"Civil War Is Inevitable Now" - Population Collapse, Elite Corruption & Rich vs Poor | WhatifaltHist

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Tom Bilyeu
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and the greatest lie ever told is the complete fabrication on the information of human nature when 99% of human Generations disagree with us we should think about whether or not we're wrong jenzi has 90% less buying power at the same age that Boomers had you can correlate inflation with social collapse if you were to look back at 2010 and you were to write up a story what would a 15-year period of America's descent into a civil war look like I could not tell you how it would be different from what we've seen what are the
historical parallels that you see that make you believe that we're going to have As Americans a civil war in the next 5 years that's a good question to start on and there are four historic conflicts that I think are proxies and for those who aren't familiar with my work um I predict that the world is on the verge of two crises a political and a demographic and psychological so I look at for the political crisis the thing I look at is the English Civil War the French Revolution the fall of the Roman Republic and the
American Civil War and the way my mind works is I have multiple simulations in my head and then from that I figure out which of these simulations uh the new facts I see fits into so I say this is a parallel to the fall of the Roman Republic this is a parallel to the English Civil War and through that uh I I like one of my catchphrases I'm betting against God and what what do you mean by that so the world is infinitely complex it's infinitely big to be able to predict facts accurately in the
future accurately you have to predict all the variables because everything's connected that's impossible so my standard is I don't I'm just figuring stuff out I'm going to be wrong and I accept that and so I operate under the assumption that I don't have complete knowledge and so I try to look at the new events that hit me every year with eyes as unclouded as possible and so I don't have any pretentions to getting the answer right all the time or even being correct I'm just trying to figure stuff out Once the mind is not enslaved
to its own Creations it can be free if you know what I mean okay so with that you're willing to be wrong but you're looking for these parallels in history and I've heard you say that you're not looking at history to know where we're going tomorrow you're literally just making it up exactly so you gave us the events but now connect them for me so if those are the events that parallel us on a demographic level what is happening at the demographic level what happened back then and how does that make you draw the conclusion
that Civil War is inevitable a book that really really changed my life was The Great Wave by David hacket Fisher and I read it the start of 2020 and it was just it shook my world and so David AET fer is one of my favorite historians his other books are brilliant as well and it's a history of inflation for the last thousand years of Western history and that sounds boring but it's actually one of the most interesting and best written books I've ever read and he found that you can correlate inflation with social collapse and
so every 250 years the West goes through a period of social collapse and with the previous example in Western Europe and its diaspora being the French Revolution the uh Wars of religion in the 1600s uh and people forget out those Wars but they killed a third of the world's population as some historians say then the black death in the 1300s killed half of eurasia's population then you have the fall of the of the abised copit in the Frankish Empire you can trace this every 250 years as far back as we have records going to the
Babylonians and so from Fernand browell and uh David hacket fiser from that those authors Peter turchin established a computer model which can predict when these crises happen and he ran this computer model in 2010 and it showed that the Western World and America especially would experience a social crisis on the scale of the 30 Years War the French Revolution or the black death in the 2020s and he if you're interested I can talk about more but he has three different variables that are predictive for us where he plugs these variables into uh over a dozen
in historic crises and looking at them he can predict these historic crises to have wars the exact years they took place in and then he's got about 20 other variables which are also uh they're not predictive but they are variables that you see once these sorts of crises happen and so all of the flares are going off right now and the scary thing is that if you were to look back at 2010 and you were to write up a story what would a 15-year period of America's descent into a civil war look like I could
not tell you how it would be different from what we've seen all right explain it to me like I'm five so we've got the um the the demographic ties to the um areas in history that you've mentioned we've got the predictive model that has three variables it gives us the 250e cycle yes uh but if I were a fifth grader 5-year-old whatever the the statement is how would you break it down for that's a good way of phrasing it because lots of people have knowledge closer lots of very intelligent educated people have levels of knowledge
on this topic equal to a fifth grader uh I don't blame them for that there's a lot of things like science or math where my knowledge is Middle School too but um so the way I'm going to phrase this is in times of peace and in times of prosperity the population grows and that's an obvious enough thing um people can afford to have kids and so they do so but the problem is that labor or people working and capital or money for investment they're in permanent cooperation and competition over history much like men and women
and so once the Val once there are more people the value of their work goes down and from that inequality skyrockets so over periods of prosperity as the value of the working man goes down the ability for Capital to buy things goes up this has a series of end points where once inequality increases competition for good jobs goes up because there are fewer good jobs and then secondly wages stagnate so that people can barely survive um and then so that's the third variable so you have inequality wage stagnation and uh competition for elite jobs and
so these are the three variables that predict when societies have Civil Wars and so this isn't all Wars the world's Wars for example don't fit this pattern the Punic Wars don't fit this pattern but this the wars I described before do and so what happens once the amount of good jobs shrink um then people start to compete for them more feverishly so if you lose your position you're just screwed forever and so then from that the society splits into different factions so for our society it's the right versus the left and for each of these
historic parallels they fit an underlying ethnic or class or Regional interest for us the right and the left is college educated cities versus non-college educated countrysides and so you can add a bunch of other things that stack on top of that you could do male versus female you could do high agency versus low agency um or bureaucracy versus Merchant class and so what happens is that the right will push the interests of people without college degrees and the left will push the interest of people with college degrees and they fight each other over uh which
of their social groups the society should support and so previous examples of this are the uh Cavaliers and The Roundheads in 17th century England that was the nobility versus the uh Bourgeois and the merchants uh in the Russian Civil War it was the uh C the center of the Empire the industrial core versus the fringes and in the fall of the Roman Republic it was popul versus the Deep State and so for each of these it's these underlying interests that but that split apart the population and when things get desperate enough for normal people the
active people have the incentive to start a war okay um why is it that that level of dysfunction is solved by a war that's the part that I always find I recognize it in history but just seems crazy because so many people are going to die in War I mean war is like as horrible as it gets people are rational in that they search for their own self-interest but you can often get horrifically irrational results from that one of the things I read about World War I is it's a series of tiny rational steps that
adds up to Madness where World War I was the Germans thinking we need to fight the Russians now or the Russians will grow stronger than us the British and the French thought we need to fight the Germans or the Germans will go stronger than us you add all of those rational calculations up and it was a war that killed that rendition of European civilization the calculation going on here is that there's overc competition for labor and the supply of labor has gone up and I can explain why this happened the supply of labor has gone
up 40% faster than the actual demand for labor so that pushes that pushes um the supply of labor down and um so when I grew up I would I'm going to take a brief tangent which explains this point well when I was growing up I'd sometimes forget to feed the cats late um because my parents had me feed the cats and so when I'd forget to feed the cats late the cats would fight each other and blame each other for a mistake that I made and so what happens when the total environment gets harder is
