let's Jump Right In tip number one the very first thing to help you again speak English with confidence is to immerse yourself in English media now I'm going to break down this tip a little bit more but I want to say it again immerse yourself in English media we are living in a time where the internet cell phones computers all of these technological advancements have connected us in ways that did not exist 20 30 40 50 even 60 years ago and that means that for you as an English learner this is the best time to
take your English to the next level you you can do this because the internet is available to you that's how you're watching me so in order to speak English with confidence you must immerse yourself in English media let me break it down some more for you you have to surround yourself with English books movies TV shows and music to expose yourself to the language consistently in our last lesson the previous week when I told you the story during story time I got another one for you later on I mentioned how I learned the importance of
consistency the same is true for this tip you have to consistently on a consistent basis be immersing yourself in the English language you need to immerse yourself in the culture as well so maybe you're wondering to yourself Tiffany H how can I do this I live in a country where I'm actually the only one learning English or maybe you live in a country where you have friends trying to learn English but there's no other native English speakers around you let me tell you this even if you're in that situation you can still immerse yourself in
English get out your cell phone if you have get your computer whatever device you have where you access the internet get that device find a podcast you like find YouTube channels not just with English teachers like myself I'm happy you're watching the video or listening to this lesson but find other videos on YouTube about topics you're interested in music food technology whatever you're interested in but find a channel that is run by by a native English speaker and watch it immerse yourself in it even if you don't understand everything in the beginning at the beginning
you might not understand every word every expression they're using but over time you'll start to understand more we're talking about helping you speak English with confidence you need to immerse yourself in the language and the internet is now giving you the ability to do this even if you're not living in a native englishspeaking country so number one tip number one immerse yourself every day be watching something or listening to something or even reading something in English enjoy it though have fun with it all right tip number one now let's move on to tip number two
again we're talking about helping you speak English with confidence tip number two practice speaking with native English speakers now you're probably thinking to yourself once again Tiffany how I'm not in a situation where I have access to native English speakers my friend don't you worry don't worry let me explain this tip a little bit more it's important to find conversation partn Partners or join language exchange programs to practice speaking with native English speakers you can engage in conversations on various topics now you might be in the situation where you cannot afford to pay for a
tutor again going back to what I said earlier my friend you do have access to the internet go online find Facebook groups Facebook forums go online and find different websites where people are chatting having conversations and join the conversations you don't have to start out with I'm sorry I'm an English learner or I'm sorry my English is not good no just hop you see that if you're watching the video hop right into the conversation that's how you will improve your English confidence people don't care if your English is the best or if you make mistakes
just get involved with the conversation people will be interested in what you have to say now the important thing is when you're entering these conversations make sure the conversations are about topics you're actually interested in if you don't like politics Jo don't join a politics Forum but maybe you're a gamer right maybe you like video games or maybe you're an individual who enjoys talking about history join forums join groups where these topics are being discussed and what's going to happen is you're going to develop relationships you're going to develop friendships and over time you'll start
speaking more with certain individuals in these groups and you might actually say hey you guys want to hop onto a zoom call and let's actually see each other let me tell you a quick story this is not part of story time don't worry story time is coming later but this happens so in my Academy I run the speak English with Tiffany Academy and again you are welcome to join our family the link is in the description but in my Academy I have watched my students become best friends I have watched students traveled to other countries
to meet each other and they literally are now best friends they've met each other's families why because online they were interacting with each other now the same can happen with a n English speaker if your goal is simply to get to know them this is a tip I want to give you in conjunction in addition to this tip when you are speaking with native English speakers remember we are humans too we know that you want to learn our language and we know again I'm a teacher so it's totally okay my position in this relationship is
as your teacher but when you're trying to have conversations with other native English speakers remember the other person on the screen if you're having a video call the other person on the opposite side of your texting is a real person so they don't want to feel like oh you really don't care about me you just want me because of my English just remember we're all human beings and the moment you start caring about them as a person that's when you'll start developing deep relationships and will actually help your English fluency I experienced this many times
when I lived in Korea and I had so many conversations with other English teachers saying like man there are some students we just click with why because they treat me like I'm a person I I'm not just someone that can give them what they need but they care about me and I've developed some close relationships with students of mine who were students initially but are now literally very close friends so again this tip I want to help you your goal yes I know you want to speak English with confidence but with this tip in order
to practice speaking with native speakers care about the native speaker unless you're paying for a tutor it's totally okay in that relationship they are your teacher they are your tutor but if you're going to these free platforms and trying to start conversations just keep in mind they are people and they want to get to know you just like you'd like to get to know them you got me excellent all right let's move on to number three number three tip number three is listen to English podcasts when I say you have so many podcasts totally free
podcasts at your disposal ready for you you can again take out your cell phone or on your computer listen to these podcasts totally for free now again you already know about my podcast the speak English with Tiffany podcast of of course I think it's a wonderful podcast many students agree and I hope it helps you but I'm not just speaking about podcasts run by English teachers I'm speaking about podcasts run by native English speakers where they're just speaking about topics that they're interested in this is so important again it starts with you knowing your interests
what are you interested in and then go on online go to your phone if you have a podcast app look for podcasts about that topic and start listening here's the thing listen to English podcasts on a variety of topics to improve your listening skills and expose yourself to different accents vocabulary and expressions we are talking about helping you speak English with confidence but the way you start speaking with confidence is also by improving your listening skills you're gain confidence in your ability to comprehend what is being said and then you'll apply the patterns that you're
hearing the words that you're hearing being used and the Expressions which will inevitably help you improve your English speaking ability makes sense right now again it's important to find podcasts that are related to top topics that you are interested in you don't want to find podcasts about random things because you're not interested in random things so find podcasts that are really about topics you are interested in and these podcasts will help you improve your listening skills if that makes sense I want you to shake your head there you go I love it I love it
all right now I want us to move on to number four tip number four another very important tip if your desire is to speak English with confidence you need to write in English daily listen you need to write in English daily now I'm going to show those who are watching this lesson I know those are listening cannot see what I'm about to do but those that are watching this lesson right behind me you'll see tons tons of notebooks right here these are just some of my notebooks and I have tons of notebooks on the right
side of me and also in my work bag in my office closet I have tons of notebooks everywhere why because I write a lot now I write down things related to this business how can I help more English Learners how can I make better lessons how can I dot dot dot in an effort to help you reach English goals I write things down there's something that happens when you write things down it helps your brain process information and it also helps you retain information so for you as an English learner set aside time each day
to write in English whether it's journaling writing essays or practicing grammar exercises seek feedback from native English speakers if possible remember the goal of this practice is not to get every single word that you write corrected is the grammar right no the goal is to help you process your thoughts and produce them on paper in English it's interesting right I'm helping you speak English with confidence but the last two tips have been about listening and writing not speaking the reason is because because of the way our brains work in order to speak with confidence the
very first thing that must happen in your brain is your thoughts being organized so you have to process your thoughts so listening to other people processing their thoughts actually helps you learn how to process your thoughts better in English the same is true for this tip writing in English in order to write something down on a piece of paper you have to process information what what do I want to say what do I want to write about my day today in order to write I must first organize my thoughts so for you my friend your
goal is to speak English with confidence I'm telling you right now if starting today you begin writing it doesn't matter the amount of time remember I said last week consistency and just doing it as long as you pick it could be 2 minutes it could be 5 minutes it might be 15 up to you but do it every day just write what happened during your day write something that you heard that really impressed you I guarantee later on what you wrote is going to come out of your mouth because you've already processed it in your
brain makes sense right excellent all right here we go tip number five another important tip here we go take advantage of language learning apps listen S I am telling you the time that we are living in right now you have everything literally being put on a plate for you meaning it's so easy to access things that back in the day were very challenging to access I remember when I was learning Korean at that time the only thing really available was Rosetta Stone some of you may remember and some of you might not remember what Rosetta
Stone actually was it was the most popular language learning program at that time at that time we didn't have these amazing uh cell phones with all of these language learning apps my friend download a language learning app and use it now of course you know I also have an app the English with Tiffany app and I encourage everyone to download the app the app is free to download but why do I encourage you to use this app again you might not that's totally okay there might be another app that will be helpful for you go
for it but why do people like myself teachers or other individuals create these language learning apps because we know how important it is to be consistently engaging with the language you always have your phone with you so when you're sitting on the bus or you're traveling somewhere or you just have a few moments you can open your phone open the app and even for five minutes practice something so whatever app you choose again it might not be my app English with Tiffany and that's okay but if you find another app make sure you're using it
so let me explain this a little bit more a little bit more use language learning apps again like the one I mentioned English with Tiffany to reinforce your language skills practice on the go and discover new ways to improve your fluency my team and I for the app that I've created again hopefully you'll downloaded the link is in the description we work continuously to figure out ways to help English learners hey this is a good practice um application we can help the students really start using on a regular basis or hey let's add this to
the app this video Lesson to help students why because our entire goal is to help you achieve your English goals and the same is true for every other language learning app you have the opportunity to download multiple apps that will help you on your English Journey all right now again I have practice lessons after every one of my video lessons and for those listening to the podcast you can practice in the app why I want you to reach your goals and so do other English teachers and people that have created language learning apps so use
the apps they will help you so much technique number one news analysis that's right news analysis now for this technique you're going to read read and analyze news articles covering various topics like politics current affairs and economics why because this will enhance your comprehension your vocabulary and your critical thinking skills and to be very honest as your English teacher this is the most important part important part of this technique enhancing your critical thinking skills you see again I know your goal is to speak English fluently right that's why I'm giving you these techniques but in
order to speak English fluently my friend you must first think you got it in English you have to train your brain to think like a native English speaker you need critical thinking skills you need to be able to answer the five W's who what when where and why give reasons to support your answers and details and many other things connected to properly thinking in English so with this technique of news analysis you're going to find various articles and because of the time that we're living in right now you have access to the internet that's how
you're watching me maybe you're on your cell phone right now looking at the YouTube video or maybe using your computer or tablet but you're using the internet right now to watch this lesson or you're listening to it via a podcast app on your phone well the same internet provides you with various news articles in English find articles about various topics then you're going to take your pen and a piece of paper or a notebook and start analyzing what is this article about who is talking where is the issue what's the country answer the five ws
analyze that article now in the beginning it might feel like you're just studying for a test but no my friend you're training your brain to do what yes think in English because your goal is to speak English fluently so again number one is news analysis you have access to so many news articles online blogs and different websites pick an article and analyze it all right technique number one news anal is now technique number two is just as important in order for you to speak English fluently this technique must be used debates and discussions once again
debates and discussions now I'm going to break this down don't worry this is not Story Time hey that's coming at the end don't miss story time but I remember being in high school as a native English speaker remember my goal is to help help you start sounding like me a native English speaker and I believe you can do it I remember when I was in high school well over 25 years ago right and I remember my English teacher teaching us how to debate why was that so important because she was helping us native English speakers
Americans learn how to organize our thoughts to prove a point to present an idea to support our debated topic right we were learning how to organize our thoughts so when you participate in debates and discussions you'll also learn how to organize your thoughts so listen closely engage in written or oral debates spoken vocal right and discussions on topics of Interest very key it must be on topics of Interest things that you're actually interested in if you don't care about politics don't don't debate about politics right you want to debate something you actually care about music
art science Sports whatever it is right this will help you practice expressing your opinions and sharing your ideas man I love this listen because your goal is to speak English fluently that literally only means you have the ability to express your thoughts your ideas and your opinions that's what it means to speak English fluently to be able to eloquently present your thoughts when you participate in debates and discussions on topics you're interested in you already have a database in your mind information that you have gleaned over time built up this database in your mind right
and when you go to a debate you'll have something to say the more you practice doing this whether verbally or typing online having a discussion about a certain topic the easier it will be for you to speak in other situations about that topic we're talking about helping you speak English fluently this is a very different way for you to study English I'm sure you used to studying books and just going to a course and just sitting there right no I want you yes continue doing that but also to really start taking control of your English
Journey all right so number two debates and discussions now I will say this don't be rude don't be mean debates and discussions these can be very healthy debates right I have debates with my nieces sometimes hey what's the best fruit I love apples true story my nieces they like strawberries I'm like okay strawberries are good but I like apples because dot dot dot that's a healthy debate we're just having a debate or a discussion right make sure it's a healthy debate or a discussion don't be upset enjoy the conversation you got me all right here
we go technique number three technique number three reverse translation reverse translation listen very closely pick a short text in your native language that's right I'm telling you whether you speak Vietnamese Spanish French Creo whatever your language is pick a short text maybe a paragraph in your native language then translate it into English this will help you start thinking more in English pay attention normally your issue your struggle right nod your head if you agree you see something in English someone gives you a paper and there's English on it and you're like okay immediately your brain
goes to translate that text into your native language has that happened before you can shake your head yes right I've been there too I was there in the past when I was learning Korean right immediately translating it to my native language English what I'm telling you to do is the reverse take some text piece of paper that has a paragraph on it even online that's in your native language right and now force yourself to translate that to English why is this so important remember in order for you to speak English speak English fluently you must
first yes think in English we're getting you to this point where you'll be able to speak English fluently and with confidence in order to do that you have to think in English so reverse translation again as your English teacher I'm telling you yes this is okay find text in your native language and translate it to English it's okay to use a dictionary right to look up words that maybe you don't know but this technique is going to help you more than you realize now your brain is going to say okay when we see text in
French or Creole or Spanish we need to translate it to English the reverse is happening you got me right excellent all right so again third technique reverse translation let's move on to technique number four vocabulary expansion again vocabulary expansion and the first thing that popped into my mind before I give you the explanation of this was my niece my niece is s years old right now right and she's learning many things in school right she's expanding in her vocabulary now as her aunt right I'm 41 years old at the time of this recording I am
a lot older than her I've been studying a long time I've had many more experiences I've been exposed to many other things right many more things than she has right in her seven years of life so I have a more expansive vocabulary what does that mean it means that I am able to express my ideas express my opinions express my thoughts more eloquently than my niece it's not about her being smart she's extremely smart it's just that she needs time to expand her vocabulary right the same is true for you first and foremost you are
smart you are intelligent you simply need to apply this technique and expand your vocabulary in your own language I'm sure man you can really speak right now we want to get you to the point to where you can express yourself the same way in English so here we go regularly learn and review Advanced vocabulary related this is key pay attention related to specific fields or areas of Interest using flashcards or vocabulary building apps like memorize or Quizlet or there are other apps and actually I do have an app but I'll tell you about that in
a second a totally uh free app and also I have a free newsletter so here's the thing though the more you expose yourself to vocabulary of course the wider and more vast your database of vocabulary words will get but notice I said related to a specific topic this is the key and over my many years of being an English teacher I've realized that when students English Learners like you learn vocabulary that is connected to something they tend to retain it a lot longer I want you to retain the vocabulary and be able to use it
during conversations so again learn vocabulary related to a specific topic of Interest now I said earlier again because of this desire I literally started a totally free you heard me right a free daily English vocabulary email newsletter all you have to do is go to www. daily English vocabulary.com the link is in the description or you can go there directly what is this again I have taught thousands upon thousands millions of students on YouTube but thousands upon thousands of students in person and the one thing I know that each student no matter what your level
beginner intermediate or Advanced each student needs is vocabulary and I could not find a vocabulary email that was sent every single day with five new vocabulary words about a specific topic so I said Tiff you have to make it and I'm just doing this because I want to help you so again it's free you don't have to pay anything it's just to help you every day expand your vocabulary so hit the link if you'd like you don't have to because it's free but I want to help you expand your vocabulary this is going to in
the end help you speak English more fluently all right so let's move on to technique number five simulated conversations again simulated conversations what does this mean act out various roles in a dialogue or conversation using language learning Apps scripts or improvisation techniques to improve speaking fluency and confidence this will help you feel more comfortable in real life situations now if you've ever wanted to be an actor or an actress this is your Technique listen many times when you're studying English you feel this stress you feel this pressure you feel this nervousness right with this technique
the goal is to help you release all of those things the goal is to help you feel more confident the goal is to help you enjoy the process so you're going to act out situations let's say for example you're going to get some food right I want you to imagine a situation where you're going to get some food from McDonald's Maybe right in America right you can find a script right the typical things they ask you right how you respond how you place your order then act it out and reverse it you be the person
taking the order hi welcome to McDonald's how can I help you may I take your order play these things out role plays help you why because then your brain knows oh when it comes to English we don't always have to be stressed this is an enjoyable experience so different things will be released to help you calm down make sense so again simulated conversations or in other words role play here we go let's move on to technique number six transcript analysis transcript analysis now what you're noticing probably is that these techniques are not the regular techniques
you've probably been following right or utilizing right but these techniques work transcript analysis listen to spoken English materials as TED Talks totally free on YouTube or podcasts and simultaneously read the transcript we have ai at our fingertips now right there are so many tools available right now so you can get a transcript for free of a podcast of a YouTube video get the transcript and read along with the person speaking why this will help you analyze sentence structure intonation and vocabulary usage for example you watch the these English lessons with me right and I think
