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Lion of Judah
Check out the best video of an angel we've ever seen. Don't miss it:
Video Transcript:
[Music] Revelation 21: 1-7 and I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea and I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God and God shall wipe
away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away and he that sat upon the throne said behold I make all things new and he said unto me right for these words are true and faithful and he said unto me it is is done I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end I will give unto him that is a thirst of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely he that overcometh shall inherit
all things and I will be his God and he shall be my son Revelation 21: 1-7 provides a vivid illustration of a new Heaven and a new Earth that are to come the passage describes a transformed world where pain sorrow tears and death will no longer exist it will be a place where God's dwelling will be among humanity and he will personally wipe away every tear from their eyes this new world will be characterized by peace righteousness and Holiness can you imagine the Wonder glory and amazement of this event described in Revelation 21 the vision
of the New Jerusalem descending from above the holy city will will be awe inspiring the city will be enormous magnificent in its Splendor and radiant with the glory of God its Brilliance will be like that of a very precious Jewel clear as Crystal the New Jerusalem will have high walls and 12 gates with angels at the gates and the names of the 12 tribes of Israel inscribed on them the foundations of the city walls will be adorned with every kind of precious stone and the streets will be made of pure gold as transparent as glass
in this new creation there will be no Temple for the Lord God Almighty and the lamb are its Temple the city will not need the Sun or the moon to shine on it for the glory of God will give it light and the lamb will be its lamp Revelation 21:6 and the city lith four square and the length is as large as the breadth and he measured the city with the the Reed 12,000 furlongs the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal according to this verse the New Jerusalem is described as
a colossal cube with Dimensions ranging from 1400 to 1500 mi in length width and height the exact size varies depending on the translation you read to help visualize this imagine a map of the United States the city's footprint would cover an area equivalent to drawing a square from Miami Florida Up To Boston Massachusetts then Westward to Minneapolis Minnesota down to Texas and back to Miami this enormous City extends not only across this vast area on the ground level but Also Rises between, 1400 and 1500 mi into outer space can you imagine how deeply touched and
moved you will be to witness what Jon saw our human Minds can barely comprehend a structure of such magnitude descending from above the new jer Jerusalem with its colossal Dimensions will be an awe inspiring sight and the thought of it fills us with wonder and anticipation Envision the strange and wonderful creatures you will see when the Tabernacle of God is with men and God is dwelling with Humanity among these Heavenly beings we will encounter the cherubim each with four faces one human one lion one ox and one Eagle they have human hands four wings straight
legs and Hooves that gleam like burnished bronze their entire bodies including their backs hands and wings are completely covered with eyes imagine seeing such extraordinary creatures in the presence of the Lord the sight will be both strange and amazing filling us with awe and reverence the most wonderful part of Revelation 21 is the fact that we will see God the very idea of beholding the almighty the Ancient of Days is beyond words the emotions we will experience Joy reverence or are Indescribable to stand in the presence of God to see him face to face is
the ultimate fulfillment of our faith and hope Revelation 21 promises a day like no other a day when the former things will have passed away and all things will be made new it will be a day of unimagined able glory and joy where we will dwell with God in his holy city the New Jerusalem this Vision fills us with hope and anticipation as we look forward to the Fulfillment of God's Redemptive plan and the Eternal joy that awaits Us in his presence the thought of experiencing such profound and divine wonders is beyond our wildest dreams
yet it is the promise we hold dear as Believers it is important to remember that this new world is not something that we can achieve by our own efforts the Bible teaches that this new world is a gift from God given to us through his grace and mercy Ephesians 2: 8-9 for it is by Grace you have been saved through faith and this not from yourselves it is the gift of God not by works so that no one can boast salvation and the new world is a gift that we cannot earn but we receive it
from God no one is good enough for heaven but anyone can accept the free gift of God for Christ died for all of mankind all nationalities all backgrounds in this world we witness many strange and unsettling events natural disasters strike unexpectedly political unrest disrupts societies economic turmoil causes WID spread hardship and moral Decay seems pervasive these circumstances can easily lead to discouragement and doubts about the future however as Believers we must hold fast to the truth that God is Sovereign and in control of all things we can trust in his promise that he will make
