How to Make NEAPOLITAN PIZZA DOUGH like a World Best Pizza Chef

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Vincenzo's Plate
Neapolitan pizza dough is the most recognized in the world, but many get it wrong, so I’ve enlisted ...
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have a look at the south structure within the doll okay this indicates the Pizza Napoletana has been cooked perfectly we still have that beautiful softness little bit of crispness the bounce back which is important [Music] hi and welcome to Vincenzo display oh yeah we miss it Johnny D Francesco today the master of Pizza is going to show us how to make pizza Napoletana Napolitan pizza dough from scratch and you're gonna learn how to make the best now for example in the world because this man is the world champion pizza chef Johnny welcome to the show
thank you thanks for having me on I think he knows what he's doing because he's face you look younger you have to say yeah it's that made me look a bit younger it's on the flour right so Johnny Tanana all around the world with some your face goes everywhere yep so please show our friends out to make the best pizza let's get into it now a lot of people think that it's difficult making Napolitan pizza dough but it's actually not that hard if you follow the correct fundamentals so really simple this recipe six hundred mils
of water one kilo flour 30 grams of salt and around about one to two grams of yeast so what do we do first we start off with the water very important we always start off with the water we then add the salt and the salt and at this point what we do is we need to dissolve now really important and something that we don't want to do is contaminate the yeast with the salt so what we do is we separate it and the way we do that is by adding at least 10% of the flour
into the bowl so what we're doing is frankly just diluting it's quite simple right so what we do is we open up the flour pack and what we do is we add around about 10% now a lot of people say oh how am I going to measure ten percent well you can actually either way or just have a consistency of like let's say a crepe or pancake mix right yeah one packet one packet exactly for more than 10% is still okay it's still okay yeah not a big deal so around about this we get it
to this consistency we then get the yeast as we can see very little yeast and what we do is we place the yeast directly into the mix the fresh is freshest yet so this will dissolve in a matter of seconds there we go or gone a lot of people what they do is they dilute the yeast in water we don't need to do that just drop it straight into the mix right we want to retain as much strength of that yeast as possible now free me yes there we go we have an ice cream paste
there now once we've achieved this what we then do is we'll proceed to add the remaining of the flour now only a little bit at a time okay because you want the flour to absorb all that water so a little bit at a time we add we keep mixing I'm trying to keep my bowl really clean along the up the perimeter so that way I don't have any flour stuck there or any unused flour we don't want to use up all of it so always mixing along the sides and just folding into the dough so
people don't want to use a stand mixer do you recommend it yes so if you want to use a mixer at home really simple right what I always tell people is start off the whole process in the mixer like if you've got one of those I don't know like a KitchenAid or make mix or something right start it off in the mixer but then what I normally do is once it's combined I then turn it onto a bench and I like finishing it off by hand only using one hand we don't want to use two
hands at the moment because I'm going to show you I'm going to actually turn this onto the bench so then I can get some real pressure into it with two hands okay now as we can see that dough has formed which is great because what I'm going to do now is I'm going to turn this on to the table and this is where the work begins so what we want to do is now with two of our hands we're mixing always into the flour as you can see I'm pushing in and then I'm turning over
now there's a few different ways that you can mix the dough okay this is one way so two hands just turning okay so you're just aerating and turning that dough the other way is we can also push down and then when it comes to a nice long piece I then turn over again okay as you can see I'm picking up all the flour off the bench and I won't add any more flour until I see that all the flour on the bench has been absorbed you know Vincenzo we allow our dough to rise for at
least 24 hours so Johnny you know you ought you said you only use four simple ingredients and we know that what's the most important ingredient in the recipe look all the ingredients are important but you do need to ensure that you are using the right flour to make a Napolitan pizza this is very very important because if you're not using and as you can see on the package says d-pod zero zero there's a lot of flowers out there that have people zero zero or type zero zero that doesn't necessarily mean that it's good to make
pizza with it's the W writing in the flour that's extremely important now people say what's the W writing well W writing is the protein and gluten content that is in the flour okay very important because they can range anywhere from 100 to 400 to make Napolitan pizza you need a W writing between 280 and 330 write extremely important okay have a look at this stuff look how it's coming out no wow alright now how do we know when the dough is ready a couple of different ways we can either make our dough into a nice
ball we press down if it pops back up that generally tells you that the dough is ready although the best way to tell whether the dough is ready or not is by getting a thermometer placing it into the core of the dog and if you're between 23 and 26 degrees you're ready to set aside this is what I'm talking about when you actually know that your dough is correct sorry Vincenzo I'm right and now what we need to do is we need to place Aldo aside to rest but what we need to do is cover
it with a damp cloth because it's really important that we keep the dough hydrated if I leave it uncovered what will happen it will form a skin over the top we want to keep it hydrated so we're going to cover it with a damp cloth okay after two hours of allowing the dough to rest on the bench we then come back to him what we do is we make our dough portions now remember guys it's extremely important to allow your dough to rest for at least two hours before you go off and cut your dough