you enjoy them I enjoy teaching you right I change my intonation very often for example if I was teaching you this class if I were teaching you a class and I just said all right next I want you to do this and then do that you'd probably immediately click off the video why because all of a sudden it's the same intonation it's not interesting when you watch a video when you listen to a podcast and you're following along with the transcript your brain starts making a connection when we say it like this we need to
okay bring the intonation up all right bring it down slow down a bit speed up a bit your brain is more amazing than you realize so many things can be learned subconsciously you won't even realize that you're learning these things right so this is what I want you to do again transcript analysis find a video find a podcast download the transcript and follow along make sense good job all right here we go technique number seven authentic writing authentic writing now you need to regularly challenge yourself to write essays articles or blogs on diverse topics in
English this will help you learn how to sound more like a native and improve your writing skills now listen I have had so many students tell me Tiff writing is so challenging in English I don't know if I'm writing the right things or the wrong things listen creativity listen very closely creativity is super important when it comes to speaking English fluently and many times creativity just comes out don't worry don't restrict yourself don't worry about any rules I tell this to my students so many times in my Academy and they're like Tiff are you going
to correct this NOP just keep talking it's okay keep going let it flow over time the corrections will come over time you'll also self-correct the same is true with writing just get it out now behind me you'll see I have tons of notebooks if you are watching this on YouTube I write all the time many times I'm writing down ideas I have things that I want to do to help you speak English more fluently other things that I need to do throughout the day I write a lot now I'm a creative person right but I
didn't always like writing it wasn't until I started writing about things that I actually cared about that I started to enjoy writing so authentic writing figure out what you're interested in and take time to write those things down on a regular basis this is going to help you speak English fluently why because you have to organize your thoughts in order to write something down got it all right here we go technique number eight listen to English audio or videos and transcribe what you hear as accurately as possible this is technique number eight it's called dictation
exercises again dictation exercises so once again listen to English audio or videos and transcribe what you hear as accurately as possible write down what you're hearing as you compare your transcription with the original it will help you identify mistakes and improve your listening skills you wrote something down and you have six words in the sentence but actually there were eight words wait a minute I missed those two words ah okay she said this listen again all of a sudden you'll be able to hear the words you missed how is this helping your English fluency as
you're listening you're also being able to take in new words new expressions and new ways of expressing your own ideas and opinions we're talking about speaking English fluently so again dictation exercises compare your transcription with the original and recognize what you missed and what you got right you got it excellent here we go technique number nine oral presentations oral presentations what I want you to do is to prepare and deliver presentations on topics of Interest incorporating research visual aids and engaging speaking techniques this will help you improve your presentation skills and gain confidence in public
speaking now you may be asking yourself how am I going to do this there's no one around me to present to I don't live in a native english- speaking country what am I going to do in this situation let me explain this everything I'm teaching you right now these techniques specifically this one right here when I was in high school even middle school middle school high school college even at my first job I had to do and give oral presentations I had to practice organizing my thoughts about specific topics I had to make sure I
could present information to those listening to me in a way that they were able to understand what is that speaking English fluently being able to present an idea in a way that the person listening will be able to understand and follow along so when you're doing this no one needs to be in front of you it's totally okay but you need to figure out wait a minute I want to say this how can I break this down so that people understand now I would encourage you to present it to other English Learners that's totally fine
if you have a community like my students in my Academy we have a community a telegram community and they're able to bounce ideas off of each other they record videos upload them to our group and their friends give them feedback to let them know hey I understood that that was very clear hey I didn't understand this part can you give me more information about that and that helps them develop their speaking skills for you again the same is true create oral presentations and then if you have to talk to yourself in a mirror I did
the same thing when I was learning Korean I remember very vividly being in the bathroom of the dormatory that I was staying at and getting up around 4:00 a.m. before everyone else got up and talking to myself in the mirror practicing what I was going to say this will help you speak English more fluently removing the nervousness and helping you convey your idea properly technique number 10 language learning challenges language learning challenges Now set monthly or weekly challenges for yourself such as reading a book in English watching movies without subtitles or maintaining a conversation in
English for a certain amount of time this will help you achieve your goals faster because you will have more structure listen very closely it's all about setting these Milestones things you're working towards so each month or each week if you have time figure out how you are going to challenge yourself for that time period and work towards that goal hey this month teacher Tiffany told me about the transcription technique I'm going to watch one video a week trans describe it and then compare what I wrote to the actual transcript I want to do four this
month so that's one each week immediately you have something to work towards it's important to challenge yourself and you can also participate in other challenges that might be presented to you online but challenge yourself here's the deal my friend you can achieve your goal this year you will be able to speak English fluently but you have to do something different from what what you've already been doing what you've been doing has gotten you to this point but you want to get here so you have to change what you're doing these techniques will help you here's
tip number one tip number one is read a short news article and summarize listen very closely read a short news article in English and summarize it in writing this will improve reading comprehension and writing skills the key is to summarize what you have read let me explain why this is the first Insider tip to improve your English fluency reason number one why this is so important it exposes you to various vocabulary sentence structures and writing styles your brain my friend is absolutely amazing so as you're taking information in as you're reading these articles you're actually
seeing various patterns you're seeing sentence structures you're seeing new words used in context which will affect your ability to speak English fluently the second reason why this tip is so important is it enhances your understanding of how information is organized and conveyed in written English when you improve your reading skills you actually will end up improving your speaking skills now we'll talk about confidence don't worry I believe in you right but again this will enhance your understanding of how information is organized when you're learning another language it's important for you to learn how people who
speak that language actually think how do they organize their thoughts that's why I talk about the five W's all the time who what when where and why in the last lesson if you didn't see it please go watch it after this lesson I talked about the simple rule of Threes reasons explanations or examples and also giving your ideas in a clear way using the simple rule of Threes right this is important for you as you're reading following this tip the third reason is it helps develop your ability to extract key information and summarize it effectively
your goal is to speak English fluently right you want to sound like a native English speaker my friend I believe in you I know you're smart enough in order to achieve this goal though you must understand how to pick out the key pieces of information because English fluency is not just about talking for long periods of time no it's about getting the key pieces of information and presenting them clearly which is why I teach you English my goal this year is to help you achieve your English goals so it's important for you to be able
to pick out the key information now don't forget you can practice what you're learning all you have to do is download the English with Tiffany app it's free the link is in the description but I want you to be able to organize your thoughts by seeing how other native English speakers actually organize their thoughts so tip number two to crack the code of English fluency is listen to a podcast or watch a video these tips seem so simple but sometimes the simplest things have the greatest results once again the five W's the simple rule of
Threes these things that I'm teaching you they're simple but when you put them into practice your English will change so listen to this listen to a podcast episode or watch a YouTube video in English here's the key on a topic of Interest something you actually care about take notes on key points and vocabulary we're going back to what we talked about in tip number one you need to be able to grab the key pieces of information this will help you be able to speak English fluently remember we're cracking the code to English fluency being able
to clearly express your ideas your thoughts and your opinions so here are three reasons why this tip is so important reason number one it improves your listening comprehension when you're listening to podcasts or listening as you watch a video it improves your listening comprehension skills by exposing you to different accents speech patterns and vocabulary used in real life conversations in a class I taught just yesterday for my Academy students one of my students said Tiff I remember when I first joined your Academy I wasn't able to understand people using different accents but now it doesn't
matter where a person is from which part of the United States or which part of the world I can understand them why because they've listened to so many conversations I have in my Academy natural and real conversations where people have different accents and they spoken to other English Learners who have different accents the more you listen the more your listening skills will improve and this will affect your English fluency secondly it helps you develop the ability to identify and understand specific information such as main ideas supporting details or opinions expressed listen think about a child
because right now I know you're wondering Tiff I'm enjoying the lesson but I just don't see how me listening to something or reading something is going to affect my speaking ability remember I'm talking about getting the key pieces of information you're literally with these first two tips training your brain to get the most important point it's like a child when a child first learns how to speak a language whether it be your language or or English right kidss in America right my nieces right when they were little your children or your nieces your nephews children
are listening before they can speak properly picking out key pieces of information so when they formulate their first sentences they know hey let me put the key information I don't just want to say and the it no I want to say I want the cup right they pick out the most important pieces of information this is what you're training your brain to do the third reason taking notes as you're listening to a podcast or watching a video encourages active listening and reinforces vocabulary acquisition as you're listening if you're taking notes you're telling your brain hey
these are the words this is the information that is important I want to retain these words I want to keep these pieces of information so that I can use them later we're talking about cracking the code to English fluency here's tip number three I want you to pay attention to tip number three find an English language TV show now pay attention very closely find an English language TV show movie or series and watch one episode with English subtitles focus on understanding the dialogue and try to pick up new Expressions notice I said an English language
TV show not a TV show that has English subtitles but they're speaking in another language no you need to find a TV show again you're learning American English right find an American TV show watch it turn the subtitles in English on it's totally okay try to figure out what they're talking about read their facial expressions watch their body language as they're saying certain things try to grasp as they're speaking new Concepts new patterns new structures new Expressions this is all part of speaking English fluently why is this important this tip first reason here's why this
is so important it familiarizes you with colloquial language slang and idiomatic expressions commonly used in everyday conversations the way I'm speaking to you right now I know I'm speaking clearly you can understand me but I don't speak like this when I'm speaking to my friends I speak clearly but I use different words why because we're American I can be more comfortable as far as the way that I'm speaking I'm in teacher mode right now right and I'm happy to teach you when I switch it though I don't want you to be confused which is exactly
why I give you story time at the end now during story time I'm completely natural and I use idiomatic expressions I use colloquial terms why because I want you my friend to understand and be able to to use them in the future that's why this tip is so important here's the second reason it improves your listening skills by training your ear to recognize spoken words and phrases in context we're talking about cracking the code to English fluency you can do it I believe in you it's just about knowing the tips and tricks that will work
here's the third reason in improves excuse me it provides Visual and contextual cues that Aid in understanding allowing you to bridge the gap between written and spoken English remember earlier I said watch their facial expressions watch their body language see how they're actually moving as they're speaking these things will help you adapt and actually start using what native English speakers are using in those television programs all right helping you crack the code to English fluency here's tip number four write a diary entry write a diary entry in English describing your day or expressing your thoughts
this helps improve writing fluency term I like to use writing fluency and self-expression all right when you write your thoughts down you're actually helping yourself be able to formulate your ideas which will affect your English fluency here's the first reason why this is so important reason number one it promotes regular Writing Practice allowing you to experiment with vocabulary and sentence structures in a safe environment it's your notebook listen you see all these notebooks behind me if you're watching the YouTube video I have tons of notebooks because your teacher also writes down many things throughout the
day it helps you process your thoughts right in an English diary reason number two it helps you express yourself more fluently and coherently as you learn to articulate your thoughts in written form listen it's going to make you a better English speaker why because as you're writing you're practicing organizing your thoughts formulating your ideas getting a clear way to express your opinions and third the third reason is it develops your writing fluency I told you earlier writing fluency by building confidence and encouraging you my friend to think in English we're talking about cracking the code
to English fluency so far these four tips you can do each of them even if you're studying on your own this is why I create these YouTube videos these lessons and this podcast for the audio listeners because I want to encourage you you can do it even if you're by yourself right now in your country you can follow these tips and crack the code to English fluency here's tip number five learn five new English words or phrases again learn five new English words or phrases when you do this write them down create example sentences and
try to use them here's the key try to use them in conversations throughout the day the same day you learn a new word the same day you learn a new expression try to use that word or that expression throughout the day why is this so important why does this work reason number one it expands your vocabulary enabling you to express yourself more precisely and effectively ly put it to use don't worry about making mistakes you hear me say it all the time and my Academy students students hear me say it all the time don't worry
about mistakes just try that's all you got to do reason number two it improves your ability to understand and use idiomatic expressions the more you try you're learning five new words or Expressions one day and then you're putting them into practice on that day applying them to your actual life and reason number three it reinforces learning through active usage helping you internalize new words and phrases for example one word that literally every English learner every student every member of our family in the speak English with Tiffany Academy they know how to use this word the
word is elated and if you're my student I know you're shaking your head right now yes tip I know how to use that word the word is elated it means extremely happy why they keep using the word on a regular basis after they learned it they use it in Practical situations real life conversations and now it's really a part of their vocabulary database so the students in my program they know how to use the word elated because they put it into use tip number six watch a TED Talk or a speech now watch a TED
talk or a speech in English and take notes on the main ideas presented summarize the talk in your own words giving a speech and having a conversation these are two different things when a person is giving a speech it's similar to what I'm doing right now I'm presenting information no one is really responding to me even though I know you're talking back to me right come on now I know you are right but this is why this is so important this tip is truly important reason number one it enhances listening and note taking skills helping
you identify once again important details and distinguish main ideas from supporting information the more you build this muscle this muscle you have to recognize the main idea and recognize supporting information the easier it will be for you to do the same when you're speaking English in other words cracking the code to English fluency here's the second reason it improves your ability to condense information and express it fluently and accurately people who give TED talks when someone gives a speech they have to condense a very large topic into easily digestible points I'm teaching you about English
English is a very expansive language tons of words but I'm able to teach you something that you can take back to your home to your friends to your family and you can start using why I'm giving you key points and supporting information you'll learn how to do this the more you watch others do it and reason number three it exposes you to a wide range of topics and speakers expanding your knowledge and vocabulary you're cracking the code to English fluency the more you listen the more you listen to the more you watch English speakers the
more you'll start to emulate them or copy them like hopefully you're copying me as well tip number seven to cracking the code follow English-speaking social media accounts woo listen very closely follow English-speaking social media accounts not of English teachers keep following my channel don't worry keep following me yes but follow other Instagram or Tik Tock Channels with just native English speakers they don't have to be teachers you want the accounts to be related to your interests and engage with their content if you like cooking if you like photography if you like art if you like
travel find these Instagram channels or Tik Tok channels related to those interests follow them and comment in English don't be afraid it's okay to make mistakes don't worry but you need to interact with these channels comment ask questions and participate in discussions in English this is all about building your confidence the more you interact the more you participate the more you'll realize how intelligent you really are we're talking about cracking the code to your English fluency here are the reasons reason reason number one it exposes you to authentic English used in informal everyday context how
do Native English speakers text how do Native English speakers talk online well the only way you'll know is if you actually jump let's jump right into the conversations and start participating next it improves reading skills as you navigate through writing styles and engage with diverse content we're using these different tips these different methods to help you speak English fluently the third reason it encourages active participation and provides opportunities to practice expressing your opinions and joining conversations in English you're giving your brain an opportunity to kick out what's already inside side all right tip number eight
I want you to remember this tip tip number eight learn an English tongue twister or riddle you got me right learn an English tongue twister or riddle and practice saying it out loud multiple times to improve pronunciation and fluency the more you practice again it's like going to the gym and lifting dumbbells right getting stronger right now you're giving your tongue the opportunity to to improve its ability here are three reasons why this is so important all right reason number one it will help you fine-tune your pronunciation skills because riddles often contain challenging sounds and
phonetic patterns reason number two it provides practice in enunciating words accurately and speaking clearly leading to improved Clarity in speech I hear all the time Tiffany it's so easy to understand you I know how to pronounce my words clearly and enunciate the more you practice with these riddles the more you'll be able to enunciate and pronounce words properly and clearly and here's the third reason why this tip is so important it will require you to speak quickly and smoothly which will train you to develop a natural and fluent speech Rhythm there are moments during my
lesson where I have to speak very quickly but because I'm speaking very clearly you can still understand me right you want to develop the same exact skill tip number nine record a short message a voice message in English introducing yourself or sharing a small story this is a key aspect to helping you crack the code to English fluency listen to your voice message and and take notes make note of areas where you can improve pronunciation or Clarity you don't realize how important you are to your English Journey you actually know so much more than you
realize so when you record yourself and listen to it again you'll recognize where the errors are you'll recognize the things you need to improve take notes why is this so important reason number one it will allow you to objectively evaluate your pronunciation and identify areas for improvement you'll be able to see where you need to improve reason number two it will help you identify and work on specific sounds or words that may be causing difficulty for others in understanding your speech you'll hear what they hear and be able to improve yourself and reason number three
it will help you see your improvements which will boost your confidence in speaking English and encourage further practice and self-correction as you continue doing this cracking the code to English fluency you'll see and be able to chart your progress which will help you be more confident the first technique you need to understand and start putting into practice is practice English through storytelling that's right practice English through storytelling here's the thing you can improve your fluency and creativity by telling stories in English this technique encourages you to express yourself confidently and engages your imagination thus enhancing
your overall language skills think about it at the end of every lesson what do we have you know yes we have Story Time right don't worry I'm going to give you a story today as well why do I tell you those stories well I tell you stories so that you can get to know me more as your English teacher but also for you to enjoy the process of learning English in a different way yes I can teach you words expressions and techniques but when I switch over to telling you a story you start learning English
