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we're live hi there I am Drew Badger the founder of englishanyone.com and the English fluency guide and today we're going to talk about how to study English words so you speak fluently you have rapid recall you feel confident in conversations we're going to talk about all this uh post something in the chat let me know if chat is working so hopefully go work on my phone again rather than on on the computer so as usual I will have the kind of the lesson at the beginning and then I will stay and answer questions if people
have them see if chat is working and I think yes it is working all right fantastic okay well hello everyone if you do have questions nice to see everybody there and uh do click the like button it's going to be an awesome video but if you like the video do click the like button uh just to tell you YouTube to send more people my way so I can help more people improve uh so the reason I wanted to make this video is because I had a uh just a question from a learner one of our
Learners named Shang and he was asking how exactly do we study because he he enjoys what I talk about about naturally varied review and the way we should be reviewing vocabulary but I wanted to speak very specifically about this and I know the word study doesn't sound uh very fun people don't really like that idea but the point of this is more like an adventure where you're actually learning more about vocabulary and you're developing fluency as you do it rather than what people typically do with studying which is just repeating something again and again so
you don't really like if you think about studying for a test it's usually trying to memorize some information that you just use on the test but the kind of studying I'm talking about is like where you study something you're interested in you continue to learn more about it and you're enjoying things as you learn and you're learning a lot more and actually building fluency so nice to see everybody there uh I don't know how long this video will be or at least the lesson part of it but I want to get started I'll come back
and answer questions in a moment if people have them but let's get right into this so I know some people are going to be new to learning with me to learning as or learning English as a first language so let me speak briefly before I talk about studying specifically about the three things that you must get in order to build fluency so the first one of these is going to be real speech so you have to be learning the actual vocabulary that natives learn you do learn some of this in traditional English classes but a
lot of it you do not so you need to get slang and idioms and all of those other things and not only the specific vocabulary but the kinds of speech that natives will use so they will have faster speech and they will blend the sounds of their words together so faster than the way I'm speaking less clear than the way I'm speaking right now but you really need real speech so the same vocabulary way of speaking again the natives are using the second thing you need is you need to get understandable messages so you need
to actually understand this information like a native and I'm going to show you how to do that uh the second and third thing we're going to really go deep into in this video because really the goal is fluency so you can learn this information I can try to study like get a list of idioms or something like that and try to review it again and again but that's not really going to build my fluency if I don't understand it like a native so I need to get understandable messages this means again learning things the same
way natives do so you're learning English as a first language rather than trying to translate it through your native language okay and this is possible to do at any level you really just need to get content that's appropriate for your level so if I'm trying to read a book for example if I want to read something in Chinese or or whatever a different language I need to read something that I can understand most of like 80 to 90 percent of that information so that any new vocabulary I can understand that from Context okay so we
have understandable understandable messages understandable again in English so you can understand everything in English rather than you using translations or trying to get definitions of things and then the third thing as I mentioned earlier is naturally varied review and we're going to talk uh actually a lot about naturally varied review in this video because it's it's something I talk about a lot but maybe some people still don't understand it so it means I'm not explaining it well enough but I want to talk about two different ways of doing this there are many but the point
of the way of learning like a native speaker is that natives are actually getting lots of varied input so they're hearing things from different people in different times like it could be like the past the present the future they're learning these natural tense natural tenses and different ways of learning the language in the same way that you would learn your your native language so you're hearing your mom and your dad say things to you or you hear your you know your teacher or something like that uh and all of these things combined give you lots
of the input that you need in order to build fluency so we're going to talk about two of these kinds of things specifically in this video so Shang he was talking about or asking me uh what we do with trying to learn he was trying to understand how naturally varied review works and he likes the idea he understands how important it is to go deep into the vocabulary you're learning because if you just learn something maybe hear it one time you might remember it you might hear it and understand it in a conversation but you
probably won't feel very confident about using that vocabulary so I wanted to talk about two different ways of doing this specifically naturally varied review so you can actually study things by yourself so when you're learning new vocabulary you can review it the right way and actually build fluency and fast recall uh before I mention this though uh it's really important to remember that as a as like a a native English speaker or you can think about this even in your native language as you speak um you're not really thinking about vocabulary you're thinking about situations
and because you're learning that way you're not getting just one example you don't learn just one word for money or one word for snow or something like that you actually get lots of different examples so this is part of that naturally varied review I'll explain a little bit more about this in detail but it's really important to understand that when you learn vocabulary if you only focus on vocabulary and you just get translations and definitions it will be really difficult for you to recall things in conversations because if you forget that one word or translation
or something then you will get stuck so we really want to give you the mind of a native speaker the mind of a fluid speaker and this means you're able to just think about the situation and lots of different ways of expressing yourself will come to mind so if I'm thinking like what's a good word for money I could say like I don't know cash or dollars or greenbacks or frog skins or you know there are lots of other words I could use for money like if I'm talking about paper currency American dollars all right
but the point is because I know all those if I forget one word or I can't think of one I can easily switch to another and this is really important if you want to speak fluently all right so in shang's question he was giving the specific example of stake so like learning the word stake actually let me erase this make this a little bit clearer so in his example he had the word stake and then he had maybe like two or three different examples of it plus there was uh some translations there were some Tran
translations in Chinese which I don't like seeing but I understand some people have to you know it's it's hard for them to stop using translations because they've done it for a long time uh but I want to show you these two different ways of studying vocabulary when you learn something new so this was his example he actually sent me a picture of uh just like a page from a notebook that had this on it so we have the word stake and then we have a couple of different examples of when we might use this now
even before we get to the word stake where if you imagine you're a child like a native English-speaking Child Learning the language if you hear the word stake you actually could have even more uses of the word because steak can mean different things it can actually have different spellings s-t-e-a-k so this version of steak here this is like the steak that you eat but this steak over here the pronunciation is exactly the same this EA and this a e both of those make the same long a sound so steak and steak it's exactly the same
but again it depends on the context so you might even misspell it in a conversation or I guess in your writing but it's important to understand when you're learning a new word to to really go deep into things like that to understand what you're learning and then think about getting different examples of it so the two like primary or core ways of learning vocabulary we're going to use the example of stake over here and do that I'm going to show you these two things here so let's say we begin with the word stake and he
gave me this spelling here so we're talking about different kinds of steaks you could have like there's like the steak like an oak steak or something where you're it's almost looking like a little thing that you hit into the ground like that like a tent stake or you could have an oak steak this is like where you like stab a vampire with it like like the oak steak maybe if you've seen that in movies but then we also have things like Stakes where you have like a piece of something or if we're talking about like
uh like a high high stakes high stakes uh like high here let me write this a bit more clearly high stakes Pope so steaks meaning like what are we risking for that like we have like in in a movie uh maybe if I don't save my wife or my children and I don't defeat the bad guy than my whole family dies or something like that so there's a high stakes so high stakes in poker would mean I'm playing for a lot of money so not like low stakes it's high stakes so when we're learning something
like this uh it's important I'm just going to give these kind of two different ways of looking at this but we can imagine we start with a word like steak and then we want to look at different meanings of this because we don't want to just write down like 10 different meanings of it we really want to make sure uh we focus on one and then get lots of examples of that thing so if we're talking about steak like the physical stake like this this is pretty easy to understand and it does have the same
spelling mistake but so we can just look at physical examples and that's pretty easy to understand yes so as Alex says it depends on the context but it's important here that we want to think about it like a native because if we ask a native and we say what does the word stake mean a native is going to say it depends on the context what do you mean where are you talking about so are you talking about this kind of stake are you talking about like high Stakes or what are the stakes of something so
I could have like a stake in a company like I could own a position of that or own a part of that like having a uh like shares of a company it works the same way so there are different ways of doing this and what you want to do is for each kind of example of something you want to get enough examples so it could be different words like again the oak stake or a tent steak this is pretty easy to understand so Oak so Oak meaning it's made from the wood of an oak tree
so Oak is a strong wood and we want to use that to kill the vampire so an oak steak or a tent steak same idea so a tent stake just like we have our tent over here and then we have maybe some strings or something that go down and we use a little stake to go into the ground so that we hold the tent down and the tent doesn't blow away so we can easily get the idea of this and what we're looking for is what I call the aha moment where we really understand it's
like ah I got it now so now I understand this usage of steak all right so I could have like uh this usage of steak over here and now I have just this one but I understand it quite well okay a steak so yes it's kind of like a like a big nail basically like you can it's it basically looks like this so a tent stake looks like this it's just a little thing with a pointy end because it holds into the ground and I can hammer it down like that and it stays into the
