Craig is the leader of the world's strongest Clan The Grieving Soul and he is widely respected for his wisdom and power but in reality he is a total weakling and just wants to find a way to quit his job we see cry standing in line in a treasure hunter Clan meeting and he looks like he really doesn't want to be here but he got no choice treasure hunters in this world are basically celebrities because they explore treasure vaults all over the world and risk their against Phantoms all with no health insurance it's a dangerous job
but the promise of Fame and riches compels dozens of people to become treasure Hunters every year and to that end they often join a clan like first steps which is widely renowned in the capital as one of the best ever exist it consists of a collection of parties that come together to assist one another and the reason there are so many people here to join is Because unless your name is jinwoo there's a limit to how far you can get as a solo Hunter Craig was trying to get this over with without drawing much attention
to himself but out of nowhere the girl behind him starts talking and asks if he is here to join a party as well cry tries to use the age old tactic of ignoring her until she goes away but before he knows it she has already walked in front of him and is introducing herself her name is Ruda and she's a level three Hunter so she extends a hand to cray but he refuses to shake hands with her although he does give her his name Ruda is disappointed that cray didn't shake her hand but she gets
over it and starts talking about herself some more she's been solo hunting until now but she came across a vault called The White Wolf Den and she couldn't handle it on her own so she wanted to come to join a party party just then the man in front of them turns around and tells Ruda she should be trying to take on vaults as dangerous as the White Wolf Den while she's still only level three he smirks and calls her an inexperienced amateur because even if she's level three she's still basically a beginner compared to the
other professional Hunters out there as the argument gets more heated Ruda becomes really angry and C really wishes he had stayed home so he wouldn't have gotten involved with them Ruda pulls out her knives and is about to attack the man but before she does anything a guard comes over and reminds Ruda that these aren't the Streets of London so if she keeps this up she's going to be banned from the clan meeting she realizes she lost her temper for a moment so she puts her knives away and apologizes for the Outburst all while cray
tries to act like he's not here a little while later cray makes it into the clam meeting and Ruda is still with him because he's the only person she knows here she's Amazed by all the powerful Hunters here and honestly feels a little overwhelmed since she has never been to a place like this before she asks Craig if he has been here before so he tells that this is his fifth time here and Ruda thinks he must suck at being a hunter if he has to keep coming back to the recruitment meeting among Hunters Talent
is everything so even a random nobody can make a name for themselves and climb for the ranks Ruda notices a party and flashy attire on the other side of the room so she asks cry about it and he informs her that the party is called Arc Brave and of all the parties recruiting today they are undeniably the strongest as a group they once managed to complete a level seven Vault with just six members so they are widely respected and if if you get scouted by their leader Arc Rhoden you're pretty much guaranteed to have a
good Hunter career although he is pretty picky with his selection criteria rud is intrigued to learn more so she asks about the empty desk over in the corner of the room but before cry can say anything the guy from before comes over and tells her he will explain everything Ruda doesn't really want his help after the argument they had outside but Greg goes on to explain anyway and tells her that the desk belongs to the party that founded this clan the Griers the party was a group of talented youngsters who ared in the capital a
few years ago and made a name for themselves as The Grieving Souls but what the others don't know is that the legendary party consists of crazy childhood friends apparently there were rumors floating around that The Grieving Soul party would be recruiting today but since their spot is empty Greg assumes the rumors were false just then a kid who came here hoping to apply to The Grieving Souls party noticed that they aren't here yet so he becomes irate Because he believes he's going to become the strongest hunter in the world someday so the only party worth
joining is The Grieving Soul Greg finds the kid amusing but Ruda doesn't have the guts to say anything since the kid actually has a higher level than her just then a girl named Tino steps up and is prepared to shut the red-haired kid up with violence because she's the only one who deserves to join the greeting Souls party her partner tries calming her down since this isn't worth causing a scene even if the red-haired guy was being really annoying for a second it looked like they had calmed down enough to avoid a fight but then