people kill each other for resources and so what these factions are trying to do is for the conservatives or the leftists they're trying to control the government to first of all remove their competitors and then secondly use the government to push their self-interest so if the left wins they would have the government push various bureaucracies so the college educated would get more jobs if the right wins they would dismantle the entire managerial system which would give jobs for their supporters and the really unpleasant thing is that in these crises it's you you can view it
in a very Mal Fusion way and Mal malus was a thinker who said that overpopulation happens and then it population crashes and we're not overpopulated that people are starving but there is an over supply of labor and then in these crises for example the Black Death half of eurasia's population died the crisis of the 1600s a third of the world's population died and so it's it's this natural biological Rhythm that you can see paralleled in the animal kingdom and where I grew up in Pennsylvania this happened to the deer where the deer became overpopulated and
they just started there was deer plagues the Deer uh there was mass deer famine and if it happens among the deer why doesn't it happen Among Us okay so um that all of that makes sense the only thing is it all hinges on this idea that we have an increase in supply of labor uh that is more than we need right now but everything that I'm looking at says that we have a massive demographic problem in that we have a ton of old people and we don't have the young people to support them we have
just rapidly declining populations yeah so if you had said this is a declining population problem and we can't support the old people I would have understood um but you're saying that instead it's an over supply of labor how's that true so that's a great question because it leads me to the point I was trying to get to where uh I say that there are actually two crises going on hitting us at the same time the first is this uh demographic issue I described um and then the second one is uh is the population crash and
we're having both of these the same time and so the the crisis that I described before it's a natural historic cycle that occurs every 250 years I'm going to call that the secular cycle because that's the term for it and the other thing which is something I've teased out in the last two years I call I give it a variety of names I call it Mouse Utopia I call it the psychological Black Death I call it uh a variety of things and what I found there is that there is that this very very Stark popul
crash where if the current demographic Trends continue there will be six Koreans for every hundred alive today and that's the pattern among every single industrialized country where um the birth rate is crashing faster than anyone thought was physically possible and these computer models have pretty wide standard deviations and so it's crashing faster than any of the computer models predicted and that's a scary thing in of itself that almost NE no one talks it seriously in our society and so we are unlucky to face two demographic crises at the same time where I say that the
secular cycle is hitting because all the variables wages have stagnated to the point where a majority can't pay uh can't pay a $1,000 emergency Bill and 40% can't pay a uh $400 or $500 emergency bill so people are barely getting by quality of life statistics have crashed people can't afford Dev families there's massive inequality there's massive uh political polarization so all of the variables that uh I would use to predict the secular cycle are happening and we have a de facto over supply of labor but then aging is about to hit us like a truck
and so both of these will get entangled inside the other and one of the biggest issues that we would get with aging is that you have a smaller population of producers versus a larger population of dependents and that's an ugly situation to deal with because whenever the pie shrinks people get violent yes they do uh but how did we get an over supply of labor while the population was crashing so we have a an incredibly bizarre demographic curve it's like nothing we've seen before so the world's population in 1940 was a a little over two
billion we're past 8 billion now so what we saw was the quadrupling of the world's population in less than a century and so from that and so we have our Elite has done literally really everything it can do to increase the supply of labor and these are complex things that are both good and bad but they all on a statistical basis increase labor so the America's population is more than doubled since World War II through natural population growth uh the US has taken in something like 50 million immigrants we've globalized our economy so we're doing
labor competition with Malaysia and Mexico and China and uh automation one of the really huge ones that people ignore automations remove a lot of Labor Supply um women's entance to the workforce is another so all of these variables have increased the supply of labor and Peter turchin looked at the statistics on this and so we are in this absolutely bizarre bulge that crashes and so the demographics are remarkable where the world's population increased on an L curve it's insane and then it immediately crashed and so we are dealing with things that historically should probably happen
over the course of 500 years in like a 150 year time time frame and that's due to the social effects of the Industrial Revolution where you have rapid population increase but then for complex reasons Urban societies can't replicate their population so you have these rural populations form into cities with health and uh infinite food and all that stuff but then those cities can't replicate and so if you want to look at uh England for example England in the pre-industrial world had a population of like 10 million people now it's up at like 60 million and
then in 50 years it's going to crash precipitously um and so it things are happening so fast that you can have a labor we have an over supply of labor now but then it's going to start crashing very quickly and so there are a lot of other weird variables like AI is kicking in a lot of automation is getting worse and so we're getting slammed by a change of a massive and so I I don't think in 20 years there going to be there's going to be an oversupply of labor but as of now just
looking at the wages it's true okay uh we we are setting a very complex table yeah um so just to plant some flags for the audience here really fast because I I obviously coming into this have done a fair amount of research okay so uh what you have is the incredible population swell that you were talking about that brings in way too much labor but on top of the population swell we also introduce women into the labor force which already just doubles not quite doubles but has a massive impact on that uh we're going to
go through the thing you just um went by quickly which is that cities have some natural inbuilt mechanism that sort of self-destructs their uh population growth uh which is the whole Mouse Utopia psychological black death which will be next on our list uh but just for now dear audience know that the belief on the table is that as you bring people together in cities it it is a natural occurrence a predictable occurrence that the birth rate will begin to drop and they will create their own population um we also have something that we haven't put
on the table yet but I know is a big part of your thesis which is um as the left leaning people take power morality and religion things that have kept us in check and kept the sexual tension between men and women that goes away and is replaced with kindness and kindness oddly enough has this wildly self-destructive quality and so we'll we'll be getting into that okay so that that's the sort of looming thing so that a lot of people certainly people my age are like what do you mean bro this is awesome uh younger people
are like how can that old say that like this is the worst thing ever um and so now what we have to walk through is why the discrepancy between my generation I'm a Gen X so why the discrepancy in perception between Gen X and gen Z and what does that tell us about what you call the psychological Black Death yes um for everyone in the audience I'm a Zoomer I'm 23 uh most people overestimate my age so I was going to throw that out um and I mean there's a discrepancy because the difference is huge
I mean you're looking at people forget charts are real they look at the numbers in the chart and they forget that it actually has to affect them I see this with economics a lot people are like yeah we can just like money printer go Burr which is a meme of basically the government printing infinite money and they forget that there's an end result to it um but so the baby boomer generation has this more so than Gen X people and I'm sure you'd agree with that where if you want to look at the Baby Boomers
uh the entire economy has been geared towards their self-interest for their whole lives where people forget this in 1960 the average age was 25 uh half the population was under 25 in 1960 now it's around 40 and so when the Baby Boomers were growing up and starting families and getting jobs we had the highest wages of any period ever in history and so and that was caused by uh America having this huge industrial Advantage due to the world wars um and so over time though as the Baby Boomers became adults it continued to reflect their
