117 Minecraft Java VS Bedrock Things!

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117 Minecraft Java VS Bedrock Things! Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @s...
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this is every difference you need to know between Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition here's how to crawl through a half block space now in Java we're just going to hit our head on the slabs it's a roadblock but in Bedrock not only does the boat go through but us along with it which could make for a great secret entrance if your friends don't know this trick themselves after all we're going through a space even thinner than what a trapo would do with the help of a golden block and a piston we're able to completely break
pigin bartering on Bedrock which just a simple Redstone clock like this we can have a sticky piston push a golden block back and forth and for some reason that completely messes with the piglins AI where they're now trading every single tick possible but on job if you were to do this you'd just be out a bit of redstone it's more of a noise complaint than anything that's going to fill your pockets creative mode not only looks different on bedrock and Java but it also plays different since the way the creative mode flight Works in Java
you'll Coast a little bit before coming to a complete stop but in Bedrock Edition that's just not a worry you stop touching the input and you'll immediately stop moving and oddly enough it'll also automatically initiate creative flight if you do things like move to quickly in both Java and Bedrock Edition Sher boxes can be used for secret entrances just in different ways see in Java Edition we're able to use a Shuler box placed vertically like this to then push us through and sink through the floor and then in Bedrock condition if you place a Shuler
box facing towards yourself and then open it up the top part of the shell is going to push you through a wall moving you horizontally curl fans have a weird difference between Java and Bedrock since in the Bedrock Edition when you place them horizontally they're only over one-sided but in Java if you do the same place it on the side of out of a block and they'll be two-sided poking out in kind of a vshape like this yeah I don't know why the difference exists either but it's there if you were to get a glass
Paine inside of your inventory in both versions then you'll notice that in Bedrock they have a 3D icon while in Java the glass panes use a 2d Sprite which could be a problem if you were to dye your glass pan since a light gray stained glass pan is a lot more obvious in Bedrock than it's ever been in Java in Bedrock edition if you were to get a name tag and name an armor stand dinner bone it'll flip upside down like every other mob but in Java that just isn't the case proving once again that
armor stands are way worse on Java Edition than they've ever been on Bedrock how is this piston powered well in Java there's a system called quasi connectivity and while it's started as a bug it's become something of a feature in this version but since it was unintended it's not played for Bedrock anytime soon the next time you're on fire you might want to look for a candle because well it won't help in Bedrock condition it is possible to light a candle while your body's on fire and the same also goes for campfires as well which
doesn't solve your problem but it might kill two birds with one stone Minecraft is plenty of rare occurrences to see but that's apparently not consistent across all versions so while it's impressive to find a zombie village in Java with a 2% likelihood and Bedrock it's a lot less rare it's always the items that I forget to farm that I seem to need a lot of and for all the different dyed blocks that I use flowers can become a hot commodity so if you're in the same boat and you just want a quick boost on orange
Dy or whatever you need then this is an essential tidbit see in Bedrock if you use bone meal on specific flower and it'll spawn more of the same type nearby letting us skip the frolicing and just focus on stockpiling in a game called Minecraft you're going to be spending a lot of your time mining I mean what did you expect so to speed up that trip in the caves it's worth keeping this in mind see on Bedrock it's actually true that if you click each block while mining it instead of holding down the button you'll
mine substantially faster and well that might seem like a marginal difference on a small job this can really start to add up on a big project and why does this happen I'm not quite sure but the same thing does happen in Java editions creative mode so I guess it's common enough problem if we were to open up the book and quill in Bedrock you'll notice that we can see two pages at once while in Java only seen one at a time which is a little more straightforward but on Bedrock it actually feels like a book
