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Grace For Purpose
Watch God Cancel Every Evil Word Spoken Against You When You Pray 📚Grace For Purpose Prayer Book n...
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words are powerful a lot of people live with scars from words that were spoken to them words spoken against them and words spoken about them the Amplified translation for Proverbs 15:4 it says a soothing tongue speaking words that build up and encourage is a tree of life but a perversive tongue speaking words that overwhelm and depress crushes the spirit the older and wiser we grow we know the old adage that says sticks and stones may break my bones but names and words shall never hurt me well that's simply not true words hurt words can wound
words are a powerful force and if you were there and you've been on the receiving end of heart words or hurtful words I pray that the Lord would move and heal your heart now part of the healing process when it comes to any negative words or evil things spoken about you or to you is that you should focus on God's word God's word has a lot to say about you and about who you are focus on that build your identity based on what the word of God says people will say hurtful things family members may
say hurtful things but you will walk around bitter angry and scarred for life if you choose to let those words Define you so I'm encouraging you today to choose the word of God let his word Define who you are let your identity be found in the pages of the Bible begin to declare Psalm 139:14 I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made wonderful are your Works my soul knows it very well begin to declare Romans 8:37 no in all these things I am more than a conqueror through him Who Loved Me declare Philippians
3:20 but our citizenship is in heaven and from it we await a savior the Lord Jesus Christ and most certainly declare Deuteronomy 28:13 and the Lord will make you the head and not the tail and you shall only go up and not down if you obey the Commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today being careful to do them you see see rather than beat yourself up about your imperfections your weaknesses or your shortcomings you should see yourself through God's word you should identify yourself in God's word the Lord sees you and
he considers you to be precious so precious that he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for you on a cross he sent his only son one who was blameless and pure to Bear all of your sins all of your iniquities all so that you would not perish regardless of what anyone says the Bible says that you are loved you are forgiven you see God sees you not only as who you currently are but as the man or woman of God you are becoming regardless of what anyone else says remember that God sees
you God knows who you are and only his word can Define you now pray with [Music] me father I pray for every soul under the sound of my voice may you heal them from the wounds of any hurtful words that have been spoken against them any painful words that were spoken to them and any negative words that may have been spoken about them heal every listener King Jesus so that we may no longer walk around carrying the weight of hurtful and evil words that were spoken against us in you King Jesus we see ourselves living
free from the feeling ings of guilt and shame from the enemy we're free from any condemnation Because of You Lord in you Lord we see ourselves living free from confusion free from anger and free from bitterness but instead Lord we choose to live in peace with boldness and self-control because our identity is found in you King Jesus your word tells me that I am the light of the world and a city set on a hill cannot be hidden your word in 1 Peter 2:9 says but you are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy
nation a people for his own possession that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light your word in Psalm 121: 7-8 tells me that the Lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever more in you Lord we're healed we're restored we're loved and redeemed in you King Jesus every evil word spoken against us has no power over us every evil hex or spell is useless in Jesus
name father we open our hearts and we invite you to come and heal us emotionally where our hearts have been broken heal us Lord where our minds have been guard heal us father wherever we have been hurt or abandoned by the words of others let your healing power flow your word in Psalm 147:3 says he heals the Brokenhearted and binds up their wounds there is nothing you cannot do Lord Jesus there's no pit so deep that you can't lift us out and dust us off there's nothing so dark that your light can't shine into it's
in you that we have Redemption through your blood and the Forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of your grace father I pray that my identity may only be found in you and in your word make me an empty vessel that the holy spirit will pour into make me an ambassador of Christ right here on this Earth and Lord Jesus I pray that there would be total and complete healing in our lives from any negative words that cause us pain I pray for complete emotional healing so that I can be an ambassador for your
word help me to live according to Ephesians 3: 17-19 which says so that Christ May dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the bread and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God so father right now I thank you for removing every painful area in my life that has been connected to the words that others have said to me father I
