Os Pilares Estão Caindo - 15/02/25

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Vital Frosi
Vital Frosi aborda as mudanças profundas que estão ocorrendo na Terra, enfatizando que os sinais da ...
Video Transcript:
Good morning, my beloved ones. Today is Saturday, February 15, 2025. Today's topic is about what is really happening, although most don't see it yet, but the signs are coming.
Those who are attentive, those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, and I would say that even those who are still a little sleepy, are starting to feel, are starting to see something coming. We can title today's theme here: The Pillars Are Falling. Finally things start to show.
Look, after thousands and thousands of years, I would say that at least in the last 26 thousand years, this last Mayan calendar, this last cycle of the Pleiades system, I would say that, for the first time, some signs of real changes are beginning to appear. The changes have been announced for a long time. Of course, there is the divine plan, and it is sovereign and nothing and no one can change it, except the collective psyche of humans who determine the timelines, but still within the divine plan.
After Earth definitively entered the photon belt, in 2012, we really entered this planet of frequency changes. The frequency that comes through the light, which has always been through this photonic light, began to pass through a sieve, through a lens, where there is crystal clear light. And changes began to emerge.
The timeline that was changed in 2010 was, in fact, established from this moment in 2012, when the Age of Aquarius began, because the Mayan calendar ended in 2012. As has been said here before, in older posts, we had four years of adaptation to the new energies. That's why from 2012 to 2016, little or nothing could be noticed.
But in 2016, and if you want proof of this, check out the old texts on my Facebook page, which were later also turned into e-books. All the texts, all the information that was placed there are messages, channeled information, telling of the changes that were starting to happen. This line is so centralized that it has not undergone any changes from there to here.
Someone might say yes, but it was supposed to happen in 2022, 2023, we are in 2025. But what is a year two? Or three years, within the billions of years that Earth has already been here as a planet, and within a period of time, like the planetary transition, which lasts around three centuries, which began around 1750, everything should end around 2050, 2060, but we are in that eye of the storm.
It has been said so many times that the 50-year time window , which began around 1975 and would end around 2025, would be the great window, not of time, but of changes. And it has been said many times that we would be within the most important decade of planetary transition, which closes the last five years of this decade and the next five that begins the new season of the new planet. So from 2020 to 2030, 2025 is the Creator year.
Despite appearances and most people not having eyes to see, nor ears to hear, say and affirm and doubt that nothing would happen, the information always followed that guideline. Saying that the changes were happening, are happening, that everything has already happened, because we are a latecomer within a planetary movement. We always see after the facts happen, because our consciousness is still limited by the veils and very limited within its capacity of understanding.
and recognition of changes. We started the year 2025 and we are now in February. Well, if you haven't seen any changes so far this year, I would say that you need to change something about yourself, otherwise you will be very late.
in absorbing the facts that are happening. If in fact you don't believe that things are changing and you haven't noticed these changes, at least a little bit of these changes, because what is The changes taking place are so big that it is impossible not to see them moving forward. But you just need to keep your eyes open to see what is already happening.
The castle of that group of dominators contrary to the light, those who controlled, dominated, enslaved humanity for all time, who thought they were unattainable and who could do whatever they wanted, and that humanity was simply a chessboard , where they would play the pieces. They would make the movements and humanity would serve as a mass of maneuver, energy to be spent, utensils that could be thrown away. Ultimately, for them humanity is nothing more than numbers, interests.
What can be played according to the circumstance. However, they forgot that there is a divine plan and that in 1950, the last century of the great planetary transition began and that the energies began to change and that the divine plans began to conduct the orchestra. But they always thought they were in charge of the decisions and destiny of the planet and humanity.
Now, 2025, the cards are being played, not hidden, but turned face up. Everyone can see the opponent's card. There's nothing left to hide.
The game cannot be over. Things will happen so quickly that it will be difficult to absorb the information. But those who prepared themselves during these years are ready to see, absorb and even help those who will be shocked.
Because good souls. . .