and if only it was easier to type on Console if you watch closely this Squid's arms will start to move slower and slower and why this happens because in Bedrock only a Squid's arms show how much oxygen it has left so when 15 seconds pass and it's out of air in the tank its arms will stop and it'll suffocate which seems like a lot of effort to code for such a pointless mob this here is called invisible bedrock and if you can't see what I'm talking about that's kind of the point now this behaves much
like the barrier block except it's exclusive to the Bedrock edition of Minecraft and it was originally used in the game to create these World boundaries around Old Worlds but those World boundaries didn't go past build height so if you just built up high enough you can walk over it Bedrock Edition is known for its fair share of bugs and well some of those can be a pain others are just cool to see and this machine falls into that second category as demonstrated with a perfect mix of Tim and silk touch we can grab a fully
functional portal block item which is great but I'll add a disclaimer to just how awkward this is to pull off and even after building the system properly it takes the right amount of lag and luck to make it happen but after all that it is a neat souvenir in Bedrock edition if you were to get a baby drowned mob to wear a mob's head then when it equips it that head will look ginormous and there you go you've got your own kind of a bobble head in your world and honestly I don't know if you'd
classify this as more silly or terrifying I feel like it fits for both pets make for great Companions and thankfully in Minecraft we're able to collect a few of our own but keeping them alive is a different thing entirely and more often than not we just leave them at home to keep them safe so to find that balance between safety and sidekick Bedrock might have a solution see mobs over here behave pretty strangely when exposed to the right potions meaning if we take a bunch of our pets unload a ton of Decay potions and then
heal them at the last moment some will eventually enter into this bug state in which case isolate them and you've got yourself an immortal buddy and sure the methods might be questionable but the results are hard to argue when I mention water travel you're May thinking of something like this or this but probably not this which is unfortunate because it turns out that Minecarts can be surprisingly fun to ride over the river if if you line the underbelly of a nearby lake with Soul Sand then the bubbles provide a powerful enough stream to float our
cart across and hey if you play on Bedrock these bubbles don't break your momentum meaning we can make a pretty fun roller coaster to ride through the Roaring Tides so next time you're crafting maybe switch out those five planks for some iron instead to many in the community the Aether Portal is something of a white whale to see and I'm sure many of us were disappointed to see it fail like this when we tried but with bedrock we might have ourselves a solution or at the very least a workaround apparently when utilizing water loock log
stairs and blocks like so we can strategically set up some floating water inside the glowstone frame and then even after we break the Pistons and stairs the water will remain inside our new Aether Portal just remember it'll disappear once you reload the world Minecraft's wolves have a very iconic look and I would hope so since we only have the one breed to choose from but if you find yourself in a position where you're looking for a change this might have you covered see while we can have different breeds we can have different colors in Bedrock
Edition it's possible to spawn a glitched out red wolf like so by using the tag on tame in the summon command which is cool but we can push it even further see if you then die at a different color the whole thing changes and hey the same thing happens with the Subscribe button meaning we can get a veritable rainbow of dogs to show off in our world and it only makes me sad this doesn't happen in Java if you put a zombie and a husk side by side you notice that the husk is slightly taller
and in Bedrock that's even more noticeable since a husk can fit through a Too Tall Gap in Java but it can in Bedrock when you see a snowball the last thing you're thinking of is fire though if we check a snowball through a flame the projectile will actually ignite and in Bedrock it can even cause fire damage to mobs making that snow golem a proper flamethrower here's why evokers are much scarier on Java than they are on Bedrock since while they're not able to open up doors in Bedrock condition in Java we're not as lucky
which makes these iller mobs a lot more intimidating for us and our villagers speed bridging is a big deal for the PVP community and while it's a big skill to place blocks like this on Java on Bedrock it's possible to place blocks without sneaking to the edge and that'll even allow us to speed bridge on a horse for some reason you can't see it but there's an invisible Pistons here and the way we did that is using a bug that's in Bedrock Edition since if you play on this version you can make a piston Invisible
