The #1 Work From Home Business For Beginners (Best Side Hustle)

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Make Money Matt
In this video I go over what is in my opinion the number one work from home business for beginners t...
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what if I were to tell you that it's possible to make over ten thousand dollars per month online with a completely remote business that allows you to work almost anywhere in the world even from the comfort of your own home at this point you're probably saying Matt I don't believe you I need proof and I don't blame you at all and in this video I'm not only going to show you this side Hustle but I'm going to actually do it in front of you live so the side hustle is called being a niche YouTube channel operator now this is a lot different than what you're probably thinking when you hear the word YouTube this doesn't require you to show your face get on camera or even record any videos now this isn't going to be like other videos that talk about how to make money online coming from people who never even did it just making videos in order to get views I'm going to be showing you a real side hustle and you're hearing this from someone who actually does it in fact I've gotten a gold play button for hitting over a million subscribers on one of my faceless Niche YouTube channels concept is actually very simple and it's probably been under your nose for a long time let me ask you a question have you ever watched a YouTube video in which the a person running it didn't show their face think of like top 10 videos commentary videos tutorials News videos and explainer videos chances are you've seen tons of YouTube channels doing this but you had no idea of how much money they could be making and how they're actually doing this in fact the chances are pretty good that you've watched one of my own YouTube channels or one of my 5 000 students YouTube channels because we're behind some of the biggest faceless YouTube channels out there and you probably had no idea that it could just be some 22 year old kid behind the YouTube channel and I actually started doing this when I was just 14 years old so let me break down this business model for you basically what you do is you find ideas and then you find and download videos you repurpose them and you upload and repeat now the reason why this in my opinion is the number one best side hustle out there is due to the fact that you can start this with no upfront cost or investment and this is exactly what I did when I was a completely broke high school student just copying what I saw other people doing on YouTube and at the time I didn't even know that you could make money from this and when I learned how to turn this into an income generating machine I was making ten thousand dollars per month before I even finished school and today I make over a thousand dollars per day doing this now at this point you're probably asking Matt how does this even make money well it's actually very simple advertisers put ads on your videos and you get paid every single time an ad is seen on one of your videos then a company called Google AdSense which is affiliated with YouTube sends you a check every single month depending on how many views that you got so subscribers likes and comments don't matter all that matters is how many monetized views you got per month and when you upload a bunch of well-optimized content following specific formulas and modeling what's working then all of your videos will begin to feed each other and it can compound exponentially now at this point you might be saying Matt I still don't believe you on this I need some examples well this channel right here is called brainy dose and they get over 4 million views per month now you might be saying Matt that's great but how much does that act actually equate to in terms of money well I would estimate that this channel is making around five dollars per thousand views which would equate to over twenty thousand dollars per month just from ad revenue on this channel and now a lot of those views on that channel are actually coming from old videos that they uploaded years ago and that's the beauty of this YouTube business is that it's incredibly High leverage you upload the videos once and they theoretically Live on YouTube Forever into the future in fact I still get paid every single month from videos that I uploaded back in 2014 and then imagine when you get to the point of having hundreds of videos up and you have multiple channels all giving you money every single month to do whatever you want to do with in your life and to demonstrate this point even here on my personal Channel make money mad I sometimes don't upload for months yet I still make six to twelve thousand dollars per month just from ad revenue on this channel not to mention all of my other channels where I do upload more regularly now body Hub right here is another YouTube channel channel in the health Niche that also gets millions of views per month just uploading Health content now at this point you might be saying Matt that's all fine and great but I'm not a video creator I don't want to get in front of a camera and record videos these videos must be hard to make and what kinds of videos are these channels uploading well the channels that I just shared with you are uploading what are known as stock videos these are videos that you can download for completely free from websites like dareful pexels and pixabay now if you just download and upload these clips as they are to YouTube you're not going to get mini views and that's why we have to add value to them and we do this by either educating or entertaining in the form of a voiceover now at this point you might be saying I understand the theory behind this but I need to actually see somebody doing this step by step so like I promised you I'm gonna actually be doing this live in front of you right now and step number one is to choose your Niche the best niches in my opinion are related to health wealth psychology and relationships and there are also what are known as high CPM niches which are are essentially categories of content that make more money per thousand views and I'll flash up a bunch of high CPM niches on the screen right now so feel free to screenshot and come back later so since I'm going to be doing this live in front of you let's choose a niche together now I'm personally pretty interested in Psychology so let's go with