Learning English through story | How To Improve Your Listening skills | gread reader| simple story

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Learning English through story | How To Improve Your Listening skills | gread reader| simple story ...
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Hello friends welcome to the English story room YouTube channel I hope you all are doing well today in this video you can improve your listening skills and enhance your pronunciation skills learning English is a big journey and we can improve our English with such beautiful story let's listen to these story they will improve your English speaking skills unprecedentedly the March sisters the place was a small town in Massachusetts North America it was a cold evening in December 1862 snow was falling softly in the living room of a small house four sisters were sitting by the
fire their names were Meg Joe Beth and Amy March Meg was 16 years old Joe was 15 Beth was 13 and Amy was 12 their mother Mrs March was not in the house she was visiting a poor sick family their father Mr March was far away from home it was wartime and he was working in a hospital for soldiers the four sisters were knitting with wool they were knitting socks for the soldiers they worked and they talked we are poor said Meg the the eldest girl it is terrible Meg was very pretty she had large
eyes and soft brown hair other girls have lots of pretty things said Amy the youngest girl Amy had golden hair and blue eyes I hate girls work and girls things said Joe she was tall and thin with beautiful long red hair I don't want to stay at home she said I want to fight in the war then Beth spoke yes we are poor she said but we are lucky too we have father and mother and we have each other Beth was very shy she was afraid of strangers but she loved her family very much yes
we have each other said Joe and the girls were happy again it's 60 said Meg be quick everybody mother is coming we must get supper ready Joe brought more wood for the fire Meg lit the lamps Beth and Amy put the food on the table the door opened and Mrs March came into the room Mrs March was not beautiful but she was very kind and good her daughters had a special name for her they called her marmy how are you my dears said Mrs March did you have a good day yes thank you marmy replied
the Four Sisters come sit down by the fire marmy said Meg supper is ready after supper Mrs March said girls I have a wonderful surprise everybody was excited is it a letter from father asked Joe yes replied Mrs March father has a Christmas message for all of you a wonderful Christmas a few days later it was Christmas day on Christmas morning the girls woke early each girl had one present a book from their mother they ran downstairs they wanted to thank her but Mrs March was not there a special Christmas breakfast was on the table
there was lots of food and everybody was hungry but the girls waited for their mother they waited nearly an hour at last their mother came home Merry Christmas marmy the girls shouted come sit down let's eat breakfast Merry Christmas little daughters said Mrs March listen I have something to tell you there is a poor woman Mrs hmel who lives in the town she has seven children one is a baby the Hummel's house is very cold and they have no food will you give them a Christmas present will you give them your breakfast all the girls
were very hungry for a moment nobody spoke then Joe said yes we will marmy let's take the food to them now it was early morning and it was cold the girls walked quickly through the snow They Carried baskets of food and wood for the fire the hmel family lived in one small room in a house near a river the windows of the room were broken and there was no fire Mrs hmel lay in her bed she was Ill the baby was crying and the children were cold and hungry the Hummel children saw the March sisters
and the baskets of food they shouted happily thank you thank you the girls made a fire and they put the food on the table Mrs March made some tea soon the room was warm the hungry children ate the food and they laughed later Mrs March and her daughters went home they had bread and milk for breakfast but they were very happy the March sisters often acted in plays Joe wrote the plays and the girls acted in a small room at the top of the house they put on brightly colored clothes and enjoyed themselves on Christmas
evening the girls acted in a play all their friends came everybody enjoyed the play later their friends went home and the girls had a lovely surprise supper is ready called Miss marched to them come she said the girls ran downstairs they saw lots of delicious food on the table cakes sweets fruit and ice cream where did this lovely food come from marmy asked Amy Mrs March smiled old Mr Lawrence sent it she replied old Mr Lawrence our neighbor asked Meg surprised but we don't know him he heard about your breakfast said Mrs March he has
sent you a special Christmas supper the girls looked at each other this is a wonderful Christmas said Beth next to the March's small house there was a large house the sisters called The Lawrence house it belonged to their neighbor Mr Lawrence Mr Lawrence was old and very rich his house was beautiful he lived in the house with his grandson who was 15 the same age as Joe sometimes the March sisters saw Mr Lawrence's grandson but the boy was always [Music] alone a few days after Christmas Joe was in her garden she was wearing boots and
