so in this video we're going to talk about why you can't do the work why is it that you have a goal and you have something you really want and one minute you're over the moon you're confident you're working really hard you're focused you're diligent you're conscientious you're putting the effort in but then the next day or the next week you've got all this doubt you've got all this fear you're procrastinating you're worried about being judged by other people and for the life of you you just cannot seem to get to your desk and actually
do the work or if you make it to your desk or you make it to workplace you end up procrastinating on the things that you know you shouldn't do why does this happen and why do you go from these two extremes from confident to doubt or from you know open to close why well I figured this one out and what I'm going to do is share my findings with you and um by finding this out I become a millionaire and so if you stick with me for the next hour or two here I'm going to
explain fully why you can't do the work why you struggle with um consistency and it's going to hopefully change your life so in order me to explain this um we're going to have to go to the Whiteboard of Fame because it's going to be a pretty heavy video I'm going to have to go to a pretty heavy dark place and um if you're the kind of person that just wants a quick you know dopamine hit um on YouTube and you're just looking for someone to you know basically um satisfy your monkey brain monkey entertainment this
is not the video for you so so let's have a look at this because if you can learn to solve this problem imagine if you could just work for 12 hours a day without any difficulty imagine if you could just sit down at your desk and just be like okay I'm working now without your body or your brain telling you to do otherwise you'd probably make a lot of progress and you probably get super rich and Achieve Financial Freedom and everything you wanted to um a lot faster than you expect so let's talk about this
so really the main culprits for your lack of progress and your lack of work ethic are going to be doubt and a different pen than that one for sure I doubt that that Pen's any good so there's going to be doubt it's going to be fear it's going to be judgment and it's also going to be procrastination these are the Four Musketeers of self- sabotage where you either can't do the work because you're sabotaging or because you have loads of doubt about yourself or the fact that it's even going to be worthwhile or you're afraid
of what happens if you do and you don't know why you're afraid you just are or you're concerned that other people are going to judge you the thing is is all of these things they all fall under one mysterious Force there is a force in the universe a malevolent horrible force that is going to try to prevent you from achieving your goals and when when you set your goal like this when you set your goal this goal is going to cast a shadow and basically what this means is that after you try to basically set
yourself up for Success something's going to come for you and try and break it down so the question is is well what is this force and where does it come from because if we don't understand the enemy then we cannot defeat it if we have an invisible enemy that we can't even name or understand then what the hell and I spent probably a thousand hours or more reading psychology books and listening to Young and Freud and K and all of these philosophers to try and figure this one out and I did and it's made me
nor of $20 million and I'm sure in the future make me more so without further Ado let me reveal this Force to you it is known as resistance now before you click off the video because you're expecting me to say something shiny and crazy and completely mind blowing if you don't understand resistance if you can't Define it at first principle you're never going to fix this problem you're always going to exist in this cycle of up and down and self-sabotage and self-hatred so if you can't sit and watch a video for 1 hour or two
hours or how long this thing is going to be on how to overcome this thing how do you expect yourself to even sit down and work for 12 hours a day so lock yourself in close all your tabs throw off your desk Focus okay then let's get into it so the first place we need to start with here is identity and let me explain what resistance is so resistance is essentially a force that you create um to prevent yourself from becoming successful it is a product of your psychology and it's a product of your identity
and in this video I'm going to try and explain it it's very half Hazard to get into because it's quite close to home for me because I've done this to myself and you know it can get quite uncomfortable to talk about personal experiences like this but also it's extremely difficult to explain so please bear with me as I go around the circles and try and get to a point so at present you have got something called an identity and this is identity version one and nobody looks at identity and psychology this way I want to
explain so you have an identity and really what an identity is is it is a aggregate of every belief system that you have about the way the world works and the way that you fit into the world and so what this basically means is we can draw a big circle and this circle represents the world or the universe or you know the market or whatever it is and this obviously represents your your relationship with the world so for example a worldly belief about how the world works could be that the Earth is flat or it
could be that it doesn't matter how much money I'm I'm going to make I'm I'm never going to be happy like money doesn't buy you happiness is an example of a belief system about the way the world Works anything that you do or do not believe to be true about the way the world works is a worldly worldly belief and what we do as human beings is in order for us to um navigate create this crazy chaotic Adventure called life we have to bring order to chaos and so what that basically entails us doing is
creating belief systems and a personal identity about the way that we fit into the world and so for example um what religion you pick is a belief system and that is how you Orient yourself in the world or what diet you choose to follow is a belief system or even to the point where how good you think you are at go-kart driving this exists on every Continuum and the way that the belief system essentially manifests is as follows we basically have a um a thing and this can be anything it can be you know it
could be go-karting it could be you know Charlie Morgan my channel um you know it could be it could be actually I'm not going to put that person it could be genis K you know where whe you think he's good or not it could be you know did we go to the Moon right there's all sorts of literally anything in the universe anything that comes into your perception you're going to end up forming a belief system about and the way the belief systems form is kind of like this where we have a fulcrum essentially which
is like a you know a a pillar and on that balances a um one of these like scales okay and I know this is going to seem weird but just bear with me and really belief systems are binary and what this means is we either think that something is good or bad it's very rare to find someone that can think in non-binary terms and I can do this just about but my point is that you either think something is good good or bad for example go I personally do not enjoy go-karting I think go-karting is
bad and therefore my belief system with go-karting is going to be like this it's going to be weighed into the bad and you know I haven't had many good experiences with go-karting I've only had bad experiences with go-karting and therefore my experience and my belief system in my identity about go-karting is that it's bad um another example could be you know if you've watched my YouTube channel for a few years and hopefully I've done a good enough job to make you like me to some degree and so basically if you've had lots of good experiences
with me and my YouTube channel and you reinforce those by telling people about my content or watching the content or subscribing or liking the videos then you're you're going to have had a lot of good experiences and therefore your belief system surrounding the thing that is me is going to be good and positive and so basically in life with everything that we come into contact to we either have a positive experience with it or a negative experience with it and the way that identities form and the way that your identity is formed right now is