in a different way you're just engaged in the story you're listening you're enjoying it so the same thing will happen when you create your own stories start telling people stories in English your brain starts becoming even more creative and this will improve your English fluency so when someone asks you hey how was your day instead of saying in English oh it was good or oh it wasn't that good tell a story uh you know I had an amazing day today I met this lady at the store and we started talking and dot dot dot tell
a story instead of just giving one to three words as an answer make sense yes so again technique number one to improve your English fluency practice English through storytelling you know how much I love telling stories number two record and analyze real life conversations woo pay attention record and analyze real life conversations you see you can record your conversations you heard me right your conversations with native speakers or even dialogues from movies or TV shows by anal analyzing these recordings you can identify areas where you need Improvement and work on specific aspects of your speech
so there's power in analyzing your speech in analyzing your conversation so once again this technique two ways you can analyze your own conversations that you have with others or you can analyze conversations that you've seen on TV or heard from a podcast the key is listening very closely so I want you to think about having a conversation maybe with your teacher or maybe with another friend you have that's a native English speaker as you're having the conversation listen it might be on the phone hit record it might be on the computer via Zoom hit record
after that conversation go back and listen mult multiple times analyze the conversation what did you do well what do you want to work on what Expressions were used and what Expressions could have been used in the place of other Expressions when you start analizing these conversations your brain will also start realizing ah okay when you get into another English conversation now we're going to switch the way we respond analyzing conversations will help you improve your fluency I I know you've probably had this issue before you've experienced this where you get into a conversation and you
find yourself saying the same thing over and over and over again right or maybe you're using the same word over and over and over again listen I know how that feels when I was studying Korean I would get frustrated because I'd want to say something else but I only had one word I only had one expression but when you go back and analyze the conversation that you recorded right and you see ah I always say this word then you figure out what you can say in place of that word there's something that happens when you
analyze your own conversations okay again you can also analyze conversations from other people's experience as well and it will have a good effect but I want you to also focus on analyzing your own conversations okay all right here we go technique number three again your goal being to speak English more fluently speak aloud while reading when you have a book right I have a book right next to me I'm reading this book instead of reading silently right read it out loud that difficulty is dot dot dot read it out loud so you can hear yourself
here's the thing read aloud to improve pronunciation intonation and rhythm in spoken English this technique helps with fluency and building confidence in speaking the more you practice the better you'll get again speak aloud while reading I know you might feel shy I understand I know you might not like hearing yourself per se because you don't feel like you sound like someone else don't worry about that speak aloud while reading the more you do it the more you will improve we're talking about this year this year my friend improving your English fluency so again speak aloud
while reading you got me excellent all right we're going to move on to technique number four but I want to remind you I have a daily English vocabulary news letter that I send out via email totally for free this year I want to help you speak English fluently so today I want to tell you about this newsletter go to daily English vocabulary.com every day from Sunday to Friday I'll send you an email for free with five new vocabulary words about a specific topic I want you to be able to speak English fluently about topics so
every day I'm going to send you five new words so go to daily English vocabulary.com and get it totally for free all right so let's move on to technique number four technique number four is seek out natural English conversations seek to look for to search for seek out natural English conversations so how do you do this listen to podcasts or watch videos that feature unscripted here's the key unscripted conversations between native English speakers I'm going to pause really quickly with the description this is something that I do for my students in my Academy every single
month they're in my speak English like a native program and I'm training them to sound like a native English speaker to sound like me I I want to help them Reach this point so every month I actually record a real conversation between myself and another native English speaker we don't have a script we literally speak very honestly we're very transparent why because I know the power of watching of listening to real English conversations in order for you to sound like a native English speaker in order for you to sound fluent to speak English fluently to
sound natural you have to pay attention to what natural conversations actually sound like so here's the thing exposure to real life dialogues helps Learners understand the nuances of spontaneous speech and fosters more fluid conversations I've watched my students in this program literally start sounding more natural they're speaking English more fluently why because they're seeing every single month a new conversation on a new topic between native English speakers and they're watching how we speak as they look at the videos they're listening to our intonation they're listening to the different nuances when they listen to it via
the audio file this is how you'll improve your English fluency once again seek out search for look for natural English conversations technique number five technique number five is another good one engage in group discussions engage participate in group discussion here's the thing join discussion groups or conversation clubs to interact with other English Learners You Are Not Alone engaging in group discussions allows you to practice expressing your thoughts engage in debates and develop fluency in a supportive environment I love watching my students engage with each other there's this no judgment Zone they're not afraid of making
mistakes why it's a supportive environment find an environment that you can be involved in where you can practice speaking English and not feel nervous not feel shy not feel scared the more you practice the better you'll become so again technique number five is engage in group discussions technique number six it's important for you to use mind maps for conversation planning use mind maps for conversation planning this one makes me excited let me explain prior to discussions or conversations create a mind map with key points or phrases related to the topic this technique helps organize thoughts
and ensures smoother and more coherent conversations let me break this down for you you know that I've taught you over and over again the five W's method say it with me who what when where and why this is one of the methods one of the techniques I have been teaching you for years why because when you organize your thoughts when you create this mind map who what when where and why and then enter a conversation man the confidence you have in that conversation will blow your mind because you have your ideas organized that's what this
technique is talking about for example if you know tomorrow you're going to be interacting with someone in English and you know hey we'll probably talk about um our careers or we'll probably talk about our families prepare start now creating your mind map get a pen get a piece of paper and I want you to write down I'm looking for paper I don't see any paper but I want you to write down in a notebook on a piece of paper Okay draw a circle family if we talk about family draw the circle mind map now what
aspects of my family do I want to go into ah okay my husband just got a new job okay my husband's new job okay next uh my daughter she's playing on the soccer team at school okay soccer team my daughter start planning out what you're going to say and I guarantee you you'll be able to speak English more fluently and you'll be at ease you won't be nervous you'll be relaxed so again use mind maps for conversation planning plan ahead of time Technique No number seven use the self repetition technique again the self repetition technique
listen closely repeat what you just said but rephrase it slightly this is something I do throughout my lessons and you've probably caught on to this I will say the same thing over again using different words why because I want to help you learn synonyms I want to help you see how to say the same thing in a different way for example rephrase it slightly say it differently change the words and say it again all of these mean the same thing each of these statements mean the same thing but I'm saying them differently again repeat what
you just said but rephrase it slightly this technique actually gives a mental boost by reinforcing what has been spoken and allows you that's right you my friend to add more details or clarify your ideas during conversations man this ice cream it's so good no it is delicious this ice cream is on point three different ways of saying the same thing again technique number seven use the self repetition technique repeat what you're saying in a different way we're talking about finally speaking English fluently technique number eight implement the chunking technique implement the chunking technique here we
go break down sentences into smaller chunks or phrases and focus on speaking them fluently this technique helps reduce hesitations and promotes smoother conversations I used to do this when I was teaching in South Korea all the time I would recognize when students were having a hard time pronouncing certain words or actually saying something smoothly so I would break the sentence down I would get chunks and have them repeat after me slowly at first then a little bit faster and then very fast then we'd move on to the second chunk slow at first then a little
faster and then very fast then once they had each chunk properly done they were able to say them well I would connect them this is called the chunking technique for example the last sentence I just said was this technique helps reduce hesitations and promotes smoother conversations that sentence might be too long for you so I would break it up into chunks this technique technique helps reduce hesitations this technique helps reduce hesitations say it over and over again until you can say it smoothly like me then you move on to the second chunk and promotes smoother
conversations and promotes smoother conversations until you're able to say it smoothly like me then put the two chunks together this again is called the chunking technique we're talking about excuse me we're talking about speaking English fluently all right let's move on to technique number nine use many short or small speeches use many m i n for those listening many speeches give short speeches in English for example on a current event or an interesting topic this technique helps build confidence in speaking and promotes fluency in expressing ideas you my friend can and will achieve your English
goals this year this is one technique that will help you achieve your goals pick a topic write a short speech about that topic short it doesn't have to be 10 minutes 15 minutes no it can be a short two-minute speech 3 minute speech but practice giving a speech practice giving your ideas on a specific topic even if you are alone practice doing this because what you're doing is training your mind to be able to produce your ideas produce your thoughts produce your opinions in another language and that language being English so once again technique number
nine use many speeches technique number 10 practice storytelling using pictures now we talked about the other technique of Storytelling this is my other favorite technique practice storytelling using pictures this is something I did all the time with my students in Korea as well I would get an image I would get a picture and I'd ask them to describe it to tell a story based on the picture why it opens your mind it helps you become more creative which will improve your fluency here's the deal use pictures to practice telling stories in English this technique helps
with fluency and creativity in conversation one thing that makes the English language very unique and again after learning Korean I realized okay there are differences and one of the differ differences outside of grammar and every else is the fact that English is a very creative language right as Americans native English speakers right we focus on being able to share our ideas share our opinions and present them in a way that people can understand them so we have to constantly think in a creative way we love storytelling when you meet someone even if you don't know
them they'll start telling you a story sometimes it's a very creative language so when you practice telling stories when you practice looking at a picture and trying to figure out what that picture is about it will actually help you improve your English fluency trust me I'm telling you this is going to change your English this year today I'm going to give you nine simple steps to total English fluency you heard me right this lesson is going to give you exactly what you need to go from where you are to where you want to be as
you're on this English Journey are you ready well then I'm teacher Tiffany let's Jump Right In Step number one set realistic goals my friend I need you to listen to me set real realistic goals you need to Define clear attainable and measurable goals for your English learning progress this is step one if you don't start here you will fail listen to me as your English teacher my goal is to help you win my goal is to help you succeed the only way you're going to succeed is to start with step one set real real istic
goals listen in my office I have tons upon tons of notebooks surrounding me why because whenever I'm going to do something I know the importance of starting with a realistic goal why is this so important for you as an English learner this step the first reason goals keep you motivated and focused on progress listen when you have a specific goal you'll know how far away from it you are and also how close you are getting to achieving it so again goals keep you motivated as you're on your English Journey this is step one the second
reason is they allow for monitoring of achievements and also areas needing Improvement how are you going to get to a destination when you don't know what the destination is all you have to do is set realistic goals goals you can achieve and number three the third reason realistic goals prevent feelings of overwhelm and burnout listen I have talked to hundreds of students around the world and they'll say Tiff I want to speak English fluently in six months and I'll ask them how how much do you study H maybe 10 minutes a day how long have
you studied ah maybe about a year that's not a realistic goal so instead pick a realistic goal something that you know you can achieve and what's going to happen is you're going to go above that realistic goals will help you from feeling overwhelmed ah my goal was to memorize a hundred words a day but you have a husband or a wife you have kids you have work instead why not say I want to memorize five words a day at the end of that day when you have five words memorized all of a sudden your shoulders
are going to go back you're going to say ah I did that I can do it again tomorrow but if your initial goal was 100 vocabulary words a day and maybe something happened at work or maybe your child had a bad day at school and you didn't get a chance to memorize 100 words what will happen I didn't reach my goal today you'll feel overwhelmed so again set realistic goals this is Step number one step number two engage in regular listening practice regular listening practice listen to English content such as songs podcasts and movies to
improve comprehension and language feel get a feel for the language listen I'm telling you things that I used as well when I was studying Korean and when I lived in South Korea I was level one but every day I was listening to the news I was listening to dramas I had everything in Korean when I was in my apartment listening will help you with your English fluency this is Step number two why is this so important reason number one it acquaints you you with different accents and speech patterns just like you're able to understand me
you're used to me you're used to my patterns you're used to my Pace right the more you listen the more acquainted with the more used to you'll become to different accents and speech patterns reason number two it enhances the ability your ability to understand spoken English in various contexts I love to cook so when I was level one a level one Korean learner I watched cooking programs all the time did I know what they were saying in that moment no I was level one but my ear was getting used to vocabulary related to cooking I
would watch the news my ear was getting used to hearing vocabulary related to the news I would watch dramas my ear was getting used to hearing words related to relationships or the work environment this is why step two is so important and the third reason it develops the skill to catch nuances and idiomatic expressions when you listen to native English speakers having conversations with each other they're speaking in a very natural environment they're very comfortable we say things that we would not normally say to people if we know they're not native English speakers you want
to hear those things in order to improve your own fluency so step number two engage in regular listening practice listening is free turn a movie on turn a radio show on turn a podcast on keep it going so your ears can get practice step number three immerse yourself in the language listen like swimming Dive Right On In in dive into the language surround yourself with English through media conversations and literature I have tons of books here I'm sure you have books where you are get English books you should also do this by thinking in English
and remember the method I teach who what when where why the five W's method organize your thoughts in English immerse yourself why is this step so important reason number one this creates a natural learning environment for the language you're basically switching your brain over from your mother tongue to a new one this creates a natural learning environment next it helps in picking up slang and colloquial phrases when you have native speakers I mentioned earlier just speaking with each other we say things in a natural way and re number three it will accelerate your learning process
through constant exposure you can't see your brain you can't see how it's working but my friend your brain is absolutely amazing this step step three you're basically putting information in and one day that information will come out so in order to speak English fluently you have to go through step one step two and now we're on step three you're putting all of this information in so that later on it will be able to come out step number four read extensively I need you to dive into books read a wide range of materials in English including
books articles and online content this is very important now remember I'm giving you the steps the nine steps you need in order to speak English fluently these nine steps are very important step four read extensively why is reading so important reason number one reading introduces more vocabulary and sentence patterns now you know I've said multiple times I don't teach grammar however my students they always improve why because they're being exposed to English over and over again they're hearing different sentence patterns they're hearing grammar properly used in conversations or when I teach them different vocabulary words
and give them example sentences this is how you're going to speak English fluently step four read extensively step for reason two this strengthens your understanding of context and culture have you ever heard the expression context clues right you're reading something or someone says something and they use a word you've never heard before but you understand the front part of the conversation and the part after the word and you use those two parts combining them to guess the meaning of the word in the middle context the third reason this will improve your overall language comprehension and
learning speed your brain is amazing we're talking about speaking English fluently there are nine steps and these nine steps will help you you have to follow the nine steps step four read extensively step five write regularly notice step one step two step three and step four we're all about thinking right putting stuff in making sure you're understanding context and comprehending now we're transitioning to getting it out of your brain you got to follow these steps keep a journal write essays or even social media posts in English to practice your writing skills don't worry about mistakes
just practice practice makes progress practice is how practicing is how you're going to improve so again write regularly why step five reason number one writing helps you formal formulate your thoughts and ideas better in English it helps you organize your thoughts remember we have the five W's who what when where and why I talked in our last lesson about the simple rule of three supporting your answers with details supporting them with examples and supporting them with reasons it helps you organize your thoughts when you write regularly reason number two it allows you to express thoughts
clearly and cohesively clearly and cohesively you want to be able to speak in a way that is easy to understand you want people to draw to to you not go away from you and reason number three this provides a method for active call and language review active recall bringing something back to mind if I've read it later on when I'm in a conversation ah I remember that word ah I remember that concept I read about it yesterday this is what's important when you've read about something step four and now you're writing regularly your brain is
formulating ideas and putting them together step five write regularly step number six speak a lot I'm going to say it again speak a lot notice I didn't say when or where I just said a lot practice speaking regularly with native speakers if possible or through language exchange programs right so my students in my program you're welcome to join us to speak English with Tiffany Academy my students speak all the time with each other they have practice sessions every day of the week Monday to Friday and some on Sunday and they're practicing over and over again
you have to speak right remember step one you have your goals realistic goals then step two to step four you're putting in the information step five now you're pulling it out you're writing it down formulating your ideas step six you got to speak a lot why is this so important reason number one active use of the language helps in retaining learned material this just popped in my head so I'm a Christian and I love studying God's word sometimes it's challenging to remember the location of a Bible verse ver and I've been praying Lord help me
to retain the the actual location in my memory this literally happened 3 days ago I've been praying this prayer for months but I was talking to a friend and the friend was going through something and I said hey this Bible verse will help you and I showed her the Bible verse and we read it together this morning 3 days later I was talking to God like Lord I really want to remember the verses he said Tiff what was that verse you told your friend boom popped right in my head why because I had spoke about
it with a friend speaking about it helped me to retain It In My Memory speaking a lot will help you retain what you learn reason number two speaking practice develops fluency over time in the beginning you're going to be nervous you're going to be uncomfortable right you don't want to make mistakes and it's okay make mistakes this is how your fluency will improve and reason number three it aids in overcoming the fear of making mistakes I've had so many students who have joined our family joined my Academy enrolled in my programs and at the very
beginning said o i I don't want to say anything nervous shy two months later Tiffany hey how are you nice to see you and then they're helping other students not shy anymore why speaking a lot helps that fear to go away step number six speak a lot step number seven practice pronunciation and intonation notice the order of the steps I didn't say practice pronunciation and intonation before you speak a lot no speak a lot speak a lot get comfortable speaking a lot after you're comfortable speaking a lot not nervous anymore not frustrated then you work
on the next skill pronunciation and intonation work on the way you say words and the rhythm of your speech through listening and repeating exercises why is this so important reason number one accurate pronunciation helps others understand you better reason number two good intonation keeps listeners engaged and conveys the correct meaning so you do want to work on your pronunciation and your intonation but you have to do it in a certain order and reason number three doing this will boost your confidence in speaking publicly step number seven practice pronunciation and intonation what about step number8 teach