Greg joins in with his first class instigation and all of a sudden the entire room is supporting the fight all gloves are off now so Tino and the kid square up to face each other cry can tell things are going to get ectic real soon and he doesn't want to be around when that happens so he asks Ruba to come outside with him as the fight is about to start Tino already intends to kill the kid over what was essentially bragging and she'll just call Saul later to handle the murder charges or at least that
was the plan until she send a familiar presence nearby and the second she spots cray she forgets all about the fight and charges straight for him cry is caught off guard by the sudden attack so he stumbles backwards and Tino nervously turns calling him master and asking if he saw her lose her temper over there Arc then comes over as well and greets cray since he has been waiting for his arrival then wouldn't have been able to start the clan meeting until cry arrived anyway since he is both the clan master and the leader of
greeting Souls everyone who didn't already recognize him is shocked to hear this because that means cry must be the most important person here however all the attention he's getting is making him feel sick so he really just wants to go go home several years ago when Cay and his childhood friends first arrived in the capital they were clearing all the beginner vaults in record time but there was just one problem cry had no idea what he was doing he got saved from a monster and his teammates thought he was intentionally lowering his guard so he
could act as bait and he goes with it but he was totally about to get chomped they all shared the same dream to become exceptional Hunters but unlike the other Five Cray was exceptionally ordinary he knew that sooner or later he would become nothing but a burden to the party and he didn't want his friends to resent him for his weakness so he made the decision to leave the party on his own however when he tried to quit it somehow ended up with him being appointed as the leader of the party that's how he got
to his current position as the leader of his truly gifted childhood friends but he really wishes he could just retire from being a hunter Ruda and Greg still can't believe they were talking to the clan master the entire time and while C is in his chair AR comes over to asks if cry showed up late because he wanted to observe the crowd as one of the common folk C denies this and says he just overslept but Ark isn't listening and firmly believes that cig showed up late on purpose for some reason no matter how much
cray tries to explain himself people always misunderstand him in a way that makes him look better than he actually is K of doesn't like how close Arc is with Cay so she wants to have him kicked out of the clan but Cay isn't going to do that Tino is a level four Hunter who also happens to be an apprentice to one of Kay's childhood friends Liz so she hangs around him a lot Ark asks Craig if he has any good candidates in mind for recr recuitment but there honestly isn't a need to add any new
members to the clan right now although since Arc almost never actually recruits new members cray takes the opportunity and asks if Arc will seriously consider any recommendations he makes Arc says he will accept anyone Craig chooses and this is a huge surprise to everyone so the Vice Captain tries to talk him out of such a rash decision however our cuts are off and says anyone Craig chooses will be worthy of joining his party Tio begins blushing because she thinks Arc is thinking about recommending her but she also doesn't like arcs and she's a bit conflicted
about whether to accept or not all of a sudden the kid from earlier whose name is Gilbert by the way comes out to the front of the crowd and he is totally ready to beg if that's what it takes to be accepted by Craig cig tries thinking about whether Gilbert would be a good choice or not but he quickly gives up because he is a terrible judge of character he has no idea how to tell if someone will become strong in the future so he decides to leave up to Pure Luck he tells Gilbert that
he is willing to recommend him but he has one condition before that as a hunter the most important thing is to make sure you always win if he lacks strength he will end up putting his party members in danger so cry wants him to demonstrate that he has the ability to always win also since Cay began his career as a hunter he has never lost before although that's because he has never actually been in a real fight anyway cig takes off one of his ring artifacts and announces to every Hunter here that the first person
to present this ring to Ark will be accepted into his party and with that he tosses the ring into the wild to watch the chaos unfold the first first one to get the ring is Gilbert but that doesn't last long because not him a second later Tino jumps down at him and mes his face so hard that he gets sent all the way across the room Gilbert probably needs a doctor now but no one's focused on him right now because the ring is currently rolling across the floor and while everyone is initially hesitant to act