basically a sum aggregate of millions of these scales so whether or not you like baked beans all the way to down down to whether or not you think that the Nazis were good people which I think we can all agree that they weren't is based off of this scale and it's based off of whether you've had good or bad experiences and the thing is is there's multiple ways um to have these experiences and form these belief systems and so I want you to imagine that your identity is basically a collection of thousands if not hundreds
of thousands or millions of the scales tipping in different directions at different angles with different levels of intensity based on whether or not you perceive things to be good or bad and so the reason this becomes a problem in business is because if you believe like if you if you've only had negative experience experiences with money and sick business and you you think like nine out of 10 businesses fail and money doesn't grow on trees and you have all of these negative um belief systems around how how not only how the world works but also
I could never make money I'm not smart enough to make money then what's going to happen is you will give yourself no choice but to behave in alignment with those blue systems and so you know you could have a you know money pool money pool right and a pool is basically like a belief pool it's a collection of beliefs about a specific thing and so you can have like a pull for whether or not you like elephants you know and how you feel about elephants I have the Roman Empire Pool on how I feel about
the Roman Empire and everybody in the Roman Empire and who the best Emperor was and stuff like that and So eventually you have these pools of everything about everything whether or not you've had negative positive experiences and the aggre of all those pools becomes the ocean that is your identity in essence and the way that we form beliefs is very simple so we have our five senses right so we've obviously got you know our eyes you know we've got our nose we've got our ears Etc and the way that you form a belief system is
an external stimulus will register through your five senses into your brain and there will be a sentiment attached to that and so a sentiment is basically um this means is it negative or positive and so for example if I'm in history class and I'm learning about World War II and I'm learning about the um the blitz cre for example the the German war machine my teachers going to tell me that this is a bad thing and of course it is a Bad Thing War's not that nice right um and what's going to happen is I'm
going to see these images of of people like passing away and War and fighting and aggression and and all this like it's up to you to decide whether it's good or bad but I'm telling you it's bad but that's because of my experiences and so all of the information that you you see in your life comes with a sentiment and that sentiment is either going to be positive or negative and it doesn't have to be positive or negative but it really exists on a spectrum you know so if we've got here like if we've got
here positive sentiment and we've got here negative sentiment then really all the information that you receive is going to exist somewhere on this Continuum it's not going to either be solely positive or solely negative but it's going to be how POS or how negative is this thing and the extreme at which either of these charges is applying to the the information that you're being exposed to the stimulus to being exposed to is the extreme to which you will believe it to be good or bad and if you don't believe me that it could possibly work
this way well there are people in the world who are actually neo-nazis and they believe that those people were righteous and good believe it or not and it's the same way that you can find anything that you hold near and dear to your heart that you believe to be true there will be a human being out in the world somewhere or a group of them usually or quite a lot of them who think the complete opposite to you and the only reason that you guys think in the opposite way is because you've been exposed to
different stimulus and so someone that supports um a certain politician will receive um synchronicity which is basically confirmation bias in essence where they will start to seek and receive more signals and more stimulants from the universe that have a positive sentiment surrounding the thing that they like the politician they like and on the inverse someone who supports the opposite party or the other politician will start looking for and receiving from the universe other information about who they like with sentiment positive sentiment so this is how polarizations form and this is how we get this massive
divide in society and this has been happening for thousands and thousands and thousands of years in the Roman Empire you had the openm mates and the popularis I think that's how you latinize those names they're probably not but you had the two political parties and you know you had people like um cro who didn't really take a side and you had people like Caesar who was part of like full of people and you see this in all of these different places um and so what we need to understand is that and I promise I'm going
somewhere with this I promise this is going to loop back to your doubt and your fear and your judgment fears and all this crap I promise it will but I'm going somewhere with this so what we need to understand is you have beliefs you have an identity and basically your identity is the sum of all of these um what would you call them sentimental continuums of the way that the world works now why is this appropriate and why do I need to explain this to you well here's the thing so you've got this thing called
an identity and you have what we would call a version one identity now the interesting thing about belief systems is that they can be changed and they can be broken and the only way to change your identity and to change who you are and who you perceive yourself to be and the way that you operate in this world is to change your belief systems it doesn't matter if you dye your hair a different color or wear a cut some different clothes or um you know start piercing your ears or something like that those are physical
representations of your like physical manifestation the only real way to change your identity is to change your belief system about how the world works and the way that you work in it and so an example of this is if right now you believe that the Earth is round and you know you change your you change your belief system to the Earth being flat you now become a flat earther and most significant belief systems will be um will have a uh a group identity attached to them for example Christian Muslim Judaism um flat earther vegan Carnival
you know they have these like the big polarizing ones they have names and you you name yourself part of the tribe when you change your belief system now why is this important and how the hell does this relate to you having doubts and fears and being unable to do the work consistently well here's the thing you have who you are right now and you have a second um identity over here and this is where things get really damn weird and this is why you go through these ups and downs where you have your present identity
let's just call this current you have this current identity and you have a desired identity now you won't know you won't know that you have a desired identity if I asked you to name this thing and point to this thing unless you've done some serious work or mindset and spend thousands of hours studying Yung and Freud you're not going to know that you have this but what you need to understand is that you are by working and by setting a goal you are essentially trying to change and when you when you basically set a goal
which is represented by this little star up here when you set a goal what this is is this is quite an interesting phenomenon if you think about what a goal is if you think about what it represents it represents a different state of future it represents a change it represents something new it represents something that you don't have now that you want and this is where the conflict comes because who you are right now is going to set the goal and it's because inside of you exists a at least if you're entrepreneurial in spirit and