They need to be shocked to wake up. The divine plan will not leave anyone behind if they are on the frequency to go to the new Earth. Because there is no rule, no determination and no judge.
There is a frequency that needs to be reached to access the dimensional portal. That's all. There are many people who are on this frequency, but they are so asleep that they have not heard the calls until now.
The clock woke up, someone called, someone opened the curtain, someone opened the door, shouted, threw the covers off, but that sleepy guy is still lying in bed and snoring. And he doesn't care about waking up. But you will wake up.
The time will come when he needs to be shocked. All the pillars that supported the old system, which is the set of all systems, all these pillars are crumbling. Does anyone remember the Georgia stones?
Nobody talks about it anymore. It seems to me that it was a year or two ago that there was a little problem there and they fell. Those little pillars that supported the stones fell to the ground.
Nobody knows why, nobody knows who did it, nobody else talked about it. Well, that's just a sign. There are so many signs, that's why the ancient parables said: "pay attention to the signs".
There won't be a voice, there won't be a character who will come there and announce from the rooftops, through microphones, speakers, loudspeakers. No! Pay attention to the signs.
Very subtly you will be touched by reality, by truth, by revelations, because the apocalypse is here. The exchange of systems. If you look at the older texts, the older posts, you will see that there are many messages there talking about changing systems.
The reset, the restart. Well, I don't even know how to list it here, but anyone who followed knows this. And all these systems.
. . they were grouped into a master pillar, which is the main pillar of all, which is the controlling system.
Power over everything and everyone. And there comes a little bit of each pillar, the financial pillar, the pillar of health, governments, justice, religions, education, production, energy, in short. Little of each.
But the central, controlling pillar of power is falling. There is no more base, no more support. Nothing and no one will stop the final fall.
We will have a period of great revelations. And with each revelation. .
. a new shock, to wake up those souls that were sleeping. Because those who are awake, awake, already knew this.
It's like Demis Viana says, I sometimes watch some of his lives, and I think they're fantastic, because he works on geopolitics and exopolitics, something I don't know. So sometimes I also need to fill up on information. Why?
I'm still human and I like to be informed. So, in a live stream that I listened to one day, he talked about the theory of constipation. It's obvious that he changed it, made a pun there, for obvious reasons.
But they are not theories, they are realities. And we will now see them become visible. Even for those who are blindfolded.
The controlling system has lost control. Definitely. We will indeed have this period of great revelations, of turmoil, because there is still a little oxygen in the breath of the wounded Earth.
She still kicks. But it's a matter of time. Woe to anyone who opposes the changes, they will face the uncontrollable avalanche that descends from the mountain.
Be an ordinary person, be an authority, be whoever you want. I would say, if you are aware, whatever position you are in, if you have a minimum of awareness, try to make the changes urgently, because the avalanche has already started to descend at the top of the mountain. For now it is still not very noisy, because it is small, it is a small block that descends.
But as it goes down, it will thicken, and it will take everything in its line of action. If Earth is injured, she still has some attack power. She can kick, scratch, bite, depending on her defense system.
But she is immobilized. If you have a little caution, you won't be hurt by it. Just watch your movements and wait for the end.
For she is in her moments, as they call them, the exterators of death. The frequency that is now reaching planet Earth is the invincible weapon. There is nothing, there is no technology, there is no science, there is no power that can change the frequency that arrives.
Does anyone remember that not long ago there was a guy there who wanted to develop a Babylonian project to cover the Sun? Why would it be? Because they know that energy arrives through light and the one who reflects this energy, this frequency, here on Earth, is our Sun.
But there is nothing to stop it, because the energy is in the form of prana and it does not even need direct sunlight. All it takes is for the Earth to circle the Sun and it will receive this energy naturally. If someone thinks of a possibility, it is their right to think, but there will be no possibility.
Remember that divine plans are designed before the creation of the worlds. Is there a human being or a group of human beings with the ability to change a divine plan that governs the infinite cosmos? Being a simple mortal who is here, on a third-dimensional planet, a planet of trials and expiations, where consciousness is still almost nothing, would be pretentious.