listen closely teach others English share your knowledge with other Learners because teaching can reinforce your own understanding again step one make sure you set achievable goals step two all the way to step four or five you're putting information in Step six now we're moving to actually getting that information out writing speaking a lot practicing pronunciation and intonation and now we're moving to teaching bringing others into your English Journey share your knowledge with other Learners because teaching can reinforce your own understanding why reason number one teaching tests your knowledge and clarifies Concepts I've been teaching the
5w's method who what when where and why well over a decade so it's easy now because I've done it over and over and over again and I have students who have been following me for so long that they also can break down the 5ws method once again teaching tests your knowledge and clarifies Concepts reason number two it requires you to stay informed and sharp in your language skills when you have to teach something to someone else you have to make sure you know what you're about to say and you have to stay on top maybe
you need new idioms maybe you need a new way of breaking things down this is why it's so important and reason number three it helps in developing patience and empathy which are key in language learning when you have to teach someone else it makes you more understanding you'll actually start being more patient with yourself you won't feel as bad because you'll see how much effort the person is putting in how hard they're working and you'll remind yourself I'm working hard too we can do it step number nine reflect on your progress reflect on your progress
take time to review your progress celebrate your successes and plan for future learning strategies this English Journey might be long it might be challenging it might be hard but you need to recognize how far you've come why why is this so important reflection helps in recognizing your growth and boost motivation when you see how far you've come you'll realize how far you can actually go it will boost your motivation reason number two it aids in identifying effective learning strategies for you what has worked what didn't work what do you want to keep doing what do
you want to stop doing and reason number three recognizing achievements can increase self-confidence in using English my goal my friend is to help you speak English fluently with confidence the these nine steps will transform your English let's Jump Right In all right technique number one listen to English media basically you need to watch TV shows movies news broadcasts and podcasts in English to immerse yourself in the language choose a variety of genres and topics to expose yourself to different vocabulary and accents the goal is for you to master English fluency and the very first technique
you must use is to watch and listen to Media but it must be English media why is this so beneficial you see it improves your listening skills and it helps you understand different accents and and slang and provides cultural insights so the very first thing you must do is start to watch more English media so if we're looking at your week let's start with Sunday we can write right here watch English media now again you can choose the amount of time many times people have busy schedules so maybe you work eight hours a day and
get home and have to take care of your family and you're too tired to study for an hour that is totally okay remember these techniques are important but you can choose the amount of time that you actually put them into practice so let's say on Sundays you have 30 minutes so on Sundays you spend 30 minutes watching English media what about about the second technique this second technique that will help you improve your English fluency read extensively read extensively you have to read a lot in English if you are going to improve your English fluency
let me explain this one you need to read a wide range of materials including books articles newspapers and blogs pick genres and subjects that interest you to make reading enjoyable and diverse this is very important you see as an English learner you have your own interests outside of English now it's time to connect the two your English learning and your interests this is why this technique reading extensively is so important here's the benefits you'll experience enhancing your vocabulary and comprehension because it introduces you to different writing styles and improves your overall language proficiency exactly so
I want you to think about it like this imagine on Monday Monday now we're focusing on reading extensively so let's say on Monday you decide to find a blog or find an article in a magazine aine that is written in English but is actually let's do this extensively that is actually related to your interest let's write that down it needs to be related to your interest maybe you like cooking maybe you like Athletics maybe you like technology whatever you enjoy make sure on Monday you're reading something about that topic now Monday is the start of
the work week so maybe you don't have a lot of time to read so on Sunday you spent 30 minutes doing what watching English media on Monday maybe you only have 20 minutes or 15 minutes so let's put that down 15 to 20 minutes remember techniques are important but you can choose the amount of time time you spend on each technique so we have technique number two read extensively Now we move on to technique number three technique number three is also important practice speaking daily practice speaking daily and don't worry when we get back to
our daily plan I'll explain how you can do this one as well here's the description of this technique engage in Daily conversations with native speakers or fellow Learners use language exchange apps or online communities to find conversation Partners this is very important you need to start speaking a lot in a lesson I did a few weeks back I spoke about how you can practice English even when you are alone so this is where we're going to see our plan coming into place all right speaking daily so let's do it like this on Sunday because we
said daily let's add the plus symbol right here and let's just write speak since we said daily let's write it for Monday and we're going to do the same thing for Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday through Saturday remember this t technique is important for you to utilize each and every day however since we're on the third Technique we want Tuesday to be the real Focus all right so I wrote it right here but I am actually going to move it up I'm going to write speak aloud all right we want to speak out loud now for
this one we also want to have 15 to 20 minutes all right 15 to 20 minutes but what about the ones on the other days that we added at the bottom what we're going to do is put five minutes for each of those again these techniques are going to help you start speaking English more fluently these techniques will change your English and improve your English very quickly all right so we have now our three days so far are done Sunday Monday and Tuesday now what is the benefit of technique number three the benefit of speaking
alloud daily it improves speaking fluency and confidence it helps you practice pronunciation yes and it allows you to use new vocabulary and grammar structures in context again this daily practice is what's going to help you master English fluency now we have the first three techniques it's time for us now to go to the fourth technique technique number four is to write regularly write regularly listen keeping a Daily Journal writing essays or starting a blog in English write about various topics to practice different vocabulary and writing styles write regularly now remember we're breaking this down over
a 7-Day period right so you will be doing this regularly but you're going to be writing specifically on Wednesdays so let's write this down write all right and I'm going to put write in a journal all right so you might want to buy a journal okay having this journal with you so that you can start expanding your English vocabulary your ability to create good sentences in English you want to write in a journal and again we're spending this 15 to 20 minute time period remember it's totally okay for you to change the time all right
but again write in a journal on Wednesday all right this is technique number four what is the benefit you see writing in a journal regularly enhances writing skills reinforces grammar and provides a platform to express your thoughts and ideas in English let's take a look once again at our setup so far watch English media what are we doing right here when we are watching English media we are actually doing what we are putting things in all right let's see if you can see that good let's change the color really quickly for those watching you're putting
things into your mind all right you're putting things in all right read extensively what are we doing we're putting things in into our brain right speak aloud putting things out out of your brain right in a joural Journal out letting things come out of your brain right so we have in input and output input and output all right so again number four is writing regularly which is what yes output excellent excellent job all right now I want us to go to technique number five technique number five is listen for context clues listen for context clues
in other words pay attention to the surrounding words and sequences or sentences when you encounter unfamiliar vocabulary in spoken or written English I'm going to say this one more time pay attention to the surrounding words and sentences when you encounter unfamiliar vocabulary in spoken or written English Engish now what is the benefit of this now again we're looking for context clues if I've watched a television program if I've listened to a podcast if I've read a book in English and I see a word or hear a word that I didn't understand or see something I
don't understand I have to focus on the before and the after to Guess that word's meaning why is this important it enhances comprehension and teaches you to infer meanings from Context and helps you understand the language naturally so how can we put this on our schedule for the week again listening for context clues all right so now we're on Thursday let's write this down listen for context all right listen for context clues that means you can choose to either watch a television program or listen listen to a podcast the choice is yours or even watch
a movie but I'm going to say this I want you to at least look for three new words and you want to guess the context right guess the meaning based on the context all right again this should take 15 to 20 minutes again you can listen to a podcast you can watch a television program you can even read an article but search for three new words and you're going to guess the meaning of each word based on the context what happened before the word and what happened after the word again listening for context clues this
is technique number five what about technique number six record yourself speaking record yourself speaking you're going to record your speech and listen listen to it critically compare your pronunciation and intonation with native speakers and note areas for improvement this is your assessment day you're assessing yourself remember we have so far Sunday and Monday input Tuesday and Wednesday output Thursday listening this is also input putting information in now we're on Friday Friday you're assessing yourself this is output and you are assessing all right let's just put assess right here you're assessing yourself so what is the
technique called again record yourself speaking all right so let's write that down record your self so we're going to put record and assess your yourself now you're outputting and you're assessing you're analyzing o I like that word even better so instead of assess we are going to write analyze all right let's go back make sure this line is here and I'm going to write analyze I like that better because you're really seeing how well you're doing and what you need to fix so output and analyzing yourself now this one output 15 to 20 minutes but
if you have extra time you can add extra time all right so again what do we have input on Sunday input on Monday output on Tuesday output on Wednesday input on Thursday and then output and analyzing on Friday again what is the benefit of recording yourself speaking here's the benefit it helps you identify correct and correct pronunciation and grammatical errors this provides selfassessment opportunities and builds your confidence this is why it's so important for you to make sure you do this technique technique number six again we're looking at Friday right output and analyzing so what
is technique number seven another important technique technique number seven watch with subtitles watch with subtitles in other words watch English videos with English subtitles to Aid understanding and improve reading and listening skills simultaneously now for this one it's really a fun day right you're just sitting and you have the subtitles on you don't have to take notes you don't have to write anything down just take it all in and enjoy find a movie or a TV program that you really enjoy once again this technique is watch with subtitles so for Saturday this is your relaxing
day your rest day find a program and what you're going to do is again watch with subtitles again watch with subtitles I'm going to put this here this is your fun day all right just enjoy this so instead of it being only 15 to 20 minutes it is totally up to you I'm going to put 15 to let's say 60 minutes right again you can decide I put the star here as well you can decide don't forget though at the bottom we have the speak portion that has been added to each day an extra five
minutes right right underneath okay so again Saturday it is an input day but it's a fun input day you're not having to really study too hard now this technique what is the benefit the benefit is it helps with understanding spoken language reinforces vocabulary and improves your comprehension of different accents and speech patterns we're trying to help you speak English fluently I'm trying to help you achieve your English goals and these techniques will get you to your goal so again for the week Sunday to Saturday you have what you need to do each day in order
to improve your English fluency just follow this pattern and repeat and watch your English fluency improve I hope you enjoy this lesson and I'll talk to you in the next one you still there you know what time it is it's story time hey I said it's story time all right so today I taught you all about the techniques you need to follow the pattern you need to follow in order to speak English fluently and we talked about this 7-Day pattern well I remember another pattern that I had to follow when I was in South Korea
this was a physical action that I had to take over and over and over and over again you see it was my first time going to sarak Mountain sarakan that is one of the most beautiful mountains in my opinion in the world but one of the most beautiful mountains in Korea and it was my first time going to the mountain and I went with a group of friends we rented out basically an Airbnb Airbnb didn't exist back then but it was similar we went a big house and there were about I think there was like
eight of us that went so on the day that we had to do the hike only four of us including myself decided to go it was going to be an aggressive hike we were told that it would take between 6 to 8 hours to get up and back down the mountain that's a lot of hiking but again I love being outdoors I love nature so it was myself and three other guys the other ladies they stayed back um at the home that we had rented so I remember we got to the mountain and we're walking
and the repetitive action that I had to do over and over again was lifting my leg over and over and over again imagine doing multiple lunges over and over and over again or multiple squats because we were going up a mountain rocks and it was when we got almost to the top it was super steep right there were ropes just to make sure no one fell down and I remember having to tell myself just keep going one more step one more step because my legs were aching there were hundreds of people going up the mountain
right so you have to keep moving people are behind you people are in front of you you have to keep moving even though it hurt why am I telling you this because we did make it to the top and I had no regrets no regrets I'm telling you this because you as well are climbing a mountain you're trying to achieve your English goal English fluency and sometimes it does get challenging sometimes you might feel like you are being overloaded and overwhelmed and you might feel like you want to stop but you have to keep going
repetitive motion repetitive movement One Foot In Front of the other that is why I showed you this pattern today in our lesson seven days just keep following the pattern every single day and I promise you just like I got to the top of the mountain you'll reach the top of your Mountain as well I'll talk to you in the next lesson your desire is to speak English fluently but sometimes it gets a bit frustrating because you don't know what to do well this lesson is for you my friend because in this lesson I'm going to
teach you nine daily practices that's right nine that you can start doing right now to improve your English fluency are you ready well then I'm teacher Tiffany let's Jump Right In the first daily practice and I want you to pay close attention is describe something in your home you heard me right describe something in your home literally look around your house look around your apartment wherever whever you live right now and I want you to pick something each day this is a daily practice and you're going to try to describe that thing you might choose
a fan you might choose your toothbrush whatever you choose your goal is to describe that thing you can set a timer on your phone to see how long you can describe that thing now the question you're probably asking is Tiffany why is this such an important daily practice here's the very first reason why this is so important and you must do it on a daily basis the first reason is this will enhance your vocabulary related to everyday objects think about it as you start off let's say you pick up your toothbrush and you want to
describe it but all of a sudden only words from your native tongue only words from your mother language are coming to mind so you'll naturally go to your phone you'll go to your computer you'll go to your tablet or your dictionary to try to find out the word in English again this will enhance your vocabulary yes it's a simple item but in order to speak about it you need to use various vocabulary words here's the second reason why this is such an important daily practice this will boost your confidence in speaking about familiar topics topics
I have worked with thousands upon thousands of English Learners and many times the issue is confidence the person feels like ah I'm not good enough or the person feels like I don't know enough well when you do this on a daily basis as you walk around your home you'll realize oh I can describe that oh I can talk about that and all of a sudden your shoulders will go back a bit you'll start smiling a bit because you'll realize your English fluency is improving and the third reason why this is so important is it improves
your ability to describe details and specifics you're giving details about objects that seem so simple but English fluency is all about being able to express yourself about simple things and complex things so the first daily practice is once again describe cribe something in your home now these daily practices are going to be simple simple to implement but wo baby they are powerful and they will affect your English fluency so much so let's move on now to the second daily practice here's the second daily practice describe someone you know that's right are you noticing that we're
using things that are related to you things in your home people you know again the second daily practice is describe someone you know I want you to think about your favorite person in the world your best friend your mom your dad your sibling whoever that might be your spouse describe that person talk about them maybe it's your children whoever you want to describe this is a daily practice today my mom tomorrow my boyfriend the next day my dad continuing on each day describing a different person now why is this daily practice so important and so
powerful here we go I want us to look at the reasons why this is so powerful the first reason is this it develops your vocabulary and phrases related to people and relationships I've said it before and I'll say it again English fluency is all about your ability to express yourself about simple things and complex things so when you try to describe your family member or your friend all of a sudden all these ideas come into your mind right because you enjoy spending time with that individual that you're describing on that day but now you want
to figure out wait a minute H how do I describe how this person makes me feel that will inevitably lead you to learning new vocabulary and new phrases what about this second second reason right here it encourages you to use descriptive language and adjectives remember we are trying to help you my friend speak English more fluently so when you spend time trying to describe someone you know you'll figure out new ways of describing them you'll figure out how to use all this English that you have in your database to describe this individual again a daily
practice and what about this reason right here it helps you practice sentence structure and grammar you're probably saying Tiff I thought you didn't talk about grammar oh my friend listen I don't teach you grammar in a direct way however I can give you methods and tips and tricks and techniques that will help your grammar improve just like this one so again the the second daily practice describing someone you know it actually will help you practice sentence structure and grammar your desire is to really put into words how this person makes you feel the time that
you spend with them again the second daily practice is describe someone you know listen I know that there are times when you feel alone you feel like it's hard to improve your English fluency because you don't live in an English-speaking country or you don't have English-speaking friends the list goes on these daily practices even if you're not surrounded by people who speak English will still help you so daily practice number two describe someone you know here is the third daily practice I want you to tell a story about something that happened the day before very
important something that happened the day before now you know at the end of every lesson or maybe you don't if it's your first time here at the end of every lesson I tell a story for Story Time hey hey I said it's story time so at the end of every lesson I tell you a story right you get to know me more you get to understand my life a bit more I want you to start doing this on a daily basis man this is going to improve your English fluency so much so here's again tell
a story about something that happened the day before and why is it so important for you to tell a story about something that happened the day before because it's something that you experienced it's still in your mind you're not making up a story it allows you to review your day the day before right and remember those things that happened this is going to really transform your English fluency here are the three main reasons why this is so important the first reason is it strengthens your narrative skills and past tense usage again the grammar piece is
coming in right this will help you improve your grammar speaking about the past tense and also your narrative skills in other words helping you learn how to tell a story I remember very clearly being in South Korea and I had many students and I had students that were in the intermediate and also the advanced level extremely intelligent they understood English they knew lots of words and lots of the phrases but sometimes when I would ask them a question I would require them to tell me a story and they would stop they didn't know how to
put things together to make a story now I taught them over time how to do this but this is why this daily practice is so important you have to work on your narrative skills English fluency is all about explaining simple things and complex things but in an interesting way that's the key telling stories that's why you enjoy the story time so much right your brain kind of gets in the moment right and you're actually seeing what the person is talking about you need to develop this skill the second reason why this daily practice is so
important is it encourages you to recall memories and structure your storytelling man I love when my students that are in my Academy that speak English cic Academy start telling stories I can see the the light in their eyes I can see those listening my other students listening to their stories and they're fully engaged this is what English fluency is all about explaining simple things and complex things in an interesting way here's the third reason why this is so important it enhances your ability to connect events and details coherently many times as an English learner you
learn words you learn Expressions you learn phrases but you're not necessarily sure how to connect the doubts or how to use them in certain conversations doing this this daily practice of telling a story about something that happened the day before my friend is going to enhance your English fluency and help you connect events here is daily practice number four find a news article or a blog post or social media post and give your opinion about the topic we're living in an age where technology can be found everywhere you have a cell phone you have a