it doesn't take long before they all start fighting over it at this point cray decides to take his leave and even though the bar is getting destroyed as he leaves he says it's not his problem and goes home however the next morning it became his problem as the bar fight made Front Page News apparently the entire place was leveled because of the fight but luckily there were no civilian casualties at the end of the day however as a result of the events Eva tells him that the Explorers Association wants to have a private meeting with
him and cry already knows that means they are going to yell at him he asks how Ark took the news and Eva tells him that Ark actually took it pretty well and laughed it off since art probably isn't mad Crow wants to take advantage of his good mood and send him the bill to rebuild the bar as well as ask him to go handle to meeting with the association but Ava informs him that the meeting is specifically meant for him so there's no way he's getting out of it this time even if he tries ignoring
it the association manager gar is just going to hunt him down like he always does so cry caves in and agrees to go but he will be using his secret weapon to get it over as soon as possible and that secret weapon is to grov and apologize he also argues that the only damage was to the bar and since no one was hurt and the bar owner has been compensated to cover the repairs of the bar there shouldn't be any further issues gar hasn't even gotten a chance to yell at cry yet but after seeing
cry apologize he just lets it go for now however even if there aren't any official complaints against him he still needs to take responsibility for his actions which is why gar is assigning him a quest and he has no right to refuse the association gets all kinds of Quests for hunters but with such a large volume that are bound to be quests that are so difficult or pay so little that no one wants to do them these quests are what the hunters call chores and crer really doesn't want to have have to deal with one
of those so he tries putting on an act and saying he is too important to be stuck with a chore however gar isn't letting him get out of this so he's forced to pick one cry opens the quest book and starts looking through it for the easiest quest and of everything available the lowest level is three so he picks that one he was planning on just dumping the work on Ark but when he goes to look for him he's informed by Tino that Arc is currently away on a meeting with some Nobles he's going to
be gone for a while and no one else is here so he doesn't have many options to ditch his work just then he notices that Tino is wearing his ring meaning she was the one who won his little game yesterday but that aside he asks her if she is free at the moment Tino is excited because she thinks he wants to ask her out on a date but to her dismay he tells her he has a quest for her she immediately runs away but even though she's fast cry has his ways of catching up to
her he summons his chain dog silver and instructs it to capture Tino and before long cry has her tied up in a chair so he can discuss the quest with her she feels betrayed because she just wanted to go on a date with cray but now he's forcing her to go on this crappy Quest all by herself cry asks if the problem is that she doesn't want to do it alone and Tina responds that she wouldn't be opposed to the idea if cry would join her however that would mean cry would have to do actual
work so he instead opts to Santino on the mission with a bunch of the hunters he met yesterday 6 years ago when cra's party first arrived at the capital they were about to walk into the association to officially register as Hunters but cray started having second thoughts as soon as they got to the door Luke told him to stop wor worrying about it so much since he was the one who suggested that they should aim to become the best in the capital but Craig isn't worried about his friend's strength he's worried because he knows he
will only drive them down Luke told him to stop saying such silly things and took it upon himself to open the doors of the association and declare that he is the strongest swordsman in the world followed by Liz who declared that she was the strongest thief in the world there's no turning back after such a grandio entrance so cry walks up to the reception desk to register his party but he wants to make them regret selecting him as their leader so when he's asked to pick a name for his party he decides to pick something
edgy and calls the party Grieving Soul for no reason the others in the party thought the name was too dark and gloomy but when cray tries to use his bad naming sense as an excuse to quit being the leader they all change their tune and say they love the name back to the present cry calls a meeting with all the people he wants to offload his work onto and Greg still can't believe cry is really the Guild Master of the griever as hard as it may be to believe cry confirms his position meaning he is