I think it's a waste too, because nothing and no one can stop what's coming. It has often been said here that the cards would fall and crumble the house of cards. But it was also said that the domino.
. . When the first stone was knocked over, it would not stop until the last one fell.
I can tell you with certainty that we entered 2025 and the first stone fell, fell. Now the rest follow. And it will be a quick time.
a time of great changes, and that everything will come for the best. That's what's important. That's why no one should fear anything.
The one who should fear is the one who was against the designs of divine plans. These not only have to fear, I would say they will be in a bad way. We must have compassion, because who would want to be in their shoes?
Not me, and I don't think either of you who listen to me here, who follow me. So respect and unconditional love and compassion for these creatures, who are also our brothers, but who were here performing the function of those dark entities that were already taken away from 2020 to 2022, 2023. And it was also announced here so many times.
Those entities provided support. They have been removed. So now there are the incarnates that represented here, because these entities could not incarnate, they were not allowed to incarnate.
So they had their minions here. Those who accepted the dirty game. As they said when I was a boy, in the 1950s, I already heard those words.
Those who sold their souls to the devil. How many people sold their souls to the devil just now? Because it's good.
Gain status, gain power, gain dominance, gain fascination, gain visibility and showcase. And what is this for? Can anyone answer?
Does this have any use? Or is it the door to the infernal abyss that opens through this visibility, because it is the only door that will be opened for them? Frequency will place each person on their pedestal.
There is nothing and no one to judge, and neither to deliver a note, nor a letter of euphoria. Not even a certificate of forgiveness, as is being seen in many places around the world, now on planet Earth. Authorities giving unconditional pardon to certain figures.
Will this solve a role? Frequency will simply turn that paper into ashes, because it will be of no use. Everything is conscience and no one deceives a conscience.
Everything was recorded. There's an old text, it must be four, five years old or even more old. I don't remember because I don't keep dates.
But if you look, you will find it. The title of the text is text, not audio. The quantum computer.
That information that came from that channel said that since 1950 everything has been recorded on a quantum computer. And quantum is nothing of human creation. It is a computer brought from outside Earth, which read and recorded.
Everything that has happened on the planet since 1950 has read even our thoughts. Any decision, any word, any sentence, any gain, any expense, registered the system of religious finance, education, medicine, government, justice, agricultural production, industrial production, the intentions of each being incarnated on Earth. And now I ask: can anyone destroy this quantum computer?
Do you know where he is? Do you know how to face him? And everything is recorded and everything will be shown.
Can anyone escape this? Is there anyone who has the authority to do this? They can silence the voices, they can silence the writings, they can.
. . invert the truths, transform a lie into truth, hide or show what really matters and what is paid to do so, but the quantum computer is spinning and recording everything.
Can anyone escape this? If even the portals, which they used to escape from planet Earth, were closed. That which is not of the frequency of the new Earth enters and no longer leaves Earth.
Only with the permission of those in control now. And the control is now activated through the light of the greater plane. Therefore, there is no point discussing things and wasting time.
This eternal fight between light and shadow that turned into a competition, we see today. People agree with true fans, because it's on their side, because it's like the football team. It doesn't matter, you have to win at any cost, even if it's stealing the entire game.
The result matters. You're going to win a cup, you're going to win a competition, it doesn't matter if it was illegal or not. He will celebrate, he will set off fireworks, he will march and he will mock his opponents.
That's what the game is. Exactly that. It's not football.
That's all there is on this planet Earth. The end of a cycle, the last battle, light against shadow. And we are here in a world of duality, of polarities, we are light and we are shadows.
We are exercising what predominates in us. He who defends the shadow and against the light is not wrong. Why?
Because that predominates in him. It's his essence, there's nothing you can do. But this type of soul will not be on the new Earth.