all things new and that a new Heaven and a new Earth are coming for all who believe in him we are also reminded that we will be judged according to our Deeds we are called to live lives marked by righteousness Holiness and obedience to God's commands those who overcome will inherit this new world and will enjoy a close intimate relationship with God in his eternal dwelling Revelation 21: 1:3 speaks of a new Heaven and a new Earth that will replace the old this new world will be a place where God's dwelling is among the people
he will live with them they will be his people and God himself will be with them as their God this is the ultimate goal of God's plan for Humanity to dwell with his people in a world of peace and righteousness for all eternity we will be in God's presence living in Harmony and fulfillment the passage from Revelation paints a picture of a future where all believers will experience the fullness of God's presence there will be no more sorrow pain or death for the former things will have passed away God will wipe away every tear from
our eyes and we will bask in the joy and peace of his eternal Kingdom living with the awareness of this future should Inspire us to remain steadfast in our faith and diligent in our pursuit of Holiness we are made for God's pleasure created to bring him glory and to enjoy a relationship with him that is untainted by the Brokenness of this current world as we navigate the challenges and uncertain ities of life we can find comfort and hope in the promise of Revelation 21 knowing that God's ultimate plan is to dwell with his people forever
in a new creation filled with his glory and love this vision of the future provides us with a profound sense of purpose and Direction it encourages us to persevere in faith to live righteously and to keep our eyes fixed on the Eternal Promises of God despite the trials we Face we have the assurance that God is working all things together for good and that his perfect plan will culminate in a glorious New Beginning for all who trust in him Revelation 4:1 Thou Art Worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou Hast
created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created there are creatures in the depths of the ocean that have never been seen by humans and they were created for God's pleasure similarly for all eternity we will bring joy to God imagine a world of perfect peace the current world with all its problems pain and suffering will come to an end we will say goodbye to death sorrow pain and heartbreak never again will we have a bad day there will be no headaches diseases trauma or sickness the new Heaven and the new Earth
will be a place of Eternal peace free from all the problems and challenges of this current world in this new world we will witness the holy city the New Jerusalem descending Out of Heaven from God this vision is a beautiful image of the perfect City prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband it reminds us that the new world will be Flawless without any sin or evil the current world we live in is full of dangers and evil people but the new world will be a place of Perfect Harmony and celebration the world we
know now is not the way it is supposed to be it is filled with pain suffering and sorrow but in the new Heaven and new earth all these things will be gone God will wipe away every tear and there will be no more death or Mourning This Promise holds special meaning for those who have lost loved ones God himself will wipe away our tears console us and provide comfort in the new Heaven and new earth we will experience a reality that transcends our current understanding the Perfection of the New Jerusalem with its radiant Beauty and
divine presence will be our Eternal home we will live in a state of Perpetual joy and fulfillment basking in the glory of God's presence this vision of the future is not just a distant hope but a profound truth that gives us strength and courage in our present lives knowing that a the perfect world awaits us helps us endure the trials and tribulations of this life it inspires us to live righteously to seek peace and to spread love and compassion as we look forward to this glorious future we can find solace in the knowledge that God's
ultimate plan for Humanity is one of redemption and restoration the new Heaven and new earth will be a testament to his infinite love and grace where we will live in Eternal Harmony free from all pain and suffering This Promise encourages us to remain faithful and to keep our eyes on the Eternal prize it reminds us that despite the challenges we Face God's plan for us is one of Hope and a future filled with his presence the new Heaven and new earth will be the culmination of his Redemptive work where we will dwell with him forever
in perfect peace and joy this is a powerful reminder of the hope that we have in Jesus Jus Christ who offers us eternal life and peace the things that we know now and the things that are part of our everyday lives will no longer exist in the new Heaven and the new Earth there will be a new order and a new way of living all the things of this world are temporary so we should not hold on to them too tightly yes these strange things are coming they are not so far away from us and
the time is coming for them to be manifested
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