How I use Reddit and AI to find winning startup ideas

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Greg Isenberg
In this episode, we dive deep into the process of finding validated startup ideas from Reddit using ...
Video Transcript:
okay you're in for a treat today I'm going to share my entire process all the AI tools I use to come up with startup ideas from Reddit how to find gold within Reddit I don't know why more people aren't doing this uh I've I've come up with startup ideas from Reddit that have built me multi-million dollar businesses uh there's just so many validated ideas out there and it's it's the place I go to when I'm looking for a startup idea but I'm really looking for a validated startup idea I'm looking for an idea that I
know that with a good chance if I go and build this people will resonate with it [Music] start so uh without further Ado I'm going to share exactly how to find new ideas are validated how to find gold uh the you know the four-step process I use and if you stick around to the end I'll also show you how to create content people will love because it's it's not about just building a product anymore you need to attract an audience you need to build a community and content is so key with that so I'll show
you how I use Reddit to actually come up with content ideas so I'll just go ahead and and share my screen so so the first thing I do is I use a tool called Gummy Search and it's free to sign up they also have a paid plan I'm using the paid plan and where I go is I go to the trending section within Gummy Search now I could see here are the top subreddits sorted by largest sorted by active sorted by growing and what I'm generally looking at is how fast is this thing growing daily
weekly monthly yearly um so I can see you know Galaxy Ring the rich subreddit you know India Sports so I get a good sense of it but the mistake people uh make here is they they focus just on these big subreddits what I like to do is actually go to the 10,000 to 100,000 member subreddits these aren't the massive subreddits but they're the ones that there's you know it answers the why now question why should I go and build something for this community well it's generally a newer Community uh it's trending it's in people's minds
it's in the Zeitgeist so as you can see here it's starting to sort by 10 to 100 th um and I just you know I'll just scroll it I'll just scroll it you know and just you know see what I find interesting and I'll ask myself okay autistic with ADHD is there something here do I do I have an unfair advantage in that um in that you know subreddit maybe I know someone who who suffers or am someone who suffers from that from that and I can go and build something for them um so I
just go and I I start looking and scrolling and I ask myself what you know is this interesting uh do I have an ability to create something here and I just start taking notes you know pull out a notebook pull out a Google doc and just say saying what's you know are there any is there anything here that's really interesting to me you can also change the time frame so you can say I only want the top you know growing subreddits that uh are growing a lot daily um and sometimes you get some interesting uh
interesting responses to that that you wouldn't otherwise get in sort of the monthly or or or the or the larger one so um I I I tend to play around with these the da there's weekly and there's monthly so you know if you're looking for a niche I would check something like gummy search like this every few weeks to see what's new and they also have a curated uh you know curated section where you can go in and you can say Okay they've already curated the 26 subreddits for software Engineers um or software developers and
you can go and and add that to your audience and this is something I look at too but I'm I'm more interested in seeing what's growing and why is it growing because those again those are the opportunities and you know the 10 to 100,000 is is the range uh where where you want to look at so that's step one go and see what's trending within within Reddit the next step is once you've picked uh a subreddit that you think's interesting it's about how do you find the problems and potentially solutions to that subreddit so that's
going to help give you I mean you need to come up with a startup idea right because you're going to charge money for it um and uh these are agency businesses that you can start there SAS businesses that you can start uh they Marketplace businesses software businesses um brick and mortar businesses cpg businesses you know you're going to see through the problems and solution and the beauty is Gummy Search allows you to find that pretty easily so let's go pick a uh a subreddit that we think is interesting so we're in the 10 to 100,000
let's say in the growing and let's what's something that okay plastic surgery too big too big 265,000 no let's go to 10 to 100,000 okay dog food so we're going to go and add to audience so you create the way gummy works is you create these audiences so you can see in the past I've created like dentists and designers it's kind of like what is the community so you know people into dog food and then you can include similar subreddits into what's called an audience has added eight communities to the audience people into dog food
beautiful so see now I have all these people into dogs and this is where the magic happens what they do is I could go they basically organize it into pain and anger uh hot discussions top content advice requests solution requests money talk you know all this stuff here and when I'm looking for a problem solution I want to see what's the pain and anger right so I go and click the pain and anger and what of the things I really love to do is see what are the common patterns you know within this community so