tablet you have a computer you have so many different Tech things that you can use go online find an article find a Blog find a social media post and give your opinion on the topic you can give your opinion by speaking to someone else you can look in the mirror and talk to yourself you can record a video of yourself giving your opinion or you can just write it down but it's important for you to find a news article blog post or social media post and give your opinion remember English fluency say it with me
is all about explaining or giving your opinion on simple things good job and complex things in an interesting way so three reasons why this is so important here we go the first reason is it expands your vocabulary and listen closely understanding of current events this is so important you want to get in conversations right and you want to speak with confidence so you have to be aware of what's going on when you're online you see maybe there's something in politics maybe there's something in sports right now when this video is going live uh the Olympics
I think is still going on right you want to have a good understanding of what's happening and you want to make sure you're giving your opinion on these events English fluency reason number two this encourages you to think critically and to form opinions my goal as your English teacher is to help you learn how to think in English how to organize your thoughts how to formulate your opinions this practice of finding an article a post or social media post and giving your opinion will develop this skill and enhance your English fluency here's reason number three
this improves your skills in articulating your thoughts and arguments how frustrating is it when you have an idea you have an opinion but because of your English fluency you're not able to get it out it's frustrating right I've watched students trying to get out their ideas I could tell by looking in their eyes that they had an opinion but for some reason they weren't able to formulate their idea they weren't able to put it into words doing this on a daily basis my friend is going to truly improve prove your English fluency here's daily practice
number five write a journal entry listen closely about your day you see behind me if you're watching this I have tons of journals and if you've been following me for a long time you know that I always say I write a lot I write out my ideas I write out my plans because there's something that happens when you put things on paper so each day I I want you to write a journal entry about your day it doesn't have to be long you can spend maybe two minutes WR the highlights of your day right it
doesn't have to be long in the beginning but as time goes on you'll begin to write longer and you might be asking Tiff my goal is to speak English fluently why am I writing because remember in order to speak English fluently you have to think first so as you're writing you're organizing your thoughts woo I love this you're organizing your thoughts which means when you go to speak to somebody the next day and they say hey how was your day yesterday your brain is like oh we got this covered we already organized our thoughts and
wrote it down and you'll start saying exactly how your day was why because of this daily practice here are three other reasons why this is so important the very first reason is it reinforces your writing skills and your sentence structure your goal is to speak English fluently with com confidence right you want to speak in a good way this will help you improve your writing skills of course and improve your sentence structure reason number two it encourages you to reflect on your experiences and express yourself I don't want you to see English as just a
subject right just something you're learning I want you to exerience English I want you to feel like English is a tool in your toolkit and you can use it whenever you want in a way that makes you proud of yourself so again this daily practice writing in a journal encourages you to think about your life your experiences and how you can speak about them in English here is reason number three it provides a record of your progress and areas for improvement this is something that I want you to pay close attention to as you're on
this journey right there are going to be some hiccups some mistakes you make but if you can recognize your mistakes you'll be able to correct them so writing in your Journal each and every day will give you the opportunity to see ah this is something I'm struggling with let me work on this more ah ah I made this mistake yesterday let me fix this so this is a very important daily practice again write a journal entry about your day now if before we go to number six daily practice I want to remind you that in
the app English with Tiffany I have an app and in this app each and every week you can practice you can review what I am teaching you so go to the link in the description or go to your Google Play store or Apple Store and go to English with Tiffany the app and each week you will find a lesson that goes along with what I'm teaching you so that you can practice and remember what I I am teaching you all right now let's move on to daily practice number six number six is watch a 10-minute
video about a topic that interests you now we are all familiar with YouTube because if you're watching this video you're on YouTube right so find a 10-minute video now I want you to pay close attention this video does not need to be about English one more time this video does not need to be about English yeah that's right instead I wanted to be about a topic that interest you and it happens to be delivered in English for example I like cycling I love cooking Etc so when I was in South Korea I would watch cooking
programs where they were speaking Korean it wasn't about the Korean language it was about my interest cooking and they were speaking Korean you need to find a video a 10-minute video about whatever topic that interests you but make sure they are native English speakers why is this such an important daily practice here's the first reason why this is so important it enhances your listening skills and comprehension never forget that your English fluency is not just about what you're saying it's about how you're processing information how you're organizing your thoughts and formulating your ideas think about
a child a child doesn't speak as soon as it comes out the womb it's constantly listening it's constantly trying to comprehend and then all of a sudden one day Dad one day Mama these things happen after the child has been listening and comprehending the same is true for you if your goal is to speak English fluently you must first Master this watch a 10-minute video and this will help your listing skills and comprehension reason number two it introduces you to new vocabulary and expressions I mentioned earlier that I love to cook right and I would
watch Korean cooking programs because I love to cook whenever they would mention a step that I was familiar with and I knew the words for in English I would all of a sudden oh perk up wait a minute ah this is how you describe this step in Korean I was learning new words learning new Expressions learning new phrases in a natural environment this is what we want you to do a daily practice here we go and reason number three this keeps your learning engaging and relevant to your interests one of my goals as your English
teacher is to truly help you fall in love with English to take the stress away to remove the frustration to remove the difficulties that you've been experiencing on your English journey I want you to enjoy learning English so when you watch a video about something you're interested in it won't be boring why because you are interested in the topic let's move on daily practice number seven number seven is another good one repeat five sentences from the video you watched I'll say it again repeat five sentences from the video you watched so you found the YouTube
video you watched it right then you're going to go back watch it again as you're watching it when you hear a sentence that interests you pause it write that sentence down or repeat immediately after the person again you want to repeat five sentences from the video you watched why is this such an important daily practice here is the first reason reason number one it improves your pronunciation and intonation when I was living in South Korea many times honestly almost every time when I would speak if the person couldn't see my face if I was on
the phone or maybe I was sitting behind them they thought I was Korean why because of my pronunciation and my intonation how did I master these two things by watching videos of Koreans speaking about topics I was interested in listen I know what you're going through I went through the same thing when I was learning Korean and my goal is to help you overcome this challenge so reason number one it improves your pronunciation and your intonation reason number two it reinforces new vocabulary and sentence structures why because you're saying it you're repeating the sentence so
your brain says oh okay I guess this is going into our database reason number three it enhances your memory and recall through repetition this is again going to help you improve your English fluency let's move on now to daily practice number eight daily practice number eight is learn one new English vocabulary word just one figure out an English vocabulary word that you want to master and learn that word you might ask Tiff why just one word here we go reason number one it expands your vocabulary incrementally right it uses this method of hey let's be
consistent it's okay it's not too much one word a day you can master that word and you'll continue doing it reason number two it encourages you to develop the habit of continuous learning not overwhelming easy to be consistent because it's one vocabulary word a day and reason number three it provides you with a sense of achievement and progress wow this month I have learned 30 new English vocabulary words that I can actually use to express myself because remember English fluency is all about expressing expressing expressing simple things and complex things in an interesting way this
is why this daily practice is so important daily practice number nine write down something that you are proud of related to your English Journey I'm going to say this one more time write down something that you are proud of related to your English journey and I want you to stay till the end because I'm going to tell us tell you a story that is related to this daily practice something that I experienced as well why is it so important for you to write down something that you are proud of I want us to look at
reason number one this boosts your motivation and your self-confidence I want you to pay attention learning English is not easy it is a challenge it is difficult and sometimes I know it can be frustrating and you get down on yourself if you make a mistake when you're speaking to someone if you can't remember a word if someone else speaks better than you all of a sudden you might feel discouraged but when you remember how far you've come how many new words you've learned how many new Expressions how many new idioms how much you have learned
you'll feel more motivated you'll feel more confident you you'll realize that nothing is impossible for you so it's important to every day write down something you're proud of why I learn a new word today man I said hi and I had a short conversation with a native English speaker today I practiced with my friend today write down something you are proud of related to your English Journey reason number two it encourages you to reflect positively on your progress and again I'm saying this because I totally understand it's so easy to feel uh discouraged it's so
easy to kind of have this negative voice in your head when you've been studying a language for so long and you don't seem to be making progress it's very easy to feel discouraged I don't want you to go through that anymore write down something you're proud of each and every day and reason number three it helps you set and Achieve Personal Learning goals your goal is to speak English fluently and you have to track your progress track your journey and I guarantee my friend I guarantee as you follow these daily practices you can do all
nine or you can choose which ones you like you will improve your English fluency the very first technique I want you to follow is writing in English daily I say this all the time to my students again writing in English daily if you're watching this video some of you are listening to it on the podcast you'll see behind me there are tons of journals and notebooks why because I write on a regular basis so I understand the importance of writing daily when you start writing in English daily many things are going to happen here's the
description that breaks this down you need to keep a journal or a diary in English because it will help you organize your thoughts and apply new vocabulary you're constantly learning new things if you watch the lesson from last week where I taught you seven new English Expressions you could have written those English Expressions down in your notebook you have a journal or buy a journal and start writing in it on a daily basis why is this so beneficial this is the benefit you see this exercise this practice of writing in an English journal every day
aids in internalizing grammatical structures and expressions making them more accessible for speaking now you know I don't teach grammar on my channel I don't teach grammar in my Academy that is something that you have heard me say over and over again even though I don't have grammar lessons my students still improve their grammar why because they follow these techniques techniques just like this one when you're writing on a regular basis you're also going to start editing yourself like wait a minute this doesn't look like what I read yesterday this doesn't read the same way that
Tiffany's uh presentations sound something's off and you'll start correcting yourself this will help you improve your grammar and start using words naturally so later on when you go to speak you'll remember what you wrote so again technique number one write in English daily technique number two this technique speech shadowing I want you to repeat after me at the same Pace I want you to repeat this hey you look amazing today good one more time hey you look amazing today speech shadowing is all about not just repeating the words but repeating the pace repeating the inflections
this is going to help you so here it is practice speaking by mimicking or shadowing a native speaker's speech from audio or video resources trying to match their pronunciation their tone and their Pace closely we're talking about helping you finally Master English fluency technique number two is all about speech shadowing here is the benefit this technique will help you my friend improve your accent your intonation and fluency by training your ears and speech muscles simultaneously at the same time this is why this technique is so important and so powerful so again technique number two speech
shadowing mimicking someone else technique number three TED talks and educational lectures again TED talks and educational lectures we're living in a time where information is available to us for free you can go on YouTube which is where you're watching this video and access tons upon tons of videos including TED talks and educational lectures so what you're going to do is watch TED Talks why Watching Ted Talks and educational lectures in English exposes you to complex ideas and specialized vocabulary remember your goal is to improve your English fluency in order to improve your English fluency you
have to improve your vocabulary you have to be exposed to more English this is a technique that will help you here's the benefit it improves your comprehension of advanced topics and AIDS in acquiring academic or professional language skills you're trying to get to the next level so you have to watch people you have to listen to people who are at the level you are trying to get to so again technique number three TED talks and educational lectures technique number four this technique is creative writing in English now remember the first technique was about writing in
a Daily Journal in English technique number four is a little bit different technique number four is creative writing in English let me explain engaging in creative writing activities like crafting stories poems or blogs in English writing about your daily life is in your Journal but you're writing about things that actually happened creative writing is all about using your imagination coming up with interesting stories or coming up with things you want to teach other people by writing a blog or even writing a poem in English this Tech technique will stretch your brain in a different way
you're not just documenting your day instead you're coming up with ideas and situations in English this technique once again will help you master English fluency here's another benefit it encourages it encourages Innovative use of language and deeper engagement with linguistic structures enhan ing expressive capabilities it will help you express yourself more because you are forcing your mind forcing your brain to pull on all of these things you've learned to make them into something interesting this technique is going to take your English to the next level technique number five technique number five is listening to English
audio books audiobooks are powerful I have have Audi books on my phone and it's very convenient to listen to an Audi book while I am either working or cooking or exercising you have access to audiobooks so listen to an English Audi book incorporating English Audi books into your routine allows you to hear complex narratives and dialogue when you're listening to an Audi book you're listening to an individual who's a native English speaker they're not speaking slowly they're speaking at a regular Pace about complex topics and this gives your brain the opportunity to process the information
listening to audiobooks as your brain learns to process the information you will also be able to regurgitate to use the same patterns when you speak English so again listening to English audiobooks what is another benefit it sharpens your listening skills and introduces you to diverse literary vocabularies and storytelling techniques you're going to be a better Storyteller you're going to have a more expansive vocabulary this is why this technique is so important technique number six another good one technique number six book clubs and discussion groups you want to become a part of or join book clubs
or discussion groups you have to practice what you are learning now here's the thing participating in englishspeaking book clubs or discussion groups offers you a chance or an opportunity to explore literature and express your opinions in order to speak English fluently you have to be able to put into words your ideas your opinions your thoughts and joining a book club can help you do this you see discussing books can enhance your vocabulary your comprehension and the ability to formulate and express complex ideas clearly we're talking about helping you master English fluency and it's not just
about reading a book you have to utilize different techniques to get where you are trying to go so again technique number six book clubs and discussion groups technique number seven subscribe to English newsletter newsletters again subscribe to English newsletters reading newsletters from reputable sources in English keeps you updated with current events and exposes you to formal written English this is is so powerful again we are living in a time where so many things are available for free you can sign up for an English newsletter again this is a newsletter meant for native English speakers it's
not about English it's literally about current events things going on and it's written in English you can find an English newsletter sign up for the newsletter totally for free and every day have an email sent to you where you're reading in English about the current events this is a powerful technique one of the main benefits it enhances your reading comprehension and familiarizes you with the tone and style of professional and journalistic writing we're trying to help you speak English fluently we're trying to help you master English fluency and in order to master English fluency you
have to actually read more and write more so again technique number seven subscribe to English newsletters technique number eight mindmapping in English once again mind mapping in English now this is all about using mind maps to organize your thoughts or plan projects in English I love this technique this is how I think this is how I've always thought again again this refers to organizing your thoughts before speaking this refers to having supporting pieces of information for your idea and then speaking I remember when I was in high school we did it in college as well
but we did it more in high school we'd have on a piece of paper a diagram with circles in the middle would be your main point on the outside of that bigger Circle would be smaller circles with supporting points reasons examples to support your idea this is a mind map making sure you have a main idea and then connecting points that support that main idea creating mindmaps is important here's the benefit the visual and organizational tool this tool not only AIDS in planning but also in thinking and brainstorming directly in English promoting fluency in thought
process CES get a piece of paper get a notebook and write out your thoughts and then create visuals circles squares rectangles to organize your thoughts mind mapping Game Changer I love this technique technique number nine practicing with karaoke in English I almost paused I like wait a minute we're going to sing practicing with karaoke in English let me explain singing along to English songs using karaoke videos or apps to improve pronunciation and Rhythm when you sing a song when you're enjoying it you're actually improving your pronunciation following the Rhythm it's a relaxed way of studying
English here's the benefit this technique engages listening skills and mimicry in a fun musical context enhancing your ability to hear and reproduce sounds accurately this is a fun way to learn how to master English fluency all right technique number 10 here we go creating English content oh boy all right creating English content here we go start a blog YouTube channel or podcast in English about your hobbies your studies or daily life I'm going to pause you start a YouTube channel you start a blog you start a podcast about something you're interested in I have had
students in my Academy that speak English with Tiffany Academy who have done this exact thing started YouTube channels about makeup started YouTube channels about their travel started YouTube channels about their English journey and what happens when you do this is your English will start to improve even faster I know it can be a little bit nerve-wracking you're a little nervous not sure but trust me this technique you're talking about we're talking about improving and mastering English fluency and doing it faster here's the benefit develops writing or speaking skills while connecting with the broader audience encouraging
regular language use I got to post a video next week so I need to prare I need to mind Matt before I record my YouTube video this technique creating English content connects other techniques as well start doing it I'm telling you and technique number 11 here we go number 11 exploring English literature reading classic and contemporary English literature to gain exposure to Rich language storytelling techniques and cultural insights this is a way again for you to enjoy the process of learning English to expand your vocabulary and to enhance your skills as it relates to expressing
your ideas the benefit this builds a deeper understanding of language Nuance historical context and various literary Styles and genres you're going to expand your horizons this is is what it's all about as you're trying to master English fluency remember to put these techniques into practice tip number one the very first tip you need to know in order to speak English fluently is to immerse yourself in English once again immerse yourself in English now what does this mean it means that you my friend need to surround yourself with English speakers and content but don't get nervous
don't get frustrated don't get worried maybe you live in a country where there are not a lot of English speakers around you you still can use this tip why because you can watch movies listen to podcasts and read books in English your brain is absolutely amazing you're already able to speak your mother tongue so all you have to do now is provide information in different formats to your brain in English why is this so beneficial you see this accelerates understanding and fluency by natural exposure to the language in various contexts I learned to speak Korean
and for those that are Korean and when I was learning Korean I had tons upon tons of books but my fluency did not go to the next level until I started doing what you guessed it watching movies in Korean listening to podcasts in Korean and doing what reading books in Korean so the same is true for you my friend now I want to help you actually find these things so what I've done is I actually have a list and I want to tell you my favorite movie that's right and you can actually watch the movie
too it's in English my favorite movie is the sound of music and just to let you know the hills are alive with the sound of music that's one of the songs from the movie but this movie is absolutely amazing why is this a great movie for you to watch as an English Learner in order to improve your English fluency well in this one movie you will find drama you will find comedy you will find so many different types of situations in this one movie and what's going to happen it's going to help you improve your
