Can You Hypnotize People To Give You MORE Money? // Russell Brunson

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Russell Brunson
Discover how top salespeople, lawyers, and speakers and even pastors use these 8 hypnotic selling se...
Video Transcript:
can you hypnotize people to give you money and before you answer that question some people think it's immoral or illegal uh but this book teaches you exactly how to do that and before I tell you what the title is before I show you what this book is this is the book that I read almost 20 years ago when I first started learning how to sell online I was add an event and there was a stage hypnotist who was there and the night before he did this whole hypnosis show he had everybody on stage falling asleep
doing crazy things and then the next day he actually uh spoke again and this time he sold his product at the end of his presentation and people were running to the back jumping over the tables and what's crazy is before he allow anybody to buy his product they had to sign a contract stating they were not hypnotized and they were buying this their own free will and mind I remember seeing that I was like that's so fascinating and I started thinking like can you use hypnosis to become better at cells right and so over the
next 10 years of my life I started buying everything I could find on hypnosis to start understanding it I bought over 25 200 books and of all the books all the courses everything I bought this was the book that helped me to understand how to use hypnosis to actually sell your products and your services I took what I learn ins side this book and from there I actually set a world record speaking on stage Closing one out of nine people and setting a world record for the most cells in the shortest period of time so
what is the name of this book you guys want to see what it is the book is called unlimited selling power how to master hypnotic selling skills now for some of you guys you may be freaking out already just because I use the word hypnosis like I don't want to use hypnosis for selling two quotes I want to read from the beginning of this book that'll help it uh that should help this make more sense to you so the first right here it says scientists who study language patterns have documented the top cells people use
forms of conversational hypnosis and the less successful sales people don't in addition scientists have found that the top negotiators use conversational hypnosis as do the best attorneys and the most charismatic ministers and preachers okay so people who are really good at sales and persuasion are using this a lot of times they don't even know they're use hypnotic language patterns but the best people in the world are actually using it you may be wondering how does hypnosis work when you're selling and uh in the very first chapter it says something really cool it says when you
communicate a message hypnotically the message is more likely to bypass the listener's conscious mind the hypnotic message goes more directly to the prospect's subconscious mind okay as you know all selling has to do a subconscious level by using hypnotic language it bypasses the conscious and goes directly to the subconscious this book has tons of powerful things but what I want to do now is I want to shortcut this for you because a lot of you guys aren't going to read this book so I want to pull out the eight most powerful things that I learned
from this book and show you how you can use them when you are trying to sell anybody anything online so that's I'm going to put on my trusty bookmark and come over here to the Whiteboard I'm going to walk you through the eight principles of as you can see here hypnotic selling secrets so with that said you guys ready to jump right in all right so the very first secret here is what hypnotists call suggestion what is suggestion well let me read from you from this book talk about what suggestion is okay if you think
about when a hypnotist is trying to hypnotize someone it could be like stage hypnosis or clinical hypnosis they may say something like this your eyelids are getting heavy you're beginning to feel sleepy okay so what the hypnotist is doing is they're suggesting something to the person right they're bypassing the conscious mind suggesting the subconscious mind now how would you use that everyday language if you're talking to someone one-onone I might say something like you're going to love this meal okay I'm suggesting to them that they're going to love this meal now how might you use
that if you're selling here's that works here it says you're going to be very excited about what this computer can do what this funnel can do what this software can do right so these are all suggestions I would give somebody if I was speaking on stage or in a webinar or a video salesletter okay this is why suggestions work it says they work because people get what they think they're going to get out of an experience they work because thoughts can become self-fulfilling prophecies if someone thinks they will like something chances is they're going to
like it if they doubt they're going to like it then chances are they won't like it okay so that's how we do suggestions when using the hypnotic language now whenever I think about suggestions I had a roommate in college name was Aaron Hulker I remember he used to do the funniest thing every single time like he would do something to me and he's like oh you are so mad you are so mad or he say something like oh you are so happy you are so happy and I didn't know it at the time I don't
think he knew it either but he was giving me suggestions and whenever I'm on stage I'm speaking to an audience or I'm on a video sales letter I always think about that the same way that Hulker did it to me right I share something like oh you're going to be so excited when you see this when you find out what I'm going to show you guys it's going to everything for you okay next 5 minutes is going to change everything for you you're going to feel happy you're going to be more excited I start using
suggestion in my language patterns okay so that's the first way you can use hypnosis when you are speaking is betting suggestions about how they're going to feel what they're going to experience by doing that you're setting the expectations and the expectations will dictate how they actually feel okay so that's secret number one you ready for secret number two secret number two is one called idos sensory trance this one's called truisms and Universal statements that says truisms universals so to C this one I actually want to share with you guys a video clip from one of