an old coat Joe was busy sweeping snow from the path with a broom Joe looked up at the Lawrence house she saw a face looking out of a window the boy is sad he is lonely thought Joe then she had an idea she took some snow and made a ball with it she threw the ball at the window the boy laughed and he opened the window hello called Joe are you ill I was Ill last week said the boy I'm better now but I'm very bored I am not doing anything I'll visit you said Joe
yes please come said the boy a few minutes later Joe knocked on the door of the Lawrence house she was carrying a small basket full of apples and cakes the boy opened the the door and Joe gave him the basket these things are for you she said they are from my mother thank you very much said the boy please come in my name is Lori said the boy and you're Joe aren't you yes said Joe very surprised how do you know my name I know your name said Lori I know all your sisters names you
call to each other in your garden sometimes I see you with your mother Lori said sadly I have no mother my parents are dead so I live here with my grandfather but my grandfather is not at home today Lori is Rich but he's very lonely thought Joe I am poor but I have a family and a happy home please visit us said Joe we are neighbors let's be friends friends too said Lori Joe and Lori talked all afternoon Joe talked about her family Lori talked about his life he did not go to school a teacher
Mr Brooke came to the house every day to teach Lori his lessons come into our library said Lori we have many fine books in the library the library was a beautiful room with big Windows there were hundreds of interesting books on the shelves and many fine pictures on the walls what a wonderful room said Joe suddenly Joe and Lori heard a noise grandfather has come home said Lori I must go to him please stay here Lori went out of the library Joe stood by the fire there was a picture of old Mr Lawrence on the
wall Joe looked at the picture the door of the library opened but she did not turn around Lori she said Mr Lawrence your grandfather is not handsome but he has a kind face I like him thank you said a voice Joe turned around quickly Mr Lawrence was standing near the door oh she said I'm sorry so I'm not handsome asked Mr Lawrence well no sir but you have a kind face replied Joe Mr Lawrence laughed I knew your grandfather he said he was a good man now have some tea Lori was very happy Lori and
Joe drank tea and talked Mr Lawrence watched them my grandson is happy he thought he was lonely he must have some friends later Joe went home she told her mother and her sisters about the Lawrence's beautiful house marmy please let Lori visit us she said yes dear replied Mrs March your new friend Lori will be welcome in our house a present for Beth Lori and the March sisters became good friends they visited each other often and had many happy days together everybody liked Lori and his grandfather Meg Joe and Amy all went to the Laurence
house Meg loved flowers and Gardens she liked the garden at the Lawrence house very much it was Winter and there were no flowers but the snow on the trees was very beautiful Joe wrote plays and stories and loved books she liked the library at the Lawrence house Amy also liked the library she painted pictures and liked the paintings on the library walls but Beth did not visit the Lawrence house she was very shy and afraid of old Mr Lawrence Beth did not go to school she learned her lessons at home Beth's life was quiet but
she was very happy she helped her mother with the housework and learned her lessons every day Beth loved music the marches had a piano but it was very old Beth tried to play the piano but the music did not sound very good one day Mr Lawrence spoke to Mrs March do your daughters play the piano he asked Beth plays the piano Mrs March replied I have a beautiful piano said Mr Lawrence but nobody plays it now will Beth come to my house will she play the piano Beth is very shy Mrs March said Lori and
I are often out of the house said Mr Lawrence Beth must come come then we will not hear her playing the piano Mrs March told Beth the news Beth was very happy and excited she wanted to play Mr Lawrence's piano the next day Beth went to the Lawrence house the house was very quiet good thought Beth everybody is out of the house the piano was in the living room Beth walked very quiet quietly into the room and touched the piano how beautiful it is she thought some pages of Music were lying on top of the
piano Beth looked at the pages the music was not difficult so she started to play Beth played the piano for many hours and enjoyed herself very much after that she went to the Lauren house every day some times Mr Lawrence was in the house he often listened to the music but Beth never saw him a few weeks passed one day Beth spoke to her mother marmy she said I want to thank Mr lence he has been very kind shall I knit a pair of slippers for him yes Beth replied Mrs March that's a very good