by breaking it while it's being powered by a repeating Redstone clock and then when you add back in the blocks and break the clock it can still function like a regular sticky piston which I'll admit would make for the coolest hidden base of the game if unfortunately it didn't reload as soon as you log out of the world but still a cool glitch to experience while you're in it Redstone and water don't mix or at least that's what we think on Java but if you place any of these Redstone components in a lake on bck
condition it'll work just as they do on the surface why does the water look so gross on Bedrock well it's supposed to be that way since in Bedrock the water will look different with its color and tint depending on which biome it's in whereas in Java the water changes colors depending on the body of water whether it's a cold ocean or a warm one if you're playing bedrock and you push a chest into a shulker this happens which is an odd site for sure since in Java we can't even push the chest in the first
place so if you want to create an Abomination you're going to have to stick to bedrock here's why the Elder guardian's worse on Bedrock Edition than it is on Java since in Rock Edition you'll instantly get the miny fatigue 3 effect to any unafflicted player that's within its range but in jav if you were to drink something like a milk bucket you'll least have 1 minute afterwards where it won't give you that potion effect making it a lot more possible to break into the ocean Monument if we were to feed our mobs these different items
on Bedrock you'll notice that each different food has a different particle effect as a result while on Java it doesn't matter what you're feeding them you're not going to see any difference if you go to name an item in an anvil it'll have an italicized name which is a dead giveaway but on Bedrock we can use the secret Unicode character to fix that which offers up some solid pranks for sure structure voids are a weird block and on Java they aren't very useful to us Builders but on Bedrock we can use these structure voids almost
the same way as barrier blocks except we can walk through them allowing for some pretty neat build hacks in Java Edition we're able to cook our stuff in a furnace using wool bows carpet and ladders but none of those can be used as fuel and Bedrock Edition which is a shame especially when you could build a carpet duplication machine like this and smelt a lot more stuff on Java steak does not exist in Bedrock Edition which begs the question what happens if you cook beef well perhaps unsurprisingly in Bedrock edition only if you do this
you're left with an item called cooked beef whereas in Java it's called steak if you were to look at the Sun and Bedrock you notice a temporary blindness come across your screen but in Java Edition we can stare at the sky as much as we want even if it burns Pistons behave pretty differently between Java and Bedrock because in Java if you deactivate them they pull back instantaneously but in Bedrock there is a delay to their deactivation which is a pretty noticeable difference when you try to build a system like this and it probably is
why a lot of your Redstone systems from java don't work in Bedrock and vice versa most of us know the Easter egg to turn mobs upside down but did you know that that works for us too see if you play on Bedrock Edition and you're not signed in you can change your name to grummer dinnerbone and you'll flip around just the same what's the difference between these two shipwrecks well on Bedrock Edition it's possible for a shipwreck to spawn made out of AAA wood but you're only going to find it in that version which I
think means we can infer that all the boats made out of acacia wood are either still floating on Java or that any boat boats made out of acacia wood we're just doomed to sink and not worth building in the first place but at least we can still craft an AAA boat this way ever since 1.9 Java's had it where you need to attack with a cool down to be able to get the full strength out of your attack but in Bedrock that's not a feature that's added in so you can spam to your heart's content
and win the fight that way in Bedrock it's possible to hang levers off of floating candles which sounds useless but it allows for some really cool decoration when used like so and honestly it makes me bummed that we can't do the same for our Java builds in Bedrock it's entirely possible to tire boat to the other end of a lead and drag the thing around why you would do this I have no idea since I'd rather just break the boat and carry it that way but if you need to I guess it works and crystals
can clearly do some wild things when you stack them together but this is less obvious see in Java they'd stack like you expect but if you do the same in reload the world in Bedrock it makes a much stranger pattern if we were to put a trident inside of a dispenser in Bedrock it's able to throw it if you power it but in Java it'll just drop the Trident as an item which is a lot less intimidating for sure in every Java world you're going to find 100 28 strongholds that spawn that's it no more