you want to grow and you want to you know succeed inside of you is what you could call a dream or a dreamer it's a part of you a deep unconscious force that is desperate for growth and you probably resonate with this there's there's just there there's a glimmer of hope inside of you there's a piece of you that wants to grow and wants to develop and wants to succeed and the only way that this piece of you can communicate with you is through setting a goal so if I ask you why do you want
to achieve what you want to achieve you probably couldn't tell me but the reason you want to achieve what you want to achieve is because there's a small part of you a small piece of you that's left a fragment of your you know of your identity that is so desperate to grow and so desperate to succeed and the only way it can tell you that it wants to succeed and the only way that yourself can communicate with your conscious mind and your own conscious can communicate with your conscious is a goal so a goal is
really un conscious manifestation of a desire to grow and the problem is is that inside of you you kind of have this you know desired person that you want to be that you could become but typically what's going to happen is the goal that you have here right and the person inside of you that you're not aware of that is setting this goal this goal is in conflict with who you are right now because if you don't believe me like well why would I set a goal that is in conflict with what I want right
now well who you are right now is incapable of achieving this goal with the current belief systems that you have and the current way that you think and the current way that you operate with your skills and your character and your belief systems and how you run yourself in the world is not going to be conducive to the achievement of this goal and so for example if you want to build a successful company and you want to build a successful business one behavior that might be manifesting in your life with your current identity is maybe
you're not that disciplined or maybe you you know struggle to might eat clean food to keep your mind sharp or maybe your attention spans ruined you there's going to be lots of things you're doing right now that are completely counterintuitive to your goal and this thing drives people insane because it's now like once you set a goal it casts a shadow and your current the shadow is your current identity and what this means is you're going to go and it's just going to drive you mad and it probably is driving you mad because there's a
part of you inside of your head that is advocating for growth and this part of you manifests itself through these weird injections of confidence that you get you know when you have like that feeling that you're on top of the world you're going to be successful you're going everything's going to be okay and you're really going to smash it and then what happens is this person this identity your current self brings it way back down and it's like well that's not us that's not who we are that's like this is probably what you're telling yourself
like that's not possible that's not me and the way that this thing um sort of you know happens and you can map this on a graph really is you know you're going to go from being really low you know where you're all we're all lacking confidence to really high and you know back to really low and really it's kind of like you know that typical archetype where you've got an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other and you need to learn to break this cycle and essentially remove the Downs because if you
can remove the Downs then you can stop the downs from happening you're going to just go and go upwards and I figured out how to do this and I'm going to continue to explain it until it's into into your mind so well okay so why can't you do the work and have this happen so we have we have version one of you and we have this desired version two and what I can tell you is you know you have this goal and what's going to happen is version two desired version of you is going to
fight to achieve this goal and this is the thing that's going to Bubble Up into your unconscious and try and get you to do the work and version one of you your current sense of self and your current belief systems and the way that you've oriented yourself in the world and what you believe to be positive or negative is going to try to fight for the go like fight against the goal and so we've got these two forces where we're sort of at battle with ourselves and the reason that you can't do the work and
the reason that you can't do the stuff that you want to do to make the success you want want to make is because this part of you this version one part of you is actively trying to fight now why you might be saying to yourself why on Earth would this um bastard fight me why is my version one so adamant and angry at me trying to become better and achieve a better life because you'd think that it wouldn't be well the thing is is you need to start looking at identity and your identities because you
have multiple trust me you have otherwise you wouldn't have these conflicts you know um you need to start looking at identities as um almost like um sentient animals okay and I'm going to explain what this is so like a sentient animal let's just call it an animal because it's way easier so it's kind of like an animal now in nature when we study um organisms or species or we watch a David at documentary or something like that um what we can understand is really the first principle and the first job of any animal or any
being on this Earth any thing that's alive because this thing is alive it's inside of you like a parasite you are its host and it's it's just basically formed through all of your sensory experiences in the world um and all your memories we'll get to that in a second I'm going to write this here actually okay is it an animal so what this means is and what documentary is every animal every organism on this planet has something called a survival bias okay and what this looks like is the animal will do everything it can to
survive and if you study you know nature you look at like birds or like lions or hyenas or gazel like all these animals are trying to do is survive like that's the entire purpose of their existence is to survive so they can eventually reproduce and the other um the other objective of your current identity is not only to survive but also to reproduce and I don't mean to sexually reproduce psychologically that be a bit weird but I mean to reprodu in the sense of you're going to create these continuums of ideology where you feed feed
back on themselves and you're trying to you know tell other people about your ideologies and you're trying to convince other people that this thing is right and it's the way that you should go and so all this things trying to do is survive and reproduce and so what we need to learn to do is metaphorically fragment this thing in your mind as an animal that exists with its sole intent of survival and if you try to kill an animal or if you tried to you know Chase something down and hunt something down it's going to
kick and scream it's going to fight it's going to use every single calorie it's got to resist your efforts to destroy it and you might be asking yourself well why do I need to destroy this well here's the thing who you are right now and the current belief systems that you have right now and the current skills and traits you have as that person you're not capable of achieving what you want to achieve there is a misalignment and what you need to do if you want to achieve your goal because remember you know over here
we've got person person version two and this person is another version of you having achieved your goal and this person looks different to this person because where this person might be lazy might be lazy and Afraid and you know um I don't know like uh what else could you be lazy well I just say this person might be lazy and Afraid this person could be like fat and overweight this person could be like tired all the time my P's dying this person could be tired and you know just genuinely like miserable but then this person
over here could be like disciplined and you know confident and you know really I'm really fit and it could have loads of energy and what you need to do is you need to understand that who you are right now is is basically the reason you are where you are your belief system and the way that you see the World and St the world is perfectly manifesting the environment and life that you deserve it's as simple as that now I'm not saying that you deserve some of the nasty stuff has happened to you like maybe some