also the infamous thousand tricks that everyone has heard about in the association when a hunter achieves a certain level of accomplishment and Prestige they are given special names and basically become celebrities cry ended up being with thousand tricks as his second name but Gilbert refuses to believe that cry is telling the truth because thousand tricks is meant to be the strongest person in the capital and cry looks like he never even trains Tino immediately begins defending cry and says Gilbert is the one who is too weak to comprehend cr's power although cry has no idea
what power she's talking about because he has only called the strongest thanks to his friends constantly giving him undue praise that aside cry asks if Gilbert and the others want to accept the job but Gilbert refuses to accept a request from cig because he still doesn't believe that cig is the strongest in the city Greg tries to stop Gilbert from talking because who knows what could happen if the strongest person in the capital gets angry but Gilbert doesn't care and shoves his fingers up Greg's nose since Gilbert seems like he doesn't want to take part
C simply gives up on trying to convince him and moves on to Greg Greg is more than happy to accept C's request so the only one left is Ruda since the quest is going to be in a Wolf Den Craig thought this would be perfect for her since she was already trying to clear it Ruda isn't exactly thrilled with her teammate selection but she says she will go along with it cry is pleased to hear that so he tells Tino that if she needs more help she can ask someone else from the clan to go
with her Tino pleads with cry to join the team as well but he medely refuses now that he has settled the matter of Tino's party Kay turns around to leave but Gilbert doesn't like the fact that Cay is ignoring him so he decides to challenge Cay to a duel and if he loses he will join the team Cay hates it when people challenge him so he comes up with a simple solution and agrees to the duel but under the condition that Tino will fight in his place Tino is fine with the arrangement because she is
majorly pissed at Gilbert for daring to insult and question her master but she also uses the opportunity to show cry just how flexible she can be with superb camera angles Gilbert may have gotten his face caved in by Tino yesterday but he says he was just caught off guard and that he won't be losing to her a second time and once he has beaten Tino he will come for cry next cry is starting to get annoyed and has no intention of fighting for any reason today but since Gilbert seems so confident cry informs him that
Tino is level four just like him Tino adds to this by saying there's no way she could ever lose to someone like him and to assert her dominance she drops her weapons on the ground Ruda and Greg are starting to get worried because even if Tino was Stronger fighting without weapons would put her at a serious disadvantage under normal circumstances Tino would win this fight because even though both of them are on the same level Tino gain all her levels on solo missions and she has a lot of experience fighting humans so she should be
able to win even without her weapon but Gilbert possessed the peroral flame sword and that is enough of a wild car to tip the scales in his favor if he uses it right or it would have been if he hadn't thrown his sword down and decided to fight barehanded as well that was without a doubt a dumb move but Gilbert refuses to be looked down on so he wants to fight on equal terms as Tino Tino now knows for sure that she can win so she says she wants to go get ice cream with cry
after she has beaten Gilbert up as the match starts she charges in and Strikes at Gilbert's face he manages to dodge the first strike but he still gets hit with a kick to the face that sends him flying just like last time it looks like the fight is already over but to his credit Gilbert gets back up and charges back in to continue fighting he doesn't do much and gets caught and shook hold immediately but at least he's got Spirit thatby had to stain himself to do so Gilbert is eventually able to break free from
Tino's hold however he immediately gets knock To The Ground by a chop to the back of the head he's definitely not getting back up this time so Tino begins celebrating and thanks Cay for helping her become so strong although Cay never actually did anything to train her Greg and Ruda are left in utter disbelief at the fact that Tino is so strong and Gilbert can't face the reality that there's someone stronger than him ever since the day he first picked up a sword Gilbert knew that he was destined to become a hunter as he trained
he found himself surpassing the skill levels of professional swordsman with ease and when he finally became old enough to register as a hunter he came to the capital and formed a small party to begin clearing vaults up till now he had never tasted defeat but even though she doesn't like him Tinto can appreciate that Gilbert is a strong swords so she encourages him to pick up his sword if he wants to keep fighting Gilbert refuses because of his pride and Tino is disappointed because Foolish Pride like that will only end up getting you killed as
