I Met My Guardian Angel! Here’s What Happened…

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Catholic Minute - Catholic speaker Ken Yasinski
On October 2 the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Guardian Angles. But are they real? In this...
Video Transcript:
Father Penna good to see you again Ken pleasure to have you here's a question yes have you met an angel besides every morning when I look in the mirror you set me up I totally did my my mother yeah actually yes I've met consciously being aware of meeting an angel my guardian angel twice in my life really yeah can I tell you the story love it yeah what happened I when I was a seminarian in philosophy I got a job thank you Father PA May rest in peace working on a roofing with a roofing company
okay worst job on the planet is doing Roofing cold tar and Hot Tar worst and he had great pity on me the said well he's I did one day of that and then the owner said oh he's a seminarian I don't want his hands getting all hard up in that you know so I ended up being a carpenter's assistants and it was at St Andrews College in sason we redid all the windows but they came to redo the roof one day and so an 18-year-old kid and I felt so much older because I was 20
uh he and I were given the job of schlepping all the stuff for the um the pulley system right to get the cans of tar up to the top of the of the college oh oh this is three stories okay it was a bit of a schlap three one two three yeah and so I got we put it together up at the top and then when I got down to the bottom because I was going he was at the top I had the pulley all set up with the ropes and everything and I had the
these were big heavy cans of uh of tar I remember hollering up and saying have you put the balance weights at the Fe on the base of the pulley right cuz I couldn't remember if we'd you know there were weights to counteract the pulley and he said yes yes go ahead so I pulled and then I pulled and suddenly I felt something grabed me by the neck and pull me over backwards and I went fly I went backwards now what's bizarre about that was I was pulling myself forward yes and I should have fallen forward
but I was pulled backwards and then lying there kind of stunned on the ground I looked up just as the whole p rtion Came Crashing Down Right Where I Was that's the first when you're lying there what were you thinking uh I'm going to kill him the kid of to yeah uh but it was upon reflection that I really felt that pull I remember talking to my mom about it and she said well that's your garden that's that's your guardian angel you know I grew up with the guardian angel prayer but my guardian angel was
not acknowledged enough in my life not enough and what my guardian angel has done for me is just remarkable you know the guardian angels are given to us as just this un utter gift of God that comes with from them because God asked them at the moment of their being called into existence will you be Steven's will you be Ken's guardian angel that was the only question right and they said yes and this is not some sort of Mythology from the past that we picked up Jesus the word of God has told us you know
be careful of what you say about these little ones and that means also us we he refers to us as little ones for their angels are always in the presence of God interceding for them and with us second time and as I say this I can think of a third time too the second time despite my not paying enough attention to the guardian angels because I was a seminarian in the in the early 80s and they were different times shall we say and a lot of the traditional devotional life and the traditional prayers that I
had as a child were poo pooed okay we were much more with it right we'd mov beyond all of that stuff um my second year in theology was a tough year and I was really really convinced that I was not being called to be a priest uh just a number of things in my life and I went with a friend to Montreal and it was a crappy time in Montreal Montreal can be beautiful it can also be horrible slushy and cold and damp and I was staying in the grand sem deal in this empty corridors
and I was depressed really depressed wandering all around and I remember uh I was supposed to meet uh someone for lunch but it was downtown so I went to notam Randon the queen of the world place so I walked in the in the FR of the church and immediately as you often find in churches like if you go to the co- Cathedral you'll find lots of an I call them the anaim Yahweh the the little ones of Jesus the little ones of God little crazy you know so they're they're they're so The Crazy Ones are
both at the back of the church and in the sanctuary right so so all of a sudden there was one of these ladies bam right on top of me oh you what I need you to come and pray with me right away she said come and pray with me come and pray with me she hold I i' just never been in this church before she took me over to the the Blessed CH Sacrament chapel and she said okay I have we have to pray we have to pray for a young man I know who's in
seminary and who's thinking of leaving so let's pray The Hil let's pray you pray with me and we started saying the rosary and as I prayed the decade such peace came over me and with every prayer I just was lost in okay Lord here you are with me and I said to myself at the end of the decade I want to tell this woman that we've been praying for me and I turned to her and she was gone couldn't find her anywhere in the church wow now yes wow the r you know the hyper rational
logical person want look for all kinds of explanations I don't know why why we always want to cut out these moments of Grace we don't want to be credulous but we want to believe and the word believe comes from the word to love liba is the core word of that we want to live in a relationship with God that we see his love kind of kind of everywhere right if somebody's listening to this and their faith has been ignited and they want to develop a further devotion or relationship with her guardian angel practically how what
would you say to that first thing in the morning angel of God my guardian dear to whom God's love commits me here ever this day be at my side to light to guard to rule and guide say hi and if you can't remember to do that because you don't have an image of your guardian angel somewhere or even an angel of St Michael or some one of have that they're given to us as that sort of spark MH H just do it and then at the end of the day angel of God my guardian dear
to whom God's love commits me here ever this night be at my side to light to guard to rule and guide you know I was reinforced in this to by staying with the Felician Sisters in Rome I had gone with Archbishop Murray when he was receiving his pallum from Pope Francis the pum is the sign of authority of of an Archbishop and so all the Bish new archbishops from around the world had gathered in Rome and I had gone along and we were staying with the Felician Sisters because the superior General had worked with uh
Bishop Murray when he was Bishop in the north of Canada and she's now a wonderful polish woman anyway they when we arrived they brought us immediately into the chapel and thanked God for bringing us here and the guardian angel and when we left we went into the chapel and they sang oh Guardian an Angel Mind be ever at my side morning noon time night time day time always there by my side now these were a remarkable women you know they're doctorates and very accomplished singing that childlike song Yes you see every person has a guardian