trauma and stuff but the point is that in order for the goal to happen you don't chase a goal you chase an identity you chase a version of yourself a goal is an effect it's a it's something that happens it's a it's an effect you are the cause your identity is the cause okay and so if you want to achieve a goal and you want to make something happen well what's the key word to that statement if you want to achieve a goal if you want to make something happen which means that you are the
person that makes it happen and so we don't achieve goals we achieve identities we achieve characters and through the achievement of the character or through the achievement of the identity we manifest the goal and how could this be any other way if you become the person that you need to become to achieve your goal then you're going to make it happen and this is what I've been doing for the last eight years in my entrepreneurial career is I set a goal I ask myself who do I need to become to achieve this goal and then
I start working on achieving it and most of my work is spent working on myself as opposed to my company and obviously you have to work on the business but like for example I recently I I had to go through a um a change in my myself a couple of years ago where um I had a goal to build a big team and to Outsource the work and have the company run you know without me and part of my identity was that nobody could do my job better than myself and this was a belief system
I had about hiring and Outsourcing to people I had this belief system that like I didn't trust anyone to run the company for me nobody could do it better than me um I would if if I wasn't in the company it would fail these were belief systems that I had this was my version one to with that you know Paradigm and that belief system and what I had to do was rewire my belief systems and look for contrary evidence because I just asked myself well if those belief systems were true and that was an accurate
objective representation of the entire world in the way that the business machine worked how on Earth is it that there are like thousands of companies billion dollar levels that are not run by the found so I knew that I was wrong and I knew that my belief systems were faulty and so what I had to do was kill this part of myself kill this version one like I can't hire I can't trust people and step into someone that could trust people and was capable of finding talented um strong people and you might have the same
thing in your life right now where maybe you believe that money is hard to come by and you need to do an honest audit of your belief system to it you might think oh I don't believe that but maybe you do like you need to be honest with yourself and ask yourself what has this person cooked up like because because you've got to undo like let's say you're 25 years old right now well you've got 25 years of belief-based conditioning that you've got to undo because this person's probably cooked up a lot of damn stuff
maybe you want to make 10K a month but you believe that the only way to make 10K a month is to go and get a job as a lawyer and wait 20 years maybe that's because your parents told you that was the way it work and the thing is is you're going to have these conflicting goals and stuff so you need to be honest with yourself and ask yourself what belief systems have I cooked up and what's my current identity trying to manifest and force onto other people and myself and like how is that interfering
with my ability to to achieve my goal and so one exercise I like to do is I like to look at the people who have achieved what I want to achieve and I like to study them as intently and as diligently as I can and then from that I will be able to deduce their worldview and understand their paradigms and the belief systems and the way that they operate and work and you know one example of this um I can give you is Cicero who was a politician in brome one of the greatest politicians to
ever lived and Cicero's worldview belief system around political operation was just never to pick a side and most politicians who get into politics they have this V1 belief system that you need to pick a side and polarize but ciso he eventually kind of had to but for so long he he balanced this Continuum of either s and so if you wanted to get into politics it helps to study the best people and if the best people are thinking in that way and is out of alignment with what you think it's very likely that you're wrong
and they're right and I do this with entrepreneurs I do this with business people I do this with all anything I want to achieve I just go and find the best people who have done it um I study conquerors and people who have built business monopolies and because that's kind of what I want to do right I want to take over markets and you know completely just raise the bar so anyway here's where this happens so we have have version one of yourself right now I'm going to give you a solution to this and we
know that this thing wants to survive and we know that if we try to take out or hunt down any wild animal it's going to kick up a fuss it's going to scream and it's going to try and resist our efforts here's what you got to realize remember to achieve your goal you have to become someone else you have to release this identity and this thing becomes Obsolete and so the reason that you self-sabotage and remember self-sabotage is coming in the form of Doubt fear judgment and procrastination among other things any any Force anything that
comes out of your body that prevents you from working towards your goal is a form form of resistance and this thing here V1 it generates resistance because it understands fundamentally that if you achieve your goal it's no longer going to be alive because the only way to achieve your goal is to become the person that can and the only way to become the person that can is if you get rid of this thing and so this thing is going to fight you it is going to create so much doubt and so much fear and so
much judgment and procrastination it's going to just it's going to just dial the hell up it's it's not going to let you get out of bed it's going to like stop you from picking up the phone and making call calls it's going to sabotage you every turn this thing is going to fight you and the good news is it's possible to defeat this thing and it's more than possible to overcome this thing um but you just need to start by understanding it's taking me 34 minutes nearly to actually explain what the hell is going on
but this is why you self- sabotage this is why you can't just do the work it's because this version of you your identity right now has to change and it knows that you might not have consciously known this before the um before this video but your subconscious is very clever it's very intelligent and it's very smart and for as long as this thing knows that this thing exists it's going to fight it because it would kind of be like you know what would it be like well it's it's just like if you were hunting a
wild animal like you know in order for you to achieve your goal of like having eaten some food or something it's let me just cancel that call sorry in order for you to achieve your goal of like eating food or feeding your family like if the consequence of that is that this thing is going to die then it's going to fight so now you know why you sabotage it's really is just this it's just an identity problem it's your ego it's everything that you stand for and believe in is coming into challenge is is being
challenged by the goal that's all this is and that's why you don't part of you doesn't want to achieve this goal and part of you just drags you down and hold you by the heels it's scared it doesn't want to die but it has to so the question is now okay well now Charlie I understand why this happens and now I understand why I keep breaking myself down and why I keep having these doubts don't think it's anything else because this thing will try and convince you it's something else but it will convince you that
oh it's not safe we're comfortable here it's just trying to survive you can't blame it you can't be angry at it because you do the same thing you know like put me in a in a cage with a bunch of animals I'm going to fight for my life in there if I have to you Can't Blame It For Fighting it's just within its nature and so what we need to do is we need to understand well okay how do we um eliminate this part of ourselves and I'm not going to use the k word because