ground so to stake something down to stake something down yes and so you can also talk about like like the physical Stakes like how much money you're spending or you can talk about like um like what was that someone just had that question yes like the things that can be gained or lost as Aaron says so we can have uh different meanings of this and what you want to do is make sure you get enough examples that you really understand it all right for each one of these things so some words might have just one
example like if we have the word cat you know there's there's not like a lot of meanings of that not really it's really just like the like the animal and we have a pretty good idea of what that means and we can also understand very quickly what the word means so there's not a lot of like worry or uh ambiguity so ambiguity means we're uncertain about exactly or precisely what something means so it's ambiguous ambiguous but a word like stake you might hear that and like someone says like you just hear the one example like
I'm out camping with my friends and they say hey could you give me one of the stakes over there so hand me a steak and I think like okay like I'm just listening I'm not seeing it written down but I'm guessing they mean that because for this context uh yes like we're trying to get this specific thing I understand what the person is talking about but if I'm in like a business meeting and they're talking about uh like the stakes of launching this new product are very high so if we do badly if the new
product doesn't do well then maybe the company goes bankrupt so the stakes are very high okay so hopefully that makes sense so the point is like we want to get as many examples for each meaning as we need to understand something so I remember a teacher asked me uh many years ago or not even that long I think it was like last year or something so they were asking like how long or how much review do you need like how much studying do you need to understand something and it really depends on you as the
learner so if the learner you are getting a lot of good examples like okay an oak stake and then a tent steak maybe at least like two or three examples especially if it's something simple like a physical object that you can see and touch it's easy to understand like a cat uh but if maybe something is a little a little more difficult it's like whoa like like high Stakes or low stakes uh or I'm talking about getting a steak in a company like that so I do I have a very low stake in that company
or I have a low like stake in this in this argument I don't really care so much about it it's not very important to me so I'm getting these different examples and I might need to get maybe more for like something a bit more difficult or more for something else maybe more or less all right so I don't want you to think about like we need a hundred examples for each word the point is not to get a lot of examples it's really just to get to the point of understanding okay is Oak stake like
the end of a wooden Arrow or something no an oak stake is like a physical thing like does Google Oak steak and you will see like people it just looks like this like you can have like it's a steak made of oak made out of oak wood like that so usually it's like a kind of bigger thing maybe you've seen this in a vampire movie or something where you're trying to stab the heart of a vampire and so that's where we get an oak steak but a tent steak where we could have a metal like
made out of metal m-e-t-a-l so metal steak like this it just has kind of a little hook on the end of it and it's just a like a curved piece of metal and that sticks into the ground and this little hook here it's the same thing we can use for this so we could put a rope or a string around this maybe plastic stake or it could be made of wood or it could be made of metal it doesn't really matter but the idea is that you can like stake something into something else yeah so
it's like the same thing as as a pig for this example for this example yeah so if we're talking about steaks like cooking steaks like s t e 8K that's a different thing all right but that's why it's important to understand this where you notice we're just spending time talking about one word okay so this example this is it's kind of like you you start with one word and then we're looking at different meanings of it and then we might get different examples until we really understand something so that's the that's the the whole point
of getting the varied review so the the opposite of this is where we take a word like stake and we just repeat the word again and again or I try to get a translation or a definition of the word but the point is really to understand it like a native so now it's like oh look at that like here's an oak stake or maybe I'm out camping and I don't have any Stakes with me so I take a tree branch so if I I'll try to draw a nicer picture for you here so here's like
let's say uh like a piece of a tree that I that I've like break off so this was a piece of a tree but now like look at this I can use it as a steak so I break the tree off here it's got a little hook right here I can tie my string around that and then this part goes into the ground so I hammer it in and then that sticks into the ground so my tent doesn't blow away okay so we can also use this as a verb to stake something all right so
it's the same word two steak so here we have steak like the physical thing or we could have uh using it as a verb as well like to stake something to stake something yes I'm trying to look briefly at comments uh but I wanted to get through this before I give uh go back and answer anything else yes so we're we're talking about movement like I am staking something all right and so just like this we have like high stakes oh no I guess I gotta sneeze I held it in oh my goodness all right
pardon me that happens that's one of the the magic of live video so I could say I have like a high stake in something uh or like a low stake I don't really mind I don't care so much but is everybody getting this bless you thank you very much all right I don't want to mess up the camera you like sneeze all over you that would be very impolite all right is everybody getting this hopefully this makes sense so the first way that we can study vocabulary is we actually go deep into that by looking
at different examples of the vocabulary yeah much pollen uh I I think I'm kind of allergic to dust I guess I don't know if this room is particularly Dusty who knows it's not it's not a very it's not super bad but I'm okay all right so again just to make this very clear we're looking at different examples of this and and you as a learner you want to go through and get as many examples as you need to understand something when you're like ah now I get it then you can move on to the next
word or another example or something like that okay uh can we use Frederick to learn a particular word yes Kyoshi so uh so Frederick Works in a similar way like this so what you will get in Frederick like let's say we have a word like a more a more difficult word what's a more difficult word so there are over 2 000 words in Frederick and the way we do uh like learning vocabulary you will have a word but we will give you a few different images to understand what that means so the whole point it's
again giving you naturally varied review but we're just using visual examples so it could be an animation or it could be a picture so Frederick you can click on the link in the description below this video this is uh the app I created to help people learn English as a first language all in English and so this is teaching you vocabulary pronunciation all of that stuff uh you could have like a stake in a wall but like typically a smaller thing that would be more like a nail what is the longest English word well there's
like there's the joke answer and then there's probably like some answer but like when so little kids I'll answer this question quickly the longest English word is smiles because there's a mile between the S's this is a kid's joke so what's the longest English word Smiles because there's a mile between the S's yes even Sam Walton thought that was funny yes so this is like adults this is like a dad joke or whatever is a microstate can that be a splinter uh that's an interesting way of thinking about it like typically a splinter and this
is an interesting thing about about like going deep into vocabulary this is why I like doing these live videos because people always have some interesting questions a splinter typically it kind of usually looks like some if we if we magnify it so if we blow it up make it look bigger uh it's kind of like this but it's a steak is more usually it has some kind of hook on the end of it like that okay so that way we can because you want to stake something down and then usually like attach something else but
you could have a stake like like the act like the vampire stake it just looks like this it's just the thicker thing like like that so it doesn't really have a hook on it it's just like to hold something down but in the case of this kind of steak if we're holding something down usually you put the stake in at an angle like this so it's not straight into the ground it would be like this and then your rope or something would be hooked around that side okay so if we're staking something into the ground
so very quickly uh just answering kyoshi's question about Frederick so we're going to give you like different different pictures of of cats and a cat is a pretty easy thing to understand so here's just like the face of a cat and here's like the whole you know body with the tail and I'm not going to draw these very well but the point is that we want to give you different examples of that and so some of them will be pictures some of them will be animations but if you'd like to get Frederick you can click
on the link in the description below this video and this is the app uh that I was that I was talking about before so yes like so splinters are going to be a little bit different from a steak all right I wouldn't say like I got a micro stake in my hand people might think like I meant like like the eating steak in that way so if it's just a piece of wood you could have like a metal you could have a metal Splinter as well but usually like it's just a wood a piece of
wood okay hopefully that makes sense so it's rather than me showing you this here if you click on the link you can download the app for free if you'd like to upgrade then you can get the whole thing but you can play around with with Frederick and see how it works okay all right so we just talked about the example of going deeper into vocabulary so I'm just going to show this visually like this so we have one word like steak and we're going to go into it and we want to get as many examples
of each of the meanings of these things as we have so we gave some examples of that like a physical stake the verb stake we could talk about high stakes low stakes where something is important or we have a high share or amount of something actually I don't know if that's the longest word or not I think there are longer words than that yeah so steak and eggs is like there there's like it's like there's you and this is like a way of learning the vocabulary but if you have some eggs here's my egg right
here and there's the actual steak so that's like steak steak and eggs but if we have this one where it's like here's the egg and here's the like a oak steak on it like that like that so this is steak so steak and eggs over here depending on the spelling steak and eggs but isn't this fun isn't this entertaining so this is a lot better than just taking a word like steak and trying to repeat the word again and again or try to get a translation or look at a flash card again and again the
point is to go deep into the vocabulary and understand all of the meanings maybe some words have one meaning other words only have you know like 10 or whatever it could be so even like even short words we could have something like in or on or at those can actually have lots of meanings and so usually what natives are doing they're not trying to study like all of the meanings at the same time they really just want to understand the situation when do we use that word okay so here's this is one way of doing
this we're kind of going deeper into the vocabulary the other way of doing this is we're going laterally where we're learning different ways of expressing that same situation so I used stake for this example because that's what Shang had asked me about uh but this one let's say I just hear a phrase from someone like uh I don't have time so someone says to me I don't have time now I don't really need to like go deeper into that I understand what it means it's a phrase someone is is busy or whatever they don't have