self-interest where we moved from a wage-based economy to a capital-based economy and so we see that with the Reagan Revolution and Thatcher the liberal because when the Baby Boomers were growing up uh America had an economy to the left of like Denmark today and then we removed that and then we saw the opening up of capital and so 1980 until 2020 uh due to these This Global huge baby boomer generation saving up money for retirement you just saw massive amounts of money and so this was the period the most people were ever were lifted out
of poverty between 1980 and 2020 and so because all that Boomer Capital uh supported the the third world and now as the Boomers are retiring the money is being taken out of the economy to pay for their retirement so because the Boomers were in this very decisive strategic point in this demographic boom and you guys should check out Peter's Ian he talks about this stuff very eloquently uh the Boomers were able to first get good wages then use the government to secure uh to secure uh a capital good economy and then after that used the
government to support retirement and so as of now the governments of the world are doing the most money printing of any period ever in history or money Printing and debt where it took us all the time from the revolution to 2010 sorry to 2014 to reach the amount of debt we had in 2014 we've doubled it since because our ruling class are boomers the incentive is let's print a lot of money so that we can retire comfortably and then we'll be dead so our kids don't have to deal with it it's it's incredibly cynical but
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at the same age that Boomers had so call it your mid 20s uh that obviously is brutal especially when paired with another stat which is whenever the average age of marriage hits 28 you're going to have a revolution and we're at 29 right now um so this is why we have to walk through the psychological Black Death Mouse Utopia as your mental model for how all of this stuff plays together I think this is really interesting and this is the part that as I was researching you really forced me to confront my own views of
what uh how the world Works basically and this whole walkthrough certainly helps me understand the left in a new light it will be very interesting to hear you walk through this so what is the psychological black death and how is it tied to the discrepancy between Boomers and gen Z firstly I want to thank you that you've put the effort in to actually explain the logical course of the ideas I get that very rarely on podcasts most podcasts I just jump around from idea to idea um so the our conception of human nature is completely
wrong and the the the video I I just uh it's being edited right now is the anthropology of the left then I'm going to write the anthropology of the right then uh the video I hopefully I'm going to write after that or maybe a video after that is the greatest lie ever told and the greatest lie ever told is the complete fabrication on the information of human nature from what I call the blue pill era the blue pill era is 1960 to uh 2020 and the blue pill era believed these like I let's say 10
things they're just completely false uh progress will continue Forever at no cost men and women are psychologically the same there are no genetic differences between race sex or class that there is uh that human nature is naturally uh a blank slate that you can just write whatever you want on to that human nature is perfect um and that we are gradually moving towards Global Unity these are things that because Society was ludicrously wealthy we believe the things wanted to hear because there was no pressure to believe the unpleasant truths and so uh I've invented an
acronym called saw and saw stands for studies in ancient wisdom and so there's this huge convergence of social science since the start of the 21st century with what every previous Society in history believed and when you're uh one of my friends has got is saying if you're the only sane man in a mad house you're the crazy one and um and so when 99% of human Generations disagree with us we should think about whether or not we're wrong and so what saw has consistently found is the factors that matter the most for personal happiness are
relationships and religion and so if you view modernity as the removal of relationships in religion everything else is all the massive wealth all the safety the health is a side effect and it's clearly true because I mean we are the wealthiest or until 5 years ago or 10 years ago we were the wealthiest safest most hygienic uh whatever Society in history but our society is miserable listen to the pop culture uh listen to the speeches the politicians get read the literature for every single cultural form you could analyze your Society through we are miserable and
so that demonstrates that our previous assumption that if you improve people's material conditions they're going to get happier and I am going to jump so actually how am I going to say this would you prefer I start the psychological Black Death Or Mouse Utopia knowing that their nested dear audience will start with mouse Utopia one of the things I like to say is that uh I I said before that I think there are two crises that are hitting our world the secular cycle and mouse Utopia and I I say that like I have made hundreds
of hours of content trying to explain both of those crisis and so you're trying to intuitively figure out an event that will only make sense in retrospect where historians before a historic event happens it's difficult to explain if you explained the world wars to someone in 1900 they think you were insane uh and so that's how the world works and so psychological Black Death is a theory that I invented myself uh and I found it from looking at actually Zoomers uh because Zoomers have such stunningly poor mental health that it scares me and I again
I'm 23 and people might age a lot of them they can't go on phone calls themselves they can't go to the doctor themselves it's difficult for them to work a job they can't date it's just they're completely dysfunctional as individuals they have crippling anxiety and the mental health statistics for Zoomers are horrifying I think like 80% of Zoomers are lonely 80% have anxiety like a quarter have a diagnosed mental condition and for women the numbers are horrifying if you want to look at women of the age of 25's mental health you need you'll need a
shot of vodka um and and so I know a lot of these people myself and I I've I've been in a couple different weird positions where I get to interview a lot of young people and it's just once you interview young people with their lives you realize there are very serious mental health issues that uh are just ignored and no one's got a good Paradigm for it so I was trying to go back and figure out why do young people have such horrible mental health and this is something John height has looked into John Height's
one of my favorite authors I definitely recommend you guys read all his books but one of the biggest issues our society has is that we think human nature is this like roadblox that you build you put a brick here you teach the kid algebra the kid remembers algebra you put the kid into Chinese classes the kid's going to remember Chinese and human nature is a and so we view human nature as a machine to cut up and it's really a garden you cultivate over years so for for people or children you have to put them
in a setting where they can play where they can make friends where they have a belief structure and these kinds of structures um they create psychological stability so people can be creative and develop and this is something we've completely forgotten and so when I was growing up for example and my parents weren't like this not out of any principle they just didn't where I knew lots of kids where their parents would walk them to school every single day they'd walk them four blocks to school until they were 18 or they'd read their text until they
were 18 or control their spending money or go they would they they were going to go to college in they were going to Mo to the state their children were going College to to follow them there or walking them to job applications and so it this is a huge issue and it hits the um it hits the the ruling class the hardest so these issues are the worst among ivy league kids among people at the top companies Etc and so I look at this this is something the elite not the elite everyone ignores but it
if for me it's it's a it's an elephant in the room that how the hell are these kids supposed to like fight against the Chinese how are they supposed to build new railroads how are they supposed to start families in economic situations and so I tried to figure it out and the conclusion I came to is that um humans were very much tied to the environments we grew up in and so for example I I when I had a researcher I paid him to figure out the underlying statistical drivers for populations that have reproducible birth
rates and so you need to have two things to have a sustainable population so those are you need to be a rural and a religious society and this goes back to the ancient world in the Middle Ages cities couldn't reproduce in the Roman world cities couldn't reproduce and so for all of history uh keep in mind pre-industrial World 90% of humans live in small intact social communities where everyone knows each other where there's this shared sense of community and the most industrial societies are the inverse they're 90% Urban and so we as humans have never