idea Beth bought some wool and made a beautiful pair of slippers she took them to the Lawrence house Mr Lawrence was away from home so Beth wrote a short note she put the note and the slippers on a table then she went home oh thought Beth Mr Lawrence did not like the slippers the next morning Beth walked by the river she was sad later she went home her sisters were waiting and very excited Beth come quickly they called you have a present come and see they took Beth into the living room in the middle of
the room was a beautiful little piano on top of the piano there was an envelope open the envelope Beth said Joe please open it for for me said Beth Joe opened the envelope she pulled out a note and read it to her mother and sisters Beth was very excited Mr Lawrence has given me this piano she said I am very lucky Beth sat down at the piano and started to play the piano sounded beautiful but suddenly she stopped playing I must thank Mr Lawrence now she said Beth was not shy anymore she ran quickly to
the Laurence house and went inside Mr Lawrence was in the library Beth ran to him and kissed him Dear Mr Lawrence thank you so much for my beautiful piano said Beth Beth was not afraid of Mr Lawrence anymore Amy in trouble it was Saturday afternoon Meg and Joe were in their bedroom putting on their coats they were going out Amy came into the bedroom where are you going she asked don't ask questions said Joe we're going to the theater with Lori we're going to see a play Oh said Amy I want to come with you
please no said Joe you're too young I'm not too young she said I'm 12 years old please please let me come with you Joe often became angry very quickly and she became very angry with Amy no Amy she said we will not take you with us please go away Amy started to cry you'll be sorry Joe March she shouted Meg and Joe had a wonderful time at the theater they returned returned home in the evening Amy was reading a book she did not ask them questions about the play the next day Meg Beth and Amy
were sitting in the living room by the fire suddenly Joe ran into the room she was very upset where is my book of stories she asked her sisters have you seen it Joe often wrote stories she wrote them all in a little book book but today she could not find her book I haven't seen your book said mag have you seen it Beth no said Beth Amy was very quiet she did not say anything Amy where is my book of stories asked Joe I don't know replied Amy yes you do know said Joe tell me
immediately where is it you'll never see it again said Amy why not asked Joe I burnt it said Amy you didn't let me come to the theater yesterday so I threw your Book of Stories on the fire Joe was very angry she held Amy's arms and shouted at her you bad bad girl Amy shouted Joe I wrote those stories for father now they are gone forever suddenly Amy was sorry she started to cry please forgive me Joe Amy said I'm very very sorry tears fell from her eyes I'll never forgive you said Joe never Joe
did not speak to Amy again that day she was very angry and upset the next day the weather was very cold there was a river near the March's house and the river had Frozen it was Ice Lori came to the March's house he was carrying a pair of ice skates letun go to the river Joe he said we'll skate on the ice all right replied Joe she went to a cupboard and took out her ice skates Amy watched her sister after a few minutes Joe and lri left the house I want a skate too Amy
said Meg take your ice skates and run after Joe said Meg Joe will enjoy herself and she will soon be happy ask her to be your friend again that is a good idea said Amy she ran after Joe and Lori the river was not far away soon she saw Joe and Lori skating on the ice the ice was very thin in the middle of the river Joe heard Lorie's words but Amy did not hear Lori she skated to the middle of the river suddenly there was a loud crack the Ice broke Amy was in the
Water Joe was terribly afraid but she followed Lori they pulled Amy from the river Amy was not hurt but she was very cold and frightened Joe and Lori took Amy home Mrs March carried Amy upstairs to her bedroom she took off the little girl's wet clothes and wrapped her in a blanket then she carried her downstairs to the living room Amy fell asleep by the warm fire will Amy be all right Mary asked Joe Yes dear replied her mother Amy was in trouble but she will be all right now she isn't hurt Joe started to
cry I was angry with Amy said Joe she burnt my book of stories but now I am very sorry sometimes I become angry too quickly what shall I do marmy please help me don't cry Joe said Mrs March remember this day you won't become angry again I will remember said Joe at that moment Amy opened her eyes and smiled she held out her arms toward Joe the two sisters did not speak but they kissed and put their arms around each other they were friends again Meg loses a glove Meg the eldest March sister was a
very pretty girl her friends often invited her to parties Meg enjoyed the parties but sometimes she was sad because her family was poor Meg's friends lived in fine houses they had beautiful clothes and lovely things one day in July Meg was at a friend's house she overheard a conversation between two women one was her friend's mother and the other was another woman they were talking about Meg Meg March is a kind and lovely girl said one woman but her family is poor said the other woman the marches live near the lawrences the lawrences are very