much time but rather than trying to just repeat this I also want to focus on the situation and hear different examples of that same thing so what are other ways of expressing that so another way you could say like I'm busy or let's see so I don't have time or I don't have much time I don't have much time so I'm busy I'm in a rush I'm in a rush I'm in a rush I'm in a hurry sorry no time or you could say sorry no time to chat or no time to do whatever so
it's this specific situation maybe I'm talking with someone right now uh but I have to go I'm sorry I have to go I don't have time I'm busy I don't have much time I'm in a rush I'm in a hurry sorry no time okay so there are different ways of doing this and what we're doing so it's you notice it's it's different vocabulary so here we're talking about the same vocabulary and we're looking at different meanings of it but over here it's actually different vocabulary there might be something similar but the point is native English
speakers are focusing on the situation and they're learning all these different ways of saying that so when you are in a conversation you can use any one of these and you don't have to have to try uh like to perfectly remember them all there might be some things where you remember it like very easily and you use that so most people will have like a what I call like their go-to phrase so a go-to Springs so a go-to phrase or something like that and yes and so you will learn like how do we say this
casually how do we say this professionally and you will learn these like these kind of nuances come from understanding the situation so we we focus on on understanding the situation rather than trying to focus on the vocabulary so who says I don't have time when do they say that and how do we say it so we're not going to be impolite like if I'm talking with my friend I could just say hey I gotta go I gotta go so sorry apologies but I gotta go I gotta go so I so I have to go or
I gotta go it's just different ways of of watching the same or getting the same uh situation so when when you're learning from the traditional way with English as a second language usually what you do is you would learn something like this and you would get a translation of that but instead of thinking about the vocabulary I want you to really just think about the situation and what might other people say in that situation so yeah like take a rain check that's a good one see you later alligator so that's another thing you might say
that to like a little a little kid like see you later alligator and the little kid says after a while crocodile if you've heard that before but these are all things that you learn and it's and it's really getting you to think more like a native speaker and a native speaker is thinking of situations they're not thinking about vocabulary okay they're thinking about situations so in this situation what can I say and they're able to process this very quickly because they have all these different examples and as a learner you might hear like you know
these same kinds of things like I'm busy I don't have much time I'm in a rush and you can just think of one because maybe you don't remember all of them and that's fine you don't have to know all of these but as you learn them you will be prepared when other people say them and you will be able to use them yourself you will at least have one of these things that comes to mind okay so see you later alligator after a while after a while crocodile all right so these are the two when
you're thinking about studying vocabulary yourself this is not really about like taking a translation so we'll put translation or a definition we're thinking about what is the word if we want to focus on the vocabulary so maybe you heard something from somebody else from a movie or you read something uh take your time and try to go deep into that word I know it's it's kind of a pain to do this yourself that's why the you know the nice thing about having a teacher who can actually go through it and explain all these things and
make sure you understand it but it is possible to do by yourself so if you're ever you're when you when you're learning something you can feel if you don't really understand it or not if you hear something and you're like yeah I kind of understand what they mean like that's a high stakes poker match like high stakes I don't know what that means and then you can contrast that with low stakes and then you start learning more about what what the stakes mean like you're you're like putting you're investing something into something else so if
my family is going to be killed if I don't if I don't save my town that's a pretty high stakes so like the steak I'm like gambling or or putting something into a position like that where it could be hurt or I could lose it I could take it that's why we call that like the stakes of something and so as you get more examples of those things within each one of these situations so remember there's like steak and then we've got the different meanings of it so you might get more examples for each one
of these things okay is this making sense and the other way to do this is again where I'm looking at the situation itself so someone said I don't have time but maybe someone else says I have to go I'm busy I'm sorry I can't speak right now I have to get going and you hear all these different examples and we could also go even further with this where we hear different people saying the same thing or different people talking in that situation so my mother says one thing my dad says something else so I have
no time yep I have no time so you can say I don't and and this is another amazing thing about vocabulary where people they really think about like a grammar structure uh I'll leave these up here so if they they're thinking like I don't have so don't have time so I don't have time if they hear that they're really thinking about the grammar structure okay it's like the subject and then like do nod and then have and like instead of thinking about that it's like in this situation what is what does a person mean what
are they talking about because there are different ways of saying this and even this grammar like you could you could not use the contraction so I could say I do not have time and that makes it a little bit more polite so I do not have time or you could even make it shorter I have no time I have no time or I haven't I haven't time so instead of thinking about the grammar we're thinking about what is the person say what is the context what is the situation and there are different ways of saying
this so you don't have to be putting lots of pressure on yourself to to use only one way of saying this because natives even this like if you can't remember some grammar construction just say something different yeah I got no time you could say that as well it's very casual very conversational uh it would sound a little bit better if you say I've I've got no time or you can just say sorry no time sorry no time all right hopefully that makes sense everybody getting this can we say I haven't time yes you can so
I haven't time or I haven't any time this sounds like it's a little bit more educated sounding you could say that sorry another time yep you could Running Out of Time yep everybody's getting it everybody's getting it okay everybody understands so when you're thinking about doing this by yourself I'll go back and check chat now make sure I'm answering questions but I don't I don't want to give you too much to think about but the point is when you think about the word study I want you to think about just going deeper and getting more
information but doing it in an interesting way that's actually teaching you something so you don't really learn anything new by just repeating information if I tell you the word stake and I give you like a Japanese or Chinese or whatever translation of it and then you just repeat that again and again I'm not giving you an actual lesson I'm just giving you information to repeat but here the whole point is to actually help you learn something and you will feel confident with at least some of this so maybe one phrase like I'm busy anybody can
remember that I'm busy and just to make it like a little bit more polite you can just say I'm sorry I'm busy okay or sorry but I'm busy so Tom asks what's the difference between steak and steak you have to go back and watch the beginning of this video and you can learn that all right or uh kind of one last thing I'll leave you with this is if you're checking the different spelling of something so we do this in Frederick where we're teaching you the difference between like steak like the physical food stake uh
or so we look we like the difference between like l-e-e-k and l-e-a-k so you actually learn that in Frederick and you can see the difference between what these are so I haven't enough time okay so I don't have or I have not okay same idea so I have not I have not time to teach you now you know like we can we can uh give you a kind of more elevated uh educated way of sounding it uh does your app have phonics yes so it covers phonics sight words sentences it covers everything so you will
not find if you want to learn phonics and you want to learn the pronunciations of words the same way natives do uh then that's how you do it yes so learning vocabulary in a horizontal way focusing on yes so again like it's it's easier especially for a non-native speaker but the the reason I I give this example also is because you might be in uh it doesn't cover the IPA because you don't need to know the IPA to learn the sounds the IPA is is useful if you're trying to learn many different languages but if
you're just trying to learn how to pronounce English you should just hear it the same way natives do okay so if you're like if you hear the word stake and you only hear you will usually hear one example of that like the first time you hear it so if you're out camping you will hear okay someone says stake and now you learn the word stake and you understand this meaning of it but then you will be surprised when you hear someone else they're talking about stakes in poker and you don't understand like wait a minute
I thought I thought stake meant this so the whole point is like it's not really to take something and then like to try to force yourself to study all these different examples but the more the idea is like that you're prepared for these things and that you're open when you do hear new examples of things that it's it's actually the same word but a different meaning okay so yes uh this example this really comes from you paying attention to native speakers in context and so you might be watching a movie and someone says I don't
have time or you might have a conversation with someone and they say oh I'm busy I'm sorry right now uh or you might be yeah so camping could be about steak or it could be about steak either steak all right but be be open for this and the point is you're I'm really trying to get you to think about it like a native uh rather than think about it like like a student all right that's that's really the point of this lesson all right so thinking about the situation and then you have the vocabulary here
and each one of these really is a situation okay so like the physical stake the the verb to stake something high stakes low stakes in poker stake in a company that kind of thing so as you learn something in a conversation you might hear a really quick sentence but maybe some word sticks out at you it's like ah okay like that's interesting I got uh like I heard that new word maybe I will take that and if I don't quite understand it I will take it and and focus on that later all right but as
you I most of the people I help um they will like they've been learning the traditional way for so many years uh that it's it's difficult to get them to kind of switch their mind to thinking like this but if you do this at first it will be a little bit tricky but after a while it will be become very easy and very natural for you so horizontal stake or vertical stake yeah I mean you could I don't know physically it doesn't matter you could put the stake horizontally or put it in vertically I guess
all right hopefully that makes sense let me go back and answer questions maybe make sure uh uh these do make sense looks like a lot of a lot of comments over here uh I'm gonna start from actually let me just go back to the top here but people are people are getting it I see looking very quickly over the comments here now if I go through and I don't read your comment it's probably just because I'm skipping through things just ask it again just to make sure I I get everybody here uh okay oh my