that now to confirm that this is in fact a good Niche we have to follow a quick checklist number one go to YouTube number two confirm that there's channels getting at least 500 000 views per month and we can check this very simply with a completely free Chrome extension called vid IQ and we need to make sure that there are individual videos with over 100 000 views each now the psychology Niche checks off all of these so we're good and if you need more Niche ideas you can check out my video talking about the top 24 best niches on YouTube for faceless channels in my opinion and I also have a video about 20 niches that don't even require you to talk and links to those will be in the description step number two is to make your channel now if you're already subscribed to channels then you already have a YouTube account and to make your channel just click on your profile picture and click create channel you can name it whatever you want now if you need help coming up with a YouTube channel name you can use this website called the Shopify business name generator go right here and enter some keywords related to your Channel's Niche for example with psychology I can just put in Psychology right there and then click generate names and this will generate a bunch of great potential names for our YouTube channel but before we choose one we need to make sure that it's not copyright and it hasn't been used and for example I really like this name is psychology shark right here so first let's check if it's copyrighted now to check if it's copyrighted we can go to this website right here called the global brand database and right here you can see the URL to that website and then we type in our channel name idea psychology shark and click search as you can see It'll find companies all around the world with similar names now I could only find companies with the name shark but I couldn't find any that said psychology shark specifically so we're good there and now we want to make sure that we have a good profile picture and we can make one really easy using this free website called snappa if we go to the website and then scroll down and click this one that says profile picture then it will be brought to a bunch of different templates that we can potentially use and any of these honestly will work good let's just say we want to choose this one right here then all we simply do is we can edit the text to say psychology and then shark as you can see and we can space it out to center it out and boom there we go we have a profile picture literally within a couple seconds then we just select download web optimize JPEG and then boom upload it to our YouTube channel and we're good step number three is to get ideas now to find ideas what I like to do is to go to Google Drve click new and then create a Google Document from here we can just simply call this video ideas and then from here what I like to do is go to YouTube and just search my Niche for example psychology and then I recommend going through here and opening up all of the big channels that are uploading videos related to psychology and then go to each of the chain channels go to their videos Tab and click most popular these are going to be the videos that we're going to want to recreate so now I'm going to go ahead and write down 33 different video ideas foreign [Music] I just got my 33 video ideas right there only took a couple minutes step number four is to make the videos to do this we simply write a script giving value now I'm going to be doing a video called how to read anybody instantly so all I do is I copy this go to YouTube and then paste it in there and here are all the videos that come up from here then I open the top three videos and from here you watch through them and I like to do it at two times speed to get through faster and then you write down the best points from each video to make your video the absolute best video now you can also use reference articles online for research as well just go on Google search the term and see what comes up and we also want to make sure that we write it in our own words and I'm going to show you a software that can make sure you do that in just a second but first I'm going to go ahead and write this script and in order to do that I like to just use Google Drve click new and then open up a Google doc and if you prefer to talk rather than having to type out your whole script then you can go into here into tools and click voice typing and then you can simply talk and it will write out what's being said and boom right there I got the script written out as you can see right here from here then what I like to do is paste it in this website called wordcounter. net this will not only show you how many words that your script is but it will also show you how long the speaking time is estimated to be the reason this is important is that we want to shoot for our videos being longer than eight minutes because then we can put multiple ads on our videos and you can make more money then after that I go to another website called copyscape. com and I paste the entire script in right there from there then I click search and this will show if our script is at all copied from other places on the web and this is what we want to see no results found then what you do is record your voice now I'm simply going to be using the built-in recorder just directly on my cell phone cell phones are so good nowadays I used to do this even back in 2014 when I was first starting my channels and it's totally okay if you make any mistakes just redo that part and move on so I'm going to record this script right now in three two and one when you first meet someone it can be hard to know what kind of person they are [Music] now check out this video right here which shows you how to stop worrying about stuff in your life and boom we just got that recorded now we can simply save that voice recording right there we got it saved and it is done then you find what videos to use in order to do this we go through our script and we see what's being talked about and then we search it on free stock footage websites and download the clips you can also use photos as well either one works and just to give you as much value as I possibly can here's a giant list of different stock photo and stock video websites feel free to screenshot this so you can reference it later so let's do this together I'm just going to Simply use my cell phone for this and we can just go to websites like pixabay.