much as Gilbert hates to admit Tino is right and if this had been a real fight he would have been killed several times over by now he has to face the reality that he isn't as strong as he thought he was but just then cry calls over to him and guesses that Gilbert must have quit his former party because of a difference in strength Gilbert is shocked because cry is totally right and cry explains that a similar issue arose in his party although he didn't leave because of it even if he may have wanted to
Gilbert misunderstands this to mean that cry greatly outclasses all of his teammates and Grieving Soul the strongest party in the capital and that gives him a whole new perspective on what it means to be the strongest C then notices Gilbert's sword and gives it a light tap to see what it can do Flames Begin pouring out of it at craze command and Gilbert is astonished because in all the time he has possessed the sword he has never made managed to draw flames as large as Craig much less control it to this extent and Craig didn't
even have to grab the sword by the handle to do it in this world monom material is a coarse substance and while is everywhere can't be seen with a naked eye however within treasure vaults monom material is condensed into all sorts of physical forms although there is still a lot about it that isn't understood the white Wolf's Den is one of these treasure vaults and it is said that wolf Phantoms soaked in blood spawn within it so Craig is glad he sent the others and didn't have to go down there himself Eva asks him if
he's sure it was a good idea to send inexperienced Hunters into the Wolf's Den but he believes it should be fine since the den is only level three and the four of them are pretty skilled also he wants to thank Eva for the information she gave him on Gilbert because it was really funny to see his reaction when cry randomly guessed a bunch of stuff about his past she's glad she could be of service but she also heard about the way Cay us Gilbert's relics so effortlessly and she wants to know know how he did
it C explains that The Relic was a straightforward one that K Craig is able to control immediately even Gilbert as inexperience as he was able to use it without much training so Craig doesn't think what he did was all that impressive still there's nothing cry loves more than collecting relics so he is seriously considering asking Gilbert to sell him the sword but Eva immediately shuts that down because cry keeps spending a ton of his Budget on Relic collecting his collection is already massive so she doesn't understand understand why he would even want another one in
the first place cry explains that each Relic is unique in its own way so even if he has over 20 Relic Rings alone he could always use more AA realizes she isn't getting through to him but even if he does have a considerable income she can't have him blowing it all on relics all the profits of The Grieving Soul party are split evenly among members regardless of contributions so despite the fact that Kraig barely ever does anything he still gets a fat paycheck at the end of the month cry doesn't want to give up his
Relic ing though so when he notices that one of his relics needs to be charged he uses it as an excuse to leave the conversation he goes to a member of the association and asks for a little help charging his Relic up with magic and they are happy to help since cry is always doing so much for them while Cray's Relic is being charged the guy tells cray about a robe Phantom that appeared on the road up north and destroyed a caravan there were three level three Hunters guarding the Caravan so the Phantom must be
a strong one and the third order Knights are now recruiting for an extermination party the report rep say the Phantom was a wolf and the location isn't far from the White Wolf Den so it must have come from there there was probably a mass spawning of wolves so that must mean that Dan is absolutely crawling with enemies as they speak and anyone unlucky enough to be down there is going to have a bad time cry tries to dissuade his worries and thinks to himself that Tino's party is probably fine but then the people he is
sitting with start talking about how the monsters in the White Wolf Den have been growing a lot stronger recently so the association has been thinking of raising the threat level on it in fact a level five lancer's party ended up going missing in that Vault so there's no way anyone less than level five could handle it cry is definitely worried now and decides to take a look at the quest he received earlier only now realizing that he was supposed to rescue said level five Lancer in his party you should have read the details of the
quest before sending Tino and the others down there but it's too late to call them back now the others at the table see cry acting strange so they ask him if something is wrong and he tells them he actually sent Tino down into the White Wolf Den the two are horrified that c sent Tino who was only level four down into a vault that a level five party couldn't beat they Su must have known how dangerous it was and sent her down there as part of her training because what kind of irresponsible teacher would send