evolved for urban societies and so what happens once you hit the urban society and you passed dunbar's number is 130 people it's the number at which you can um at which you know everyone in your village and so uh there's a unit in the military that's 130 people Roman Centurion the average company uh the average uh Church size all of these numbers Crest around 13 30 because that's the the size a human mind can comprehend and once you get past that number you can't hold people to social standards and people get very lonely and so
there's not this once you get past that number it becomes impossible to enforce social standards the cities of Italy in the 14th century were atheist in the ancient and Medieval World um and sorry back in the Greeks and the Romans that was true too and so cities and countrysides create this Duality where the city is creativ ity it's the ability to have cosmopolitanism it's libertine the countryside is uh stable uh kind of bigoted uh it's very Community oriented uh not as creative but they create this Duality and so what happens when you go overnight from
a 90% rural Society to a 90% Urban Society is that you have a burst of creativity from putting all these rural people together in uh in in cities and then after that they lose the replicability and so you see population crash and so for examp we we can track this today where the reason America has one of the most stable birth rates of any developed country is America is the most Rural and religious society and those are the same things almost basically every Urban Society in history is either uh agnostic atheist or doubting and every
rural Society is religious and so it creates this Duality what happens once you get Urban societ ities is you lose the ability to maintain communities religion um and socialization because you just end up in uh you end up in Anonymous environments and then this results in breakdown of ability for social cooperation it results in massive psychological issues stemming from lack of socialization and loneliness um it stems from basically humans didn't evolve to be in urban societies and so I predicted that we would see psychological crisis and I've I I've gone back in history through previous
psychological plagues and so I say that our society is currently facing a psychological plague okay so um give me what the psychological plague is in one to two sentences super tight French Revolution Stalin Nazis okay so uh you have let's take Stalin um you have a revolution where it's like the ruling class has gotten out of hand they're stealing from you dear people yes uh let's kill them all and then everything is going to be great and we will have a communist Utopia and all will be well the problem is that people end up pushing
back people don't like to be told what to do you come in and you say hey these uh kulacs that are a little bit better at farming than you they must be doing something bad so let's kill them too so you kill the coocks to make sure that nobody has more than anybody else equal outcome everybody uh but then the equal outcome becomes starvation because you killed the people that actually knew what they were doing and now you have a real problem yes okay so now what I want to get into because I have drawn
from you in fact let me lay out what I have taken from you and you tell me where I go wrong so as I was trying to put together what exactly the um psychological Black Death is um I leaned on what you were talking about with mouse Utopia So for anybody that doesn't know Mouse Utopia can you give me that quick and then I'll dive in with what I pull from that uh Mouse Utopia was a study in the 60s that was run about 30 times by uh by Calhoun and the study was based around
the population growth of that time period And so that was a era when everyone was terrified of overpopulation and so what happens is they put nine mice in a container that could hold 6,000 mice perfect conditions no disease no Predators perfect temperature what happens each time the mouse population goes from nine to 2,000 and again the cage can hold 6,000 then it crashes precipitously and so with that you see um the mice start to break off into different dysfunctional communities you have keep in mind autistic wasn't a buzz word in the 60s so was actually
what it clinically meant a lot of mice become autistic lose the ability to socialize there's these mice that groom themselves all day but they don't mate called the beautiful ones um there's there are sociopathic mice who just kill other mice mice um then there's other mice who uh W lose the will to live and they end up homeless wandering around the the the community getting attacked by other mice mice refuse to have families or uh breed and the mice lose the ability to socially cooperate with each other female mice become more aggressive and they attack
their own young and male mice become more feminine and so what you see is the mice lose the ability to socially Co operate and each time the mouse population crash to zero and uh because once they stop having children the community just dies okay so uh that that is something I think people will see a lot of parallels in but there's one quote that you have that once you pair that with what you just walked us through with the mouse Utopia you begin to really understand how your worldview hangs together and the quote is history
is a biological cycle now there's something I have said many many times to people in my University that I want on my Tombstone which is if I'm going to bring anything to the world it is one very simple idea and that is you are having a biological experience yes and so when I heard you say hey all these bad things they they're actually mediated by a biological response to call it Society at large okay if that's accurate it's deeply troubling I really hope it's not accurate and I hope that you get proven wrong because boy
is this horrible uh and at the end hopefully we'll have time where I can tell you where I think we go based on feelings and then you can shoot it all down uh but okay so you Mouse Utopia uh by the way I've heard you say and it's important that our audience know this has not been replicated outside of this guy so this guy ran this experiment a gaggle of times getting the same result every time other people have tried to replicate it so take it for what it's worth a lot of these things fail
to replicate go ahe uh the reason I use Mouse Utopia a lot is that uh I I normally don't go after studies like that because I frankly don't trust I don't trust the capability of a single study to create a coherent worldview the thing I see with mouse Utopia is that uh it our society has lots of parallels that don't fit historically that do fit with mouse Utopia so for example our society is trying to commit civilizational suicide um nihilism um degrowth um a lot of the social movements we have in our society like feminism
or um a lot of you you don't see something that parallels a lot of the social changes we having hap having today in history or at least their very muted form you do see it in Mouse Utopia so once I got past let's say 2022 I started seeing things in the world that I could only find a parallel to in Mouse Utopia uh and so with history being biological one of the quotes I'd like to just keep repeating in future videos is we're all a bunch of crazy monkeys I mean all of us are uh
most of most Americans are hairless albino Apes um and so once you see humans as animals and we are uh you can view human society as an Animal Planet thing where I used to watch a lot of Nature Documentaries as a kid and so you see there's desert in the grassland the baboon start killing each other they fight over mates and humans use rationalizations to push their biological self-interests um and lots of ideology is basically a a masked self-interest for the group and history is history is biological everything we do is biological um there is
also um ideas do exist but they're I think ideas do exist independent of biology but they are in they're sorry that statement is too complicated it's both interdependent and dependent um and yeah I think it's very useful to see all of human history as a reflection of the crazy animals who live in it so I think uh a quote that you've said that's really important you touched on it sort of at the edges just a second ago is society is rationalization not rationality yeah and so once you understand that we're doing a thing and then
we come up with a post Hawk explanation of why we did that thing but that thing is actually driven by a biological cycle that we call history yes okay so looking at Mouse Utopia your hypothesis goes something like this uh the reason that even though the cage would hold 6,000 and we crash every time at 2,000 is that baked into the cake of evolution is a protective mechanism against the ecosystem as a whole and that you don't ever want one organism to become too successful such that it ends up gobbling up everything and essentially killing
itself yes that that's a great Point uh and we like to think there's always easy answers but going back through history uh there's like 10 things that could have caused the fall of Rome and what you choose is basically a RAR shock test for uh what you care about so you could say that uh you could say that uh climate change caused the fall of Rome changes in military structure demographics degeneracy uh and there's like five other things and population decline too um and for Mouse Utopia you can trace it on multiple levels of causation
and for example if you want to see the Earth as a self-enclosed basically uh I don't want to say conscious but it it is self- adaptive you want to see it like that and there's a significant amount of evidence for that what mous Utopia is is the natural order basically shutting down human um shutting down one species from getting too powerful as you said and and so it's comparable to the the body where if one let's say uh viral or cellular Clump in your body is growing too fast we call it a disease or a