YouTube's going to um probably demonetize this video if I start saying you should K yourself right but you need to in essence k that part of yourself so that the new version of you can step in and begin to grow so how do we achieve this how do we eliminate our old identity which in essence we need to remove and eliminate there are two ways okay the first way is pain and the second way is affirmation so what we're going to do is we're going to get into these two things pain is an interesting idea
I W known that I'm not talking about physical um pain where like for example you stub your toe on purpose or something like that I'm not talking about breaking a leg or touching a hot stove I'm talking about psychological mental pain and pain at first principle is very straightforward pain is basically when resistance meets effort so remember resistance here is this unanimous Universal force of self-sabotage and it can come in many different forms in fact in my trainings with my clients I've been able to find like 40 different ways that this manifests it can come
in the form of you being a perfectionist it can come in the form of you like you're just not wantan to do the work doubt procrastination fear people are going to judge me for this um I mean there's there's a ton and I won't get into all of them now but anything anything that prevents you from doing the work like you know oh I'll just do it tomorrow or like um oh I can't work on this right now because like the Wi-Fi speed's not good enough like anything that you tell any delusional story you tell
yourself as why you should do the work as resistance and the way that pain manifests and the way that pain comes to fruition in your mind is when resistance meets effort now effort is basically your will it's it's your body and your mind executing on activities and Performing tasks in spite of there being resistance there and it's kind of interesting here because the only way that you can feel pain is by creating resistance and so the only way to essentially assassinate your character your version one that you want to get rid of so a new
place can step in um and that's where the affirmation comes in I'm going to I'm going to show you how to assassinate and you know essentially what we're doing here is we're performing a mental coup you know where it's kind of like in a government um where I mean there's lots of examples of famous coups throughout history like um I won't get into them anyway you know what cou is right where like there's a government and they don't like the Emperor or the ruler or the king and so they assassinate the king and the current
presiding like form of identity the king or the emperor and they replace the king with a more favorable person that they think would be better for the country or their own interests and so what we're doing here is we're performing a psychological coup where we need to assassinate this thing to get rid of it so that we can put something new in because until you get rid of the current thing you can't put the new thing in although is a transition you get the binary thinking right why pain well the only way to defeat and
eliminate this version one of yourself is through pain pain is the um is the weapon that you use to slay the dragon so to speak and so if you are a knight and you are fighting a dragon for the pot of gold or the the you know the blonde princess whatever you have a sword and you're using you will use the sword to slay the dragon and your action which is your effort is you swinging the sword the resistance represents the dragon and the sword itself represents pain the only tool you have at your disposal
to eliminate and assassinate this thing is suffering and how could it possibly be any other way because nobody likes pain and the reason that no one's successful and the reason that it's extremely rare to find success in this day and age is because people don't understand this all you want in life is probably behind a couple of years of suffering and pain and you this can be interchanged with suffering but I think pain is a better word to use and so you need to have pain and basically the interest inter in thing is every single
time resistance manifests in your life through anything whether it's like you know in fact let me get my laptop and tell you some examples of resistance I think this is I think this is pretty important that you understand this because anytime that you feel resistance which is basically you know your version one identity trying to survive any time that that comes up is a time that you have an opportunity to create pain in your life voluntary pain and so if I just um hop into my laptop here I can actually walk you through the forms
of resistance that I've been able to identify in myself and the forms of resistance that I've been able to overcome and so you should you need to rewire your relationship with pain because it's a good thing it's the only way that you can remove this thing and essentially get what you want so here we go okay let's have a look here so you can see this here this is part of one of our trainings so okay here are forms of resistance first one is fear the second one is instant gratification which is not working because
you've expecting some gratification from work doubt obviously anxiety not work working because it makes you feel nervous rationalization not working because you rationalize not to do it learning not working because you want to focus on learning instead research not working because you want to research the thing before you start working on it Comfort not working because you feel comfortable right now Perfection not working because you want everything to be perfect before starting waiting not not working because you'd rather wait to see if things change these are all here right um there's a load there's a
lot of ways this comes in criticism not working because you're afraid of people's criticism drama not working because you're involved in your own personal drama and you're creating personal drama to avoid the work um support not working because you feel like you don't have the support network or a [ __ ] accountability partner God I see this all the time I need an accountability Partners do the work it's this thing it's attacking you like all of these methods of cope you have all these delusions there's 40 of them so nearly they all come from the
same Source they're all resistance and please don't click me going like what I just did you can that's going to be award but you know um like entitlement not working because you feel like you're entitled not to routine not working because you didn't have your coffee this morning self-love not working because it makes you feel like stupid like I I don't want to do the work because I love myself and I don't want to put myself through pain God if you really loved yourself then you put yourself through some pain because you're being an idiot
so back to this topic at hand the only thing you have only way you can destroy and assassinate this current version of yourself is with pain and that means that every time you feel resistance every time something in you says please don't do this please don't do this work and you do with effort then part of this dies okay part of this dies and why why does it die well it's because by applying effort to resistance and by Feeling by pain manifesting pain is the effect of this you're becoming the person that you need to
become to achieve the goal because there are a series of actions and causes you can take and put into motion that you can literally work on to achieve your goal and it's funny that to work on those things and to believe those things are going to work I.E like making a c call or doing a sales call building a website that's up to a debate if that's important or not but doing these work things is a it's a form of a new identity is forming identities form through our belief systems our belief systems manifest through
our actions okay and so if you suddenly start making tons of cold calls for your business or if you suddenly start making content for your personal brand even though you don't want to do it you're reforming your identity and you're reshaping yourself and it's really the quickest way in alignment with this to change your identity is to start behaving out of align with who you believe you are and it is so hard to do and this is why it's so rare to find success because no one wants to be in pain everyone it doesn't feel