thank you that my spirit is recovering from everything that has been said negatively to me or about me God I thank you for the arm that I wear so that when those words are hled they don't penetrate but they bounce off they can't get to my mind because of the helmet of salvation and so father I thank you for that now I thank you Lord that everything that the enemy has said about me has not stopped me it has not had the power to overtake me because you surround me and so father I thank you
I thank you for healing me I thank you for loving me I thank you for protecting me may you dwell in our hearts Lord Jesus not the opinions of others or the words of others but may you dwell in our heart Lord Jesus father I bless your Holy Name Your worthy to be praised thank you so much for hearing and answering this prayer in Jesus name amen I'm about to read to you a very crucial passage of scripture that's in the Bible and as I read these verses I want you to take special note of
what the Bible says about your heart your mouth your eyes and feet proverbs 4 verse 23- 27 says keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of Life put away from you a deceitful mouth and put perverse lips far from you let your eyes look straight ahead and your eyelids look right before you Ponder the path of your feet and let all your ways be established do not turn to the right or the left remove your foot from evil it's a key thing to note that this passage of scripture begins
and starts by talking about the heart think about your physical heart if you have a bad heart then the rest of your body's in Jeopardy if the heart quits working then everything else quits working you can't have a dead heart and a healthy ear same is true with our spiritual heart if the heart is good then What flows out is good however if the heart is bad What flows out of our heart will be bad guarding your heart can be challenging because the heart is attacked from so many different angles this world and its Pleasures
are after your heart Satan is after your heart and our own sinful flesh wants to attack and fill our hearts with sin and when we're having a hard day or going through tough times it can be easy for our hearts to drift away the next area we need to be careful of is our mouths we are to put away our perverse speech our mouth actually reveals what's going on in our hearts there's evil in our hearts if there's sin our mouths will reflect that the words and actions that flow from our mouths reveal where our
heart is actually at we may look spiritual from the outside however our words will reveal our spirituality and now to the eyes we're to keep our spiritual eyes directly forward think about your physical eyes if you're driving and you don't keep your eyes directly forward you're going to get in some real trouble some of the worst crashes are because our eyes are focused on something else such as a phone or somebody in the back seat and our spiritual eyes can do the same thing when we turn our eyes away from the Lord we're prone to
stumble and the final area mentioned in this passage of scripture is all to do with your feet when we focus on keeping our feet on the path we move in the right direction if you're going for a walk on a trail and you decide to get off the trail you're much more likely to get lost however if you focus on keeping your feet on the trail your path is laid out yet again the same is true spiritually if you follow the moral path God's laid for you you will not stumble however as you seek your
own path it becomes so much easier to stumble I encourage you to pray that your heart would not be drawn to sin pray that your mouth would not be filled with perverse words pray for your eyes to remain focused on God and for your feet to be led by the lamp that is the word of God we have to be guarded even in a season of pain because sometimes that's when we're most vulnerable everyone has and will suffer hurt in life we all have to endure some kind of wound suffer some type of disappointment suffer
wounds and scars that should have could have and probably still can destroy destroy your faith kill your hope destroy the trust in a marriage steal the future of a young man or taint the eyes of a young lady the enemy does come to steal kill and destroy if you're not guarded he doesn't need an invitation to come in and attack but the mistakes that we think is that when the devil attacks a Believer it should be fire in Brimstone something of a Grim Reaper look Alik but no it's problem after problem it's issue after issue
one thing after another with an intention to wear you down get you to a state of being sick and tired why do you think the Bible tells that they who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength it's so you won't get tired of this enemy I read a powerful quote on something Billy Graham said many years ago he said that 75% % of patients in hospitals would be made whole if they would only forgive think about that some people hold on to certain emotions certain negative emotions for so long and eventually those emotions manifest
themselves in sickness Proverbs 14:30 says a heart at peace gives life to the body but Envy rots the body bones Envy is a feeling of jealousy it's resentment and the Bible tells us that Envy an internal emotion rots the bones meaning it has a physical external result Hebrews 12: 14- 15 says pursue peace with all people and Holiness without which no one will see the Lord looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble and by this many become defiled notice that this verse doesn't
even warn us to be cautious of bitterness itself it warns us to be cautious of the root the root of bitterness now the root of a plant is not visible to the naked eye we may only be aware that a seed was planted when we see the fruit so when the Bible says see to it that no root of bitterness Springs up it's because this emotion of bitterness is so destructive that it needs to be uprooted as soon as the seed germinated the Bible is telling us not to even wait until you see the fruit