virus or a Cancer and then the body's white blood cells naturally crush it and we have this um we it comes from dayart uh we have this uh idea that the soul and the mind is buffered from the body but the reality is the thoughts we think are reflections of our chemicals inside our body and so we think what we say is objective but the reality is that if the chemicals are changing in your body and if for people who have had physical illnesses I know I'm pretty sure you guys can have known this if
what's in your body changes what's in your mind changes and so with mouse Utopia the scary thing is we would rationalize Mouse Utopia so that every single thing in mous Utopia would make it appeared to us as if we were making the correct choice and crazy people don't know they're crazy that's the problem if you're stressed if you're crazy you're probably not crazy if you completely believe what you say all the time even if it's ridiculous then you might be yeah distressing but true okay so uh if that is accurate and what we have is
a biological cycle sort of a biological kill switch if you will that makes it hard for us to grow beyond that then you start looking at the things that are going on right now and suddenly the parallels make sense that this is a biological response to the rapid growth and that biological response is the thing that's creating the secondary uh crisis that's crashing so you get um crisis number one is is the demographic financial crisis of Labor ends up becoming too abundant because we're just growing so fast becomes too abundant it triggers some sort of
well the financial thing just triggers uh inequality which as you laid out earlier is going to create a problem but then also that rapid expansion trips this switch and now you begin to get a population decline which creates a secondary problem which is you have way too many old people not enough young people to take care of them but I think maybe the biggest one and this is where I want to lay out how I've interpreted your thesis of the psychological black death and I want to see if you uh agree or if you think
I'm crazy all right so you said let's see if I can find the exact quote that basically um I'll I'll get the quote in a second but basically the idea being that when you start moving towards this uh population explosion it means you're doing well you don't have these outside threats when you don't have these outside threats suddenly the breakdown of traditional Norms that we would find in the rural areas you said Rural and religious those are the things you need for a stable birth rate so that begins to break down because now women can
uh come into the workforce they don't necessarily have to have children and you said uh I don't I don't think it was an exact quote so I'll give you the paraphrase uh which was women need to have kids they don't need to be pursuing their artistic dreams so that's that's not what I said that's what I said the general folk wisdom is for most societies say more so that's not a reflection of uh societies tend to develop these concepts of social norms that you should follow uh for society to be stable and so that's generally
the collective wisdom over history and the collective wisdom for most people over history unless you're Aristocrat is like you work and have kids and so once you get a wealthier society you move past what that folk wisdom is um and and so like another thing I said in that podcast was the collective wisdom for most pre-industrial societies is that you have rigid sexual mores to build up tension between men and women to incentivize men to work or you have uh social social institutions that make people tough for example uh in Islam they have a one-month
period where they fast what I think is going on there is that to force people to fast for a month builds up delayed gratification um and so what cultures do normally is that they build up these uh social standards which give them a competitive Advantage versus other societies and do you think that that again this is a part of a biological Loop or is this how does that come to be basically yes I think it's spiral and this is something my favorite author amori dur Aur uh says that history I call history a twisted mirror
I think of it like DNA um where it's our era of History in every era of History reflects things from the far past and the far future um and so for our era I gave the four different time periods that I I pull us from and I see it as a parallel and there's little bits of the parallel and so it appears as a loop as if you get these Cycles but the world clearly does change 2,000 years ago there was no new world there was no anti-malaria medicine uh and so we do learn things
as this continues everything we see around us this city of Los the size of Connecticut it was built up in the last cycle so you see the patterns return every moment is both its own perfect indivisible second but it's also infinitely connected to everything else at the same time um and so my attitude is I don't want a strict return to the pre-industrial social norms we've done all this crazy modern stuff so let's find a new integration of the old pre-industrial social norms with the current thing because we've done so much learning through this process
all right before before we get to the how do we escape this I really want people to understand your thesis on how we got here yes uh so like you I would not just take what I'm about to say and go cool this is what we need to go back to but it is extremely informative if true about the way the human mind works so you and I don't know each other so I'll tell you the way that I approach the world I cannot fathom that people don't have one single Guiding Light and that single
Guiding Light from where I'm sitting should be I want to believe things that have a high degree of predictive validity so if I believe this thing it allows me like the computer uh simulations you were talking about they allow me to predict what the outcome of my actions will be at a personal level at a societal level uh I'm going to believe things not that I can prove you know just down to the microbe that this is true I want to prove that when I believe this it has predictive validity so Newtonian physics is actually
wrong but has a very high degree of predictive validity so anybody that bought into that for however many hundreds of years that stood I'm here for that that made a lot of sense until they could get down to the quantum level there was no way to really believe anything else nothing else is going to be useful so uh I don't know that what I'm about to say is 100% like this is going to stand for the next thousand years as being accurate but this feels like it has a lot of predictive validity that you have
to keep humans in check that you need people to have uh sexual roles that for humans to thrive and by thriving I mean fulfillment uh that you are going to from an evolutionary perspective make sure that you don't get conquered and slaughtered which if you're not a student of History you do not understand how often that happened where literally gangas KH and roll into your your city and at the end of his visit all of you would be dead except for some of the women and your city would just be gone pyramids of skulls yeah
liter just the the level of Devastation people just can't not comprehend yes so there was on an evolutionary time scale it really mattered that you were having enough children that you could replace your population that you could be strong that you couldn't just be outbred and conquered that very simple fact sits at the bottom of what researching your work hit me with okay so if that's true again we're tying this to Mouse Utopia I know that I need a replacement rate otherwise I get population collapse no know waiting for me on the other side if
I grow too rapidly too fast I'm going to hit some sort of trigger point that causes this to collapse now I don't think that there's actually a biological kill switch designed to make sure that we don't overpopulate what I think we're running up against is you stop being Rural and you stop being religious yes now the reason I think that those things are stabilizing forces is when people have maximum Freedom they will not choose to do things that are in the long longterm best interest so for instance I don't have kids why don't I have
kids because one I wasn't thinking through any of these problems and I looked at my life and I really wanted kids but I wanted to not have kids a little bit more than I wanted to have kids and so not thinking there's any tie to like oh this will be a problem just like yeah word this is the choice I'm going to make in my life I know that I have to find meaning and purpose I will find that in other ways okay we'll set that aside but now a lot of people start making that
choice and all of the sudden my wife who loves that people want to be mothers and have kids just isn't making that choice you get a lot of people not making that choice and the unfortunate long-term consequence of that is that you have a declining population now we'll need to get into immigration at some point but that will complicate things too much right now so I'm just going to set that aside so you get a lot of people that are making different choices that when we are freed from the shackles of uh a guy really
wants sex woman leverages sex to get access to protection and resources and so you have this forever dynamic between men and women of women going I'm a sexual gatekeeper go be cool go be awesome go be a great hunter be a good provider take care of your kids do all that and I'm going to sleep with you and for the guys from an evolutionary perspective it's like word that's a good trade I'm going to go become hardcore so that I can have sex with you I assure you that is a huge part of why I