very nice but this is why success is valuable it's because it's rare and because anyone who is successful has had to go through this whether they've been aware of it or not they they go through this and then you look at someone who's successful and and you just think he's just got it like I'm that's not me like people are born with it people are just like you know Talent is just like born not made it's a load of rubbish it's just like accurate suffering for years on end until this thing's gone and then it
can be replaced with something new and so I can't describe this in any more of a any any simpler terms in this pain manifests when resistance meets effort and pain is the sword that we use to slay the current version of ourself that does not want us to succeed because it does not want to die this wants to survive okay and in order for you to kill something you have to put it in pain it's very straightforward the metaphor is perfectly aligned and I hope that makes sense but the question then becomes okay well if
I know how to assassinate the game then how do I introduce a new candidate and the way we do that is through affirmation so remember this identity is an aggregate of belief systems that's really all your identity is is it's a collection of scales of either positive you know you got positive or negative experiences like this it's a collection of scales of millions of these different things or hundreds of thousands of them at least and what we're doing as we go through pain is we are realigning these scales in some way shape or form because
if you believe money is hard to make and you start making Co calls in spite of everything about you screaming you to not do it um and you start making some money well you start to if if all you've ever had in your life is negative experiences with money and making money and you believe it's scar scarce and hard to come by then when you start trying to make it your your version one is going to be screaming at you because it's got this belief system it's hard to make and if you actually try and
you start you start refusing to believe it's [ __ ] and putting causes into ocean to try and make the money you're going to start having some slightly positive experiences with making money and over time you're going to tip this scale in the other direction and tip this belief system and in process remove version one of yourself change your belief system so you can start to behave differently and that's called practice we give aent to belief through action through something called practice and then you're a different person and now you've become he who can or
she who can remember the only way to achieve a goal is to become he who can or she who can we don't go after goals we go after identities we go after characters and by becoming the person that can achieve a goal of course it's going to happen how could it possibly be any other way it's called obliquity we achieve something through its opposite so the next step and you want to do this at the same time as this is every day from now on your entire job is to put yourself in as much pain
as humanly possible isolate the thing that you feel the most resistance around and if you're wondering what to work on and you're wondering how to I actually go about this just find the thing that is the most difficult and then do it right now I want you to make a c call now your heart's starting to beat and now you're now you're Justified you've just Justified exactly why you shouldn't do it haven't you I want you to make a call call it doesn't matter who you call I want you to call someone up and just
tell them that you want to sell them something oh but now look at you now look at you everything that you've just learned has been thrown out the window version one of you and I'm serious I won to do this version one of you is now afraid and scared in fact I'm going to do it let's make a call you know because if you can't do this now when this knowledge is fresh in your brain do it with me I want you to make a call call I literally want you to pick up your phone
or pick up something and make a call call okay it doesn't have to go well and mine's probably not going to right when I used to do call calling have a 5% conversion rate on appointments which means that I'm probably have 5% chance of booking this appointment but I'm going to make a call okay and even if they don't pick up it doesn't matter it's just the fact that I've done it so let's search marketing agency in London see and now I've got some resistance I don't want to do this I don't want to make
this cold because I can get rejected and it's not going to feel very nice but I've got my Skype and I'm going to do it and I want you to do the same thing because the lesson here is that we have what we are feeling right now you and I both is resistant even if you don't have a business that relies on cold calls I wanton you to do this I want you to do something difficult because this is a very small piece of pain that we can use to assassinate the version one of ourselves
okay so let's call this agency up um uh there London so they should be open right now and let me turn this volume up hi thank you for calling they're not even going to answer but look this is what you need to learn to do it's every like I'm just like make C and you start panicking and now you're making you'll do what you're saying to yourself is I I'll do it after the thing or well my business doesn't rely on Co calls so I don't really need to do it but a few of you
a small percentage of you are actually going to be taking action here and this is the the start of the snowball that rolls down the hill most people are going to watch this video and they're going to puss you out and be like yeah I don't really want to make a cool it's just not me have you not just listened to what I said are you not getting is it not coming into your bloody skull so let me find um a marketing agency and call them and um let's see let's have a look shall we
and I'm just doing this live I'm doing this real time on my laptop you can see what I'm here I need to find their phone numbers and it doesn't matter if I get rejected it doesn't matter if I don't get anywhere like the whole point of this is that the why do most agencies not have their phone number on their website what okay let's go to um let go to Yellow Pages um okay let's try this again then like you need to learn how to do this this a real this is a I'm not going
to book the meeting I know I won't probably good afternoon coming hey good afternoon mate I've got to be honest with you I'm here to sell you something um would would you like me to leave you alone or can I have two minutes uh leave me alone thank you then all right brother have a good day you too and it's that simple it's that damn simple all right I didn't want to do that it doesn't feel very nice I've just been rejected on camera to maybe 100,000 people but the point is that I've just put
myself through some pain i' I felt the resistance I didn't want to make the call I didn't want to do it at all you saw I was kind of like oh I don't want to do this I've applied effort to resistance I'm I'm now in some sort of pain although it's just subsided and this part of me that is manifesting all these problems is now slightly worse off so you have to if you haven't if you didn't just make that cold cool well I'm sorry but you're not cut out to be successful and I mean
that like and I mean that with all my all my Goodwill and heart if you're not willing to pick up the phone right now and do this one small thing and put yourself in this one small piece of pain as I just did there then you simply not cut out for this life you'll just if you can't even do that if you can't even bring yourself to do that you're not worth it and I don't mean that in a negative nasty way I'm just saying you might as well just click off this video and go
and watch some Netflix and just live your you know blind life where you just abide by the rules and you just like just let let life carry you through don't bother trying you can't do something like that or you can't think of something painful like go and just do a plank right now do like a 60-second plank but do the cold even any business and just tell them you're trying to sell them something and then just and they'll be like oh no they'll just be like oh leave me alone go away like that guy did