goodness a lot of comments today nice work everybody all right so yes good uh good morning hello so apologies if I don't go back and and I don't have much time I'm busy I don't have much time to go back and read everybody's like welcome but thank you it's great to see everybody here all right uh uh let's see so having high shares in the market can be also having high stakes in the market yes so Alex answering that question from before and no steak is not a nail okay all right yes so again like
you can learn like even short words like steak or something that it's just lots of new words for you and when people play Frederick it will actually teach you lots of new words as well uh so I did you you are so excellent well thank you very much I can't read the Chinese but thank you so hand me a steak let's see the bright side of it is up to us yes is Aaron always with the positive attitude Eunice hello teacher Drew nice to see you there Marcella says I've been learning a lot from your
videos for a long time thank you so much for everything big hug from Sao Paulo Brazil nice to see you thank you very much uh and I think I answered those other questions tendo I couldn't see that comment maybe I missed that just post that again 007 was is the first time to join you okay it's like learning ouch in context yes so you want to be learning everything in context the same way natives do so when I talk about how to think like a native this is how you train yourself to think like a
native so you can if you're trying to study something you actually just want to get more information and even going to Google like Google like just tell you all these different definitions but rather than just get the definition spend time with them until you really understand it and when you feel confident then you will start speaking it fluently that's how you become fluent uh 100 days language Journey High I'm from Korea nice to see you there uh can we use Frederick to learn a particular word yes so I don't have a we don't have like
a search function in there but if you know what the word is you you should be able to go like if you know what the phonics are you can do that but rather than you should just get into the app and see how it works he always says I've been watching your videos lately to learn your methods and improve my listening skills glad to hear it trances in the U.S when you sneeze they say bless you in my country you sneeze they stay away from you how long usually the lives stay on so here we'd
say like how long do they last or how long do they continue how long are we on for it depends so this video has been going for 46 minutes it just depends on how the chat is going if people have questions or not um glad to hear Tom over there enjoying Frederick yes do share the app and also if you have not already please leave us a review of the app so it helps us grow over there okay so I tendo answered what is the longest word all right uh okay I answered that one too
how about Davis there are Miles Ahead of it yes if you if you know if you know what that is I looked at them on really interesting pictures okay all right so like another easy thing you can do just like how we do in Frederick if you do a Google image search for something so type in the word stake like s-t-e-a-k then you will get like a different actually I should have put s-t-a-k-e steak state for this so you can look for the actual definitions by just looking at the picture so you understand it like
a native okay do you teach me pronunciation the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious you should just watch this song If you want to learn that pronunciation can we call a bee sting a steak no you I mean you you maybe you could I mean I suppose but not people we could just call that like a stinger lean meat tons of fun here we go I heard about steak and kidney pie is that a famous food in Britain I think steak and kidney pie is a thing but in America I don't think it's so popular all right I'm running
out of time I make up an excuse yes so if you want to go back check back with me later very good Paul lots of good examples Rachel trying to find Frederica just click on the link in the description below this video and it will take you right there read more about the app and get the links to both Apple and Google for it uh you always says shouldn't I watch the same episode and video on Netflix and YouTube to touch on different situations uh uh so like a way of doing this like like I
did in the I made a video about how to make espresso and in that video it's it's four different people making espresso so there are different ways you can get naturally varied review one of those is to focus on a particular situation and then get lots of examples of that so we have a person making a cake or a person changing a tire on their car or a person planting flowers or something like that so you will find uh some similarities some of the same vocabulary will be used in other vocabulary will be a little
bit different but the point is that you're understanding it like a native so you can get this not only from video you can read a blog post talking about how to change a tire also and it might even be helpful to read that first and then watch a YouTube video about how to change a tire but this is what natives are doing as they learn so you might see someone physically doing it you you're on a TV show or something like watching that or you're reading it in a book or you're listening to it on
the radio so there are different TV shows or radio programs or something that talk about those things so the point is to get you want to get enough information until you understand something where you're like ah now I got it so once you understand something that really you don't really need much review after that like the and this is why you can become more fluent by yourself because you the point is not to just repeat things over and over or to say them over and over to other people or to try to repeat them to
yourself it's to get enough information that you understand something so if I like if I'm if I'm a little child and I see there's a lot of stuff on the screen here if I am a small child and I'm just learning my native language like I might see uh like would you just put this up here that's my my cat image but a small child if if a parent just says like you know they're like blah and I'm just putting some lines up here because the child doesn't know what anything means they're just learning that
the first time they hear that the the child doesn't really know for sure what the parent means so that the parent says oh blah blah like if I'm teaching you an alien language it's the same thing it's only after they hear uh like see more pictures of cats or more actual cats that you that you get it okay Alex being polite as usual all right kind of looks yeah so anyway as a child as you're learning this you don't know if I'm talking about animal or the color of the thing or do I mean elephant
you know if I'm a bad drawer whatever and so it's again you need enough examples until like the third or fourth example now your brain is like okay I got it I can understand what it means all right uh tomoko says can I use a present perfect someone passed away three years ago what's your what's your instead of thinking about the vocabulary uh or thinking about the name of a grammar Point what are you trying to express so think think about the situation what are you trying to express and that's why I don't spend a
lot of video time talking about like here is the present perfect or the past perfect or whatever it's more like trying to help you understand it like a native because natives aren't thinking about present perfect or past perfect or whatever they're just thinking about like what the situation is uh okay I think I got through those all right uh see here jubert says you're so amazing teacher now here you would say you're such an amazing teacher you're such an amazing teacher or you can just say you're so amazing or you could say you're so amazing
at teaching like you're good at teaching you're amazing at teaching something like that so there are again many ways to express the same thing uh to get going is useful yeah we yeah like you could you could say that like I have to get going but like it's a it's kind of a fast way if you're if you're saying that uh yes if I'm talking on the phone or you're busy or something like that Mom it says sorry to interrupt but how can I create a situation to connect the language patterns chunks to my brain
to recall them when this situation happens again so that I don't need to translate in my mind so like the examples that I gave uh Muhammad those are the things that you're doing if you're let's say you're in a situation and you hear some vocabulary think about what is the context or the situation for that thing so if my mother tells me to wash my hands she's talking about that specific situation talking about washing hands and someone else might tell me to wash my hands or they might tell me to wash something else like hey
wash your car or right now I'm washing the windows and as you get those different examples like when you first it's the same thing like this cat example if you hear wash your hands and if you're new to the language you might just tear wash your hands it's like I don't really know what these words mean just okay wash my hands so I see somebody doing something so imagine like you know these words like so if I give it to you in Japanese it's like so if I give you that like you don't know what
part like but if I can I can give you like a like a good like it will give you like a quick quiz I know there's some Japanese people watching this already so don't answer the question for them but if I give a few different examples then you actually understand like what the word means so I'm going to write it down in English to make it a little bit easier for you so let's just say uh like Taylor tail what out uh let's see [Music] it's hard to write it in English uh I'll change it
a little bit uh foreign let's see uh Keynote cow okay so now which one of these words do you think means wash so you hear me I'm talking about like Teo Otto or if I have like kuruma kurumo arau orata harada so if you hear those and you're just learning the language it's like oh look at that like we have these variations of the word I have no clue what you're talking about yeah yeah so this is part of the point of learning as a first language what I'm trying to do is remind you of
what it was like when you were first learning your native language so when you were young you would just hear like a sentence like that and and you don't really understand like what that means but maybe you see somebody doing something tail what out foreign so people don't understand so like a child hears this like Taylor out and they see an adult washing their hands and over time it's because they get these different examples of the word that they understand like oh like this is the actual word that means washing this is meaning hand and
this is like okay we're understanding this is the object of the sentence yeah so you hear like like so here we have like these three examples are connected together so I could have like tail I don't know I could do I could do something else with my hand it's it's the same thing we were talking about earlier in this video about getting the naturally varied review so each one of these things each time you hear it it's helping you understand the vocabulary the context is a little bit different but if all these other words are
different and this one is the same okay then this is probably the situation we understand what we're talking about here well ah yogine Yogi Productions yes there are like some people actually uh who are not Japanese and know some Japanese on the chat or in the chat all right so when you're when you're learning this way uh at first it's like wow like all this information is coming to you at one time and it feels a little bit overwhelming uh but children like you'll notice lots of times parents will say things to kids and kids
actually don't know they don't actually understand what they're talking about my magic is too weak you mean my magic marker the magic marker or my like physical magic my magic is too weak yes so like a magic we would like a in English we would call this a magic marker or just like a whiteboard marker unless you're talking about my magic all right yeah I'm getting a little a little deep into this but it's the point is to remind you of how you learned your native language so you didn't understand everything all at one time
you usually understand things in pieces as you get more examples and I'm saying that you should be doing the same thing in English and my job is really to make it easy for you to understand with different examples so it's not like too complicated but this is just an example of Japanese where you're listening to things foreign all right so I'm not going to go into detail about like what these mean exactly but you you get a sense for what these words mean that's the whole point so if it's like okay like if you if
