How to be so charismatic people start questioning your sanity...

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Jak Piggott
Just my experience with charisma over the years, hope it helps :) Instagram: @jak.piggott TikTok: @...
Video Transcript:
you want to know the fastest and most Sure Fire way you can get ahead of 95% of the people your age be charismatic it is statistically proven that the people who are more charismatic attract a partner they actually love they land a job that is actually fulfilling that makes them more money and they live an overall better happier life and if you look at me I'm just a regular dude with a scruffy ass buds cut who just likes to yap on camera but I have Yapp for a pretty long time so I reckon I could
teach you a thing or two of about being charismatic and look you don't need to be very charismatic you just need to be a little bit charismatic because no one in our generation is actually charismatic so do yourself a favor because your future self will thank you in a day a week a month a year from now for taking this stuff in few months ago I had a friend come and visit me let's call him Johnny he came to my hometown so jonno and I went down to my local pool and next to the pool
there is a table tennis table and we went into the pool gets good in a minute to get the table T equipment and there's an extremely attractive young woman at the counter my friend walks in behind me but when we're walking up to this girl he walks in front of me to talk to her at that point I didn't know why he did that but he tells me in a minute and he starts you know I don't know kind of not flirting with her but having that flirty type of tone and you can tell I'm
I'm I'm observing this girl you can tell she likes it you can tell she has a smile on her face but you can tell in her eyes she's interested in my friend johnboy he possessed an energy where you'd be around him and all you'd be is confident you'd feel full of yourself not too full of yourself but you'd feel full to yourself at a point where you're not arrogant but you're very very confident around him he makes you feel like somebody so we go and play table tennis he beats me I think it was like
out of seven games he wins like four to two we go and return the equipment it's getting dark and that's still that girl still working there we walk in and as soon as she sees him specifically cuz he's in front of me she just lights up bigger smile on her face it's like a 10-second interaction so we return the equipment we walk out and I'm like brother she was lit up when she saw you why didn't you shoot your shot and he's like oh I don't really know the area I'm not going to you know
just talk to a girl I've seen for the first you know for for the first time I would have shot my shot if I was in his position I'm just saying we up in the car to drive back to my place and I asked him bro like how do you get that confidence like you know what what made you have that confidence what made you have that Charisma all he said was two things number one pure intentions for other people actually wanting to see people smile just from you know your energy and not really giving
a [ __ ] in the process so the day after that I just went for a walk right where a few people would be walking so I'd be able to you know say hello and maybe set up a conversation or two and all I had in my head was that intention just to make this person smile right out their day that would probably mean I would have to smile as well bring that positive energy I had no conversation plan and that was the best preparation I could ever do just those two things who cares if
people judge you and I'm just going to go in hoping this person Smiles if they don't who cares doesn't matter I'm just going to reflect positive energy that is the foundation it's very hard you can still be charismatic without that but it makes it so much easier when you're actually in it for other people of course you're in it for yourself you don't really care what people think but you genuinely just want to see other people smile you're probably wondering why I have Ohio and Dubai on the board let me get to it you and
I are going on a Hol together and we can only go to one of these two places our choice of these two places assuming if we you know P personify them is that the right word to use whatever city holds the most Charisma we are going to visit Charisma based on our values and beliefs cuz really all Charisma is is energy if you think of better it's an emotion you're feeling around somebody that you can't gain with someone else or to the extent of this person how they giving it to you if that makes sense
so if we value a more luxurious type of experience a rich type of experience a networking type of experience a business type of experience the buy is probably going to be more attractive to us okay if assuming Ohio is more simple than Dubai I haven't been to both of them so don't judge me assuming oh p is more of a simple maybe relaxing experience I don't know we are going to be more attractive to this cuz it aligns with our values and I'm only saying this to prove the point that you are not going to
impress everybody people think Charisma is being able to RIS up anyone try to get any girl or make as many friends as possible no it's the ability to make or maximize the relationship you have with specific types of people who align with your values and your beliefs you won't be able to impress everybody you won't you won't be the doesn't impress everybody maybe it impresses you because you love that luxurious Rich lifestyle you like how does how do people not like to buy maybe you're more of a nature person how do people not like nature
how do they love being around a [ __ ] ton of people it doesn't make sense it's the same thing with Charisma bro now I'll touch on this very very briefly because it's a percentage it's a part of Charisma and that is physical attractiveness if we were just going off of physical attractive this from these two cities on which to visit we'd probably visit the B that's just my perspective maybe you like the more simple visually appealing the buy seems better in my opinion so physical attractiveness is definitely a part of being charismatic it definitely
you know I'd say it's maybe a quarter of it maybe a fifth of it but once you get to actually know people it doesn't matter that much and I'll explain that in a minute without getting to looks Maxi here to maximize your attractiveness just simple things drinking more water eating better diet getting better sleep eliminating your bad habits getting more sunlight getting more vitamins all these really simple things will definitely help you however let's say we choose to go to Dubai for our holiday together we go there for 2 3 weeks when we get to