rich does Mrs March have marriage plans for her daughters will one of them marry Mr Lawrence's grandson Meg heard these words and was very upset I like Lori very much she thought but I do not want to marry him we don't think about Lor's money he is our best friend Meg went home and spoke to her mother marmy do you have marriage plans for us she asked marriage plans said Mrs March Meg told her mother all about the women's conversation Mrs March was very angry those women are very foolish she said said my daughters are
beautiful good and happy they will marry good husbands but good men are not always rich men Mrs March said love is more important than money don't marry a rich man without love Meg marry a poor man with love then you will be happy you're right marmy Meg said I'll always remember your words the next day a letter arrived for Joe Joe read the letter to her sisters a picnic that will be exciting exclaimed Amy please marmy we want to go on the picnic very well go on the picnic said Mrs March you will have a
good time the next day was warm and sunny Lori and his new friends walked to the river the March girls met them there they all brought baskets of food they put the baskets into the two small boats the March sisters sat in the boats and Lori and his friends rode the boats on the river then they got out and found a good place for the picnic everybody was hungry and the food was delicious later Joe Lori Beth and Amy talked to Lor's friends and played games Meg was reading a German book she did not understand
some of the words Mr Brooke Lor's teacher was a quiet young man with brown eyes and a kind face he often looked at Meg but Meg did not see him looking at her you're a very good teacher Mr Brooke said Meg thank you replied Mr Brooke I enjoy my work Lori is a very good student everybody had a good time at the picnic At Last they had to go home the next day Meg was looking for her gloves I've lost a glove she said have you seen it Joe no I haven't seen it replied Joe
did you lose it at the picnic I'll ask Lori later Joe said Lori Meg has lost a glove Lori started to laugh I know where her glove is he said where is it asked Joe I will tell you said Lor but don't tell Meg I won't tell Meg said Joe the glove is in John Brook's pocket said Lori Joe did not understand what do you mean she said why is the glove in John Brook's pocket Meg dropped her glove and John Brook found it explained Lori he put the glove in his pocket he looks at
it every day John is in love with Meg isn't that wonderful but Joe was angry and upset no she said it isn't wonderful it's terrible news Mr Brooke will marry Meg he will take her away from us no I am not happy I am very unhappy tegram Summer and Autumn passed it was November and the weather was cold and wet one afternoon the March sisters were sitting in their living room room Meg looked out of the window she watched the rain November is a terrible month she said it is cold and wet nothing ever happens
our lives are very boring and we have no money Amy was painting a picture one day I'll be a famous artist she said I'll travel to Italy I'll paint beautiful pictures then I'll sell the pictures and we will have lots of money I'm going to write books said Joe I'll be rich and famous too that is my dream what is your dream Beth I'm very happy now said Beth I shall stay at home with Mary and father Meg looked out of the window again suddenly she said there's Lori he's coming to the front door a
few moments later Lori came into the room was holding a small envelope in his hand and looked worried and upset what is it Lori said Joe is something wrong where is Mrs March said Lori I have come from the post office Lori said holding up the envelope this is a telegram for your mother it's from Washington he said at that moment Mrs March came into the room Lori gave her the telegram Mrs March opened it and read it quickly then she sat down in a chair her face white I must go to Washington said Mrs
March I will go on the train tomorrow morning Joe run to the post office send a telegram to the hospital send this reply I will come immediately Meg Beth Amy come and help me I have to pack my case the three girls started to help help their mother Joe put on her hat and went out Lori went home Mrs March went to her desk in the living room she opened a drawer there was some money in it she looked at the money there was not very much I have to buy a train ticket she thought
will the girls have enough money for food a few minutes later there was a knock on the front door Meg opened the door old Mr Lawrence and Mr Brooke Lor's teacher were standing outside Lori told us the bad news about your father said Mr Lawrence I'm very sorry will your mother go to Washington asked mag yes said Meg she will go to Washington tomorrow morning she must not go alone said Mr Lawrence a friend must go with her I'm an old man I am not strong I can't go with her but John Brook is a