and it won't feel nice but what matters is that you're one step closer towards removing this part of yourself so you I can't stress enough you can't even do that then I'm sorry but you're beyond hope so now that I've put you through some suffering and some pain and you hate me a little bit let's talk about how to remove this because what you just did there with the cold call if you do that like if you did it which I'm assuming you did because you should have done it if that pain that you just
felt and that Sensation that you just felt if every if if every waking hour of your life for the next couple of years becomes dedicated to chasing that feeling as intensely and as much as you can possibly take you will become successful I promise and I know it's true because it's exactly what I did isolate the thing that hurts the most and repeat it over and over and over again and give the universe no choice it will remove this thing and your identity will begin to reform and time will elapse it will be hard it
will suck but it will make for a good story okay that coal I've probably done 100,000 coals in my life I coal every gym in America like more than twice there's like 40,000 of them so and it sucks I didn't enjoy it it's horrible but that's my point the reason that success is Val Val is because very few people have it because very few people can do this and they know they don't have do this so the next stage is affirmation so what what I said about the belief system being either you know positive here
or negative here is pretty universally true and in addition to your efforts you want to fight this enemy on two different fronts okay so front number one is the pain thing where we're essentially trying to strip this thing of any of its power by basically putting it in this pain and we're slaying the dragon with The Sword and the sword is the pain the swing is the action and the dragon is the current form of identity we have and when you remove this thing you get the pot of gold and everything happens you achieve your
goal and remember you want this you want resistance and you want pain and you need to rewire your relationship with this stuff because without the dragon there can be no night the dragon represents an opportunity for you to become more and for you to grow and without the dragon what's the point if you're a superhero but there's no villain what's the point you can't be a hero without a villain and you cannot be a successful like well put together entrepreneurial person without pain you need it you should want it you should love it it'll take
a while for you to fall in love with it but trust me you will the next stage is affirmation so the second stage in the coup so to speak is affirmation now I said to you earlier that your identity is basically a collection of scales like this and these scales are either positive or negative okay and anything in life anything at all in the universe you can perceive you either have a positive or negative perception of to some degree so for example um let's just say you let's just take Logan Paul okay if you think
that Logan Paul if if all you've had is negative experiences of Logan Paul or you've had a lot of negative experience with Logan paol then your belief about Logan paol is going to be that Logan paol is bad and I don't like him so your belief the world view is that Logan Paul is bad and you've attached your identity to that by basically stating that statement not that this has any relevance to your business success but you get my point and although it kind of could because now if you think Logan PA's bad you're going
to think that YouTube and creating content is bad and if you judge Logan PA for his content you're going to start to try to you're going to reflect that fear into yourself and you won't be able to make content because you're judging content creators that's kind of how this thing works but here's the thing you have basically two forms of experience that form these um belief systems so earlier on I told you that really it comes down to your senses and your sensory experiences I'm going to change my pen if you remember I told you
that it comes down to your sensory experienc where you've got your five senses and you know so for example if um if Logan Paul makes a YouTube video you're going to watch and listen to that video and the information of the stimulus is going to be taken in through your to your brain through your through your senses and if if it's a bad thing that Logan pool's done then you're going to have a negative experience with Logan Paul and you're going to stack the scale slightly and you it's going to the negative scale will outweigh
the positive scale and that's how your belief system forms but here's the thing in addition to your senses and really your you know the external um perception of the world with your ears and your eyes and your tongue and your your taste and your touch and L we have another sense we have a sixth sense and this Sixth Sense can be used as a superpower to well really there's actually seven there's seven you have seven and six senses and you can use these two senses to recreate experiences and essentially rewire your brain to change your
belief systems and so you might be like well what the what Sorry Charlie but I don't quite understand well let me explain you have your memory and you have your imagination so in the same way that your eyes will you know light will reflect into your eyes um from the you know from your environment and your brain will form a picture you will hallucinate reality in Ence well we can use our memory and we can use our imagination to recreate our belief systems and if you don't believe me well it's very simple um think about
shut your eyes right now and remember a really really bad time just shut your eyes right now and just think about something recently that happened that made you feel like were cringing just think about something that really made you feel like oh cringe proper cringe right just remember that what you've just had is an experience without really having any sensory input you've just had an experience and you've had a negative experience and that negative experience has been about the thing that you just thought about and so what you've just done is you've just confirmed a
belief system about that thing towards a negative bias and now close your eyes and imagine a really happy experience just shut your eyes for a second I'm thinking of one think of something really happy that made you feel really happy and open your eyes now what you've just done using your memory of an experience in your life is you just reinforc a belief system so for example I was thinking about my mother and the last time I saw her I gave her a big hug and that made me feel really happy and so the positive
experience um dichotomy for me for my mother has just increased okay just by me shutting my eyes and imagining it and you can do the same thing now with any anything and the thing is is for example if you believe that money is hard to come by well there's probably been one experience in your life that you can remember where money felt abundant like for example maybe you cycled past a Supercar and you thought God damn that makes me feel good maybe it's possible maybe there's some hope well you need to shut your eyes and
reimagine that experience through your memory and in doing so you're going to have a positive experience it's not a real experience but that doesn't matter there are studies on this that demonstrate that the brain and like your your conscious mind and your own conscious mind cannot tell the difference between real life and imaginary experiences and the reason we know this to be true is a because if you shut your eyes and imagine something bad you feel an emotion which means that your brain is actually producing a like proper neurochemical reaction to the imaginary um and
B if you watch a movie that you know in real life that is effectively imaginary and staged you're still going to feel the emotions from that movie even and sometimes you'll get so dragged into the movie that you think is real and that's your brain will produce these things and so what we're trying to do in addition to putting ourselves through significant levels of pain in our life and looking for ways to build effort and to match effort with resistance what we're trying to do here is like affirmate future um stage that we want what