Dubai we want to feel a certain type of energy we don't want to go to Dubai and feel poor or maybe you want to go to Dubai to feel poor so you can be motivated to become more rich I don't know but let's just assume my expectation is to feel rich in this Rich environment if the B doesn't do a good job at making us feel that way it isn't very charismatic I want you to create and reflect a certain type of emotion that you feel within yourself for me that is inspiration I love feeling
inspired and hopefully my character can reflect being or reflect inspiration so a way to become more inspirational is by setting goals putting your actions over your words maybe speaking a little less but having your actions do the talking achieving you know amazing results and hopefully the people who don't envy you CU you don't want these people in your life you want the people who are inspired by your actions these are the people you want to attract you can attract them to a greater level than the people who don't have that vision and goal setting so
I want you to go deep within yourself how what do you love feeling what's the emotion you love feeling and how can you reflect that emotion in your personality and your character I can guarantee you each and every single one of you have something inside yourself that makes you unique you might not attract a whole lot of people but you attract better people better people you attract one Diamond compared to one pieces of gold that are the same size of that diamond that diamond is probably more valuable now let's go back I think we I
think we've done with the cities we might be back to in a minute let's go to jar my handwriting is horrible anyways we're in the carb chatting and he asks me basically my journey from where I am now to when I was 15 years old studying YouTube because he does YouTube as well and it probably took me around 3 minutes to really share my whole experience and he did such a good job that he turned that 3 minutes and John boy if you're watching this video you probably know what we're talking about he turned that
30-minute conversation into at least a 60-minute conversation simply by his ability to big ears two ears one mouth listen because of his ability to listen you you might have heard it a couple of times it's pretty popular now amongst like the communication skills being able to listen but it's definitely true the quality of your questions determine the quality of your conversations your communication skills I would say is the probably the most important important part of being charismatic your ability to speak your ability to change tones of voice right to bring off certain emotion because again
Charisma is simply energy tone of voice is energy so you're feeling a different energy right now cuz I've soften my tone if I up my tone you might listen a bit more it's all about energy basically like if you just think about it and I'm I don't claim to be no guru on some [ __ ] I'm not trying to portray that but it's Common Sense deeply listen ask to listen not ask to respond all right don't ask how your day how's your day going just because you want to say good you say how's your
day going to actually hear the other person which comes back to the foundation which is pure intentions and wanting people to enjoy your presence smile be inspired I will leave a video at the end of this video on how you can improve your communication skills cuz I already made like an 8 minute video on it I'm not going to go over it again and when me and jonno were talking he was a he's a very good communicator he is but paired with that communication was an element of authenticity that just made me trust him you
could tell that again he had pure intentions for me it all comes back to those pure intentions if you have that you're fine he had authenticity what makes someone attractive to you like let's say friends what makes a friend attractive to you if you have have a friend who is not trustworthy he he goes against his word he never shows his weaknesses he he he acts really perfect compared to the person who is the opposite of that they show their weaknesses they're not afraid to be trade is not perfect because they have confidence within themselves
who do you want to hang around who do you want to connect with I don't think it's the guy you can't trust authenticity equals trust now how do you be more authentic a lot of people think that authenticity is venting no not talking to a therapist bro you're talking to a friend all right you're talking to a part you're talking to a girl you're talking to a potential girlfriend I don't know authenticity simply means showing the vulnerable side of you like with me yeah I'm talking you know like how to gain Charisma but I go
extremely red when I get embarrassed and it makes me look like an idiot honestly it does it make like I make these videos but sometimes I go really red when I'm maybe I'm giving a speech or I'm talking to somebody it's just I don't know just something I have that's something that I will share with somebody I I do not portray myself as perfect it's the same thing with you cuz it portrays trust okay it's very very important authenticity is a massive part that really is paired with communication also in your body language as well
body language is definitely important but I think that's been covered on various other YouTube videos I think the most important thing about jono's authenticity when he was sharing his darker moments I felt that I could share my darker moments as well and I could be my actual self around him because our actual selves we have faults we do nobody is perfect brother that's the danger of social media because it tries to rewire our mind to believe that that is not the case when you be yourself people may judge you they're not the people who you
want to attract just like these cities right you might not want to go to Ohio don't attract people from Ohio attract people from theb but a percentage of people I would say most people will be able to trust you more and they will feel like they can be themselves around you if you can be 100% yourself around somebody like imagine you have that feeling around someone you can be 100% yourself there's no there's no judgment how much do you want to hang out with them you probably want to hang out with them all the time
that is you that is being charismatic charismatic isn't it it is a part of confidence yes but it's about I don't know if you think about it it's all about trying to build strong relationships with people relationships isn't always way sexual it's business friends um professional and you make this person feel something around you the best way you can do that you can make them feel comfortable by simply sharing the vulnerable side of you so hopefully again I'm not a guru or coach I never will be I'm always a student just like you but that's
what I've learned over the last three years hope that help BR and I'll actually catch you in the next video this time this one if you need to improve your communication peace
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