young man he can go to Washington with your mother Mr Brook looked at Meg and smiled his face was very kind don't worry about your mother he said I'll take care of her Meg was very pleased thank you very very much she said soon everything was ready for Mrs March's Journey evening came but Joe had not returned Mrs March was worried where is Joe she said it's very late at last Joe came home she walked into the kitchen and put some money on the table this money is for your journey marmy she said Mrs March
looked at the money then she looked at Joe she was very surprised $25 she said Joe where did you get this money Joe did not answer she took off her hat everybody looked at her Joe's hair was very short your hair your beautiful red hair said Meg oh Joe what have you done many women want long red hair said Joe I went to the barber's shop the barber cut my hair then I sold him my hair he gave me $25 for it I wanted to help marmy and father tears fell from Mrs March's eyes Joe
you are good and kind she said that night Meg and Joe could not sleep Joe was thinking about her hair Meg was thinking about Mr Brooke both girls were worrying about their father the next morning Mr Lawrence's Carriage came to the March's house Mr Brooke was sitting inside the carriage Mrs March kissed her daughters and said goodbye then she got into the carriage the sun Shone on the sad faces of the March sisters goodbye dear marmy they said Beth is ill misss March was in Washington the Four Sisters worked very hard they did the housework
every day they were worried about their father and mother but the girls were very kind to each other and they wrote to their mother every day soon a letter arrived from Mrs March the girls were happy and soon Meg Joe and Amy forgot about the housework Beth did not forget she did her own work and her sister's work too one afternoon Beth Meg and Joe were talking Amy was not at home Meg said Beth please will you visit the hmel family marmy often visits them marmy is not here we must visit the Hummels said Meg
I'm sorry Beth I'm very tired today said Meg Joe must go to the Hummel's house I can't go said Joe I'm going to meet Lori I can't visit the Hummel today you must go yourself Beth I visited the Hummels every day this week said Beth the baby is ill and I am very worried oh said Meg Amy will come home soon then she must visit the Hummels an hour passed but Amy did not come home Meg and Joe went upstairs Meg looked at a new dress Joe wrote a story they forgot about the Hummels Beth
waited at last she put on her coat put some food in a basket and went out Meg and Joe did not see her leaving later Beth returned she did not speak to anybody 16 she went upstairs to her mother's bedroom room and shut the door an hour later Joe found Beth Beth was sitting on her mother's bed her face was white and she was crying she was holding a bottle of medicine what is wrong Joe asked oh Joe the baby is dead said Beth which baby asked Joe the hmel baby replied Beth I went went
to the Hummel's house this afternoon the baby was very ill Mrs hmel went to get the doctor I held the baby in my arms but it died oh Beth that is terrible said Joe what happened next Mrs hmel came back with the doctor said Beth the doctor looked at the baby he said this baby had scarlet fever scarlet fever said Joe yes Beth said the doctor gave me this medicine he said go home immediately drink some of this and now I have a headache and I'm very hot suddenly Joe was afraid has Beth got scarlet
fever she thought it is a very dangerous illness don't worry Beth Joe said I'll tell Meg we will get Mary's doctor Meg was very worried Beth went to the Hummel's house every day she said to Joe we must get Dr bangs immediately Dr bangs came and looked at Beth then the doctor spoke to Meg and Joe Beth has scarlet fever he said who will take care of her we will said Meg Joe and I have had scarlet fever we are safe has Amy had had scarlet fever asked Dr bangs Amy hasn't had the fever replied
Meg she will not be safe here she must stay with Father's aunt aunt March good said Dr bangs take care of Beth I'll come again tomorrow the doctor left the house Joe spoke to Meg we must write to marmy she said we must tell her about Beth no said Meg marmy is taking care of Father she can't come home now marmy must stay in Washington we must not tell her about Beth Joe started to cry Washington is many miles away she said we were wrong Meg we didn't visit the Hummels Beth went there every day
and now she has scarlet fever oh Meg what are we going to do Meg put her arms around Joe don't cry Joe she said Beth has scarlet fever but she will get better soon now we must take care of her chapter N9 news from Washington Beth was very ill the days passed and she did not get better Beth could not eat she she slept for many hours sometimes she was awake but she could not remember things sometimes she called Joe Meg sometimes she called Meg Joe Beth said her mother's name again and again Joe and
Meg were worried and Afraid One morning the two girls were talking let's send a telegram to marmy said Joe let's tell her about Beth now then she will come home all right said Meg she sat down and wrote the words for a telegram I'll take this to the post office this afternoon said Meg but that afternoon a letter arrived from Mrs March there was bad news in the letter Mr March was very ill again Meg and Joe read the letter they looked at each other we must not send the telegram to marmy said Meg Beth