it uses AI to basically go through uh here you can see 53,9 49 words and it summarizes all these submissions it's going to find you know Common patterns and this is going to help me uh basically you know come up with um ideas for you know people into dog food and and dog community it takes about 20 seconds I'll take this you know brief moment to say like subscribe and comment on this video uh if if you you know I'm giving away all my secrets here so if you want more of this type of content
please like subscribe and comment it's the only way it's the only way I know I should continue creating content like this so wow all right we're all set so now you can see a bunch of different patterns so you can see potty training challenges with new or rehomed so there seems to be you know a bunch of Interest around you dog struggling with potty trains dogs reluctant to walk outside uh loss of of a dog loss of a best friend you know eating habits loss of appetites are you not coming up with ideas right now
because that's how my brain works um you start reading this and you're like wait maybe there's something I can I can build here to help you know dogs with you know potty training maybe there's content I can create that is just all about you know this topic you know dogs reluctant to walk outside as they get older or you know just you know being stubborn you know stubborn you know just thinking of you know you start reading through this and it gives you ideas it's wonderful you start writing it down again you go to
your Google doc and you start writing it down what would be an idea idea here what would be an idea there and I know there's there's people listening to this that are going to say well there already exists you know dog Pony training you know businesses um and that might be true and and and and you definitely need to go and do some research and be like okay what's the competitive landscape in this space um but more often than not you'll notice that you know the marketing is bad and they're not doing anything on social
and you know there there's an opportunity to partner with creators and you can create a pretty simple MVP nowadays that uh you can create a nice small business maybe you already have a full-time job but you can you know create a business that doesn't take much work that starts you know producing cash flows that ultimately be could become something that you go do full-time or you're just looking for a startup idea uh and you go all in so anyways I digress you know going back to to the patterns you can just sort of go and
you can read it and it does a really good job at just um you know summarizing some of the biggest you know pain and anger the next thing I I generally click is the advice and requests category so this is beautiful so this actually uh it's going to summarize what you know what are the advice that people are asking for you know in these in all these communities you know there's there's so many times that there's thousands of people that are are asking about hey like I need what do you what should I what product
should I buy here what should I do here these are people screaming they're screaming they want they want these products to exist and it's your job to go and figure out how to build it how do you build it efficiently and how do I you know Market it efficiently to these people um but the ideas are out there so here here you can see you know people there's some patterns around dog dog breeding uh recommendation I always sort of look to see you know how many upvotes and comments these things give you know are getting
you you definitely there there are are times sometimes that Gummy Search isn't 100% accurate so you know you want to double check these things um but yeah it gives me like a direction a directional okay A lot of people are asking for dog breeds okay what breed a dog would you recommend uh what's best for us um you know maybe there's like a website you can go and create that you know take you know there's a survey and and and you you know based on who you are and you know which trips you like to
go on and what m music maybe it's you know you put in your you log in with your Spotify and and based on that it gives you a dog breed um these will give you ideas so you just start reading through um all the advice here that people are giving and there's there's other ideas here and other uh advice requests you can see dog food recommendations interesting our poodle mix is losing his teeth due to old age um so there might be an opportunity to to build something you know a soft a way softer dog
food um focused on Senior Dogs um so you just I just scroll through it and I start again writing down mental stimulation for dogs how to keep my dog mentally stimulated ways to entertain not such a clever dog um and you just go and you scroll and you and you write notes and then one there's another there's you know another piece on Gummy Search I love I love checking out is the solution requests and I always checked this out last the solution requests is is basically is basically people saying you should do this you know
here's what I use this will give you a sense around competitive landscape different products that people are using how people are dealing with all their problems um and uh this is you know super super worthwhile to get a sense of just the lay of the land so uh dog food recommendations uh you can just you know SC scroll here and see you know what are the products here so this will help you basically just give you a good competitive landscape um and and you can go ahead and write that down on your Google doc that
will serve as like a one pager for your your business idea once I've figured out the problems in Solutions then what I do is and I've written out this one pager I go and say who are the creators in this Niche so generally what I do is I use a perplexity doai it's it's free to sign up you know usually what I'll what I'll prompt is something like who you know actually I'll say give me the 25 most popular dog influencer on YouTube and it'll list it out I'll put this usually in a uh in