became the person I became because my wife was like don't I mean she never said this but it was effectively don't you want me to be impressed by you and the things you're doing right now do not impress me and so I went hard in the paint to impress my wife and so I realized wow she actually made me a better person now I always say she made me a better person in the ways that only a wife can and by that I largely mean that she would reward me with enthusiasm and sex and all
of those wonderful things uh when I was acting in a way that subconsciously she could will lead us to being successful she wasn't thinking of it like that it was just hey I'm oh when you're powerful I find it so sexy when you're leading all that so cool right all those things so now you start getting a breakdown of that so you get women coming into the workforce you get men now having to compete with more people you get this massive increase in labor wages are starting to go down equality inequality is going up uh
the sexual gatekeeping women realize well hey wait a second I don't need uh to sleep with a guy I can get my own stuff I can make my own money I can protect myself the guy starts going well wait a second you want me to die in a war for what reason like I don't get to have sex with anybody like this is not interesting I think people fail to understand at a biological level how driven by sex men are and of course it's complicated it's the love of a woman it's the having a partner
it's children all of it so I'll round it to sex but it is obviously that very complicated nest of ideas all right all right once that begins to break down now you get the whole weak men phenomena women are going their own way men are going their own way and you are now ripe for either just population collapse being overtaken through demographics by a different culture that doesn't have this problem or just straight up being conquered and that is the loop that we see over and over and over that I think your mouse Utopia and
psychological Black Death so eloquently outline thank you I think you got that you nailed it down and I really want to Hammer home on the point that you touched on that uh the most important thing socially is balance and having a counter vening force and it's why America became the most successful country in history because America both has checks and balances inside his government system but also in its social structure America has a very Diversified Elite uh between different parts of the country between different social classes watch my American civilization video if you want to
know more um and so um once people are not held in check they subconsciously start to do crazy stuff and you can make it too far in the other direction though and this is something where I disagree with a lot of conservatives is I do think the social Moray of uh the prouse Utopia world were too constrictive and I look at Asia and I think we need to form a new synthesis with the things we've learned now with the past and what happened in Asia where around a thousand ad Asia was the most advanced place
in the world World India China Islam were massively economically technologically socially Advanced but then what happened over the course of the Middle Ages is that Asia's societies became too socially constrictive so it became impossible to be creative in China China was about to have an industrial revolution in the 11th century um and then the government overregulation the the Uma and the church shove shut that down and so you need to have this Duality and the reason the West was so successful as a civilization is that it combined this balance of competing different social groups where
in the west the church the uh monarchy the uh sorry the church the monarchy the nobility and the merchant classes all competed against each other thus forcing them to act their best so you have to combine enough social institutions to keep people on their toes but not not so many that you crush and oppress them under the weight of culture yeah striking that balance is hard so given that religion has been so successful at this what is it about religion that is the countervailing force that's been so effective religion accomplishes like 10 different tasks that
it's there's the there's the whole neurology to this but modernity can only really think in boxes and religion accomplishes lots of things outside of boxes so uh first of all religion creates a goal through which to orient your self-development as a person or a society where the religion tells you what you should and shouldn't do number two religion establishes communities based off social trust off shared values and moral prescriptions number three um religion establishes some I guess this is still part of one religion establishes some kind of social standards um that you can't cross and
so religion mitigates the worst parts of of like a tragedy of the common behavior um where people are behaving in short-term self-interests that hurts the whole group uh number four religion establishes Mystic paths and this is something we forget about religion but every religion has a Mystic tradition where people go to the spirit world and talk to God and that stuff um and religion religion does a variety of things between establish psychological stability where it wires people's brains um religion wires people's brains towards positive uh the mind's an ecosystem remember ideas flow through the mind
and the mind can be filled up with ideas in the same way that the human body filled with different germs so religion uh establishes good thought germs in your mind where for Christianity as an example uh the idea that God loves you um and that you you should you will fail but uh if you fail God still loves you and you should keep trying because you're going to fail that's a good that's a good mental Loop for your mind to have and so religion is a combination of establishing good mental germs in your mind allowing
group coordination um and also establishing uh a general framework and uh psychological concepts for how the society should be orchestrated all right one thing thing that I am now beginning to ponder is uh what huge role the dynamic between the sex as plays uh women anchoring men to want to be better so that they are prepared to serve Society but really they're doing it to get laid yes and then it made me ask the question has Christianity and societies that are Christian in nature have they been so successful because they get the most men laid
let me think about that so this is a video I've been meaning to make for like a year and I I've had the ability to write it I just haven't gotten around to writing it and one of my favorite books and one of my favorite books ever is sex and Power in history by Amor duror and it's a history of the rise and fall of civilizations from the perspective of uh the relations between men and women and so the masculine and The Feminine is a proxy for order versus chaos how a society deals with the
feminine is a proxy for how it deals with chaos so for example around a thousand ad Asia became incredibly restrictive to women where um all the Asian civilizations Islam India China women were completely shoved out of private life they had to basically wear burkas they were forced in the house and so by giving women so little authority these societies fossilized they lost the ability to be creative because if you're shoving it's it's an archetypal symbol where if you want to shove the feminine give it no power you're going to over prioritize order for Western Europe
Western Civilization um in the pre-industrial world almost every Christian Society treated women better than almost every non-Christian Society um and and so Western Europe had the best treatment of women for any pre-industrial society ever and so West and so what happened was the West had this ability to deal with chaos and creativity where women were given enough social Authority that they could uh that they could ask men to work harder to appeal to them and another thing is that the Romans the Greeks European societies are monogamous uh and monogamy basically creates significantly better societies than
polygamy because more guys get laid because what happens with polygamy is the Emperor has 100 watt women and then every other guy then there if the emperor is 100 women or even more than that that means there are 99 other guys who aren't getting laid so they don't have an incentive to cooperate in the system so they could start wars or become criminals and that stuff and so the West Was was able to strike this really good balance of giving women enough social Authority that women could hold men accountable but there was also this social
structure of Christianity of the village of uh of the village and of social traditions that could keep toxic femininity in check all right what is toxic femininity and how is it manifest in today's world we can all agree that toxic masculinity is a thing and toxic masculinity is let's say I'm a pirate and I used my physical Force to beat someone up um or it's using social traditions to push male interests at the expense of the society so with toxic masculinity comes toxic femininity and I boil down toxic femininity to an acronym called GSR or