is ill but father is ill too marmy must stay with him she can't come home now a week later it was the first day of December the weather was very cold the wind blew all day and snow fell in the morning Dr bangs visited the house he looked at Beth for a long time then he spoke to Meg and Joe Beth is very very ill he said your mother must come home immediately I will come back tonight Meg said Joe we must send the telegram to marmy Joe put on her coat and hat and she
ran outside Lori was walking towards the house he was holding a letter in his hand he was very happy and excited I have good news he said this letter is from John Brook your father is getting better now but what's wrong Joe where are you going I'm going to send a telegram to marmy replied Joe Dr bangs visited Beth she is very very ill Joe started to cry Lori held Joe's hand dear Joe he said grandfather and I will always help help you please remember that yes said Joe you are our good friends thank you
very much I must tell you something said Lori last week grandfather and I were talking about Beth we were very worried about her we sent a telegram to your mother we told her about Beth's illness today I received this letter from John Brook your mother will be here early tomorrow morning morning morning then everything will be all right Joe was happy again she stopped crying Lori she said you're a wonderful friend thank you Joe ran inside the house she told Meg the good news Meg was very happy too the afternoon passed slowly Beth lay in
her bed her eyes were closed she did not eat or speak sometimes she drank some water Meg and Joe Sat by her bed the wind blew and the snow fell at last night came Meg and Joe watched Beth they waited for Mrs March and they waited for Dr bangs old Mr Lawrence and Lori waited too they sat downstairs in the living room by the fire the hours passed at 2s in the morning Joe went to the window she looked out at the Garden the world is sad and lonely tonight she thought suddenly she heard a
noise she turned around Meg was crying Beth has died thought Joe Beth has died and Meg cannot tell me she went to the bed and looked down at at Beth Beth was quiet her eyes were closed then the door opened and Dr bangs came into the room Beth is dead Joe said quietly Dr bangs looked at Beth he held her hands then he smiled no he said Beth isn't dead she's sleeping she's going to be all right there is no more danger Meg and Joe put their arms around each other and they cried they were
very very happy soon it was morning the sisters heard the sound of a carriage in the street then Lori called from the living room girls girls your mother is here Mrs March had come home the best Christmas present Emy was unhappy at Aunt March's house she wanted to see her family Aunt March was old lady she did not like young girls sometimes she was angry with Amy every evening Amy had to read to Aunt March but she did not like Aunt March's books they were not very interesting one evening Aunt March spoke to Amy I
have had a letter from your mother she said she has come home she will take you home tomorrow Amy was very happy soon the four sisters were together again and every day Beth was stronger one day A letter came from Washington it was from John Brook Mrs March read the letter girls girls I have wonderful news she said Mr Brooke is going to bring father home it was a week before Christmas the March sisters were very busy and excited they made Christmas presents and cooked delicious food for Christmas day in the evening Joe spoke to
her mother marmy she said I must tell you something John Brook loves Meg in the summer Meg lost a glove John Brook found it and he put it in his pocket isn't that terrible marmy why is it terrible asked Mrs March John Brook will marry Meg replied Joe he'll take her away from us listen Joe said Mrs March John Brook is a good young man he was very kind and helpful in Washington John Brook must not marry Meg Joe said Meg must not marry a poor man money is not important johon is good and kind
he loves Meg very much but Meg is Young she is only 17 they must wait please don't be sad Joe Mrs March said one day you will leave this house too you will meet a good man and you will marry him no mother cried Joe I'll never marry anybody I want to be a famous writer at last it was Christmas Day day everybody had some presents everybody was happy in the afternoon Lori and old Mr Lawrence came to the March's house they brought presents everybody talked and everybody laughed then somebody knocked at the front door
Lori went to the door a moment later he came back into the living room he was very excited here is another Christmas present for the March family he said a tall man was standing behind Lori everybody looked at the man for a moment they did not speak then the girls shouted together father all the sisters ran to their father they put their arms around him everybody was talking and crying this is the best Christmas present said Amy then another man came into the room it was John Brook Meg ran towards him I'm very happy to