It is a consolation for those who have made the effort to change. When you see people acting without respect, even if they are not such a bad person, but they don't respect, they don't respect neighbors, they don't respect children, they don't respect elderly people who are sleeping, they have those absurd motorcycles making noise at night, and sound cars, without caring about each other. Neighbor who bothers neighbor, until such time of night, there.
. . Not letting anyone sleep.
Will these creatures be on the new Earth? So what we're going to say now is: be patient. It's not your place to judge, it's not your place to fight with anyone.
Just understand that now everything will be defined. Anyone who does not have the three pillars of ascension active within them, which are unconditional love, compassion and respect, will not be on the new Earth. So let's be patient.
We will not enter into confrontation or discussion. And let's also not get too close to the avalanche coming down the mountain. Let's watch.
So many times it has been said here: "See the drama, but don't be part of the drama! " You are a spectator, watch. Don't want to be an actor, because if you're going to be an actor, you'll have to choose a character.
And you can choose a character that doesn't have a frequency on the new Earth. If the frequencies are going to change, those who were stuck in the old system will be immobilized, simply without action. It's like that person who is there somewhere and sees the water rising, invading their property and taking everything away.
Can she do anything? Maybe he can save his own skin, the only thing he has left. So many people today, perhaps, with this change in frequency, still have the possibility of saving their own skin, their soul.
Nothing can be done because everyone who is not on the light frequency will be immobilized. Nothing will work as they wish. They can try, whatever alternative it is, nothing will work for them.
And so will be the end of all the old systems, the reset. Once again I would say look at the posts from 2015, 2016, but especially from 2016, when the light of the new Earth began to appear , after four years of. .
. stability and accommodation of our consciousness to get used to the new times that changed in 2012. How many times has this been said?
All systems will be reset. All systems will reset into a new type of frequency, which is the frequency of the new Earth. All competition will cease to exist.
And the world will be a world of cooperation, because we will recover this planet in the coming decades, until the end of the planetary transition. We have some important reforms, some events yet to happen, this year or next year, maybe in 27, 28, 29, but I would say that by 2030 everything will be accomplished, so much so that it has also been said here before that if someone slept today and woke up in 2030, honestly, they would say and swear, they are not on planet Earth, they are on another planet. Such will be the change in these times.
Short times, and don't think that everything will change In one day, everything will happen quickly, so much has already happened and you may not have seen it. But it already happened. A lot will happen that you won't see, but it will happen.
But I would say that now, at least a little bit, it can be seen. Some will see more, others less, but it is already possible to see changes. The time has come.
What was announced. . .
Way back, two thousand years ago, the old Earth cycle would end and a new time would emerge, a new Earth, without pain, without suffering. So, if a new Earth, without pain, without suffering, is going to emerge, why are there people who are afraid of this change? What people are terrified of talking, of imagining that everything will change?
I would say, he is probably a person who is very attached to things, because there will be things that will really cease to exist. Or there are people who really don't want to change to the new frequency and would like nothing to change to feel comfortable. But this possibility, unfortunately, will not be available.
Unfortunately for those people who don't want to change. Fortunately for me, for you, who want to change. Now, yes, we can start watching the show.
And there's no point. . .
Someone coming here and saying, no, that's not going to happen. So, okay, everyone has their own opinion, I'm not going to discuss opinions. I don't even want to assert my opinion, I'm just here passing on the information that I'm allowed to pass on.
Like a seed thrown into the ground, it will be born if it has the conditions to germinate. Many, the birds eat. and it won't produce anything.
Others fell on rocks and in thorn bushes. But there will always be seeds that will reproduce and create new and new opportunities. Then everyone chooses which seed they want to be.
There's nothing to do. No one will save anyone. or no one will save the other, because this possibility is not allowed.
To each according to his works. To each according to their efforts. And nothing fairer.
Because the time has come. Understand whoever wants to understand. Accept whoever wants to accept.
But nothing and no one will change the divine plan. And that's all we have to understand now. And so I leave you with my embrace of light in each of you.
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