English fluency now this is my favorite movie but I also really enjoy certain podcasts podcasts are a great way for you to improve your English and immerse yourself in English you can download podcasts to your phone to your computer to your tablet or whichever device you currently use and one of the podcasts that I listen to on a regular basis I mean every single week is the waveform podcast again I want you to take notes so that you can check out the movie the podcast and the book that I'm mentioning now the waveform podcast this
podcast is really all about technology so if you want to know about the latest cell phone that came out the latest computer that came out or anything dealing with technology you can check out this podcast every week I love the podcast I'm a native English speaker and man is it interesting so think about how much more interesting it will be for you not only will you learn a lot about technology you'll also learn new words expressions and idioms and the book woo my friend the book that I want to introduce you to is this book
right here the book is called grit the power of passion and perseverance it's by Angela Duckworth again the book title is grit the power of P passion and perseverance now this book is going to really help you improve your English fluency but also encourage you as an English learner it talks about the importance of giving 110% in order to achieve your goals and you have many English goals so for our first tip again it's important for you to immerse yourself in English watching movies listening to podcasts and reading books now before we go to our
second tip I am Tiffany also known as teacher Tiffany and my goal is to help you speak English with confidence are you ready to continue well then let's Jump Right In all right tip number two another important one my friend you have to practice speaking regularly I want you to repeat after me regularly yes now now why is this important here's the thing you see in order to speak English regularly it means you have to engage in conversations with native speakers or other Learners or speak to yourself in the mirror you heard me right there
are three different ways you can practice speaking English regularly first speaking with other native English speakers maybe you have a tutor maybe you have a friend who speaks English English secondly you can speak with other English Learners we're talking about helping you speak English more fluently and the Third Way is for you to actually start speaking to yourself in a mirror I know it might sound weird and I know it might feel strange but this can really help you improve your English I had one of my students who actually started doing this and her husband
would say what are you doing a few months later he said my goodness your English has improved so much what's the goal of this lesson to help you speak English more fluently now why is this so important what is the main benefit of tip number two it improves your pronunciation enhances your speaking confidence and it aids in acquiring conversational skills these things are very important for you if you are trying to speak English fluently now I want to give you some examples of how you can start implementing this tip today so here's what I want
you to do there are two options the first option is for the morning now in the morning this is what you could do you could ask someone one thing they did the previous day and then say what you did this is very simple right have a conversation with someone maybe you are in person or maybe you're speaking to them via an application on your phone right but record a voice note if you're using your phone you want to ask them hey tell me one thing you did the previous day and then you also share what
you did now the second example that you can use is the evening so if you decide to do the evening what you can do is share the best thing that happened to you today again share the best thing that happened to you today I'm actually going to tell you the best thing that happened to me yesterday this is true so my niece she is 14 years old and she has just started playing volleyball this is not story time story time is coming later okay but my niece has just started playing volleyball I think she's had
had about six or seven games now my niece is a basketball player but she was very interested in playing volleyball so she's learning she's a freshman but this freshman now I'm an auntie so of course I'm proud of her but this freshman listen my friend my niece is killing it she is doing amazing and I went to her game yesterday and I screamed so much my vocal cords were sore but I was so excited every time she made a point every time she blocked the other team's ball I was so excited my sister and I
we got all the steps you need in a day just from jumping up and down we were so excited so again I just told you the best thing that happened to me yesterday you can tell someone the best thing that happened to you yesterday or today remember the goal is to what practice speaking regularly you got it I love it all right let's now move on to tip number three tip number three now this is also very important you need to keep a vocabulary Journal I want you to say it after me keep a vocabulary
Journal your turn excellent now let me break down this tip keeping a vocabulary Journal you need to record new words their meanings and example sentences this is so important once again record the new words write the definitions and also example sentences why is this so beneficial again you're trying to speak English more fluently you're trying to improve your fluency here's the benefit this enhances vocabulary retention and understanding of word usage in context I actually want to explain something to you from my experience before I give you some examples this literally happened to me about a
month ago okay this is true I again a native English speaker I'm an English teacher I was actually reviewing something I was having worship I'm a Christian and I was having worship reading the Bible and reading some commentaries and there was one portion that really stuck out to me it was so powerful as I read it I read it more than once it really hit home and then I remembered hey if I write this down I will remember it later if I write this down I'll be able to retain it easier and be able to
share with someone later just by writing it down and if you're watching this lesson you can see behind me all of these notebooks behind me why because I always write things down because I understand how my brain works when I write it down I'll retain it this is why this tip tip number three is so important when you write things down you'll retain the information and you'll be able to use it later on so here's some examples of how you can do this all right now we have morning afternoon and evening here in the morning
what you can do is you can write one new word from an an article you read one new word from an article so you can find any article it can be online it can be on your cell phone maybe you downloaded something or maybe it's a printed article you can find the article wherever you'd like but the important thing is in the morning read that article and write one new word in your vocabulary Journal remember you're going to write the word and you're going to write the definition and example sentences now here's what you can
do in the afternoon you can write one new word from a podcast or audio clip you listened to remember earlier in tip number one I spoke about immersing yourself in English and I mentioned podcasts well as you listen to these podcasts you are going to hear new words new expressions new phrasal verbs write them down you don't have to write each and every one you can select one two or three right and make sure you write the definition and the example sentences that you find online now here's another way you can do this in the
evening what you're going to do in the evening write one new word from a show or video you saw notice how this is broken down in the morning you are are reading in the afternoon you are listening in the evening you are watching why because by the end of the day normally you're going to be just a bit tired so you want to kind of relax you can still learn English while you relax and as you watch the video You're going to hear new words write the word or words down make sense excellent all right
so now we're going to move on to tip number four tip number four tip number four is to practice writing daily you got it I showed you my journals earlier practice writing daily something that is very interesting is the connection between writing and speaking writing and speaking now we're helping you in this lesson improve your English fluency that's what I'm teaching you part of improving your English fluency is practicing writing every single day let me break this down for you write essays write journal entries or emails in English these are just three examples of things
you can write to improve your English fluency why is this so beneficial here we go it improves your writing skills your grammar and the ability to express thoughts clearly this is the part that I like to emphasize your ability to express thoughts clearly you have many thoughts many ideas many opinions and the challenge you experience sometimes is how to express those thoughts ideas and opinions clearly in English well my friend according to TI number four if you practice writing daily that skill will also improve so let me help you out here we go here are
some examples you know I love the five W's you got it who what when where and why we're going to use the five W's as a launching pad to help you write on a regular basis so for the who this is what I want you to do I want you to write about one person you met for example maybe you met your mother today write about your mom maybe you met your husband today write about your husband you're going to write about one person you met for the what you're going to write about one thing
you did one thing you did for for example about 30 minutes ago I had to run to the store to pick up some juice so I could write in my journal ah about 11:00 this morning I had to run to Target to purchase some juice write about what you did then for the win write about the time of day you enjoyed the most and why think about your day what's happening right now you're actually organizing your thoughts man let me review my day today what did I really enjoy the most and it's happening in English
which is going to lead to improving your fluency and what about the where you're going to write about one place you went I said a few moments ago that I went to Target to buy some juice I can talk about the target how when you walk in it's just so peaceful the staff members there are so friendly I can write about the place I went to again writing every day using the five W's as your prompt and what about the why write one reason why you enjoyed your day now this is different from when because
when is speaking about a specific time of day why is saying your entire day why did you enjoy your day make sense excellent all right so now we're going to move on to tip number four tip excuse me number five here we go tip number five here we go all right listen to English music and analyze the lyrics sneak peek I'm about to sing to you all right so again tip number five is listen to English music and analyze the lyrics let me break this down for you why this is so important here we go
what you're going to do is enjoy English music and study the lyrics to understand slang idioms and cultural expressions my goal is to help you speak English fluently my other goal is to help you enjoy the the process it doesn't have to be overwhelming it doesn't have to be frustrating or boring to improve your English fluency you just need to have the right tools and the right tips to achieve your goals so again enjoy English mu music and study the lyrics to learn new slang idioms and expressions now why is this such a benefit it
makes learning like I mentioned enjoyable and helps with memorizing phras raises naturally this is the part now it doesn't matter where you're from right there's some music that you enjoy right when you hear you just kind of start moving a little bit right music is enjoyable and this is why in order to improve your English fluency tip number five will help you so much so what I'm going to show you right now my friend is one of the songs I loved growing up the song is called Lost Without You by BB and CC wiing now
if you're watching this right now I have the lyrics on the screen and I am going to sing this song to you part of this song to you again it was one of my favorite songs growing up now remember I said a few moments ago yesterday remember I said that I was screaming at the top of my lungs for my niece so my voice is still not 100 but I will happily sing this song to you again speaking about the importance of listening to English music here we go okay lost without you and then I'm
going to break down some of the terms within the song all right day by day no more reaction you are my Center attraction every beat my heart beats is your song from her Hur and harm you're my protection the path I take is your direction cuz I know with you I can go wrong ever since that day I asked you into my heart my world has changed so promise me you'll never part and now of course you can join in if you'd like cuz I'm lost without a you I had to change the keys I
told you I couldn't sing that high my voice easy to see I'm lost without you and there's no letting go so let me be the first to say I'm going to pause right there because I had to do fall settle right there because it got higher but again this was one of my favorite songs why did I show this to you as an example let me explain there are so many expressions and terms in this song look at the very first expression that I want to show you I'm lost without you now wait a minute
lost means that you don't know where you're going right like oh I lost my dog I don't know where he is he doesn't know where his home is so the song title is lost without you it means when you're not in my life I have no direction if you're not with me I won't know where to go you caught it right lost without you now this song is talking about God right then the other part that I want to explain to you again dayby day normal reaction you are my Center attraction center now Center implies
main you're my main focus think about attraction as something that draws your attention right something that draws your attention I haven't even gotten to the chorus and you see already there are terms that you can learn from this song Center attraction you're my main focus you're the thing that draws my attention this this is why it's so important for you to utilize tip number five listen to English music good English music something good and analyze the lyrics all right let's keep going so again that was tip number five now before we get to tip number
six I do want to remind you each time I teach you something here on YouTube or if you're listening to the podcast I want you to also check out the app English with Tiffany each and every week I have lessons within the app that will help you practice what you're learning my goal is to help you achieve your English goals so all you have to do is download the app totally for free English with Tiffany and practice each and every week what you've learned here in this YouTube lesson or podcast lesson or episode and each
day there are other lessons as well so I hope you enjoy the app English with Tiffany all right tip number six use English in daily tasks one more time use English in daily tasks let me break this down it's important for you to incorporate English into routine tasks like shopping lists or to-do lists or diary entries think about your life think about the things you are already doing and try to integrate English or add English into those routines why is this so important you see this encourages thinking in English and it makes language use a
regular part of your day we're talking about helping you improve your English fluency this can only happen if you follow these tips and start to use English more and more throughout your your daily life all right so here we go I'm going to help you a bit morning afternoon and evening this is what I want you to do in the morning what you can do is you can describe what you are going to make for breakfast let's say for example in the morning you enjoy eating eggs maybe toast and maybe you have an apple describe
it what type of apple do you like just to let you know I love Fuji apples true story they're very hard they're crisp they're flavorful they're delicious right I just described the Apple but what about your eggs maybe you like salty eggs maybe you like eggs with pepper what about your toast what do you put on your toast start describing something you already do and what about the afternoon in the afternoon I want you to explain what you have accomplished so so far it doesn't matter if you are a stay-at-home mom Amazing by the way
maybe a stay-at-home dad also amazing by the way maybe you work in an office environment maybe you're a student it doesn't matter what your occupation or what you do start describing what you did during the day all right now in the evening this is what you're going to do you're going to describe what you want to do tomorrow tomorrow this is going to help you as you think about the future and how to describe things that will happen in the future this is going to help you improve your English fluency now as a reminder these
tips you can select which one or ones you want to use you can change it up each and every day but using these tips is going to help you improve your fluency all right tip number seven very important stay persistent and patient one more time stay persistent and patient listen closely recognize that language learning is a gradual process and requires consistent effort over time I know that it's not easy I know that it's challenging but I need you to know that I believe in you because it is possible for you to achieve each and every
one of your goals if you simply remain persistent and patient why is this important this helps maintain motivation and resilience in facing challenges ensuring long-term progress and success so you're probably asking Tiffany how can I remain persistent and patient let me help you out my friend here we go first your morning routine you can choose a 15minute block in the morning to study maybe you don't have a lot of time but 15 minutes a day you can sacrifice in the morning perfect select that in the morning or maybe the mornings don't work for you no
problem in the evenings select a 15minute block to study but just remain persistent and patient whichever block of time you select make sure you stick to that time and maybe you have no time during the week totally okay on Sundays possibly choose a 30 minute block to study every Sunday you can change the day you can change the amount of time the most important thing is for you to be persistent and patient seven techniques that will improve your pronunciation starting right now technique number one listen and repeat once again listen and repeat in other words
you need to practice mimicking native speakers pronunciation let me break this down for you you see this technique involves carefully listening to native English speakers and attempting to replicate their pronunciation as closely as possible now I personally used this technique to improve my pronunciation when I was studying Korean Korean is a very difficult language and I knew that I had to put the time in to improve my pronunciation and it got so good that people when they were on the phone would answer and they thought I was Korean why because I listened and repeated what
I was hearing whenever I watched a television program whenever I listened to a podcast whenever I was around my Korean friends I would listen and repeat what they were saying you can use this technique to improve your English pronunciation I have spoken to thousands upon thousands of English Learners and one of the common challenges is pronunciation they say TI my accent is too strong people don't understand me pronunciation is so hard listen if you focus on repeating exactly trying to replicate what you hear I guarantee your pronunciation will improve but you have to be patient
with yourself so even right now as I am giving you this technique you could pause the video and repeat the last sentence you heard then rewind the video and listen again and then repeat again your goal is to sound exactly like me or exactly like the individual you are watching or listening to so again technique number one is to listen and repeat now let me give you three reasons why this is such a powerful technique reason number one using this technique will help you train your ear to recog ize subtle differences in sounds I love
this as a native English speaker right I speak in English all the time I'm teaching you English right now but when you listen to me you'll notice subtle differences why because English is not your first language so your ear is going to kind of focus just a bit more this will help you notice the subtle the nuances the differences in sounds the second reason why this technique is so powerful is you'll develop muscle memory in your mouth and tongue for producing new sounds now I have mentioned this many times before and I've also told a
story stay till the end for story time so I told a story about one of my students who was trying to improve her pronunciation she was struggling to make the th sound she didn't know how to put her tongue between her teeth and make it feel natural so I told her to practice over and over again when she was working theth the she had to get this muscle memory down her tongue needed to figure out ah this is a new sound and this is the position I need to be in to make this sound so
for technique number one when you listen and repeat it also helps you with muscle memory and finally the Third reason why this technique is so powerful is it allows you to practice in a low pressure environment building your confidence when you're practicing alone or when you're listening to something and repeating it maybe even at a lower tone or you're just kind of talking to yourself you're not worried about anyone judging you and this will inevitably build your confidence technique number number one listen and repeat now before we go to technique number two my name is
teacher Tiffany and I am passionate about helping you and other English Learners around the world finally speak English with confidence I think this lesson is going to take your English pronunciation to the next level now if you want to continue practicing even after this lesson don't forget about the English with Tiffany app the link is in the description if you're watching the video or you can go to the Google Play store or the Apple Store and download English with Tiffany to continue practicing now technique number two technique number two is record yourself speaking now I
said this one slower because sometimes students don't like to record themselves it feels awkward having your phone in front of you or your camera and you're talking to the camera and you can see yourself it feels uncomfortable but when you're trying to improve your pronunciation you must try various techniques so record yourself speaking you need to compare your pronunciation with native speakers so when you record yourself you can watch the video again or listen to the audio recording and realize ah teacher Tiffany sounds like that but I sound like this what can I tweak to
make it sound more natural Again by recording your own speech and comparing it to native speakers you can identify areas for improvement in your pronunciation it's so powerful for you to be able to self-correct as you're on your English Journey now here are three reasons why this technique is so powerful reason number one you'll become more aware of your own spe speech patterns and habits this is important if your goal is to improve your English skills if your goal is to speak English more fluently if your goal is to improve your pronunciation specifically you need
to record yourself it will help you recognize your patterns and your habits the second reason why this technique is so powerful is it provides a concrete way to track your progress over over time I recorded a video last week I recorded a video today I can compare how I did today to how I did last week you can track your progress and reason number three you can focus on specific sounds or words that you find challenging remember a few moments ago I mentioned that one of my students when I worked in South Korea struggled with
the th sound she was able to pronounce the F sound properly the S sound the z sound the T sound it was just that th sound that she struggled with so when you take the time to record yourself whether a video recording or an audio recording you'll be able to recognize the sounds you need to focus more on so again technique number two record yourself speaking technique number three watch English media with subtitles I'll say it again Watch English media with subtitles in other words you have to observe how words are pronounced in context this
method allows you to see and hear English being used naturally helping you understand pronunciation in real world situations as a native English speaker I know how to speed up and slow down and I can understand when others speak fast or speak slow but for you as an English learner there are going to be times when you're watching a program and a native English speaker just starts speaking really quickly and you don't know what they're saying the moment you turn on the subtitles in English your brain will start connecting ah these three words together said quickly
sound like this and that will help enhance your pronunciation so here are three other reasons why this technique is so important reason number one you'll learn how words change in Connected speech that's what I just mentioned words together what they sound like connected reason number two it exposes you to different accents and speaking Styles and finally reason number three you can improve your listening skills while reinforcing pronunciation this technique is very powerful and I encourage you to do it no matter or to use it no matter what level you are intermediate or Advanced but the