see you John she said thank you you have brought father home to us later everybody ate Christmas dinner then the lawrences and John Brooke went home the March family Sat by the fire Mr March looked at the faces of his four happy daughters my dears he said this year has been very long and difficult you had to work very hard I left home and you were girls now you have grown up you are four fine women a happy ending the marches were together again every day Mr March and Beth were stronger Lori and old Mr
Lawrence often visited the marches but John Brook did not come with them Meg was sad she wanted to see JN very much I don't understand she thought why doesn't Jon visit us one afternoon Meg and Joe were talking Joe saw an umbrella by the front door whose umbrella is that she asked I've never seen it before it's John Brooks umbrella replied Meg he left it here on Christmas day he has forgotten it Meg said Joe do you like John Brook do you you love him are you going to marry him no no Meg said I'm
too young for marriage please don't ask me these questions Joe then you don't love him said Joe oh I don't know said Meg Joe looked out of the window Meg John Brook is outside now she said he is coming to the front door you don't love him Meg he must go away please tell him Meg ran to the stairs she wanted to hide in her bedroom but it was too late John Brook came into the house good afternoon John said Meg do you have my umbrella I left it here he smiled by the way how
is your father he asked he's very well thank you said Joe we'll bring him Joe went upstairs and Meg started to follow but John Brook stopped her please don't go Meg he said I must say something to you oh said Meg let's talk in the living room John and Meg went into the living room Meg sat down and John Brooks sat beside her he held her hand dearest Meg he said I love you I am poor but I can work hard hard I can make a good home for you please Meg will you be my
wife at first Meg did not speak then she said I don't know John please Meg said John Brook will you marry me suddenly the door opened and Aunt March came into the room Meg and John were very surprised Aunt March was surprised too good afternoon Meg she said where's your father then she looked at John Brooke who is this young man Aunt March asked Meg quietly John Brook said John he's father's friend John Brook said Aunt March why are you here young man what are you talking about Aunt March said Meg quietly John Brook wants
to marry me Aunt March looked angrily at John Brook then she said young man Mrs March has spoken about you you are poor you have no money Meg must marry a man with money Meg was very angry Aunt March she said John is poor but he is a good man and I love him John Brook smiled and his eyes were bright thank you dearest Meg he said do you love me will you marry me yes I will said Meg Meg said Aunt March you are a very foolish girl you will never get any money from
me goodbye she turned round and went quickly out of the room Meg and John told the March family their good news it's one wonderful news said Mr and Mrs March congratulations congratulations said Amy and Beth together Joe said nothing she was not happy later Lori and Mr Lawrence came to the house they congratulated Meg and John but Lori looked at Joe's face what's wrong Joe asked Lori aren't you happy no said Joe Meg is my dear sister and my dear friend now John Brook will take her away Joe said Lori you love Meg she is
your sister but John loves her too Meg will be happy with Jon and Joe I'll always be your friend that's true said Joe thank you Lori Joe looked around the room she looked at her f family Mr and Mrs March were talking together Amy was sitting on the floor near Meg and John Beth was talking to old Mr Lawrence suddenly Joe was not sad anymore she turned to Lori you are right Lori she said one day Meg will marry John but she will always be my sister we will always love each other that's right Joe
said Lori Joe went over to Meg she held Meg's hands and kissed her face congratulations dearest Meg she said I am very happy for you and congratulations John you are our brother now Welcome to our family
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English Stories For Listening
Learn English through Story - Level 1 || Learn English || English Story for Listening
Learn English through Story - Level 1 || L...
Best English Stories
Engl;ish Stories | Learn English through Story Level 3 | Graded Reader | Improve your English
Engl;ish Stories | Learn English through S...
Learn English
How To Improve Your Listening skills | learning English. through story | My learning English methods
How To Improve Your Listening skills | lea...
Life Changing Podcast
Learn English Through Story Level 3 | Graded Reader Level 3 | English Story|Unheard Story
Learn English Through Story Level 3 | Grad...
English Stories : Learn English Through Story
Improve your English ⭐ | Very Interesting Story - Level 3 - History of the USA | VOA #10
Improve your English ⭐ | Very Interesting ...
VOA Learn English Through Stories
Learn English Through Story Level 3 | Graded Reader Level 3 | English Story| Life Exchange
Learn English Through Story Level 3 | Grad...
English Stories : Learn English Through Story
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