com for example right here and from here then we can select videos because I want to primarily use videos for this and then we can search what is being talked about in the script so for example in the beginning of the script right here we're talking about people and how to read people so we can just simply search clips of people and then click search this will show tons of free videos of people that we can actually use so if we scroll down right here we can try to find some clips that make sense I'm looking for one of some people talking because I think that is pretty pertinent to this video such as this one right here it looks pretty good then we can simply click this green button that says free download and I recommend selecting 1920x1080 and then selecting download from there it will download the file directly onto your phone or you can do this from a computer as well and now I want a couple more clips for example people talking and we can scroll down find some more clips of people talking to each other for example this one right here we can click download and just do 1920 by 1080 download there we go we got another one downloading now let's find yet another clip of just talking we'll search and we'll see what comes up click go we can find some for example this one right here download download now I'm simply going to go through the rest of the script right here and download a couple videos for each of these points that we talk about and it's totally okay if we don't download enough because we can always download more and if you can't find the right Clips on one website feel free to check all of these other websites right here as well and now it's time to edit this all together and you can watch me do this live just using my phone now you don't need any expensive Video Editor to do this if you're using a computer you can use completely free video editors like hitfilm Express open shot shortcut iMovie if you're using Mac or the PowerDirector app if you're using a cell phone like I'm going to be doing right now so in order to do this all we do is we download the PowerDirector app onto our phone from there then we can just open the app right here like so and then we select this button that says new project from here we can name it whatever we want now this video is called how to read any one just like that and then we select 16 9 for the aspect ratio from here then we can import our videos so we can simply select all the videos that we had downloaded from those websites just select every single one of them right there as you can see and then we click next right there and then it's time to import the audio so we simply select audio at the bottom and then select music and then go to my music go to voice recorder and then you can import it just like that so now as you can see our voice is on the timeline as well as these videos but the order is not correct and also if we made any mistakes we can correct that right now and it's actually very easy to do so in the beginning of this we can simply start playing through it right here to see what's being talked about and then put the clip that most corresponds to that but before that as you can see there's a little bit of space at the beginning right here so all we have to do is take the edge and then trim it so there's not any blank space and it gets straight into it so now let's play through and then we can move it to the beginning play through and hear it when you first so I'm talking about meeting somebody so let's go through and find one of the videos about meeting somebody for example this one right here so we can simply take the clip drag it over and put it at the beginning of the video from here then we can play through and as you can see it makes a bit more sense now when you first meet someone it can be hard to know what kind of person they are are they trustworth and then I like to only have each video play for under five seconds long because this will increase your audience retention because people will watch more if you're switching up to clips that are being shown so to stop this clip from being shown we simply click it and then we select split right there and then we click to delete the remainder of that clip and then we can find another clip to put directly after that one for example it would make sense to possibly put this one right here so we'll drag that and then put it directly after this one and what's very cool about this is that as you can see between these two clips right here there is a little button and if we click it we can actually add what is called a fade so the clips fade into each other and then we can select how long it should be for example we could just select 0. 3 seconds and then apply that transition and now here's what that looks like it can be hard to know what kind of person they are are they trustworthy can you be friends with them or should you keep them away at all costs just like so and then we can just simply repeat this process going through making the clips shorter than five seconds each putting clips that correspond to what is being talked about and I'm going to finish doing that right here and another thing we can do right here if we download a vertical video just like this one and there's black bars on the sides we can actually select that video go down here scroll over and click fit and fill and then select fill this will actually make it bigger so it fills up more of the screen and we can just put it just like so right there and now another thing I recommend doing is adding what are called titles on the video in order to do this we can simply go to for example when the title of the video is being spoken within the video that's one point in which I like to do that and in order to do so we find the point in which