you got to hear me like repeat these 10 times and I get to show you exactly what I'm doing you would start learning Japanese so I've done that like the marker examples that I give it's the same idea all right let's get some more comments over here but I think that answers that question from Muhammad about like getting like the different the different language patterns they come from focusing on the situation and paying attention to what native speakers do so what does a native speaker say in this situation if you are busy or you are
hungry or you have to go or you are crying or you are sad or happy what do you say okay so how do we how do we use like uh how do we use all these different examples he doesn't have all day very good Muhammad that's true yes so you can see there are lots of different ways for people to express something like I don't have time so hey I don't have all day but notice like I'm not going to say that to my boss so if my I'm waiting for my boss to do something
so I'm I'm in the office and my boss is taking some time to to do something it would be very impolite for me to go to my boss and say hey I don't have all day he would probably get angry at me or she would you know say something to me but like like you work for me what do you mean you don't have all day you have all day if I say you have all day you know so you're not going to be impolite about that but you learn all of these subtle nuances of
okay we want to be uh polite and say we don't have time but we want to say it in a way that's appropriate for the situation but you learn that as you pay attention to what native speakers do that's the whole point all right and I think uh all right so let me know if that if that doesn't it's compulsory to learn each other all the time guys think about the situation look at the situation yes so a point like again think about how you learn new things in your native language if you hear something
new it's like oh look there's a new word I don't quite know what that means and maybe you hear it a couple of different times and now you understand it all right okay so it's more informal way to say that God yeah and again like without you you your your brain will process all of this automatically without you thinking about it if you focus on what people are saying because you will recognize like oh look at that like to a child I might say this but I would not say that same thing to an adult
all right so I might I might say to my kids like hey hurry up let's go we're on the clock we're burning daylight we don't have much time I might say that but to my my co-workers or whatever I would say hey I know we don't have much time we should we should get moving then I'm going to going to pronounce things a little bit more clearly nicely and and communicate in a slightly different way all right uh so I think I got that so Kirsten learning vocabulary in a horizontal way and focusing oh I
think I answered that one it looks easy to me yes so it is a little bit easier to do that and you will get examples like in fluent for life we we cover things like that and what you will see as you watch different conversations it's like oh that's interesting one person said this and another person said this like talking about the same situation or in the same situation like if I'm interrupting someone I might say oh sorry uh sorry for interrupting but or if someone else says like if I can let me just say
this or something so there are different ways again there are lots of different ways of expressing yourself all right uh sin still says hola hola question could I be able to get fluent in English just listening English 24 7. I'm so lazy to do any homework yes so you could like what I'm doing now is just a small example of what we do in fluent for life but the point of fluent for life is to help you understand English like a native and we do this by giving you lots of like this kind of input
so you hear lessons like this you see different people saying the vocabulary you hear it in different situations and just by listening and so you're obviously doing some listening some watching you might read something but it doesn't feel like work I mean it's the same way you would learn new things in your native language but it's more about learning things that you're interested in in a deeper way and so you develop fluency automatically without you having to speak with anybody else without needing a practice partner or anything so you're not like sitting and doing homework
you're not studying did this lesson feel like studying if if not that's what the lessons are like so some of it is like me actually teaching you things about vocabulary or culture or something and part of it is also just hearing lots of other people so getting lots of examples and then also hearing it in real conversations so yes you can get fluent uh like just by listening to a lot of it but it's not you don't want to just listen to random English you need to study it systematically that's what's going to get you
fluent much faster all right got it about the app says Rachel uh uh let's see startup now can we create a situation to connect I think answer that one already all right let me know Muhammad if if I did not yeah uh yoga says hello my teach it's a teacher my question is what is the most important part about grammar vocabulary which we're learning first well grammar grammar is vocabulary you can't have grammar without vocabulary you can't have vocabulary without grammar like there's all there's always some there's always some connection uh between these things it's
like you can't have vocabulary without pronunciation you have pronunciation with vocabulary because you say a word you can hear me pronouncing words as you learn so all these things rather than thinking about them like a student a native doesn't think about vocabulary and grammar and pronunciation as different things it's all connected as one thing uh let's see any books would you suggest to encounter these kinds of words well get get Frederick for sure um but it just if you if you want to go deeper like to learn new words what you really want to do
is go deeper into the particular subject so if I learn about cats just to give a very simple example so you probably know the word cat already but maybe you don't know the word like feline or we don't know other words that are related to cats or talking about cats or something like that so there are lots of different things as you go deeper and this is what I mean talking in this video about studying so if I want to study more about cats I want to read more like what do I learn about them
like how do they hunt how do they eat how do they live how do they I don't know make baby cats or whatever so these are all things that I can learn more about and get and get lots more examples and that will actually help me get deeper into the vocabulary and teach me lots of new words that I have not anticipated so it's the same thing like if you learn uh uh like if I just learn about camping as an English as a second language lesson like so here's like let's say I learned like
the Chinese were I don't know what the Chinese word for camping is uh but let's say I'm just gonna uh like we'll just say Chinese and then have uh like the English word over here so English so there's like some word in Chinese some word for Camp like the word camping in English but if I go deeper into that there are lots of different things about camping what kind of camping do I do am I doing camping with a tent am I sleeping outside just in a sleeping bag do I have a camper like one
of those like a camping vehicle uh there are lots of different things you can get as you go deeper into that and this is why I tell people look at that like around with a survival video so that's a whole topic that you can go deeper into and it's it's fractal this is a great word for you all fractal so a fractal is like something you can zoom into it and it it remains like the same shape so it's better to Google that but if you Google this word fractal you can see a picture of
what a fractal is but if you zoom in to a fractal it doesn't change it's like the same kind of shape or pattern so as you zoom in on vocabulary or subjects or whatever you will learn more about these particular things you zoom into this one you learn even more you zoom into that one and that's how you get more interested and how you like actually study fracturial maybe you mean factorial but you can Google those and see what see what they mean uh uh all right all right so yeah so like if you're if
you're trying to learn new vocabulary that's how I would do it rather than you would be focusing on a topic and go deeper into that that's why I know I know like a lot of words about gardening things in Japanese that like other Japanese people don't even know because they don't you know like they don't they don't get that deep into the topic uh let's see I think both are truly important to know the same time guys please don't forget to hit the like button yes it was a bit of psychology for you it's better
to say remember to hit the like button rather than don't forget we want people thinking about remembering to do something phrasal verb go through I don't know if that's a question or not not to mention that some words are used in metaphorical Expressions that's true foreign it's 10 38 p.m here in Brazil is there a difference between go through and go over yeah sure but remember this is a specific example in this situation remember we want to focus on the situation itself so if I've got like a tunnel or something I can go through the
tunnel like that to go through something or I can go over it so that's this one specific situation so you understand go through or go over something all right but if I go over something in uh like in a meeting I'm talking about different topics so I'm going over like almost like it's it's a similar idea of like physically moving over something but like I'm putting my eyes over something like that so I'm going over it first we will do this thing then this thing then this thing then this thing like that I'm going over
that all right but I could also go down a list I could go I could also like go through the things we're doing in a meeting in the same way so it's important to really focus on the situation uh rather than just look at the um like just looking at the vocabulary by itself all right so you alligators all right anybody if any books for me to improve my oral spoken language yes I would just get more uh get more examples of native speakers speaking that's how you do it so if you like reading reading
is going to teach you more but you have to watch actual people speaking that's why in fluent for life we have people speaking so we give you if you see lots of examples it's like when I first came to Japan uh if I just listened to my like listening CD lesson or whatever it's much different than how people actually speak so I need to get lots of examples of how other people speak and then I will feel comfortable okay this is kind of generally what people say Abraham says hi from Morocco the first time I
catch you on live I saw a lot of your videos many thanks for aware us on learning English as a first language yes you can say like or making us aware or just teaching us about something uh let's see Marzia says I'm Iranian nice to see you there uh jobber is that Joe Burton Joe bear from Haiti apple pies let's see uh it's for the first time I've taken part in this show and I'm a blissful to be here with you guys glad to hear Duran is there a difference between go through and go oh
I don't care in the context of reading comments uh so no nah because again like I'm going I can I can think about it logically I can picture that like I'm kind of going through like a list of them or I'm kind of going over them like that it's it's basically the same idea uh let's see all right Kennedy's president yes so I think I got to that question already deep learning starting with a situation or context to learn English as a first language all right you always says thank you much for your answer thank
you so much I'm sorry it's almost I didn't answer your question [Laughter] telling you to telling you to rephrase it differently so what is the situation like are we talking about like somebody died or something happened in the past and we're talking about it now what is the situation because if you can think about the situation it's easier to think of the vocabulary uh let's see fangos Thanos says when I watch movies or series I see the phrase I should get going is there a difference between I should get going or I should go no