a uh Google sheet or something like that and the reason I do that is you know okay why you're asking yourself okay why are you doing this like why you know why does it why do I care about the creators well generally what I do here is I'll go and find these creators so I'll go to YouTube someone named Doug the Pug I land on Doug the Pug and I don't think this is going to be super valuable sometimes you have to go back to you know perplexity and be like I don't want funny YouTubes
I'm talking about the top youtubeers that are educational for dogs here we go now we're getting like dog trainers um dog training tutorials now we're talking so let's just say okay we're going to go to Kiko pup so I pull up Kiko pup 43,000 subscribers perfect so I'll go to her videos usually I like to support by most po uh sort by most popular so I can see here um complete guide to Poppy training what to train first so I get to our puppy training tutorial and then what I like to do here is with
741 comments like they are the top comments and of course there's going to be people joking about um about the comment about the video um but when you start reading some of these comments you get a sense to what people want you get a sense of uh what are they thinking about and you you can you just I put myself in their shoes you know you can just whistle like this proceed to do the most melodious whistle of all time you know this is the just you just go through it go through it and start
reading you just start reading this and uh you you know it just helps you to put yeah again put you put yourself in their shoes and I do this with about um you know maybe 20 or 25 videos and I start writing what am I learning on my on my one pager then what I do is I I wireframe out the website so I'll give you an example you know uh I found in one of the niches uh for startup Entre R preneurs using you know Gummy Search that people are upset with designers that people
you know designers there's there's just just artist and my website looks might look beautiful but it doesn't convert or it doesn't actually do anything so uh I you know started wireframing out um what a design agency would look like that actually cared about copy and conversion and getting people to click and get you cash and basically this mix between copywriter and marketer and designer and I just like I mean took a you know made a framer website and wire framed out what this would look like based on um the insights that I gathered from Reddit
and I just put it up so I wire framed it up put it up in a few hours on framer and uh just started posting about it so this is that's my process to find ideas it's just you know Finding trending subreddit see what's validated see what their problems are see what their Solutions are uh start writing this down wireframing it out come up with a catchy name so when I'm when you go through all these subreddits sometimes what you can do is actually you can create a company with the same name as the subreddit
um so it's not just about coming up with a cat you know a a validated you know catchy startup idea it's about what's a validated catchy name that's going to resonate with people as you can see here design science it's a new category it's different and I I got this Insight you know when some you people were like you know I wish a designer was more like a scientist less art more science so you're going to get these insights from just going through this um and last but not least I'll be true to my
word how to create content people will love well here I use Gummy Search what I do here is let's go back to the dog food here go to top content and you just look at what's the best performing content right you're going to get again the common patterns you're going to get the common patterns and you see what's working and you can iterate from there you see the types of formats that work is it you know long stories is it memes like what does this audience care about what does this community care about um you
can see loss of beloved pet seeking attention today I saved a dog's life like stories like this so again you go through this and the same process that you come up with startup ideas you come up with content ideas through here it works absolutely brilliantly and you can even ask questions and you can do this with you know uh solution requests and pain and anger on Gummy Search too but you can also ask it a question about top content in this audience do they love memes and again just really fun to play with you you'll
learn stuff so here you can see that you know comments like snuggle puddle a literal dog pile you know it's it's a mem like uh Community it's not like people are saying they love memes but uh you again you start asking a question I use Gummy Search and products like this is kind of like an entrepreneurial assistant it's your co-founder except you don't have to pay them or you have to pay for Gummy Search if you want access to this um but you don't you know you don't have to pay them a salary you don't
have to give them Equity so you just you know ask them questions and it'll it'll connect dots it within your brain so there you have it I hope this was uh interesting to you to me what I love so much about using Reddit and social YouTube and Tik Tok to come up with startup ideas is it's like you're teleporting to different communities and your job is to just observe and write and come up with ideas that is are going to resonate with them and I've just I've seen this you know work time and time again
where uh like design is you know it's a seven figure business from this from from this uh methodology it's it's it's doable um and uh I I I'm happy to create more content like this uh more videos like this showing you how to how I cook in the kitchen and uh you know but just let me know in the comments if if you enjoyed it um and let me know what you end up building happy building everyone and uh I'll see you later [Music]
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