gossiping shaming and rallying and so GSR is the use of relational Warfare to get stuff and so an example of it is let's say a woman wants to get a job and uh she's not qualified is that she threatens to say that the job hirer sexually harassed her if she doesn't get the job um and this is something that the clinical research has gone into and we've proven it that women will use uh basically language and shaming to get what they want and um and so the whole thing about you should believe like with me
too that you should believe every single thing a woman says that's ridiculous because if you establish a princip people will abuse whatever principles you let them abuse so if you have a social system where you can't question sexual assault allegations you end up with just this magical wild card that a woman can pull to push her own self-interests um or so gossiping shaming and rallying where um you can you the way it works is that you establish uh these kind of ideas that exist as proxies to push your self-interest and so um and so envy
and social ostracization is another example where uh something I know a lot of women have talked about is that if you're more attractive or smart or Pleasant than other women is other women will make up lies about you and tell you that you're ugly and try to ruin your life because your competition the women who get bullied the most are the most attractive and um and so undermining is another aspect of it or crabs in the bucket thinking where if you see uh and I've made a video at Envy it's of older video but it's
one of my favorite it where um if if you see someone who's doing well and you try to tear them down that's an element of toxic tox of toxic femininity as is overc consumption for social signaling so if you blow all of your man's money on Jeweler to make yourself look better at the expense of the whole family that's another element of it so it's gossiping shaming rallying undermining Envy hyper consumption using emotions when logic is necessary magical thinking of just wishing things happen so it's this crystallization of negative female behaviors which are paralleled by
the masculine basically being a pirate and beating people up the the masculine is a little easier there to summarize okay so uh how is what's going on today feminine uh toxic femininity um every single thing in feminism is pushing for a woman's self-interest um and feminis Left Behind the idea of equality like let's say 10 years ago and I've seen the definition change four years ago if you were to go on we uh like the dictionary website they would say feminism is pushing for female male equality but now a majority of people in college are
women uh among people under 30 women make more money than men um all those sorts of things and so once you they got past equality it wasn't about quality and now it's if you look up the definition it's for female advocacy um and so I mean there's like 15 examples of it and uh the it's funny that you said it's hard to explain toxic femininity because that's an element of toxic femininity an element of toxic femininity is to make it impossible to talk about toxic femininity uh and so we H I have to take forever
to explain this because our society if we were 200 years ago I would just have a we would have a bunch of cultural words where I could just say the word and you be like oh yeah I understand this concept but not being able to talk about toxic femininity is an element of toxic femin minity where um where if you criticize a woman for anything you can be called sexist um the the Ware State and we don't see it this way two-thirds of two-thirds of the people who take money in the welfare state are single
moms it's a form of redirecting income from male to female and you can argue about whether or not that's toxic but it definitely is the dispossessing of resour it definitely is the transfer of resources me too is another example um if you ask so we've reached the point where it's basically physically impossible to have expectations of socially sanctioned expectations of a man to a woman and so a man is still really expected to make more money to support the family to be masculine but if you tell a woman I'd like you to and let's say
the man Works a job the woman doesn't if you tell a woman I want you to cook clean take care of the kids that's considered toxic in of itself and so toxic femininity has been basically the complete abdication like can we think of a single social that it's acceptable to hold women to today I'm too old so I would have listed off a whole bunch of things that my generation wouldn't miss a beat on but I certainly understand uh what you're saying about today my bigger question is all right how is it that that ideology
whether pushed by men or women how did that take over so many institutions wonderful question um the bureaucracy so one of my favorite books ever is the Leviathan and its enemies by Sam Francis and it's so if you lived in the Middle Ages you would not know what feudalism is in the Middle Ages the nobility owned the land and then they would predate from The Peasants you would just think this is how the world is the Lord protects me I pay you limit rent to the Lord it is what it is leviathan and its enemies
is that for modern society where modern society is this bureaucratic blob and every major institution is a bureaucracy the um the governments a bureaucracy religious institutions are bureaucracies the military is a bureaucracy Corporate America is a bureaucracy any single thing you could think of is a bureaucracy and you think what kinds of people staff this bureaucracy and the left is an ideology which rationalizes the continued growth of the bureaucracy because they the left is capable of establishing this utopian goal that's really impossible but you can use said utopian go to get infinite bureaucratic funding uh
there's no amount of money that could that the West could give to Africa to make Africa wealthy because it would just get stolen by the dictators uh and so if you look at the funding for uh for Charities that go to Africa most of it skimmed off by the dictators because the dictators have no interest in the people getting wealthier because then uh if you keep people in grinding poverty the they they're not going to Rebel because they're too poor to rebel and so it the left jumps on these issues that can never be solved
like male or female differences or poverty in Africa whatever and then if you have an issue that can't get solved you have infinite funding forever because you just say hey I need more money and so you can keep your job you can hire your friends you can raise raise your social status and people do what Their incentive structures tell them to do and they'll develop very complex rationalizations and in the leftist worldview it's perfectly Justified because you're you're building the Utopia and so what happened is that and woke people are about a 10% of America's
population so America statistically is onethird red onethird blue uh onethird politically non-affiliated um and the politically non-affiliated from studies aren't centrists they just don't care and so woke people in that blue third of America woke people are about 10% the other 2third of the left are moderates and that is an infinitesimally small amount of the global uh of the global market share for companies like Disney or Google or whatever but that 10% are the people who run the bureaucracies and so they could get social Authority because the bureaucracy has the power it has the guns
um or has the guns for now um and thus the kinds of PE the kinds of IDE ideologies that rationalize the bureaucracy are the ones that win and the bureaucracy founds that women make a very useful Ally um because women are naturally weaker than men and what the bureaucracy's deal is that we will give you everything a husband would have provided in the pre-industrial world um no strings attached because in the pre-industrial world your husband and your family um they protected you they provided you resources they provided social insurance um in exchange for sex basically
and so the bureaucracy told women we can set you free we can liberate you from the tyranny of custom and culture and in exchange you give us your loyalty so the welfare state provides an insurance the police provide uh protectors and the military provide protectors the bureaucratic governments provide work and so the bureaucracy built this deal with basically single women if you look at the Democrats of the statistics of the left it is largely single women where they would replaced the role men had in exchange for unalloyed loyalty and this deal was made about a
century ago um and and so as this time has passed further and further on the bureaucracy has had to entrench itself more so and more so in their base of support so it's kind of spiraled off into greater and greater degrees of silliness over time okay uh so is it that whenever uh uh the feminine mode of being gets power of the institutions that that's when we have this um weak men make hard times moment where everything goes Ary or have there been times in history where no no no this is not when um the
female way of being has control of the institutions that does not necessarily mean that something is going to be bad and have we seen moments in history where female matriarchies have just done well by the society there's a correlation there it's not causation so there are weak societies that are hyper Mas that's funny called them call a weak Society masculine but you look at India before the British the British were able to conquer India outnumbered 100 to one India was a society where women basically couldn't leave the house and so there are very weak societies