and again when you watch natives there are lots of different ways to express yourself so you don't and this is another reason why it's important to learn with lots of different examples this is why we put so many different examples in fluent for life because usually when students learn one example they think that's the only way to say something or they get nervous about saying something else but native speakers they see all these different ways of expressing yourself and so look I should go I should get going I should be leaving now I should be
on my way okay so those are just four different examples of how you might express the same thing so that you're not feeling nervous about like this one thing and if you don't say it correctly or perfectly then you you're messing it up and then you uh it just it ruins the whole conversation all right so don't worry about a particular way of saying something because there are always other ways of saying things all right uh let's see and yogis says have we got have we get or have we got because I have many more
questions yes if you have more questions let me know uh How can I how can I do to join or what can I do or how can I just click on the link if you'd like to learn more about fluent for life you can click on the link in the description below this video same thing about Frederick as well and if you have specific questions about fluent for life if you're a member already let me know or if you are also thinking about joining the program and if you have questions about it I'd love to
know any reason why people are not thinking about joining but let me know uh Clark Zane says hello nice to see you there how to improve our listening uh because sometimes I'm trying some exercise to know where is my level of listening I watch many other English content on YouTube do you have any tips for us sir again it's it's listening for something it's usually contextual so you might be good at Listening to English teachers on YouTube but you're not good at listening to native speakers so you need to spend more time listening to native
speakers and again that's why we put that in fluent for life I have to go thanks so much for a good lesson glad here Chinese from Tokyo listening to your lives glad to hear it Nicole all right let's see how I can answer that one I'm from India could you please wear colored t-shirts people are worried about my t-shirts almost every chat people have I guess yeah I'm kind of wearing a gray shirt on a kind of white white background over here can you speak Japanese fluently yes I can speak Japanese formerly trance is sometimes
when I speak with a native I look at them waiting for their reaction if they got what I said yep that I mean that happens sometimes and let's see we got cam says hi from Thailand look at that boom we got to the end of the chat the end of the chat so we got through them uh and again like I'm talking about getting through them like like look at that like there's so many I have to like work through them all and now I finished all right so it looks like we've been going for
70 some minutes 76 minutes and Counting but if you have any final questions do let me know I'm going to take a quick drink over here but if this has been valuable for you please click the like button so click the like button it's been a while yes I was on uh vacation for a little bit just spending some time with my family we went to uh just a local Island uh not far from where we live and we're just there for a couple of days and yeah so I didn't didn't do any live but
I did release a few um like pieces of lives so I I will probably do more of that so releasing like pieces of lives because maybe people don't have time to watch everything but there are some good good gold nuggets it's a good gold nuggets uh inside these yes so it was a good vacation with my family thank you very much some okay I got that one already Sandra says I love the way you teach Drew thank God you have time for us good night you're too kind Sandra yes uh I enjoyed teaching that's why
I do these live videos it's a lot of fun to come and teach uh so I miss like having a live class but I like having my freedom as well so I don't want to have like I I might maybe I'll do something in the future with like a group of live people physically in front of me sometimes I I will attend classes that maybe friends of mine have you speak Japanese have a good day huh we got to think about the situation don't worry about the vocabulary so much uh and you will enjoy yourself
it is a tsuyu uh well we're we don't see to you is is so that's the rainy season if you're talking about that um and that's usually before the summer time so we don't this is this is kind of like the second slightly rainy uh maybe get some typhoon kind of things coming in but like regular to you is is earlier in the year before summer Yogi says thank you I am so happy when my question was answered you're a very good teach you'd think I think a teacher I think by the way I'm from
Indonesia thanks again Iran says uh yes it's my pleasure so for me like learning Japanese uh it took me a while because I was not doing this like I was still trying to learn uh Japanese through English and that's why I had to like think and translate and hesitate but I don't do that now when I speak and I learn new things in Japanese all the time when I speak all right uh I keep checking on my notifications literally every day from you if you're on YouTube live yes again like I I don't have a
schedule for the lives and the reason I don't is because I you know I there's I don't I don't need to like do a live video every day I mean I've got I've got so much content already and even for the people who were in fluent for life there's like way more than anybody could go through they could go through like a video every day and take like two years like to try to go through everything because there's so much content um but yeah like and this is a tricky thing about language learning where people
are always trying to get more new information when it's much better to go back and watch like a previous video or get more information about those same kinds of things let's see uh let's see if I'm pronouncing that I'm from Ukraine here in the USA we are three years and I still don't speak fluent because I'm afraid to speak my children go to school and they told me that I want to speak with a lot of mistakes yes so I like sorry for laughing this is the same problem I had this is the same problem
a lot of people have and it's just because you don't learn English as a first language and that's what I'm trying to help people do with these videos so if you learn English as a second language then you will make lots of mistakes you will have your kids trying to correct your English or whatever and even my kids now like I have to work harder at my Japanese just to make sure my kids are not like I don't know you know like they're like saying like like my Japanese is bad or I make a mistake
or something so I'm like my my older daughter is learning she's a second year in elementary school and so I I have to learn like the next level of kanji before she gets to that so I can help her and she's like well I know that kanji but you don't know that kanji so I don't want to be embarrassed by my kids but the reason I'm I'm able to do that is because I'm learning Japanese as a first language so I'm not trying to learn it through translations it's it's really difficult to do by yourself
I know like it's like I've been doing it for a long time and I wish I had a teacher who knew how to teach me the way I teach but I can only just like kind of teach myself that way but that's why I put so much effort into fluent for life to make sure I have a program that does that for English for you guys Angelica please could you do something about present past and future perfect at least please how to do more easily with a little well what is that thing it's like a
little blue monster kind of thing that's pretty funny yes like uh if you give me a situation I can help you understand it but if you're just thinking like if if you're already thinking about past perfect and present perfect and future perfect or whatever like it will be more difficult for you so I know you want a grammar example but I'm asking you for a situation so think like what do you want to say and then I can help you understand it better so I have covered lots of things and we go into perfect tenses
like we cover all that in fluent for life as well but if you're looking for uh like specific examples it's much better for you to think about like something that happened in the past and then like it's not happening in the future or something like that and actually I covered uh I think we did like past perfect in I don't know a couple of recent videos I don't remember which one though but it's a it's a it's like a comment that people get yeah uh let's see cute narrow Zach wow you were talking Japanese with
the Japanese facial mimics as well I guess yeah my face like I don't I don't do the um like the typical when people are speaking Japanese especially foreigners who have been here a long time the the Japanese often don't move their upper lip when they're talking so it's like it's like someone's new um like the the top lip doesn't move as much I don't really like the way that sounds though I like to pronounce my words a little bit more clearly but you will hear that from from some Japanese people and and like foreigners that
want to sound a little bit more um and like they really try to keep the upper lip without without moving but I say oh so does nah you know I'm like I move move my mouth a little bit more uh Iran says Aaron let me know if is your name like Iran or Aaron let me know what that is uh we are used to making mistakes in English yes so that's another good thing so if you are in the habit of making mistakes uh because of how people typically learn then yes you will make more
mistakes like that so the point is for me to help you not do that and teach you in a different way uh my advice is move to this guy please change your children teacher aha just kidding now remember uh you don't get fluent because you're in an English-speaking country you get fluent if you learn English as a first language and that's why it doesn't matter where you learn and you can also get fluent by yourself so many of the people I help they find me because they have been living in the United States for 10
years 20 years and they still can't speak fluently so the issue is is really about how they speak because of how they learn it's not where they learn okay so you can be in Ukraine and still get formed we actually have lots of lots of members in Ukraine uh let's see Jan I appreciate you making these short videos from the live stream pointing out the important things yet can you explain the phrase could use in different contexts and meanings I saw a video clip using a phrase I could use coffee does it mean I'll have
coffee or I'll order coffee ah so in that in that sense like there there are two different meanings of that so I could use something like listen listen to the difference in my pronunciation because the pronunciation is also important here so if I say I could use so I could use some coffee to wake me up I could use some coffee to wake me up all right or so so that's like in that that meaning I could use like I could use someone hitting me on the head with a baseball bat to wake me up
to so I could do many things all right so I could do something I could like I could do this it's a potential a possibility I could do this so I could I could use a coffee to do this but I could use I could really use a coffee I could use a coffee like I could use a coffee right now I could use a vacation I could use a vacation I could use a vacation so it's a slightly different meaning where it's like I really want that thing okay so I could use something is
like the possibility or I could use I could use I could use all right I don't want to make a whole lesson about it but again when you're listening for uh when you're hearing something really focus on what is the situation being used so if you're talking about um like is it a possibility of something or they're just saying like I really need something oh I could use a nap I could use a nap I could use a nap I could use a nap right now I could use a vacation even after my vacation I
could use another vacation you know vacations are hard work so if you're taking like two little kids on a vacation it's like not a vacation it's a lot of work and so my wife were talking like we need to take another vacation another vacation after that all right hopefully that makes sense all right uh uh explain either or and neither nor I think I did that in a video actually uh you can look for those a recent video Elder says sup Drew glad to hear you I am all ears thanks a bunch glad to hear