subtitles must be in English you got me excellent all right so let's move on now to technique number four technique number four is exagerate mouth movements again exaggerate mouth movements now you have probably been with me for a while and so you know that I make an effort to speak very clearly to help you understand the lessons that I'm teaching I also exaggerate my mouth movements many times in order for you to understand me more and for you to see how I am making certain sounds here's the thing you need to practice over articulating to
improve muscle memory I've been speaking English my entire life so I can speak quickly I can say things because I have muscle memory right therefore thus this my mouth knows if the th sounds comes up I need to put the tongue through my teeth by exag aerating your mouth movements when speaking English you can develop better control over the muscles used in pronunciation we're trying to help you starting right now improve your pronunciation here are the three reasons why this is so powerful and why it is such a useful technique reason number one it helps
you feel the difference between similar sounds more clearly it helps you feel the difference reason number two you'll become more aware of the physical aspects of pronunciation sometimes when you watch television when you watch a YouTube video or even when you're listening to a podcast it just seems like people are speaking with no effort but it just goes back to muscle memory and the more you exaggerate your mouth movements the easier it will be for you in a real conver ation to make those sounds properly and reason number three it can lead to clearer more
precise speech over time remember I told you earlier that when I would be on the phone in Korea I would sound like a Korean they thought I was Korean why because I practiced using this technique exaggerating my mouth movements making sure I was actually properly forming the sound inside and on the exterior portion of my mouth technique number four exaggerate mouth movements technique number five Shadow native speakers again Shadow native speakers you're going to speak along with audio in real time shadowing involves speaking along with the native speaker in real time matching their Pace intonation
and pronunciation as closely as possible so let's practice this really quickly and then we'll go to the reasons if you're watching this video you can see on your screen right now a sentence the description right I want you to try to Shadow me try to follow my pace and my intonation here we go shadowing involves speaking along with a native speaker in real time matching their Pace intonation and pronunciation as closely as possible now you can pause this video and try to say what I just said or maybe you were actually reading in real time
trying to keep up with me this technique will help you improve your pronunciation here are the three reasons why this is such a powerful technique reason number one it improves your ability to keep up with natural speech patterns I teach my students in my Academy to speak English English with Tiffany Academy that there's a rhythm to speech right and if you have rhythm you can kind of Follow The Rhythm as you're speaking again it improves your ability to keep up with natural speech patterns or natural speech rhythms reason number two you'll internalize the Rhythm and
flow of English I just said rhythm is so important when you're speaking English and reason number three it helps you develop a more natural sounding accent when you're shadowing a native English speaker you're telling your brain hey this is what I'd like to sound like let's work hard to sound like that all right okay so again technique number five Shadow native speakers now let's go to technique number six technique number six is also very important it refers to learning intonation patterns again learning intonation patterns practice the rise and fall of pitch in sentences you see
understanding and practicing intonation patterns helps you convey meaning more effectively and sound more natural when speaking English let me break it down like this when I'm speaking to you when I'm explaining the lesson to you I normally take my time and speak very clearly I also make it a point to allow my voice to rise and fall I want you to see that intonation matters because if I all of a sudden started speaking like this with the monotone you would probably get bored very quickly but because sometimes I'm like this and sometimes I'm like this
there's something about changing your intonation that draws people in so you need to learn intonation patter patterns for example when you're happy normally if someone is happy and speaking English their voice goes up there's kind of this lightness to their voice and a high pitch but if someone is very serious maybe sad upset or just in a very solemn mood our voice naturally drops down you see the difference right I feel really good and then I just want to tell you about something that happened yesterday this intonation practice is going to help your pronunciation so
much here are three reasons why this is so important it allows you to express emotions and attitudes more accurately if I all of a sudden said man I'm having the worst day of my life something would be a little off right Tiff you sound happy but the words you're using don't match what I'm feeling when you practice the ination patterns it's going to inevitably help your pronunciation as well and people will understand you more reason number two you'll be better understood as intonation can change the meaning of a sentence and finally reason number three it
helps you sound more native like in your speech practicing these intonation patterns and the flow and rhythm of English so again technique number six learn intonation patterns technique number seven slow down your speech I'll say it again slow down your speech you see focusing on Clarity is important to do before increasing speed sometimes as you're learning English and trying to improve your pronunciation you might think hey as long as I speak faster it'll be good but that's not the case you see by speaking more slowly at first you can concentrate on pronouncing each sound correctly
before working on increasing your speaking speed why is this so important reason number one it gives you time to to think about the correct pronunciation of each word now we're not saying that you should speak this slowly instead we're saying you should speak this slowly it's okay to pause for a moment and in the pauses when you're taking your time you're giving yourself an opportunity to think you caught that right I slowed down on purpose but you were still engaged reason number two you'll develop better control over your speech organs slow it down before you
speed it up and reason number three it helps reduce anxiety and increases your confidence in speaking you got it yes technique number seven slow down your speech technique number one contextual learning now this technique involves studying idioms within real life situations using authentic materials like books movies and podcast learning idioms can be very tricky at times but when you learn Le them in real situations it will help you not only understand them but start to use them faster for example let's say you learned this idiom on cloud n now just saying that idiom it sounds
like okay there are nine clouds in the sky and you're sitting on a cloud but if I told you this real life situation yesterday oh my gosh my mom she can cook true story she made this amazing banana nut bread and as it came out of the oven oh my gosh everything inside of me woo was excited I was on cloud n because I knew I was about to eat the best piece of banana nut bread ever you see how that changed right I told you my story a real life situation and I said I
was on cloud n as I watched the banana nut bread come out of the oven on Cloud9 just to means just means to be extremely happy when you learn the idiom based on a real life situation you'll remember it so here are three reasons why this technique is so powerful reason number one it helps you understand how idioms are actually used in everyday language just like with my story I said ah as I watched the banana nut bread coming out of the oven I was was on cloud n and you saw my facial expression if
you're watching this lesson change a big smile came on my face you're able to see how the idioms are used in everyday language reason number two you'll pick up on the nuances and cultural context surrounding each idiom ah teacher Tiffany really likes banana nut bread true story and she really likes her mother's cooking true story and she was very excited about this banana nut bread and I watched her body language change these things help you because you're learning in context and reason number three it makes learning more engaging and memorable when you encounter idioms in
relatable situations just like I said I love banana nut bread I'm sure there's something you love something your mother made as you were growing up or maybe even makes for you right now and when she makes it oo you just get excited you get elated you are on cloud n you got that right yes all right so again technique number one is contextual learning learning the idioms in context based on real life situations technique number two chunk chunking yeah you heard me right chunking now I said I loved technique number one but I also love
this technique now let me explain what chunking actually is so chunking is the practice of grouping related terms or concepts together for easier memorization again grouping things together so that you can remember them later did you notice earlier when I was giving you my experience about my mom making banana nut bread and I said I was on Cloud9 I also said I felt elated I was elated elated is a word that I teach students in my Academy that speak English with Tiffany Academy and it means extremely happy well on Cloud9 also means extremely happy so
now we have an idiom and a vocabulary word what's going to happen now next time when you are excited or very happy both of these terms will pop in your head the idiom and the vocabulary word this is called chunking relating terms together and learning them together so here are three reasons why this technique is so powerful first it reduces cognitive load making it easier for you to remember multiple idioms at once when you are thinking about hey happiness How can I I describe happiness if you have multiple idioms that you learn at the same
time chunking it will be easier for you to remember and it won't take too much mental strain here's the second reason why this is so powerful you'll start recognizing patterns in idioms which will Aid in understanding and recall your brain is amazing yes you my friend your brain is absolutely amazing and it can do more than you realize so when you learn by chunking the idioms together which have similar meanings your brain starts trying to make connections to help you remember them in the future and reason number three it's a time efficient way to expand
your idiomatic vocabulary quickly when you learn by chunking you're cutting down your study time but increasing your efficiency and also improving your memory this is a powerful technique so again technique number two is chunking now I mentioned a few moments ago that I teach this to my students in my Academy so if you want to join me you can get 365 daily English lessons that's right for the entire year I've organized everything for you by going to 365 or 365 English or day English plan.com one more time 365 dayenglish plan.com and you can enroll in
my course and have an entire plan for the year all right okay let's keep going here is the next technique technique number three spaced repetition again spaced repetition now this involves reviewing new terms at increasing intervals to reinforce memory for example let's say today you are going to learn six new idioms right you have six new idioms now tomorrow you can review idioms one and two then the next day you can review idioms three and four then the next day you can review idioms 1 5 six you can determine which ones you're going to review
but there needs to be repetition and space in between so you don't have to practice each one every day but find a system that works why is this so powerful here are three reasons why space repetition will help you learn idioms first it helps move idioms from your shortterm to your longterm memory your shortterm says okay we're learning this today and maybe we only need it for 24 hours but the moment you go back to that idiot go back to that place in your notebook your brain says oh this is more important than we realized
we need to store this information in our longterm memory reason number two you'll retain idioms for longer periods reducing the need for constant revision and reason number three it's an efficient way to learn as you focus more on idioms you mind challenging you're going to improve because you're going to learn idioms that will become easy to you and then you'll learn newer idioms that are hard but you'll connect them to the other ones you've already learned so again technique number three spaced repetition technique number four again to master and learn English idioms using visual aids
I love visual aids where human beings we're constantly looking at things unless you might be uh blind and I have some students that are blind so if you are blind this won't work for you but you might enjoy the audio aspect right finding different sounds to connect to the idioms you're learning but for those that are able to see visual aids can help you immensely now visual aids using them means representing idioms through images or mind maps think about it like this at the very beginning of this lesson I described a situation where a mom
made banana nut bread so I could find a picture of either my mom cooking or of banana nut bread and whenever I see that I say ah on Cloud9 why because banana nut bread makes me happy it makes me feel like I'm on cloud n that's a visual aid it's now a trigger to my brain ah that makes you happy you're on Cloud9 make sense right excellent here are three reasons why this is such a powerful technique reason number one it caters to visual learning styles making idioms more memorable for you you'll remember them like
ah yes I I remember that I'm connecting it to a situation or an event reason number two you'll create strong mental associations between the idiom and its meaning again you'll create these triggers basically connecting your mind uh this image this idiom now whenever I see this image I think of the idiom whenever I hear the idiom I immediately think of the image reason number three it's a fun and creative way to engage with language learning I used to use this technique when I was in South Korea and I realized that the students were getting either
a little bit tired or overwhelmed I would close the books I would say hey guys close your books and i' take out some pictures I'd show some pictures on my computer and we would use those to either create sentences or I would use them to describe different words or idioms it's very powerful so again technique number four visual aids now technique number five technique number five is roll role playing role playing now for this one it involves practicing new expressions or idioms in simulated conversations so you can either use chat GPT now that it's being
very uh widely spread now it's widely spread right people are using it all over the world create a conversation based on the idiom and practice it with your partner or you can actually simply come up with your own conversation using the idiom which actually might work better because it'll stick in your mind longer and then actually act it out hey girl hey what's up I heard that your mom made some banana nut bread girl you heard right yes I was on Cloud9 again role play right this is what you can do to improve your ability
to understand English idioms and master them here's the first reason why this is so powerful it gives you practical experience using idioms in realistic scenarios reason number two you'll gain confidence in using idioms in actual conversations and reason number three it helps you understand the appropriate context and tone for using specific idioms role playing is Extreme L powerful so again technique number five role playing technique number six journaling now this is another one that I also think is powerful you see journaling means keeping a language journal to record and reflect on new vocabulary I kept
tons of journals when I was in South Korea studying Korean and I have so many of those journals in my closet I'm actually going to get some of the journals I keep now now these journals are connected that you see if you're watching the video connected to the lessons I'm teaching you right now actually but I have a journal based on the platform so I have one for Instagram one for YouTube one for Tik Tok one for my Academy why because journaling is a powerful way to not only document and remember but also track your
progress journaling is very very powerful so here are three reasons why you should journal in order to master English idioms first it provides a personal record of your Learning Journey showing your progress over time actually I want to show you a journal that I started when I first created this YouTube channel all right so this is one of my journals literally from what year is this if you're watching it you'll see but I want to show you some of the images in my journal right let's see if you can see this this is literally a
journal I had when I was starting this YouTube channel I would draw out every frame to create the lessons so what has happened we've come on this journey I'm here today but I have this why to look back at how far I've come right so it's important important for you on your journey to keep a journal and you'll track your progress over time the second reason is you can revisit and review idioms easily reinforcing your learning reminding yourself Ah that's what it means this is powerful and reason number three it encourages active engagement with the
language improving retention you will retain the information more again the power of a journal I cannot emphasize it enough that is why I have so many journals behind me for those watching and so many in my office closet so again technique number six journaling what about technique number seven technique number seven teach others again teach others so powerful Now teach others this involves explaining new Concepts to peers to solidify understanding so let's say for example you have your Journal you wrote everything down you wrote down this new idiom that you learned and then you see
oh my friend wait a minute should I teach him should I tell him yes hey John guess what I learned this new idiom can I teach it to you it's it's called it h where's it at again uh on cloud nine it just means really happy all of a sudden the very fact that you taught John that idiom is going to reinforce it in your mind and you will remember it later three reasons why this is so powerful the first reason it forces you to fully understand the idiom in order to expl explain it clearly
to others because what's going to happen as you're explaining the idiom to John hey John yeah the idiom uh on Cloud9 John is going to say oh well wait a minute can I use it whenever I'm happy the only way you're going to be able to answer his questions is if you understand it completely this is going to help you master English idioms here's the second reason why this is so powerful you'll gain confidence in your knowledge as you share it with others this is something I love I love to help you build confidence in
yourself and when you teach somebody else you'll be more confident in your ability to actually use the idiom your shoulders will go back your head will go up you'll be more confident the third reason it provides an opportunity for you to use the idiom in a practical convers ational setting hey John I just want to talk to you real quick man let me help you understand this new idiom that I learned this is a powerful technique again teach others technique number eight technique number eight is to paraphrase it's the paraphrasing technique this means restating idioms
in your own words to check your understanding we've you've been talking about being on cloud N I mentioned I love my mom's banana nut bread how can you rephrase on cloud nine I feel absolutely amazing I'm super happy at this moment rephrasing the idiom to make sure you understand it here's the first reason why this is so powerful reason number one it helps you internalize the meaning of the idiom Beyond just me memorizing it again this helps you understand the meaning of the idiom Beyond just memorizing it reason number two you'll improve your overall language
skills as you practice expressing ideas in different ways your English idioms and the English idioms you know and your ability to use them that's not the only skill that's going to improve you're going to improve your engl English fluency as well and reason number three it's a great way for you to check if you truly understand the idioms meaning and usage listen when you paraphrase you actually are letting yourself know hey I really got this I really understand so again technique number eight paraphrasing technique number nine word word association word association is another technique that
you must understand it involves linking new terms to familiar Concepts or personal experiences it's a little similar to chunking however this one is attached to real experiences right so word association I can say for example ah on Cloud9 ah okay I'm happy when I eat banana nut bread I feel really good when I eat Indian food attaching it to an experience why is this so important here's the first reason it makes abstract idioms more concrete and relatable for you number two you'll create stronger neural connections making recall easier your brain is connecting that idiom to
other things already in your brain and reason number three it personalizes your learning experience making idioms more meaningful to you this is a powerful technique again word association making mistakes is actually good sounds weird right let me give you 11 reasons why it's good to make mistakes in English reason number one you see making making mistakes My Friend helps you identify areas that need Improvement when you make mistakes in English you can pinpoint specific areas where you need to focus your learning efforts this selfawareness is crucial and important for targeted Improvement I know that you
don't like making mistakes I know that it gets uncomfortable and maybe you feel embarrassed but when you make those mistakes it actually allows you to see hey this is an area I need to improve hey this is an area I need to focus on to be better there's a quote I want to tell you that actually talks about this very point it's from Thomas Edison Thomas Edison said I have not failed I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work I haven't failed I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work we are all benefiting from Thomas
Edison let the world benefit from you making mistakes and then improving yourself reason number two errors provide opportunities for targeted practice and reinforcement again targeted practice and reinforcement remember the very first one was showing you where Improvement is needed now for the second reason you're seeing that it gives you the opportunity to have targeted practice to make sure you're targeting the right things mistakes allow you to practice specific language points repeatedly reinforcing correct usage and helping you internalize the rules I mentioned in our previous lesson from last week that one of my students when I
was in South Korea was able to improve her pronunciation why she recognized her mistakes she kept making the same mistake her th pronunciation was not correct so she was able to Target the th sound and her practice was not about the S sound or the T sound because she made those sounds properly but the mistake she kept making was in relation to the th sound so she was able to Target that sound and when I tell you her pronunciation wo it improved drastically because she targeted her practice on the th sound there's another quote that
emphasizes the importance of making mistakes and why this is good the only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing Henry Ford once again said the only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing in other words we are all going to make mistakes my friend we're human beings we are going to make mistakes mes so when you make mistakes don't feel bad instead like Henry F Henry Ford was alluding to learn from them and keep improving baby don't feel bad you got this reason number three why it's good to make
mistakes mistakes can lead to memorable learning experiences often the embarrassment or surprise associated with the language mistake makes the correct form more memorable leading to longterm retention I told this story a few weeks back about my student who was not able to pronounce the word law firm and I said werm instead of law firm and I said he's a very he was a very jovial guy one of my favorite students so when I corrected him we were all laughing together because he was so confident he said tip W perm I said dude he said oh
my bad he was in such a good mood when I corrected him he wasn't embarrassed he was shocked that he said it incorrectly but I'm sure he'll never forget that moment just like I have never forgotten that moment and it happened well over seven or eight years ago so again when you make mistakes it can lead to a memorable experience here's a quote that emphasizes this point Oscar wild said experience is simply the name we give our mistakes once again experience is simply the name we give our mistakes we go through life and we learn