that don't give women Authority um every single Society in history has been a patriarchy uh that's just an anthropological fact and there was a lot of pseudo science and Ling that went into this in the post World War II era so there are no matriarchal human societies there are strong societies that give women Authority so um Anglo Amer English speaking societies are a great example of this english- speaking societies are the societies English speakers rule the world today but they're one of the Societies in history that gives women the most Authority same thing with the
Romans same thing with the Vikings um or the Spartans and interestingly according to mysticism all all things lead back to their self so if you push a society too masculine it will end up a feminite and if you make a society very feminine it could Circle back to masculine because if you're in a society where women have a lot of authority it it it's often hyper masculine men because the men have to be hyper masculine to impress the women well if you have a society where uh where women have no social Authority the men become
effeminate because they don't have to try and so you have these dualities where the best system is one where men and women are both strong and the worst system is one in which men and women are both weak all right it feels like we have a system right now where women are strong they're coming into their own they're performing very well in the job market pulling ahead of men there's a wage Gap it is certainly on the side of women uh women that have not had kids uh out earn men of the same age group
yes so why then have we not made hyper masculine men um that's a great question um so it's because there's very little incentive for the men to do so um and so what we're seeing now has happened before in history it's just we are the greatest example of it it happened uh ancient Greece had a feminist movement um there's a really funny story here I can get to if you'd like ancient Greece is the feminist movement um then the Romans did uh the Arabs had a feminist movement a thousand years ago too uh we forget
about that uh there was a point when Islam with the society that gave women the most rights of anyone in the world um unexpected yeah a thousand years ago Islam went through their whole separate Arc like the fall of Rome that no one knows about um and and um so what happens in a society like that is that you've removed responsibility for women inside the system so if you have a system where men and women are responsible to each other they have to play into each other but what's happened instead is that the bureaucracy has
strategically enabled toxic femininity for their own benefit and so our society has the worst female mental health of any record we have of in history because through doing so we women have isolated themselves from their communities families value systems and it's like um SSRI use is super high um the female mental health is collapsed um just if you give me a metric it would prob would be bad now women are less happy now than any time we've had records for uh going back uh at least to World War II um and so it's clear that
it's not a system that's working it's a system based off a lack of responsibility if you look at the current social order and this is true for both men and women um there's no reward for being pro-social uh if you're the kind of person who cares about your community and you want to serve your nation militarily or invent a new scientific discovery if you want to be earnest our society will ruthlessly mock you um and I think that's a that's a very bad sign yeah I very much agree with that um none of this feels
like it leads to Civil War this feels like a world that ends in a whimper it feels like honestly if I just step back and look I go America's birth rate is plummeting uh whatever societies are keeping their birth rates High they're just going to uh ride the wave of the decline which will be ugly for everybody but they'll ride the wave of that and then they'll just repopulate um why after hearing all of the sort of case for weakness mental health issues and all that do you come to the conclusion that we will have
a civil war in the near future yes uh the parallel I'm looking at here at the fall of the Roman Republic and this is around 100 BC and around the fall of the Roman Republic um Rome had started out as these Allied city states in Italy and they had conquered the known world and they were a reluctant superpower uh they conquered the area from Spain to like turkey and Syria and Greece and with it there's a lot of parallels to our current Society the fall of the Roman Republic saw the massive rise in inequality the
rise of Mega corporations the death of the Roman middle class the collapse of birth rates um the rise of feminism massive social liberalization uh there was massive political polarization between the optimates and the popes parties um there was uh so Rome spiraled into a civil war there were the rise of charismatic Cults of strong men like uh Elon or Donald Trump or Mark Zuckerberg or whatever um and and uh and so there's a tremendous amount of parallels and what happened over time is that Rome had a series of Civil Wars which turned it from a
republic to a uh Empire run by an emperor and um something I should have thrown in there too is that Rome had a huge immigration at the time a third of Italy's population were immigrants mostly slaves and so that killed the Roman middle class and so the uh the Roman civil wars were started by uh a populist politician basically running off the let's rebuild the Roman middle class agenda and rebuild make Rome great again and so actually he got assassinated which is how I could have predict I predicted Trump would get assassinated or an attempted
assassination two years in advance and so I was looking off that parallel um and so why do why do people want that figure type Dead uh so the left want or the left thinks that they are on the moral Arc of History the left's basically religious worldview is that the moral Arc of History demands they win and so when they see something that goes against the moral Arc of History their immediate thought is not that there's some underlying like demographic or like systemic issue that's causing it it's that bad man stopping progress and so the
left has the left has projected all of the reasons they're not succeeding onto Trump as an individual without looking at I've never heard a leftist I'm from Pennsylvania I've never heard a leftist talk about de-industrialization or uh or stuff like that or the ISS the the financial issues that the left really dropped class as a social isue um and so uh and people are desperate and so when you're desperate you look for anything that works and so I think they would see the death of trump as a way to dis to stop the right forever
and I mean the problem is that the right doesn't actually have any coherent leadership besides Trump when Trump dies and he's an old guy it's going to happen sooner or later uh the right has no other leadership structure uh and so that's the answer I give if you like this conversation check out this episode to learn more Spain did something that's pretty comparable to what we're doing where Spain had all this silver from Mexico and South America the Spanish hyperinflated their currency and this killed the economy of Mediterranean Europe it's why Italy stopped being the
richest place in the world most people won't want a war most
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The Groundbreaking Cancer Expert: (New Research) "This Common Food Is Making Cancer Worse!"
The Groundbreaking Cancer Expert: (New Res...
The Diary Of A CEO
"These Corrupt Elites Will Collapse America" - Trump vs Kamala Election Will Get Crazy | Dave Smith
"These Corrupt Elites Will Collapse Americ...
Tom Bilyeu
How Civilizations Cycle & Collapse | Samo Burja and Rudyard Lynch
How Civilizations Cycle & Collapse | Samo ...
Upstream with Erik Torenberg
CIA Spy: "If Trump Wins The 2024 Election, This Happens!" - Warning On WW3 | Andrew Bustamante
CIA Spy: "If Trump Wins The 2024 Election,...
Tom Bilyeu
"50% Of Jobs Will Be Displaced" - Tesla Optimus AI Deepfakes New Hollywood  | Emad Mostaque
"50% Of Jobs Will Be Displaced" - Tesla Op...
Tom Bilyeu
Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations
Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Convers...
Andrew Huberman
President-elect Donald Trump performs better than expectations in California
President-elect Donald Trump performs bett...
"The Modern World Is In Chaos" - Win The Game Of Life & Outsmart Everybody Else | Robert Greene
"The Modern World Is In Chaos" - Win The G...
Tom Bilyeu
The Most Terrifying Population Collapse In History - Peter Zeihan
The Most Terrifying Population Collapse In...
Chris Williamson
The fallout from anti-Israeli violence in Amsterdam
The fallout from anti-Israeli violence in ...
CBS Evening News
Doug Casey: Flee the USA to Freedom in Argentina
Doug Casey: Flee the USA to Freedom in Arg...
Nomad Capitalist
Mountain Fire now 21% contained thanks to decreased winds
Mountain Fire now 21% contained thanks to ...
WTF happened this Election
WTF happened this Election
Iran responds to accusations from the DOJ that it was behind an assassination plot against Trump
Iran responds to accusations from the DOJ ...
NBC News
U.S. ‘Debt Tsunami’ Will Force Fed to Negative Rates, Push Gold to $8,000 | Brien Lundin
U.S. ‘Debt Tsunami’ Will Force Fed to Nega...
Kitco NEWS
Is Bureaucracy Killing Civilization?
Is Bureaucracy Killing Civilization?
New Evidence for the Shroud of Turin w/ Fr. Andrew Dalton
New Evidence for the Shroud of Turin w/ Fr...
Matt Fradd
House control remains unclear as votes continue to be counted
House control remains unclear as votes con...
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