my friends his name is Darren Stevens he's one of the best hypnotists I've ever seen I've seen him walk up to somebody touch them they pass out cold on the ground you've seen those before but then he also one of the best Stage presenters and closers I've ever seen and we had a chance to have him speak at a recent funnel hacking live event and uh he talked about a whole bunch of stuff and I'm not going to show you the entire presentation it's almost an hour long but there's One Clip is 2 minutes long
where talks about truisms and universals that I think is going to change everything for you because this um this is something you can do the very beginning of any presentation you give helps build rapport with the audience immediately and then that way as you're giving your presentation they're more likely to take your other hypnotic suggestions and more likely to buy from you at the end so that said let's watch this really quick clip from Darren on universals and truisms that's an what a universal and truism is a truism is something that is irrefutably true in
the moment right so when you use your language one of the things I used when I first came out said ah isn't it fantastic being here in the high Regency in Dallas that's a trism because it's undeniable you're all in a high Regency and you're in Dallas and you read clickfunnels and I said all three of them so I went trism trism trism and the reason you want that happening in your presentation is because in their head unconsciously they're going yes that's correct yes that's true yes that's true so then if you put in your
product or service that you're offering their unconscious mind is going to go H yeah that's true that's good all right so universals and tourism there there's a couple of examples all right so uh law of Tourism and universals here's another one universals are things that anything that is true for the majority of people so the majority of you would know or heard of Russell Brunson or you all teenagers once most of you have clickfunnels and if you don't you should buy it now all right so you you know there's some examples anyway so that's universals
so if you can use universals and truisms in your presentation right at the very start it's a very fast way to build that Rapport okay you guys see how it works in the very beginning of presentation you introduce universals and truisms that's one of those simple things you start building trust and Rapport immediately with the audience and that way as you are persuad the moving forward that I saying yes yes yes they connect boom and now you're able to move forward with them after that okay all right you ready for secret number three secret number
three from the book is creating Amnesia in your clients now why would you want to create Amnesia and the clients okay I'm going to share with you from the book exactly what this is all right it says you can trigger hypnotic Amnesia by using words such as forget hard to remember impossible to remember not important to remember or too boring to remember okay what are the things you want your customer to forget about right are you using as using suggestion to give them something to forget about so for me when I'm trying to sell somebody
and persuade someone to influence them one of things that hold people back is they have this remembrance of times they've tried in the past and they've struggled and they've feared so I'm going to give suggestions that cause Amnesia I may say something like this I want you to forget other times in the past youve tried this and you failed okay I want you to forget all the struggle all the heartache everything else youve tried in the past hasn't worked it's not your fault it's because of something else it's because of this thing that kept you
from being successful moving forward from this time forward I want you to think about how you can be successful because this is a new version of you and you're no longer held back by the thing that was that was you were struggling with in the past okay so I'm using suggestions have them forget the things that might be holding them back in the past and some of you guys are like Russell that's too simple no one's going to be like Oh I'm going to forget about the struggles in the past okay the reality is consciously
you're not going to be doing that but my goal with hypnosis is never to speak to you consciously I'm speaking past your conscious mind to your subconscious mind which is holding you back right now as I do that I'm talk to your subconscious mind saying hey forget about that this is going to be different right your subconscious mind saying okay and it unleashes that so that person can start moving forward with you does that make sense you getting this you ready for number four number four is very similar to Amnesia but instead number five number
five is hypernia now hypernia is kind of like Amnesia but it's the opposite right Amnesia I'm trying to get you to forget something in hypernia I'm trying to think about something so if I'm doing a webinar or a challenge or live event and I make somebody an offer I make the audience an offer right what I might say to create hypernia I'll say something like this for all of you guys who just signed up tonight you going to go back home knowing that what you did was the correct decision your life you're going to fall
asleep T night Feeling Good Feeling excited feeling energized knowing that tomorrow your new life is going to start now for those of you guys who are struggling with this decision and you haven't decided to take action yet tonight when you go to bed you're going to lay down there you're going to be thinking about what could be possible you're going to start thinking about what your future could be like if you decide to take action on this you're going to realize that if you take action on this like you have complete certainty knowing what you're
supposed to do moving forward you're going to have more success and more happiness and by tomorrow morning you're going to be ready to take action and run with us all together okay so I insert um a hypnotic suggestion like that creating this hypernia now first time ever did this I was like there's no way this is going to work I remember doing that it was a three-day event I made the offer on day number two day number three everyone came back and the next morning we did What's called the repitch I gave them one last
chance to buy and a whole bunch of people ran back and they bought and what's crazy is after that we talked to people like why did you buy like you didn't buy the night before why did you buy the next day and they told me like I sat there in bed all night just thinking about this realizing this was my future and they literally said back the thing that I had actually said from stage they didn't consciously remember that's what I had said but what's crazy about it is that's exactly what they reverberated back to