his student On A Deadly Mission like this without researching it first cry suddenly gets up and says there's something urgent he needs to attend to once he gets into the Halls he starts having a panic attack and tries to rationalize it saying Tino is quite skilled so she may be able to hamle this and Gilbert is almost equal in strength to her as long as he is is using his flame sword however cry remembers that he used up all the power and the sword back when he was doing his demonstration so if Gilbert didn't recharge
it afterwards that sword is basically useless while Tino and the others are approaching the White Wolf Den they begin to sense A Dangerous Aura even though they haven't gotten to the den yet Tino was expecting something like this to happen since Craig was the one who sent her out on this Mission which is why she wrote a will in case she ends up dying although she is sure that she won't die because this has all been perfectly calculated by Craig she believes the fact that c chose them to join her on this Mission must have
also been carefully deliberated but Greg doesn't think that's possible since cry only met them yesterday Gilbert agrees that it's improbable but he wouldn't put it past Cay to be able to do research on all of them before they had even met in fact the whole incident at the pub was probably part of his plan as well so while this mission may be way above their lead Tino is sure cry wouldn't randomly send them on a mission they have no hope of surviving unfortunately that's exactly what cry did and he's freaking out over it he decides
to go and rescue them himself so he goes into his hidden room and starts grabbing all the relics he can carry as he is leaving AA spots him and she to assumes cry intentionally sent Tino on that Dangerous Mission just to test her and while he obliviously planned it so she wouldn't be in danger of dying you must still be slightly worried so he is going to check up on them she even notices that Cay is carrying shor's slime Relic which is technically against Imperial law to possess but he doesn't know what he's going to
be facing soin wants to be prepared he heads out onto the balcony and equips a Wings suit Relic so he can get to the White Wolf Den as quickly as possible and as he leaves Eva hopes he can make it back all right because the last person who used that Wings suit died after crashing head first into a wall after a long and arduous battle Tino and the others finally managed to defeat the wolf and Greg is relieved they managed to take it down but Tino isn't happy with the way the team performed in that
battle there was only one wolf so they had the numbers Advantage yet they still struggled so much to take it down speaking of which Greg asks Gilbert why he didn't use his sword fire since it would have made the fight a lot easier but that's when Gilbert tells them that his sword is actually out of Mana which is weird since he could have sworn he had it charge a couple days ago he then realizes that CRA stunt must have discharged The Relic and he isn't able to charge it out here it's basically just a regular
sword now Ruda thinks it might be better to turn back now since this mission is already far more dangerous than they were informed it would be in fact under these circumstances Greg is pretty sure that the people they are supposed to be rescuing would have died by now so there would be no point in continuing however Tino speaks up and tells everyone that they are going to stick to the plan no matter what Greg tries to argue that their survival is more important than a corpse retrieval Mission but Tino corrects him because she knows for
a fact that this isn't a corpse retrieval Mission she is sure that the rescue targets are still alive inside the Vault because cry is the one who sent her on this Mission and he is never wrong in fact draining the Mana from Gilbert's sword must have also been done intentionally because he doesn't want them to rely on relics too much the others are convinced so they decide to follow her lead and continue with the mission but once they get to the Wolf Den they discover that all the wolves are fully equipped with armor and weapons
so defeating a large number like this is going to be hard Gilbert volunteers to go out first and try to take out some of the Wolves but Tino calls him an idiot because he would get shot before he ever got close enough she is the leader of this team and as such it is her duty to make sure that everyone on her team makes it back alive so since she and Ruda are Nimble she says they will run out draw the Wolves fire at which point Greg and Gilbert will attack from behind the range weapons
shouldn't be much of a threat once they get close to them but even if things get out of hand she refuses to use anyone as a sacrifice meanwhile cry is currently flying to the Wolf Den and he really hopes Tino manages to survive somehow even if she has to sacrifice everyone else to do it thankfully Tino isn't around to hear him say that so she continues fighting with the others to ensure the team's survival thanks to the fact they've been working together the team has managed to handle the monster they have come across so far
