Ana Maria and the sun Dr. Ana Maria caverinha staff no I skip this video where I'll give you very important tips and if you skip you will lose ok
if you are not subscribed to my channel leave it there registration leave your like at the end leave your comment to know if you liked this information then the tartar is a worrying thing if you cares about them go to the dentist cleaning and scraping is very important how often you get treated at however I'm here now defending the your side and me giving some tips on how to eliminate these expensive ones at home first step people It's natural But you know what you will need tip number one vinegar of apple that's it the apple
cider vinegar it has in its composition some acids that are able to dissolve stones teeth that are retained there between goods but you cannot use in large concentrations because if you go do a therapeutic treatment with the apple cider vinegar it needs to be diluted because we dentists have a lot fear of the patient ending up causing a erosion process and even loss of tooth enamel due to acidity of vinegars but apple cider vinegar dissolved in water I'll give you a quantity here you go and as a mouthwash That's right but it's not just that
not after you brush according to mine my guidelines I have a video explaining how brushing perfect you follow there follow the guidelines make brushing you go flossing my super tip besides making the mouthwash with vinegar of apple is as follows apple cider vinegar concentrated in a cap you take the floss the way I taught to you there in the dip in the vinegar of apple once a day dip in apple cider vinegar and make the removal make hygiene and interdental with apple cider vinegar is not an hour to another that the tartar will disappear but
if not recent tartar you will see an improvement in two three days until completion of this procedure and what removes tartar prevents it from tartar from forming is really the good one flossing hygiene now when we enter with the vinegar of apple it is extremely bactericidal and he manages to break the bacterial wall and it is adhered to your dentist if you are going to remove this tartar manually you can't but be hurt and cause when is to cause up to an infection second tip for those who are following my natural guidance tips is the
use of tea tree oil For it is the oil tea tree for those who don't know is a oil taken from an Australian tree of the tea tree and that tree is a tree that has been studied for a long time and now with conclusive studies Sims os including famous universities in the abroad as here in Brazil Unicamp o and the EPs have scientifically proven it this tea tree oil is a bactericide extremely powerful and he in aid of cleaning you already do at home use of oil with cleaning decreases or eliminates dental tartar It
is true dental calculus the sea that you will use this tea tree oil he is extremely focused So you will use two drops of oil tea tree not iced glass of water you will notice the concentration level of this oil it is very strong so it is just two drops don't have to do more than thatthat I can't ingest from in no way this concentration she must be swished and spit out right or if a legal question after you do the brushing you will do yours mouthwash this mouthwash takes a minute each interval we can
and three cheeks in a row all right the wire dental in the way I explained for you folded in the middle you go dip the floss there in concentration you made in the solution of tea tree oil will soak and go flossing between teeth o tea tree oil in solution it is strong it is also extremely bactericidal and it can dissolve more quickly faster than apple cider vinegar tartar that is stuck there You need it frequency and determination how many times do this a day every time you can brush you can brush optimally two three
times at day is the time you will do and the time it will start to eliminate new ones tartars ok people these tips are very nice they are natural you don't know where to buy oil and enter below in the description gives a look at my virtual store if you have a letter and are going to do this one experience keeps coming back to me and count how long you are managing to reduce your tartar or even eliminate ok I hope you enjoyed a big kiss and until next time