me when they when we asked them why they signed up the next day okay so hyperne is a very powerful hynotic tool that you can use in your language patterns as well all right you guys ready to move on to hypnotic selling secret number five all right here we [Applause] go all right number five is called age progression now the book says age progression is the hypnotic technique which allows a person to feel as if he is living in the future okay all right so in this example the uh the hypnotist is working with a
client who wants to lose 30 pounds in the next 6 months so this is a conversation they are having um and as you're looking at this notice the conversation back and forth and how the hypnotist is putting this person into the future helping them to create a vivid vision of what that could look like okay can you see yourself in the future yes how much weight have you lost uh about 30 lbs cool what were you wearing uh I was wearing a new white pants suit I bought some new clothes oh you had to buy
new clothes yeah my old clothes didn't fit and I was tired of those old black outfits now imagine yourself at work how are people reacting to you I can see Judy she is not very friendly I think she's jealous she might think I'm going to try to steal her boyfriend now can you imagine the men your life okay so the hypnotist is doing is helping them see a vision of what their future might look like so how does that work when you're trying to sell somebody something through a webinar or a challenge or live event
it's the exact same thing I want to create a vivid vision of what that person's future might look like okay so I might say something like this like I want you guys to visualize like imagine like after you buy this course right and let's say it's 3 months from now or 6 months from now you've gone through the training you've understood all these things like what would your life look like like for some of you guys how you guys like you're just in so much debt and it's stressing want to get rid that debt how
many guys like you want to get out of debt like visualize yourself being debt free like what would that feel like inside your life the C may be out of Deb but you're trying to figure out like like you have a job and you hate it you want to get rid of that job like visualize what would look like if you had a chance to fire your boss and moving forward like you can work for yourself like you are your own boss like what would that look like how would that feel for you some you
guys already have like you already have your own job but you're struggling want to grow like what would that look like for you like pit yourself 6 months from now nine months from now when all these problems are solved you're absolute certain to you're having tons of success what would that look like for you inside of your life okay we start getting them visualize this Vivid future of themselves and you're doing this age progression by putting them into the future helping them feel what that looks like you bring them back to the future State and
they're able to now see the future that you're trying to create with them okay it's one of the big things some people are really good at seeing the future and a lot of people struggle with that and that's why when you use hypnotic language to do age progression you you create this Vivid vision for them they want to run towards okay all right you guys liking this so far move on secret number six all right let's check out what secret number six looks like here we go secret number six is time Distortion okay this one's
really cool how this one works think about this like sometimes in your life you experience something right and it goes so fast you could be like enjoying a movie and all a sudden you get in the movie 3 hours later it's over like that was so fast right other times like you might be sitting in line at a at a store for 10 minutes and feels like it went forever right so time is not really real in most people's brains right you have to learn to use time Distortion for example if you were doing a
webinar right for me when I do my webinars are usually 90 minutes to two hours long now it may seem long if I'm not careful right or I do a 3-day event that's long right 3 days 8 hours day that event can feel really really long if not careful so you can use hypnotic suggestion to shrink the time inside of people's minds okay so way I might do this at the beginning of the webinar I might say something like hey over the next 90 minutes um we're going to be covering a lot of information and
it's going to feel like this is going so fast because it's going to be so exciting the new things you're going to be learning are going to be stimulating and help you feel excitement and joy and everything you're doing so next 90 minutes is going to go insanely fast but I promise you if you focus you're going to get a lot of value out of everything we're doing okay by embedding that suggestion inside their mind the event is going to feel short for them it's going to feel fast okay same thing I'm a 3-day event
right if I come in hey next 3 days we're going to cover D it feels heavy it feels overwhelming and subconsciously in mind's like this is long instead it's like hey um over the next three days we're going to be going so fast like everything be learning is going to be so exciting and new and fun you're going to feel like everything's pressed down just a couple of hours even though we're going for three full days this is going to feel like every single day as we're going deeper and deeper into this you have more
energy more excitement more fun by time this is this is over you're not going to feel drained and exhausted like a typical event by the time it's done you're going to feel energized and more excited you ever knew was even POS possible in fact sometimes you're going to feel overwhelmed and stressed out but that overwhelmed and stress is going to turn into energy and excitement as we're going through this because you're going to know that your life is changing from this point forward you guys ready for some secret number seven you guys likeing these so
far if you are let me know in the comments down below and make sure that this is valuable for you guys because this book is insane this is just eight of the many things you're going to learn and you have a chance to actually read through it all right number eight is called future pacing all right let's go back to the book for some future Pac to help you understand exactly what it is um future pacing by talking about the undeniable truthful events that will take place in the future you can build expectation and excitement