although it hasn't been easy the main reason they have been able to defeat the wolves like this is because the wolves have no sense of teamwork so as even more approach the team Gilbert and Greg are confident that they can cut them down Tino acknowledges that even though this is their first time working together this makeshift team works surprisingly well she may not like Gilbert's personality but he is a strong fighter when he uses his sword and Greg has a lot of experience so he coordinates well with him as for rudes she isn't able to
help much in terms of combat but since both she and Tino are Thief class Ruda is able to handle all the Recon which allows Tino to focus on combat she believes that every little detail of the structure of this team must have been carefully thought up by cray so she begins praying to him as some sort of God meanwhile as Gilbert is fighting a wolf in the back he has it flash back to the last time he spoke to his former party members he' just lash out at them because they weren't pulling their weight his
teammates apologized and said they just couldn't keep up with him so he decided to quit and go off on his own deep down he knew his former teammates were trying their best but the Gap and strength between him and them just kept growing so he could no longer stay with them after that he exclusively hunted solo but now he knows how good it can feel to work side by side with someone Gilbert and Greg managed to take down the last wolf in this section so the team moves on until they come across a wide openen
area they are about to head in but all of a sudden Tino tells everyone to wait because she can send something else in the room the others ask if it might be the Hunter that they are meant to be rescuing but from what Tino can tell the Vault boss is up ahead Greg thinks fighting the boss is too big of a risk to take So He suggests that they all run away for now but Tino points out that they've managed to make it this far already without suffering any injuries so a single Vault boss shouldn't
be too hard to beat she tells Greg that he could stand to be a little more courageous because playing it safe all the time won't help him grow Greg admits that he had grown complacent with his level of strength because it's possible to make a decent living as a level four Hunter before he even realized it he had begun to run away at the slightest sign of a challenge and his cowardly inclination was no doubt caused by witnessing all his friends die due to foolish bravery no one would fault Greg for living the safe and
easy hunter life but the fact that he approached the first steps Clan is proof that Greg wants to continue to grow and Cay must have realized that which is why he put him on this team Greg doesn't believe cry could have put this much thought into placing him on the team but what other explanation could there be cuz there's no way cry randomly chose him because he was nearby at the time Ruda asks if there's some special reason Cay had for choosing her as well but the only remarkable thing Tino can say about Ruda is
that she has big milkers meanwhile C is flying around the forest near the Wolf Den and he was hoping Tino and the others would flee from The Vault once they realized it was a lot more dangerous than expected but unfortunately he hasn't been able to spot them yet so he has to go check the Den now and there are no breaks on the wing suit so he ends up crashing his way through the Wolf Den's tunnels meanwhile Tino and the others have just come across the dungeon boss and it's a lot bigger than what they
were expecting as the boss makes the first move the team is forced to split up and start running around the Rune to evade it but even without directly engaging with it they can tell that this thing is insanely strong so even Tino is starting to question if they can handle it just then she spots a weak point on the wolf's head and she reminds herself that there's no way cray would send her on a mission that he didn't think she could complete so she can't let herself give up she yells over to Gilbert and asks
him to block one of the wolf's attacks for her after after which she'll handle the rest Gilbert agrees so as the wolf closes in on them he charges forward to draw its attention so as the wolf strikes at him he blocks the attack with his sword and while he thinks the wolf is totally defenseless Greg rushes in to slash its legs but unfortunately he gets smacked away like a bug the others seem to be doing pretty well though since they can move around a lot quicker than he can a few seconds later Greg gets back
up and tries to rejoin the fight but the very next second his sword gets slashed in half and the Wolf tries to land a killing blow on him luckily Ruda was able to get him out of the way in time so the wolf missed him and all the wolf's axe is stuck in the ground Tino runs on top of it to get close to its head the wolf attempts to stop her by clawing her leg but Tino Powers through the pain and stabs the wolf straight in the back of the neck with that the wolf