angel our baptism sets the angel free to combat what an early Christians thought was that the evil one had also sicked on us a malevolent spirit that wants to the old accuser a voice of Satan the accuser saying you're not loved you're not lovely you're unloving always going at us you know the old days where they had the Angel and the demon on either side as a as a cartoon well that didn't just come out of nowhere that is actually there are early church fathers who write about this reality but the hands of the Angel
our Guardian Angel are tied until our baptism because Christ Jesus is the one who unleash know who allows us to live in as children of God not just creatures of God God created in the image and likeness of God but recreated to be called children of God recreated to be Christ formed and Christ formed means that we understand the great plot the conspiracy that God has about each one of us the conspiracy to save us and to love us he's always there and the angel angalo means messenger the angel is always there whispering and protecting
us you asked me once before uh you know tell me the story of your vocation and my response was I don't know God will tell me that when I get to the end and the angel will have a lot to do with that I know I was thinking of you know these other moments of just the angel just Whispering like the other day uh who knows I we mine's not really a barbecue family you know we don't do that we're Italians we have B tenders but my uh my mother had mentioned I was asking her
something about um what she uh liked about in her life and she's I love it when my family's together to eat so the next I was over visiting her and it was really hot out and I said out don't nowhere AO of nothing oh let's have a barbecue tomorrow and I texted everybody and said okay let's have a barbecue and everyone say oh I can't do it I've got this that they all had excuses but they they all canceled the excuses and they all showed up and we were all together and that was the last
time that my niece was with us all and we hadn't seen her some of us for quite a while that was the guardian angel that was God's Providence why sometimes like why bother God he's got Lebanon to worry about right now and you've got a test that you got to give well that's good to you know God's all in on that why not ask your guardian angel to be with you you know the other thing too is every nation has its own Angel Every Nation Every Nation on Earth will adore you and every nation is
given an angel uh and many of when you don't attend to that angel then you miss the conspiracy of God to love you what about the thought that some people have two angels what's your thoughts on that and who might they be two angels what uh I've just heard people say maybe a priest might have a second angel or a bishop have you ever heard of that and what's your thought I haven't haven't heard of oh I'm wouldn't surprise me you know with because we do have to be careful about angels because there has been
this Angel um this Angel fixation of the new age M and A lot of times what happens in new age is that it takes old truths and then just sort of makes it all about them always for a price right you there's always a book to buy or a workshop to go through and you know like I I've always been very leery of that because angels are messengers of God okay they lead us to God they don't want us to be paying a special attention to them but when we do then they are able more
and more to fill us and let us see the presence of God yes I would imagine as a bishop or as a priest because you know it's one of the things that we don't we we we don't realize that there's also a level of authority in different kinds of angels there are hierarchies of angels we know that the nine ranks of angels and that's the church's understanding do we know that do we know the great conspiracy the plethora of how God has structured the Unseen World because what is unseen is vital All To His glory
you know I I think that we really should pay attention to that not by fixating on them in a way that somehow if I have a special relationship with my angel then I get power and things will happen for me that's always an underline that's magic MH yeah I I uh I find this stories with padrio kind of interesting because the the claim was that he could always see his guardian angel from a young boy with his eyes wide open and he was surprised that other young boys couldn't see theirs CU they could he could
see them that was it was a unique Grace but the the danger of the the angel uh obsession is that that angel is there to do my will my becking whereas we exist to do the Divine will precisely you know in token's World in The Lord of the Rings world I'm a token geek the Angels play a very important role because Saron and Saron and Gandalf and radagast they not radagast oh my brain that's I'm mixing up c as Lewis is it radagast okay they um they're all angels in the hierarchy they're angels that have
come and taken on forms for a reason and saaron can take the form of a be did took the form of a beautiful seductive person and was able to seduce them that's how the Rings all got made so the church has always been very careful is this an angel that you're seeing MH or is this something seductive and a trick of the evil one but they in my life I I mean I'm sorry those I've Been Changed by there been another time can I tell you another Angel uh I was in uh France studying French
of course that's what one does but spending more time drinking wine I think than I was otherwise and it was in the valley of the of the lir in an and I was a young priest and there was a young German seminarian we were all we were studying at the same time anyway it was the Feast of St Renee gupi s Renee gupi is one of the Canadian Martyrs he's the Layman there of of the Canadian Martyrs okay and he came from an in France and so I was in uh because I was in a
there was a big celebration at the Cathedral I took my book myself out there and I said to the seminarian let's go and do this and so when the bishop found out I was from Canada oh sit here next to me you knowah and um he he began by saying [Music] we have with us this evening a flower of the Canadian Church nourished by the blood of our Saint so if you wonder who I am was anyway we had a great celebration and afterwards we want to go for a drink France you can do that
it's kind of cool we went out down the The Walking mall and there was a nice bar that had some tables outside I said let's sit down here we sat down and um we were about to order the drinks the woman came over to ask us what we want and I said you know something just sort of said I feel kind of cold let's go and sit inside somewhere and she said well all the tables are full she but then she said you can go out to the other place so I walked across the street
to this we went to this other bar and we ordered our beer and just as we were about to drink it an amazing Ruckus happened outside what's going on we looked outside the balcony above our table had collapsed and destroyed the table where you would have where we would have been no one was sitting there in that little time wow but some people were hurt by some of the other debris but I would have been there I know these all sound ah yeah yeah stories always grow in the telling right there's an old Italian story
if it's not true it should be but I am not going to blashe against my Angels by telling stories and exaggerating something that is not there [Music]
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