here's an example he says in a few minutes you're going to begin to feel heaviness in your arms and hands and deep feeling of relaxation in your neck and your shoulders okay that's how a clinical hypnotist would use it so how do we use it as someone who using hypnosis for selling okay so again this was the definition initially said by talking about an undeniable truthful events that will take place in the future you can build expectation and excitement so that's the goal of future pacing expectation and excitement so every time I introduce a new
concept of somebody right let's say I introduce the concept of funnels to you the very first time now my job is to Future pce this by giving you expectation excitement okay now that you understand what a funnel is you now have everything you need to be successful you now have exactly you need to be able to grow your company online before you're probably struggling now you understand this concept of funnels it's literally unlock something it's going to change everything for you okay the funnel is the key to so many people's business success now you have
that secret knowledge into your head now you have the ability to use it as well okay so again I'm using suggestions to Future pace and give them excitement and expectation about the New Concept I just shared with them okay all right you guys ready for number eight the final one all right if you are here we go number eight is you want to use hypnosis to get people into what's called a yes date this is where we get people to say yes as often as possible okay uh a little while ago I did a YouTube
video teaching you guys about Trial closes you remember we talking about this yes okay so what trial closes are they're little questions you ask somebody um throughout your presentations where you know the answer is going to be yes and I'm going to ask you this question just so you say yes does that make sense so I ask you a question I'll say are you guys getting this What would life be like if you have this implemented your system that make life easier for you right so I'm saying these little questions like that like yes yes
yes these are trial closes right the more times I can get you to say yes during a presentation the better right it gets you in this hypnotic movement of saying yes yes yes over and over and over again one of my favorite places to use trial closes in a presentation is when um I finish my presentation I'm making my offer and you know you make an offer somebody you start stacking I'm you get this and this you start building up the value of the thing you're trying to offer right and eventually you have this big
huge price point like this is the big dollar amount right so if if I gave you everything day the value of it's like $10,000 right let's say the value is $10,000 okay so that's the first thing so I'm establishing this is the price thing I'm going to sell now before I do the price drop I don't just price drop but it's not going to be$ 10,000 I'm going to give it you for just $1,000 instead what I want to do is I want to get them to to see the value when I get them in
a yes State have them say yes that this is worth $10,000 at least three times before I drop the price okay now if I've done this right I've been doing these little yes statements little trial closes all throughout my presentation I'm saying yes I'm saying yes so by the time I get the spot where I'm asking for money they said yes like 500 times right and I get the spot right here I show them the big price it's $110,000 but don't worry I'm not going to charge you guys $10,000 today but I have a question
for you if all that this did okay if all statement if all this did was help you have this benefit would it be worth $10,000 they say yes right now if all this did was this would it be worth $110,000 yes now if all this did was this would be worth $10,000 so has three ifall statements if all they say yes yes yes and then from there then I drop the price down to the smaller amount okay I'm getting them into a yes State they said you know 20 50 100 yeses throughout the presentation when
I show them the high ticket price I I get three yeses yes yes yes in row I drop the price and from there then I make the actual offer okay so getting people in the yes day is another way to use hypnotic selling inside of what you're doing all right so there you guys go there are the eight different ways to use hypnotic selling secrets you got suggestion you got truisms universals you got amnesia you got hypernia you got age progression time distortion future pacing and yes States all right without said we're going to come
over here to the couch I want to talk about what we learned today and how you guys can use this inside of your selling okay um again when I first learned about hypnosis and selling first I thought it was crazy I'm like there's no way that's real but I saw somebody do it I wanted to figure it out so I started reading all sorts of books this was the one I found that had the most practical application eight things that were really powerful that I use every single day uh when I am selling um it's
something I've used so much now it's just like built into my language patterns I don't really think about it anymore but when I first got started I had to think about as I was creating presentations okay how am I using truis how am I using universals how am I getting people into yes date right how do I create Amnesia and hypernia like I started thinking about those and weaving them into my presentations right and now it's become something that's just built into my language patterns I do it when I'm not even thinking about it and
you can do the same thing as well if you just start practicing it okay now I showed you guys a really quick clip from uh from Darren step speaking at fun hiking live uh sharing the truisms universals but he taught so many other really powerful amazing things and unfortunately I don't want to post that here in this video because uh it's about an hour long but I am going to be putting that on the actual podcast so if you have a desire to actually watch uh that the rest of his presentation if you go to
any of your favorite podcast apps and search for selling online podcast with Russell Brunson uh you can go and find that episode that'll have everything um from Darren teaching you guys uh even more hypnotic selling Secrets uh which I think you guys will love as well this book changed everything for me and it can for you as well there's also a link in the description down below where you can get a copy of this book or if you want to go deep in selling with me if you go to our selling event you can
learn exactly how to sell from stage which is a lot of fun as well other than that if you enjoy this video please like comment down below and subscribe I appreciate you all and I look forward to sharing some more insights with you on the next video thanks so much [Music]
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