tomorrow says thank you sir good Lord bless your family tree love you all you guys are funny uh Alejandro cesio Brew so people call me Brew [Laughter] what's up bro very true Diddy says what do you think you brought me and think about teaching English through games activity is that a good idea could you give us some examples of the best games and make students speak thank you um well number one like Frederick the whole reason we made Frederick is so it would teach people it is a game that teaches you to speak but the
reason it's a game just to make it very clear what a game is it's letting you manipulate something and kind of test yourself like a puzzle and so that that's the thing that makes the learning fun rather than a teacher telling you what something means so that is the game but also I really want to make it clear uh that if you if you're trying to force students to speak it's like hey guys let's play a game where we where we speak to each other uh that's a typical thing that teachers will do in a
conversation class or even just a regular like a school class it's like hey like uh give this marker to someone and say uh here's a marker and they pass the marker here's the marker to someone else but it's a much better idea to give them lots of examples of other people speaking so they will understand automatically like oh give me a marker give me this give me that give me that give me that if they see 20 people with examples then they're going to feel very confident about asking someone else like can you give me
a marker or something so rather than like thinking about playing a game just make the language understandable and easy then they will want to speak you don't have to trick students or get them to play a game it's kind of the same thing with math games it's like it's not really like it's just taking it's taking the same boring lesson and then and then like okay here's a point for you or something like that so that's not really turning it into a game but to see how we do it in Frederick the whole point of
the app is that you teach yourself how the language works and that's why it's fun because you discover that rather than a teacher explaining things to you uh uh let's see good question though Mom it says what do they think about your accent in Japanese oh I mean people people think I speak just fine so it's it's difficult to get a good honest reading of people in Japan because people are very polite and I could actually I could speak badly and people will think I say like what time she wear uh so I could speak
badly and people would say wow your Japanese is really good is because they're very polite or if I can like use chopsticks or whatever then people be very polite but it's interesting as you're you you understand Japanese people and and the Japanese culture because as you get really good at speaking the language people don't like really compliment you about the language they're just like having a conversation with you so when they don't compliment you it means you speak well and when they do compliment you it means you're probably not a good speaker so sometimes you
will see that oh um [Laughter] so it's it's just a funny thing about the culture so in America it's like the opposite so you go you know talk with people in America and Americans will like they'll laugh at your accent or your pronunciation if you make a mistake they'll be like yeah man we why do you say it that way like don't say it like that some Americans are going to be polite but it's it's a lot less polite than than uh Japan is for that all right let's see here uh why all of this
absence I don't know what that's referring to watch Robert De Niro's midnight run for I could use a cup of coffee yeah so that's the same thing like I could use I could really use a cup of coffee or you could say I could really go for something so I could really I could really go for a cup of coffee if the logic of the grammar doesn't make sense you can think like I could really use a cup of coffee to relax that's the kind of idea of it so like I could use this to
relax it just means like I would really like that right now that would really be a good thing yeah and again code switching I've talked about that on the on the channel before uh and how we we like speak different ways depending on who we're speaking with and we even do this in our native language as well so HT Kim says your pronunciation or your expression of pronunciation is so understanding so you would say it's so understandable it's so understandable all right or so like understandable for me or it's very easy to understand all right
welcome everyone KSA all time let's say tweet says Hi teacher I'm from Vietnam you are making me feel free with English so amazing yes and so what I try to prove with all of these videos is that you don't need to speak to become fluent you just need to understand the language better and as you get more examples and not just hearing me but lots of other people like other native speakers then you will feel much more confident and you will think ah I can actually speak fluently I understand the language well and I can
communicate so it's the same thing for me as I learn more Japanese I feel more confident every day yes code switch okay you got that do you speak Japanese in nagasak accent uh I can sometimes I was at the Nagasaki or there's a few Starbucks in Nagasaki but I was at the uh where was that one it was like the Yuma Saito ten one so that's just a mall like in downtown Nagasaki and they sit because they they know I like the um it's a it's a pumpkin scone so like a little like a bread
thing that I'll get sometimes but it's only available in the summer or in the in the fall and so I was talking with one of the staff there uh and she said like it's uh the like that scone is coming back very soon and I what did I say I said like uh what did I say I don't I don't remember but it was like I just like used some Nagasaki band because it was funny or whatever like I don't usually talk in Nagasaki Ben but I will use it sometimes uh what did I say
I was like uh no I don't I don't even remember what I said what what like my exact words were that's interesting I can't remember but I basically said like uh uh I was like when I say I was like something uh uh I was I I know I said I was like uh and so she thought that was funny so I was using Nagasaki basket uh and and like trying to really say it's like like I was really like trying to be like thick uh with and that's kind of local Nagasaki and there's even
like even thicker uh like like if if you go out like in like real like rural places out here like my wife's grandmother so I'll go talk with her and it's like it's almost impossible so I really have to listen carefully to pay attention with what she's saying and she's like um I'm just like what what did you say and I really have to yeah I'm much better now than I used to be but yeah so so like yeah like come on come on [ __ ] can't star or whatever like that's like yeah I
can't I can't like I was like ah like I can't wait but that's like like uh like there's even uh there's a bar in Nagasaki called tatamba so it's like it's like you have to stand there's like where you like you have to sit down and you have to stand up for the bar uh so there it's it's kind of like a like uh like a dad joke basically uh but yes but when I when I'm when I'm I don't typically use uh Nagasaki Ben but I will just throw like like so some like people
will ask me that sometimes and it's like a common joke I will use with people so they will say like do you understand Nagasaki Ben I'm like well tell money walking on gas like that and I'm like I was like yeah I understand but like oh walk out on cancer man like I don't I don't understand it's hard to understand say Mona says so if you try to speak in Japanese people are very happy yeah so of course like and and most of the time uh people are nervous about me because they don't speak English
and so if I go into a taxi or I'm asking a question or something like I try to like uh you know uh and like just just to let them relax uh and so it's it's funny to have them because they'll if I get in the car and sometimes I will pretend like I don't speak Japanese and I'll just start speaking English to people and some of them in that case like they their English comes out a little bit but other people it is like ah like that I don't understand I don't understand what you're
saying so it's fun I've actually thought about doing like making making some YouTube videos about Japan stuff that you don't normally see uh so I'll give you like a very quick topic idea that I thought about doing just because I know like some Japanese people follow my channel and people do ask me about that um make sure I got time here so uh Nagasaki is a rare City in Japan because it has a street car like a little trolley that goes around the city so we have we don't have a Subway we have regular like
a regular train that goes into Nagasaki City but Nagasaki is right on the coast so that's the last stop on the train line so around the city itself we've got uh the streetcar or you can take buses and one of the things I noticed about uh Japanese like the drivers of these vehicles is that like the the train driver the train conductor has the highest voice and then the uh the the tram driver the the streetcar driver has like the the second highest and then the bus drivers have the lowest for it and I wanted
to do like an experiment about that just to just to like find out um like what like if that if that was true if other people noticed that because I've asked people about it like like because the like the truck or the um like a train driver has a has like a quite high voice it's like it's almost like a young like a like a teenage kid for a lot of them it's just like a higher a higher train voice it's like like it's a really like kind of high and the tram driver is like
and then and the Buster I was like you know and so I was wondering like if there was a like a real pattern there and why that was so I wanted to do like a YouTube video about that there's also like one other thing I will mention about Japan this is an interesting thing and you notice little things like this it's it's exactly like learning the language where you get into the nuances of the of the culture and this is a thing maybe like I think a lot of Japanese people don't notice this either but
if you go to the uh like a train station and order some train tickets at the counter they have there's like an invisible button on the on the little terminal there and I remember asking asking a woman about like why it was like why she was touching that so like the usually they have a like a touch screen you will say like I want to go to Tokyo or whatever and they have a bunch of little squares on the screen like this and so this is the the screen here but they will touch the screen
like this and then they will touch up here they will touch off of the screen where like this is just like where the speaker is or something like there's not anything actually there so they'll be like this like touching quickly boom and I was like why are you touching that I said is there a button there and she was just like no like that's just what we do and so I just thought that was like an interesting and interesting you know thing about the about the language but but when I find things like that that's
another opportunity for me to have a conversation with someone because I like to do that especially in Japan um like people are very like they're they can be very robotic about their work like they just focus on something like they're doing their work at like the convenience store or whatever and they don't have a lot of like like real human connection so like a lot of people just come in and like they get their pack of cigarettes and they're just like whatever and they they don't really have like a conversation but I'll come in and
say hey how are you doing today and they're like oh like this Foreigner is trying to speak to me so those are again like other things like I can I can use those as opportunities to speak with people uh but I notice lots of interesting little things like that about about Japan and nagasaka too Drew could you tell me Alejandro says if Kudos is like congratulations could you please give me more examples of the former uh well kudos is like it's like a like a maybe a a slightly less amazing situation so it's like like
hey I I passed my test like Kudos you know we got good work you know it's like a I mean you could say uh congratulations or whatever but like it's it's kind of a it's like a it's like a more reserved way of saying that it's just uh good work you know so like if you if you got married I wouldn't say Kudos I would say congratulations because it's like a more interesting uh important thing and again it's like good to pay attention to what uh what people are saying uh like for that situation all
