well let's get more analysis now joining me now from the capital soul is South Korean commentator Yung kuang thank you very much for joining us here on the program I know it's the early hours of the morning there but what a dramatic night it was sort of the shortest implementation of Martial law but the political Fallout of this is going to be huge yes um I fully expect president Union to be pushed out or resigned um whether it will take days or weeks or months that's hard to predict but I just don't see him digging
out of this hole that he has du for himself yeah I mean it's almost like he F tracked his own demise by doing this and does it feel like certainly from what you know his own party is saying is that he acted unilaterally it seems that very few people were involved um most of his party members seem to be taken really by surprise his own party's chairman actually immediately uh condemned the Declaration called it unconstitutional within minutes of him declaring martial law so whether it was a communication breakdown or whether he and his small group
of advisers thought that with their own initiative and presidential powers that they could just take over South Korea I don't know but clearly their common sense is not really you know in uh consistent with what is known as the current you know consensus in in Korea South Korea as of 2024 almost seems like they were living in 1980 basically yeah I I mean I I guess what this does prove though is that South Korea's democracy is strengthening and and has been strengthened by this because its institutions were tested tonight and we saw people power we
saw the the South Korean people say absolutely not we saw parliamentarians come out and say this is not what what we want and he had to back down as did the military yes I mean the worst scenario I feared as I saw all these scenes you know uh unfolding on TV was that what if the military in its blind obedience to the president actually tried to arrest whole bunch of the lawmakers basically in the original declaration president y called all his opposition lawmakers as anti-state communist sympathizers so clearly there were some orders and if you
look at the martial laws order number one I mean they they were actually going to paralyze the parliament which is actually unconstitutional because Korean Constitution says that Parliament actually has the final say whether the uh martial law goes forward or not and basically I think I suspect many of his police commanders and Military commanders were were not all that enthusiastic in carrying out order that was coming from the president's office how much of those orders were coming from the defense Ministry themselves because we are getting reports that um perhaps you know this was a suggestion
from the defense Ministry to the president I mean so that's the uh current rumor basically I mean there's nothing definite and I'm sure we probably will not get the full picture everybody will be trying to sort of cover up I mean this was a massive failure um clearly you know people were making decisions were completely out of touch with the reality of South Korea as of now but the current thinking is the defense minister who used to be the President's chief of uh security and he was with him throughout his presidential campaign so one of
the closest Aid to president Yun at this time Minister kimyong Yan the thinking is that it was him who was actually pushing for the main advisor to the martial law idea but of course forun it was President y himself who endorsed it who actually came to the the Korean people and said trust me trust me with the martial law of course it was just a laughable proposition so why they thought that this was going to actually you know fly and be accepted in the Korean Society will remain a mystery to me and to the Korean
public for a long time to come I think