of bitterness cut it off at the root and so dear listener I aware that in this life all of us will experience unpleasant emotions at one point or another we will experience the pain of portrayal we'll experience heartache and loss we might even suffer maltreatment and Injustice but my message to you is that you should learn to forgive learn to Let Go Don't hold on to everything negative pray for the Lord to heal your wounds pray for the Lord to mend your broken heart pray that you would be someone who doesn't repay evil with evil
but instead have the love of Christ and repay evil with good I encourage you to pray for God to give you the capacity to be able to forgive and move on don't live a life where you're imprisoned by toxic emotions no Jesus Christ offers you peace Joy Victory despite what people do to you in Jesus you can have freedom you can have life and have it more abundantly is it not alarming that there are those Among Us who say the name of Jesus but they don't have them in their hearts in their intentions or motives
does it not alarm you to think that there will be a day when there are those who think they will enter the Kingdom of Heaven only to be rejected and told the words I never knew you there are certain passages of scripture that demand your attention they confront you and lay down the gauntlet when it comes to living for God versus living for self and the passages of scripture that I'm about to read can be uncomfortable for some because they are incisive they are clear-cut and they divide righteous from un righteous holy from Unholy and
lukewarm from a burning believer of Christ one such scripture is Matthew 7: 21-23 the Amplified translation says not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my father who is in heaven he will say to me on that day when I judge them Lord Lord have we not prophesied in your name and driven out demons in your name and done many miracles in your name and then I will declare to them publicly I never knew you depart from me you are banished from
my presence you who act wickedly disregarding my commands for you and I to enter the kingdom of heaven we have to be obedient to the will of God and the will of God can be found in the word of God because John 1 verse1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God so if God is his word then surely his will can be found in this book that we call the Bible and so this means God's will can be found in Acts 16:31 where the Bible
reads so they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved you and your household God's will can be found in Romans 10 verse 9 where the Bible says if you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved God's will is that you should not be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewal of your mind God's will is that you should abstain from sexual immorality God's will is that you should not be of a
proud Spirit but humble his will is that that you should lean not on your own understanding you should not have any Idols Saints if we are to see heaven then we need to follow God's will and his will is in his word and so to the person searching and asking what is God's will for my life I encourage you to open the Bible and you will find his will for all of us as Christians we all need to have a desire to grow we need to strive to be mature Believers and there are a few
passages of scripture concerning spiritual maturity that I would like to share with you first Peter chapter 2 veres 2 and 3 as newborn babes desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious take note of that no one is born a giant in the faith when we're born again and we come to know Christ we're all like newborn infants and as such newborn babies long for Spiritual milk and I believe this is in line with what Jesus was teaching in Matthew 4 verse
4 when he said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God this tells me that spiritual milk is the word of God and we're to feed on God's word we are to feed our spirit with the divinely inspired word of God now if you read second Peter 3: 18 the Bible says but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to to him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity amen once again this theme of growth
for the believer comes up grow in Grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ you see grace is a gift it's given to someone who hasn't earned it and who cannot pay it back in 1 John 1:14 it says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we have seen his glory glory as of the only son from the father full of grace and truth Jesus when he walked this Earth he was full of grace he forgave those who did nothing to deserve it he loved those who did nothing to deserve
his love he had mercy on those who didn't deserve it he helped and showed kindness to those who didn't deserve it and if we're to be like Christ if we are to be disciples then we too must grow in Grace we must forgive those who hurt us even when we know they deserve what's coming to them we must love those who don't love us and show mercy and be kind to them all of This falls under the Commandment to love our neighbor now we also need to grow in knowledge the Bible says my people perish
for a lack of knowledge knowledge is an area that we need to intentionally grow in we need to grow in knowledge about the word of God knowledge about the weapons that are available to us as children of God so that we can defeat the Devil we need to intentionally grow in the knowledge about the role of the Holy Spirit In Our Lives knowledge about the influence of principalities and rulers of Darkness that we Face daily we need knowledge about how we should deal with raising our children in a fallen world we need knowledge about how
to produce good fruit consistently in our lives
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