right uh let's see hi from Vietnam one again says uh maybe it's not the politeness I think not many people or Gaijin do not even try to speak the language like my grandma yes so like a lot of foreigners even foreigners could live out in Japan for a long time and still not speak also so like Japanese will know a lot of the language so like I help many people from Japan uh because they know a lot of Japan or they know a lot of English but they can't speak very well and that's because they
studied the language so it's like what we're talking about today like the typical Japanese studying is they're going to learn a translation and repeat that rather than learning like I'm showing in this video so they should be learning English like a like a fur uh as a first language but usually they don't so how long will you stay this live probably not much longer I don't have much more time I don't have much more time tomoko song says my son-in-law doesn't speak at all even though he has been in Japan for five years yeah so
that's common you know maybe so I guess your daughter so your daughter is married to a foreigner uh and well so maybe he can he can teach you some English dude where do you live you live in Tokyo where do you live uh so if you try to speak in Japanese oh I think I read that whenever uh all right injured I love I really like that name injured I hope you're okay I think you've been injured for a while hopefully you're okay you should you should change your screen name to like I'm I'm doing
better now I'm okay uh when I speak English some words I can't say them unless in my native language here can I translate uh the words from my mind uh it's better to think of a way to express something so if any any time you think you can't say something because there's not an exact translation there's usually some way to do that like like multini in Japanese is like it's like such a waste and there are there are lots of little phrases like that where you might not get a perfect exact translation but you can
communicate it in some way and if you use that opportunity to to push yourself a little bit to think about a way to explain something then usually you can but if you just think about a translation then you were kind of slowing your progress more my nose nice let's see Adrian I watched your video pranking the radio host making them believe that you didn't know how to speak Japanese yes that was a lot of fun they were really impressed with how you were their reaction was so genuine yeah I don't I don't mean and that's
another thing maybe they were just being good actors but we didn't we didn't really tell them very much about what what we were gonna do and and I didn't speak like the whole time I was in there before that radio show I didn't speak any Japanese I was just like hello you know like being very like loud and American so try like just and that's it like you know part of part of the problem of Americans is we think everybody needs to speak English or whatever so we go around like hey how are you and
like people just start speaking so whenever there's a cruise ship in town sometimes I will be at a Starbucks or whatever and like foreigners will come in and the staff will try to like they will do their best um speaking with them in in English but Muriel says I love Starbucks yes it's great to it's great how you catch The Melody of a language yeah and that's another thing you you get as you as you just like listen to people listen to people speaking so especially kids like I like I like listening to little kids
and how they speak and then watching the differences between like like when people are expressing something and how they do it that's again like when you focus on learning as a first language that's where you really start getting uh the nuances and other things like that rather than trying to get it through through English High says I can't read that uh the Chinese there let's see how mune cat in KSA now I don't know what that means good morning teacher good morning why is that chat cut off that's weird first of all thank you I
can about what you were saying well but my English I get stuck with a lot of grammar yeah just keep focusing I can't read the whole chat for some reason I don't know why it's formatted like that the chat is cut off um but yes if you uh if you learn like a native as I'm giving you examples uh like I'm doing in this video then you're going to learn more and start speaking more like a native that's how it works could you please tell us about your program might I would be joining this please
tell us please tell us the price well if you click on the link in the description you will you will see the price you will see all about it but if you have more questions the basic idea of the program is that you don't get fluent by learning um as a second language you get fluent in English by learning English as a first language and you do that by getting real examples and having understandable messages meaning I'm teaching you in an understandable way all in English and then you're getting lots of review that really helps
you understand things and as you do that it's it's the opposite of pretty much everything you would do in a typical language class so I'm not trying to make you speak I'm trying to make the language understandable so you feel comfortable about speaking so we don't begin with speaking we just give you lots and lots of input about the things you are interested in talking about uh but you just do that all by yourself so you're listening you're reading you're watching you're even writing a little bit just to help you understand things a little bit
more but you learn the same way you learned your native language and that's how it works so it's it's actually a lot more I don't even say it's really learning like a native because it's more efficient than learning like a native because even as as a native speaker most people are not very systematic about their learning and that's why like if I could if I could take someone like a baby and an adult and like teach them like I could get them much faster or fluent much faster nice to see you there sound hierarchies around
uh let's see but yes if you have specific questions about the program let me know uh Rocky do you feel like you are not true yourself when you were speaking Japanese I do when I am in English I am Japanese uh I think like you get closer to the like the true self but I feel like I am I am basically that now I noticed my personality is a little bit different but I don't feel like I'm not like expressing myself so it's I'm I'm now at that point with my ability to speak that I
feel uh confident and I'm able to communicate with people and it doesn't it doesn't matter like who I'm speaking with I don't I don't feel like I'm a different person so I'm still like having fun and and telling jokes and other things like that that I do and I can get away with that in Japan because I'm a foreigner I remember I was being introduced I was at like a business dinner uh with just some local business owners and it was like just like like just a dinner a couple of years ago um and I
was being introduced so it was me uh and and like just 10 Japanese business owners or local community people and and I was introduced by another like the host of the event and he was like this is Drew and he's doing this all in in Japanese but this is Drew he's from Japan or he's from America and I quickly I was like so I said like oh they found out like I'm not Japanese so that's a joke where like they can look at me and tell I'm not Japanese but if it's like oh they found
out like they discovered in like and they laughed they thought that was very funny so that's a kind of joke where like I I know the language and I know myself and I'm able to to put those two things together so when I first came to Japan I knew myself but I didn't know the language so like I would want to say something but I couldn't because I I didn't know how to how to like connect those two things um but yeah so that's like learning Japanese as a as a first language and so that's
that's the whole point of me uh it's it's so much fun to be able to go anywhere and I can talk to anybody and like I'm uh very comfortable going around and even if I don't know some vocabulary it's easy for me to learn that from people in the in the context in the situation uh right Reading Writing grammar let's see you know Drew my main problem of speaking English is that I'm a fast speaker in my native language and not being able to speak in English it drives me crazy uh I speak with shortcuts
mainly any advice so any advice rather than advice is remember advice is not countable we can talk about pieces of advice or bits of advice or just some advice but advice itself is not countable but the I would I would just get again like the the way I speak I actually speak a little bit faster in Japanese than I do in English it's like I don't I'm not like a terribly fast speaker in English anyway but I notice like I speak like my Japanese it likes to come out faster now but for your situation I
think it's like um an easier thing to do if you just focus on on trying to be like correct and just try to communicate what you are at a slower Pace just kind of like slow yourself down just to get good at doing the thing and then you get faster over time as you as you practice doing it more but get lots more input and the input will make it a much easier thing like the more input the more systematic input and the systematic part is really important there because if you're just getting like random
English then you're not really going to improve very much but if you get systematic input that will help you a lot all right Mom it says what is the difference between what about you and how about you uh in in that situation what about you it's like what do you think and how about you you can use both of those the same way yeah so I understood what you mean about not being able to speak quickly in English so if you're naturally fast in your native language but not so fast in English then just it's
okay try to slow yourself down it's okay to to relax about that get better at speaking and then you will he will naturally start speaking more and have a faster speech as well I mainly learn English from listening I understand 100 of what someone said in English but it's hard for me to speak English it's like opening a book full of verbs and don't know uh which word is applicable to say yeah so again depending on how you learn most people are learning English as a second language and that means that they're they're usually getting
like one or two examples of something and they're not really trying to understand situations and what natives would say in situations so the more you learn English as a first language and this is what we teach in fluent for life and all the videos on YouTube as well if you can go back to my like very first YouTube video and we're talking about the same thing uh let's see hi teacher how are you I'm doing well uh let's see how you noticed your mistake how can I learning English you'd say how can I learn English
you learn English the same way you learned your native language that's how you do it that's the whole secret all right well I'm losing my voice over here I think I got through everything I wanted to say remember just to recap everything we've got these two basic core ways of learning vocabulary if you learn a new word you can go deeper into that thing just like you can go deeper into a subject itself and learn the different aspects or pieces of it or another thing is if you're focusing on a situation you can pay attention
for the different ways that natives speak and so what's a different expression or phrase or something that you could use and even it's the same thing with vocabulary or grammar so you could like I showed before like I don't have time or I haven't time so it's the same thing they mean the same thing but I'm using different words in order to do that transist thank you it's nice to see you back yes and I will probably be back uh I think next Monday my time uh and then around the same time we started this
video so if you have any questions you can send us an email at info English anyone.com but do click the video like button click that like button let other people know hey you should watch this guy because he will help you learn like a native speaker and actually get you fluent and then also click on the links in the description below this video if you'd like to learn more about Frederick and fluent for life have a nice day and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
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