nor less but in Bedrock things work differently as a random amount of these structures can spawn and they'll also spawn in a random way meaning you might be able to get this site where two portals spawned right next to each other which is cool but it really feels impractical too you should be careful pressing the jump button in Bedrock condition because while flying with an elytra if you were to press the jump button again it'll cancel out your gliding and you'll just be falling like that luckily in Java the same doesn't happen making it a
lot safer in Java a spider jockey looks like this but on Bedrock Edition we have a whole bunch of other jockeys to choose from in fact there's up to 12 different variants in this version alone which is a lot more terrifying and I think this is a rare case where it's actually nice not to have a feature in Java crafting a boat in Bedrock condition requires using a wooden shovel which I suppose makes some sense I mean what else are you going to paddle it with but to a Java player like myself no matter how
long I look at this it just looks wrong did you know that you can get infinite water from one water bucket well in Bedrock if you have a cauldron and you place your water source above it instead of inside it'll fill up the same letting us refill as many buckets as we want from underneath if you got some Soul Sand wither skulls you can see this difference happen because when we spawn in the Wither on Bedrock Edition the boss actually turns white before it spawns which contrast what we see on Java where it turns blue
before it heals all the way up and considering that the Bedrock version has way more Health than the one on Java I think we should take this as a white flag and use it for our surrender fire is usually a good enough to turn to keep mobs at Bay or at the very least it'll keep me out of your house but in Bedrock zombies will pathfind through literal fire to get to a villager and that's some serious dedication playing Minecraft at Max render distance is a big flex but that's a bit different between the two
versions since Java has a default Max of 32 chunks whereas Bedrock lets us play up to 96 though In fairness Java does have mods to increase this might I add in Java we duplicate TNT like this using slime blocks and dead coral fans but in Bedrock we duplicate TNT using nothing it doesn't exist in the game what if you combine the end portal with the nether portal well it depends on the version see in Java it'll just break the portal but in Bedrock it'll get a weird hybrid like so but even if that doesn't break
bedrocks and portal this does see if you place fences underneath both versions of portals in Java we can teleport just the same but in Bedrock we can only walk on top without teleporting if you break this path Block in Java you're just going to get a dirt block but breaking that same path block using silk touch and Bedrock then you're able to get the path block as an actual item which in Java is only possible through the use of commands in Java Edition it's impossible for mobs to try and pathfind over rails and you'll see
as much from this example but on B Rock Edition they tend to be a bit smarter and here they don't have to wait for a mob to push them over they'll just Chase right after you so put your iron in get somewhere else the F3 debug screen is a useful tool to have but unfortunately it's just limited to us in Java meaning anyone playing Bedrock can't use these shortcuts to see tool durability or chunk borders either and I think that's unfair in Bedrock edition if you were to position yourself inside of a composter with a
piston over top and then flip the switch to power it on you'll notice that nothing happens but on Java Edition this actually allow us to get an x-ray glitch which is a lot more helpful than just being smooshed inside of a composter on Java many of players have you shaders like so but while bck doesn't offer those it does have the option for the r tracing beta and that RTX allows for mirrors and lights like so and while there's a difference between them both are equally beautiful in my eyes if you were to wear a
creeper head in Java Edition then the detection range of a creeper that you stand next to gets cut in half meaning it doesn't recognize that you're a threat until you get much closer man the same goes if you're wearing a zombie head next to a zombie and a skeleton skull next to a skeleton but in Bedrock you'll still want to keep your distance the fire aspect enchantment is a great thing to have on your sword and in just Bedrock it's a great thing to have on your book since an enchanted book can be used to
ignite TNT and Spark a flame on candles and campfires only in Java Edition are we able to get a turtle inside of a boat because in Bedrock it's not possible to get this mob inside of the boat which would be a bummer if the turtles couldn't already swim in the water anyway I think they're doing just fine did you know that creepers explode as lingering potions if they have a potion effect well maybe not if you play on better Rock but on Java if you give it a splash potion and then let it explode it'll