Monster has finally been defeated so when Tino lands back on the ground Ruda goes over to check on her since she was badly injured Tino says she'll be all right because she has a healing potion on her so she's able to mostly recover from the wound meanwhile Greg is a little upset that his sword was broken but he's still alive so it isn't all bad now that they successfully defeated the Vault boss the group thinks all they need to do is find the missing hunters and get back to town so Tino hands Greg her sword
to use in the meantime but all of a sudden a giant arrow was shot straight at Tino's chest and although she managed to dodge it the boss battle isn't over as four more bosses walk in with new loadouts it took a lot of effort just to defeat one of them so Tino isn't sure what they should do against four and suggests that they all run into that narrow cave over there to create some separation from the wolves that was a solid plan but the Wolves catch on to the plan as well so one of them
jumps in front of said cave and completely blocks off the entrance now there really aren't any other options so Greg and Gilbert look at each other and make the difficult decision to stay behind and distract the Wolves while Ruda and Tino escape the two of them are the quickest on the team so they have the best chance of survival in a situation like this so the guys will buy them some time Tina is still trying to figure out what to do so she wonders what cry would do in a situation like this and all of
a sudden she remembers the ring she got from him that gives her an idea so she tells the others that no one will be sacrificing themselves today she says she's going to charge at the first wolf and when she does she wants everyone to support her Greg and Gilbert take the initiative and draw the wolf's attention while Ruda throws some kunai at its eye and while it is temporarily blinded Tino activates the shooting ring Relic with it she's able to fire a laser beam straight into the wolf's eye causing it to go blind in an
instant this is the perfect chance to attack so Gilbert rushes ahead to deal a finishing blow however even though the wolf couldn't see it was still able to sense him coming so it knocked Gilbert away and into a wall Tino runs over to check on him and Gilbert apologizes for getting himself hurt so badly but Tino tells him he did nothing wrong because it was her plan's failure that led to this they've run out of ideas at this point so it looks like they really will meet their end in this Vault however just before the
wolf attacks it gets knocked into the wall with Incredible force it turns out that c happened to crash land in the perfect spot but he's so confused about what's going on that he doesn't notice when one of the Wolves takes a swing at him however thanks to one of his many relics he remains completely unharmed that attack normally would have killed him but he brought a ton of protection rings with him so he basically has 17 lives on him he then points at the wolf and activates all his shooting rings at full power sending a
powerful blast at the wolf and knocking it away everyone is really impressed by cr's power but he hadn't even intended to attack in the first place he just freaked out when he saw the wolf acted on Instinct unfortunately despite the powerful blast the wolf gets back up again although cry had expected this since he knows the damage output of the shooting Rings is pretty low is once again surrounded and he's really glad he brought so many protection rings with him but if he's going to get out of this he's going to have to use the
Forbidden slime he takes it off his necklace and inspects it a little before throwing it into the crowd of wolves and telling everyone to start running away Tino's leg is still slightly injured from earlier so she isn't able to run as fast as usual so Cay runs slower to guard everyone's back or at least that's what everyone thinks but it turns out Cay is actually just really slow compared to them while running Tino gets a flashback to the first day she met cray which was when his party saved her from being sold off as a
slave by some street thugs ever since that day Tino became infatuated with Cay and would constantly seek his approval which is why once they have gotten to safety she is nervously waiting to see what C says since she wasn't able to complete the mission before cry says anything Ruda speaks up and says even if she wasn't able to defeat the bosses she still did amazing as a leader and Cay agrees that she did well mostly because he expected them all to be dead by now that she kept them alive Tino was really happy to be
praised but then cry notices the wound left on her leg so he uses one of his healing relics to get her back to full strength Greg asks if cry is going to defeat the bosses but he says that isn't the best option given the circumstances so he tells them all to just follow him right now Craig doesn't even care about the rescue mission anymore and just wants to leave but he has no idea where the exit is so if he's just leading the group around in circles this was the end of episode 3 subscribe to
not miss the next part