all right guys so if you are struggling with views on your channel um you're not seeing the kind of views you think you should be seeing and you don't think your channel is being viewed or you think you're not visible on YouTube um today I'm going to show you this new settings some of them are old that a lot of people have ignored for so long that you have to do and toggle on or off on your YouTube Studio to get your channel visible okay give your subscribers and new viewers that amazing experience in your
Channel to give your channel that increase the visibility and Views if this is something you would like to learn let's go all right guys so you go to your YouTube studio and as you can see I'm in my YouTube Studio dashboard okay and then you want to scroll down and go to the customization all right now in the customization you go to the Home tab okay now you can see that the Home tab has um a lot of features okay a a lot of people don't know this now look in the Home tab here you
can either toggle it on or or off okay so it says show your channel Home tab to highlight and showcase content for your audience you can either toggle it on or off okay so I'm going to keep it on all right here is the layout this one says customize this layout for um the layout of your channel homepage okay with up to 12 sections so the homepage is where your um subscribers land on and new viewers of your Channel all right so this one says so this one says um Channel trailer for people who haven't
subscribed okay and this is the video I want to put there now if you don't have any video there I want you to you know click on maybe your most viral video okay now your most viral video does not have to be like millions of views if for example you normally have 100 views if you normally have 50 views and then you have 1,000 views okay that is your viral video all right so you're going to put it here now if you also have a welcome video for your channel that is what you're going to
put here okay and that's what I have put here myself all right so you can either change it or you can remove it but don't remove it you can change it and then you can choose any of your videos all right okay so now the next one will be the for you page so here it says YouTube recommends fresh content based on your viewers interest this is only visible to your viewers when you have enough content all right so when you have enough content right YouTube will um suggest that to your viewer so you're going
to create um click on the settings and it says what to include in the for you section okay so you're clicking videos shorts and live streams for example if you have live streams you want to um toggle that on as well so that YouTube can s suggest that to your viewers but I have not done any live stream so I'm going to toggle that off you know to just kind of keep it nice and simple all right now if you have live streams all right please toggle that on and if you want YouTube to suggest
that to your viewers so toggle that on all right so we're going to go here now you can see this videos these are the videos that YouTube would normally suggest okay now you can either remove that section or you can add section and I'm going to show you in a minute so you see this for you settings this is what your viewer SE in for you okay I have toggled this one off so even and even at that I don't have um any live streams okay so these are the videos that um YouTube will suggest
to your viewers okay you can either remove that section like I said before or you can add more and of course it's my playlist will be suggested now the live stream since I don't have live stream I want to move this up okay in the order of priority so the live stream is now down but I don't have live stream I can remove this section if I want okay or I can leave it there okay now if so since I do not have live streams I'm going to remove this section okay now you can also
go here and click add section okay you can add Spotlight for returning subscribers okay so if you click on that what videos do you want the your returning subscribers to to see okay you you can click on that all right you choose any of these videos okay you choose any of these videos let me see maybe you choose one of this one and then you add it there so for returning subscribers that's what they see all right now you can add another section okay popular videos all right if you add the popular video section you
can see it has been added here okay so it will be one of the suggested videos that YouTube will suggest to your um subscribers and the returning ones you can also for example if you do live if you go live you can add this live now okay and it will show it when you're live it will show your viewers when you're live the past live streams or upcoming live streams okay and then single playlists or multiple playlists so if you have playlists you can add them you can add subscriptions all right if you click on
the subscriptions you can add subscription okay show channels you have chosen to show that you subscribed to for example when you subscribe to other channels all right and you want your viewers to see the channels that you're subscribed to that is where you going to choose them okay so you can add another section you can add feature channels all right and you can add the other one as well so those are the things that if you do not have those um things um on your channel if you don't have all of this please go ahead
and check it and make sure you have it there now after you have done all of that you're going to go here and click publish okay make sure you publish it because if you don't publish it it's not going to show on your channel so after you've published that you're good to go okay you can view Channel and go see your channel see how it looks like let's click on view Channel okay so when I click on view Channel you can see um that is the welcome you need extra woman and you need extra welcome
um video all right and then can you see for you so it has given me the for you now if I want some other videos here in the for you I can you know rearrange it and then the videos shorts and all of that so and then the playlist so you can see in the order of priority and then popular videos can you see the way we ordered it over here can you see so it has for you videos shorts all right now let's go see so we have for you videos shorts all right then
what next we have created playlist and popular videos all right so created playlist and popular videos all right so in the order that you want it to um show for example if I want the popular videos to go all the way to the top I'm going to show you so if I have um videos and then I want popular videos next next all right for you videos popular videos I'm just going to click on publish all right and I'm then going to do view Channel again so you can see we have let me pause that
are so you can see now we have for you videos and then popular videos all right so that is how to customize your channel a lot of people don't know that you can customize your channel that way but that is how to customize your channel okay so if you have not done that go do that right now right now all right all right guys I hope this video has been helpful to you if it has kindly give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and I'll see you in the next video