do just that in Bedrock it's possible to mine a furnace or an enchantment table without using a pickaxe and the item will still drop which is a bit confusing considering that they're made out of blocks that don't drop without a pickaxe anyway in either version but I'm not complaining if it means I get to save the durability of my diamond pickaxe in Bedrock you'll notice that your baby horse has an extra step before it becomes an adult because in this version only there's a teenage phase between the two variants but in Java we skip through
the awkward phase and just to the point where we can actually ride them with a saddle have you ever pulled a mob around with a fishing rod well it's fun if you get the chance but for whatever reason in Java you can't re mobs out of boats but you can't in Bedrock weird functionally barrels aren't that different between Java and Bedrock but when you try to craft them that's where the differ sets in since in Java the crafting recipe for these requires planks but in Bedrock you need sticks which might be the reason why we're
able to push these with a piston in Bedrock they're just lighter for a boat to work it should be able to support your body weight I mean that's basic science but in Bedrock while we can sit in it just fine we can't stand on top of the boat entity like we can in Java weird by using the dispenser we're able to attach the heads of different mobs on top of villagers and that's because in Java they're able to wear armor but in Bedrock not so much since again that's an old piece of dormant code that
was never planned to be added into Bedrock anyway the bat Omen effect is not something I'd recommend getting often but when you do pay attention to how it happens because while it functions like any other effect in Java in Bedrock it'll have an animation similar to the totem of undying in Bedrock it's possible to get different colored shulkers by interacting with a die of your choice which I should add is technically possible in Java but it requires using a complicated scoreboard command to change its team in recent updates dispensers are a lot more accurate in
Java than they are in Bedrock and it means that anything that you shoot out of a dispenser in Java doesn't have the randomness present that we see in Bedrock and a comparison like this makes that quickly noticeable impaling is a weird enchantment because while it's meant to apply extra damage to underwater mobs in Java it doesn't work on drowned since the class IFI as Undead and thankfully Bedrock cleans this up and the enchantment works on any and all mobs that are underwater or under the rain this skin is only possible on Bedrock Edition since in
Java if you were to have transparent pixels in the first skin layer it'll just turn them black instead but in Bedrock that's not the case and the only requirement for Bedrock is that you have just one visible pixel making for this perfect camouflage skin snow layers behave a lot differently in Bedrock when compared to Java and with that we can place snow layers and flowers in the same block which is a weird sight but a nice decoration when you work with redstone you're sure to notice that Pistons can't push chests or Hoppers or furnaces for
that matter though for those on Bedrock it's as simple as the flick of a switch and frankly that's what I'm jealous of in Java salmon looks like this and in Bedrock it looks oh so much bigger and the reason for that is that in Bedrock Edition there are three different sizes of salmon that you can find but in Java we just got the one cauldrons work very differently between Java and bedrock and while it's a shame for us it's great for the Enderman since you'll see that only in Java they can take a bath without
getting hurt in the water and Salon isn't the only mod that got bigger on Bedrock because if you type in this command you're able to get a secret larger variant of the rabbit which is actually how big the rabbits were supposed to be when they were added into the game but it was scrapped and now you can only get it through this custom command on Bedrock Edition needing dragon breath for tipped arrows can quickly get expensive so as a simpler solution Bedrock lets us make a whole stack of them from a potion cauldron like so
and hey maybe Jaba would too if there were potion cauldrons in the version armor stands are great for showing off well your armor but what if you want to show off your items well in Bedrock that's easiest putting it in stand's hand and unfortunately Java doesn't do that by default in both Java and Bedrock parrots are able to dance but in Bedrock only if you get a parrot on top of your shoulder it's still able to have a dance party up there which is a lot more fun and I'm kind of jealous that we don't
have this on Java in Bedrock doors can be waterlogged like so which is interesting but it means that we can't make an air pocket like we can in Java and oddly enough I think that might be more useful than having a waterlog door anyway in these cauldrons we don't have potions but rather dyed water because in Bedrock it's possible to use different dyes within water sources to change the color of the water and then dye your armor but in Java yet again the cauldrons are pointless now if you were to get hit by a falling