we want to put the title and then click text right there and we can select any kind of text that we want typically I like it to have some sort of border on it so it's easy to read so we'll do this one right here and then click add and there is the text then we can simply tap to edit the text to say what we want for example this video is about how to read anyone instantly like so and then we just click the check mark and we can also click enter to add a line right there to space it out click this to center it right there we can bold it as well to make it a little bit easier to read and then we can simply position this directly within the center I think that looks pretty good right there click to accept and now we can take a look at what this looks like video right here and then as you can see we just go throughout the rest of the video I'm going to keep editing so there we go I just got through editing this video right here and now what we want to do is export it and this is very easy all we simply have to do is go to the top right right here and click this button from here then we can select the resolution I recommend selecting full HD 1080p keep this standard frame rate 30 that's perfect and then simply click produce this will start to produce our video and we simply have to wait until this is fully loaded and then we have a video that's ready to be uploaded on to YouTube and like I said the beauty of this is that you can do this completely by yourself in the beginning upload these videos by yourself start building a backlog that has the potential of paying you money for years into the future and boom it just finished right there and we have a video that is done let's take a look at this video and what it's actually like and what we just put together when you first meet someone it can be hard to know what kind of person they are are they trustworthy can you be friends with them or should you keep them away at all costs well it turns out there's is actually some super easy ways to read anybody instantly and that's what we're going to be going over in this video right now let's get into it number one is eyebrows the next time you're talking to somebody pay attention to their eyebrows if somebody has their eyebrows raised it typically means they are uncomfortable in some way so as you can see we just put together an entire video literally just using our cell phone it's a lot easier in my opinion to use a computer but this just demonstrates what's possible now step number five is to upload and optimize all you have to do is fill out a title I recommend making your title a little bit different so you're not directly copying somebody else's title and then we need what is called a thumbnail a thumbnail is simply a cover image for your video and we want to entice as many people as possible to click that video now to make a thumbnail we can simply go back to snappa and then we select the YouTube thumbnail from the different templates they have from here then we can start creating our thumbnail so I'm going to go create one from scratch with this right here and we can find an image to use in our thumbnail again on pixabay. com and for example what I like to do is to look at other videos that have succeeded that are similar and see what they did for their thumbnails so for example how to read anyone instantly seven psychological tips this is pretty good the thing about thumbnails is that you want it to be easy to read keep the words to a minimum keep the primary elements meaning in this instance the people in the thumbnail to a minimum and create some type of intrigue or curiosity with the arrow pointed towards that guy's eyes right there it creates curiosity and I want to know why that arrow is pointed towards his eyes so we're going to do something similar if we just search person right here on a pixabay we can find an image of someone for example this one right here right click copy that image go into snappa and then we can simply paste it into snappa or if we want we can also click background go to photos search the images just search person right there find a good picture of a person for example this one right here this will import the image and we want that to then be as big as possible so we're going to increase the size of the image as much as possible Right There click apply from there then we want to add some text on it so we can click to do so and then do read any one instantly like so change the color so it's easier to read just like so we can add a little bit of a shadow if we want right there make it even bigger let's say 130 foreign for example an arrow right here and we can find it easily within snappa just by searching Arrow I'd prefer red arrow so let's do that then we can select it right here and we can change the color then to Red have it pointed towards the eyebrows because we do talk about that in the video and boom just like that we have a thumbnail now in order to see if it looks good I always like to zoom out as well to see if it looks good and you can read it very easily even when it's very small and this one you can step number six is to now post 30 to 60 videos don't be sad if you post 10 videos and your channel doesn't take off it usually does require a bit of a backlog before your channel will take off but trust me it is so worth it when it does I think my past self every single day for taking action when he did and making this become a reality because when you get 30 to 60 to 100 videos on your Channel all feeding each other these are essentially digital assets on the web that can continue to pay you for years into the future and here's a bonus tip to make even more money if you go to websites like digistore24 and clickbank.
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