things you learn things when you make mistakes as a business owner as your English teacher I have had many different experiences and some of those experiences are tied to mistakes that were made but I'll never forget those experiences because I learned from the mistakes don't be afraid of mistakes they are just learning experiences let's go to the next reason why you should make mistakes reason number four correcting mistakes helps develop problem solving skills when you sit back and think to yourself huh I wonder why I made that mistake you'll inevitably start trying to fix it
trying to figure out hey how can I do this better how can I use a different term or how can I use this term properly next time you see the process of identifying and correcting errors enhances critical thinking and analytical skills which are valuable in language learning and Beyond this helps you this habit of making mistakes is not a bad thing it can and will help you here's a quote that emphasizes this Albert hubard says or said the greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing that you will make one again
the greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing that you'll even make a mistake listen I'm an English teacher I am passionate about helping you speak English fluently I'm more passionate about helping you speak English with confidence meaning I want you to believe in yourself I want you to be okay with making mistakes don't beat yourself up don't don't feel bad when you make a mistake instead realize it's a part of the process don't fear them just make them and keep growing baby come on let's keep going here's the next reason
why it's okay to make mistakes reason number five errors often reveal patterns in language learning that can be addressed when you make mistakes you're going to find these patterns ah I always say it this way ah I always do it that way you see recurring mistakes can highlight systematic issues in your understanding of English allowing you to tackle these underlying problems effectively I immediately thought about one of my students who has become a very close friend he will know who I'm talking about hey and I've spoken to him many times because he's gotten to this
point in his language Journey where his English is amazing he does business in English he really speaks well so now that he has this confidence I am able to correct his mistakes I am able to help him recognize the patterns of his mistakes right I'm like hey when you do this this is what you say but it should be this way right there are certain patterns and as you make mistakes you'll recognize those patterns and then correct them check out this quote that emphasizes this point mistakes are portals of Discovery James Joyce once again mistakes
are the portals of Discovery you're discovering how your brain processes things you're discovering how to use the language and how to flow when you're speaking mistakes are powerful what about this one right here mistakes can spark curiosity about language rules and exceptions the more mistakes you make the more Curious you'll become huh I wonder why that's wrong but that's right this is what it's all about when you're learning a language be curious be creative it's okay to make mistakes you see when you make mistakes or when you make errors you often become curious about why
they are wrong which leads to deeper exploration of English grammar and usage rules I wonder why I can say this but I can't say that check out this quote Phyllis thorough says or said in the past mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom in other words mistakes take you to the next level now I'm sure you're sitting there and maybe you're shocked maybe you're confused is Tiffany telling me to make mistakes I am I'm telling you to make mistakes because you have to let go
of the fear of mistakes in order for you to improve in order for you to speak English fluently Let Yourself Go my friend speak make mistakes recognize your patterns recognize the things you need to Target and practice more but don't be afraid of mistakes reason number seven making mistakes helps Learners like you become more comfortable with taking risks in communication I literally was just talking about that let yourself go be free take risks you see as you realize that mistakes are a natural part of learning you become more confident in using English even even if
you're not sure that you're 100% correct think about a kid I brought up my niece before my youngest niece and she's 8 years old right now so of course she speaks English well she's still learning some things but I remember when she was four or five she would just talk she wasn't scared she wasn't nervous she was using the language was she making mistakes yes because she was still in the learning process even now but she was free to express herself you as an English learner need to experience this freedom because out of this Freedom
will come confidence make mistakes my friends here is a quote to emphasize this point Neil gaimon says I hope that in this year to come you make mistakes because if you are making mistakes then you are making new things trying new things learning living pushing yourself changing yourself and changing your world I agree with this quote 100% if you don't learn anything today I want you to remember this make mistakes baby it's totally okay free yourself enjoy using the language make mistakes reason number eight mistakes can lead to discussions about cultural nuance nuances in language
use immediately what came to mind when I said this when I read this reason when I was in level one studying Korean years ago I remember when I learned how to say take a shower in English we say take a shower in Korean it's Shada I said wait a minute we're doing a shower what in the world in that moment and again more than a decade later I still remember that moment because I made a mistake I just translated take a shower right and I said it in Korean like that and the teacher was like
oh no Tiff that's not how we say it in Korean we say shahada and I was like huh but I never forgot that mistake why because it led to an understanding of the differences between Korean culture and American culture some errors stem from cultural differences providing opportunities to learn about the cultural context of English usage here's a quote about this that emphasizes it Dale Carnegie said the successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way I made a mistake I thought it was take a shower in Korean as well but
no it's it's not I learned from it and I moved forward make mistakes they can lead to discussions reason number nine errors or mistakes often highlight the differences between the learner's native language and English now this is similar to reason number eight with the cultural nuances but we're building on that reason again mistakes can reveal how your native language influences your English usage just like it did for me helping you understand and overcome language interference remember mistakes are totally okay there are more Pros to mistakes than cons there are more benefits than downfalls you can
learn so much simply from making mistakes check out this quote Albert Einstein said anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new in other words Albert Einstein a genius was saying it's inevitable it's natural it's going to happen you're going to make a mistake if you're trying anything new you are trying to speak English fluently your goal is to speak English with confidence it's something new to you you're going to make mistakes and it's a okay reason number 10 mistakes provide opportunities to practice self-correction skills a skill that you must have learning
to identify and correct your own mistakes is a valuable skill that enhances your overall language proficiency and autonomy as a Learner in order to improve this skill you have to recognize your mistakes to recognize the mistakes you have to make mistakes you want to speak English fluently my friend it's okay to make mistakes check out this quote Leon Brown said mistakes are the Stepping Stones to wisdom this is similar to a quote we had earlier about mistakes being a bridge to wisdom now we're seeing mistakes being Stepping Stones to wisdom not negative things but positive
things make mistakes and reason number 11 making mistakes helps Learners become more aware of their own progress over time as you make mistakes you realize ah I made a mistake but I also corrected something that I made a mistake on last time okay I'm getting better as you make fewer mistakes or different types of mistakes you can see tangible evidence of your improvement in English this will help you be more confident check out this quote Theodore Rosevelt said the only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never never does anything you're going to
make mistakes try something new keep moving forward it is okay to make mistakes have you ever been afraid to speak English you know that nervousness that comes over you when someone walks up to you and asks you a question in English have you ever experienced this feeling if so today I'm going to give you 11 techniques to help you overcome this fear are you ready well then I'm teacher Tiffany let's Jump Right In technique number one focused on communication rather than Perfection I'll say it again because it's so important focus on communication rather than Perfection
you see this technique emphasizes is the importance of getting your message across rather than worrying about speaking flawlessly in one of my previous lessons I mentioned that it's okay to make mistakes and this technique emphasizes that same point you have to focus on communicating your idea your thought or your opinion instead of focusing on each and every word that you're saying and making sure that your mistakes are not that bad or that your grammar is perfect focus on communication rather than Perfection we're talking about letting go of your fears now there are three reasons why
this is so important here's the first reason this will reduce anxiety and help you speak more freely many times when you would feel that that fear coming over you and that nervousness and that anxiety it's because you don't want to make a mistake let that go and you'll experience freedom from anxiety reason number two you'll learn faster by actively using the language even with mistakes again when you stop worrying about mistakes you'll start speaking more freely and you you'll actually start to improve because you'll be using what you have learned and reason number three it
builds your confidence as you successfully communicate your ideas when you focus on communicating rather than Perfection when you focus on getting your thoughts out instead of making sure each and every word is in the right place you'll actually be able to feel more confident in yourself you'll feel confident because people will start understanding what you want to say so technique number one is focus on communicating and not on perfecting communication over Perfection you got me excellent all right here we go technique number two technique number two is practice positive selft talk and and affirmations now
this technique is something you've probably noticed that I use in each and every one of my video lessons my goal is to help you speak English with confidence so in each video not only do I want to teach you English not only do I want to help you understand certain expressions and terms I actually really want you to be confident in yourself self so I always remind you that you're intelligent you are learning another language your brain is amazing why because positive selft talk and affirmations will help you release your fear you see it's important
for you to use encouraging words and phrases to boost your confidence and motivation in learning English there are three specific reasons why this technique works so well the first reason is it helps you overcome negative thoughts that may hinder your progress listen I've been where you are when I was studying Korean it was very difficult and there were moments when I would hear a voice in my head saying ah this is too hard you keep making mistakes ah this negative voice is going to be present but you have to stop it again by speaking to
yourself in a POS positive way reminding yourself hey you've come a long way you're intelligent you are smart enough to learn this language reason number two positive selft talk can improve your overall learning attitude when you remind yourself that you can do it the next time a new term is brought to you the next time you hear something that you've never heard before instead of feeling dejected in instead of feeling depressed you'll say to yourself ah I was smart enough to learn the last term I'm smart enough to learn this term and reason number three
it reinforces your belief in your ability to master the language exactly what I just said before you have to speak to yourself in a positive way don't put yourself down when you make a mistake remind yourself it's okay I'm on this journey I can do it affirm yourself and speak positively to yourself we're talking about overcoming your fears and finally speaking English with confidence technique number three this technique is also very important start with small achievable speaking goals I'll say this one again start with small small achievable speaking goals you see it's important for you
to set manageable objectives for your English speaking practice gradually increasing difficulty over time let me be honest with you what happens sometimes is that English Learners will set very high goals it's very good to set goals for yourself but for example I want to learn a thousand English vocabulary words words in 5 days now it's a good goal to learn 1,000 English vocabulary words but 5 days that's a bit short right you have a life you're working you have a family so it's important to set smaller achievable goals because when you set these large goals
and don't achieve them you suddenly start to feel down you start to experience this fear when you go to speak because you weren't able to achieve other goals so it's important to set small achievable goals and as time goes on you increase those goals here are three reasons why this technique is so important it prevents overwhelm and keeps you motivated you won't be overwhelmed by the 1,000 words you have to learn in five days and you'll stay motivated because you'll be achieving each of your goals reason number two you'll build confidence as you consistently come
on now consistently achieve your goals it's amazing what happens to you when you do what you said you would do I'll say that again it's amazing what will happen to you when you do what you say you will do this builds confidence reason number three it allows you to track your progress more effectively writing out your small achievable goals and checking each and every one off the list technique number four again effective ways to overcome your fear record yourself speaking and listen back to track your progress now we talked about this in one of the
previous lessons the important an of recording yourself whether it be a video or an audio clip and then going back and listening to yourself use audio or video recordings to monitor your speaking skills and identify areas for improvement this will help you overcome your fears because you're recognizing the points at which you struggle the patterns the words Expressions that really cause you to feel a bit uncomfortable here are three reasons why this technique is so powerful reason number one it helps you become aware of your pronunciation and intonation many times English Learners and maybe even
you experience fear because they feel like the individual they're speaking with will not understand them maybe they have a stronger ACC accent maybe they feel like their pronunciation isn't that good in order to remove that fear record yourself and then review what you recorded and you'll start to improve your pronunciation reason number two you can track your progress over time and celebrate going back to affirmations celebrate your improvements and finally it allows you to practice self-correction and develop a critical ear recognizing your mistakes and correcting them before you get into a conversation technique number five
practice speaking in front of a mirror to build confidence I absolutely love this one getting in front of a mirror and talking to yourself it's going to feel odd it's going to feel weird and awkward in the very beginning but it works one of my students in the speak English with Tiffany Academy told me that Tiff I stand in front of my mirror and my husband says you look crazy but my English is improving and I said keep standing in front of the mirror so again this is a very powerful technique you use a mirror
to observe your facial expressions and your body language while speaking English and you'll be able to self correct here are three reasons why this is so powerful reason number one it helps you become more comfortable with how you look while speaking when you can see yourself you'll be able to recognize ah when I say certain things this is how I move let me change this let me adjust a bit reason number two it helps you practice maintaining eye contact and and confident posture this is powerful again it helps you practice this eye contact and keeping
your posture in the right way eye contact is powerful if all of a sudden for those watching this lesson on YouTube if all of a sudden I kind of looked away for the entire lesson and you didn't know what was going on you'd feel a little bit awkward now when I look at my screen as I'm teaching you I always make sure to come back to you and give you eye contact because eye contact is important when you're speaking to or with someone reason number three again speaking in front of a mirror is important because
it allows you to focus your mouth movements for better pronunciation you notice that right again for those watching you notice I slowed down and you saw my mouth moving in a specific way you can watch watch your mouth movements when you practice in front of a mirror technique number five let's move on now to technique number six technique number six is view errors as a natural part of the learning process rather than something to be feared or avoided this technique is Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities again Embrace mistakes as Lear learning opportunities this is something
we spoke about two or three lessons ago our entire lesson was about making mistakes it's okay to make mistakes here are the three reasons why this technique is important it reduces anxiety about making mistakes which allows you to speak more freely when you're not worried about mistakes you won't experience any fear you'll just start talking reason number two you'll learn more effectively by analyzing and correcting your errors again you'll learn more effectively by analyzing and correcting hey I made that mistake let me understand why ah now let me correct my mistake fear gone reason number
three it Fosters a growth mindset essential for long long-term language learning success you're focusing on improving yourself by allowing yourself to make mistakes technique number seven prepare and practice common phrases for various situations first word again prepare you see learn and rehearse frequently used expressions and sentences for different contexts when you keep a notebook we talked about journaling in one of our previous lessons as well when you keep a notebook and you write down new phrases you've learned or these common phrases and expressions used in real life and then practice them when you're alone in
front of your mirror when you're recording yourself then when you get to an actual conversation your brain says Ah we've practiced this before let's use use these Expressions here are the three reasons why this technique is so powerful reason number one it builds your confidence in handling everyday conversations it's all about confidence this is why as an English teacher I focus so much on helping you feel more confident my friend listen you know a lot you've studied tons of books I'm going to leave that in there you've taken many courses you know a lot now
it's time for you to use what you've learned in a confident way reason number two you'll be able to respond more quickly and naturally in common situations when you practice ahead of time reason number three it helps you expand your vocabulary and improve your fluence y the more you practice the more you'll be able to use these expressions and words in real life technique number eight gradually expose yourself to more challenging speaking scenarios listen if you don't want to be afraid if you want to feel prepared you have to practice ahead of time so again
you have to expose yourself to more challenging speaking scenarios in other words progressively engage in more complex or intimidating englishspeaking situations those situations that normally would cause you to pull back instead now go directly into those conversations make an effort don't be afraid of making mistakes why is this technique so important reason number one it helps you build resilience and adaptability in your language use you can do it believe in yourself reason number two you'll expand your comfort zone and improve your overall communication skills you'll get better the more you are stretched and reason number
three It prepares you for real life situations where you'll need to use English this this technique is going to help you a lot because it's going to show you just how good you can be technique number nine set realistic expectations for your language learning Journey now this ties into our earlier technique where you have to set small achievable goals now we're talking about setting realistic expectations earlier I mentioned trying to learn 1,000 English vocabulary words in 5 days that's not really realistic you might be able to memorize them but using them so again understand that
language learning is a gradual process and avoid setting unrealistic goals my friend please set goals but make them realistic if you're working if you have a family if you're busy make goals that actually can be integrated into your life here's why this is so important reason number one it prevents frustration and helps maintain your motivation for the longterm when you set achievable realistic goals reason number two you'll appreciate your progress more when you have realistic benchmarks ah okay I learned two words today great tomorrow I'm going to learn two words excellent and I'll remember the
words I learned yesterday reason number three it allows you to enjoy the learning process without undo pressure again it allows you to enjoy the process without this extra pressure set realistic goals we're talking about techniques that will help remove f fear from your English experience technique number 10 celebrate small victories and progress in your speaking skills listen this goes back to affirmations and positive selft talk celebrate yourself listen I can celebrate you but I also want you to celebrate yourself acknowledge and reward yourself for improvements no matter how how small they may seem I get
it again I understand where you are I was studying Korean and I also had a hard time encouraging myself and reminding myself hey Tiff you're doing good hey Tiff you've achieved a lot I want you to celebrate your small victories reason number one it boosts your motivation and encourages you to keep practicing don't stop you got this move forward reason number two you'll develop a positive association with learning and using English there's going to be this positive feeling this happy feeling this good feeling as you study English and reason number three it helps build your
confidence and resilience in the face of challenges when you're constantly encouraging yourself reminding yourself that hey you're doing a good job celebrating your small victories when challenging situations arise when you are faced with a very difficult expression or word you won't feel dejected or sad you'll tell yourself hey I can do this this is why the technique is so important technique number 11 engage in regular listen closely self reflection on your language learning progress sometimes it's good to just stop and look over your journey where you've come from where you are things you've enjoyed learning
things that have helped you the most people that have helped you on your journey stop and reflect periodically assess your strengths weaknesses and overall advancement in English speaking see how far you have come why is this so important reason number one again to remove the fear that is attached to English at times it helps you identify areas that need more Focus or different learning strategies we are all different we are all unique as human beings your learning style might not be the same as your friend's learning style and as you reflect on your journey you'll
recognize which strategies work and also which areas might need different strategies reason number two you'll gain a clearer understanding of your learning style and what works best for you reason number three it allows you to set more targeted and effective goals for future Improvement you see how these techniques are all intertwined when you reflect on your journey you'll be able to set more achievable goals you'll be able to encourage yourself and have positive selft talk because you know where you've come from and where you're trying to go this technique is powerful I really hope you
enjoyed this lesson and I want to remind you if you want to keep studying with me don't forget to go to www.english vocabulary.com each and every day of the week from Sunday to Friday I send out an email totally for free with topical English vocabulary words I want to help you improve and this is an achievable goal each day five new words related to a topic so if you want to join the email list totally for free go to www. daily English vocabulary.com and my friend I'll talk to you next time