into dough portions okay so we've now kept it for two hours we're going to now proceed to making L dough balls now there's a couple of things that you can do okay so first what you can do is you can place them into a tightly sealed container and let them rest overnight in an ambient temperature I prefer that I prefer not using refrigeration it's really important that if you get that technique perfect you're gonna make always the best pizza that you've ever had now if you do want to use refrigeration here's a bit of a
tip when you've got them put into your sealed container you're tightly sealed container in dough portions what you need to do is you need to allow the dough to rise nearly double in size so you will then place that into the fridge the reason why we do that is the yeast becomes dormant okay but what doesn't stop is the maturity of the dough which is extremely important now we can't put an undeveloped dough in the fridge because your dough will continue to mature but it will not rise correctly okay so if you keep it out
into an ambient temperature just bear in mind at a temperature of anywhere between 16 and 18 degrees you'll have a perfect rise time over 24 hours but you also have the yeast work extremely well and your dough will also mature at the same time this is the secret you are need those two processes to work at the same time I've also got a little tip and trick for those of you who have never made dough ball before I'm gonna show you how you can learn on the spot so normally what we do is we make
our dough balls anywhere between 220 and 250 grams to make Napolitan pizza okay couple of different ways on how to make a dough ball right so first one you know traditionally you see a lot of Baker's pizza makers they round the ball on the bench like this and we have a dough ball another technique and this is a technique that I've been using since I was a kid one hand guides the other fault so always using our three fingers one hand guides and I fold into the other three fingers like that now once you can
see a nice smooth surface coming over the top and coming up through your thumbs what we do then is we place our hand like you've got an ice cream cone or occurring in your hand and we rub together we then close the bottom and we have another dough ball now a third technique that you can use is this we place the dough in in our hand and we turn and we come up through our thumb and our fingers we crimp there and we make another dough ball now most of you have probably seen that technique
done whilst people are making buffalo mozzarella so if you've ever seen that done that's the way they make buffalo mozzarella but it's also a good trick and tip that you can make dough balls with okay now on the tip and trick for those of you have never made a pizza ball really simple what you do is you cut your dough into a portion and you keep it in front of you and what you do is the part closest to your body you fold away so I pick it up and I fold away what I then
do is I turn the folded part and it faces the ceiling and I've again the part closest to my body I pick that up I fold over again we then repeat this about four or five times always with the seam facing the ceiling again fold over and again and one more time fold over at this point once I fold it right over keeping a nice smooth surface there what I do is with my thumb and my fingers I push down on either end I pick it up I tuck under turn it upside down crimp the
bottom and guess what we have another dough ball there you go okay after 24 hours the result is a nicely risen dough okay now if it's made correctly you'll have a nice bounce in the dough very very the structure is very very well maintained and from here what we do is we need to go and stretch our pizza to make help beater Napoletana put a little bit of flour on the bench so it doesn't stick guys so first step we start an inch in from the bottom and we work our way to an inch from
the top so using our fingers an inch in we press down and we stop we then place our dough ball the opposite way an inch in again we press down and we stop again one more time an inch in from the bottom we press down and we stop so we place our hand so our right hand one inch in again not on the cornichon about one inch in with our other hand what we do is we crimp so with these two three fingers on the bottom these two fingers one over that finger and one over
the small finger and what we're going to do is we're going to stretch then what we do is we come over to our forearm and hold it there hold it at your forearm and then flip back over when you get faster this is the technique that you will eventually end up learning how to do the reason why I ask you to do it that way is so that it becomes a muscle memory because when you're doing it faster what you're doing is you're actually flipping or you're flicking the dough to your forearm so by you
pretty much memorizing that technique stretch over back stretch over back what happens is it becomes a natural movement what a privilege to be here with you today oh what a privilege now we can make the best pizza join me what are we going we're gonna go make some pizza enjoy [Laughter] [Music] as you can see one part of the pizzas cooking now very important a lot of a lot of people make the biggest mistake as they get the pizza or they go like that the best ways from the side and also when you want to
turn your pizza you always bring it out you then turn it here in front and you place it back where your cooking never turn the pizza inside the oven because what you're doing is you're picking up any ash you want to reduce as much as your stuff as possible so keep the pizza nice and clean on the bottom the other thing is you can see I'm not lifting my pizza up in the air all the time because it's really important to have that natural cook on the base on the top from the flame right very
very important that's what makes a good Pizza Napoletana we don't want to pick up the pizza and cooking the air on the next of the plane right because we call that feed Pizza Bambaataa [Music] Pizza la Regina let's see have a look at the south structure within the doll okay this indicates the Pizza Napoletana has been cooked perfectly we still have that beautiful softness little bit of crispness the bounce back which is important the dough is bouncing back which means the pizza has been cooked correctly Vincenzo I'm starving die let's eat some pizza yeah we
need to we need to make people understand also how do we eat Pizza Napoletana right lr there's two ways one we fold the two ends and we fold that padding and we lay pocket to our version the other way the most traditional way oh wow if we fold it in like this you don't need to be an engineer a very like though beautiful flavor the fresh mozzarella takes the pizza to the next level so thank you for watching this episode you will see on the next Vincenzo's play beats Ibiza Thank You Johnny in a play
huh that's it hey all of you mangia cheese in change those plates cottage on a 15 [Music]
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