Find your Life Purpose in 7 Minutes

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Which archetype are you, Grim? GRIM is built so that you can use your full potential, escape tyrann...
Video Transcript:
[Music] the next 7 minutes of your life will change the next 70 years of your life listen now closely you are weak and aimless because being aimless makes you weak I repeat you are weak and aimless because being aimless makes you weak I will tell you how to find your aim and path in life find your aim by connecting to your archetype your archetype is the true character of your soul it will give you Direction and Clarity there are only seven archetypes which one are you archetype one the Healer If You Are the Healer you
want to help and heal others the Healer treats mind Body and Soul unfortunately the healers today the doctors go for healing mind or body but really Soul this is where the deepest disease is f archetype two the Builder your weapon of choice is technology from Hammer to X to llms today Builders are founders Constructors Developers ERS Architects CTO you make and love codes tools machines Technologies buildings from nothing to something this is the create of a building archetype three the artist you love nothing more than to Envision and create works of art you are an
individualist with a very specific intuition and passion for imagining creating crafting performing and Aesthetics archetype four the king you Le your people with love and power your power does not come from Force but from serving others you don't divite you tighten the social fabric you might be a CEO or founder in business or nonprofits or politics you are always a good organizer with strong social skills but remember those kings who want power more than they want to serve are not Kings they are tyrants Su number five the night Knights follow strong values traditionally Knights served
God and their master and the Wes of justice and on the Knights of today are police officers soldiers people working for the administration people who wanted to make this world safer and better but most nights of today are broken they have lost their ways because they are not serving a master of Honor they are only serving a rotten system and they feel it every [ __ ] day for the nights of this world it is now time to find honorable Masters again number six the viun the viun is a seeker of Truth a sage an
archetype who loves discovering new knowledge and teaching it but be careful your knowledge should make people stronger not distracted if your knowledge does not connected people to each other to their purpose and to God theidon is Not Just worthless he is a tool for the Suki and he will pay the price in this life or the next and the final archetype the most powerful in the modern world number seven the gosmith the gosmith likes shiny Metals numbers money and trade if you are a Goldsmith you like the exchange of goods and services but be careful
there is nothing that can corrupt the soul faster than Money numbers and materialism it is the dark power of ariman Suka number one the goldsmiths of the modern world have become the most powerful tyrants that have ever warped this Earth if you are the archetype of a Goldsmith you need a very strong connection to God and honor otherwise the demons will take you which archetype are you brother tell me if you are looking for direction in life you want to find this out first look at your life and answer this simple question what brings you
most joy in life what makes you feel most alive there is your archetype I will soon give you steps to go deeper if you are not following Grim you will not see me again if you are I salute you you are on the path of Honor Grim be honorable [Music]
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