Anvil it's got to hurt and while that's true for us it's not as much for the villagers or at least if you compare the two in Bedrock if you drop an anvil and a sleeping villager it won't take any damage if we're in survival mode you'll notice that the range that we have for breaking blocks in Bedrock is up to five blocks but in Java it's only 4 and 1/2 which is a small difference for sure but it's quickly noticeable as soon as you need to branch mine you baby seen this layout of TNT on
redddit or Tik Tok 4 and for those who haven't what happens here is that we trigger this Redstone and then it explodes in a heart shape but apparently only Bedrock users will be feeling the love from this one because the combat changes were never added into Bedrock that also means that the sweeping Edge enchantment is only available in Java Minecraft but considering there's no cool down for your sword and Bedrock I think it's a fair trade anyway if we were to cast a fishing rod and then zoom in you notice that in Java the fishing
bobber is a 2d texture but in badrock it's a 3D modeled que and why the difference not exactly sure it seems like more effort to do the 3D cube anyway but it does fit Minecraft a little better so I think it's fair in Java Edition it's possible to light ice blocks on fire with a flint and steel but in Bedrock it's no use so if you're hoping for a Song of Ice and Fire you're out of luck sorry did you know that creepers can dance really any mob in the game can since the play animate
command exclusive to bedrock makes it possible to play any animation in the game on a given mob and the results can get pretty hideous if you've ever broken a cobweb for one string you're doing it wrong at least if you're on Bedrock since if you were to pick one of these up with shears and then uncraft it you'll get nine string instead of the one you would have gotten otherwise while Java Edition no longer has the farlands and Bedrock Edition there does exist something called The Strip Lance which is that if you were to go
16,777,216 blocks in either direction you'll eventually come across this special area where the blocks don't exist and half of them aren't even rendered causing this weird effect render distance can make a world of difference and it's one of the more clear benefits to playing Minecraft on a beefy computer but it turns out on Bedrock that draw distance is even more impressive see you might not have noticed but with the way the game loads we're able to stand at the main end Island and see the outer Islands within view which I'll admit is a surreal sight
and it's made even more enjoyable by the fact that Bedrock handles render distance loading substantially better than Java and I imagine this will make Poland off your next flying machine Journey a lot easier to do just as long as you don't fall off take a look at this Axel lottle here now if we were to tie up the anal with a lead and then pick it up the water bucket then when we place it back down it'll still have that leash attached and the the reason being is that in Bedrock all of the NBT data
is saved when you put the mob inside the container so if you need another inventory slot this is one way to bury the lead you might not see it but there's actually a bubble elevator here because in Bedrock we can make a fully operational bubble elevator without having any water or sand nearby to do this we make our regular bubble elevator using Soul Sand water sources then block out the water sources using powdered snow and finally use an End Portal break the Soul Sand which sure enough leaves this kind of Air Stream that still works
why no clue but I'm not going to argue with result if you've ever made a mob farm you know you're bound to get some pieces of armor mixed in with the results which would be nice but they're usually so battered that it just lasts little more than a few hits or that would be the case if we didn't try this in Bedrock Edition when we drown a zombie you'll get its Armor All fully repaired meaning if you get one of these guys with a full set of armor that'll save you 24 ingots and you don't
even have to craft it which definitely means this is worth adding into your next zombie spawner villagers are a valuable asset to put to work in your world but when you're moving them to the trading Hall it's clear that they're not going to be the most was cooperative and honestly that's an understatement so to more easily move these fellas around it's safe to say that Bedrock has a simpler option see the way that mine carts work here all we need to do is place a bit of railroad track next to their bed and then when
they're sleeping we can roll by a cart and pick them up and folks while this might seem like kidnapping it uh it frankly is but I'd Venture that this is an end justify the means kind of deal and in my eyes that's a good enough justification if you watch closely you'll notice that in Bedrock edition Steve actually blinks but in Java that's not the case for Steve Alex or any of the new skin variants added in and thank goodness it's pretty creepy to watch this here is called a debug stick and it's a useful tool
