To remind us, if we in palace, in space, or in the most grim, dark hole. We can be honorable.
Video Transcript:
I am a family man sometimes people ask me Andrew I want to have a children soon they need name what is a good honorable name here are my top 10. number 10. Beluga in honor of the most magnificent mountain of Siberia it is a name and place for True power number nine Sofia in honor of Sophia the first female Mass professor in history a reminder of humble Relentless genius number eight few other in honor of shouldersky the most brilliant writer of all the times we are reminded that words have power for centuries number seven Rajiv
inspired of Radion raskolnikov from the strayevsky's crime and punishment his name and character helps us understand that we can have redemption in life number six Nikolai 200 Nikolai feudovic Makarov inventor of the most reliable hand weapon of the world trust me number five Valentina to honor the first woman in space Valentina sky is not the limit remember it drew number four Higa after the Russian mythological figure Baba Yaga who was not even rich but before christianization it was a powerful thing of goddess number three metallic after the genius ethereum founder vitalik butcherio number two she
was a bomber pilot who performed 968 combat missions she was a film director and she was awarded hero of the Soviet Union enough said and finally number one to honor a good man and Powerful worth zaconia who is in Spain in prison right now to remind us events in space in most green dark hole we can be honorable [Music]