I mean by this is we want to use our memory and also our imagination so you don't just have to use your memory because maybe you haven't got that many good experiences but what you can do is you can create experiences in your mind so let's say you want to make 10 grand a month and you want Financial Freedom well you can get good at imagining stuff if you close your eyes right now and I've got my eyes closed imagine yourself or they're open now but imagine yourself on a beach in barley and you're working
your laptop and you know you've got your feet in the sand and it's kind of warm and you've got like a coconut water that you're siting on the table and you've got your laptop on the thing Sunrise is coming up at 6:00 in the morning you you can imagine this right now and you know you've got a vest on you're in shorts and you got your flip flops on the floor and you can hear the lapping of the Waves you're looking at your stripe you just turn the brightness up on your laptop you've made $4,000
this month you're only halfway through the month you're a six figure earner um one of your friends is like laughing to their mom on the phone on the right hand side of the table you need to get imaginative and what you can start to do is you can start to imagine things and create you can literally create experiences by using your imagination and you're not going to be good at this to begin with it's kind of hard to get good at imagining stuff but over time you're going to be able to create visualizations and by
creating those visualizations um around the things that we don't believe to be true right now you can rewire your entire brain so if like if all you've ever had is negative experiences with money well you need to rewire that you need to because otherwise you're going to constantly like think it's impossible to make and so whilst you're battling the Eastern front and you're on the Eastern Front fighting off the identity with pain and slaying that damn Dragon you need to be fighting the Western Front and the mental Battle of you know telling yourself because the
easiest way for you to consistently justify this pain and to justify matching the resistance with effort is to consistently imagine a better future and to imagine why you're doing it because you you will forget this stuff I promise you will but what you won't forget is the imagination and when you're doing your imagination when you're doing your your affirmations essentially you need to link them to emotion if you're not feeling something you're not rewiring the belief remember a belief is a Continuum a spectrum of emotion it's positive or negative and so what you want to
do is you want to imagine good experiences that make you feel something if the if the image or the memory these sixth and seventh senses of of ways of building beliefs or at least experiences that create beliefs if these don't make you feel emotion then you're not rewiring your brain and you're not counteracting the belief system it has to make you feel something for example I did this every day twice a day for about 3 years and I'm not even joking um what I did is I I listed out a bunch of affirmations and I
told myself that I was going to be successful and I knew exactly what I wanted um in fact you know I can I can probably show you this my laptop I knew exactly what I wanted and I created a vision board and I created affirmations and you know all of this stuff and basic basically what I did every day for really two years maybe even longer than that is every day I would visualize myself living this dream life so I can actually attest to the fact that this thing works this isn't some woo walk Theory
crafting spiritual like try this like I actually know this works because I bloody did it and it worked and if you don't believe me well look at this look at this so of course my Wi-Fi is not going to load it now it's just typical um so this was something I created you can see this here so I created this a long time ago don't know if you can see so here I've got first class or business class travel which an Airbnb which means that I'm financially location free I made this when I was poor
when I had no money now I have this I can go first class business class wherever I want this was the apartment that I wanted don't know if you can see that there that was the apartment that I wanted in a city called in the UK I moved into that apartment now I'm on the bloody Palm in Dubai right this was the car I wanted which was a C-Class Mercedes um I ended up getting a C63 AMG um this is the body that I wanted which I nearly there with like you know and here's the
apartment again and what I would do and is I would um I I had no money I was this is when I was starting but what I would do is I would sit and I would visualize myself in this apartment and sorry I get a little bit emotional guys I get a little bit emotional I talk about this because I would I would sit and I would imagine I would in in I was in this grotty flap with with no no prospects no money and I had a supportive family and but like I didn't have
anything I was in my parents room I had this horrible little office and what I would do is I would sit there and I would shut my eyes at night and I would imagine myself um in the morning getting up in this apartment I studied it I I I studied the even the way the window seals looked I looked at the way that the tap would turn in the bathroom in the pictures I went to the city and I saw it from afar and I would sit and I would imagine myself waking up in the
morning and sorry this I told you this is this is going to take a weird turn um I would imagine myself waking up in the morning and getting out of bed and ping the cover off and opening the thing to this beautiful view of the city of bath and then walk over getting a smoothie I'd imagine a taste of the Smoothie looking out at the window and opening and having the breeze come into my face and then I get my my Mercedes key and I'd go down the lift and I'd get in the car and
I'd feel the leather of the car and the seat belt and I drive to the gym and work on my I just I would imagine it every day and I wanted it so badly and what I would do is I was recreating experiences over and over and over again you know I would imagine myself um doing objection handling on my sales calls and Absol absolutely crushing it I'd imagine myself making YouTube so weird how it works man I forget about this stuff I would I would imagine myself because I knew I had to have a
YouTube channel to do what I wanted to do I would imagine myself making YouTube content and making content that gets like 10,000 views a video that was was that was like an insurmountable amount of views to me at the time and now I can get like a 100,000 views a video or 50,000 views of videos sometimes so it works if you create positive experiences in your mind and you try to remember positive experiences in your mind that that completely counteract your current Paradigm and the current manifestation of your identity right now you find the opposite
you find the antithesis you find what will get you what you want and by doing this what will start to happen is this person that is locked away in your unconscious this version two that set the dream and set the goal will begin to rise and what will happen and I guarantee this will happen is eventually you're going to have to do the same thing to number two this doesn't stop okay number one is gone number two is going to come up now you've got a new enemy to slay because number two is going to
have it number two is going to have its limits as well and then you've got a and then what will happen is inside of you your goal seeking mechanism will create version number three you have to become and then you have to go through this all over again success is suffering and it's as simple as that learn how to do this and you will become successful and I know it's true because I did it and it's the most beautiful rewarding fulfilling meaningful thing that you can ever do is to learn this thing and apply it
I suggest you rewatch this video 10 times because when I came across this information um and it was sort of scattered I you have to remind yourself of this every week put it in your calendar watch it 52 times a year because all you need to know know is this everything else you will be able to figure out through these lessons do not forget this and if you ever feel yourself slipping into a rut and when you feel yourself regressing back to version one which is going to happen you're going to go back there you're
going to regress to version one it's going to happen when it happens come back to this video remind yourself of how to do it bye