for rotating and changing blocks around like so almost functioning like a wrench for your creative mode but unfortunately it's a Java exclusive for some reason this mob is only in Java since the giant was coded in before Minecraft's official release but nowadays it can only be spawned in using commands and it has no AI so it's really just a relic left in Java's old code to this day hardcore mode only exists in Java Edition which would be a shame game but when you see how many ways there are to randomly die in Bedrock Edition it
makes sense after all I wouldn't lose 5 years of progress to a random glitch that would just be too tragic to deal with have you ever wondered if sugarcan grows faster on Sand or dirt well apparently it doesn't matter but it does matter whether you grow it in Bedrock or Java Edition since in Bedrock only we can bone meal sugar canane to speed up the growth in Java if you were to shear sheep that has colorful wool the sheared Sheep will just look like it has white wool but in Bedrock condition the little scraps of
wool that are left behind will actually still be the same color as the Sheep keeping that consistency leaves changing with the season has been a long-desired feature from the Minecraft Community but at least in Bedrock that's somewhat possible in the snowy climates since when you leave out leaves in the snow like so they'll turn white this piston only exists in Bedrock because as we can see from ele X we're able to summon in a special piston in Bedrock that's kept at a certain State meaning that we have partially extended Pistons but only in Bedrock Edition
with the help of sand blocks we're able to drop one of these gravity blocks above us and use that to walk through a wall but that's only worth trying on Bedrock since in Java it'll just push you out of the way in Java desert wells look like this pretty basic but on Bedrock they couldn't leave well enough alone and that's why you find twice as many desert Wells that spawn on bedrock and there can even be times where two Wells spawn instead of just one which seems like a lot for such a pointless structure fighting
the Wither is no easy task but in Bedrock it's even harder given that the Wither here has doubl the health of the Java variant which seems brutal but it makes that nether star that you get all the more worth it if I were to get shot by an arrow you realize that in Java the arrows get visually stuck inside the player but in Bedrock we shrug them off and they're not a part of the model which seems safer but in both cases you're still getting shot so maybe it's not that much better either way Banners
are so much better in Java because over here we're able to put them on Shields and also right click them with the map to use as markers whereas in Bedrock they're just what it says on the tin a decoration nothing else this is a dolphin and this is a baby dolphin but you'll only find the baby versions of these mobs over on the Bedrock Edition and the same goes for squids and glow squids but considering you can't breed the MS on either version you can only find these by them spawning in it's never fun to
be poisoned but even less so to be fatally poisoned which is an effect exclusive to bedrock and while you usually see it if you feed a pair of a cookie it can even kill Undead mobs too unlike real poison in Bedrock Edition it's possible to make a map with just one piece of paper using a cartography table which is a lot cheaper than it is on Java although you're not actually going to be able to see where you are in that map until you craft it with a compass which in that way the two versions
are similar this is what happens when we fall into the void in Java but in Bedrock the void is covered up by an invisible floor meaning that we don't have to take damage anymore which is good because in Java we die to the void even in creative mode in Java Edition the ravager mob only breaks leaves and crops but in Bedrock they're able to break leaves all crops and also other things like non-tree plants mushrooms and turtle eggs now this might look like a tiny Iron Golem but in Bedrock this here is the new agent
mob which is a special entity meant to teach players how to code because if you use the new implemented code Builder tool you can actually get give it different sets of commands of what to do so for example we coded in this Loop of text so that it now builds a bunch of these Rings inside of the world and you can even have it break and place blocks since it has its own 27 item inventory and while you can see by this list that there's so much that this can do unfortunately it can't interact with
levers of buttons so it's still not a replacement for the copper Golem which honestly just feels like a slap in the face for Mojang but with how many other things you can use to code from this I guess that makes up for it and with that folks YouTube thinks that you might like this video so see if they're right and have a good one all right okay
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